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S18.E05: Live Eviction 1, Head of Household 2

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Heh. Julie's shade knows no bounds. Everyone's sassing Jozea, and it's great. He's just so delusional. He's going to end up being known on Big Brother, that's for sure....for like half a season as the Big Brother Idiot. 

The return of Nicole's "I feel really betrayed...." and I kind of love it. 

James' pranks have really gone downhill from last season. I'm so disappointed in him. Victor's an asshole, he really is. Telling Natalie that she should cut out carbs because she's gaining weight? Paul's also an asshole. Bronte's also kind of frustrating me. I mean, I'm glad Bronte was standing up for herself with those misogynistic assholes, but she can also be a little frustrating.

The Spy Girls are not good at spying. Zakiyah is the better spy than those girls.

Of course Jozea has an opportunity to come back. Seeing as this is the longest season they've had, and we're already down fourteen people, it's really no surprise. But damn, no true blindside. Jozea knew, clearly from his facial expressions throughout the episode. And then you could see things change when Julie mentioned the next big twist. All smiles and confidence once more. But Jozea does not know shit. Natalie didn't flip, you moron. And you do realize you lost more than one ally in order to get to six votes, right? LOL, the truth comes out about only seeing Nicole's season, so that's why he targeted her. Jozea is such an idiot. I'm so glad Julie called him out on all of it.

Did anyone else spy a wild Lawon from Big Brother 13 in the audience? The one who asked to get evicted and then thought he had special powers to get back in?

Oh, I like the Battle Back twist. I know Glenn is probably going to lose to Jozea, but hopefully Jozea loses to whoever gets evicted next week. I wonder if we get to know right away who loses each week, or if we have to wait until the end of week four/five. 

I don't know who I'm rooting for, to be honest. 

  • Love 6

Is jozea the most delusional houseguest ever? I think he may be.  Also I did he say " I only got to see season 16" in his interview?  He made it sound like he was somehow at a disadvantage, like someone was supposed to show him all the seasons in sequester.  And how was Nicole snakelike on her season?  Is he sure he even watched any of it?

  • Love 9

Boo! Jozea finally woke up to the fact that he was getting voted out. No fair. I wanted him to pitch a fit about it. He was surprisingly subdued in his interview... until the stupid Battle Back was announced. The BB BB? I thought BB Roadkill was bad enough. They don't even try with these names. Win it all, Jozea! Rise again as The Messiah and come back to entertain me! And I guess the rumour about not announcing the vote count was bunk. I would have liked that.

I miss the old black and white "flashback" at the start of the episodes with that guitar riff over the top as it moves at half speed before catching up and going back to full colour. This starting in colour bit jars me. You know you've watched this show for too long when...

Did anyone else catch Lawon in the audience? Probably showed up because he thought he was finally going to get his special power.

Paul, can it with the glitter in your beard.

This HoH is either gonna take a long time or end very quickly.

  • Love 12

Um, Frank: Bridgette was not "caught in the crosshairs". She was caught in the crossfire. Very different concept.

And speaking of her, holy shit, I can NOT tolerate that terminal giddiness, limbs "adorably" flailing and kicking. Is she four fucking years old? I hope her punishment in a week to come involves having her mouth duct taped shut and wearing a straightjacket.

  • Love 13

Oh, Jozea, so very wrong right up to the end. Or almost end. I hope he loses to Glenn, because that would be the perfect end for him. Losing to someone even more irrelevant than he is. I wonder if any of his brain cells started working when Day basically told him she voted his ass out. Nah, probably still blaming poor Natalie. 

  • Love 15

Well that was anti-climactic.  I wanted Jozea to freak out, but no, he knew it was coming.  Clueless as always talking to Julie.

This Battle Back set-up is really unfair.  Poor Glenn would have to win 4 straight competitions to get back in while the last boot only has to win once to go right back in.  I probably doesn't matter.  I don't recall a returnee ever really changing the momentum of the game,

Day must stay!  We need the comedy.

  • Love 6

Well I guess Josea can make it back if he wins Last Chance Kitchen err the Battle Back. Okay then... I'd guess it will be the last or maybe second to last person that ends up returning. I doubt Josea cane make it four competitions in.

Nice to see that nobody was going for the 'quick but harder' balance beam after the first of them ended up out of the game.

Oh yeah, any 'feeders' that want to message me the HoH results I'd appreciate it. I hate these hold over comps.

Edited by Wandering Snark
19 minutes ago, Dewey Decimate said:

Um, Frank: Bridgette was not "caught in the crosshairs". She was caught in the crossfire. Very different concept.

And speaking of her, holy shit, I can NOT tolerate that terminal giddiness, limbs "adorably" flailing and kicking. Is she four fucking years old? I hope her punishment in a week to come involves having her mouth duct taped shut and wearing a straightjacket.

I can only guess Bridgette was marketing the "cute widdle me" schtick to the TV audience; I don't think anybody in the House was actually buying it.


4 minutes ago, Frootloop Dingus said:

I am glad Paulie is there, but with what he said in his goodbye message, I don't remember Cody having a great social game.

I thought that was all Cody had, was social game.  Definitely not a strategic game.  Cody borrowed Derrick's, IIRC.

  • Love 4

Glad Josea didnt go out saying F U to everyone like he said.  He took it like a man, hugged everyone, went out the correct door (had threatened to go out the back door if evicted), sat there with Julie still delusional, seemed a little shell shocked.  Then lo and behold Julie told him the twist and he went right back into "i got this mode".  Delusional to the very end!  LOL

PS. You notice Paulie didnt say his little "say hi to Julie" speech to Josea.  He leaned close but looked at dude's face and thought better of it.  LOL.

Edited by lasandi
  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, lasandi said:

PS. You notice Paul didnt say his little "say hi to Julie" speech to Josea.  He leaned close but looked at dude's face and thought better of it.  LOL.

Yeah - but oh god, you could see Paulie wanted to - he could barely keep a straight face.  I think Paulie also wanted to see Josea's face when the eviction notice got handed to him, but decided at the last second to look away.

Was it just me, or did it look to anybody else like Frank turned away and was having trouble covering a grin after Josea's Picture Wall pic went B&W?

  • Love 6

My heart sank when they came back to the HOH comp and I saw it was going to be an unresolved "tune in Sunday" competition. I seriously can't believe they are doing this right out of the gate. There was wayyyyy too many of those last season;. There are plenty of reasons not to like this for instance its too easy to get spoiled before Sunday and also when they do the cut aways to the Diary Room during the competition its too easy to see from someone's demeanor who won. I wish they wouldn't do this.

CBS security must keep a TIGHT lid on the audience as astonishingly there wasn't one SNICKER when Josea was WRONG AGAIN when he was declaring Natalie a flipper.

Speaking of the audience I saw Liz and Julia...alone so I suppose we can assume they gave Austin/Judas the heave ho once he was no longer useful.

That was the most awkward silence ever when Josea was exiting the house and afterwards where no one said ANYTHING. I don't think the've ever held that long before on people gathered around the door saying not a word.

Paul was just jealous that it was Jame lying in the bed and not himself surrounded by the women so that really why he threw a hissy in my opinion.

A swing and a miss by the producers with the little package before the commercial trying to convince us there was a real possibility Brigette might go home.

From what I heard about Bronte's comments on a podcast I'm sad to see we won't be a new Meg for James. I had high hopes. And regarding showmances...based on what was aired tonight...this might be the first season in a good long while where we don't have one. Doesn't look like anyone...not even James is trying.

I don't think Zakiya likes Brigette at all. During the eviction when Brigette went into her little girl giggly act everyone was smiling but Zakiyah had a cold stone, Mt Rushmore face going on.

Well now that the  live show (nice bit of camera work by the way with the camera sweeping in behind Julie and Josea when returning from break) over we should assume that Allison and the producers are working dilligently behind the scenes to craft five different challenges designed and tailor made for Josea to create "scenarios" that will ensure that he gets back in when the dust settles.

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 6
1 hour ago, North of Eden said:


CBS security must keep a TIGHT lid on the audience as astonishingly there wasn't one SNICKER when Josea was WRONG AGAIN when he was declaring Natalie a flipper.


Well now that the  live show (nice bit of camera work by the way with the camera sweeping in behind Julie and Josea when returning from break) over we should assume that Allison and the producers are working dilligently behind the scenes to craft five different challenges designed and tailor made for Josea to create "scenarious" that will ensure that he gets back in when the dust settles.

You know what NorthofEden, I was thinking the same thing.  Challenges set up for Josea to get back in.  I hope not, my blood pressure was about to pop waiting for the blindside to get him out.  I surely don't want him back in.  

BTW, did you guys notice when it came to Paulie's goodbye speech, josea sat up straight with that "this bitch" look on his face directed at Paulie.   I surmised that look meant Paulie is in his spot still in the game when he directed his "followers" to vote Paulie out.  Or he still thinks Paulie messed up his game.

Edited by lasandi
  • Love 4

This show has had a lot of clueless players. But Jozea has to be damn near the top of that list for all time. Just epically stupid in every conceivable way possible. The thing is I bet he's at home smirking right now, as if he's won somehow. That's how dimwitted he is. He probably thinks he simply got betrayed, but "America still loves me", or some such B.S.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, Dewey Decimate said:

Um, Frank: Bridgette was not "caught in the crosshairs". She was caught in the crossfire. Very different concept.

And speaking of her, holy shit, I can NOT tolerate that terminal giddiness, limbs "adorably" flailing and kicking. Is she four fucking years old? I hope her punishment in a week to come involves having her mouth duct taped shut and wearing a straightjacket.

Oh, I just hated that speech.  Can you even imagine a male HG giving that speech? 

"Hey guys.  I really hope you keep me to stay.  I think I've been super sweet and friendly and nice to everyone ....."

It's not the 1950s Bridgette, and you're not rushing for a sorority.  And please self-evict now if you really think that's the game you signed up for.

  • Love 16

Day 16 for the HGs already!

Can't believe TPTB showed a tweet from someone saying something like...this was one of the most important eviction nights in BB history.

Battle Back Twist. The evicted HG can return to the game after watching some of the HG's goodbye messages.  Pretty soon no one is going to offend anyone evicted by recording a juicy/rude goodbye message.  Fakeness will continue.

Of course they do a very long HoH competition that can't fit during this episode, and then they promote purchase of their live feeds.

The great thing about these episode threads is they are spoiler-free. But you know some live feed watchers are reading the episode threads and laughing at the things we write because at times we're a couple days behind what's already happened.

So the HoH comp probably didn't turn out this way, but who would win if everyone eventually fell off and were eliminated before all the berries were deposited?

Edited by K-9
1 hour ago, Kromm said:

This show has had a lot of clueless players. But Jozea has to be damn near the top of that list for all time. Just epically stupid in every conceivable way possible. That's how dimwitted he is. He probably thinks he simply got betrayed, but "America still loves me", or some such B.S.

Absolutely no argument from this quarter.



The thing is I bet he's at home smirking right now, as if he's won somehow.

Change 'home' to 'sequester', and I expect you got it.  He's probably already reformulating his boot list for when he - of course - gets back in the House and wins HoH.


2 minutes ago, K-9 said:

So the HoH comp probably didn't turn out this way, but who would win if everyone eventually fell off and were eliminated before all the berries were deposited?

That thought had crossed my mind as well.  Probably a Last HG Standing kind of thing would come into play.

1 hour ago, RedheadZombie said:

Oh, I just hated that speech.  Can you even imagine a male HG giving that speech? 

"Hey guys.  I really hope you keep me to stay.  I think I've been super sweet and friendly and nice to everyone ....."

It's not the 1950s Bridgette, and you're not rushing for a sorority.  And please self-evict now if you really think that's the game you signed up for.

I think it was the peanut butter cookies that saved her. She's still perfecting that recipe but I know there are times that I would cut a bitch for a fresh baked peanut butter cookie. 

  • Love 9

I think I might dislike Paul/Victor just as much as I dislike Jozea.

Jozea is clearly delusional.....and it was apparent when he was telling Julie that an awe inspiring leader....such as himself has to bring people together to give them "motivational speeches."  I wonder if his celebrity makeup clients get any of these motivational speeches from the great one himself?

As for Paul -- that was the most idiotic and confusing blow up....ever.  Mostly because it was clearly an off the cuff joke, and second because there were a million other ways to defuse the situation without turning into a massive asshat.  How about "well, if James is a girl, I'm a girl too!" or "okay, well, I'll talk to you later"  Since James wasn't part of his alliance why would he want to talk game in front of him anyways?

And I'm LOL at Victor talking shit.....really, Victor?  Coming from a guy who lives with his mommy?  You really think you're in a position to talk shit about anyone? Ever? In life?

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, mojoween said:

I hate pranks.  I hate them so much.

And in the Habittrail environment they're in you can't even tell James to cut it the fuck out because then YOU look like the joyless asshole.  

I would hit him for the shit he does.  I really would.

I wouldn't hit him, but I would be so mad if I paid my good money for some anti-aging cream, or some expensive shampoo and some asshole put mayo in it.

Thats not cute, and you would be getting a bill to replace it.

4 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Heh. Julie's shade knows no bounds. Everyone's sassing Jozea, and it's great. He's just so delusional. He's going to end up being known on Big Brother, that's for sure....for like half a season as the Big Brother Idiot. 

The return of Nicole's "I feel really betrayed...." and I kind of love it. 

James' pranks have really gone downhill from last season. I'm so disappointed in him. Victor's an asshole, he really is. Telling Natalie that she should cut out carbs because she's gaining weight? Paul's also an asshole. Bronte's also kind of frustrating me. I mean, I'm glad Bronte was standing up for herself with those misogynistic assholes, but she can also be a little frustrating.

The Spy Girls are not good at spying. Zakiyah is the better spy than those girls.

Of course Jozea has an opportunity to come back. Seeing as this is the longest season they've had, and we're already down fourteen people, it's really no surprise. But damn, no true blindside. Jozea knew, clearly from his facial expressions throughout the episode. And then you could see things change when Julie mentioned the next big twist. All smiles and confidence once more. But Jozea does not know shit. Natalie didn't flip, you moron. And you do realize you lost more than one ally in order to get to six votes, right? LOL, the truth comes out about only seeing Nicole's season, so that's why he targeted her. Jozea is such an idiot. I'm so glad Julie called him out on all of it.

Did anyone else spy a wild Lawon from Big Brother 13 in the audience? The one who asked to get evicted and then thought he had special powers to get back in?

Oh, I like the Battle Back twist. I know Glenn is probably going to lose to Jozea, but hopefully Jozea loses to whoever gets evicted next week. I wonder if we get to know right away who loses each week, or if we have to wait until the end of week four/five. 

I don't know who I'm rooting for, to be honest. 

I'm sure all the battles for the BattleBack, will be like

"who can vogue the best?"

"who can give the most inspirational speech?"

"who can do the best makeup?"

  • Love 11
28 minutes ago, RCharter said:

Since James wasn't part of his alliance why would he want to talk game in front of him anyways?

Paul probably wasn't as interested in talking strategy with the ladies, as he was in making sure James didn't.


21 minutes ago, RCharter said:

I'm sure all the battles for the BattleBack, will be like

"who can vogue the best?"

"who can give the most inspirational speech?"

"who can do the best makeup?"

Careful: you never know who in Production might stumble across this and think it's a Really Great Idea.  :P

Edited by Nashville
Trimming a quote
  • Love 4

Then let me suggest all the Battle Back battles be things like:

"Human Pinball." Rolling down an incline crushing as many cupcakes as possible.

"See Saw." Keep them up till they beg to be let down.

"Sssh."  Who can keep his mouth shut the longest.

"Psychic!"  Read the HG's faces and tell us what they're thinking.

Edited by JudyObscure
  • Love 14

Well, Jozea's departure was totally anticlimactic, no? Dang. I was expecting more - incredulous facial expressions, stomping around, calling people out. SCENARIOS! But no, it was just silence and hugs all around. His exit interview was pretty good, though. It just showcased how truly delusional he is. He thought Natalie betrayed him somehow, but has no clue that Mama Da and Jakiyah are not with him? I thought his gut was never wrong? Maybe he needs a probiotic. 

Seriously. He says his intuition is always right, but it's been wrong a dozen times. How does he not see that? He thought Paulie was the RK winner, then Michelle, then back to Paulie? Does he have more than one intuition? 

Then we get Paul losing his shit instead. What a perfect arse he is, to make such a big deal about James saying, "This is girl time". His little temper tantrum just proves to me that despite all of his bravado, he is nothing but a tiny, jealous, insecure man. He's not like Paulie, who can get the girls with his looks and charm. James isn't either. But he's funny and he's nice and he is able to befriend them all. Paul doesn't seem to be able to do either. So he stomps around and declares that he can't stand women and they're more useful somewhere else. PERFECT. ARSE. 

And I have to say, as much as Bronte's DRs have driven me crazy, and as stupid and ineffective as I find the "Spy Girls" to me - I LOVED how she held her own with him last night. She's standing here, tiny as a wisp, with three big guys looming over her and Paul yelling at her, and she didn't back down. "I don't need protection, I need you to shut your mouth!" Get it girl. 

I would have been happier with HIM going home over Jozea. At least Jozea is entertaining. There is nothing fun about Paul's sour attitude. 

Actually, when they were giving their pre-vote speeches, I would have been happy with Bridgette going home. Her speech alone was grounds for eviction - all coquettish twirls and declarations of "being nice" and "making cookies". Get the fuck outta here with that; this ain't The Bachelorette. 

Well, unless you're Natalie. Who can get any guy she wants. She's not being conceited, she just can. (James - "yea".) Bahahaha  You may be hot Natalie, but you totally didn't know you were putting mayo on your face. You only freaked out after Bronte instantly recognized it in the shower. 

Nice to know Victor is a perfect arse as well. I get being mad when people leave a mess in the kitchen, but why is he so overly concerned about how much makeup people have on or how they wear their pants? Keep it to yourself, asshat. 

  • Love 14
48 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

For him to pull this type of shit in a stressed environment with people that he doesn't know, is really stupid on his part.  I won't be the least bit surprised if at some point his prank pulling ass causes a physical altercation.  Production could stop the pranks if they wanted to, but I get the feeling that they might just be the ones egging him on to continue with them.

I suspect that Production replaces anything that he breaks or changes out and that everyone else knows that so no one really cares.

Jozea looked like a tool but there is no surprise there. I am sure that he still thinks he is a great mastermind and is still puzzled as to what went wrong.

Paul continues to impress me with his douchebaggery. His conversation with Bronte was beyond ridiculous. The fact that Victor and Jozea could not see how completely wrong that was is mind boggling. I am certain that casting looks for good looking, modern day Neanderthals to play this game because oh my god what the fuck where they thinking.

On a seperate note, does Paul put glitter in his bear? It is kind of sparkly and does not mesh well with his manly man who does not need a women to lecture him image.

  • Love 2

I think the sparkly stuff in Paul's beard is beard oil and the lights just catch it. I don't think it is actual glitter. Then again, maybe Josea gave him an off-camera make-over!

49 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

And I have to say, as much as Bronte's DRs have driven me crazy, and as stupid and ineffective as I find the "Spy Girls" to me - I LOVED how she held her own with him last night. She's standing here, tiny as a wisp, with three big guys looming over her and Paul yelling at her, and she didn't back down. "I don't need protection, I need you to shut your mouth!" Get it girl. 

I am not a Bronte fan either, but I did mention the other day that her voice might be a little "affected" because I heard her talking in the group on that first night and she ALMOST sounded normal. And as Ghoulina said about the stupidity of her "Spy Girls" alliance and obviously scripted DR chats, I think that is also "for show" and that she inadvertently let the REAL Bronte slip out a little when she told them, "I don't need protection. I need you to shut your mouth!" 

  • Love 3

First of all, I need to know where I can buy that adorable blouse Julie was wearing.  Is there a special "Chenbot Wardrobe" website somewhere?

Bridget sounded ridiculous in her speech.  I was cringing in second-hand embarrassment.  She's an ER nurse, and that takes serious brains and stamina, yet she acts like a giggly 12-year old girl in the BB house.  Strategy, maybe?  I hope so.

LOVED Bronte giving Paul the business, explaining to him exactly what he needed to do.  Paul clearly doesn't respond well to taking orders from a woman, so I hope he follows right behind his best friend Messiah on the way out the door.  Victor and his chest can go right after that.

Are the HG's instructed to congregate and stare at the wall for a certain period of time after someone is evicted?  I mean, that was some very awkward live tv with everyone still standing motionless, several minutes after Jozea's picture grayed out...like no one wanted to be the first one to move or something.  Riveting television for sure (zzzzzzzzz).

  • Love 5

I forgot Glenn was a pet groomer!  I would seriously let him do my hair before Jozea who calls himself a "visual genius" in his bio, but has a strip of ink  down his back that looks like a stripe of icky hair and some second grade cursive on his neck.  You just know he says flattering things to the customers in his chair and then starts with the snide insults  the second they hit the door.

When Brigette called herself,"super sweet,"  I threw up in my mouth a little bit.  Why do these people brag so much?  I thought Natalie was really pretty until she said she could get any guy she wanted and I immediately started looking for flaws.

Paul and Victor.  What planet have they been living on?  One where women beg for protection from men and are grateful for any  attention, even in the form of constant criticism? I thought Michelle would be the food police but we have gormless lout Victor telling  Natalie that her chips "Aren't helping this," as he points to her tiny waist. I'm usually not a violent person but those chips would have been all over Victor, with another bagful permanently lost in Paul's beard.

Edited by JudyObscure
  • Love 10

So James was lying in bed RIGHT NEXT to Vanessa Tiffany and there still doesn't seem to be a flicker of recognition at all. He's either the world's greatest poker player or he's completely oblivious.

Also, I was not keen on Mummy's Boy Victor to begin with, but the lecturing, followed by the cherry on top of the douche sundae that was last night's manbun has firmly cemented my dislike. I diskard him.

Also also, the Fatal Five is a stupid team name as it implies they're all doomed. Which they probably are anyway, so...

Also also also - the return of the choreographed corridor moves? GAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Love 2

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