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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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On ‎3‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 4:28 PM, Sew Sumi said:

There's Tozer. That would be a total headscratcher up there with Spurgeon. It's just a matter of time before they use it. 


On ‎3‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 7:09 AM, JoanArc said:

Bakker Seewald? They admire gifting, too.


On ‎3‎/‎20‎/‎2018 at 5:09 PM, awaken said:

Calvin is a super popular baby name for the young parents I work with. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Seewalds use it. 


On ‎3‎/‎20‎/‎2018 at 5:49 PM, Kokapetl said:

What about Wesley?


Naw, the Wesleys included reason in their idea of what faith should include.

Guys, I vote we tell them to go for Huldrych Zwingli for the next kid. Swiss theologian about whom I know nothing but he had some involvement in Presbyterian church history. Then at least Spurge would have an "unpronounceable name buddy." He was at least (thanks Wikipedia) big on church & state being one and the same, which seems to be popular among Duggar types.

20 hours ago, Zuleikha said:

I'm not Christian, but what I understand Ben to be implying is that the central teaching is for humans to love G-d (a hierarchical love) with an important but secondary aspect being for humans to love each other (horizontal because it's among equals). 

I don't think his initial tweet is that bad either. It has that persecution mania that seems to flavor so much of their belief system, but at least its emphasis is on feeling love for others.

Yep, I've heard talk of the vertical relationship (between us and God) versus our horizontal relationships (love we are to show one another, not necessarily in the carnal-horizontal way, for those of you who frequent the prayer closet).

  • Love 5

In the photos, I don't think I've ever realized this:  Jessa cut your hair into BANGS.  You have the big Duggar guy forehead.

Ahem.  That said - that sh*t with the anxiety - and yes, I have anxiety and panic attacks and other things - praying it away doesn't work.  You're being rude in basically saying if I'm not Godly enough for YOUR god then that's my problem.  There are a ton of mental and physical hardships, diseases, handicaps, etc out there.  How DARE you tell someone that all they need to do is to pray to YOUR god.  Um, medical professionals, pharmacuticals, mental heath professionals, nutrition, diet, exercise, meditation - heck, I'll take booze and pot before your advice to help me live a "normal" and productive life.

  • Love 24

Reminds me of when people including my husband at times who would tell me to relax or chill out a little when my anxiety kicks into overdrive or my thyroid hormones levels are off. Really...If it was that simple. I guess the evilness and the devil have taken over my mind way too much. I wonder if the Duggars blame evilness and the devil for their own brand of stupidity and ignorance.

Edited by bigskygirl
kicks not checks *lol*
7 minutes ago, beckie said:

Besides her Fundy ptv, she's also coming at it as someone who has never truly dealt with anxiety, depression or the like.

She may have suffered some sort of anxiety or PTSD after what Josh did to her. I am not a psychologist, and I certainly cannot read her mind, but I sadly think she might have been affected by being molested and lack of good, quality counseling afterwards. I am not saying her views are right, but I still feel bad for what she has been through at the hands of her own brother and parents.

Edited by bigskygirl
4 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

She may have suffered some sort of anxiety or PTSD after what Josh did to her. I am not a psychologist, and I certainly cannot read her mind, but I sadly think she might have been affected by being molested and lack of good, quality counseling afterwards. I am not saying her views are right, but I still feel bad for what she has been through at the hands of her own brother and parents.

Well that's why I said she's truly never dealt with it. To her, the prayers were enough.

  • Love 8
3 minutes ago, beckie said:

Well that's why I said she's truly never dealt with it. To her, the prayers were enough.

Prayers, denial, forgiveness and being married off to the first guy who showed some interest in her. Plus a lawsuit because the dirty family secrets were announced to the world because she was more hurt by the leak than the fact her brother molested her more than once, and her parents did not protect her and get her the help she might need. Priorities, priorities the Duggar way.

Edited by bigskygirl

@Abstract nailed it. So many folks casually use anxious and depressed when they really mean nervous, concerned, worried, down or sad.

It wouldn't shock me if in adulthood a Duggar or two experienced depression and/or anxiety because they've been taught to suppress their feelings. Unless they learn to express them as adults they could end up imploding, which is what often times flips on the switch for anxiety/depression.

With that said there's no magic cure for mental health issues and most treatment includes medicine, therapy and coping skills. And for the spiritually inclined prayer is a great coping skill. Although in all my years working in the field, I've never met anyone that learned to manage a mental health illness by prayer alone.

  • Love 22
10 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Yup. Mechelle claimed that she had an eating disorder, and Boob's love cured her.

Probably more like his cheapness cured her since he probably didn't buy a lot of food early on and then just kept getting her pregnant so that they had to feed their family on "love donations"

  • Love 4
5 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

No disrespect to people with an eating disorder, but I seriously doubt Michelle had one or is "cured"

IIRC, she only trotted out the story about her struggle with bulimia at a time when her daughters were getting engaged/married/pregnant and she needed something to pull the spotlight back onto herself. I think the "bulimia" was just one of her self-serving lies, like her "missing back muscle",

  • Love 22

I remember the 'I had bulimia' statement from Michelle too. It was before she and Boob got married, she stated. Yes, it sure did look like she was missing the attention from the adoring public. It was the beginning of her daughters now getting publicity and interest showing in THEM. She said that, yes, Boob's prayer council cured her. I'm no medical expert on bulimia and eating disorders, but when someone truly has bulimia, doesn't it begin to show in their appearance? They get rail thin....like Princess Diana, she got really thin during her bout. Looking back in photos of Michelle she was not rail thin at all IMO. IF she was beginning to vomit after eating, perhaps it lasted only 20 minutes, then she was cured by Boob.

  • Love 4
50 minutes ago, Vaysh said:

Not necessarily. Bulimia means binge eating followed by attempts to compensate by purging (trying to get rid of the food). This can be done by throwing it all up or heavy excercise or laxatives etc. People don't necessarily lose weight when bulimic like people with anorexia do, not to mention that even when they do lose weight they won't go from healthy to emaciated in a month. You can have a severe eating disorder for a very long time before people start to notice, if they ever do. I think I've ranted a bit about this before and I'm sorry for being tedious but there seem to be a misconception that people aren't "truly" bulimic or anorexic unless they look like a skeleton and that simply isn't true. Bulimia especially is insidious in this way because people can actually be overweight and have it (anorexia too actually; the emaciated stage is the last one).

Sorry for going off on a rant, it's just a pet peeve of mine, this idea that only rail thin people can have eating disorders and everyone else is just pretending. It's perfectly possible that Michelle is lying through her teeth for attention about having bulimia because gods know that woman loves attention, but if she did binge on food and then purged it on a regular basis she does fit the criteria, whether she ended up losing weight or not. 


And now back to our regularly scheduled snark. ;)

Thank  you for the rant. Bulimia is a tough one to "see" on the outside, for sure. If you have it for a quite a while and have done all your purging via vomiting (rather than laxatives or exercise) your teeth will show the damage from stomach acids. Someone go take a look at ME-chelle's teeth?

  • Love 2

Mechelle's teefs are bleached white. They look like they're her originail set; she hasn't had veneers or anything like that, just teef bleached so hard that they'd glow in the dark. 

I'd think if she was bulimic, there would be more dental issues with her. I never bought her bulimia story at all. She probably threw up after having one too many pieces of pizza once and diagnosed herself. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 4

It isn't an absolute that a bulimic's teeth "will" show damage from purging even if s/he vomits. A lot depends on the individual's genetics and her/his attention to dental hygiene. How do I know this? I was bulimic for more than a decade, starting at age 11. I was also obsessive about brushing my teeth. End result: I have a fairly normal number of fillings and have had two root canals with crowns. That's it. My sister was never bulimic and her teeth are in worse shape. 

Back on topic: Mullet lies about everything else, so why not an eating disorder.

Edited by Heathen
  • Love 15

I don't think it's impossible that J'chelle was bulimic. It's not unusual, and she was a pretty normal teenager. Here are some personailty traits that are common to bulimics: Rigidity, Need for Control, Low Impulsivity.

All of these traits can probably be associated, too, with people in religious cults.

Rigidity -- there is a right way and a wrong way, and no middle ground.

Need for control -- there are rules, and everything is okay and secure as long as everyone follows those rules. No thoughts, ideas, or activities are allowed that aren't part of the approved program.

Low Impulsivity -- there is no need for change -- ever.

It's also not uncommon for people who live in chaotic environments to suffer from bulimia. It is a way of establishing control over something when you have control over very little. I do think, too that there was something off about J'chelle's home life. Normal 17 year old girls aren't desperate to leave their families and marry a controlling doofus like JB because everything is great at home.

(I, also lived with anorexia and bulimia for several years, and my teeth are fine).

  • Love 11
8 minutes ago, cmr2014 said:

I don't think it's impossible that J'chelle was bulimic. It's not unusual, and she was a pretty normal teenager. Here are some personailty traits that are common to bulimics: Rigidity, Need for Control, Low Impulsivity.

All of these traits can probably be associated, too, with people in religious cults.

Rigidity -- there is a right way and a wrong way, and no middle ground.

Need for control -- there are rules, and everything is okay and secure as long as everyone follows those rules. No thoughts, ideas, or activities are allowed that aren't part of the approved program.

Low Impulsivity -- there is no need for change -- ever.

It's also not uncommon for people who live in chaotic environments to suffer from bulimia. It is a way of establishing control over something when you have control over very little. I do think, too that there was something off about J'chelle's home life. Normal 17 year old girls aren't desperate to leave their families and marry a controlling doofus like JB because everything is great at home.

(I, also lived with anorexia and bulimia for several years, and my teeth are fine).


Who said she was desperate? I've always thought they married so young because her parents were moving out of state. Also, it wasn't and isn't that unusual for "Christian" girls in the South to marry young. It isn't like Mullet was headed to college, anyway. 

  • Love 5
On 3/20/2018 at 3:31 PM, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Absolutely.  By the late 1920s/early 1930s, Bonhoeffer was very into social justice, the plights of minorities, and ecumenicism. Some Catholic organizations consider him a "pro-Catholic protestant," if you will - https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/author-calls-dietrich-bonhoeffer-a-man-of-staggering-relevance-for-our-time.  I know many Catholic colleges and universities often teach about him in their social justice/ethics/theology classes (or at least did a decade or so ago).

Bonhoffer was definitely not anti-Catholic (or anti-any-other religion-besides-Ben's) enough for them to name a Seewald child after him.  I mean, people might think Ben, Jessa, & the Duggars are cool with "social justice warriors" (a pejorative in their circle), those not-Christian-enough-types-of-other-Christians, or minorities if they had a kid named Dietrich Bonhoeffer Seewald. 

Hahahahaha. Bonhoeffer was attracted to a man. So I would say that is a big no.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Heathen said:

Who said she was desperate? I've always thought they married so young because her parents were moving out of state. Also, it wasn't and isn't that unusual for "Christian" girls in the South to marry young. It isn't like Mullet was headed to college, anyway. 

Plus her father admitted they let Michelle do what she wanted growing up in that one episode with him and Michelle's siblings. They were older when Michelle came along and even if they said no they usually gave into what she wanted anyways. Its not surprising they let her marry at 17. She would be turning 18 in a few months and they were moving out of state. 

  • Love 4
On 3/31/2018 at 2:09 AM, andromeda331 said:

Plus her father admitted they let Michelle do what she wanted growing up in that one episode with him and Michelle's siblings. They were older when Michelle came along and even if they said no they usually gave into what she wanted anyways. Its not surprising they let her marry at 17. She would be turning 18 in a few months and they were moving out of state. 

Yeah. Had the parents not been moving out of state, she and JB may have dated/been engaged for another year or two and gotten married when she was 19. But she was a high school graduate, in love with JB, and she didn’t want to uproot her life because her parents were moving. She wasn’t on her way to college or anything like that regardless so “why not”. 

  • Love 3

Michelle met Boob when she was still in high school. After her 'conversion' it was he who convinced her to quit cheerleading, etc. 

She was engaged during her senior year in high school. This woman had absolutely no ambition to be anything or do anything after high school, really.

Goes to show me, that at such a young age, she wasn't hesitant to say good bye to her parents, who were moving to another state, and marry some guy she knew for a short time and depend on him and HIS family. My opinion is that Michelle looks out for Michelle and that she wasn't very close to her own parents. I would have been scared to death to leave my parents at age 17 and let them move away without me. But....this is just my opinion, folks.

  • Love 14
1 hour ago, floridamom said:

Michelle met Boob when she was still in high school. After her 'conversion' it was he who convinced her to quit cheerleading, etc. 

She was engaged during her senior year in high school. This woman had absolutely no ambition to be anything or do anything after high school, really.

Goes to show me, that at such a young age, she wasn't hesitant to say good bye to her parents, who were moving to another state, and marry some guy she knew for a short time and depend on him and HIS family. My opinion is that Michelle looks out for Michelle and that she wasn't very close to her own parents. I would have been scared to death to leave my parents at age 17 and let them move away without me. But....this is just my opinion, folks.

Apparently she did get her real estate license and work with Boob. So she was willing to do whatever boob told her to do.

  • Love 1
On 3/31/2018 at 2:09 AM, andromeda331 said:

Plus her father admitted they let Michelle do what she wanted growing up in that one episode with him and Michelle's siblings. They were older when Michelle came along and even if they said no they usually gave into what she wanted anyways. Its not surprising they let her marry at 17. She would be turning 18 in a few months and they were moving out of state. 

Letting a child do whatever she wants isn't parenting -- it seems to me that her parents were just done with parenting by the time she came along and didn't know or care what she did, not like she was a pampered and doted-on youngest child. She would hardly have been the first (or the last) girl to marry to first guy who came along just to get out of the house (hello Jessa).

She just gives off that vibe to me -- like someone who has survived a trauma and never really dealt with it. She married the first guy she dated; she joined a cult -- and has stayed with it for years; she has been either pregnant, or hiding underneath voluminous and unflattering clothes throughout her adult life, and she lives an isolated and insular existence and wants that for her children.

  • Love 20
3 hours ago, louannems said:

Jessa's been so quiet lately!  I looked at her Instagram and see Ben sort of kissing Jessa. I'm thinking they are trying to keep up with Jill and Derick kissing.

Why do they post these ? pictures?  It just seems silly to me.

Wow, we needed a spoiler alert on that one.  I actually said "Ewww" out loud when it popped up on my screen. I agree, I think they are trying to keep up with the Mile High kiss. 

  • Love 10
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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