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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

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I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Ben was scared to walk on the glass floor part of the Eiffel Tower. And being the superstars they are, they got to visit before it was open for the day to the general public.

They also got to have their way with the pigeons in St. Mark's Square before the unwashed masses arrived for the day. When we were in Venice last April, the square was empty and serene until about 9 AM when all the tours and shore excursions rolled in. The ensuing crowds were horrendous. Also, as is typical of standard Duggar behavior, there are signs all over the square in several languages clearly stating that the feeding of the pigeons is PROHIBITED. Jessa and Ben, repeat after me, PRO-HIB-IT-ED!

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I think jessa is going to keep quiet about their sex life.

Jessa seems to be different than her parents.

She wanted her first kiss to be private. I think she didn't even tell Jim Bob and Michelle that they were going to kiss privately, right? Weren't they surprised, standing there like idiots and then they kissed?

She kept the sex of the baby private.

Her birth video wasn't really that explicit; she wasn't on the toilet.

We have seen her roll her eyes at Jim Bob once (that I know of) so she has some opinions of her own.

She did not look amused at her father dry humping her mother at the mini golf game.

i think jessa feels overexposed sometimes.

Someone posted above that she might really change her parenting style as she grows up a bit...I totally agree. I have some hope for Jessa and Ben. I think Jessa could've been intelligent if she was allowed to be educated. Being free from her foolish parents for a few hours or days might allow her to grow just enough to realize "hey, there is another way to do things and I'm going to do it the way I want"

Ben is young and cocky but he shows a small spark of life...nothing major but as we have noted before, he does try.

I have zero hope for Jill. Derick is a disappointment too. At this point, i think Jill is smarter than Derick.

On the surface, i think it looked like Jessa was the one to 'do her own thing' and separate a little from the pact. Maybe that's why JimBob married her off fairly quickly, because as soon as she married Bin, she's turned all hellfire and brimstone, far worse than Jimbob and Michelle ever were. 


I personally think: (my impressions are italicized)

Jessa seems to be different than her parents. - I had hope, but she's drunker on the the fundie powertrip koolaid - fundie poweraid? than I ever expected.

She wanted her first kiss to be private. I think she didn't even tell Jim Bob and Michelle that they were going to kiss privately, right? Weren't they surprised, standing there like idiots and then they kissed? I think she wanted her first kiss to be private, because she had no idea what she was doing and didn't want to look like a fool - re: those fundie couples who look like mama birds feeding baby birds shoving tongues down throats and all sorts of scariness.

She kept the sex of the baby private. She had a magazine deal, and by then, thought she'd invented sex, marriage and pregnancy, and the world was waiting with baited breath to learn her baby's sex.

Her birth video wasn't really that explicit; she wasn't on the toilet. She learned from Anna that would be repeated 100000000x.

We have seen her roll her eyes at Jim Bob once (that I know of) so she has some opinions of her own. Now this is like. The eye rolling act of defiance. 

She did not look amused at her father dry humping her mother at the mini golf game. Thank God. 


I seriously do think a lot of Jessa's 'defiance' was anger and trying to control her own life. I don't blame her for that. However, the second she's settled/rewarded into marriage and get some positive attention, her head expanded so big that I think she may shellac on all that makeup to keep from floating into space. Either that or she's gunning to be a parade float. She may think she's 'edgy' and 'hip', but she's drunk on the Koolaid and will never leave the fold. Never. 

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Jessa reminds me the most of JB & Josh. She thinks she has it all under control and thinks she can manipulate the people who watch her family. She posts in ways that she thinks will keep interest and also in ways to increase her web hits. It's all about money & fame. The non-fans, here and elsewhere, call her out on all her manipulation, so hopefully her ego will be kept in check. And I believe she was quoting as saying they're not celebrities, just a family on TV - bullshit.


I also believe, as far as parenting, if she keeps popping out kids, she will become just like her mother. One kid is easy when you have 2 stay at home parents.

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Oh, i don't think jessa will leave.

I do think she might do things her way within their religon. But some change is better than no change. Jill, on the other hand, will never change at all. And that Derick Dullard is scaring me. Seriously. Ben is looking pretty good next to Derick. ;)

Just the fact that she didn't kiss at her wedding...I agree with your reason, she didn't want to look like an idiot. Absolutely. But at least she had some balls and did it her way. Jill or Anna or those Bates kids might've been embarassed but they took orders and followed the line. At the very least, jessa did her own thing.

She managed to get a bit more privacy with the birth than Anna. At the very least, she knew she wanted more privacy and got it.

She didn't smile and look all kool aide when Jim Bob was humping Michelle on the golf course...she didn't look impressed at all. Granted, she was still there but you know Anna or Jill would've been grinning like idiots amking some dumb baby making comments.

Etc. Etc.

Jessa is still a Duggar and I doubt she will leave or change religions any time soon. But i do see a bit more of defiance and bit more independent thought going on. Not much but a little. A little progress is still progress.

Oh, i don't think jessa will leave.

I do think she might do things her way within their religon. But some change is better than no change. Jill, on the other hand, will never change at all. And that Derick Dullard is scaring me. Seriously. Ben is looking pretty good next to Derick. ;)

Just the fact that she didn't kiss at her wedding...I agree with your reason, she didn't want to look like an idiot. Absolutely. But at least she had some balls and did it her way. Jill or Anna or those Bates kids might've been embarassed but they took orders and followed the line. At the very least, jessa did her own thing.

She managed to get a bit more privacy with the birth than Anna. At the very least, she knew she wanted more privacy and got it.

She didn't smile and look all kool aide when Jim Bob was humping Michelle on the golf course...she didn't look impressed at all. Granted, she was still there but you know Anna or Jill would've been grinning like idiots amking some dumb baby making comments.

The baby sex? You are totally right. She had a good magazine deal and went with it. Cash for HER family. A check in HER name. As opposed to idiot Anna who did the gender reveal on the show and got no big pay out for it. Jessa is a fame whore but at least she looked out for herself, her kid and her husband. The other Duggar adult kids just say "yes, sir" to Jim Bob. Jim Bob didn't make any money off her gender reveal. Shrewd Jessa made her own money!

I have no idea what I did to my post up there!

I can't seem to fix it either. Sorry!

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I think Jessa & Ben didn't have their "first" kiss at their wedding because it wasn't their first at all. During a scene with their pastor, he mentioned that it doesn't say anywhere in the bible to not kiss prior to marriage. I thought that was an odd thing to say, unless he had a reason to say it.


Ben is very conservative, as is his family. I see both Jess & Ben moving farther into Fundyland, rather than away from it.

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And said brother didn't seem to like Benessa having their first kiss in private.

Yeah that was weird. I thought it was weird in a controlling/hazing kind of way - more of a 'we all did something uncomfortable and now you have to be forced to do it, too' instance than josh being attracted and jealous. Now I want to vomit.

I think Jessa & Ben didn't have their "first" kiss at their wedding because it wasn't their first at all. During a scene with their pastor, he mentioned that it doesn't say anywhere in the bible to not kiss prior to marriage. I thought that was an odd thing to say, unless he had a reason to say it.

Ben is very conservative, as is his family. I see both Jess & Ben moving farther into Fundyland, rather than away from it.

Absolutely. They have more income so they will be more stylish, but deep down, I think they'd both go back to stoning or at least public stockades if they could.

Now I can see Derrick moving more toward fundie light and Jill going with him.

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My impression was of that comment "there is no rule against kissing in the Bible" was that minister didn't want to get saddled with the word "legalism" from non-fundamentalist Baptists etc. I think that was just him clarifying that the choice Jessa & ben made is not commanded in the Bible.

yeah, i could see Jessa and Ben getting very involved in fundamentalism.

I could also see them doing their own thing and growing a bit. They are both so young.

At the very least, Jessa has defied Jim Bob more than the other adult kids. That could be a good sign.

Hey, at least it's a discussion. With Jill and Scary Derick Dullard, I don't think we could have this conversation at all.

And I totally agree, that first kiss at the altar is a sick hazing type thing. Good for Jessa for bucking such a stupid thing. She is a sneaky bitch too because she didn't tell her mommy and daddy her plan...see that's my point...Jessa looks out for Jessa. I think jim Bob has met his match with her. She is shrewd like her daddy!

Gross about Josh and the kiss. I don't remember that but we didn't have that information at the time. I will go back and look again. What a disgusting mess...

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Agreed -- the pastor was just explaining that the no kissing thing was a "personal conviction" and not a biblical mandate. Oh, ugh. I hadn't considered the possibility of Josh getting his jollies from watching his sister have her first kiss. Even if not, I still can understand their wanting to kiss in private. Of course, we can't forget the homeschool mom who blogged that her daughters witnessed Jinger opening the door to the room where Jessa and Ben had gone to have their first kiss, then looked shocked and shut the door again. I know it could be made up, but it somehow rings true to me. And in Jessa's response, she didn't deny it; just posted verses about evil people!



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About Ben and Jessa's first kiss.  OK, I'm thinking of my first kiss when I was 12 in the park, behind the swings, closed mouths and eyes open and I'm thinking - it's embarrassing enough to write about but imagine if I had hundreds of witnesses.  No, first kisses are best kept in private, even if you're almost 20.  Didn't Jill and Derick miss each other or something?  Yeah, not a good idea, witnesses for first kisses.

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About Ben and Jessa's first kiss.  OK, I'm thinking of my first kiss when I was 12 in the park, behind the swings, closed mouths and eyes open and I'm thinking - it's embarrassing enough to write about but imagine if I had hundreds of witnesses.  No, first kisses are best kept in private, even if you're almost 20.  Didn't Jill and Derick miss each other or something?  Yeah, not a good idea, witnesses for first kisses.

I get what your saying and totally agree. Yet for most of us our 'first kiss' is far from our first kiss. My kids' first kisses were open mouth slobbers at around age 10 months. By the time they were teenagers they had been kissed many times on the lips by family. There is no rule that a just married kiss has to be a full on open mouth kiss. Just touch lips, hold for a second, and release. Really not all that complicated.

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I get what your saying and totally agree. Yet for most of us our 'first kiss' is far from our first kiss. My kids' first kisses were open mouth slobbers at around age 10 months. By the time they were teenagers they had been kissed many times on the lips by family. There is no rule that a just married kiss has to be a full on open mouth kiss. Just touch lips, hold for a second, and release. Really not all that complicated.

I think Jessa was afraid that the first kiss with her teenager husband would be embarrassing, so she chose not to do that in public (on camera).  With Jessa, as we all know, appearances are everything.

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Why can't they call that poor child Elliott? The kid already has enough strikes against him in life, why does he have to be branded with a horrible name?

Has Jessa ditched the bangs already? I thought they were kind of cute.

Edited by BitterApple
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Sorry, but that ice cream parlor looks filthy.....dirty and cracked floor....and foot marks all over the front of the counter bar. Ick. Oh well....they probably feel right at home.

I think you're misreading it a bit. Although I'm sure one of the local posters will be able to identify the place exactly, what it looks like to me is an old-time ice cream parlor with a tiled floor that - yes - has a crack down it. But I think what you're seeing as dirty are the color variations in the tiles. Likewise, I think that front counter is marble and it's the pattern in the marble that you're seeing as footmarks. JMO.

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Love it, Jessa. "Yayyyy!!! lol! He ain't gotta clue" Wow, just wow.

What a life. For anyone else who is uneducated, ignorant and unemployed life would be tough. Not these arrogant and entitled yokels.


Edited by whydoiwatch
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Yep, life is rough for those two. Gotta kill time somehow so why not eat ice cream and throw in some product placement while they're at it. Morning devotions and toilet scrubbing can only take up so much time. Oh and selfie sessions.

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The ice cream place has confirmed that they have no ties with the Duggars and that they just showed up for ice cream. (source: Cancel the Duggars FB page; the person running the page got a direct answer from the ice cream place)


Famy, OTOH, wrote a 3am screed admonishing haters and admitting that she DOES promote products. 

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Are Jessa and Ben big Red Sox or David Ortiz fans? That would be the only explanation why a Caucasian girl from Arkansas refers to her husband as Papi.

They use other slang that suggests they receive plenty of input from outside GothardLand. Goofy or not, it gives me hope. I am sure it takes a while for a crowbar to wedge open such tightly closed minds. I hope they are beginning to realize that you can hear unfamiliar ideas, yet do your own evaluation about whether to accept them. This is so foreign to Duggar upbringing that it has to be hard for Jessa. I hope she gets there and figures out on her own who she really is.

Edited by Tabbygirl521
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The unnatural way they pose with their babies drives me up the wall. Having Spurgeon Elliot is the only purpose they have in life. He is their PHD. If you have 9 months to plan the name of your baby while doing NOTHING else, so why were you both tossing back and forth 'are you sure? Are YOU sure?' for the ugly name reveal? Ugh. No Jessa, you are not a family on tv, you are wholly defined by your TLC life as a freak show your despicable parents created and your arranged marriage.

Edited by sometimesy
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Maybe they picked up "Papi" from the Dullards. Not an uncommon word in Central America, I believe.

I believe Pickles posted a screen shot of Princess Jessa making a racially charged comment about Danielle Seewald's hairstyle. It was a comment that solidified my belief that the Duggar children aren't so pure and innocent.

Eta: My bad, the remark in question was actually made by Jess Seewald. I'm assuming Bin's sibling or cousin?

Edited by Joe Jitsu913
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I believe Pickles posted a screen shot of Princess Jessa making a racially charged comment about Danielle Seewald's hairstyle. It was a comment that solidified my belief that the Duggar children aren't so pure and innocent.

Eta: My bad, the remark in question was actually made by Jess Seewald. I'm assuming Bin's sibling or cousin?


His sister, I believe. ... He has a sister named Jessica, at any rate.

Edited by Churchhoney
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I didn't see any racial slurs. But the article did thank Jessa and Ben Seewald for their gift and transportation, which made the album possible. I assume the gift was monetary. From their TLC savings? Since neither works, I'm surprised they could afford that!

A comment from Jessica Seewald to her sister Danielle's picture: "Woo baby! Im surprised your name ain't shaniqua."

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I just saw that photo with Jessa & Ben holding litle Spurge between them and the article next to it said, "We're celebrating with a pint of white chocolate raspberry ice cream...blah blah" I thought for a brief moment that it might actually say, "We're celebrating with a pint of Bud and a shot of Blackhouse".  I guess it was wishful thinking.

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A comment from Jessica Seewald to her sister Danielle's picture: "Woo baby! Im surprised your name ain't shaniqua."

She should have just written "LOL you have hair like a darkie." Sweet Jesus I cannot EVEN with these foul people.

Edited by Aja
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