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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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Beyond the fact that Amscot in and of itself annoys me, the commercial is just stupid. Some little kid is playing with his "lego" toys or whatever while mom tells him to hurry up they have to run errands. He spouts off that they should go to thet "blue and yellow place". All good until they show the toy he's playing with...it's an Amscot building. With the name prominently displayed. WTF??!!


Mom, your child is an idiot.

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Ugh, just saw a commercial for AT&T All Life Digital or something where your security cameras and system are linked to your account? Anyway, the mom is away and of course the day is making a slew of errors. I hate that shit so much. GAH! It bothers me that dads are made to look like idiots in order to, I don't know, prop up moms. Makes me so angry! 

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I've always wondered what happened if an agent was in the bathroom or eating lunch. Heaven forbid State Farm allow a break once in a while. I'd be pissed if I was enjoying some birthday cake and some doofus "jingled" me away to a flood in their home. And in my good shoes too!


And why do they need to be whisked to the accident location if all they do is stand there and go "You're covered?" Couldn't they tell them that over the phone? And wouldn't that be more of a selling point anyway? That if you call your agent you can actually get them on the phone, immediately? As opposed to Jimmy's mother standing there waiting on six other callers? I'd consider switching agencies for that. A guarantee that you can get them on the phone 24/7. If they're on another call, they guarantee a return call within five minutes or your premium is free. Who wouldn't sign up for that? Nobody honestly thinks the agents have magical powers to show up out of the air.

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Besides, when you have an accident, the agent doesn't see or talk to you; the adjuster does.

When I had an accident, it seemed like 17 adjusters talked to me.  The only thing they asked over and over again was whether there were any car seats in either car.  They were disappointed when I said no.  It took 17 of them to realize that the accident occurred on my birthday.


But what am I annoyed about:  pelvic mesh and bladder sling!  I have nightmares about them.  Won't they go away soon?

  • Love 6

There's a series of new commercials for (I think) American Standard toilets that have 10x the flushing power or whatever. One has a middle aged couple at a BBQ and the man squirts ketchup all over his shirt and the wife says "nobody likes splatter." Cut to a toilet, sitting right next to them, in the backyard next to the picnic table as the woman extolls the virtues of the superior flushing mechanism. Most horrifying, however, is the tag where the woman's head pops up out of the toilet bowl and exclaims "It's clean!"

  • Love 9

Walmart has this commercial for some reason or other and there is a whole backyard of people throwing water balloons at each other...

but the water balloons...

are filled with some sort of paint.

Holy moly I'm getting hives just typing that out. If you enjoy paint splatter (like those races where people get all tie-dyed and that festival in India) I have no issue with you doing it. But I seriously cannot watch it.

I do not like to be dirty. Like, at all. And they have paint all over their clothes and on their skin and in their hair and agh I can't even think about it. We own an ATV and going riding nearly gives me an anxiety attack because of the dirt and mud and yuck.

  • Love 4

I don't get what's wrong with that WW commercial. Doesn't seem bad to me.

Weight =/= health. Numbers on a scale are triggers for many people who struggle with their weight and/or relationship with food. Less weight does not necessarily equal better; that's very dangerous, especially to those with eating disorders. A woman who is tall and 160 pounds is thin, or muscular and 160 is healthy, but according to Weight Watchers, her weight should be "biting the dust".
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I can't believe I'm saying this, because I'm no advocate of WW, and the commercial clearly does send the message you just accused it of. However, the people I've known who did WW made very clear that while you do set a goal weight as part of the program, they basically tell you what your ideal BMI is based on your height and age and whatnot and won't let you set an unhealthy goal (in either direction). So, at least in practice, in person, they do seem to have a rational understanding that 5'2" and 160 lbs and 5'8" and 160 mean very different things.

  • Love 1

Walmart has this commercial for some reason or other and there is a whole backyard of people throwing water balloons at each other...

but the water balloons...

are filled with some sort of paint.

Holy moly I'm getting hives just typing that out. If you enjoy paint splatter (like those races where people get all tie-dyed and that festival in India) I have no issue with you doing it. But I seriously cannot watch it.

I do not like to be dirty. Like, at all. And they have paint all over their clothes and on their skin and in their hair and agh I can't even think about it. We own an ATV and going riding nearly gives me an anxiety attack because of the dirt and mud and yuck.

What really bugs me about it is that they start cooking and eating with their hands soon after the paint fight.  I hope they had access to a sink and some soap nearby to at least wash their hands.



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Weight =/= health. Numbers on a scale are triggers for many people who struggle with their weight and/or relationship with food. Less weight does not necessarily equal better; that's very dangerous, especially to those with eating disorders. A woman who is tall and 160 pounds is thin, or muscular and 160 is healthy, but according to Weight Watchers, her weight should be "biting the dust".


You make a point, but not everybody has an eating disorder, some people just want to lose weight.   Nothing wrong with that.  Maybe that's who the commercial is aimed at, people who just want to lose weight.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 5

There's a series of new commercials for (I think) American Standard toilets that have 10x the flushing power or whatever. One has a middle aged couple at a BBQ and the man squirts ketchup all over his shirt and the wife says "nobody likes splatter." Cut to a toilet, sitting right next to them, in the backyard next to the picnic table as the woman extolls the virtues of the superior flushing mechanism. Most horrifying, however, is the tag where the woman's head pops up out of the toilet bowl and exclaims "It's clean!"


This can't be real.  You've gotta be shitting me, right?

Edited by Aquarius
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That brat who is stuffing everything down the toilet needs to be smacked. And them made to use am outhouse. Little ass.


Wasn't there a commercial a while back about an ADULT MAN stuffing towels and bags of dog food and all kinds of stuff down his fantastical toilet, because the repairperson was a pretty woman??  EESH.

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This can't be real.  You've gotta be shitting me, right?


I'm not sure if it's the same super-toilet company but I saw a spot yesterday where a man is walking through a park with a woman riding piggyback and she keeps repeating "i love you i love you i love you."    The payoff is "Nobody likes clingers" and it goes on to show you how this toilet has more power to sweep away, well, you know.   

Edited by millennium
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This is more of a generic complaint, but I'm beyond weary of singing and dancing in commercials.   Singing and dancing has never made me feel better about a product or compelled me to buy anything.   The only way it ever motivates me is to pick up the remote and hit the mute button, or even the channel selector.  I realize advertisers are competing for our attention but does it ever dawn on them that these loud, busy spots are provoking the exact opposite reaction and generating all kinds of negative feelings about their products?


I'm also tired of commercials in which groups of women shriek over shoe discounts or cell phone plans or whatever.

  • Love 9


I'm not sure if it's the same super-toilet company but I saw a spot yesterday where a man is walking through a park with a woman riding piggyback and she keeps repeating "i love you i love you i love you."    The payoff is "Nobody likes clingers" and it goes on to show you how this toilet has more power to sweep away, well, you know.


Yup. Here's the one I saw:




And here's the one you saw:



  • Love 2

Ugh, just saw a commercial for AT&T All Life Digital or something where your security cameras and system are linked to your account? Anyway, the mom is away and of course the day is making a slew of errors. I hate that shit so much. GAH! It bothers me that dads are made to look like idiots in order to, I don't know, prop up moms. Makes me so angry! 

I figure it's written by guys who want to get out of doing stuff.  My grandfather used to deliberately do a poor job at tasks he didn't want to do because my grandmother would get all exasperated and claim, she would just have to do the job herself... cut to my grandfather smiling.

  • Love 4

As someone who's had the Chicken Pox (& I didn't get 'em until I was a Sophomore in High School, if you can believe that; I got 'em from my brother, who was in 8th Grade when *he* got 'em from a classmate. Do you know how embarrassing it feels to get them in High School? I thought most of my teachers would either not believe my Excused Absence slip or laugh at it/me, when I went back to school), the "If you've had the Chicken Pox, the Shingles virus is already inside you." commercials drive me BATTY!

Mostly because, so far, I've had the great fortune *not* to have the Shingles yet, *I don't want to get them* (from everything I've heard about them), & I really just love (NOT!) essentially having a "ticking time bomb" in my body that could still go off anytime.

  • Love 3

Mostly because, so far, I've had the great fortune *not* to have the Shingles yet, *I don't want to get them* (from everything I've heard about them), & I really just love (NOT!) essentially having a "ticking time bomb" in my body that could still go off anytime.

But that's the point of the commercial. It is a ticking time bomb, so get the vaccine, and then you don't have to worry about it anymore...


My mom was getting regular shingles outbreaks and since getting the vaccine hasn't had a single one in several years.

  • Love 7

There's a series of new commercials for (I think) American Standard toilets that have 10x the flushing power or whatever. One has a middle aged couple at a BBQ and the man squirts ketchup all over his shirt and the wife says "nobody likes splatter." Cut to a toilet, sitting right next to them, in the backyard next to the picnic table as the woman extolls the virtues of the superior flushing mechanism. Most horrifying, however, is the tag where the woman's head pops up out of the toilet bowl and exclaims "It's clean!"



This can't be real.  You've gotta be shitting me, right?


As it were.

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No, it does not.  I didn't have any side effects.  Life carried on as usual.


I don't know how it is in other states, but in Georgia, the doc doesn't give you the shot - the pharmacist does.  You take your RX to the drug store & get the shot there.  You have to have a prescription for it - it's not like just walking into a Doc-In-A-Box & asking for a tetanus shot.

Edited by Prevailing Wind
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Weight =/= health. Numbers on a scale are triggers for many people who struggle with their weight and/or relationship with food. Less weight does not necessarily equal better; that's very dangerous, especially to those with eating disorders. A woman who is tall and 160 pounds is thin, or muscular and 160 is healthy, but according to Weight Watchers, her weight should be "biting the dust".


I don't see it that way at all.  They show a variety of "weights" in the commercial... 150s.. 160s...190s.  I see no shame in that.  I mean, my ideal weight for my frame is 135, but I'm 5'6 and large-boned.  So I wouldn't feel like my small-boned barely 5-foot best friend was "shaming" me if she wanted to reduce from 135 to 120. Or whatever.  I don't think it's based on weight-shaming whatsoever.


My mother did WW and couldn't tell me the difference between a simple and complex carbohydrate. WW teaches people how to count, not be healthy



The new program is definitely geared more towards a healthy lifestyle than simply counting points. 


And I swear I don't work for WW!  I simply think they are one of the more sensible programs out there (believe me, there are some seriously SHADY and downright dangerous ones out there!)

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