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Pool and Open Water Swimming: Do Not Swallow the Water

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No he won't. He has a crap load of endorsements so he doesn't need the money.  I don't think he seems comfortable in front of a camera. I could maybe see him becoming a coach or mentor (Like Greg Louganis)

Edited by Aliconehead
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3 hours ago, kili said:

Beach volleyball and to change their uniform rules to allow people form more conservative countries to compete. There is a contestant from Egypt competing wearing a modified hijab, sleeves to her wrists and leggings to her ankles. Aren't the current swimsuit rules effectively barring women like her from competing in the pool? Is there a way to stop swimming from being about hi-tech suits and making the competition open to all cultures? 

Most Muslim women would still consider any "new" full body suit not modest enough. Only the most liberal wear modest "regular" clothing with hijabs. But they're not running around in leggings or showing off their boobs, which is essentially what a full-body suit would do. I know Muslim women of all ages in my line of work, and I can't think of a single one, down to the youngest, most "liberal," who would consider wearing even the 2009-era suit to swim in. 

Religious fundamentalists of all stripes have approved 'modest" swimwear for women. You might be able to bear your arms, but you're in skirts and leggings, at best. 

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 I know Muslim women of all ages in my line of work, and I can't think of a single one, down to the youngest, most "liberal," who would consider wearing even the 2009-era suit to swim in. 

Religious fundamentalists of all stripes have approved 'modest" swimwear for women. You might be able to bear your arms, but you're in skirts and leggings, at best. 


I know Muslim women who swim in regular bathing suits and even bikinis. Muslims can range from liberal to fundamentalist. The most fundamentalist would not wear what that Egyptian beach volleyballer would, but that Egyptian beach volleyballer might compete in the pool if she could wear a fuller suit. A woman who wore a skirt in the pool probably wouldn't be competitive, but a swimmer who could wear a more modest full body suit would (since FINA banned such things for a reason). 

It's an interesting case where more modest clothes provide an advantage. I find it amusing that if you look at the swimsuits that women in the Olympics have come full-circle (with the outfits looking remarkably similar (check out the 1912 outfit on Mina Wylie). 

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The Egyptians have gotten the African continental spot for team synchronized swimming again. In London, you'd get mum up in the stands in loose clothes and headscarf watching daughter competing in tiny sparkly costume with head covered only with three pounds of hair gel.

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I TAKE IT BACK, I TAKE IT ALL BACK! I'm crying, can't believe that Sharon van Rouwendaal actually did it!!!! She fucking won the 10k! Had an awful 400m in the pool, skipped the 800m to prepare for this 10k and she fucking did it!!!

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  Poor Ryan Lochte. He's not the brightest bulb on the tree, but neither he nor his teammates deserved to be robbed at gunpoint. This is just the latest example of the IOC's dropping the ball on security, whether it's the Portuguese official who was robbed at knifepoint, the journalists' van that was attacked or the shots fired at the Equestrian center. The IOC's initial denial of/eventual admission about the robbery proves that someone's not only asleep at the switch, they're comatose-or dead. 

On a lighter note, I watched some of the athlete interviews On Demand and one of them was about Olympic swimmers shaving their bodies to make them faster and teammates/ roommates Nathan Adrian and Matt Greavers admitted a shocking secret-they've shaved each others' backs! While Matt claims to be very careful about shaving Nathan, he also said that Nathan shaves him faster than Matt's wife. Here's the video:

Olympic Swimmers' Shaving Confessions

Edited by DollEyes
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Was anyone else grossed out watching the 10k open water swim today? I wanted the competitors to be taken and thoroughly washed in some antibiotic soap.  Then a course of antibiotics.  Ick.  That water has to be horrible.  

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Now that I finally figured out where the Olympics section were on this site AFTER swimming is over, I'll keep it short.


Australia: Where is the superpower from Sydney, Athens and Beijing? They really fell off this year.


Phelps: love him or hate him, he has THE blaze of glory, bottoms out with problems, resolves to come back and wins one...last...OLYMPICS.  (Or he is?!) Seriously though, I hope he got what he was looking for.  Because as much as NBC would love it, I think he's truly done.


Canada: FINALLY.  FI-NAL-LY!  It's about time the swimming program that we were destined to have but someone was dumb enough to say "We'll pass" finally turn around.  And to think Penny is doing this at 16.  I really hope she can maintain that and not end up in a Missy Franklin position (who I do hope bounces back and goes to Tokyo.    I felt horrible for her.) 

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On 8/15/2016 at 0:38 AM, Sew Sumi said:

Religious fundamentalists of all stripes have approved 'modest" swimwear for women. You might be able to bear your arms, but you're in skirts and leggings, at best. 


I just read a story about Cannes, France, banning this outfit, which looks great, in my opinion!

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13 hours ago, DollEyes said:

  Poor Ryan Lochte. He's not the brightest bulb on the tree, but neither he nor his teammates deserved to be robbed at gunpoint.

Apropos of nothing in particular except another Ryan Lochte story, David Feherty did an interview with Ryan Lochte that was shown on the Olympics overnight show (the one with Ryan Seacrest) last week.  David asked him a question (which I'm sure was a set up) to the effect of have you ever gotten lost since you've moved to Charlotte, North Carolina, and Ryan said, "Well, one time when I first moved here I went out looking for a Subway and I ended up in South Carolina."

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1 hour ago, Quilt Fairy said:

Apropos of nothing in particular except another Ryan Lochte story, David Feherty did an interview with Ryan Lochte that was shown on the Olympics overnight show (the one with Ryan Seacrest) last week.  David asked him a question (which I'm sure was a set up) to the effect of have you ever gotten lost since you've moved to Charlotte, North Carolina, and Ryan said, "Well, one time when I first moved here I went out looking for a Subway and I ended up in South Carolina."

As I told people I am still convinced that  the reason for his hair color was that he had to go to the drugstore alone and accidentally bought bleach instead of shampoo.

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On 8/11/2016 at 8:17 PM, TotalHellion said:

Unpopular opinion I like Michael Phelps. I interpreted his reaction the other night against Le Cleos (I think that's the spelling) as a mix of "in yo face, sucka" and confirmation to himself that he could still win that event after feeling disappointed with himself 4 years ago. But I've never gotten a bad vibe from him. 

Ever since that event, he seems to have dropped the scowl routine, so I'm back to liking him, especially after seeing his more recent interview after all the events were over. He was not over the top in his behavior after the other events, either. Carry on.  :)

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10 hours ago, Quilt Fairy said:

Apropos of nothing in particular except another Ryan Lochte story, David Feherty did an interview with Ryan Lochte that was shown on the Olympics overnight show (the one with Ryan Seacrest) last week.  David asked him a question (which I'm sure was a set up) to the effect of have you ever gotten lost since you've moved to Charlotte, North Carolina, and Ryan said, "Well, one time when I first moved here I went out looking for a Subway and I ended up in South Carolina."

To be fair to him, if you're in southwest Charlotte, the South Carolina border is about 10 minutes away.

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I watched parts of the open water races (both women and men's races) and was extremely surprised by the narrow margins of victory.

Especially with the men's race. Less than 20 seconds seperated the first 20 swimmers - over 10KM!!! I don't understand how that is possible. Just looking at the times over 800m in the pool - in the women's race (where I realize Ledecky smashed the record) there was over 20 seconds seperating first to eighth place - and that is only over 800m. What is it about the open water that "closes the gap" between the competitors so much?  I heard the commentators mentioning "staying in the white water of the person in front of you" and "staying on each others feet" quite often - what is the reasons for this, does it make the swim slightly less arderous? - I noticed the Australian swimmer that went out in front and swam completely on his own for a large chunk of the race, ended up second last, more than a minute behind the leaders, was this because he had spent too much energy trying to "swim it alone"?


I hope somebody can explain the tactics/physics involved here.


Just a last general observation - I have always thought the decathlon is the most strenuous event - with the harshest training requirements - I am thinking I may have been wrong. Swimming 10km just seem all kinds of bonkers to me! And apparently there is a 25km race in the World Championships? I would think you need to be superhuman to complete such feats!

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On ‎08‎/‎13‎/‎2016 at 9:47 PM, Rinaldo said:

I don't remember hearing the Italian anthem before. Very catchy! (And very Rossini-an.)

It's my favorite anthem in the world.  It's got both an overture and an intermezzo - it's like a whole little opera all to itself.  (I watch international soccer, so I hear it a lot.  You ain't seen nothing 'til you've seen the Italian keeper, Gigi Buffon singing it before a match.) 

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The Lochte robbery story is strange.  So it seems like Brazilian authorities are suggesting they made it all up?  Based on the video that suggests the four came back to the village and seemed relaxed and had their phones and other items.

I'd hate to think that they made it all up just to get attention.  What would be the purpose?

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7 minutes ago, blackwing said:

The Lochte robbery story is strange.  So it seems like Brazilian authorities are suggesting they made it all up?  Based on the video that suggests the four came back to the village and seemed relaxed and had their phones and other items.

I'd hate to think that they made it all up just to get attention.  What would be the purpose?

Fear of getting in trouble for violating a team curfew?

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It is strange, but asking them to hand over their passports is extreme.  This could turn into a longer-term problem, and I would not want to be held in a country without my passport.  And all we know is the interpretation of what one or a few people say they are seeing in videos (probably without sound).  Why make up a story like that?

1 minute ago, selkie said:

Fear of getting in trouble for violating a team curfew?

How could they have a curfew after their events were finished?

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On 8/16/2016 at 3:52 AM, biakbiak said:

As I told people I am still convinced that  the reason for his hair color was that he had to go to the drugstore alone and accidentally bought bleach instead of shampoo.

LOL, I think you're right.

My husband and I often liken Lochte to a less than bright golden retriever. He might chew your socks, get into the garbage on occasion, or chase squirrels but you just shake your head and sigh because he's just so sweet and harmless.  

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I wouldn't be surprised if Lochte made up the story about being robbed.  Neither he or the other swimmer involved sounded like men who had had a gun put to their heads.  That's something that you NEVER laugh off.  I'm not surprised the Brazilian government wanted to hold Lochte.  Claiming armed robbery by a police officer isn't something to be taken lightly, even in a country as corrupt as Brazil.

Lochte didn't get the attention he craves in the swimming pool.  He may have decided to try for it outside the pool.  I'm sure he's going to make the rounds of the US chat shows and express righteous indignation.

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I wonder if someone left his wallet in an undesirable place and needed cover, like members of the U. S. basketball team accidentally finding themselves in a brothel.  That is the only scenario that comes close to making sense if these four lied about something like this.  At this point I hope they were robbed, as strange a wish as that is.

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OK. I did think it was a little odd that the robbers let them keep their phones. Apparently the fact that they were allowed to keep those and their watches have raised eyebrows about the whole thing. 

I seriously have a hard time believing they made this up, though. Right? Right??

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This is so sweet. Poor Missy Franklin. I wonder what happened to her this Olympics. But everyone says she has handled her disappointment with grace and class. I saw her interview with Bob Costas and she made no excuses, but said she plans to be back in Tokyo. I hope so!

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I seriously have a hard time believing they made this up, though. Right? Right??

My personal hunch - supported by little - is that something did go down in terms of a robbery, but the circumstances were different than what's been shared. Drugs, sex, and/or rock & roll.

It also seems weird that four guys were in the car but only Lochte & one other dude are in the passport seizing camp. Have the others said anything publicly at all? 

The whole thing is wild. 

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Yeah, I'm almost starting to believe that unlike the basketball team, they stumbled knowingly into a brothel-like situation and some weird stuff went down. And we thought we were done with the swimmers Saturday. Good Lord.

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5 hours ago, selkie said:

The modern smartphone is easy to both remotely brick and track from afar. Not as useful or easy to fence as they used to be. 

Yes, a friend's car was broken into a week ago, and the police said thieves are just looking for things they can sell quickly -- nothing with addresses on it (which links them to the car) and nothing with tracking electronics.

CNN's headline is now making it sound like Lochte is a fugitive:  "Lochte Flees Brazil before Police Seize Passport".  Given the number of athletes involved, I have high hopes of learning what actually happened.  And as I said early on, there was a taxi driver, so either he is a witness or in cahoots with the thieves, assuming there were thieves. 

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According to various twitter stories Jack Conger and Gunnar Bentz, the other two who claimed to be robbed but not named in the judges initial order, were denied boarding on their flight out of Rio.

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13 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

According to various twitter stories Jack Conger and Gunnar Bentz, the other two who claimed to be robbed but not named in the judges initial order, were denied boarding on their flight out of Rio.

MSNBC is about to do a "breaking news" segment on this from Rio, sometime between 9:50-10:00 PM ET on the Rachel Maddow show.  She said they had been pulled off the plane.

Edited by jjj
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Just now, tanyak said:

I am dying at the ridiculousness of it all. Ryan is supposedly back in Charlotte.  What can they do to him now? 

If this story was made up, I think the international and US swimming organizations will impose some kind of sanction.  And he may need to avoid Brazil henceforth, but that is probably not a problem.  If he got other swimmers in trouble, he will have problems going forward.  So, the story is true, or fabricated, and we will know soon enough. 

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2 minutes ago, tanyak said:

I am dying at the ridiculousness of it all. Ryan is supposedly back in Charlotte.  What can they do to him now? 

He's like the guy who throws a huge kegger in high school then is the first to run for the hills when the cops show up.

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Ah, the MSNBC reporter doing the breaking news update said that Brazilian officials have not been able to find the supposed taxi driver whose car was supposedly stopped while the swimmers were riding back to the Village.  And they also showed the video of the swimmers going through security at the Village after the supposed incident.  The judge said they looked unconcerned -- I have no idea what mood they are expressing, except wanting to get through security. 

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He's like the guy who throws a huge kegger in high school then is the first to run for the hills when the cops show up.

And the other dudes who basically were just along for the ride and didn't really say or do anything are the ones that get busted (or in this case, pulled off of an international flight and made into headline news on CNN). Yep...that sounds about right.

What a cluster. USA Swimming must be so.effing.pissed this story is taking focus away from their overwhelming success last week.

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I don't understand why the Brazilian officials think not being able to find the taxi driver is damning evidence on Lochte- if you are to the point that you are intimidating cops, it's pretty easy to have a taxi driver or three on the payroll.

Personally I believe something did go down but all 4 of them were high/drunk as fuck which is why the stories seem not to be adding up. It would also explain why their reactions seem a little strange in the video.

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Twitter is on FIRE right now. Just search Lochte:

@GaryParrishCBS: How is it possible Ryan Lochte was the only one of those four swimmers smart enough to realize he needed to exit Brazil, ASAP?

(Like how is Ryan Lochte the smartest dude in a four-person group?)

@BobbyBigWheel: I bet Ryan Lochte's interrogation is a lot like Brendan Dassey's

@davelozo: Cop: [pointing at Lochte] Did you fabricate this or not?
Lochte: [looks at sweater] No my grandmother fabricated it. She loves to knit.

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