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S03.E01: Week 1: Season Premiere

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Daniel's probably the most enjoyable one on the show so far.  He seems like he could be the goofier, adult version of Keanu Reeves in Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.  But what is he going to do with Chad gone from the show, now?  It seems like most of his face time on the show was his interactions with Chad. 

Grant reminds me of a poor man's version of Tyson Beckford. 

Daniel seems pretty superficial and his analogies of people being washed up were pretty cringeworthy but I honestly think that things don't register in his brain before it comes out of his mouth. He seems like he's too laid back and takes nothing serious enough to be bothered to actually think before he speaks. He seems like he's in it for the vacation but he's entertaining. As a Canadian, I'm completely drawn to his accent because it sounds like such an East Coast accent but he's from the West Coast. Wonder what he'll do now without his buddy there. 

I couldn't stop laughing at Jubilee and Jared discussing Lord of the Rings until a clown interrupts. No judgment, the clown was creepy. I'm loving Nick and Daniel's commentary. Lace is a hot mess. Chad is psychotic. I felt uncomfortable watching the two of them interact. Is this the real Chad or is this a strategic Chad who would rather sell his soul for a few minutes of fame or is he really that much of an ass? 

  • Love 1

I love this show. Ridiculously silly summer guilty pleasure. Much more interesting than boring JoJo's season. This show never fails to make me crack up. I notice that it shows a lot more of the candid in-between conversations that the main show edits out (leaving a dull husk of what could be a more entertaining show.)

Chad was so over the top -- someone needed to just escort him to bed, but apparently they don't care enough about him to do that (not that I blame any of them.) Too bad, I think he and Lace could have had something if he hadn't gotten out of control.

The twins are so shallow. A good match (well, one of them) with Daniel, who seemed to think they were the hottest chicks there, when they're not nearly as pretty as most of the women. However, they ARE younger, closer to Daniel's age.

I love Carly. I hope she finds love sometime...if not during this nutty show. Hubby and I are rooting for her, and looking forward to her narrating the episodes. Nick is also excellent at that, and I'm finding him surprisingly tolerable now. Evan's not bad at explaining things, either.

I enjoyed that Jubilee and Jared actually got to discuss an actual real movie and characters. What a concept! It was nice to hear conversation that didn't revolve around "opening up" or their awesome journey. Too bad Jared has no interest, though. (Twin's nasty expression was OTT when Jubes got that date card! As if Jared would be into a bubblehead like her). I'm rooting for Jubilee to find a guy who's really into her. And I'm totally on her side over that clown. ICK!!!

I love that the one guy women (near) universally go for is Jared, who is NOT a meathead. The Chads and Daniels of the world should take note.

Edited by Andromeda
  • Love 7

Can't wait to see the last of Chad--I'm ready for the standard tears and heartbreak of the regular dating.

Perhaps Jared wasn't into Jubilee because he saw how she acted on Ben's season?  He's a pretty low-drama guy (he attracts it, but doesn't participate in it).  He may not be interested in F-bombs and tantrums.  To shrug off her behavior on that season as "resting bitch face" was ridiculous.  She wasn't completely over the top (compared to some others), but more dramatic than he would want, I think.

  • Love 5

I think we all need a Canadian with a cocktail watching our foreplay and going, "You guys are getting freaky pretty quick, eh?"

Seriously, said it during Jojo's season but Daniel is such comedic value. Why am I not at all surprised that the twins are the only two that met his "high standards"? I know he was a total dick about the women, but he's just so not the least bit self-aware, I can't take him seriously. I like that he's the only one who isn't afraid of Chad and is willing to try to talk him down. As much as people made comments about whether Chad was an actual human though, it's Daniel who seems like some kind of weird AI robot. And that accent cracks me up.

Chad... most of the night comes down to being blackout drunk. I wonder how much he even remembers. Obviously that doesn't give him a pass for talking about murdering people, but if they had cut him off like any respectable person would have, I don't think it would have gotten even nearly as out of hand. He was fine earlier on and complimented all the women, but he fell apart after being fed alcohol. And Lace, while I respect that she walked away later on, was also clearly smashed and did reciprocate the hitting and name-calling between making out. She had a line but he didn't know where it was. I really hope that Chad gets professional help.  I felt bad for him the following morning as well with his confusion over what was happening but mostly when he told Chris Harrison "I have nothing in my life." That's probably the saddest thing I've ever heard anyone on this show say.

That being said, I can't believe they're encouraging him to come back again. CH and these producers are so full of shit. They don't care about a safe environment or the mental health of him or anyone else on the show. As Chad said- fuck you, Chris Harrison.

I'm also sick of the twin gimmick and don't know why they can't allow them to be two separate people. They straight up said they wanted to date different guys, so how can they do that if the show is forcing them to come as a package deal? I'd also LIKE to know who they are as individuals as I THINK Haley seems slightly brighter and more likable, but it's hard to tell when they rarely label them, and it pissed me off when one of them was giving a talking head and the caption said "Haley or Emily" as if they didn't clearly know who they were interviewing.

So help me, I've always been a Nick Viall fan. Out of this bunch so far, he would be the one I'd go after (although Wells hasn't shown up yet- I'm hoping he redeems himself after TMTA). Nick's got some sex appeal and intelligence. Plus I think he likes to gossip, and who doesn't like gossip?

Jared is so ridiculously boring. Where is the appeal?! He looks like a rat and seems to have zero interest in any women on these shows. He comes off as totally asexual, which is fine, but I wish he'd stop being a drain on this show. The only purpose he serves is being fodder for Ashley's crazy.

  • Love 17
16 hours ago, Flybutter said:

.....My guess is that all of the Chad scenes in last night's episode - Chad drinking too much, Chad getting too handsy with Lace, Chad being a dick in insulting the others, Chad becoming belligerent, Chad getting crabs, Chad passing out in his own excrement - comprise an intentional effort by the TPTB to take him down and humiliate him as publicly as possible. All in retaliation for his behavior on TB (and probably because they know we viewers would enjoy the schadenfreude too)....

I thought this exact same thing. I also thought his behavior toward the other guys and treatment of the production staff on The Bachelorette must have been so much worse than what we were shown. He could not have been portrayed less attractively than passed out and snoring like a buzzsaw, and apparently soiling/peeing on himself. Show couldn't make up his actions--he really did those hurtful things we saw and what Chris Harrison confronted him with.  

I could be wrong and often am, for some reason I think he called Lace the C word (a very short interchange in a doorway where she was offended and he said he meant it in the good way).

I agree with above posters that Lace should have been sent home too. She was physically pushing him and smacking him--a guy doing what she was doing would be considered abusive. But the next morning she's an angel. Please.

i forgot how annoying I find know-it-all opinionated Carly Eyebrows. She can go home anytime.

  • Love 8

Did Ashley and Jared ever actually date or have any kind of relationship together?  Or is this just 100% her having a crush on him and nothing more? 

So there was this funny thing I noticed - during the scene when Chad was leaving and they walked into this production area.  Chad was speaking with some guy, a member of the crew, staff, not sure who he was, and there was a golf cart vehicle and taped to the top of it was a paper that said "Point Break" and had this image on it. I would just love to know more about what that was about and the significance of it.


Edited by FamilyVan
  • Love 2

Sarah, Sarah, Sarah..."either he goes or I go" isn't a threat.  Chad is dangerous and crude and in desperate need of therapy, true, but I'd rather watch his antics than your sad sack whining any day of the week.  It's a shame, because I used to like and root for Sarah, too.

As for Chad, ugh, his behavior is reprehensible, but he was totally railroaded.  TPTB knew exactly what they were doing, bringing in that passive aggressive little pissant Evan, (or as Jubiliee called him, and I will always love her for this, "penis guy") and plying him with alcohol all night long.  Worse though is that there is no way Chris Harrison didn't know what was happening every minute of the night, yet instead of stepping in when Chad was actually a potential danger to anyone, they just happily filmed away and waited until the next morning when he had sobered up and was no longer a threat (not that he wouldn't have been the minute he got another drink in his hand) to boot him.  And Chris with his "it has come to my attention..."  Please.  Chad needs to go, but the least BIP could do for him is pay for his therapy.

About the hair, I was going to comment on how bad Carly's looked until I remembered that when I was in Mexico, mine did the very same thing.  It didn't matter how much time I spent blow drying and curling it, the minute I stepped outside, it was all over.  She could have done something about that horrid color though.  As it was, it looked like she put a bowl over her head and spray painted the rest of it blonde.

I have no idea who Izzy was and barely remember Vinny, but if they turn out to be this season's Jade and Tanner and spend the summer making out in a hammock, more power to them.

As for the rest...I don't know what it means when Nick Viall ends up being my favorite guy of the evening, but darned if he wasn't.

Edited by Kerri Okie
  • Love 5

Finally got to watch this, it was much more uncomfortable of a train wreck than I was expecting.


I got no entertainment from either Chad or Daniel.  Or anybody in the Greek chorus constantly commenting on Chad & Lace.

Chad was just sad to watch and Daniel seems to be angling to become the new IT character with his weird talking heads. If he's NOT acting...then he's truly a weird guy and rather dumb, to boot. 

As for the Greek chorus, I have to admit I giggled a bit at Nick plopping himself down amid a sea of interchangeable blondes and watching the show. 


Oh, Chad better not have disrespected Jorge! All right. Even I can't defend Chad anymore. He went too far too fast. He wasn't funny. He was drunk and belligerent, and I'm sure everyone was legitimately scared of him. I thought the security guards in the last series was overkill, but he was definitely unhinged talking about everyone being unmurdered and even trying to hit his BFF Daniel. Then, as previewed, Chad drops the F bomb on Harrison and gives him the "come at me." Tune in next week to see whether Harrison throws down. It saddens me to say, you are now dead to me, Chad. Ah, well, life goes on... Every Monday AND Tuesday! Yes!!

I'm not understanding the previews for next week, if Chad gets sent home now, how does he get a chance to put Evan in the hospital? 


That was the new Lace? Yikes. (Although I did love her giving it back to Chad until it got out of hand.)

Lace's version of self-improvement seems to be...talking about how aware she is of her issues and how much better that is than being crazy and unaware. Based on her behavior in this episode, frankly, I'm not seeing the difference. 


Twins who have to be a package deal are never going to get actual boyfriends. 

I get that the show is having some fun with this, like the "Emily or Haley" name tag, but why on earth are they a package deal when it comes to roses?? I kind of understood it when Ashley I's sister randomly tagged along to Paradise because she was never on the show, but these 2 are actual separate beings who were both on the show before. Why do they count as 1 person? 


Chad is horrible, but him saying that Chris Harrison watches the show while drinking a mimosa and wearing a bathrobe was hilarious.

Was he trying to out some sort of production detail with his comments about CH being 100 miles away? Like, he's not there most of the time, but flies in to deliver his Captain Obvious "1 rose left" speech? 

  • Love 5

Finally got to watch this, it was much more uncomfortable of a train wreck than I was expecting.


I got no entertainment from either Chad or Daniel.  Or anybody in the Greek chorus constantly commenting on Chad & Lace.

Chad was just sad to watch and Daniel seems to be angling to become the new IT character with his weird talking heads. If he's NOT acting...then he's truly a weird guy and rather dumb, to boot. 

As for the Greek chorus, I have to admit I giggled a bit at Nick plopping himself down amid a sea of interchangeable blondes and watching the show. 


Oh, Chad better not have disrespected Jorge! All right. Even I can't defend Chad anymore. He went too far too fast. He wasn't funny. He was drunk and belligerent, and I'm sure everyone was legitimately scared of him. I thought the security guards in the last series was overkill, but he was definitely unhinged talking about everyone being unmurdered and even trying to hit his BFF Daniel. Then, as previewed, Chad drops the F bomb on Harrison and gives him the "come at me." Tune in next week to see whether Harrison throws down. It saddens me to say, you are now dead to me, Chad. Ah, well, life goes on... Every Monday AND Tuesday! Yes!!

I'm not understanding the previews for next week, if Chad gets sent home now, how does he get a chance to put Evan in the hospital? 


That was the new Lace? Yikes. (Although I did love her giving it back to Chad until it got out of hand.)

Lace's version of self-improvement seems to be...talking about how aware she is of her issues and how much better that is than being crazy and unaware. Based on her behavior in this episode, frankly, I'm not seeing the difference. 


Twins who have to be a package deal are never going to get actual boyfriends. 

I get that the show is having some fun with this, like the "Emily or Haley" name tag, but why on earth are they a package deal when it comes to roses?? I kind of understood it when Ashley I's sister randomly tagged along to Paradise because she was never on the show, but these 2 are actual separate beings who were both on the show before. Why do they count as 1 person? 


Chad is horrible, but him saying that Chris Harrison watches the show while drinking a mimosa and wearing a bathrobe was hilarious.

Was he trying to out some sort of production detail with his comments about CH being 100 miles away? Like, he's not there most of the time, but flies in to deliver his Captain Obvious "1 rose left" speech? 

Finally got to watch this, it was much more uncomfortable of a train wreck than I was expecting.


I got no entertainment from either Chad or Daniel.  Or anybody in the Greek chorus constantly commenting on Chad & Lace.

Chad was just sad to watch and Daniel seems to be angling to become the new IT character with his weird talking heads. If he's NOT acting...then he's truly a weird guy and rather dumb, to boot. 

As for the Greek chorus, I have to admit I giggled a bit at Nick plopping himself down amid a sea of interchangeable blondes and watching the show. 


Oh, Chad better not have disrespected Jorge! All right. Even I can't defend Chad anymore. He went too far too fast. He wasn't funny. He was drunk and belligerent, and I'm sure everyone was legitimately scared of him. I thought the security guards in the last series was overkill, but he was definitely unhinged talking about everyone being unmurdered and even trying to hit his BFF Daniel. Then, as previewed, Chad drops the F bomb on Harrison and gives him the "come at me." Tune in next week to see whether Harrison throws down. It saddens me to say, you are now dead to me, Chad. Ah, well, life goes on... Every Monday AND Tuesday! Yes!!

I'm not understanding the previews for next week, if Chad gets sent home now, how does he get a chance to put Evan in the hospital? 


That was the new Lace? Yikes. (Although I did love her giving it back to Chad until it got out of hand.)

Lace's version of self-improvement seems to be...talking about how aware she is of her issues and how much better that is than being crazy and unaware. Based on her behavior in this episode, frankly, I'm not seeing the difference. 


Twins who have to be a package deal are never going to get actual boyfriends. 

I get that the show is having some fun with this, like the "Emily or Haley" name tag, but why on earth are they a package deal when it comes to roses?? I kind of understood it when Ashley I's sister randomly tagged along to Paradise because she was never on the show, but these 2 are actual separate beings who were both on the show before. Why do they count as 1 person? 


Chad is horrible, but him saying that Chris Harrison watches the show while drinking a mimosa and wearing a bathrobe was hilarious.

Was he trying to out some sort of production detail with his comments about CH being 100 miles away? Like, he's not there most of the time, but flies in to deliver his Captain Obvious "1 rose left" speech? 

  • Love 1

I won't lie, I watched those cheesy opening credits five times before I started watching the rest of the show.  Those opening credits are BY FAR my favorite thing about the show, and I laughed myself silly at Daniel drenching himself in maple syrup and Grant "seductively" blowing out a candle. 

As for the actual show, I can't add a whole lot more, but I will say that I did a complete 180 on Chad when I saw him from Stassi (on Vanderpump Rules) snapchat.  I always found him really entertaining, but on her snapchat (she must have some mutual friends with him, because they were watching the show in a group) he was obnoxious, loud, couldn't stop yelling "suck a dick!" at the screen, and Stassi sounded genuinely pissed when she kept telling him to "shut up" repeatedly.  I had thought all the stuff for The Bachelorette was all an act, but he clearly is keeping it up even when he's off the show, and it's not a good look.  

That all being said - Evan is still a fucking tool.  I'm not even Chad's biggest fan, but going through someone's bags when they're not there is shitty,  and I guarantee if the situation was reversed and it had been Chad going through Evan's luggage,  Evan would've thrown a shit fit.

I should think Daniel is a tool - I noticed even Chad was like "Uh, dude, these girls are hot; what are you talking about?" when they were chatting - but my god, is he ever a completely unself-aware tool.  His entire herpes non sequitur killed me, as did "I only want to be associated with eagles.  I don't know what's better than an eagle, a pterodactyl or something?"  I doubt he's long for this, but I'll laugh at him for every second he's on screen.

Also - I was pretty indifferent to Nick on Andi and Kaitlyn's seasons (didn't hate him, but didn't love him either), but he did get my favorite line of the night with "I think God mailed it in the day he made Chad."   

Edited by Princess Sparkle
  • Love 4
4 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

I'm not understanding the previews for next week, if Chad gets sent home now, how does he get a chance to put Evan in the hospital? 

I call editing monkeys on this. 


According to RS Chad does get sent home, period.  And

Evan in the hospital is probably another, seperate incident all together.

God I'm glad this show is back!  This is my guilty pleasure.  I love the fun atmosphere and I do generally like all the people on the show so far so I hope for romance for all of them.  But I do find it kinda mean of the producers to spring that crazy clown on Jubilee and Jared.  WTF was that?!  That whole date was weird...where the F where they?  It looked like some crazy Party City hell.

Edited by OnceSane
Added spoiler tags
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Kerri Okie said:

About the hair, I was going to comment on how bad Carly's looked until I remembered that when I was in Mexico, mine did the very same thing.  It didn't matter how much time I spent blow drying and curling it, the minute I stepped outside, it was all over.  She could have done something about that horrid color though.  As it was, it looked like she put a bowl over her head and spray painted the rest of it blonde.

Several posters have mentioned the hair thing. Apparently it's a trend these days with the 20-something set. It's weird to me, but it's called "Ombre" coloring. My thought (being no-where-near-20-something) is "What??? Why???" But yeah... apparently they're all doing it on purpose.

It looks terrible with all the ratty extensions, so they really ought to have considered just letting their own hair grow, keeping it nicely trimmed at the bottom, so they'd have body to the ends.

Longer is not always better, Kids.

Now get off my lawn.

  • Love 2
18 minutes ago, Princess Sparkle said:

I won't lie, I watched those cheesy opening credits five times before I started watching the rest of the show.  Those opening credits are BY FAR my favorite thing about the show, and I laughed myself silly at Daniel drenching himself in maple syrup and Grant "seductively" blowing out a candle. 

The credits are the best thing ever! So awesomely cheesy.

What I don't get about the twins being a package deal, what if someone picks one of them, so the twin gets to stay, does that mean an extra girl has to go home? because that's bullshit! Does it mean the guy who might have wanted to pick the other twin has to pick someone else? That's not right either. Or are they only allowed to date the same guy? Can we just get rid of them already? The only good thing about them being there was that Kyron that said "Haley or Emily". Everything else about them is a waste.

I have no sympathy for Chad who was not forced to drink as much as he did. Yes, the booze is readily available, but I didn't see a gun to his head. He chose to drink until he could no longer control himself. He's got anger issues so he should have guessed that drinking would make that worse. It is very telling that this is all he has in his life. Yes, his mother died, was she his only family member? Does he have no friends? A job? Again, that (other than his mothers death) is all on him. I'm more than a little pissed that he's going to be back next ep. I only decided to watch because I heard he was kicked out in the first episode.

  • Love 2
17 hours ago, PetuniaP said:

I'm sure many, many guys would love the hot girl who can nerd out about Lord of the Rings but if she couldn't see that Jared is not one of them, she's more oblivious to how she comes across than she thinks. 

Ugh. That conversation was so painful. I love how her proof that she's "such a nerd" is that the Lord of the Rings movies are her favorite...not the actual books. And then Jared kept saying Aragon, which is...just not right. And yet it was still one of the most intelligent conversations I've heard on this show!

I, too have mixed emotions about the Chad thing. He was surely black out drunk by the time Lace turned on him. I think he was really enjoying their "playful banter" and was too drunk to pick up on the cues that he pushed it too far. That was not the first time he called her a bitch that night, but I think he added something sexual to it, as well? And then, in his drunken state, he didn't understand why the tide had turned against him and it made him angry and combative. Not to excuse his behavior, but I'm guessing if he watched last night that is probably the only way he discovered what he said and did that night.

However, it did get us the crab in the hair which was just beyond funny. I was picturing the crab patting him on the head, saying "it's alright buddy...just a little too much to drink. We see it all the time here in Mexico."

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, dleighg said:

Any idea why they kept blurring out Lace's butt in the pool thing with Chad? At first I thought she'd actually shed her bikini, then put it back on when they rejoined the "audience" but they blurred it out again as she was walking away 

Yeah, they did that with Lace's white bikini and then with another girl in a green bikini, and both bikini bottoms were very clearly on their butts, I didn't get it either?

I don't ever watch The Bachelor or Bachelorette, but BiP is my summer time crack.  I don't know who most of these sad, sad people are in context of the other shows, but I recognize the repeat offenders.

Evan might not look as goofy if he shaved off the beard and mustache.  They aren't doing him any favors.  Same for Vinny...his porn 'stach needs to go!

Daniel seems too stupid to be left on his own.  How has he managed crossing streets, taking showers or pouring a bowl of cereal without traumatic damage is amazing to me.

Chad is everything and more BiP promised.  I watch "UN-Real" so I can assume a lot of the bad behavior is coaxed out on purpose by Production.  However it is pretty close to criminal to allow a 'roid raging asshole loose among the other very damaged people and allow him to drink that much alcohol.  And how very telling it was when he was mumbling on his way out that he "will never be the Bachelor now!" and how he "has NOTHING! to go back to!" There's a whole generation of people who think if they aren't on TV, then there is nothing to live for.  (I guess I'm part of the problem though since I watch this crap and keep shows like this pumping out more despicable human beings year after year.)

Lace is BSC in the same vein as cry-baby Ashley (looks like she'll be back to compete for the Crazy Crown).  All I can think of when I see/hear Lace is this Cecily Strong character on SNL:



  • Love 9
16 hours ago, waynes said:

Grant reminds me of a poor man's version of Tyson Beckford. 

He looks nothing like Tyson.  He could kind of look like Jason Olive


Also, I liked Lace's hair.  I thought it was sexy!

I'm happy that Daniel has his fans here.  

I'm finding Nick really attractive here, and I am still intrigued by him.  Never saw Andy's season.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 2

I gotta ask, who here wears a robe? Didn't those go out when the Leave It To Beaver and Father Knows Best eras ended? The crab getting stuck in Chad's hair-spray-laden 'do at the end made me LOL. Best part of the show for me. And I choose Nick as best-looking bach so far, plus he's being "one of the girls," sitting and watching the train wrecks happen. My kinda guy!

  • Love 4
16 hours ago, Alapaki said:

I don't think he's on the way to being an alcoholic.  I think he probably never drinks alcohol in real life.  He can't and still be that lean and cut.  For fuck's sake, did you see him showing Daniel how hard it was to pinch any skin on his abs to show how lean he was? (and no, that wasn't gay at all).

I was wondering about this.  Your explanation makes sense. 

There seemed to be a lot of blonde - at one point, there was a shot of all the blondes sitting together in a sea of whiteness. I couldn't tell anyone apart. 

I always saw Nick as a chipmunk, but damn if he doesn't look hot on this show (easily the best-looking man in the current group).  Not sure what's going on with me. Maybe it's the haircut and scruff. But dude is...35? Hanging with mostly twentysomethings? Not a good look.        

I don't know why black contestants bother with this show (or the franchise in general, really). If Jubilee goes early, I won't be surprised.  Jared obviously hesitated when she asked him out, and it was so cringeworthy.  This is not the pool of men who see beauty across the board.  She's the best-looking of the current women, yet possibly hooks up with Evan (based on the edited previews)? Girl...do better.    

I skipped a lot of scenes, but I thought Nick mentioned (in voiceover?) wanting to meet Jubilee.  That might have been interesting. Ah well.

Daniel continues to be a butterface. Ironic, given his commentary on some of the women. 

  • Love 12
4 hours ago, BusyOctober said:

And how very telling it was when he was mumbling on his way out that he "will never be the Bachelor now!" and how he "has NOTHING! to go back to!" There's a whole generation of people who think if they aren't on TV, then there is nothing to live for.  (I guess I'm part of the problem though since I watch this crap and keep shows like this pumping out more despicable human beings year after year.)

But how can he have nothing to go back to?  He told us he drives a Lamborghini and has "dollar, dollar, bills, yo!"

  • Love 6
On 8/3/2016 at 11:58 AM, Juneaucat said:

The entire Chad/Lace thing made me so uncomfortable. I kept thinking "this is how a date rape happens." Just me thinking that?

Nope. I fully realize that's a very heavy, very serious thing to even imply about someone, but if there's any reality at all to what we saw (mixed in with lots of salt, naturally), I feel like she might be lucky that she interacted with him in this scenario, with so many people around. On the other hand, as we've more or less established here, it's unlikely that Chad drinks much if at all usually, and the drinking does seem to be what pushes him from mere douchey asshole to serious rage monster, so if she'd met him under other circumstances, things might not have gone the way they did.

Still, though, I'm not really prepared to blame her. Yes, she was hammered, too, and yes, she was playing along, and yes, the vibe they'd mutually established was a little off (can't really argue with... Vinny, was it, who suggested that they'd be the sort of couple to slap and choke each other while having sex, and to each their own, but I will say that that sort of thing needs to be clearly articulated and consented to by all parties, and should never involve alcohol), but something he did or said crossed a line (or maybe she just changed her mind), and he did not take that well, or even seem to understand it. I just can't quite get behind blaming her for the abuse he started dishing out.

As for him... He should really not drink. I definitely got the impression that he literally did not remember the previous evening, thus he genuinely believed that people were lying when they said he said some of the things he said. I actually kind of hope that he has seen the un-bleeped footage from that night so he can see exactly how he behaves when he drinks, and I hope he does a little self reflection after all this (although it didn't really look like he has on the Men Tell All & After the Final Rose shows). That said, I've never been one to give anyone much of a pass on the way they act when drunk. I truly believe that people do not say things drunk that they don't at least think sober. And he revealed some pretty gross attitudes.

Basically, I don't think either he or Lace is really in the right headspace to make it through an environment like this  (actually, I'm not sure how anyone is. I really can't quite wrap my head around the idea of deliberately putting myself in the kind of emotional torture chamber this whole franchise clearly is).

All that said, I'm kind of extra skeeved out by the franchise and the producers and whatnot at this point. They absolutely set him up, hoping he would act that way, and I think it's gross even for this franchise to deliberately bait someone who has shown himself to have such violent tendencies, and to effectively celebrate it, even while they pretend to be so aghast. If they keep it up, sooner or later, someone is going to get legitimately hurt (whether by Chad or by some future unstable douchebag they find), and they are leaving themselves wide open to liability issues when that happens. That and it really is just plain gross and exploitative, even for this show.

That opening credits sequence, though, seriously is the greatest thing ever, and I really hope we can get on with moving past all this Chad crap ASAP so we can just enjoy the regular levels of gross and exploitative.

  • Love 17

Here's the thing with Chad.  He loves to compare bodies with Daniel, in a very touchy-feely way.  He makes a big deal about bragging about how many women he's "hooked up" with.  And he appears to need to be drunk to actually approach a woman one-on-one.

He almost sounds like that guy who always wonders why these homosexuals keep sucking his cock.

  • LOL 1
  • Love 5
20 hours ago, Alapaki said:

Chad isn't a victim.  He's just an asshole.  

I don't think he's on the way to being an alcoholic.  I think he probably never drinks alcohol in real life.  He can't and still be that lean and cut.  For fuck's sake, did you see him showing Daniel how hard it was to pinch any skin on his abs to show how lean he was? (and no, that wasn't gay at all).

He's just someone who doesn't drink, and who probably forced himself to dehydrate so he could show off his muscles, and then go shitfaced after just a few drinks.  

Mileage varies and all that, but in my opinion people's bad behaviour doesn't ever just come out of nowhere. 

Yes, I think Chad behaved like an a-hole. However I think that some of his tendencies stem from him having psychological problems with roots beyond Grade-A Jerkdom. In saying so, I'm not attempting to excuse his behaviour. I'm just trying to explore its source. When you don't process grief or anger properly, those emotions can resurface in unhealthy ways.

11 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

So many people have called for professional help for these kids maybe we need another spin-off:

"Bachelors In Therapy,"

We could watch a group therapy circle working on Chad's anger issues, Evan's inferiority complex, Sarah's need to set herself up to be hurt, Lace's alcohol problem, Nick's chronic compulsion to be on television, the twins' co-dependent identity issues, and so many more.  The raccoon could come back to lead it, or Chris Harrison in his robe with a mimosa.

I know you're joking, but I just about died when I saw this. I hope none of TPTB are lurking and think it's a good idea. 

Edited by C76
  • Love 3
13 hours ago, jade.black said:

Chad... most of the night comes down to being blackout drunk.

Yup. It was like watching an ex of mine. When he would black out while drunk he'd go off the rails and become hostile and insulting. Then he would not remember it the next day (not that I am using that as an excuse for bad behavior).

3 hours ago, Canada said:

Lace was being a drunk bitch.  Chad was being a drunk asshole.  I don't think one was any worse than the other.  In fact, Lace was the one hitting Chad.  I hate it when women hit men and then cry foul when a guy reacts to it.  

Agreed with this and other posts calling Lacy out. Chad was not the only abusive one shown.  He took it to another level by hurling insults and threats towards other people.  But when it was just the two of them interacting, she was as bad as he was. I suspect she backed off when it was clear that he was seeing and raising her on the insults and aggressiveness instead of being more Grant-like. 

6 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I actually think Daniel's face is so pretty.  He's a butterpersonality for me.

There's something very...Mr. Potato Head about his face that I find unattractive. 

  • Love 3
On 8/3/2016 at 8:59 AM, Tara Ariano said:

I like that the other shirtless guys in this photo are clearly sucking in + flexing their abs, even though they already have great bodies and don't need to, but Vinny is just like "This is how I look. Whatever." Respect, yo.

  • Love 13

This is by far the trashiest show I have ever watched. I seriously can't believe I am going to watch this. I'm a little behind but I just watched the first episode and...

I cannot say Chad's behavior surprised me at all. I started following Chad on SnapChat at some point after he was kicked off the Bachelor -- I assume it was after he filmed Paradise too. So, I do wonder what Chad on SnapChat (if he had it) would've been like before all this stuff, but I can say that Chad is fucking weeeeird on SnapChat. When he's not in LA doing stuff for the Bachelor, he's in his (pretty crappy-looking) apartment/house smoking and throwing dollar bills in the air or going to the gym. He also loves to film himself throwing raw steaks and chicken breasts at his Foreman Grill, and he misses a lot, which is pretty gross and I can't believe he eats it. He talks a lot about wanting to kill people, obviously as a joke, but also revealing a general disposition toward being annoyed, angry and violent toward everyone. He is always alone and doesn't really seem to have any friends, which doesn't necessarily mean anything, except we probably know why in his case. He also seems to always have headphones on and is listening to like club music that he includes in his snaps. (He loves the song Ass & Titties.) It's just really weird. He seems to have started drinking alone.

Anyway, with Chad and Lace, I feel like what happened at the base level is a pretty common thing that can happen between two people generally, but especially a man and a woman. Chad thought they were joking around and then things changed for Lace and she felt it went too far or she was just not having fun anymore. I was never quite clear on exactly what Chad said that crossed the line for her, but I think we have a good idea. Either way, I do see why Chad was confused by and I don't know if I blame him for feeling confused. But the problem was how he acted afterward when he got all blue ballsy that just made everyone uncomfortable and that's when I started to understand why he was going to be sent home. He also got a little aggressive toward her, and I agree with the sentiment that, I know this is a serious thing to bring up, but it feels like how date rape occurs. (Not saying Chad was going to cross that line, but it was so clear they were on different pages and he was getting frustrated.) Anyway, he did say disrespectful stuff to everyone, but I know from SnapChat that he is always disrespectful, not to anyone in particular, that's just how he is. He is arrogant, thinks he is awesome and is amused with himself. Drinking just makes it that much worse.

Chad looked like he wanted to cry when he was told he has to leave. He has no sense of how he comes across to people. (Or maybe he really did black out and forget everrrrything?) And it was pretty easy on the Bachelorette to believe the other guys were douche bags (they were) who would not stop obsessing over him (they wouldn't) and justify his attitude toward them. But just because those guys sucked doesn't mean Chad isn't off-putting and rude to people. Still, I found it weird that the show was clearly hoping he'd act this way, and then when he did, they sent him home.

Other items:

-This show has so much filler. That shot of Chad sleeping on the ground felt like an eternity. And how much of the show time is actually just previews for what we are literally about to watch?

-Who the fuck is Izzy? I'm not a huge Bachelor/ette person, but I did watch Sean's season and I have absolutely no recollection of her.

-Why does this show continue to treat the twins as one person? If one gets a rose, both stay. It's so, so weird.

-Amanda is so vapid and dumb - why is she here or on TV generally? She has no personality, literally all we know about her is that she is a mom, and her voice drives me up the wall.

-I still think Evan and Grant seem pretty douchey.

-I don't think Jared has any interest in Jubilee at all. He looked so bored on that date. I think Jubilee seems like a fascinating, multi-layered person, but I just don't know if this forced style of dating is for her personality. I sort of hated seeing her talk about trying to be more approachable and seem more happy -- I mean, I guess that's fine, except I think her personality is just different than that and it's okay. It felt like she's trying to be someone she isn't. I don't see her finding love on a show like this.

-Daniel is so weird. Talk about another guy with no self-awareness. But at least it's sort of funny?

  • Love 16
6 hours ago, Falafel said:

I started following Chad on SnapChat at some point after he was kicked off the Bachelor -- I assume it was after he filmed Paradise too. So, I do wonder what Chad on SnapChat (if he had it) would've been like before all this stuff, but I can say that Chad is fucking weeeeird on SnapChat. When he's not in LA doing stuff for the Bachelor, he's in his (pretty crappy-looking) apartment/house smoking and throwing dollar bills in the air or going to the gym. He also loves to film himself throwing raw steaks and chicken breasts at his Foreman Grill, and he misses a lot, which is pretty gross and I can't believe he eats it. He talks a lot about wanting to kill people, obviously as a joke, but also revealing a general disposition toward being annoyed, angry and violent toward everyone. He is always alone and doesn't really seem to have any friends, which doesn't necessarily mean anything, except we probably know why in his case. He also seems to always have headphones on and is listening to like club music that he includes in his snaps. (He loves the song Ass & Titties.) It's just really weird. He seems to have started drinking alone.

Wow.  We know too much about people these days. I had to look up "snap chat," to find out exactly what it entailed, just as yesterday, I had to look up "Instagram,"  to understand why Jordan was sending lovey-dovey stuff to Jojo on it.  No wonder these people can be so natural in front of the cameras, some of them have long since given their lives over to the outside world, so that they wouldn't dream of popping a pimple without turning it into  a skin-care tutorial for YouTube.

Amanda is a good example of this,  "Love is not love if it not on camera finds."   In spite of her baby dragon face and missing personality, Ben described her as so beautiful it hurt and she's a type that the average guy just worships.  When she went home from Ben's season she probably had over a thousand e-mails from guys who wanted to meet her.  After filtering out the crazy, the ugly, the unemployed, the lives-to-far-away, she still probably had a hundred guys she could start talking to and narrow down to maybe ten real connections.  I would love to know why none of them were right for her, or if she even tried with them.  Once again she seems to have discarded all local, nice guys with jobs in favor of leaving her kids to go on TV and meet fellow fame whores.

Evan's even worse than Amanda.  I don't even think he left his kids looking for love, just  looking for Chad.

  • Love 15
1 hour ago, JudyObscure said:

I would love to know why none of them were right for her, or if she even tried with them.  Once again she seems to have discarded all local, nice guys with jobs in favor of leaving her kids to go on TV and meet fellow fame whores.

You answered your own question there. If it's not televised, it doesn't count. How can she know any of those guys were really into her if they weren't into her in front of a million strangers? It's really sad. These people all make me really sad.

I'm really surprised she didn't go after Evan. They could have pitched a real life Brady Bunch spinoff show. Doesn't he have boys? She has girls. It practically writes itself.

  • Love 5
8 hours ago, Falafel said:

I cannot say Chad's behavior surprised me at all. I started following Chad on SnapChat at some point after he was kicked off the Bachelor -- I assume it was after he filmed Paradise too. So, I do wonder what Chad on SnapChat (if he had it) would've been like before all this stuff, but I can say that Chad is fucking weeeeird on SnapChat. When he's not in LA doing stuff for the Bachelor, he's in his (pretty crappy-looking) apartment/house smoking and throwing dollar bills in the air or going to the gym. He also loves to film himself throwing raw steaks and chicken breasts at his Foreman Grill, and he misses a lot, which is pretty gross and I can't believe he eats it. He talks a lot about wanting to kill people, obviously as a joke, but also revealing a general disposition toward being annoyed, angry and violent toward everyone. He is always alone and doesn't really seem to have any friends, which doesn't necessarily mean anything, except we probably know why in his case. He also seems to always have headphones on and is listening to like club music that he includes in his snaps. (He loves the song Ass & Titties.) It's just really weird. He seems to have started drinking alone.


I started following him on snapchat the other day and....hoo boy.  Chad must REEK 24/7, because that dude smokes like a chimney.  I can't tell if he plays up this personality because he thinks that's what his "brand" is or if he actually acts like that, but either way, he should probably take a LONG break from the spotlight.

  • Love 2

I actually really enjoyed this episode. Okay, so color me weird. I don't like Chad at all, there is absolutely NO excuse, NONE, for his behavior toward other humans. Take that from someone who has been in an abusive relationship. There is NO EXCUSE. He also revealed his true self when he cried he "had nothing" if he were kicked off the show, that he would "never be The Bachelor." Dude obviously is no "high-end realtor." At least not IMO. I still like Jubilee, and wondered what the show promised her so she would appear. Which causes me to ask, does anyone get anything from appearing? Or just a miserable, non-air-conditioned Mexico vacation with all-you-can-eat-and-drink? In any case, I still like this better than The Bach. But I could change my mind on that given a few more episodes. I'm rooting for Nick, he's my eye candy this season. I know ... go figure! As for past winners being in Paradise, didn't Jake/Vienna appear in S1?

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Princess Sparkle said:

I started following him on snapchat the other day and....hoo boy.  Chad must REEK 24/7, because that dude smokes like a chimney.  I can't tell if he plays up this personality because he thinks that's what his "brand" is or if he actually acts like that, but either way, he should probably take a LONG break from the spotlight.

Yeah...I started following him on there a while ago, but now...dear god boy has really gone off the rails. Mostly just a chain-smoking, awkward pelvic thrust-"dancing," rambling/slurring, downing a bottle of whisky alone in his hotel room, boozehound scene on there these days. Eek. I think he's playing it up to a point, but not all of it. Regardless, he might want to pump the brakes a bit. Cause we've all seen what a godawful drunk he is. And he's making an ass of himself. *Sigh* I actually liked Chad when he was just...fun, and sort of had his wits about him.

  • Love 1
5 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

I actually really enjoyed this episode. Okay, so color me weird. I don't like Chad at all, there is absolutely NO excuse, NONE, for his behavior toward other humans. Take that from someone who has been in an abusive relationship. There is NO EXCUSE. He also revealed his true self when he cried he "had nothing" if he were kicked off the show, that he would "never be The Bachelor." Dude obviously is no "high-end realtor." At least not IMO. I still like Jubilee, and wondered what the show promised her so she would appear. Which causes me to ask, does anyone get anything from appearing? Or just a miserable, non-air-conditioned Mexico vacation with all-you-can-eat-and-drink? In any case, I still like this better than The Bach. But I could change my mind on that given a few more episodes. I'm rooting for Nick, he's my eye candy this season. I know ... go figure! As for past winners being in Paradise, didn't Jake/Vienna appear in S1?

Jake and Vienna were on Season 2 of Bachelor Pad.  I only remember past "winners" coming to paradise to give relationship recommendations to the contestants, but not to actually compete.

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