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Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events

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The FRC people have got to be furious. They gave this unqualified yahoo a huge opportunity, and he made them look like chumps. Now that is worthy of schadenfreude.

I kind of assume that the FRC knew a lot more about Josh than the rest of us did before the big reveal. They're hardball players. I have to think they have an opposition research team vetting their hires.

  • Love 3

he was just too dumb and lazy


I believe that would be it. ....


And for a guy who's really going to need a job someday (likely someday soon), the stupidity and laziness he keeps demonstrating, even in the way he went about his quest for side nookie, have to be sinking his chances even further. Not only would he be a huge reputation risk to any business that hired him, he's looking like such a lackadaisical idiot that even a family friend who might consider hiring him to mow lawns or deliver flyers must be thinking, Crap, is he even capable of doing that job?

  • Love 7

Given the nature of Ashley Madison's business as in have an affair, I would think Joe Smith and the like would be quite common on the site.. It isn't the most imaginative, but anonymous sounding.

Joe Smith sounds Mormon to me. 


I wonder about when Anna has said in the past she wants another baby. Maybe asking for another baby is the only way she knows how to suggest she wants her husband to be intimate with him. (ew) Given she's been taught (mentioned in numerous articles about Gothardism) that women aren't supposed to have sex drive,  asking her husband to make another baby with her may be her way of asking for intimacy and getting him to be with her and away from his computer. 


Regardless of whether they stay together, I think both Anna and Josh need counseling. I think eventually she will leave him (within the next ten years or maybe even farther out). 


 I know we make fun of them are grifters, but I would have no problems with Anna trying to raise money via a fund-me site to get divorced, counseling and job-training. I would like her to leave him, but realizing she has options is the first step. 

Edited by Temperance
  • Love 1

They showed Josh singing to Anna at their wedding. I don't remember that.

Then you, my friend, are one very lucky person...


It was embarrassingly amateur, cringe-worthy, screechingly off-key, and squicky to a degree that, even to just think of it now, the hair on the back of my neck stands up.


This is, after all, JOSH we're talking about - he's narcissistic enough to believe he was giving the vocal performance of the century, and Anna is delusional enough to believe that she was listening to the vocal performance of the century !


I'm sure you can track down the video on YouTube if you don't mind if your fillings explode. 

Edited by SomePity1066
  • Love 14

The choice of "Joe Smithson" makes me wonder if puddin' boy fantasized about being a prophet of sorts.


I thought it was about being in DC where you can see a Smithsonian building from many locations.  It was actually *James* Smithson who was one of the founders, but of the other two, one WAS named Joseph and the other is Poinsett, after whom the poinsettia is named.  So maybe Josh just thought Smithson was a good DC name with a tip of the hat to the Mormons.

  • Love 2

Do think it occurred to him to Google, "how to use Ashley Madison and not get caught?" His crazy sheltered homeschool education made him so naive.

It's so funny because disposal Visa/MC are at every single supermarket checkout with arms reach. Josh is so arrogant and "smart" that he thought no one would ever catch him. What a fool. Within 3 months he's brought shame and disgrace to his family.
  • Love 5

I wonder how he came up with that name. Harry Johnson could have been good. Hugh Johnson--all kinds of "johnson" names, but "Joe Smithson"? He couldn't find something sexy like Alexander Masters, or Jonathan Steele?

The weird thing is that he is friends with someone else named Joe Smithson, who I assume is a real person?

It's so funny because disposal Visa/MC are at every single supermarket checkout with arms reach. Josh is so arrogant and "smart" that he thought no one would ever catch him. What a fool. Within 3 months he's brought shame and disgrace to his family.

MEchelle needs to make sure her next lesson at the SOTDRT is BURNER PHONES and BURNER CREDIT CARDS.  Yes, I am shouting at you MEchelle.  Stupid stupid Duggar!

  • Love 9

I thought it was about being in DC where you can see a Smithsonian building from many locations.  It was actually *James* Smithson who was one of the founders, but of the other two, one WAS named Joseph and the other is Poinsett, after whom the poinsettia is named.  So maybe Josh just thought Smithson was a good DC name with a tip of the hat to the Mormons.

That's very plausible. It's also very generous of you to say that about Josh since I wouldn't expect him to even know what the Smithsonian is. Is that a creationist museum?

  • Love 13

Oh he probably has a few accounts on there as well.  Josh befriended himself.  Laughing myself silly!

ETA:  When Joshie mentioned 'gentleness' in his profile, I could not help thinking that it meant he could touch you over your clothes while you were sleeping without you ever knowing.  Okay- sending myself to the prayer closet.  

  • Love 14

I think it's very interesting that, on a website where he could use ANYTHING as a pseudonym, he chooses SmithSON.


I don't want to go too far down the psychobabble road, but that speaks VOLUMES to me. Even while trolling for hookups on a site that would make JB and Michelle's heads explode he still can't get away from Mama and Papa...


Ooo! Very good, SomePity 1066! Not only did he use SmithSON, but he also used a "J" name. 

  • Love 5

I think im seeing that some people are offended that the outrage over this latest scandal seems to be worse than the molestation scandal. I really don't think it's worse this time - I think it's just over the top. Amazingly enough, Josh's sewage pipe opened up at the worst possible end. There can be very little worse, the new stuff is just added reason to keep flushing. It's just craziness.

The thing - the THING - that continues to just make my head spin is that he let the SISTERS that he VIOLATED go into that stupid interview on national television. He LET THEM!!! Oooooooh, my gosh, JACKASS COWARD!!!! Doesn't it seem that THEN might have been the time to say ... "um, well, there's more..."

No WONDER he's been the one with his mouth clamped shut. He clamped shut (praying, begging God) hoping beyond hope that no one would EVER EVER know about the Internet. Or the dating site. Or that he was a cheater. You know he was watching that whole scene unfold with sickening dread. But he let it happen. How idiotic, naive and clueless this makes them all look. What a jerk. makes you wonder if anyone in that family is even speaking to him.

I'm curious why people are speculating where they are living. Did they not finish the work on the house they bought and were refurbishing? I thought they were living there. No?

FWII, I don't believe Anna would be shut out from people of her similar faith if she kicked him out. I just don't see that happening. And I think if that house is paid for, she surely ought to be living in it with her little pack.

I have a theory about the repeated postings/removals from Josh yesterday. I think somewhere between the first and the third one, JB was clutching Josh by the throat, yelling "is there ANYTHING more we need to know??? Do you have ANYTHING else you need to drop?" Those releases just gave me the vibe that the "stuff" flying around wasn't a total-all-at-once dump. I'm not sure anyone (but Josh) knew the whole truth when the first one came out.

  • Love 12

Liz Tudor - Due you mean the Smithsonian Museum NH where they re-staged what the moon landing looked like and not faked it? Just wondering because my nephew is one of the nuts who thinks the moon landing was faked in Arizona and is a conspiracy.


I am just waiting for some woman to step forward saying she had an affair with Josh. I would guess that among his many prayers is one that this does not happen.

Edited by NEGirl
  • Love 3
I just...I can't wrap my head around it at all. Regardless of the fact that he was 14 when it happened and that he grew up in a sexually repressive environment, he still knew exactly what he was doing and knew that it was wrong, and yet so many of the comments that I've read on this latest story all seem to be of the opinion that they could've "gotten over" the molestation, but adultery?? Porn?? Cannot forgive. I honestly can't even find the words for how mind-boggling it is to me.


This from a couple of pages back. I think it was because he was a kid, some people were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. His age combined with bit being 14 years ago made it less immediate to people and he has since gone on to have a whole other life and reformed.


Plus, whilst reading an article about "the number of adults who admit to finding kids attractive" I read was incredibly depressing, most people really don't want to consider that a close family member is/has involved with any underage molestation, and that's not something they themselves consider, a lot more people are worried that their spouse has or would like to have an adult affair, especially with Ashley Madison so in the news over the last few months. The former charge is more severe, the latter is both more immediate and (hopefully) a more common worry to many people. And blows any chance of "and then he married a good woman and reaccepted Jesus into his heart" storyline out of the water.


Look at any woman's magazine and you can find "why I'm awesome/educated/successful but totally chose to work through my husband's infidelity" article, and that's targeted at women who have actual non fundamentalist life skills. There are the corresponding "how I got revenge on my cheating hubby and his mistress" but the financial, personal, social and inertia pressures of life often make women (and men) who don't believe divorce is a sin, stay in a bad marriage far longer than they are happy for.

  • Love 5

The thing - the THING - that continues to just make my head spin is that he let the SISTERS that he VIOLATED go into that stupid interview on national television. He LET THEM!!!

I don't think Josh LET them do anything as he is not calling the shots nor ever has been. Jim Bob and Michelle run that show and were the ones that push their poor daughters out to put a face on Josh's victims.

Honestly, with all the edits, it doesn't even seem like Josh making the statement(s). It seems lile Jim Bob yelling it to Michelle, hovering over the keyboard trying to keep up.

  • Love 10

I would bet that Jimbo and Michelle didn't know anything about Ashley Madison. I am also of the belief that there is more that they're hiding, and I think the Duggars were breathing a sigh of relief because whatever it is that they're still hiding has not been found out.  Then, when the whole Ashley Madison hacking came about, Josh probably shit his pants.  Once it was confirmed he was a member, he had to come clean and tell his father AND Anna.  I bet his father went ape shit.  I can only imagine the tension is so thick in that household right now.  

  • Love 12

Their season ending talking head show with the whole family, right before the news about the molestation came out…..anybody remember that or have a copy of it?  At the end Josh said something directed at his sisters.  He had a big smile, and it was like they might have something to announce.  By "they", I mean the sisters.  But the sisters stayed quiet and looked displeased.  I don't think he would have a big smile on his face if it had anything to do about the molestation, but I wonder what he was referring to, maybe the Jill leaving to be a missionary, or maybe that they would have their own shows?

  • Love 1


One of the things I've noticed about Josh (and to some extent Jessa) is that he seems really badly to want to be one of the cool kids, but given his upbringing he's not clear what the signifiers are. So, the cool kids are tweeting their work-of-art fine dining meals or their homemade foodie creations, and Josh is tweeting his Chick fil A sandwich. It's all food, right?


I was thinking about this answer on Josh's OKCupid profile:

Q: Do you feel there are any circumstances where a person is obligated to have sex with you? A: Yes


I have no doubt that Josh believes that, and that it is a central part of Gothard's marital teachings, but who would answer that question like that? I always got the impression that Josh think's he's much more worldly and in-the-know than his parents, but this is such a strange and tone-deaf response to the question that it really surprised me. This is the profile of a guy who just wants to get laid -- not a guy looking for a long-term partner who shares his belief system. I can't imagine a more effective woman-repellant.


ETA: I wonder if he thinks it's "macho" to say that, and maybe that is what "real men" believe -- men who aren't "whipped" by feminazis.

Edited by cmr2014
  • Love 8

I don't think Anna will leave.. at least not just yet.  I think she will be expected to attend counseling with Josh and his parents.  After all Jim Bob and Michelle did the pre-marital counseling for Jill and Derick, and Jessa and Ben (and, ewww, is all I can say). Both sets of in-laws will be breathing down the couples' necks telling them how to behave as they already do 24/7.

Then she will somehow be expected to continue raising 4 children, popping out new ones every couple years, be the perfect housewife and helpmeet.... and she will now be expected to add S*X kitten.  She will not be encouraged to leave because marriage is 'sacred' never mind what one party did. 

For those that say 'but her sisters'... the one sister was married, and her husband got to call the shots.  If he wanted to be less fundy, then that was ok.  She was supposed to follow along.  Anna's brother took a lot of heat when he and his wife became fundy-lite because it was considered disobeying his father.   As for the unmarried single Mom sister, I doubt she is going to counsel Anna to leave with 4 children under 6.  Unless Jim Bob is going to support Anna for the next 21 years....

  • Love 4

The choice of "Joe Smithson" makes me wonder if puddin' boy fantasized about being a prophet of sorts. After all, Joseph Smith created a whole belief system around his skirt-chasing. Also, like Josh, he had no qualms using young girls to satiate his appetite.

I bet Josh has no idea who Joseph Smith is.

  • Love 11

I have a theory about the repeated postings/removals from Josh yesterday. I think somewhere between the first and the third one, JB was clutching Josh by the throat, yelling "is there ANYTHING more we need to know??? Do you have ANYTHING else you need to drop?" Those releases just gave me the vibe that the "stuff" flying around wasn't a total-all-at-once dump. I'm not sure anyone (but Josh) knew the whole truth when the first one came out.


I agree with you. The vibe that I got from the posting, and re-posting, of the statement was that it was being done by someone in a rage; someone who wanted to have the last word; someone who is a control freak and expected to be able to defuse the situation with a combination of honesty, self-blame, finger-pointing and just a dash of Jesus. To me, that post was all JB.

  • Love 17

Regardless of the fact that he was 14 when it happened and that he grew up in a sexually repressive environment, he still knew exactly what he was doing and knew that it was wrong, and yet so many of the comments that I've read on this latest story all seem to be of the opinion that they could've "gotten over" the molestation, but adultery?? Porn?? Cannot forgive. I honestly can't even find the words for how mind-boggling it is to me.


There's a whole different level of judgement between a 27 year old man and a sexually repressed 14 year old kid. Josh had serious issues that were escalating as a teenager and his parents handled it very, very badly. Josh's actions were sick and he should have been removed from the home, but he also should have received help to sort through the needs and feelings he was experiencing. His parents failed both Josh and his sisters. Digging too deep into that story leads to re-victimizing those he molested and makes it kind of sleazy to continually bring it up. It's not just hurting Josh, but his innocent underage victims as well. I know my mom watched the Jill/Jessa interview and she agreed with them that this happened years ago and bringing it all up again was hurtful and punished them and wasn't constructive in the least. She felt like everyone should just be able to get on with their lives. People on this board analyze the Duggars, have read the police reports and really understand the spin and blatant lies the Duggars put out there. Most other people don't know anything other than the basics and like my mom, just really felt bad for those poor girls and didn't really think that a very confused young man, whose parents went on TV to say that Josh had been punished at the time, should be punished again more than ten years after the fact.


With the adultery/porn/Ashley Madison stuff, it's real easy to go off on the guy because he isn't a messed up kid anymore, he's a fully grown man who was espousing a wholesome family values image all while screwing around on his wife. That's a much easier target to go after. It's also less easy to paint him as a sympathetic victim of liberal media. Now he's just a lying, cheating scumbag.

Edited by KAOS Agent
  • Love 13

I bet Josh has no idea who Joseph Smith is.

I'm sorry, but Josh is really, really smart. He said so himself on OKC.

I am curious, though. Does anyone know if the Duggars' brand of fundie is the type that likes to teach believers in other faiths (like Mormons) the "errors of their ways"? If he knows anything about Mormonism/Joseph Smith, I would imagine its for a reason like this.

Edited to add quotation marks because I don't personally believe people who are religious are erring.

Edited by Wok Chop
  • Love 2

Here's the thing, though. If Anna was the unholy lovechild of Harry Reems and Angelina Jolie I'm pretty sure Josh would still have strayed, because the problem is with Josh, and Josh doesn't play by no stinking rules.


This.^^^ I think Anna could have - and likely did - anything Josh said he wanted or initiated in the bedroom. What Josh wanted was some strange. He wanted causal sex with multiple different women and not just with his wife. This was/is all about Josh, not Anna.

  • Love 20

i think Jim Bob is going freaking insane. Michelle is using the baby voice trying to keep Josh from loosing it, Anna from hysteria and Jim Bob from attacking Josh. 


Plus her fancy iPhone is probably buzzing like crazy with 19 text messages and counting...


Yep, I think there is just one thing in this whole deal that's virtually certain right now - that Boob is absolutely losing his mind. Uncontrollably angry. So mad he could actually clock Josh - big time.

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 7

Some are speculating whether or not josh actually had sex with anyone, I honestly don't know... But in my opinion, if I were Anna, I don't think it would matter if he "actually" did it, because he was actively seeking it out, all he needed was a willing female and the deed would be done.

On no level is cheating ok, but it's not something that fell in his lap (no pun intended), it's not like it was someone he knew and developed feelings for. He was willing to let anyone do it, which to me is really scary because he now has put Anna in danger, or even potentially his children in danger if Anna contracted a std before giving birth to any one of them.

I highly doubt Anna will leave him, there are many scenarios that she could, but I just don't see it happening.

Edited by leighroda
  • Love 11

I checked on what Josh said, for Miss Picks. It wasn't Jill and Jessa.


Josh: I predict a courtship, soon, not saying who, not saying when.

*cut of ginger smiling*

Josh: Jinger, Jana, you have anything you want to say?

*they indicate no*

*Cut to their best f-u Josh smiles*



Yep, I think there is just one thing in this whole deal that's virtually certain - that Boob is absolutely losing his mind right away. So mad he couldn't actually clock Josh - big time.

We talk about Michelle's laundry room breakdown. This might trigger a Jim Bob breakdown. Their God has no help for this. Won't be pretty, and I won't speculate more.



Some are speculating whether or not josh actually had sex with anyone, I honestly don't know...

If the stripper stuff in his late teens is true, he wasn't married a virgin. He at least did 'stuff' in the VIP lounge.

Edited by JoanArc
  • Love 7

Thanks Joan (and great job news!).  

Well, we sure haven't seen Jana and Jinger courting anybody, nor heard a word indicating such.  Could he have been trying to make them mad?  Sounds like he did.  What did he want, for them to say no, nobody wants me?  Nobody is going to be wanting them now, for a long time, which is a good thing.  Maybe they'll get out of the sect.

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