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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

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I like Tozer, as a writer and as a name. I teach in an urban high school and also worked in a child care center recently, so I'm fairly immune to unusual names. I'm Wesleyan myself, so we could always use Wesley as a name, but I don't think he would fit their theological bent.

One of the founders of my denomination was a man named Phineas Bresee, and one of our pioneering missionaries to Swaziland was Harmon Schmelzenbach. When you grow up hearing those names in church, Spurgeon doesn't sound too bad. I remember hearing revival services preached by a man named Rankin Roach, too. 

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10 minutes ago, sleepysuzy said:

I like Tozer, as a writer and as a name. I teach in an urban high school and also worked in a child care center recently, so I'm fairly immune to unusual names. I'm Wesleyan myself, so we could always use Wesley as a name, but I don't think he would fit their theological bent.

One of the founders of my denomination was a man named Phineas Bresee, and one of our pioneering missionaries to Swaziland was Harmon Schmelzenbach. When you grow up hearing those names in church, Spurgeon doesn't sound too bad. I remember hearing revival services preached by a man named Rankin Roach, too. 

I love the name Phineas!

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If it’s a girl, there’s all the Bible names, but they’ll probably name her Elisabeth. Elisabeth Elliot was Jim Elliot’s widow, and she was all about the fundie, woman at home popping out babies lifestyle. 

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6 minutes ago, Annb67 said:

She looks so frumpy. Wth is she thinking with that outfit?

That it's even more mustard than the mustard cardigan? 

Because apparently that's a good thing in Duggartown. 

Definitely doesn't work with the very-dull-blue and oddly fuzzy leggings. 

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I keep flashing back to Ben and Jessa's date night when Ben mentioned they could have 3 children in 4 years.  Jessa looked scared to death, though she covered it up quickly.  If I could find a link, I would.

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5 hours ago, sarasue59 said:

I wonder how long it will be before we get a similar joyful announcement from the Dillards?  I can't think that Jill will let Jessa get too far ahead of her in the baby stakes.  And it will be interesting to see how many of the other sisters/sisters-in-law will have their own joyful announcements.  I think that 2019 will prove to be a fruitful year for the Duggar clan.

I really think that if Jill was able to get pregnant - she would be by now.  No way is she holding off.  

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5 hours ago, ginger90 said:

From their blog:


Exciting News!!

January 9, 2019


We are overjoyed that God has blessed us with a baby, due late this Spring! From the day we found out we were expecting, we both guessed boy, and if our predictions are right then we already have a ton the clothing and accessories ready to pass down! At the same time, we would absolutely love it if we found out we were having a girl—though we’ve joked that we’d be starting from square one and might have to learn a few things. -Jessa

Henry doesn’t have a clue what’s coming, but Spurgeon understands and he talks about the baby quite a bit. Seeing our boys meet their new sibling for the first time is something we are really looking forward to!  We realize that, in going from two to three kids, we’re about to switch from man-to-man to zone coverage, so we’ve definitely been taking advice from friends who are already in this stage! We love being parents and are really looking forward to this new arrival! - Ben

This is the tiredest line. I hear this every. Dang. Day working with parents of babies and toddlers. Every single one of them thinks it’s the most witty and unique thing ever said. Ben has said it before, too!!

1 hour ago, Lunera said:

They've age so much since their last announcement bb70d766-19eb-4d6b-87ec-039f4546258a.png.a39716ce94e47659603c262dffe7ff6f.png

Oh my goodness, yes!  They do look much more worn out now!  

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Actually Josh and Anna said 

"We realize that, in going from two to three kids, we’re about to switch from man-to-man to zone coverage," 

when they had/announced three kids. I remember, because it was the first time I had heard that.   I think it must be part of an official TLC script. 

Edited by Temperance
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Well, this is what typically happens when you have sex and don’t use birth control. Provided there are no fertility issues. Not really seeing that they’ve done anything that should get them a gold star for effort.    At least they seem to like their children and also try to take care of them. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

Marriage and motherhood have made Jinger and Kendra blossom, and they've had the opposite effect on Jessa, Joy and Jill.

I understand kids are hard work, but none of the Duggars have the normal life stressors the rest of us experience (i.e., student loans, mortgages, difficult bosses, deadlines, long commutes etc.). For people who basically float through life, you'd think they'd be glowing and youthful.

I think part of the problem for Jessa and Jill is they're continuing just what Michelle did - they're sitting in their homes all day, every day with practically no stimulation at all.

Did you ever notice no one in any of these families have houseplants? It's like they do the bare minimum to keep humans flourishing and they couldn't possibly keep a plant alive.

Kendra and Anna, and now Jinger it seems, make attempts to proactively live their lives. I'm not saying these three are winning at life, but they appear to be doing a better job than their siblings/in-laws.

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Just now, GeeGolly said:

Is it Joy's dress or is she pregnant?

I don't think you can tell by looking at her. I think it may be the composite shot stretching the person on the end.  Those are the pumpkin video outfits and she didn't look pregnant then. 

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14 hours ago, leighdear said:

And I think she looks like crap in those stupid dresses with the clodhopper boots and too-thick leggings.  Her hair looks dry & lifeless


12 hours ago, Annb67 said:

She looks so frumpy. Wth is she thinking with that outfit?

Jessa could really benefit from a stylist, since unlike Jinger, she has no natural sense of style. Or maybe she just doesn't give a fuck now that she's married. And her hair is ridiculous. Any decent hairdresser would lop off eight inches automatically. Not sure why the Duggars' brand of legalism is so much more literal and rigid when it comes to things like women's hair than the Bates's, who--while sharing the same ugly belief system--at least demonstrate reason in some areas.

Edited by graefin
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I like Tozer

I see Gozer every time.




She looks so frumpy. Wth is she thinking with that outfit?

"Well, I've finally announced. Time to let america see every last wrinkle in my areolas for the next 9 months. Bin, mail this dress to Jill!"

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11 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Marriage and motherhood have made Jinger and Kendra blossom, and they've had the opposite effect on Jessa, Joy and Jill.

I understand kids are hard work, but none of the Duggars have the normal life stressors the rest of us experience (i.e., student loans, mortgages, difficult bosses, deadlines, long commutes etc.). For people who basically float through life, you'd think they'd be glowing and youthful.


I do wonder whether, mostly unconsciously, the Duggarlings aren't somewhat stressed by the fact that their lives and futures have been so constrained, always. That, aside from pumping out kids to stay on TeeVee for the clan, they've never had scope or support for even thinking about any individual plans or dreams or ambitions or even hobbies to pursue.

The path is laid out and they didn't choose it. They say that they're happy with that, but human beings are individuals and tend to have some kind of aspirations for themselves, even if they're buried under brainwashing that tells you God, JB and M require that you spout only the party line and claim that you embrace it without reservation.

They'll pump out kids till they go barren, have to school them as well as raise them, on little money if the show should ever end -- having to suppress worry about the show ending even if it never does(because how could they not worry about that). Not only do they have nothing as a job or job-I-might-do-in-the-future-idea except this, they also appear to have no avocational interests, hobbies, friends, and certainly no community pursuits either.

And when the pumping and schooling stop, they're done. Possibly de trop. Because what good's a woman in Duggarland without being able to announce another pregnancy. Not in Meeechelle's league because now there'll be so many of them, and none will ever rival her pumped-and-dumped 19. Maybe they can help out in somebody else's laundry room. ....

I feel we've seen hints of this bubbling-but-suppressed-personal-aspiration-and-questioning in Jessa's Joanna-Barnes obsession, Jill's cherished-and-totally-messed-up midwifery goals, and the reported Questioning-of-the-Duggar-and-Gothard-way (Horror of Horrors!!!!!) that Joy did in the year before her marriage until fellow brainwashee Joe allegedly dragged her firmly back out of it to rejoin the sheepfold. 

Maybe they really do love being created by cookie cutter. But maybe they don't, entirely, and the fact that they are drags them down a bit. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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Jessa should find out what she's having. That way if it's a another boy, she'll have some time to let it soak in. I hope they have 20 kids and they are all boys.

So is are Spurge or Henry going to sleep in the bathtub? Though after seeing pictures of her filthy house, I can't imagine what the tub looks like, espcially with that mop on her head...barf!

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5 minutes ago, Madtown said:

Jessa should find out what she's having. That way if it's a another boy, she'll have some time to let it soak in. I hope they have 20 kids and they are all boys.

So is are Spurge or Henry going to sleep in the bathtub? Though after seeing pictures of her filthy house, I can't imagine what the tub looks like, espcially with that mop on her head...barf!

Interesting thought. All of them sleep in the king size bed now and it seems the second bedroom is a storeroom. One or two of the boys could get bounced to a spot on the floor. I hope they don’t squish the newborn!!  I can imagine the sleeping chaos in that house!!

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9 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Marriage and motherhood have made Jinger and Kendra blossom, and they've had the opposite effect on Jessa, Joy and Jill.

I understand kids are hard work, but none of the Duggars have the normal life stressors the rest of us experience (i.e., student loans, mortgages, difficult bosses, deadlines, long commutes etc.). For people who basically float through life, you'd think they'd be glowing and youthful.

Well, the Duggar daughters were reared to equate being a mother, with sitting around all day without lifting a finger to do housework or cooking, which was the responsibility of a bevy of girl-children, who also tracked Mother's fertility cycles on a wall chart in the kitchen, and had primary responsibility for the care and education of their younger siblings. Mother's role was strictly to do the hey-hey-hey with Daddy to create another baby, then deliver the baby and nurse it for a few months, before handing it off to the kids to care for. 

It's got to be stressful for the poor dears, that their own reality as mothers doesn't work that way. Instead, they are supposed to, like, cook meals and change diapers and do laundry and clean house. 

Oh, the tragedy.

Since this is Jessa's topic, I don't think she has a clue about housework or any interest in doing it. Somewhere inside she must be raging that she doesn't have a bevy of household help to support her role as the Queen of the House, as her own mother does. Nor does her headship have the resources to hire help for her. Dammit, she *did* all that work growing up. Marriage and motherhood was supposed to end her J-slave drudgery and set her up as Queen Bee. 

Poor thang.

Jinger's marriage took her far away from the TTH, her husband was not buying JB's "breeding for Jesus" cr*p for a minute, and she didn't have a baby until a year and a half of marriage. She had time to adjust her attitude, and unlike her sisters she didn't marry a sheltered teenager, a controlling humorless workaholic, or a raving nutjob, but a man who really cares for her and has helped her adjust to life outside the stinkbus. 

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2 hours ago, graefin said:


Jessa could really benefit from a stylist, since unlike Jinger, she has no natural sense of style. Or maybe she just doesn't give a fuck now that she's married. And her hair is ridiculous. Any decent hairdresser would lop off eight inches automatically. Not sure why the Duggars' brand of legalism is so much more literal and rigid when it comes to things like women's hair than the Bates's, who while sharing the same ugly belief system at least demonstrate reason in some areas.

Yes, Jessa desperately needs a stylist or at least someone to help her narrow down what she wants her style to be.  I think she lacks the humility for this to happen.  She poses in her different outfits (or costumes) and thinks she is hot stuff in all of them.  

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11 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

Not a fan of pillowslip couture, I take it. 

Turns out pillowslip couture may actually be a thing. On last night's Project Runway All Stars Anne Fulenweider, editor-in-chief of Marie Claire, sported a top that could only have been embroidered-pillow-slip-from-the-1930s couture. I often like embroidery and such but it was hideous. She can't donate it to the Duggars, though, since it was sleeveless. 

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6 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Is it Joy's dress or is she pregnant?

I think it's the dress. She looked pretty slim in that Instagram picture taken at Amy's store.


7 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

TLC’s new promo does NOT include the Seewalds, for whatever reason.



Ha ha, now we know why she got pregnant! She'd been shunted off into the category of "old news". Notice how Jinger and Jeremy are in the center position that Jessa and Bin always occupied.

Edited by BitterApple
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1 hour ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

Yes, Jessa desperately needs a stylist or at least someone to help her narrow down what she wants her style to be.  I think she lacks the humility for this to happen.  She poses in her different outfits (or costumes) and thinks she is hot stuff in all of them.  

I don't think "humility" is a Duggar trait.

They have been relentlessly indoctrinated to believe that they are very special people on earth, more pure and special in every way than the heathens outside their family and fellow-believers.

Plus, the Duggars are famous and wealthy, and literally have a million followers each on social media. God loves them best. They do the "keep sweet" thing but IMO none of them is at all humble. Jessa in particular is deeply into her TV stah persona and has been seen to be acutely uncomfortable when she has to interact outside the Duggar bubble.

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4 hours ago, JoanArc said:

I see Gozer every time.



"Well, I've finally announced. Time to let america see every last wrinkle in my areolas for the next 9 months. Bin, mail this dress to Jill!"

I was thinking the same thing. Jessa has gone from hiding her stomach by holding kids & bags in front of her to wearing the skin tight maternity clothes.  Not to mention their favorite pregnancy pose of cradling the belly  while arching her back (& pushing her stomach out) so everyone will notice the growing blessing.

She could get some hints from Erin Bates Paine or Alyssa Bates Webster  on how to live with  three kids in a smaller house.  Like others have said, number one is to clean out the spare room for Spurge & Henry.   Couldn't they add on an addition either up or out the back if they plan to stay there? It would require mega bucks for the rest of us, but can't Austin and/or JB and the Duggar Construction Co. help out?  Even a coat of a lighter color paint throughout the house would help immensely in making it seem bigger. Once again, I'm tired of having to think for the Duggars. 

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Does the mold house have enough property in order for Benessa to add on a couple bedrooms and a bath? With all those able bodied guys lolling about, they could have it completed in no time. They could also hire Austin, the only one who seems to like to work.

I also wonder why Si and Lauren got a huge house and they are still in a small one.

Up until now, Jessa & Jinger have been the “stars” of show, those mostly responsible for the continuing cash flow. It’s time for JB to throw them a bone. After all, they are adding to his army for Jesus.

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3 minutes ago, bythelake said:

Does the mold house have enough property in order for Benessa to add on a couple bedrooms and a bath? With all those able bodied guys lolling about, they could have it completed in no time. They could also hire Austin, the only one who seems to like to work.

I also wonder why Si and Lauren got a huge house and they are still in a small one.

Up until now, Jessa & Jinger have been the “stars” of show, those mostly responsible for the continuing cash flow. It’s time for JB to throw them a bone. After all, they are adding to his army for Jesus.

You would think that, if adding on to the house was possible, they'd have at the very least, started doing it a long time ago.  Even without the new baby, the boys are growing up and co-sleeping in the same room is not all that practical once the kids are preschoolers.  They also start to need room to play and for toys.  Then again, Jessa is a Duggar and she lived with a passel of brothers and sisters in a tiny little house until TLC built the TTC for them.

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1 hour ago, JoanArc said:

She'd still be immediately eclipsed by a Jabbie or SiRen pregnancy. I hope they both announce, just to chap her ass.

A SiRen pregnancy announcement would be "Oh dear..." and probably forgotten about until Lauren gave birth. I think they all realize how deeply unpopular the SiRen pairing is. Jabbie would be huge fanfare though.

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35 minutes ago, Normades said:

Oh, if only those kids got to go to preschool!! (or any school besides SORDT)

Would you accept the term "preschoolers for life"? 

Edited by Churchhoney
double entendre unintended but I like it
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7 hours ago, graefin said:


Jessa could really benefit from a stylist, since unlike Jinger, she has no natural sense of style. Or maybe she just doesn't give a fuck now that she's married. And her hair is ridiculous. Any decent hairdresser would lop off eight inches automatically. Not sure why the Duggars' brand of legalism is so much more literal and rigid when it comes to things like women's hair than the Bates's, who--while sharing the same ugly belief system--at least demonstrate reason in some areas.

I'm torn on whether Jinger really has style, or if Jeremy has style. I think it's a little bit of both. When Jana and Jinger were the only two oldest girls left in the house, they always looked really nice, and Jinger's look is really unique. Since marrying Jeremy, her style has become more upscale / mainstream in a way. I wonder if that would have happened naturally as a result of not having to thrift shop, or if Jeremy takes her to nice stores and heavily suggests, "this is he kind of thing I like!"

1 hour ago, bythelake said:

Does the mold house have enough property in order for Benessa to add on a couple bedrooms and a bath? With all those able bodied guys lolling about, they could have it completed in no time. They could also hire Austin, the only one who seems to like to work.

I also wonder why Si and Lauren got a huge house and they are still in a small one.

Up until now, Jessa & Jinger have been the “stars” of show, those mostly responsible for the continuing cash flow. It’s time for JB to throw them a bone. After all, they are adding to his army for Jesus.

I agree, Jessa needs a bigger house! Whatever happened to the pool house? Jessa should live there, and then she could rent out the mold house, since it's in her name. I think that's fair, since she basically is the one most interested in keeping their "brand" going!"

10 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

TLC’s new promo does NOT include the Seewalds, for whatever reason.


Lauren looks awfully filled out in the boobs! Let's hope that it's just the stretching of the picture!

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1 hour ago, bythelake said:

I also wonder why Si and Lauren got a huge house and they are still in a small one.

It was probably strategic--they get along better with all that space in between them ;)

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3 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Ha ha, now we know why she got pregnant! She'd been shunted off into the category of "old news". Notice how Jinger and Jeremy are in the center position that Jessa and Bin always occupied.

Aaaaand Babe is the dead middle focal point.

The photographer probably said "OK, cleanest in the center and then fan out accordingly." That's why there's no Jessa nor Jill.


5 hours ago, Madtown said:

Jessa should find out what she's having. That way if it's a another boy, she'll have some time to let it soak in. I hope they have 20 kids and they are all boys.


She absolutely knows what she's having. This is her form of suspenseful teasing. The "twins" will be thrown out there next week.

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1 hour ago, Normades said:

Oh, if only those kids got to go to preschool!! (or any school besides SORDT)

I was speaking metaphorically of the age when regular kids would be preschoolers since we are all fairly certain that Spurge and Henry never will be 'schoolers'.

Edited by doodlebug
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1 hour ago, bythelake said:

Does the mold house have enough property in order for Benessa to add on a couple bedrooms and a bath? With all those able bodied guys lolling about, they could have it completed in no time. They could also hire Austin, the only one who seems to like to work.

I also wonder why Si and Lauren got a huge house and they are still in a small one.

Up until now, Jessa & Jinger have been the “stars” of show, those mostly responsible for the continuing cash flow. It’s time for JB to throw them a bone. After all, they are adding to his army for Jesus.

At some point recently she said they had a big back yard. So yes. Maybe that's what they intend -- eventually. Probably both Jessa and Bin are a little less sensitive to crowded conditions than most people....

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