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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I saw a link on FB yesterday were Jessa is promoting her sister in law Danelle (sp?)(the one that looks like Lorde). It was a video of her singing. I never clicked on it but she looks so much older then 14 with her face totally made up. All I could think of is poor Famy years and years of trying and never did a Duggar try to promote her.

Why would Jim Boob help someone get more money that him? It's sinful.

I suppose it depends on how much Jessa was worth, he may be working that off for a while.

Nah, Jessa was a liability, not a asset. Jim Boob had to find a husband for her quick, or else she may have *gasp* front hugged a man she wasn't married too!

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My guess is no. All the materials look like the stuff you see on clearance at Home Depot or Loews (especially that cheap ass carpet) and all the furniture was allegedly purchased used at auction. If I'm not mistaken, that gorgeous woodworking in the library was original.

Why do Duggars need a library?  It will make a fine dormitory for the umpteen Willy Dillys.

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The Pickles and Hairspray FB page has a picture of Jessa's kitchen counter with some eggs on it and some veggies she is cutting up. The counter and the backsplash look fairly modern. Now we are all speculating were the house could be? Is it Grandma's rental (remodeled) or a brand new pre-fab?

The Pickles and Hairspray FB page has a picture of Jessa's kitchen counter with some eggs on it and some veggies she is cutting up. The counter and the backsplash look fairly modern. Now we are all speculating were the house could be? Is it Grandma's rental (remodeled) or a brand new pre-fab?

I hope not with Jill and Derick.  Unless it was on their registry, Jessa served the omelet on a square dish.  The same that Jill uses all of the time.  Picture is on Jessa's FB page.

Edited by abseedee
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Didn't Jill already have people show up at her house to try to get a peek? We know people have shown up at the TTH. Not to mention the people showing up at the Gosselin compound and the Little Couple's house. Why wouldn't Jessa keep her home's location a secret as long as possible? 

  • Love 3

Didn't Jill already have people show up at her house to try to get a peek? We know people have shown up at the TTH. Not to mention the people showing up at the Gosselin compound and the Little Couple's house. Why wouldn't Jessa keep her home's location a secret as long as possible?

Good point but it would be nice to know what area they are living in. Hopefully near the Seewalds and far away from the TTH.

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Glory be, is that an iPad on the table? Real dishes? I'm wondering if Benessa's silence is that they are trying to break away in little steps from the dog and pony show? I remain ever hopeful.

I wonder what fan bought the iPad as a wedding gift.

It must be nice for the girls to enjoy a meal without having to help their younger siblings with theirs.

Edited by Barb23

Oh, my, what will the tabloids and gossip sites who have been trying to manufacture a rift make of this? 


I could go with new better built bra, a clingier sweater than she used to be allowed to wear without an undershirt, or early pregnancy.  In other words too close to call for me.  I do like she's able to wear a more fashionable sweater without layers.

I wonder if Benessa are living closer to the TTH than the Seewalds. Don't the Seewalds live a few hours away? Sure Benessa could drive a few hours to fellowship with the Dillards especially if Ben doesn't have a normal job. I read on the Duggar family blog that the couples visited the Compound to watch the kid's Christmas pageant after dinner. The Query kids were in the pageant also.

Jill posted a picture of Benessa and Dill having dinner together.  Looks like Jessa's girls have put on weight, I'm calling her pregnant.




I cannot stand JillDill's selfie face.


Jessa and Bin's silence makes me hopeful, but then also makes me think pregnancy nausea.

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It could also be that Jessa simply put on some weight. Jill's gained a bit, especially given the morning sickness. And we all know Josh's weight ballooned after he married.

It may simply be that they get real food at regular intervals now and their bodies don't know what to do about that, so they store it.

Edited by GEML
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Where did Jessa get married? I thought it was the same place as Jill.

No she got married at another church not the same one that MEchelle and Jill got married at.


I think that Jessa might be gaining weight because now she no longer gets a daily dose of chasing after the howlers and doing laundry, cleaning the TTH, etc. 

Newest article from Radar on the Jessa/Jill conflict.  It seems Jessa has her nerve to want to be her own person!  Gasp!  Jill does not approve. http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2014/12/jessa-duggar-jill-duggar-feud-details/

I saw that too. Radar Online is more entertaining for their non-stories especially on the Duggars whom the person writing the article (s) has no clue about.

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Given how competitive these people are, Jessa should be announcing her pregancy after the new year.  There is no way she is going to allow Anna and Jill to have all the attention and accompanying headlines. 

But if she is anything like MEchelle and doesn't have a heart for children then why saddle herself with a hundred of them before she turns 30? I'm thinking she likes the freedom of only having to take care of one child now if she adds anymore then that means more work. *shudder for Jessa*

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But if she is anything like MEchelle and doesn't have a heart for children then why saddle herself with a hundred of them before she turns 30? I'm thinking she likes the freedom of only having to take care of one child now if she adds anymore then that means more work. *shudder for Jessa*

I know Jessa was a "mother" to her buddy group, but I just can't picture her pregnant & having kids. If she grew up in the "real" world, I see her as a career woman with no children or having them later in life. Hopefully Joy & Jenny (or whatever little girl said she didn't want to get married) will also go this route. I know Jessa said the Duggar mantra about having as many kids as God will give them, but I think she knew it was expected of her to say it & to shut up her parents. I hope the Seewalds pull her out of the circus.

On another note, when I need a good laugh, I think of MEchelle's reaction to Benessa holding hands in the restaurant at the pre-proposal dinner. I just can't get over how upset she got, she could barely get the words out to tell "Daddy" to do something. And Boob's reaction was great, just let it go.

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I've always said that the Duggars and the Gypsy cultures have a lot in common. I was watching an episode of My Big Fat Gypsy Christmas and they featured a 16 year old girl.


She received a letter from her school (she had dropped out to get married) and the first thing this girl said was "who needs school when all I"m going to be is a housewife." UGH talk about sad. Seems like the Duggars have brainwashed their girls to believe this bullshit. 


Another thing they have in common is that they seem to marry the first guy that comes along. One other girl that got married at 18 said that once she got married she could be free to do whatever she wanted.


So with that in mind we all know that Jessa talked herself into getting married to Bin in hopes that she would finally be free. We all know she is the boss and doesn't have to listen to anyone anymore. Just.plain.sad.

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I agree, Fuzzysox. The two are great to compare/contrast. They have some very similar values but then modest dressing is dissimilar. Plus, the men are at the head with the Duggars and Gypsies, but Gypsy men seem to still have more (spoken or unspoken) leeway with their lifestyle. I think it will be very interesting to see what kind of leeway Ben takes. I also wonder if they've now or will ever tune into a show about gypsies. Maybe Jessa will take some clothing advice!

Edited by Betweenyouandme
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They are individualistic in the sense that Gothard really does isolate his followers into nuclear family units. That they have any relationship with their grandmother, aunt and Amy is actually well done on all sides. Mostly it looks much more like Michelle's side - a visit every so often, but no true, well, FELLOWSHIP.

This is actually one of the big reasons that Gothard hadn't been considered a cult leader for so long. Most cult leaders keep their "flocks" nearer and do live more communally. Gothard didn't. Instead he isolated his followers.

Switching gears a bit, Jessa posted to IG today that they were "headed to Hot Springs" for the weekend to visit the Seewalds. This seems to rule out any speculation that they settled in his family's area. Sounds like Bin is probably still cleaning toilets for Boob in NWA. 


I wonder what his grades looked like this semester? Finals for a lot of schools were this past week. I hope he finished up before going on a weekend trip. If not, well, that's his loss. 

  • Love 3

I'd KILL to see what classes he took this past semester. They fucking INSISTED that he was a student. I'm dubious at best. :D

You and me both.  I did several online classes when I was completing my Bachelor's and they were a ton of work. Very heavy on reading and lengthy papers and we were also required to participate in online discussion forums. I'm not familiar with U of A, so I don't know how rigorous their curriculums are, but it's very hard to mail it in when you're doing your degree program online. If Bin completes a four-year degree, I'll do naked cartwheels down my street.

  • Love 8

You and me both. I did several online classes when I was completing my Bachelor's and they were a ton of work. Very heavy on reading and lengthy papers and we were also required to participate in online discussion forums. I'm not familiar with U of A, so I don't know how rigorous their curriculums are, but it's very hard to mail it in when you're doing your degree program online. If Bin completes a four-year degree, I'll do naked cartwheels down my street.

I'm with you all. I had a co-worker a few years back who took a couple of online classes. For her, it was just like having to go to a class at a brick & mortar school . Like you said, there were online discussions that couldn't be missed. She also had a lot of reading. Was Ben doing his online classes during the three week honeymoon, esp when they were in France? Maybe he was allowed to do a report on "What I Did on my Honeymoon" in place of the required assignments.
  • Love 3

I'm with you all. I had a co-worker a few years back who took a couple of online classes. For her, it was just like having to go to a class at a brick & mortar school . Like you said, there were online discussions that couldn't be missed. She also had a lot of reading. Was Ben doing his online classes during the three week honeymoon, esp when they were in France? Maybe he was allowed to do a report on "What I Did on my Honeymoon" in place of the required assignments.

That'd be a pretty short report:


  • Love 17

Bin's not at UofA. From what I read, he was taking the classes through the CC where he attended real classes last year. Again, dubious. You can't do every.single.one.of.your.pre-req.classes online. I work at a CC with our campuses, and even that system can't offer every single class for every major, although you can probably knock out most of the Gen Ed stuff, save math and the sciences. Too easy to cheat in the first case, impossible to do labs in the second. 


But I bet the ability to do most classes online is why Bin changed his major to Poly-Sci (also sucks up to Boob). Good luck keeping up the online schedule with Upper Division classes. Most of those professors want your butt in a seat in a lecture hall. Hell, I was an English major at a MAJOR (like internationally renowned) public university and NONE of the possible Upper Division classes I could have chosen from were offered online. 


Good luck with that, Bin. I, too, will be shocked as hell if he ever graduates with a BA/BS. 

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Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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