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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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18 minutes ago, OpieTaylor said:

TLC has posted a video preview of the new season: https://www.tlc.com/tv-shows/counting-on/videos/not-so-friendly-skies .  Jessa, Bin and their boys are on an airplane and Spurg is fussy.

What are your opinions on the plane they're on - is it a Duggar plane that they are pretending is a commercial airline? Or is it a commercial airline? Or could it be a small charter?  A few things:  They are filming the show on the plane, so that would take some doing on a commercial flight.  

It's definitely a commercial flight. My guess is they were on American or United. I can't think of any other major that flies into Laredo. They may have been filming with small handheld cameras, which would make it easier in a confined space. 

My guess is TLC bought an entire row, and Jessa made the "lap child" comment in reference to when they're not flying on TLC's dime. 

Edited by BitterApple
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3 hours ago, Marigold said:

  They could prevent 80% of the comments if they carefully screened their pictures. They don't because they can't because they don't have critical thinking skills. 

The Duggars & their leghumpers don't seem to have these critical skills & get angry when we point them out.

Edited by ariel
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Jessa could solve this by turning her social media private, and telling her siblings not to post Jessas kids pictures. If she wants the public to see the pictures, then she has no one to blame but herself.   As for bottles, sorry.... once my children could drink from a cup, then bottles went away.  


That being said. I'm happy to snark on them here, but im not going to go to their posts and criticize them personally... not on kids, sexual beliefs, Jazz, or anything else.  Heck, I don't even criticize my Facebook friends on Facebook. 

Edited by mythoughtis
  • Love 20
30 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

Jessa could solve this by turning her social media private, and telling her siblings not to post Jessas kids pictures. If she wants the public to see the pictures, then she has no one to blame but herself.   


Jessa is either too stupid and/or vain to figure that very easy concept out. She's a media whore, so those words of wisdom will go straight over her head.

Edited by ariel
  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Marigold said:

Oh, I get it.  So on Free Jinger Instagram you used the name "Marcia Brady" and then she blocked everyone from the Free Jinger page with that name?

A lot of work and can't people just open a new IG account with the name of "jan Brady" and snark again? 

Some of this goes over my head. I'm pretty quiet and low key with social media. 

No, she just went through the list of FreeJinger's followers and blocked everyone. It is actually very time consuming since it was hundreds of people.

  • Love 6
5 minutes ago, flyingdi said:

Tonights episode.  Jessa, "So we went to a party and we met a guy wearing a sweater and I thought Jinger would like that sweater.  So I says to the guy can I have that sweater for my sister and Jinger is so much better at people than I am.  Come home, Jinger!"


  • Love 1
4 hours ago, OpieTaylor said:

TLC has posted a video preview of the new season: https://www.tlc.com/tv-shows/counting-on/videos/not-so-friendly-skies .  Jessa, Bin and their boys are on an airplane and Spurg is fussy.

What are your opinions on the plane they're on - is it a Duggar plane that they are pretending is a commercial airline? Or is it a commercial airline? Or could it be a small charter?  A few things:  They are filming the show on the plane, so that would take some doing on a commercial flight.  And at first it seems that the 4 of the Seewalds are sitting together, but then later Jessa is in a single seat with lots of leg room so that Spurg can play on the floor. They're able to spread out a blanket for him on the floor - when's the last time you saw that kind of leg room on a plane?  If it is a commercial plane, they must be in first class to have that kind of room, and TLC probably paid for all the seats around them.

In Jessa's voice-over, she talks about the other passengers on the plane and we even see a couple of people's legs, but they could be show crew.  It's also funny that they blur out Jessa's knees at one point and then a moment later show them in all their sexy glory. At the end of the clip, they are walking in an airport but there's hardly another person to be seen.

I vote it's a Duggar plane and TLC staged it to imply it was just a regular commercial flight.

EDIT: I just watched it again and saw a big jet engine on the plane, so I don't know what to think. Maybe TLC bought a section of seats so they could film.

Well, they do make it hard to figure out. But if you come in on a small plane, your own or a chartered one, you don't come into the airport through a jetway. You come down the steps and walk across the tarmac. So that;s another thing that makes it seem pretty clear it was a commercial flight. Although I guess an airport could have given TLC special permission to pretend to use the jetway (you couldn't actually use it with a little bitty plane). I don't really see why an airport would have done that, though. Or why the FAA would have allowed it or why TLC would have wanted to pay for the permission, which I'm guessing they might have had to do. I'm sure Hollywood movies have paid for fake jetway entrances. But I don't see why a reality show with next to no sponsors would bother to do it. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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16 hours ago, Lunera said:

No, she just went through the list of FreeJinger's followers and blocked everyone. It is actually very time consuming since it was hundreds of people.

Wow. Her skin is pretty thin.  Or I guess she has learned to protect the Duggar name at all costs (and time!). 

It's easier to go private! But not as much publicity and she likes the money. 

  • Love 4
17 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

There would never be a more appropriate time to curse, it's true.  I do tend to lapse into profanity!

Honestly, I'd like to corner them and cut through every euphemism, half truth, and lie they spew. Let's talk about being joyfully available, the buddy system, inappropriate touching, etc. Let's really, really talk, without their stilted, carefully rehearsed, non-answers. It'll never happen, but it's fun to think about. I could do it politely, or snatch that mullet head bald. Depends on my mood...

  • Love 16

I'm generally not a pregnancy speculator but even I have to admit, she does look "full".  She lost the baby weight, right? It seems to be back. 

uh oh...

Maybe it's hormones or she just went off her food plan or something. I certainly don't want to pile on about a woman gaining weight and analyzing her body.  But it is noticeable.  : 0  Yikes. 

  • Love 8

I'm in no way a Jessa apologist, but apart from needing to lop of half her hair I don't think she looks sloppy, it pains me to say I think she looks good 'and pregnant'

39 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

If Jessa's face is puffy and full, she's pregnant. And omg, cut that hair! She looks so sloppy compared to the other women in that picture.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Marigold said:

Well guys, it has happened.

A friend of a friend named her baby Spurgeon. 

SHUT UP! Really?!

I hate the long hair but in that picture, Jessa's hair look a hell of a lot better than all the others except the one in the middle. And I'd have to see a them with their full outfits, but she's not anymore sloppy than Jana and whatshername on the right.

I haven't seen recent pictures...is it possible that she's still carry some extra weight from Henry?

  • Love 1

No, she said she only had 7 lbs. to lose back in June. She accomplished that. It's pretty evident that Duggar girls start showing early. She was visibly pregnant with Henry in the Jinger engagement pictures, but didn't even announce until she was around 16 weeks. I don't expect an early announcement this time, either, unless it's the "surprise" promised from Joe's wedding, airing sometime next month. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 4

Back in the '70s there was a shampoo/conditioner brand called Long and Silky whose ads featured women with insanely long hair. If I remember correctly, they used to ask for applications to appear in their ads, and as time went on the hair in the ads got longer and longer. My friends and I all aspired to have long enough hair to qualify for a Long and Silky ad but just couldn't grow it long enough. With that in my background I can't feel anything but envy for Jessa's hair. With some conditioning she could have been one of those Long and Silky girls.

  • Love 7

I'm sorry, but I can't see harm with Spurge's bottle. Of course, I am biased. I had a bottle until I was two. My parents tried hiding it, throwing it away, etc. but I always found it. I filled it with water and carried it around. Finally, my parents tried bribery. I think it must have been time to give it up because when I got my doll as a reward, I didn't even remember what the reward was for.  My teeth were fine and I was the only one of my sibs who never smoked. (Not that the Duggars would worry about that.)  But for some kids, they need an oral fixative for a bit longer. 

  • Love 12
4 minutes ago, momofsquid said:

Back in the '70s there was a shampoo/conditioner brand called Long and Silky whose ads featured women with insanely long hair. If I remember correctly, they used to ask for applications to appear in their ads, and as time went on the hair in the ads got longer and longer. My friends and I all aspired to have long enough hair to qualify for a Long and Silky ad but just couldn't grow it long enough. With that in my background I can't feel anything but envy for Jessa's hair. With some conditioning she could have been one of those Long and Silky girls.

There's always Mane 'n Tail. 

I cannot grow my hair for anything. Whenever I try, I have to recognize that long hair does NOT suit me ?

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, Marigold said:

I'm generally not a pregnancy speculator but even I have to admit, she does look "full".  She lost the baby weight, right? It seems to be back. 

uh oh...

Maybe it's hormones or she just went off her food plan or something. I certainly don't want to pile on about a woman gaining weight and analyzing her body.  But it is noticeable.  : 0  Yikes. 

Get on the stink bus with us and help to find a name for the new little bundle.

And ewww did she get pregnant the night of JoyLess' wedding?

Edited by Fuzzysox
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11 hours ago, lascuba said:

At least for the first four years after marriage, before she had Josh. Not on her own, but she got her real estate license and worked along with JB in their businesses, including the car lot they had.

I think even after the first few kids. Didn't the Laundry Room Breakdown include her talking about work related stuff as well?

  • Love 1

Like I said before, all these babies & weddings are driving me nuts. Thanks TLC. I thought I had a very good memory but am losing it with the Duggars - I can't keep things straight. I really had to think this morning if Jill had their second baby.  I guess I had it mixed up with Mason's  birth.  Maybe loss of memory involving Duggar events is a side effect of Brain Bleach which may be a good thing.

I wonder how many diapers Mack & her helper Meredith have changed?

  • Love 4

Josh:    5  (two girls, three boys)
Jill:       2  (two boys)
Jessa:   2  (two boys)
Jinger:  None yet, doesn't seem to be in a hurry, possibly Jesus told Jeremy to use birth control for now
Joy:      Pregnant, reportedly due in February
Joe:     None yet, but supposedly working on it!


Did I get it right?

  • Love 12
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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