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  1. I don't think of In Touch as serious journism at all - but attacking the magazine for being owned by a legal business that Jessa disapproves of is nowhere near the same thing as saying that In Touch was wrong. They collectively have acknowledged that In Touch was right, but let's go ahead and attack the source anyway.
  2. I don't think that's saying the same thing at all. It doesn't say that 63% of women suffer sexual abuse by a family member - it's limiting the statistic to only women who did suffer sexual abuse by a family member. And 1 in 5 is only 20% - I have seem some cite 1 in 4, but that's for all sexual abuse, so in-family abuse would have to be lower than that.
  3. Oh my gosh, we are sitting here in hysterics over the thought of peeing on the Jesus stick.
  4. I understood him being emotional over it to a point - his reaction made a lot more sense than MEchelle's to me. I just think it was unnecessarily compounded with all the talk about "giving Jill away" and "leaving the family" and "transferring her heart from daddy to husband" or whatever garbage MEchelle was blathering on about. I thought it was no wonder whichever little girl was crying in the foyer didn't want Jill to get married. (I do get that some of this is just how they talk about it culturally - obviously Boob knew he'd see her again an all.)
  5. This reminds me of a roommate I had at college, who would only read books or watch movies with people having sex if the couple were married. Never mind that she was single, or that it was fiction, or what point the sex served in the story, or how descriptive the scene was. So I guess that mindset isn't exclusive to the Duggars?
  6. I know I'm late to the party - just getting around to watching "The Wedding." Could they say "giving away" more if they tried? I hate that term. It also drives me crazy when adults refer to other adults as "Miss Cathy" (or whatever first name). I know it's a southern thing - lived there for 10 years - and I never got used to it. And I finally get what everyone was talking about with Boob having to explain the significance of cancer to MeChelle. She looked completley clueless as to why he was telling her this information. I didn't really mind the wedding at all. Some was not to my taste, but it seemed to be to Jill's and was a lovely casual-type wedding. Jill's parents made the episode almost impossible to watch though.
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