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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I'm not sure when the new season is going to start, but I feel like once again, we're going to be bored to tears because we're already so far ahead of the show timeline. We've seen the pictures of Jessa's wedding and we practically have a front row seat into her sex life. I don't know if I can stomach another eight episodes of wedding preparations. Hopefully the producers will get a clue, scale things down and try to keep the show content somewhat close to real time.

  • Love 4

Is Jessa going to rebelling in HER maternity wear? I don't think she will live any differently than Jill, really. She has already stated her narrow view of politics and other Christian faiths, has already said that she wants a lot of kids, I don't see any rebelling going on here, just taking the PDA torch from her parents and is posting her private life like her parents do on TV.

  • Love 2

I'm not sure when the new season is going to start, but I feel like once again, we're going to be bored to tears because we're already so far ahead of the show timeline. We've seen the pictures of Jessa's wedding and we practically have a front row seat into her sex life. I don't know if I can stomach another eight episodes of wedding preparations. Hopefully the producers will get a clue, scale things down and try to keep the show content somewhat close to real time.


Don't hold your breath, Bitter Apple. I agree with you wholeheartedly, but I'm afraid these producers are as lame as Boob & Mechelle are modest...

  • Love 1

OK, they have been married for over a week. Does that mean the pregnancy watch has officially begun?  I hope it doesn't happen right away, but sadly I think it will.


I can't help but wonder if JB is gloating over the fact that he is beating Gil Bates in the grandbaby derby.  Right now he is leading 4-1.  Erin celebrated her first anniversary last week, and Alyssa has been married 6 months with no announcement, so it looks like she will also get at least one child-free year with her husband. How refreshingly "normal" they seem next to the Duggar brides.  

I feel bad for Erin. In their culture a woman's worth comes from her ability to bear lots of kids. Erin miscarried her first and didn't get pregnant again right away -- whether it's because they don't want to or are having problems. You know Jill is going to be hauling her kid off the bus and practically gloating about how great it is to be a mom and how blessed she is that she and Derick conceived immediately -- with zero sensitivity re how Erin may feel.

  • Love 4
with zero sensitivity re how Erin may feel.


Which may be why Erin pounded on the piano at the wedding like she was pissed as hell. She just KNEW that Pistol Pete would hit the bullseye on the first try and the perfect daughter Jill would be pregnant by the next morning.

  • Love 9

The Duggars are behind the Bates in courting?

Jim Bob needs to step up to the plate and find a good one for Jana and STAT. We aren't playing with that girl's life, her parents are. They keep her for their domestic use and convenience, IMO. Doesn't Derick have a nice college buddy for her? The age is right. Come on Derick and host a singles party, invite all your male friends and Jana. They will swarm around her like bees to honey....

Duggar response to The Kiss controversy. (Also posted in media.) http://www.duggarfamilyblog.com/2014/11/duggars-respond-to-kissing-controversy.html

I get their point, but they're neglecting to speak on unmarried people and kids/teen seeing this picture. I guess any form of making out in front of any and everybody is fine and dandy as long as the two are married. Ok.

  • Love 5

The Duggars are behind the Bates in courting?

Jim Bob needs to step up to the plate and find a good one for Jana and STAT. We aren't playing with that girl's life, her parents are. They keep her for their domestic use and convenience, IMO. Doesn't Derick have a nice college buddy for her? The age is right. Come on Derick and host a singles party, invite all your male friends and Jana. They will swarm around her like bees to honey....

IIRC the Bates had a whole series of kids who started courting, got engaged and married one after the next -- Zach, Erin, and Alyssa probably all married in a 12 month span. I really think that's what got JB thinking that he better get his kids started so as not to fall behind in the contest and also bc they were desperate for more material for the show. Now it seems pretty quiet for both families. Michaela is courting and will marry but it may be the only wedding on the horizon for the Bates and who knows -- given that she's a bit more reserved, maybe that whole wedding is more low key. I suspect when the next batch of Bates kids courts and marries THEN JB will be thinking -- uh oh, gotta keep up, let's line someone up for Jana, JD and maybe Jinger or Joy. Given that we haven't heard about any Bates courtships and the next batch of Bates kids is 17-19, that may not happen for another few yrs as Lawson and Nathan don't seem ready and the next girl is like 16-17. Jana may have to wait a bit for the "contest" to start again so she may be more like 26-27 when it happens.


That would probably be optimal if she could meet a friend of Derick's from school or work; chances are he'd be a college grad conservative Christian so she'd have an "easier" life -- more disposable income and an expectation of a large family but maybe only 4 or 6 or 8. But for something like this to happen, JILL is the one who has to take an interest, and I suspect she's too "satisfied" with her own life situation to care too much about Jana. She's so proud of herself for finding a man and getting pregnant on the first shot, that I doubt she's thinking that she'd love for Jana to escape the TTC and settle down. Derick is fairly reserved, and I don't think he'd see it as his place to say "we need to set Jana up" esp. since she's fairly reserved too and he'd worry about embarrassing her (whereas a Joy or Jinger would come back with a snappy remark if they thought that was out of line). Jill has to be the one to say to him that we need to set up Jana -- let's invite over these college friends and how about some guys from work, do you work with any conservative single guys. If she initiated, I'm sure Derick would do it -- he seems like the kind who is nice enough that he has friends, so it wouldn't be awkward for him to invite a bunch of dudes over to eat and watch a game on a Saturday and say "btw my wife will be inviting a few of her sisters, you really should meet them -- they'd be great."

  • Love 2

Regarding the kissing photos of Ben/Jess & JB/Michelle:

This afternoon, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar released the following statement:

God designed marriage to be a loving, dynamic relationship between a husband and wife for a lifetime. God loves marriage and it is supposed to be full of love, joy, fun and romance. Marriage is where romance belongs! Recently, Ben & Jessa received some criticism for posting a kissing picture. We are so grateful they waited to share their first kiss until after marriage. We’ve been married 30 years and are still in love! We had fun trying to duplicate Ben and Jessa's happily married kissing picture.

The fact that they purposed to duplicate Ben and Jessa's pic says to me they think of themselves as being in the same league. You are THE PARENTS, stop competing and act your age.

  • Love 8

Regarding the kissing photos of Ben/Jess & JB/Michelle:

This afternoon, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar released the following statement:

God designed marriage to be a loving, dynamic relationship between a husband and wife for a lifetime. God loves marriage and it is supposed to be full of love, joy, fun and romance. Marriage is where romance belongs! Recently, Ben & Jessa received some criticism for posting a kissing picture. We are so grateful they waited to share their first kiss until after marriage. We’ve been married 30 years and are still in love! We had fun trying to duplicate Ben and Jessa's happily married kissing picture.

The fact that they purposed to duplicate Ben and Jessa's pic says to me they think of themselves as being in the same league. You are THE PARENTS, stop competing and act your age.

I'm laughing at the fact that they're releasing a statement -- you know -- like the White House press secretary does when there is a major world development or a school shooting or an Ebola case in the U.S. They think they're SOOO important that people are waiting with bated breath for their explanations and justifications of the world.


Where did Jessa receive criticism? Do people criticize right on Instagram? While I look at pics, I never read the comments and somehow I thought it was leg humpers commenting not people who'd criticize.

  • Love 10

I'm laughing at the fact that they're releasing a statement -- you know -- like the White House press secretary does when there is a major world development or a school shooting or an Ebola case in the U.S. They think they're SOOO important that people are waiting with bated breath for their explanations and justifications of the world.

Where did Jessa receive criticism? Do people criticize right on Instagram? While I look at pics, I never read the comments and somehow I thought it was leg humpers commenting not people who'd criticize.

I'm banned from Jessa's instagram for basically calling her a bimbo.

  • Love 9

Regarding the kissing photos of Ben/Jess & JB/Michelle:

This afternoon, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar released the following statement:

God designed marriage to be a loving, dynamic relationship between a husband and wife for a lifetime. God loves marriage and it is supposed to be full of love, joy, fun and romance. Marriage is where romance belongs! Recently, Ben & Jessa received some criticism for posting a kissing picture. We are so grateful they waited to share their first kiss until after marriage. We’ve been married 30 years and are still in love! We had fun trying to duplicate Ben and Jessa's happily married kissing picture.

The fact that they purposed to duplicate Ben and Jessa's pic says to me they think of themselves as being in the same league. You are THE PARENTS, stop competing and act your age.


They released a statement??? ok - yea - if Ben needs a job maybe he can be their press secretary.


But that stupidity aside - it doesn't SAY anything!!! Ok - they are in love. Their kids are in love. So what??? In what world does that make it modest to post pictures of yourself sucking face on the internet? THAT was the part people were questioning. As people have said... Ben and Jessa are young and stupid and doing what young and stupid people do. But the parents who tout modesty don't see that it's their constant preaching about their superior way to conduct themselves that drew questioning responses - not the kiss. If you are going to put out a statement... at least address the actual issue. (hmm... maybe they do have a future in politics :-) )

  • Love 3

I'm laughing at the fact that they're releasing a statement -- you know -- like the White House press secretary does when there is a major world development or a school shooting or an Ebola case in the U.S. They think they're SOOO important that people are waiting with bated breath for their explanations and justifications of the world.


Where did Jessa receive criticism? Do people criticize right on Instagram? While I look at pics, I never read the comments and somehow I thought it was leg humpers commenting not people who'd criticize.

Clearly people are interested.

  • Love 3

Well I have made an anonymous comment on the blog. Asking if the pics are a Nike moment for their boys and what word do they use for the girls if they believe girls also have desires. I wonder if it will really show up or if they will block it. I also tweeted to @Jessaseewald saying I wonder how modest all this is. No response yet.

  • Love 1

I must be one of the only people who doesn't think the Jim Bob started looking for dates because of the Bates children. I think that mostly because I don't think the families aren't really as close as the show makes them out to be, and given that they were offered a slot on TLC and it didn't take off, I think JB feels pretty confident that he's "won." I know the Bates have a new show on the other network, but raise your hand if you aren't even sure if your cable/satellite package gets that channel...

  • Love 5

The biggest irony here is that the loudest critics of The Kiss were the Duggars' own leghumpers. I wonder how many of them didn't survive Jessa's scorched-earth mass-banning from Instagram last week? I know I didn't make the cut, and my comment was pretty tame. Someone needs to grow thicker skin.


That Jinger, who runs the duggarfam accounts, is now posting that other kissing pic, in addition to the passive-aggressive "stand alone" bullshit (since when have the Duggars ever "stood alone" on any issue?), shows how deeply in Damage Control mode the Duggars have become because of this. They can't see the forest past their trees of idiocy and misplaced self-righteousness.

  • Love 1

J'Chelle is a woman so obsessed with modesty that she freaks out over a 4-year-old's shoulders and makes her youngest girls wear leggings under their long skirts. The boys never appear on camera without a shirt and long pants (with the recent exception of Josh), and I'm not even going to try to describe the ridiculous modesty swimwear they own. She and Boob force their courting children to have chaperones at all times and extremely limited physical contact. So Jessa gets married and decides to stick it to her obsessively controlling parents by taking and posting an intimate selfie, and J'Chelle is suddenly ok with something that is completely Nike? It's disingenuous at best and laughably hypocritical at worst. The explanation is nothing more than face saving PR, and Jessa and Ben were probably, in reality, sent to the woodshed. Oh, wait, they already live there.

Edited by Hpmec
  • Love 7

Benessa have also flooded the interweb with multiple selfies today. Hopefully, their collective narcissism, now that they're freely allowed to express it, will be their downfall.


I also think that lack of word regarding their living arrangements points to the fact that Boob put them in Smuggar's old digs. Been there, done that...

edited because the post duplicated itself...weirdness...

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 6

All righty then.  So it is appropriate for a married couple to post this stuff to the WORLD.  That's the internet.  Let's say Ron Jeremy married Miley Cyrus and they posted pics on the internet of themselves.  That's ok then?  For Miley you have to go to her show or watch something she is on, for Ron you have to rent some low quality video for a very high price, but if they get married you can just see them on line for free.  I get it.  I guess that's why they don't get married and do that.

  • Love 3

(I was responding to Hpmec's post, but managed to mess up the quote. Now I know what Bin feels like on a daily basis!)

That's exactly what bothers me too. Knees? Immodest! Shoulders? Immodest! Shorts on males? Immodest! Bathing suits for swimming? Immodest! They think those things are immodest, but don't have problems with televised toilet birth or a sultry picture? To me that is inconsistent and hypocritical.

Regarding the Bateses, I'm not seeing the competition. Maybe if they squeeze out #20, but not with regards to the courtships or grandchildren. Also, the Bates girls really seem to have a fondness for hooker heels - yowza!

Edited by KittyS
  • Love 4

All righty then.  So it is appropriate for a married couple to post this stuff to the WORLD.  That's the internet.  Let's say Ron Jeremy married Miley Cyrus and they posted pics on the internet of themselves.  That's ok then?  For Miley you have to go to her show or watch something she is on, for Ron you have to rent some low quality video for a very high price, but if they get married you can just see them on line for free.  I get it.  I guess that's why they don't get married and do that.

I don't understand what Miley Cyrus and Ron Jeremy and their imaginary marriage has to do with the Duggars posting pics? My point was that for people who yell 'modesty' and 'purity' from the rooftops 24/7, and think that no one has any self restraint and can get all lustful over anything, they sure do like to post photos of full lip lock smooching on their social media and commercial blogs. They either don't understand the words coming out of their mouths, don't think the rules for others apply to themselves, or are just stupid and vain. 

  • Love 2

I get their point, but they're neglecting to speak on unmarried people and kids/teen seeing this picture. I guess any form of making out in front of any and everybody is fine and dandy as long as the two are married. Ok.

This reminds me of a roommate I had at college, who would only read books or watch movies with people having sex if the couple were married.  Never mind that she was single, or that it was fiction, or what point the sex served in the story, or how descriptive the scene was.  So I guess that mindset isn't exclusive to the Duggars?

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Remember the movie 'The Bridges of Madison County'?  The house where most of the movie was shot wasn't the one that the moviemakers wanted, it was the second choice. 


The reason the preferred house wasn't used was because the owner found out the movie was about a lonely woman in an unhappy marriage who was left alone for the summer while her husband and kids went off and camped or took a trip or something.  So she rents out a room to a photographer who is there to take pictures of all the great covered bridges in the area and they have an affair.


The man who owned the preferred house refused to allow a movie to be shot in his house because the movie was about adultery.  I actually admired his commitment to his values.  The story was intended to be more than just an affair, although without the affair the story couldn't have been told, but the homeowner didn't want his home to be used that way and he gave up a lot of money as a result.


The Duggars seem to be willing to let a lot of things slide if there's a dollar to be made.

  • Love 11


The Duggars seem to be willing to let a lot of things slide if there's a dollar to be made.


The ends justify the means. Why let consistency get in the way? The shows gives them a following, and they have lots of money to spend on political candidates who support their views that if adult women won't follow "the Christian way" willingly, they can be forced by law. 

  • Love 4

I love how the "Duggar statement"  has been manipulated to make it seem as if Boob and Mullet are "supportive" of Jessa and Bin. Who the fuck are you trying to fool? It doesn't look "supportive" at all. It looks like JB and M are trying to divert attention away from Jessa and Bin, back onto themselves. We see these two kiss every single time the show airs. IN THE DAMNED OPENING CREDITS.  Why was this necessary? WHY couldn't JB and Mullet let the newlyweds have their moment in the spotlight, without trying to bring the attention back onto themselves? It's narcissistic....which we all know that Michelle is. With a freaking BULLET. 


And why bother making a statement anyway, unless you know that you look like a couple of FOOLS for doing this. 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
  • Love 6

OM Seriously I just saw the instagram picture of Jim and Michelle. What were they thinking? Then again they are obsessed with re-enactments look at the way they reenact the marriage proposals.  As for Jill and Derrick to kiss like that he'd have to squish her stomach, which he seems afraid he's going to do.(based on the photos of them at Jessa's wedding)

Edited by Temperance

Something that just struck me while reading the Jill and Derick page.  Jessa and Ben left the church to the University of Arkansas school song.  URRGGHH, that just annoys the hell out of me! Neither went there, I'm not sure they know anyone who went there, they're not going to go there, I doubt anyones parents or grandparents went there....sigh.   It's one thing if you are totally obsessed with the school YOU ARE GOING TO (I know many Aggies like that), bu having no connection?  I hate it.

  • Love 6
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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