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S12.E10: The Men Tell All

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Admittedly I've not really watched the season or cared much at all, but I did watch the Men Tell All and unpopular opinion perhaps, I loved Chad. Yes he's an asshole, yes he's playing things up for the camera but I thought he made a lot of the guys look like morons and I do think he was honest about a lot of things, like many of them coming on there for fame and pretending they were so much better than him. Not to mention the losers who broke up with girlfriends to come on the show.

Two things I especially loved was the video showing that Evan did shove him first and Evan's whole, "play it again" was hilarious. I cracked up when Chris Harrison was like, "it's not going to change". And the other was when Chris asked Chad about his issues with Alex and he very simply stated, "he was just really freaking annoying." From the very little I saw of Alex on the show, I thought, "yup, I believe that." Also, JoJo's whole rabid/stand by your man reaction to Chad's comments about Jordan totally gave it away that's who she chose. Not a spoiler but it's like, "way to make it obvious girl" because what would she care that Chad thinks Jordan is a liar, manipulator and using his brother's name for fame, if she didn't pick Jordan anyway. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Excellent posts all around on this ep with a special shout out to JenE4 (I just got the name) kicking off the festivities in fine form. Looks like everyone has Chad's number and can appreciate what he brings to the table as the moustache twirling villain. I would even go as far as wanting a season with him as the Bachelor as he would be swiftly kicking broads to the curb and dishing out hard truths left and right. Who's with me? Anybody? Where's SNL when you need them? I see Taran Killam as Chad, Kyle Mooney as Wells, and Bobby Moynihan as Vinny's mom.

And to the poster who said JoJo reminds them of OLTL's Kassie DePaiva, I see a lil' Blair up in there, or as I like to call her, Formerly Asian Blair (which OLTL gave a nod to in a hilarious flashback).

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Evan is an over anxious unattractive little weasel. I can't believe JoJo actually locked lips with him. I would not could not. (I think he was a bed wetter not that there is anything inherently wrong with that.) he would gave never gone after Chad without the pack egging him on. People think girls are mean in a group- this is the perfect example of guys turning on each other in a group. Chad wasn't the first one they bullied but when he hit back they made it s group sport. I actually think Chad was the most attractive man there and the most honest and aware even if he took that too far.  All these declarations of love are crazy. Guys you look foolish - and JoJo you look desparate. I give you 6 weeks. And it won't matter with which guy. I might be wrong but.... ?

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i can't figure out how to delete a quadruple post so I am erasing and reposting... Did anyone figure out the drama of Jordan vs Aaron Rodgers?? Or is this just some Bachelortette made for TV drama? Funny that it's never surfaced before...

Edited by Kendra143
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1 hour ago, CindyBee said:

Vinny, St. Nick and Derek all live near each in south Florida so maybe one of Derek/Nick helped Vinny get a better hair cut? 


Vinny's a barber.  I'm pretty sure he had recently visited the 'hair club for men' before the show. Maybe that's why he looked better now as it could have grown in.  (I have to say it looked like a good job) .  I skipped around alot on TMTA so I didn't get much of a look at him.  I was hoping he'd give Robbie some hair club tips though. Anything better than Robbie's rubber doll hair.  I liked Vinny.  I wish she'd given him more of a chance.  But they never go with the Italian Jersey boys.  Always the bland Ken dolls.

I too lost my luster for Wells (I erased that part of your post by mistake) with his 'voice of reason' plea.  

"why did you invite me into the fantasy suite only to dump me?" Because the producers told me to, dunce.  And why did Robbie stop by un-announced?  Because we might all be at the edge of our seat thinking she'd dump Robbie then, just like Ben dumped Caila? (the girl who stopped by Ben's) and he gave her basically the  "oh how nice but  don't call me I'll call you"  (Pretty sure IRC)

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the sad thing is, it seems that only with an ILY can you move forward these days....I feel like the last great season was andrew firestone when you saw people really falling for each other but it wasnt scripted like it is now. JOJO is a huge hypocrite (scripted or not) constantly complaining about Ben blindsiding her and then doing the same to more than one guy. Im still floored how the guys that were dumped all in turn "thanked her" for doing so and "allowing them to feel". OMG. I can honestly say I have never thanked anyone for leading me on and then ditching me.  I also remember men and women tell all where the dumpees would level really difficult questions to the bachelor or bachelorette ---(anyone remember the truly awkward after the final rose with aaron and helene?) (Or Jake and Vienna) and how awkward it was when Deanna asked Brad is he would date her again and he said no <ouch>. Much as I disliked her as a bachette that was pretty cold of him.....so yeah the show has really changed, i guess with the advent of the internet and social media... Also she never kissed Evan, she gave him a peck on the lips :::shudder::::

Edited by nlkm9
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Man, no love for Vinny's old 'do lol. I actually preferred it to the new hair. I think Vinny being a barber, who maybe listens to hip hop, rocked the same low cut fade a lot of brothers have. I called it on sight when I saw him in the first episode. I was surprised he got as far as he did because JoJo is not about that life.

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If anybody can take guys ganging up on him, it's Chad.  Pretty hilarious that he went after Robby's and the black guy's ex-girlfriend.  If he could, he probably would try to sleep with all of their exes to "get some dirt" on them.  Wonder what kind of dirt he has on James Taylor?  I found him amusing, but also in a sad sort of way.  "You really want to fight when we're both wearing dress shoes?  I don't think that's a good idea."  How about it's not a good idea because you're on a tv set with a hundred people and grown mature men just don't do that?  I thought the one time he would get introspective was when Chris asked what his mom would think, and it's a bit sad to hear him say that his mom would think that his behavior was hilarious.  If that's truly the case, then we can all understand why Chad is the way he is.

Half-Asian kilt guy.  The schtick IS NOT WORKING.  Give up the kilt and you might be taken semi-seriously.

Canadian guy.  Sure, the "Can't you Americans just get along?  Why all the violence?" was funny, but I think this guy is dumber than a box of bricks. 

Wells.  Oh please.  He spoke up three times in a row when he was trying to give Chad his pedantic "be a better man": speech.  Telling him that he hopes he behaves in Paradise in a way to get redemption.  Uh, hasn't BIP already filmed?  That's why it's airing next week?  And that's why Chad and all the other former contestants are sitting in the audience?  So it's already done, and since you didn't give him the little lecture before he went to Paradise, I doubt that he had it in his mind to change his behavior.  

Luke.  Quite obvious that Harrison is setting him up to be the next Bachelor.  The probing "Do you think you're ready to find love again?"  If they haven't already told Luke, then maybe he realized then that "Hey, I might be the next Bachelor!" so he responds with a pensive "Yeah...I think I am..."

Vinny.  The mother was simply embarrassing. 

Evan.  He got called out for trying to push Chad, so hilarious.  He's so wimpy that Chad didn't even move.  But never liked Evan and although I didn't like Chad, he got rightfully put in his place.

Short guy.  Surprised that nobody really liked him either, I wasn't really paying much attention in the first episodes and must have missed that.  But whoever said that he has a Napolean complex was right on.

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25 minutes ago, nlkm9 said:

the sad thing is, it seems that only with an ILY can you move forward these days....I feel like the last great season was andrew firestone when you saw people really falling for each other but it wasnt scripted like it is now. JOJO is a huge hypocrite (scripted or not) constantly complaining about Ben blindsiding her and then doing the same to more than one guy. Im still floored how the guys that were dumped all in turn "thanked her" for doing so and "allowing them to feel". OMG. I can honestly say I have never thanked anyone for leading me on and then ditching me.  

I know. Most of these guys are pathetic when they say that. So they're saying they weren't able to truly feel love until they went on a TV show?! Men, there are a lot of great, smart and beautiful women out there who wants a normal and healthy relationship, and guess what, you can meet them even if you don't go on TV! What a novel concept!

That's why I've also taken a liking to Chad. No, I would not date him in real life, but he is there unabashedly for the fame and attention and isn't pretending to otherwise. And seriously, his line about you doofuses already proclaiming your love and devotion to JoJo when you've known her for five minutes is utterly ridiculous is one of the most sensible things someone has ever said on this show. In reality, these guys wouldn't probably say those things even after already a year of dating.

Is it just me, or does it look like Chris Harrison has checked out this season? He looks so disinterested in the whole thing he would have fallen asleep if he could. Maybe because he knows JoJo doesn't have a shot with either one anyway. Or he probably doesn't care anyway.

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11 minutes ago, greyhorse said:

Wells.  Oh please.  He spoke up three times in a row when he was trying to give Chad his pedantic "be a better man": speech.  Telling him that he hopes he behaves in Paradise in a way to get redemption.  Uh, hasn't BIP already filmed?  That's why it's airing next week?  And that's why Chad and all the other former contestants are sitting in the audience?  So it's already done, and since you didn't give him the little lecture before he went to Paradise, I doubt that he had it in his mind to change his behavior.  

Yeah, and Wells was in paradise. Whatever happened while Chad was there, he knows all about it. So I interpreted that whole speech as a smug dig at Chad/Chad's behavior in paradise (of which room mother Wells evidently didn't approve). One of Wells' many self-important moments last night. 

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1 hour ago, Kendra143 said:

How many girlfriends did Chad date???

He said two last night, Grant's ex Jen and Robby's ex, Hope.  I'm pretty sure he's not done yet and maybe IF he indeed is getting his own show, part of the plot line will be him looking for love with all the exes.  

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25 minutes ago, wovenloaf said:

Yeah, and Wells was in paradise. Whatever happened while Chad was there, he knows all about it. So I interpreted that whole speech as a smug dig at Chad/Chad's behavior in paradise (of which room mother Wells evidently didn't approve). One of Wells' many self-important moments last night. 

I liked Wells so much during the season, but MAN, he bought his own hype before the MTA taping and I couldn't stand him last night.  Self-important is right - dude, let someone else call you "the voice of reason"; don't bestow that title upon yourself.

I wouldn't want to date Chad in real life, but I loved every second he was on screen last night.  It was a small moment, but him answering Chris Harrison's question with "Indeedily" sent me into a fit of giggles.  As did the shot of him sitting in his trailer, silently eating cold cuts, and his "cutting" insult to Derek of "Your pocket square doesn't match your socks".    

Also - Evan continued to be a tool.  Next time, wear socks with your suit buddy.

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While I found Wells' "may you find peace and become a better man" or whatever he was spewing, annoying, it didn't make me dislike him or suddenly judge him like others seem to. Especially because I did like that he was one of the only ones willing to say, "well to be fair, we did sort of gang up on Chad in truth." The guys of course challenged that by saying the gang up happened after Chad started displaying his douche tendencies, which very well may be the truth but I thought it was big of Wells to put some of the blame of the Chad drama on them and not just on Chad, even if he is crazy. 

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49 minutes ago, CindyBee said:

He said two last night, Grant's ex Jen and Robby's ex, Hope.  I'm pretty sure he's not done yet and maybe IF he indeed is getting his own show, part of the plot line will be him looking for love with all the exes.  

Wait...are you serious?  Chad may be getting his own show?  I think that would be comedy gold.  But it sends the wrong message - be a complete boorish jerk and you get rewarded with a show where we will bring hot girls to you for you to bang?  Isn't that what the Bachelor is?  And certainly Chad is not going to be the Bachelor, right?

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Word to everyone who called Wells a self important tool. So many eyerolls. "America had enough of hearing from you so let me speak." Wells, the next time you try to speak for me, I will throat-punch you.

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I was all pumped for this episode, then it right away turned into a bunch of little mean girls having a bitch fight. So I got to see almost all of AGT. Then Chad came on. I was SO glad to see Chad gone on JoJo's season, then bored because he was gone. So he came back last night ... and I got to watch more AGT because, once again, I can't stand him. Yeah, he called out Jordan and Robbie, but we all knew that about them. It was as surprising as Nick saying he had sex with Andi (if I remember the names of those players correctly). Meanwhile, I couldn't remember who 90 percent of those guys were, and the other 10 percent I SORT OF remember, but not really. But props of the night go to TPTB's "APPLAUSE!" sign that put Luke squarely in position as next Bach. Poor Chase! All his auditioning last episode was for naught.

Edited by saber5055
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1 hour ago, slowpoked said:

I know. Most of these guys are pathetic when they say that. So they're saying they weren't able to truly feel love until they went on a TV show?! Men, there are a lot of great, smart and beautiful women out there who wants a normal and healthy relationship, and guess what, you can meet them even if you don't go on TV! What a novel concept!

That's why I've also taken a liking to Chad. No, I would not date him in real life, but he is there unabashedly for the fame and attention and isn't pretending to otherwise. And seriously, his line about you doofuses already proclaiming your love and devotion to JoJo when you've known her for five minutes is utterly ridiculous is one of the most sensible things someone has ever said on this show. In reality, these guys wouldn't probably say those things even after already a year of dating.

Is it just me, or does it look like Chris Harrison has checked out this season? He looks so disinterested in the whole thing he would have fallen asleep if he could. Maybe because he knows JoJo doesn't have a shot with either one anyway. Or he probably doesn't care anyway.

Chris Harrison actually made a joke about taking a drink when JOJO said the word Journey, lol. Yeah he seems checked out. Chad was a bit over the top but there were a lot of hard truths in his statements. His eyerolling when man after man thanked jojo for "helping them feel" OMG. I actually would love to see Chad as the bachelor but he has a mean streak and that would be ugly. I have watched this trainwreck since day one and will always watch but this season was in up there in boredom level with Jen Shefts season. I also noticed the casting commercials for the bachelor--is it possible they would pick someone new? anyone remember the year they did a special and had 4 potential bachelor candidates? I still think Trista, baby voice and all was a GREAT bachlorette, and Emily was too--they were both women, like JOJO who you could imagine all the guys fighting over.

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Chad is the new Bukowski, for as long as it amuses him to participate and the production folks see him as a ratings draw.  

Whatever show or gathering, he'll be there if it makes somebody some money.  

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I am lost on the adoration some people have for Chad and could not believe there were women in the audience wearing "Chad for Bachelor" or whatever shirts. I admit that I liked that he told JoJo how much her final two sucked, but he has not revealed any truths to me. I know the show that I am watching and I am pretty sure he knew what the show he auditioned for was all about before he went on. He's just an unfunny, unentertaining, attention-seeking pest. He's useless to me and the show should avoid this kind of manufactured drama or it's going to lose it's core, dedicated audience.

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47 minutes ago, greyhorse said:

Wait...are you serious?  Chad may be getting his own show?  I think that would be comedy gold.  But it sends the wrong message - be a complete boorish jerk and you get rewarded with a show where we will bring hot girls to you for you to bang?  Isn't that what the Bachelor is?  And certainly Chad is not going to be the Bachelor, right?

No, Chad is not the next Bachelor.  That's Luke's gig, if he wants it according to Reality Steve.

I can't access twitter at work but there were a couple from Fleiss awhile back about hinting at something was in the works with Chad outside his Bachelor in Paradise stint.  But as you can see from the BiP preview,  he's a mess on the show and if the spoilers are to believed, I have a feeling that any potential show will be nixed due to his toxic time on BiP.   Time will tell, I guess.

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2 minutes ago, comosedice said:

 He's useless to me and the show should avoid this kind of manufactured drama or it's going to lose it's core, dedicated audience.

It won't lose anybody, truth be told.  This show has been and will be a cash cow & ratings giant until ABC decides to shelve it.  

38 shows (20 Bachelor, 12 Bachelorette, 3 Bachelor Pad, 3 Bachelor in Paradise) and they are just as popular as they have ever been.

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5 minutes ago, comosedice said:

I am lost on the adoration some people have for Chad and could not believe there were women in the audience wearing "Chad for Bachelor" or whatever shirts. I admit that I liked that he told JoJo how much her final two sucked, but he has not revealed any truths to me. I know the show that I am watching and I am pretty sure he knew what the show he auditioned for was all about before he went on. He's just an unfunny, unentertaining, attention-seeking pest. He's useless to me and the show should avoid this kind of manufactured drama or it's going to lose it's core, dedicated audience.

You are clearly a Right Reasons viewer (i.e., tune in for the amazing love journey). Those of us who love Chad are Wrong Reason viewers (i.e., tune in for the drama and the tongue-in-cheek way the show makes fun of itself). Don't get me wrong, I do hope the lead finds love, but I know the chances of a happily ever after are extremely slim, so I don't bank on it. The show is aware of that, too, and that's why they DO manufacture drama because the core, dedicated audience is in on the joke. Case in point: Bachelor in Paradise. 

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2 hours ago, nlkm9 said:

the sad thing is, it seems that only with an ILY can you move forward these days...

They're going to start saying it coming out of the limo on upcoming seasons.  (Like how every year, the stores start stocking Christmas stuff earlier & earlier.)

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4 minutes ago, leighdear said:

They're going to start saying it coming out of the limo on upcoming seasons.  (Like how every year, the stores start stocking Christmas stuff earlier & earlier.)

That would guarantee that they're not going to get laid... just ask Chase.

Chad is perfect for Bachelor in Paradise because, despite being under the Bachelor enterprise and they are supposed to pair off together, there is no inherent pressure to "find the one".  Attractive guys and girls are there to hook up, have fun, and prolong their stay.  I'm anticipating a lot of boorish chauvinistic behavior.  Chad will rank up there along with Bentley and Wes as the most hated Bachelorette contestants ever.  I can't believe that Fleiss is thinking of giving him a show.

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This show knows Chad has been and is ratings gold, as evidenced by the beginning, when the "mystery" limo drives up and "someone's" feet step out, even though we all (at least I did) know it's Chad. Then he walks into his own private trailer with CHAD on the door, like every movie star. Yeah, TPTB is milking Chad for all he's worth. Chad showed he was dangerous during JoJo's season, unless the Evan shirt-ripping and door-frame punching was scripted. So they are showing once again Chad loses it in Paradise, with CH confronting him in the previews. Reality shows have always sent threatening people home, or people who display violent tendencies. Yet Fleiss continues to include him and give him special "star" billing. Yeah, somethings up. It's not just Robbie and Jordan who signed onto this show to promote themselves. Chad, meet Pot and Kettle.

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I would like Chad's calling out of the cast's famewhores more if he wasn't going to Paradise. He's just as bad as the others. I did laugh when he said "Jordan's own brother won't talk to him!" and the way he was laughing at Alex while Mini Marine talked. I loved how everyone was saluting Luke's service and no one saluted his.

Luke and Chase were really heartbroken--they were squirming so much when Jojo was on stage. I thought she came off kind of bitchy toward Luke. And I don't think she's happy either. If she picks Jordan it will be over in weeks if its not already over.

Multiple marriage proposals on Paradise?? After what, a week??!!? Remember when it was crazy when a guy tells you he loves you way too soon?

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I thought Alex was unusually obsessed in his quest to take down Chad and Chad alone.  I quit watching after Chad left, so I didn't know that Alex continued to be an instigator.  Why am I not surprised?  

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2 hours ago, JenE4 said:

You are clearly a Right Reasons viewer (i.e., tune in for the amazing love journey). Those of us who love Chad are Wrong Reason viewers (i.e., tune in for the drama and the tongue-in-cheek way the show makes fun of itself). Don't get me wrong, I do hope the lead finds love, but I know the chances of a happily ever after are extremely slim, so I don't bank on it. The show is aware of that, too, and that's why they DO manufacture drama because the core, dedicated audience is in on the joke. Case in point: Bachelor in Paradise. 


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Chad makes me sick. As soon as I saw him strutting around going into a trailer like he was some kind of star I tuned out. I tried to come back a couple of times but I saw Jo's extremely average "rich girl from Texas" look and realized I am finally, blissfully over this show. Thank you bland, common, Joelle of whom one could trip over a dozen of at any upscale Texas bar and Chad the biggest asshole to ever walk in front of the ABC cameras. I'm finally free.

It also helps that there is not one single guy there whose "journey" I wish to watch. This show has finally reached the bottom of the barrel.

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Yeah, Bachelor in Paradise must have already finished filming, that's why all of them are already back.  From the previews, it looks like there are a lot of guys from this season who went down to Mexico for a banging good time.

When they showed all the guys again, it reminded me of what a farce the "occupations" are now.  "Bachelor superfan"...WTF?  "Canadian".  There was one guy who was an electrical engineer, guessing he probably was the brains of the house.

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BIP finished filming well before MTA was filmed.  That's why Well's and his "rational" speech to Chad about behaving better was so stupid.  They both had already BEEN in Mexico.  Chad couldn't do any image control down there, because the show was done!   That's why the soapbox spewing Wells did looks so idiotic to me.

And I don't give him any points for referencing "Lord of the Flies".  Millions of people can do that.  Chad referenced "West Side Story" a few episodes in and nobody is lauding him as some genius.  


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I saw a little of this but did not watch the show.  It must be more personality that makes them attractive and since I didn't watch I don't know what their personalities are.  I personally did not find ANY of the men attractive, including the final 4.   I am glad someone up thread agrees.  The military guy is not attractive and something seems off with him.  I couldn't imagine a whole season of watching him he just seems boring, and the boards have said inarticulate. The others are not any better. I wonder if they have not had a lot of people to choose from lately for these shows.  If they do choose him as a Bachelor I predict Jubilee will be on his season since she clearly wants to still be involved if she is going on the summer show. 

Instead of making him a Bachelor they would be better off having Jo Jo realize that she made a mistake and filming a special where they get back together. 

I would ask someone to explain Chad for me, but there are enough posts and things in other media (People, etc.) for me to get the gist of his role. 

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Jojo didn't seem like an over the moon, in love woman like the other b'ettes have.  I will not watch a show that Chad is on- eeewwwww.  I wonder what he was like in high school and college, though. 

For some reason, this season felt different, than others as it was so chad-centric and he's an asshole.  Maybe I'm just so used to seeing girls talk about other girls like that but not guys doing it so it threw me off and Jojo is picking Jordan (IMHO) and he's not right for her and he will break her heart,  

I think I'm going to watch Burning Love now.  If any of you have not watched this R-rated web-based parody of the franchise, you must!  It is one of the funniest things ever made.   

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4 hours ago, leighdear said:

They're going to start saying it coming out of the limo on upcoming seasons.  (Like how every year, the stores start stocking Christmas stuff earlier & earlier.)

hahahah now thats funny. I remember when it was soo shocking that people were kissing on the first nite. On the first season, I think Shannon had several one on ones with Alex and they didnt kiss. and her reaction when the fantasy suite card was read?? too funny!!!

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21 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

I think there is a difference between an aggressive dog and having a fly or bee come at you. What can you really do besides swat it away?

True, though Jordan didn't even help do that -- he just laughed at her. It's a small gesture for sure, but he just doesn't seem like he cares about her at all. 

And I'm totally spending too much time thinking about this! :-)

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Jojo didn't seem like an over the moon, in love woman like the other b'ettes have. 


She said she was happy with her decision and where she was now.  All the time with a half sneer on her face. Which could mean she is okay with the decision her heart led her to at the time, but now she's over it, and she's glad. 

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8 hours ago, comosedice said:

He's just an unfunny, unentertaining, attention-seeking pest. He's useless to me and the show should avoid this kind of manufactured drama or it's going to lose it's core, dedicated audience.

I agree with this and consider myself a "wrong reasons" viewer. I don't mind the verbal smackdowns. Or even the cattiness. Vienna, Courtney, Bentley, Carly even the Chicago Eagle face guy. I think that environment breeds really odd possessive behavior and it's sort of fascinating to me. That's enough drama for me.

But the violent streak in Chad is what bothers me. I don't want to see that on my TV, it's not ok and by giving him any attention they're approving of it. The attention he gets doesn't differentiate between straight talking Chad (which is somewhat refreshing to hear, though he signed up for the show, so, grain of salt, bro) and threatening violent asshole Chad (which is not acceptable). Same guy.  Just make him go away. I just feel that at this pace there will be an actual fight in a few seasons. Remember the good ol' days of reality tv when even threats of violence were enough to get you kicked off a show? Ahhh, those were the days.

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