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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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23 hours ago, Portia said:

My reaction precisely! Forgive me, but i think she looks like a little troll in that pic. I would never have guessed that a tot that weird-looking would turn out so attractive. 

For attractive adults, Ben and Jessa were rather homely babies. They make Henry, who I find utterly charming, look like a beautiful baby. He also looks like a future genius, which has surely never been said about a Duggar.   I love grumpy looking babies. 

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, ariel said:

I was thinking that too. From the painting we see, it looks like Jesus had long hair & didn't wear pants. Maybe Jess is up on something....  Maybe it will some day get through her & Bin's thick skulls that Jesus was a liberal & wanted social justice.

Yes. Thank you!  Revolutionary. 

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, ariel said:

What's is the saying on Bin's shirt?  I wish Jana would find a nice man or woman & get out of Dodge.

"Come and see" is apparently some well known worship song. Maybe Bin gets some kind of freebies for wearing it. 


2 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

"Come and see" is apparently some well known worship song. Maybe Bin gets some kind of freebies for wearing it. 


Pretty sure that's supposed to be the quote/thought process of someone in the Bible reporting back after finding Christ's tomb empty on Resurrection Day.  Thus,  coupled with the three crosses I'm gonna call that for an Easter trip shot.

  • Love 2
18 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Jessa looks like shit and somebody needs to tell Jana she's not going to attract any men if she's got a baby permanently stapled to her hip.

THIS RIGHT HERE. I don't think Jana looks like shit, just not made up, but JANA PUT DOWN THE BABIES. I know you're brainwashed and also use them as some sort of shield/excuse not to deal with your obnoxious adult siblings, but PUT DOWN THE BABIES. No matter what Gothard and Michelle say, men are men. If they're single virgin fundies looking to marry, their primary thought is SEX. Who is hot, and who is willing. They don't give a rat's arse if the woman can cook, clean, sew, or birth babies. They want sex. Not even babies, just sex. Branding yourself as a boring housewife who cares more about 100 babies - woah! huge, overwhelming, responsibility! guys will RUN - you're just branding yourself as a dull, boring, lifeless, tied down mom, not a single ready to mingle.

  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, Oldernowiser said:

I dunno nothin about babies, Miss Scarlett, but why doesn't she have an arm or something under his butt? He looks uncomfortable being dangled by just a grip around his chest.

Geez, you'd think they'd at least know how to hold a baby.

I agree.  When I hold a baby that way, one arm would be under the butt for support.

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I'm only snarking on Jessa because of her obvious vanity. Damn Ben, and you thought you bagged the hot Duggar daughter. Now she looks like shit and you are only on your second baby. Wonder what just one more pregnancy will do to her looks? It really beehooves you to assume headship of your household, and stop sucking on Boob's teat. Take out a student loan, say God laid it on your heart to stop the baby train. Then move your for now manageable family to wherever your school is located. Quit being Boob's and Jessa's bitch.

Edited by SMama
Record number of typos.
  • Love 4
7 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said:

Branding yourself as a boring housewife who cares more about 100 babies - woah! huge, overwhelming, responsibility! guys will RUN - you're just branding yourself as a dull, boring, lifeless, tied down mom, not a single ready to mingle.

Aaaannnnd Jana needs to look no further for proof of this ..... Exhibit A : Anna.

6 hours ago, SMama said:

A Michael Jackson holding Blanket over a balcony hold. 

This is the "posing for pictures" hold. Bin's hat is in"posing for pictures" mode also.

The Duggs have made me hate faded denim, infinity scarves, cardigan sweaters, brown sandals, overly long hair, stripey knit skirts, camisoles.... and now I'm beginning to hate babies. Thanks, Duggs.

  • Love 5
31 minutes ago, Mollie said:

For a young, married couple, they seem to spend a lot of money frequently eating at restaurants. 

I wonder if they are...spending money at these restaurants, I mean. I have the feeling that they don't pay a dime at that "tacos" (quotes because no way will I defile the name of real tacos by associating them with that crap in fundie Arkansas) place they always mention. While not as obvious about it as Jill and Derrick, the JB grifting gene is as strong in Jessa. She and Ben probably eat free or at deeply discounted rates at a few local places, especially if they end up filming there.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Churchhoney said:

I'm hoping they bitterly regret this in 10 years when the show finally ends and they have no savings account.... And they have seven sons and Jessa still doesn't know how to cook. 


Hopefully Bin & the boys know how to cook & clean or some of the Lost Girls are available because I predict that Jessa's Laundry Room Melt Down is going to happen when the show completely ends and the cameras are no more.

Jill's Laundry Room Melt Down is going to be when they're in Danger America with two babies and one on the way, if not before. She just seems pretty unstable to me.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Barb23 said:

What is it with these kids & tomato products?  Remember Izzy slurping down the tomato sauce or whatever it was?  

But you have to admit, drinking salsa from a bowl, sitting at the table, is one thing; drinking straight from a can, with potential sharp edges, standing up, is quite another!

  • Love 8
13 minutes ago, Nysha said:

Hopefully Bin & the boys know how to cook & clean or some of the Lost Girls are available because I predict that Jessa's Laundry Room Melt Down is going to happen when the show completely ends and the cameras are no more.

Jill's Laundry Room Melt Down is going to be when they're in Danger America with two babies and one on the way, if not before. She just seems pretty unstable to me.

I desperately -- desperately -- want every one of these young couples (and young singles) to wake up tomorrow with the damn Duggar/TLC blinders off so they can see that there are other ways to live your life and that a different one from the goddamn Duggar mold and/or life as a TLC Stah may very well be a healthier and happier way for them and their children. I can't help but see horrible coming crashes for most of them because they're accelerating down tracks that will lead to unnecessary disaster or regret and it's all preventable if they could get past the idiot idea that Daddy Is Always Right and/or(because I don't think Jer thinks that JBD is right but I think he's heading for trouble too) that TLC Will Always Be There. It makes me crazy. And I'm wasting way way way way way too much mental and emotional energy on people that I don't know! (I really need to stay away from obvious triggers for me -- like this family! But will I? ha)

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, Barb23 said:

What is it with these kids & tomato products?  Remember Izzy slurping down the tomato sauce or whatever it was?  

They are all probably vitamin C deprived. This is the closest any of them will get to eating an actual tomato. At home, their vegetable is  Aldi brand ketchup.

  • Love 6
4 minutes ago, RazzleberryPie said:

Drinking from the communal salsa bowl is just bad manners. I don't care if he is a toddler.

I have a feeling they judge manners by the WWJ[im]B[ob]D standard. Which is undoubtedly Nellie-bar-the-door when it comes to eating from communal dishes, other people's plates without permission, etc. etc.  And, of course, twist people's arms to give you as much as you can possibly grab for free.

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, drafan said:

They are all probably vitamin C deprived. This is the closest any of them will get to eating an actual tomato. At home, their vegetable is  Aldi brand ketchup.

I think you are right.  A certain recent (sort of, I'm old) president considered ketchup a vegetable.

Scurvy, anyone?

Edited by xwordfanatik
forgot a word
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, xwordfanatik said:

I think you are right.  A certain recent (sort of, I'm old) president considered ketchup a vegetable.

Scurvy, anyone?

Right.  That was Ronald Reagan when he severely cut back the school lunch program and said that ketchup was a vegetable and qualified to satisfy nutritional requirements.  His son Ron said that Reagan had Alzheimer's by then, so maybe that is some excuse.

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, Mollie said:

Right.  That was Ronald Reagan when he severely cut back the school lunch program and said that ketchup was a vegetable and qualified to satisfy nutritional requirements.  His son Ron said that Reagan had Alzheimer's by then, so maybe that is some excuse.

You guessed it!  I wondered if anyone else would remember that little detail about the bad actor who went to Washington!

Dear little Spurgie is a cute kidlet, and I do like Henry's old man look.  I hope they will be much, much smarter than their parents.

  • Love 1
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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