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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Does anyone else have a hard time seeing Jessa as a mother? She never really does anything with her own buddies and happily checked out of all chores thanks to her courtship. Maybe it'll be different if its her child but I still can't see her taking care of a baby all by herself. The diapers and late night feedings? In her world that's her job but I can't see her doing any of that. Or even wanting too. She won't have her sisters to pass the work onto.

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Two words come to mind: Damage control  Was this after he stuck his foot in his big mouth and went on his facebook rant. JimBoob needs to keep an eye on Benny boy to make sure he stays out of trouble.


Btw, why were they covering up the windows near the bed? Was Jill there to give her expert relationship advice. She does have a few months of married life to go by. *rolling eyes*

JimBoob is the ultimate control freak. It isn't enough that he controls who his daughters marry. He also has to control them and their husbands after the wedding. No self-respecting adult male would put up with all the Duggar crap. However, Ben is just a kid who's no doubt grateful to join the franchise and not have to work too hard, and Derick is showing no inclination to break free of Duggardom either. JimBoob would never hand a daughter over to someone he couldn't successfully apply the thumbscrews to.

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Why don't the Duggars see that it's a bad sign that their future son in law is moving in with this already? This is just the beginning of the road of JB providing housing and income for Ben and Jessa. I don't understand why it's SO difficult for him to find a job on his own? Chad Paine moved to Erin's town before they got married, but Chad neither lived with the Bates nor worked for the tree service; I believe he picked up a job (through a Bates friend) at a metals company. JB knows everyone in their small town -- surely he could get someone to hire his future son in law for some no-skills required type of manual work?


I kind of understand Pa Seewalds' frustration now. He said things in his blog about a girl's family being too controlling or making you jump through too many hoops. He may think it's a bit too much to dangle a guesthouse, which of course allows him time with his girlfriend all day, every day, as well as a "job" in front of his horny 19 yr old because now -- no matter what his own mom and dad say -- this kid will never figure it out on his own because he knows the Duggars will provide.


All the teens are so full of $hit. I LOVE Ben talking about how he was so excited for a job opportunity allowing him to move to the area; um -- your future father in law made up a job for you. Do you REALLY believe that he desperately needs your help with construction or lawn mowing when he has 10 strapping sons of his own -- at least 5 of whom are of age to take care of those jobs?? And does anyone need marriage or courting advice from the wise Jill and Derick -- despite their 2 full months of experience?? I LOVE Joy Anna -- loved how she said they will start charging $5/hour to chaperone so they'll make money or maybe the relationship will fizzle -- and Jana kind of nodded in agreement. Love Joy Anna -- she is smart enough that she sees this for the $hitshow that it is.

  • Love 6

Ma and Pa Duggar no doubt love the idea of Ben and Jessa living in a guest house on the property. It's a great solution to the problem of housing a young newlywed couple with no ability to provide adequately for themselves. And Jana, Jinger, and Joy Anna will soon have a bunch of little Duggar/Seewalds to raise since Jessa doesn't have a maternal bone in her body. All that changes after the Benessa nuptials is that Ben and Jessa can hit the sack and produce their very own future howlers and slaves.

Edited by Hpmec

Ma and Pa Duggar no doubt love the idea of Ben and Jessa living in a guest house on the property. It's a great solution to the problem of housing a young newlywed couple with no ability to provide adequately for themselves. And Jana, Jinger, and Joy Anna will soon have a bunch of little Duggar/Seewalds to raise since Jessa doesn't have a maternal bone in her body. All that changes after the Benessa nuptials is that Ben and Jessa can hit the sack and produce their very own future howlers and slaves.

If I were Jana, I'd be calling cousin Amy and honestly saying -- look who can you introduce me to that is a conservative Christian but will play along with the fundie courtship thing for my parents' sake so that I can get out of there and once I'm out, I'll be conservative Christian just like him. Amy is social and always seems to have boyfriends and frankly is outgoing enough that she would LOVE to set up her cousin, gossip about dating with her, go on double dates etc; the only reason that she likely hasn't gotten involved is because she probably thinks all her cousins want the fundie arranged marriage and she doesn't want to over step her bounds.


I honestly thought life was going to get easier for Jana as her sisters were married off; even if she's stuck on the homestead for a while -- with Josh, Jessa, and Jill married -- she "only" has 15 kids to look after in terms of coordinating meals, laundry, school etc. But if JB and Michelle are starting the trend of -- we'll let our daughters marry guys who are basically uneducated children and it's no problem because we can create a job for them and they can start in the guesthouse and then we'll put a small house/trailer for them on our land -- that means Jana is stuck with a whole new generation of babies to raise. Frankly it looks pretty bad to let a son in law do this because it demonstrates to the world that he CANNOT provide. If a son in law can do this. surely they'll be less strict about their sons leaving and cleaving as well.


And it's not like Ben and Jessa have enough sense to say -- ok this is our starter home, let's buckle down with school or work, make money, move out and THEN start a family. It would be hard to hold off on a baby without birth control, but it can be done even for newlyweds -- using rhythm or being intimate without going "all the way" every time. Nope -- I'm predicting a baby announcement by Christmas time. I feel like the responsibility falls on Jana and Joy Anna these days -- I'm not clear on how much Jinger actually does.

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Ben is all kinds of a jerk for announcing that he got a job offer (oh, please) and will be attending college via on-line courses.  Well, everything he does makes me sick.  Jessa has a personality more like mine, and I'll tell, the phony niceness instilled in her by Michelle will kill her spirit.  Then she'll be consumed by hate.  


Hey, I had a long marriage, and I didn't give a damn about flowers and such, which is a good thing because I only got roses once, I think, yellow ones, which were nice but I had no vase so I had to go buy one (a problem, kind of resentful) and then watch them die.  But we had a lot of laughs and good times doing stupid things, but my husband knew what a real education was, what smart looked and sounded like, and what a real job entailed.  Not so with bunny.


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This People article shows just how much Boob controls the Duggar Brand. Bin didn't JUST move to Tonitown; he's been there for months. His sister instagrammed this past MAY about how much she MISSED Bin. He was out of Hot Springs the second he had his last final in late April/early May. It also logically explains his availability for Duggar outings and long-distance trips, including the "mission" jaunt. I also doubt Bin is in school, online or otherwise. It's just easier to say he's doing online school; harder to investigate that than attendance at a brick and mortar college. Professors aren't going to wait for papers while Bin gallivants around the country trashing Catholics.


This article cancels out Pa Seewald's seeming caterwauling about how poor Bin has to jump through all these hoops with no end in sight (at the time he wrote that post). Boob gets wind of that and takes immediate action, both releasing Bin to marry Jessa, with a shit ton of conditions. Then he releases this information and a months-old video (the Hartonos were in town in May after Jennifer graduated from Pensacola Christian College in May).


I think they'll live in Smuganna's old place; the guest house is just a tiny bedroom...no room for all that stuff on the registry.  Hell, there isn't room in Smuganna's old place either, but that house is more than a guy doing work that the Howlers should be doing deserves. Bin is completely Boob's lackey. So much for his so-called "manhood." Derick may likewise be Boob's lackey to a certain degree, choosing to live in one of Boob's houses (with no chance to own it unless Boob and Mullet die), but he has two things Bin will never have: an education and a job independent of Boob.

Edited by Sew Sumi
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So true. My sister is a CFO for a large company which installs the plumbing/heating for large construction projects and the union plumbers make over a 100k a year where she lives. I don't know why the Duggars don't encourage their kids who are mechanically inclined to go to trade school. Bin could make a hell of a lot more money doing that than fixing windshields or working for State Farm at eight bucks an hour. 


They don't even need to go to school necessarily, just prove themselves in their trade. I can't believe they don't push the kids to go into a trade if they have an aptitude for it.

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JimBoob and J'chelle don't push the kids to do anything that isn't fundie/Gothard or show related. The show is the cash cow and the kids apparently can't opt out. I remember when the Osbournes had their reality show and one daughter didn't want to appear and was simply never shown. JimBoob would never allow a child that kind of autonomy. Those kids are his possessions and he's forcing them to grow up in a fundamentalist fishbowl. And now Bin has formally signed on/ sold out (same thing). I wish I had a crystal ball that could take a peek at the Duggars 20 years from now. I so hope at least one of them breaks free, moves away, goes to college, gets a job, meets and dates several non-fundies, and lives his or her life free from parental interference and control. One can dream!

Edited by Hpmec
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Bin got hired to work there? Strange. Wonder if the construction job involves building their own TTH on Boob's property?


Shouldn't Boob be worried that the striking Bin is around Michelle? She does have that "it" factor men go krazy over and she has the hots for Bin so there might be some sinning at the camp happening. (wouldn't that be fun to see)

Edited by Fuzzysox

Right? My sister got pregnant when she was 16 and chose to tell my mom in this really moony voice and followed it up by "and we're getting married!" which my mom followed up with an equally as moony, "no you aren't." She was 16, he was 17. What the hell did they think was going to happen? They were going to get married and then play house in my mom's house? Yeah, no, not happening. Neither one had a clue or the means to support anyone, including themselves, let alone a house or family. Was an unwed, teenage mother optimal? Hell no, but no reason to compound one problem with another. And the kicker was, when she turned 18 and could get married, they didn't until she was like 24, had another kid, and she refused to actually marry him until they had saved enough money to buy a house. 


JB can give away all the guest houses or TTH kits he wants, but doing half assed jobs for JB isn't going to support Jessa or any babies she has. 

  • Love 7

Why didn't Ben just keep working for HIS Dad. They seem to have a nice home and to be doing fairly well, maybe even well enough for them to rent a small apartment together. Something seems fishy here with this Bin Guy.

I think Pa Seewald doesn't mind how things have been set-up.  His son is on the gravy train and more chances for the Seewald family to be on it too. 

  • Love 3

So in essence, Jimboob is going to be Binboob's FIL, landlord and employer.  He's going to be paying his SIL to support his daughter.  Doesn't sound right. 


edited to correct grammar.

Apparently the "guest house" is only one small room, so won't be appropriate for a married couple. How long does it take to build your own TTH? By Nov. 1?

Apparently the "guest house" is only one small room, so won't be appropriate for a married couple. How long does it take to build your own TTH? By Nov. 1?


Well, if history is anything to go by, 4 years. But that's only if a tv station chips in/takes over and they get a ton of comped stuff.

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Betting the TTH that they'll kiss before the wedding. Jessa is probably secretly horrified that she has to be near him more a few hours at a time, with a chaperone.


Joy Anna has more sense than the whole rest of them combined, and the guts to speak up. I hope they don't lobotomize her.

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i think this is a bad bad sign. 


These two are coming up to a year of courting.  Obviously, things aren't as lovely dovey as Jill. A year of courting doesn't look good for the Duggar clan.And in the world of courting, a year is a long time. Like, are you in love or not?

They originally blamed it on the "long distance". Now that it's at a "embarassing amount of time", notice how Jim Bob is kicking it into high gear. He gave Ben a room and gave him a job. Eliniate that long distance problem and speed things along.   


I read the Duggars have a suite at the front of their house. It's a bedroom and bathroom.


I see this as Ben being dependent on Jim Bob for money, jobs and housing in the future. Ben will be Jim Bob's puppet. 


I have a bit more hope for Jill and Dill because at least Dill went to a real college and is older. Ben is a ding dong. And Jessa is hard to read. I feel she is forcing herself to love this guy. Either that, this is all she has experienced so she thinks Ben is the guy for her.  Jessa needs to go out and meet a few real men and she would laugh at Ben. This relationship doesn't feel real. I think Josh and Anna love eachother and I think Jill and Dill are mad in love for eachother.  Jessa and Ben? There are no other options out there. 



  • Love 9

Under other circumstances, I think Jessa would be her mother's daughter - one of those girls who have a different boyfriend every week starting in middle school. I think she'd be more about seeing who she could snag vs. finding a soulmate. I don't think she'd be promiscuous or anything, but would love being a Heartbreaker.


She really seems to enjoy the idea of Ben vs. Ben the Person, like having a name to doodle with hers, being the first to court, saying she has a boyfriend, she's getting ready for her boyfriend, her boyfriend likes this and that. He's just horny and thinks he's won a prize.

Edited by RazzleberryPie
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Can we rename this thread, "Jessa & Ben, because unemployed teenagers getting married makes so much sense!"

OK... Maybe a bit wordy :-) but it's totally what I think whenever they're mentioned. I guess if you can't manage to keep your knees together a moment longer, get married at 19 but for heaven's sake have a marketable skill and a real job.

Bin got hired to work there? Strange. Wonder if the construction job involves building their own TTH on Boob's property?


Shouldn't Boob be worried that the striking Bin is around Michelle? She does have that "it" factor men go krazy over and she has the hots for Bin so there might be some sinning at the camp happening. (wouldn't that be fun to see)

The short answer is YES! JD talked about how they're building another house on the property in the "Dishing with the Duggars" TH that was filmed fairly recently. Jill hid her left hand, so it's pretty hard to tell exactly WHEN it filmed, but recently enough. Now, will it take 3 years and require TLC to finish it like the first time? :D If so, that relegates Bin and Bless to a rental house; I'm sticking with the Smuganna abode.

Edited by Sew Sumi
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Hpmec, on 26 Aug 2014 - 12:47 AM, said:Hpmec, on 26 Aug 2014 - 12:47 AM, said:

Registries and dates aside, I just find it so incredibly sad that these kids (and at 19 Ben is a kid) are taking on the adult responsibilities of marriage in order to simply be able to spend time alone together. There's so much screwed up about It, it's tough to know where to start. When Jessa wakes up the morning after the hot sex wedding night, she may well look at Ben and have huge buyer's remorse. Unfortunately, she'll be stuck with the reality that, in her case, all sales are final. I see an unhappy future for those two.

Me thinks you are giving Ben far too much credit. It will be over before Jessa can say "I'm ready".

Edited by Honey
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I wonder if Jessa is disappointed but stuck. When they first got together my impression was that she wanted to court anyone just to be the first to marry and the first to get off the compound. Jill beat her to the altar and given Ben's dependence on JB for work, they're not getting off the compound anytime soon. As conceited as she seems to be, she may be noticing that there are other fish in the sea -- guys like Derrick who can provide the life she desires -- but a year long courtship in that world is practically a life commitment and she or JB may have insisted on an engagement just to save face and now she's stuck with this kid living under her parents' thumb for life.

The short answer is YES! JD talked about how they're building another house on the property in the "Dishing with the Duggars" TH that was filmed fairly recently. Jill hid her left hand, so it's pretty hard to tell exactly WHEN it filmed, but recently enough. Now, will it take 3 years and require TLC to finish it like the first time? :D If so, that relegates Bin and Bless to a rental house; I'm sticking with the Smuganna abode.


To be fair, their labor force doesn't consist of 14 kids under the age of 16 this time around, so they should be able to knock it out in 2 years tops. 

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JD emphasized that much of the work force would be those kids who were too small (or not born yet) the first time around.


No clue how large this structure will be, but he said it was a "similar" project. Man, I'd hate to be the kid stuck living on the compound with Boob and Mullet for the rest of their parents' lives. Bin's dad left the prefab home business years ago (according to his blog), so it's unlikely Bin got a deal and shipped something to Tonitown. Given that Bin willingly became Boob's lackey, I have to guess that the house is for them at some point in the future...hoping TLC is around to decorate for them. All that stuff from the registry is going to need a very MAJESTIC space, y'all!!!!!

  • Love 3

Jessa is totally in love with being courted.

Ben likes how pretty Jessa is and the celebrity of her family. 


This relationship has a poor foundation. 


Truthfully, I'm suprised at Jim Bob. Jim Bob is shrewd and is very opinionated.  I'm surprised Ben got the golden ticket. He really brings nothing to the table. Unemployed. No education. Younger than Jessa. Doesn't make a good impression.  I can't believe there isn't another fundy man that is better than this. The longer we see Ben, the worse he looks. 


Married life is really hard.  You gotta have more than doodling hearts together and a few selfies. 

  • Love 12

Jessa is totally in love with being courted.

Ben likes how pretty Jessa is and the celebrity of her family. 


This relationship has a poor foundation. 


Truthfully, I'm suprised at Jim Bob. Jim Bob is shrewd and is very opinionated.  I'm surprised Ben got the golden ticket. He really brings nothing to the table. Unemployed. No education. Younger than Jessa. Doesn't make a good impression.  I can't believe there isn't another fundy man that is better than this. The longer we see Ben, the worse he looks. 


Married life is really hard.  You gotta have more than doodling hearts together and a few selfies. 

Ben might have made more sense and I could possibly buy into there being slim pickings for qualifying husband material BUT Kelly Bates seems to be a pretty good matchmaker and having no problem finding seemingly good and loving matches for her girls.

  • Love 2

Seeing the mention of the Bates reminds me of Erin's post-wedding comment along the lines of being sorry that all the fairytale courtship stuff was over. Just imagine how disenchanted Jessa will be. I agree that the Bates daughters have done very well in the courtship lottery. Still waiting to see all the Senators' sons lining up to court a Duggar.

  • Love 2
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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