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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I see nothing wrong with not asking Famy to be a bridesmaid.  They didn't ask any of their other cousins either.  None of my daughters have asked cousins to be bridesmaids.  If they didn't want at least some of their sisters, I'd be concerned, but not with a cousin.  I can only think of one friend of my daughters who has had a cousin as a bridesmaid.  She was a stand in for one of the original bridesmaids who couldn't be there due to having a baby (late).  I can't find a good reason why Famy should be a bridesmaid. 

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Usually if you are close to your cousin then you ask them at least in my circles we do. I had my second cousin in my wedding party. She too is an only child and we are very close.


They grew up with Famy being over all the time so do you see were it could be seen as a diss. Maybe by the time that JoylessAnna gets married Famy will be one.

I think people took issue with Amy not being asked to be a bridesmaid because from all the footage we've seen, Amy was quite close to the Duggar children when they were growing up. It could be that Amy and the J'Slaves have grown apart as they've gotten older, but it seems odd (at least to me) that Anna was chosen over a relative. Other than dropping off her kids at the TTH and using Jill as a semi-professional doula, it didn't seem like Anna socialized with the J'Slaves all that much.

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Anna has been seen with the Duggar daughters a ton I've thought.  She's married to their brother which to many people is a very tight tie.  I could see it if Amy were truly very tight with the sisters and possibly Joyanna may want Amy in her wedding.  Given how loud and unpredictable Amy can act, I can see quite a bit of hesitation in having her be a bridesmaid.  Any of them who remember Amy at Josh's wedding could be allowed to think their sisters or close friends were better choices.

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If Amy's not a bridesmaid at Joy Anna's wedding, we will know there are hijinks afoot. I think that's the tightest bond.

I have a splitting headache and these babies are playing soccer with my bladder, so it's been a fun day at the wander hut. TLC had some old episodes on this morning that confirmed that Jessa has always been a twat.

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  On 11/23/2014 at 3:21 AM, wanderwoman said:

If Amy's not a bridesmaid at Joy Anna's wedding, we will know there are hijinks afoot. I think that's the tightest bond.

I have a splitting headache and these babies are playing soccer with my bladder, so it's been a fun day at the wander hut. TLC had some old episodes on this morning that confirmed that Jessa has always been a twat.

I hope you feel better soon, wanderwoman!


I saw a few old episodes awhile back, like the one Jessa and Jinger volunteered at the coffee house. I was thinking how different she was back then and now. She seemed a lot friendlier and nicer then. Which episodes did you see?

  On 11/23/2014 at 3:56 AM, TobyBelle said:

I hope you feel better soon, wanderwoman!


I saw a few old episodes awhile back, like the one Jessa and Jinger volunteered at the coffee house. I was thinking how different she was back then and now. She seemed a lot friendlier and nicer then. Which episodes did you see?

I was watching the episode where they went to Dollywood for the parade and the episode where they went to some interpretive center where they made peanut butter. Princess Jessa gave the camera guy enough side eye to wound Jesus. Lol
  On 11/23/2014 at 3:56 AM, TobyBelle said:

I hope you feel better soon, wanderwoman!

I saw a few old episodes awhile back, like the one Jessa and Jinger volunteered at the coffee house. I was thinking how different she was back then and now. She seemed a lot friendlier and nicer then. Which episodes did you see?

Being on the Duggar dog and pony show will do that to ya.

I mean, how much of MEchelle's baby voice could you take?

Darknight, I don't think we are going to see Jessa's wedding air tonight. TLC will concentrate on the Amy story. We will only be "treated" to a few select scenes of "what's to come". I bet they are the scenes they have been advertising all week. We'll have to wait until next season when Jilly Muffin delivers and Jessa's probably pregnant "out to there".

  On 11/25/2014 at 10:56 PM, Ljohnson1987 said:

The tabloids are saying that Jessa is knocked up. I hope she isn't. Don't any of the Duggars' wait over a year to have a baby? Anna did, but only because it took her "Four long months" to conceive Kenzie. 


It's not surprising they get knocked up in the first month or two.  Unprotected sex all the time + girls in their prime fertility years = (mostly) easy conception

  On 11/26/2014 at 12:26 AM, irisheyes said:

It's not surprising they get knocked up in the first month or two.  Unprotected sex all the time + girls in their prime fertility years = (mostly) easy conception

It's ridiculous how they're writing these stories as if Jessa and Jill becoming pregnant quickly is some sort of unique, unheard of occurrence that only happens in Duggarville. If every young, fertile couple took their competitive, pathological approach to getting knocked up, there'd be millions of honeymoon babies every year.

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  On 11/25/2014 at 10:56 PM, Ljohnson1987 said:

The tabloids are saying that Jessa is knocked up. I hope she isn't. Don't any of the Duggars' wait over a year to have a baby? Anna did, but only because it took her "Four long months" to conceive Kenzie. 

Maybe she had a lazy uterus!?!?! Or practice didn't make progress!?!?!?!

*pure speculation* 

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In an interview with The Inquisitor, Michelle said that Jessa and Josh will be spending Thanksgiving with their in-laws, but Jill and Derick will be dining with them.   I have a feeling Jessa will be spending more time with the Seewalds and less time with her family.  I can see her moving to Hot Springs. 

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  On 11/26/2014 at 12:26 AM, irisheyes said:

It's not surprising they get knocked up in the first month or two.  Unprotected sex all the time + girls in their prime fertility years = (mostly) easy conception

I just want to point out a lot of my fundie friends had babies right after the wedding (9 monthes) when they were older than Duggar girls. And yes pretty much if you have unprotected sex, you should or will expect to get pregnant.  Sometimes it's slow like Anna, but yeah that's why birth control is or can be a good idea. I'm always surprised people are naive enough to believe  it just won't happen, (particularly a few members of my church).

As for Jessa I think it's possibly too soon to know. Right now there's a lot of speculative articles about the Duggars. Josh and Anna could be pregnant. John-David, Jana, or Jinger could be courting. Michelle could be pregnant (kidding!). No with the exception of the last one, all of these things are possible, but none of them are  happening or at least they aren't yet.  News about the Duggars makes money and right now there is no news. When there is no news, speculate. They speculate about lots of famous couples and women and it doesn't seem to matter if they are right or not. So they throw it out there whether it's right or not.

I believe Jessa's wedding will air in March or at the latest May.  May would be six monthes from her wedding day (not enough time to have a baby). I believe I read it will be in March maybe when Jill has her baby. I personally don't mind the delay. Once they show Jessa's wedding there's nothing exciting to air until Jill has the baby. I'm not overly enthralled with Josh, Anna or Amy, but I also don't look forward to anything better to show than Jill eating pickles and ice cream or throwing up or writing out quotes, etc. As someone with a lot of pregnant distant friends, pregnancy is mostly a tame event if not happening to you or someone extremely close to you.  Weddings are, in my opinion, the most exciting thing, so waiting for March sweeps seems somewhat reasonable.

Edited by Temperance
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TLC said the wedding would air "soon." Since they got a lot of flak for the delay building up to Jill's wedding, they may well air this as a VSE between seasons. They got the Jordyn birth episode out in under a week, airing on Christmas Day (I caught it totally by mistake at my MIL's while cooking dinner). Jessa's wedding could air somewhere between Christmas and New Year's.


Or they lead with it in February for Sweeps. Not sure how well she'll do in the ratings, right off the heels of Jill's nuptials. That's why I think they may one-off this and go directly to the Jill's Pregnancy storyline for their next Season of Life.

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I wonder what Jim Bob would do if he found out his married children were using condoms. I bet he would flip and there's not a damn thing he could say or do about it. He's way too invested in the sex lives of his older children. He's a hypocrite though, since he and Michelle used birth control after they were married.

Edited by Joe Jitsu913
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Does anyone know if any official sources are saying Jessa's pregnant? I saw it on the cover of some not-that-reputable magazine while in the grocery store today, but I couldn't tell if it was just rumor or if it was officially reported (darn express aisle actually moved at sorta express speed).

  On 11/29/2014 at 2:41 AM, Joe Jitsu913 said:

I wonder what Jim Bob would do if he found out his married children were using condoms. I bet he would flip and there's not a damn thing he could say or do about it. He's way too invested in the sex lives of his older children. He's a hypocrite though, since he and Michelle used birth control after they were married.

Do as I say not as I do

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  On 11/29/2014 at 10:08 AM, NikSac said:

Does anyone know if any official sources are saying Jessa's pregnant? I saw it on the cover of some not-that-reputable magazine while in the grocery store today, but I couldn't tell if it was just rumor or if it was officially reported (darn express aisle actually moved at sorta express speed).

Besides a possible pregnancy, has anyone heard where Benessa are living? I'm hoping at least Grandma's rental house (Smuggar & Anna's old digs) if they stay in that area. I'm really hoping they are living closer to the Seewalds, maybe in a prefab house? If they are in Grandma's house, the least Boob could do is renovate/update it. New appliances in kitchen, update the bathroom cuz what we've seen of it, it still looks like the original fixtures, etc. Considering the major overhaul of Jilly Muffin's "Mcmansion", Boob/Grandma can afford to update the mini-Mcmansion. (I realize Stoneybrook was trashed but we all know Boob went all out on the renovations.)
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  On 11/29/2014 at 4:05 PM, Barb23 said:

Besides a possible pregnancy, has anyone heard where Benessa are living? I'm hoping at least Grandma's rental house (Smuggar & Anna's old digs) if they stay in that area. I'm really hoping they are living closer to the Seewalds, maybe in a prefab house? If they are in Grandma's house, the least Boob could do is renovate/update it. New appliances in kitchen, update the bathroom cuz what we've seen of it, it still looks like the original fixtures, etc. Considering the major overhaul of Jilly Muffin's "Mcmansion", Boob/Grandma can afford to update the mini-Mcmansion. (I realize Stoneybrook was trashed but we all know Boob went all out on the renovations.)


Yes, he certainly needed to spend a bundle - it was a broken-down trash pile when he got it. Wonder if he had design help? IMO it doesn't look like he did, and I can't see him popping for the extra $$ anyway. I wasn't at all impressed by what they showed of that house. And I do wonder whether he's truly trying to sell it. At some point Jill & Derick will be able to claim squatters' rights, but what a cavernous home for 2 adults and a baby.  Even if she has 6 kids in quick succession, that's a lot of space to have to chase kids around in...

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Yes, from what I have seen on old footage of Josh and Anna's old house, (grandma's) there is black mold around the bathtub, poor tile work there too. The refrigerator has rusting on the outside and there is a drawer missing in the kitchen cabinetry. A nice make over, which is totally doable for Jim Bob's wallet would be in order; especially compared to what Jill and derickdillard got housing wise. ( I will say this; I don't know if that black mold around the bathtub was already there and permanently stained, or if it was Anna's poor housekeeping). Bleach usually takes that dark stain right out with NO scrubbing.

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Jessa's cousin’s grandmother Lenora Jordan told InTouch Weekly that “[Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald] look at sex as a "present" from God and they couldn’t wait to "open it" on their wedding day. I wouldn’t be surprised if Jessa were pregnant already.



Binessa are alive and well as Radar has a picture of them on their one month anniversary. Woohooo they made it through the month and Bin is still with her he hasn't run screaming yet. JessaBlessa looks very happy the happiest I've seen her in years.



  On 12/1/2014 at 11:30 PM, Fuzzysox said:

Binessa are alive and well as Radar has a picture of them on their one month anniversary. Woohooo they made it through the month and Bin is still with her he hasn't run screaming yet. JessaBlessa looks very happy the happiest I've seen her in years.


They both look quite satisfied *wink, wink*. I bet they're humping like rabbits. I wonder what they'll do once the honeymoon is over and they have absolutely nothing else in common.

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  On 11/29/2014 at 6:10 PM, NausetGirl said:

Yes, he certainly needed to spend a bundle - it was a broken-down trash pile when he got it. Wonder if he had design help? IMO it doesn't look like he did, and I can't see him popping for the extra $$ anyway. m

My guess is no. All the materials look like the stuff you see on clearance at Home Depot or Loews (especially that cheap ass carpet) and all the furniture was allegedly purchased used at auction. If I'm not mistaken, that gorgeous woodworking in the library was original.

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  On 12/2/2014 at 3:16 PM, Jellybeans said:

Havent seen any pictures of the Seewalds home...

The silence is kind of weird, isn't it? We were forced to endure every mundane detail of Jill's engagement, wedding and now pregnancy, yet we haven't heard hide nor hair from Jessa other than a few random honeymoon photos. They have to be living somewhere, my guess would be J&A's old house, but who knows. Does Bin have enough saved to even pay rent? I can't imagine Boob was paying him more than minimum wage for being his lackey.

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  On 12/2/2014 at 7:44 PM, BitterApple said:

I can't imagine Boob was paying him more than minimum wage for being his lackey.

... payment? Why would a reasonable mman like Jim Bob pay a boy who wants to/is married to *his* daughter? Ben is doing this work out of the goodness of his heart! He doesn't get *money*! My goodness.

(But honestly, I doubt he's even getting minimum wage, he's probably getting lik3 4 dollars an hour or something )

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  On 12/2/2014 at 11:08 PM, dillpickles said:

... payment? Why would a reasonable mman like Jim Bob pay a boy who wants to/is married to *his* daughter? Ben is doing this work out of the goodness of his heart! He doesn't get *money*! My goodness.

(But honestly, I doubt he's even getting minimum wage, he's probably getting lik3 4 dollars an hour or something )


I suppose it depends on how much Jessa was worth, he may be working that off for a while.

I wonder if they are living with/near the Seewalds? It was Mike Seewald who was pushing so hard for the marriage, and he may have been willing to help them out with housing, or to give Ben a job.


It seems likely that the "job" JB gave Ben doesn't really exist, and was just a storyline for the show -- I don't see JB paying Ben one thin dime if there are no camera crews around. I can't help but think that if they were living in the TTH, or in Mary's old house, JB would have sent the TV cameras over already, and started manufacturing story lines. 

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I think Ben is doing nothing because that is really all he is qualified to do. He is still a teenager! He can earn minimum wage and as we all know, that is not enough for rent, food and all Jessa's make up.

I think Jim Bob is gonna be footing the bill for those two for a looong time.

Jim Bob has nothing to brag about so it is silent.

Derrick, at least, has something to offer and can (hopefully) be independent. Ben is stuck in loserville.

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If Ben is going to school and taking that seriously, and if Jessa would be able to work, even minimum wage, and if they would hold off having children for a few years and space them out, they could end up with a better day to day life than Derrick and Jill who, despite Derrick having a good job, have 12 kids and no TV show to support them.

Yeah, I know, that's a lot of "ifs."

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I suspect that Jessa and Ben are living near their inlaws, in either a small house or trailer. Ben is still attending college and he may be working with his dad doing windshield repair. Jessa might have a job now too, for all we know...surely no one would have a problem with Jessa getting her insurance license and selling insurance at the State Farm agency where Ben used to work. Didn't Michelle originally have both her insurance and real estate license when she and Jim Bob got married?

IMO, Jessa will never get a real license to do any type of work at all. Yes, Michelle had a real estate license when they first married, at Jim Bob's request. I believe she only got that sheepskin because it helped Jim Bob conduct his real estate transactions. As an agent Michelle could "sign things" he told her to sign, and collect commissions on properties they sold. Nothing like keeping everything in the family. Having said that, remember folks, that after "J'Caleb's" miscarriage, they torqued the fundamentalist religion up even more and realized through their "studies" that everything they did before that in their lifestyle had been sinful..birth control, Michelle in pants, watching TV, going to the movies, Michelle "working at all", in any real capacity, etc...so, Jessa, Jill, etc...will never work...period...as it is all sinful in their eyes.

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I saw a link on FB yesterday were Jessa is promoting her sister in law Danelle (sp?)(the one that looks like Lorde). It was a video of her singing. I never clicked on it but she looks so much older then 14 with her face totally made up. All I could think of is poor Famy years and years of trying and never did a Duggar try to promote her. 

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  On 12/4/2014 at 4:03 PM, Fuzzysox said:

I saw a link on FB yesterday were Jessa is promoting her sister in law Danelle (sp?)(the one that looks like Lorde). It was a video of her singing. I never clicked on it but she looks so much older then 14 with her face totally made up. All I could think of is poor Famy years and years of trying and never did a Duggar try to promote her. 

I thought the same thing too and also felt bad for Amy when some leghumpers were saying that Danielle sounded better.  Didn't watch the video so I don't have any opinion.

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Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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