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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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In Arkansas all I thought you had to do was sign a custody transfer and the kid is yours. That's how that State Senator and his wife were able to dump their three adopted daughters after the novelty of helping troubled souls wore off.


Are you referring to the people who locked the children in separate rooms because the baby and toddler would communicate telepathically on murdering the parents?  And then the parents gave the kids away to a family who molested them?

  • Love 2

Are you referring to the people who locked the children in separate rooms because the baby and toddler would communicate telepathically on murdering the parents? And then the parents gave the kids away to a family who molested them?

Yes, those people. They were able to legally ditch the kids without going through the system. They were also originally given the girls against the recommendations of socials workers and the foster parents who were caring for them. That's why I think Jessa could wrangle a baby if she wanted one. They live in a Conservative, Bible Belt state and Boob still has connections.

  • Love 4

Oh yes they are serious.  The man was a state legislator who decided not to run for re-election after the shit hit the fan.  The mom was running a day care at home.  But the 3 kids were so evil and dangerous they had to use extreme measures to protect themselves.  If I used their daycare, I'd be afraid, very afraid.  

All those Duggar wrinkles are surprising, since they all live so cozily 'beneath god's UMBRELLA of protection'.

Jessa used to have really bad skin until the pregnancy helped that out plus Ben made her eat properly...I guess they don't think they need sunscreen because ....modesty...

  • Love 1

Saw the commercial.  No Jessa, family is not everything.  God is.  She should know that but is probably told what to say.  And the "family is everything" doesn't go over well for those who come from abusive families.  And someone needs to tell her that her family is nothing special...

  • Love 17

No Jessa, family is not everything.

Family is "everything" right now because if she wasn't one of 19, she'd have to get a job as a barista and put Bin through online correspondence school. So he can become an actor or a famous Christian rapper.


I think I'm getting a headache.

  • Love 8

Bolding mine.

Family is "everything" right now because if she wasn't one of 19, she'd have to get a job as a barista and put Bin through online correspondence school. So he can become an actor or a famous Christian rapper.

I think I'm getting a headache.


I'm thinking more, Do you want fries with that?


Edited by NewDigs
  • Love 4

You guys are forgetting that little Spurgeon is a television star.  He must dress for his adoring fans, not for his own personal comfort.  No onesies or sleepers for him!  And I bet Jessa has gotten tons of cute baby outfits from her humpers.


Spurge is a prop for Instagram photos. Plain & simple. She's no different from those teen moms who want a baby because they are cute.


The Seewalds have the same problems they had the last time they yapped about adoption: They don't have gainful employment. They're both still under 25. (Bin is still under 21, for that matter.) They're known to belong to a cult which practices corporal punishment for children. And Jessa Blessa was targeted by one Joshley Madison and didn't have one minute of meaningful therapy by a licensed professional or other assistance to deal with the aftermath of molestation. And oh, yeah: Bill Gothard does not approve of adoption. It's laughable that the Duggars are now attempting to rewrite history with that sudden "support" in order to hang on to their TV show, isn't it?


It is hard to imagine that they could make it through the typical social worker home visits if they attempt to adopt from the state. The financial stuff alone would disqualify them in my opinion -- reality show contracts come and go; it's not steady employment complete with benefits like health insurance that is important to have when one wants to embark on raising children. (Well, it's important for anyone not named Jim Boob and J-Chelle Duggar.) Bin is too young to be considered for any adoption for at least a year, and then there's that pesky "can't be pregnant while trying to adopt" issue. Private adoptions cost quite a bit of money. Of course, those costs would be defrayed by the latest PEOPLE MAGAZINE COVER STORY, but we're talking ongoing support. They don't have it.


Considering the fact the State of Arkansas was just embarrassed on a national level re: their foster child "rehoming" issues, it's hard to imagine anyone would be signing off on allowing an adoptable baby within a thirty-mile radius of the Duggar or Seewald households. And did I mention that Bill Gothard disapproves of adoption? I'd love to be the social worker quizzing them on those beliefs and their widely quoted and filmed support of those beliefs.


Imagine the look on Jessa Blessa's face! She'd probably stomp her foot or something, too. Oh, the humanity!

Honestly, I think the adoption talk is just that: All talk. Jessa doesn't want to be bothered with her younger siblings. I highly doubt she would want to be bothered with any dependent being that isn't blood related.

  • Love 4

Honestly, I think the adoption talk is just that: All talk. Jessa doesn't want to be bothered with her younger siblings. I highly doubt she would want to be bothered with any dependent being that isn't blood related.


I would be really shocked if anything came of this. Remember how Derick was going to get his Masters in Divinity, and they were going to be real missionaries? Remember how Ben was "researching" seminaries and was going start school this semester? Remember how JB and J'chelle were "praying" on adoption 5 years ago? Remember how Josiah and Marjorie were "courting" until the show was cancelled?


Everything that these people do and say is bs. For what it's worth, I do think that - for the most part - they believe it when they say it, but they just don't follow through on anything. Building the TTH, homeschooling, "raising" 19 kids. Everything that the Duggars start, they don't finish.

  • Love 9

I would be really shocked if anything came of this. Remember how Derick was going to get his Masters in Divinity, and they were going to be real missionaries? Remember how Ben was "researching" seminaries and was going start school this semester? Remember how JB and J'chelle were "praying" on adoption 5 years ago? Remember how Josiah and Marjorie were "courting" until the show was cancelled?

Everything that these people do and say is bs. For what it's worth, I do think that - for the most part - they believe it when they say it, but they just don't follow through on anything. Building the TTH, homeschooling, "raising" 19 kids. Everything that the Duggars start, they don't finish.

Remember College Minus! Whatever happened to that? I guess they put that to good use.

  • Love 1

Ben DID apparently start at Moody Bible College this semester. We'll see if he has to keep dropping out to help his unemployed wife tend to blessing after blessing. I have no clue how many of his Community College credits were transferable, and due to his third major change in as many years, if only the real basic Gen Ed stuff is all MBC will accept. If so, Ben has another what, three years of school ahead?

Good luck with that, moron.

  • Love 6

Ben DID apparently start at Moody Bible College this semester. We'll see if he has to keep dropping out to help his unemployed wife tend to blessing after blessing. I have no clue how many of his Community College credits were transferable, and due to his third major change in as many years, if only the real basic Gen Ed stuff is all MBC will accept. If so, Ben has another what, three years of school ahead?

Good luck with that, moron.

He's probably taking one class and it is draining him. After all, work is hard. It cuts into his Instagram and FB screeds time, too!


So, shall I start the pregnancy pool? I'm in for another November birth, and it will be announced on the season-ending show...

  • Love 2

I think these people could get a baby to adopt rather easily.  Their leghumpers would be happy to turn one over to them.  These are private adoptions that don't go through the bureaucracy and could even be an informal adoption or permanent custody arrangement that they could call adoption.  This happens a lot.

 I do think Ben still wants to be a preacher, preferably on tv, and seems to be building to that with everything he does.  The new Tammy Fay gig.  But he really doesn't have the speaking skills and certainly his message of damnation is off putting rather than the successful prosperity gospel and God loves you crowd.  

  • Love 3

There's still going to be legal costs etc that Jessa and Ben will be expected to pay, both theirs and the leghumper mother's. Any pregnant leghumper is highly likely going to need and expect Jessa and Ben to pay for the medical expenses as well. And any good leghumper isn't disposed to giving away their own kids. I don't see any form of adoption in Jessa and Ben's future, the fact that they still don't seem to be aware how incredibly unlikely it is to actually happen for them makes me think they've never even made cursory investigations into the feasibility of it.

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 6

Is Bin taking online classes at Moody? Isn't it in the Midwest?

That's the claim. Not sure if I believe it though. Just like how Jill *allegedly* passed her midwife exam, yet her name is nowhere to be found on the State Registry. The Duggar lie about everything and their idiot groupies lap up the half-truths like they're gospel.

  • Love 4

Is Bin taking online classes at Moody? Isn't it in the Midwest?


Moody Bible Institute is in Chicago with another campus somewhere in Washington State. It does, however, have distance learning for some of their programs. I looked it up and at $310 per credit hour for distance learning (so around $1000 per class at least) Jim Bob has to be footing the bill if Ben is really taking classes. I'm surprised JB would pay for Moody. It's an actual accredited institution. It's not Clown College whose primary purpose is not education but indoctrination. 

  • Love 5

Moody Bible Institute is in Chicago with another campus somewhere in Washington State. It does, however, have distance learning for some of their programs. I looked it up and at $310 per credit hour for distance learning (so around $1000 per class at least) Jim Bob has to be footing the bill if Ben is really taking classes. I'm surprised JB would pay for Moody. It's an actual accredited institution. It's not Clown College whose primary purpose is not education but indoctrination. 


Wonder if Dad Seewald would pay for it?

  • Love 1

I don't think $1k/class is a stretch for Bin and Jessa's income from speaking engagements. I remember several years ago when Kate Gosselin was speaking at churches (before the divorce) and just booking her for a weekend conference was something like $3k plus travel and hotel fees, and then they autographed pics for $10, sold books, etc. If there's a 'love offering' bonus tucked into that , those are quite often cash and not reported income. 


If that's what Kate was raking in nearly 10 years ago, Bin and jessa could be doing better now. 

  • Love 3

I don't think he has the money to pay for it.  


Yeah, that would be my reservation, too. I think he's the sort who probably would pay for it. He seems to have some ambitions for his kids, and he seems to have paid for schooling before. But they seem to have a financial struggle. And of course a bunch more kids coming along behind ...

I don't think $1k/class is a stretch for Bin and Jessa's income from speaking engagements. I remember several years ago when Kate Gosselin was speaking at churches (before the divorce) and just booking her for a weekend conference was something like $3k plus travel and hotel fees, and then they autographed pics for $10, sold books, etc. If there's a 'love offering' bonus tucked into that , those are quite often cash and not reported income. 


If that's what Kate was raking in nearly 10 years ago, Bin and jessa could be doing better now. 


I hope it's either this or Daddy Seeward. If it's JB he'll make Benessa pay the piper one way or the other. JB is never about what it good for his family. If he's paying Ben would be allowed to go to school as long as it's good for the image or works for some scheme JB concocting. The second Ben wants to depart from JB's plan or JB senses Ben and Jessa are thinking for themselves, he will yank the money and that will be that. I don't know if Ben is serious about a degree from Moody or not. But if he is, the only way it's going to happen is if JB isn't paying. 

  • Love 2

Adoption vs. pregnancy = is $$$ best spent going on legal services while keeping what's left of Jessa's pre-baby figure, or saving $$$, asserting Bin's manhood, and risking her not looking so cute anymore. 


She's given birth to an heir, so I predict she'll give birth to a spare and/or a girl, then the baby factory will shut down or slow down. I don't know about Baptist, but with my older Catholic relatives and some current Mormon friends, four is the magic number where you still look respectable and following the religion, but then can sneak in some family planning without looking suspicious. 

  • Love 5

If a person can get pregnant, it's gotta be cheaper and simpler than adopting.



If Jessa doesn't pop out a child every couple of years she will have to be using some form of birth control.  Isn't that a huge sin?  Adopting children doesn't shut down the birth factory.  I expect that Jessa will discover that not only will she not want to birth hordes of children, she won't want to raise them either.

  • Love 2

If Jessa doesn't pop out a child every couple of years she will have to be using some form of birth control. Isn't that a huge sin? Adopting children doesn't shut down the birth factory. I expect that Jessa will discover that not only will she not want to birth hordes of children, she won't want to raise them either.

After the time she had delivering S Elliot, she may be very hesitant to get pregnant again. I certainly wouldn't blame her. Just because Michelle is a pregnancy-obsessed weirdo doesn't mean all the daughters will follow suit. (Fingers crossed!). I know they all still spout the mindless Jesusy stuff they were weaned on but in some ways both she and Jill look to be forging their own ways. Again with the crosses fingers!

Ben have me Bad Feelings when he yapped about wanting 15 sons. Nice. Let's be glad Spurgeon wasn't a girl. Spurgette.

  • Love 3

If a person can get pregnant, it's gotta be cheaper and simpler than adopting.

I don't think any adoption agency will let them adopt a newborn because many couples who cannot have biological children have been on the waiting list for years.  And, the Seewalds are too young to adopt an older child.  There has to be a certain age difference between adopting parents and children.  Plus, they have to be married for at least two years and they won't hit the two-year anniversary until November.  They are treating adoption like they are going to the thrift store and picking out stuff.


Their immaturity and know-it-all attitude is not going to impress the professional, experienced staff at adoption agencies.

  • Love 4

There are unethical ways to "adopt" newborns, domestic and international. If you have the money and connections, you can get a baby. If Jessa and Ben now have access to their television income and adoption is honestly their "purpose", they can get a baby. These fundie types aren't serving missions in other countries out of the kindness of their hearts. They're in these countries to provide a steady source of adoptable infants AKA human trafficking.

When I was in the Navy and had shore duty on Guam, I'd regularly have to work on communications equipment on the neighboring island of Saipan. It was after 9/11 so I didn't have to travel in my uniform and looked like an average American woman. As soon as I exited the airport, I would be asked if I was there for "a baby." I'd often be with my LPO and they thought we were a couple there to adopt. Eventually he and his wife returned to Saipan for adoption as he believed it was fate that he kept being asked to adopt. This was 10 years ago, so I bet it's different now. But there is always an area of the world where people are desperate and easily exploitable.

Tl;dr: Money = baby.

  • Love 7

I don't think any adoption agency will let them adopt a newborn because many couples who cannot have biological children have been on the waiting list for years.  And, the Seewalds are too young to adopt an older child.  There has to be a certain age difference between adopting parents and children.  Plus, they have to be married for at least two years and they won't hit the two-year anniversary until November.  They are treating adoption like they are going to the thrift store and picking out stuff.

Hey now, they are just trying to buy used and save the difference!

  • Love 13

No reputable adoption agency will ever give the Seewalds a baby. Full stop. That doesn't mean that a perfectly healthy, white baby won't fall in their proverbial laps though. The Duggars are on television with a platform to shout about how they have a "heart for adoption" and what not. Some poor, misguided woman will probably eventually give over her blessing to them because they are so "godly."

I don't know if anyone followed Lyndsie Beggs Brooker but she had had ovarian (?) cancer several time and she was able to adopt, not one but two, children. Those kids weren't even out of toddlerhood before Lyndsie's cancer returned again and died. No reputable agency worked with her and her husband for exactly the reason that transpired.

So yes, it's possible for Jessa and Bin to acquire a baby if they have few scruples, which of course they don't, so there's that...

  • Love 4

I agree with you FakeJoshDuggar.  No reputable agency would work with them since they are young, healthy, and have proven they can have kids (though they shouldn't name them).


BUT with all their leghumpers out there if one of them "has a moral failing" and "finds" herself preggers, she would give the baby to them.  Or maybe Jessa will just ask Jilly to bring home one of them spare babies from whatever country they are in.

  • Love 3

I agree with you FakeJoshDuggar. No reputable agency would work with them since they are young, healthy, and have proven they can have kids (though they shouldn't name them).

Or maybe Jessa will just ask Jilly to bring home one of them spare babies from whatever country they are in.

But they're all so cute, it's hard to pick!

  • Love 2

Honestly, their best bet for adopting is to go foster care route. I can only speak for Missouri and the area I live in (which is way to close to duggars by the way). We are constantly hurting for foster homes and getting licensed isn't too difficult anymore. Obviously you have to clear all background checks. Source of legal income isn't a factor in Missouri. For example, I've had foster parents on my caseload whose only source of income was social security. As long as it's legal.....

Long story short - I think they could easily become foster parents with the intent to adopt. I personally would boycott placing any child on my caseload there, but that's just me.

  • Love 1

I've been watching the Duggars since the early days and Jessa has never been warm and loving towards children. Not with her siblings, not on the mission trips and not towards her nieces and nephews. I remember when Anna and the Mkids flew in for Jessa's wedding. Mikey ran up to her and wrapped his arms around her legs and Jessa just stood there. She didn't return the hug or pick him up or even pat him on the head. I think Jessa's personality is ill-suited to adoption.

  • Love 8

I've been watching the Duggars since the early days and Jessa has never been warm and loving towards children. Not with her siblings, not on the mission trips and not towards her nieces and nephews. I remember when Anna and the Mkids flew in for Jessa's wedding. Mikey ran up to her and wrapped his arms around her legs and Jessa just stood there. She didn't return the hug or pick him up or even pat him on the head. I think Jessa's personality is ill-suited to adoption.

I get the same read on Jessa. Jessa has a heart for only herself. Much like her mother.


I also think that is why she has become the face of the Duggar 19. She is not going to say anything that will jeopardize the party line.

  • Love 9
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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