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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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After Jill's disaster of a birth, I wonder if nobody will take the Duggars on as clients. Jill's midwife was raked over the coals for mismanaging Jill's delivery, but when she had to go before the State board, she said Jill never called or kept her informed about her progress, or lack thereof. Jessa's reputation may have preceded her and the best she could do was back-alley Theresa.

I've never heard this. Do you have a source? 

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In the preview for this sunday's Counting On being repeatedly shown on TLC, there is a quick shot where Jessa is being carried out to the ambulance on the stretcher and you can plainly see someone who looks very much like Teresa Fedosky standing in the house. 




Above link is a weird collage of scenes from tomorrow's episode that I found online. In the middle picture, you can see a plume of silver/gray hair belonging to a woman who looks like a Teresa Fedosky acquaintance. It's a grainy photo, but it could be the same woman pictured alongside Teresa in her fb profile photo -- https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152809302551340&set=a.10150230957926340.353920.749706339&type=3&theater


I'm guessing that TLC will try to edit the "birth team" out of the episode, but I'm growing pretty convinced that Teresa and/or her midwifery minions were involved with Spurgeon's birth. 

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I don't doubt Teresa attended the Seewald birth at all, and I agree that she will be totally edited out of the episode. FWIW, she is a tall (I'd say 5'7"ish), slender lady with longish, wavy dark hair and sharp facial features. I could easily pick her out of a lineup. :D


The Jill story doesn't really surprise me either. Remember, we didn't see hide nor hair of ANY midwife during the Jill birth VSE. I questioned this at the time, and what the midwife allegedly says regarding Jill's labor only confirms my suspicions. But maybe Venessa now has some sort of vendetta against the Duggars, who bought and outsted her from her pretty McMansion after she was no longer useful to them. Who knows what kind of talk was on her page, or whether it was the real midwife? I remember that the Query woman was a student midwife under the shack lady, and SHE would NEVER talk badly against a Duggar; she's been beholden to them for many, many years. 

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I'm thinking it all comes down to money.  Skills that can't be paid for in the usual medical market (non-credentialed midwifery) go "underground".  And these folks have to make money somehow, so they'll take whatever crumbs are handed to them.  And they'll shut their pie-hole when told to, or the money dries up.  I think Venessa forgot that.  

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Did the shack midwife herself post on Venessa's wall? If so, that could indicate that there's a bit of a rift in the world of lay midwives in NWA these days. I think Venessa was reinstated, or is on a suspension from which she can return, shack midwife is probably still practicing, but Know It All Jill is out of the country, and has likely washed her hands of both women. 


What WILL be interesting is when (not if) Jill returns and has to compete with these established women for business. I fear for any woman seeking Jill's services based on her name only; the other women may be lay midwives (who have made mistakes in Venessas's case), but they have at least had their open practices. That's a catfight I'd pay to see! 

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Did the shack midwife herself post on Venessa's wall? If so, that could indicate that there's a bit of a rift in the world of lay midwives in NWA these days. I think Venessa was reinstated, or is on a suspension from which she can return, shack midwife is probably still practicing, but Know It All Jill is out of the country, and has likely washed her hands of both women. 


What WILL be interesting is when (not if) Jill returns and has to compete with these established women for business. I fear for any woman seeking Jill's services based on her name only; the other women may be lay midwives (who have made mistakes in Venessas's case), but they have at least had their open practices. That's a catfight I'd pay to see! 


I wonder whether Jill will even try to practice outside her family. She's looking to be quite a timid sort in her new life. I can't really see her competing for clients. I kind of expert her to just give up her midwife and missionary ambitions to be entirely a stay-at-home mom except for attending her sisters' births and chatting about the bible with people Derick brings by the house.


ETA: Oops, sorry. Forgot this was the Jessa thread when I wrote this. .... FWIW, I don't think Jessa will seek to pursue her professional goals outside the home either. lol     .... which makes me remember that, hey, at least Jill has/had some professional goals. Which as far as we know sets her apart from everybody else in her family except John David (who doesn't get to pursue his outside the home either). These poor kids.

Edited by Churchhoney
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Yes, someone saying that they were Jill's real midwife posted on Venessa's Facebook page and talked about being questioned about the botched birth and saying she wasn't called by Jill so no fault there.  I wonder why this Duggar generation seems hell bent on risking their lives and the lives of their babies using Miss Theresa who even Michelle wouldn't use for anything more than the classes.  Jessa obviously learned nothing from Jill's experience so the pattern continues.  Hopefully Jessa was scared enough to get competent trained medical help for any future deliveries or maybe she or Ben was scared enough to stick to adoption for the future.  Not that I wish any child to be adopted to those two either.  Stopping at one might be their best option.

Edited by Absolom
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And they just can't bring themselves to call the baby anything but "this little guy"

This is what happens when you live your life trying to prove you're "better than". You make decisions based that you think make look better but you wind up looking like an ass. Now they're too far in it to pull back and this poor baby will have to suffer for it.

I fully expect a VSE in several years about the bullying poor Spurgeon is experiencing.

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Wouldn't they just make him give his favourite toy to whomever is bullying him, so that the bully will feel compelled to treat him better. (And really given the lack of socialization outside the family, the bully would have to be Iz or one of the Ms.)

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Jeez Jimbob's genes run strong. I can't see any part of Ben in that baby. I hope this doesn't mean poor Spurgeon Elliot will end up with the receding hairline of doom that cursed all of the Duggar boys.


I watched the TLC update video, and I actually like how Jessa looks with bangs. At least it's a deviation, however slight, from the same boring hairstyle all her sisters have.

Edited by Spacecow
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I think there's something wrong with that baby's left eye.


To me, his left eye looks OK, but his right eye looks different.  It's tiny.


eta--Oops, I didn't see above that this had already been mentioned:


He's got the same different-sized, slightly squinty eyes as Jana and Deanna, only more so. Duggar genes strike again!
Edited by Gemma Violet
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I want to know who sprung for that Kitchen Aid stand mixer. I know of no 21 year old (at the time of her marriage) who has one. Hell, I'm hard pressed to think of any 23 year olds (Jessa's age now) with one. 

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I want to know who sprung for that Kitchen Aid stand mixer. I know of no 21 year old (at the time of her marriage) who has one. Hell, I'm hard pressed to think of any 23 year olds (Jessa's age now) with one. 

But it's the aqua one!  I covet it.


ETA: I had to laugh that one of the comments on Instagram wants to know if the sayings that Jessa seems to have all over are original artwork. Talk about something making you feel stabby....

Edited by Quilt Fairy
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I guess Jana gets called over each week to dust and Windex all of Jessa's pictures! Really, seriously though, who in their right mind puts pictures on kitchen counters, next to mixers, where food splatters! And just WHERE does Jessa find the room to prep good?!?


Spurg's first Christmas stocking.

I finally figured out who Jessa reminds me of with bangs! Jodi Arias. 

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I guess Jana gets called over each week to dust and Windex all of Jessa's pictures! Really, seriously though, who in their right mind puts pictures on kitchen counters, next to mixers, where food splatters! And just WHERE does Jessa find the room to prep good?!?


Spurg's first Christmas stocking.

Seems like the the Ireland flag was mistakenly put on the Israel/Jewish bag. Fight illiteracy!

Edited by Kokapetl
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I want to know who sprung for that Kitchen Aid stand mixer. I know of no 21 year old (at the time of her marriage) who has one. Hell, I'm hard pressed to think of any 23 year olds (Jessa's age now) with one. 

Kitchenaids are dropping in price all the time. If you hit a good sale during Thanksgiving at Kohl's you can get the 6 qt professional one for around $150.  I did last year.


Even Target and Walmart sell them. Just look around for a good clearance.

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Did the first Christmas stocking for The Spurge have his name on it?  

It would be hilarious if some leg humper with an embroidery machine would publicly gift them with a huge load of otherwise adorable baby stuff, emblazoned with "SPURGEON".  

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I guess Jana gets called over each week to dust and Windex all of Jessa's pictures! Really, seriously though, who in their right mind puts pictures on kitchen counters, next to mixers, where food splatters! And just WHERE does Jessa find the room to prep good?!?https://www.instagram.com/p/_4_w-zjfmA/

Spurg's first Christmas stocking.

That doesn't even look like someone's home! It looks more like someone's etsy store.

Those ridiculous platitudes are done in a difficult to read "cursive", imho. And there are way too many of them.

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Wouldn't they just make him give his favourite toy to whomever is bullying him, so that the bully will feel compelled to treat him better. (And really given the lack of socialization outside the family, the bully would have to be Iz or one of the Ms.)


My money is on Josey. 

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That doesn't even look like someone's home! It looks more like someone's etsy store.

Bin! Throw the Jewish Bag in the corner. We're kinda Jewish!


You can't turn your head in their house without seeing a staged romantic picture of them. Protesting too much?


All kidding aside - I'd rather have it look like Etsy than Josh's moldy leftovers.

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I wonder if they were going to name Auntie Jana's new baby Gabriel, but got pissy when Jessica had a non realilty tv moment (fame faux pas) and leaked the name, so they went into the bunker and decided to punish the kid with Spurgeon. That'll learn 'em. Snort.


I don't think Jessa is going to want to 'deliver everyone of them', or even want a lot of kids, but she has the lost girls to raise someone she brings home from a Guatemalan baby store/reformation  bible believer centre  so meh. I expect if the series returns, there will be a local leghumper who is against abortion who finds her heart to walk through the delivery and purpose to give Jessa a baby so she can find a new season of 19 kids and counting er life, I meant life..

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I wonder if they were going to name Auntie Jana's new baby Gabriel, but got pissy when Jessica had a non realilty tv moment (fame faux pas) and leaked the name, so they went into the bunker and decided to punish the kid with Spurgeon. That'll learn 'em. Snort.

I don't think Jessa is going to want to 'deliver everyone of them', or even want a lot of kids, but she has the lost girls to raise someone she brings home from a Guatemalan baby store/reformation bible believer centre so meh. I expect if the series returns, there will be a local leghumper who is against abortion who finds her heart to walk through the delivery and purpose to give Jessa a baby so she can find a new season of 19 kids and counting er life, I meant life..

I've always thought that Gabriel was Jessa's choice and Spurgeon was Ben's choice. Ben compromised on Gabriel, but then when it was leaked he started pushing hard for Spurgeon. It also makes sense why Jessa seemed to be throwing shade when she kept repeating, "Are you sure? ARE YOU SURE?" in the special.

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