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S08.E12: Always the Bitch, Never the Bride

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Ramona and Sonja's friendship gets back on track as they plot to get Sonja back in Bethenny's good graces. Meanwhile, Jules shares a secret business project with an impressed Michael; Bethenny has a health scare; and the women gather for a dog wedding.

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7 hours ago, Gaily said:

Interesting that she gives nice shout-outs to Carole, Dorinda and Ramona -- and no one else

Awww. How sweet.

Bethy remains exclusional to the end. 

I don't know if exclusional is a word but it rhymes nicely with delusional.

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8 hours ago, steelcitysister said:

And with this FB post, Beth has laid the foundation for the this-is-why-I-was-such-a-shrew-on-camera excuse tour. Maybe I'm just surfeited with HWs from all the franchises who start moaning nobody knows my sorrow as soon as the negative commentary begin


Agreed. I was thinking the same thing.

And we've seen stupid on this show, but really, a dog wedding?  I may have missed it but at least this was for charity right?

Ramona please, for the love of God, get rid of those extensions.

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Didn't Ramona also swipe a finger-full of frosting from an uncut wedding cake in S4? 

I can't believe I'm watching the LuAnn special. Why am I not surprised that she ran off with the Count while she was living with her Italian boyfriend?

Edited by archer1267
ETA: Actually, I wish this was the LuAnn we saw sooner. She just told a joke about public hair and has a self-effacing attitude about her modeling past.
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Ramona coaching all the other women in how to resolve their issues with each other cracks me up. Can we also add "Meh-kee-co!" to the official list of Ramonaisms? 


I sincerely doubt Bethenny is "paying a lot of money" for this trip. Everyone know these trips are comped. Cut the crap, Miss No Bullshit. This isn't even bullshit that serves a purpose. Come on. 


Jules' husband has a lot of damn nerve to compare her working on a project without telling him to "cheating" while, as it turns out, he was actually cheating on her. Half-joking or not, what an ass. 


Ok, I kind of loved Dorinda in HomeGoods. I would totally go shopping with her. Bethenny did look rough though. Her fibroids do sound serious and I did buy her upset about the whole thing. I'm glad she got in to her doctor and in real time has had them taken care of. 


The whole dog wedding was absurd. I can't even. They raised $10k but how much did that whole production cost? My much less glamorous, much smaller actual wedding cost almost $10k. I did laugh out loud at Sonja comparing Rouge to Ramona in social settings. 


And then of course, Ramona lived up to it by complaining that she had already picked out outfits for the trip and cutting herself a slice of cake. Classic Singer. 


Didn't miss Lu this week.


Did y'all know Jules was Asian? 

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I am unexpectedly pro dog weddings after watching this episode.  It needs to be the new trend that show up on all the shows.

The amount they raised doesn't seem to be at all proportional to what they spent, but it did get the charity on television.  I would guess that it'll end up being worth it.

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Ramona's social graces are nil. I mean really, you can't wait for the "hosts" to cut the cake?

Also like Carole said she was more concerned about her bathing suit and the canceled trip over someone and their needing to take care of a health issue.

She really is reality TV gold, nuttier than the outhouse at a peanut convention.

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I thought the dog wedding was hysterical, and I'm not even a dog person.  Dorinda: "my dog is a country dog!" cracked me up.

Dorinda was a good friend to Beth, accompanying her to the doc.  I understood Beth's fear/anxiety, even as she tried to be Tough Girl about it.

Loved them shopping at Home Goods!

I missed the Jules convo about an injury to her lady bits?  Can someone explain?  I am glad she found a cool project/ company to start.  

Ramona cutting the cake??  Just no.

Not watching the Lu special.  No thank you.

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Did I hear Carole refer to the owner of the bride/dog's owner as "fat Jewish?" Did I imagine that? I sound crazy, I know.

Cindy Adams hair?

Ramona cutting in the wedding cake was ridiculous, note to self, do not invite Ramona to my son's wedding, lol.

Real love for Dorinda and Bethany shopping at Home Goods.

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I don't care about dog weddings.

I enjoyed sober Dorinda offering to take Bethenny to the doctor, that was a really good idea, since most patients only hear something like 30% of what the doctor says, due to worries or other issues.

Sonja still doesn't get it.  "I want to talk to her about this wine stuff."  Yeah, no honey, that's the entire reason she isn't filming with you.  Buy.  A.  Vowel.  She doesn't want to give your shyster "partner" film time.  I like Sonja, but seriously, is she really that braindead?  She was supposedly sober, so it's not that. 

Ramona has perfected keeping her own issues off camera by focusing on everyone else's issues.  That's the way you do it. 

So Tipsy Girl and whatever that cleanse is Jules is peddling got screen time.  Again, for the first one.  Her little comment "maybe you will be asking ME for HALF" was pretty telling.  Bravo's finding the stuff it needs to capitalize on the divorce news.

I'm enjoying Luann's special.  Taking that to her thread though.

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Well, I have to watch this episode later. We had tornado activity in my area and lost signal on the TV. So only saw bits and pieces.

so what I saw: that stuff Jules will be pushing looks gross. Like stomach bile.

I had fibroids and a hysterectomy some years ago. It's not fun so I felt bad for Bethenny, it was nice that Dorinda was there for her since it doesn't appear Bethenny has no family who care about her.

I like dogs but the dog wedding was a bit over the top.

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14 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Did I hear Carole refer to the owner of the bride/dog's owner as "fat Jewish?" Did I imagine that? I sound crazy, I know.

I heard that as well. I thought she was referring to the comedian "Fat Jew" but decided to call someone a Jew sounded anti-semetic, so changed it to Fat Jewish.  Or she just fucked up and meant to say "Fat Jew."

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16 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Did I hear Carole refer to the owner of the bride/dog's owner as "fat Jewish?" Did I imagine that? I sound crazy, I know.

Cindy Adams hair?

Ramona cutting in the wedding cake was ridiculous, note to self, do not invite Ramona to my son's wedding, lol.

Real love for Dorinda and Bethany shopping at Home Goods.

His name is The Fat Jewish. Check him out.

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The LuAnn special is actually pretty interesting.  Full life she has led.  And wow, she was really stunning in her prime.  And still looks incredible.  Her Italian television show is pretty cool.

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2 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

I heard that as well. I thought she was referring to the comedian "Fat Jew" but decided to call someone a Jew sounded anti-semetic, so changed it to Fat Jewish.  Or she just fucked up and meant to say "Fat Jew."

There is a comedian named "Fat Jew.?"  It does sound anti semetic.

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9 hours ago, Gaily said:

Bethenny just posted this:


I feel badly for her -- it sounds like she was pretty sick.

I really love that Bethenny posted this.  Women don't speak openly about their health issues, and it is great for a woman on a reality show to be open about something like this.  I am glad that it is a part of the show.  Even if people don't like Bethenny, I think it is amazing that she is helping to normalize women talking about miscarriages, IUDs, fibroids, and everything else.  A lot of women will see something from their own life and health in Bethenny's post.

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3 minutes ago, stewedsquash said:

Ramona? Is that you Ramona? haha That was my first thought when I read your post. Tornado/tv viewing pleasure, fibroids bleeding/taking back a bathing suit.

Lol! I've got my DVR to tape the 10:30 PM repeat. I gotta see Ramona in action for myself! 

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Okay, sasha206 convinced me to watch the end of the Lu special.  It actually was interesting.  The car accident in Switzerland that changed her, her decision she needed to move back the U.S., and how that impacted her marriage was sad and interesting.

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1 minute ago, Thumper said:

Okay, sasha206 convinced me to watch the end of the Lu special.  It actually was interesting.  The car accident in Switzerland that changed her, her decision she needed to move back the U.S., and how that impacted her marriage was sad and interesting.

Her talking about their love and life prior to the accident and then after was very sad to me.  He really must've been the love of her life.

And he was certainly an attractive man back then too!

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Ramona's impersonation of Bethenny while role playing Sonja's apology cracked me up as much as it had me shaking my head.  Now they're talking to Bethy even when she's not there by pretending to be her so Sonja can get the obsequious attitude just right for the big day she finally gets the opportunity to bow and scrape.

I was ok with the dog wedding.  It was a relief that there was no drama and shouting, just cute, over-dressed dogs.

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Previews.  Not that surgery isn't serious, but give me a fucking break Bethenny.   You don't have cancer.  The tears are ridiculous.

I'll give Bethenny a pass for being scared. No woman wants to hear about a potential hysterectomy. Bethenny has been working my nerves for a minute, now, but I don't blame her for freaking out. It's not as if she stubbed her toe.

However, what did bug me, and to be fair, it could be the editing, BUT, when Bethenny had her drinks with Lu, she mentioned she was bleeding profusely, but she was going to the doctor the next day. Then she meets up with Carole and says the same thing, and finally, she mentions it again at Home Goods with Dorinda. I'm like, girl, you have blood coming out of your wherever, get your ass to the ER/make an emergency appointment with your gynecologist.  To quote my uncle in my head, Joe Biden, "this is a big fucking deal." Handle your business. You have medical insurance!

Overall, I thought it was quite a dull episode. The puppy wedding, while cute, was a bit much for me. And I say this as a newly pet auntie.

Edited by Sheenieb
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I find it interesting that lotsa these Ho'wives are exposed to and/or possess all of these fantastic 'connections' to businesswhatevers, yet are so very insistent that they are "...doing it on their own..."    (many are unbelievably fortunate and don't realize it.)

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14 minutes ago, Sheenieb said:

I'll give Bethenny a pass for being scared. No woman wants to hear about a potential hysterectomy. Bethenny has been working my nerves for a minute, now, but I don't blame her for freaking out. It's not as if she stubbed her toe.

However, what did bug me, and to be fair, it could be the editing, BUT, when Bethenny had her drinks with Lu, she mentioned she was bleeding profusely, but she was going to the doctor the next day. Then she meets up with Carole and says the same thing, and finally, she mentions it again at Home Goods with Dorinda. I'm like, girl, you have blood coming out of your wherever, get your ass to the ER/make an emergency appointment with your gynecologist.  To quote my uncle in my head, Joe Biden, "this is a big fucking deal." Handle your business. You have medical insurance!

Overall, I thought it was quite a dull episode. The puppy wedding, while cute, was a bit much for me. And I say this as a newly pet auntie.

I know right! And she kept on filming but didn't have the surgery until May 20th, 3 or 4 months after that was filmed!

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I just finished watching the show and as much as I can't stand Beth I can totally relate. I had a total hysterectomy with ovaries removed due to a burst cyst that became abscessed in my peritoneal cavity.  Having the hysterectomy has been the worst decision I have ever made as I can not get my estrogen balanced because I had two gyns not know how to even work with human identical hormones. One had me on estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA and thyroid medicine that I absolutely did not need. I went hyperthyroid and lost 30 lbs in 10 weeks.  I kept telling her I feel like I am going out of my mind and all she did was up the dose of all that compounded crap, so she could make money off of the poor suffering woman.  I started to do research and learned to be my own advocate.  I found an endocrinologist and she just shook her head when she saw what this so called "bio identical" EXPERT had done to me.  I am just now digging myself out of that horrible hole and it has been a living nightmare.  PLEASE, PLEASE learn all you can about your reproductive health before things start to go badly quickly.  I am finally on a low dose estrogen patch and the only reason I am finally here is because I did my own research and found no one was looking out for me, I had to do it myself.  I would not wish this on my worst enemy, truly. It has been the worst year and a half of my life, but I think there is some hope in the future. 

If any of you are out there and dealing with reproductive issue whether through natural or surgical menopause the one site that has saved my life is "A Survivor's Guide to Surgical Menopause"  It is a wealth of solid medical studies done through reasearch through the American Endocrinologists Society. That's not the actual society name but I can't recall exactly what is. It also follows what the NAMS guide to taking hormones.  Even if you haven't had a hysterectomy and you are having female issues it is an incredible site.  You actually have to join the forum in order to ask questions and the moderator is unbelievably knowledgeable.  Women's health, especially after our fertile years, is totally ignored by the healthcare industry. It is extremely sad and upsetting.  I hope this has helped someone that does not know where to turn.  

I am guessing Beth will end up with a hysterectomy because the fibroids are so bad.  Her MD was right that progesterone should be taken extremely seriously because it can cause extreme depression in a lot of women.  

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Aw, Carol?. 'Coochy-Coo'.

Look who's learning how to toddle, be pseudo-badassed peevish, and levy BetheMe!-style insults 'behind-yo'-back' (in the Talking Heads) ALL BY HERSELF. {Who's the Big Girl, huh. Who's the Big Girl.}

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33 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

I know right! And she kept on filming but didn't have the surgery until May 20th, 3 or 4 months after that was filmed!

I had fibroids that had to be removed. Surgery is not the first thing you do.

They try less invasive procedures first.

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14 minutes ago, SFoster21 said:

I had fibroids that had to be removed. Surgery is not the first thing you do.

They try less invasive procedures first.

Yeah, she described the various things the doctors did in a Facebook post, including one doctor who apparently gave her completely wrong advice.  There is a link in her thread.

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I haven't seen the episode yet, but did enjoy the Luann special. She's cool, which I always knew. She's not like Bethanny where she makes it so you have to feel sorry for her or else you are a terrible person. Luann is just like, "This is my life. This part was hard. This part was good." 

I found WWHL tonight with Bethanny interesting. Andy asked Bethanny about things she said in her blog, "Are you upset that Luann didn't spell your name correctly in her phone?" Which Bethanny DID complain about in a previous blog, and Bethanny acted like it was the first time she ever thought about it. Oh, and said she didn't really care and it was probably just a mistake, like it wasn't a big deal. 

I like Jules product, and I'm going to try it. It's in Whole Foods (which won't see SkinnyGirl because of the preservatives, haha). It will probably be too expensive to buy very often, but hopefully it will give me some energy or least help me poop. TMI, I know. 

Edited by bravofan27
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