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S06.E08: No One

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So help me old gods and new, when are we going to hear the rest of the story about the honeycomb and jackass in the brothel?!?!  I felt bad for Tyrion when Varys left and he had to get Missandei and Grey Worm to relax and at least engage in some witty banter.

Bronn is just the best. Pod too. I know it's unlikely, but I wish Bronn would join team Stark. Not the best fit for him personality wise and he's put in a lot of time to get that castle and high born wife. Unfortunately I doubt he'll ever get it.

Didn't mind the Hound when he was on in the beginning. Didn't miss him when he died. Not impressed with where they're going with him, when they have a gazillion other storylines that they're not paying attention to. When was the last time we saw Ramsay? The episode where he killed Osha? I think that was episode 4. I'd like to see if Rickon is okay. (Like as okay as you can be when you're with Ramsay) So yeah, more focusing on the irons already on the fire, thanks.

  • Love 3

I wish Frankenmountain had ripped apart the rest of those Faith Militant guys. Cersei is the worst but between her and religious fanatics, I'll go with her. I hate f*cking religious fanatics. Tommen sure has drunk the Kool-aid, hasn't he?

I have told that joke Tyrion told except it was a Brit, a Scot, and an Irishman and the ordered pints of Guinness. :-)

  • Love 8

I still love Jaime/Brienne even though Jaime is a continual disappointment.  Brienne is in love with the man she believes he can be, and I believe he cares for her.  Her opinion of him matters.  I actually believe he may even love her but is way, way too screwed up over his obsession with Cersei to see it.  Unfortunately, it's that obsession with Cersei which dictates his actions and won't allow him any lasting growth.  I hated who Jaime was in S1, and thought I would always hate him after what he did to Bran.  But I saw self-awareness, complexity, and honor within him during his time with Brienne and after he lost his hand, and I did come to like him.  Now I'm just disappointed.  I can't even hate.  He's just too pathetic for it.

Tobias Menzies is awesome, glad GOT gave him a little something to chew on this episode.

I'm THRILLED Arya's time in Braavos is over.  Hoping she arrives in Winterfell in time to drive Needle through Ramsey's...well...whatever he is using that passes for a heart.

  • Love 16

So uh basically the Starks have a matrilineal healing factor in their bloodline or something?

I feel like Tobias Menzies put on a different accent for Edmure Tully than he used the first go around (I guess to distinguish from his Outlander role). Like he really brogued it up or something, I'm not sure what it was but it wasn't just worn-out-prisoner...

  • Love 2

I used to love the idea of Jaime and Brienne, but I've given up on it, because my girl Bree can do better. She's going back to meet up with the Starks and Co, and she'll be reunited with her one true love, Tormund. ???? But seriously, Jaime and Brienne don't have the same core, fundamental values. Brienne would die for what's right. Jaime will die for Cersei. He'll never give up on Cersei. 

Speaking of Cers, I hate to support her in anything, ever...but damn I have to say I pick her over hypocritical, overzealous religious lunatics. And it just makes me hate the High Sparrow and Co. even more for making me side with her.

The theme of this season really has been giving a middle finger to organized religion, huh? This season they showed Arya that the many faced god is essentially just hired hitmen who have weird rules about pronouns and then there was this whole debacle with the High Sparrow and the way they used Tommen to take over.  Then there was Melisandre resurrecting Jon, but after her old visions or predictions or whatever from the lord if light failed, but only after she had an innocent little girl burned alive. And other red women from the lord if light are preaching to people in Mereen, pushing Daenerys' message. I don't know, maybe it's me, but I think they have really been pushing the corruptness of religion this season. The only positive depiction of gods throughout the show has been the old gods in the North.  The Northerners just kind if go and pray at the tree and leave it at that.

  • Love 13

Loved Arya's conclusion, was a perfect melding of all her fighting experiences. Yes, she used Needle to prevail, but she also used darkness, something that terrorized her in the beginning. I hated The Waif, but I can understand her hatred. She was truly superior to Arya in so many ways, she must have been training for a very long time, and she was still not good enough to be No One. She probably kept honing her skills, wondering why A Man wouldn't consider her worthy, when it was her attitude that didn't meet snuff. 

Arya has truly changed. Could you imagine her having such a confrontation with A Man when she first got to Braavos? There's no way she could have calmly inquired after A Man's attempted murder. It was almost intellectual curiosity, she kept Needle over his heart in case he wanted to finish the job, not because she even considered trying to attack him. She's No One who's taken up the cause of Arya Stark, but she's not Arya Stark any longer (imo). 

Hm, Jamie admired Catelyn because of her love for her children, which was like Ceresei's. Their love is a redeeming trait, that everyone acknowledges, even their enemies. Maybe Jamie's trying to make a moral center out of matching that filial love with Cersei. Of course, it will fail because Ceresei does not want the best for him, which is a key ingredient of mothers. Deep down he knows it, which is why he won't touch Oathkeeper now. 

Tobias Menzies is a great actor. It's hard to reconcile all the characters he brings to life between this show and Outlander. So good. 

Edited by rozen
  • Love 6
55 minutes ago, truelovekiss said:

 The only positive depiction of gods throughout the show has been the old gods in the North.  The Northerners just kind if go and pray at the tree and leave it at that.

Ian McShane the amateur priest seemed pretty positive but that didn't really work out too well for him. Beric and Thoros sold Gendry to Mel, but as far as we know they've never burned anyone themselves, it appears they opt for more humane executions. As for the old gods, the cotf apparently created the white walkers to retaliate against humans cutting down their holy trees, which turned out to have pretty negative effects for everyone except the white walkers.

C'mon, Jaime, you don't need to murder every Tully who ever lived, most of them are already dead.

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So, both Loras and Cersei will be the defendants without any challenge by combat. So, Cersei can't use the Mountain to fight in her stead. How does Margaery get her brother out of this? Does she seduce that little twerp? As we know, Tommen is a very impressionable boy and maybe she can persuade him. Even the High Sparrow wanted her to produce an heir. 

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, riley702 said:

Please tell me it was intentional comedy to have the Waif doing her best Robert Patrick as the fucking Terminator impression in that chase scene, all emotionless and she JUST KEPT COMING. God, that was so bad. I didn't know whether to wince or snicker.


2 hours ago, Calamity Jane said:

Ha, that's who I thought of too!

LOL i thought the Borg myself. but I can totally see the Terminator. smokes. 
glad she's gone now, but boy. I can understand why people thought it was waste. though I cheered when she said I'm Arya Stark of Winterfell. 

1 hour ago, truelovekiss said:

I used to love the idea of Jaime and Brienne, but I've given up on it, because my girl Bree can do better. She's going back to meet up with the Starks and Co, and she'll be reunited with her one true love, Tormund. ???? But seriously, Jaime and Brienne don't have the same core, fundamental values. Brienne would die for what's right. Jaime will die for Cersei. He'll never give up on Cersei. 

Speaking of Cers, I hate to support her in anything, ever...but damn I have to say I pick her over hypocritical, overzealous religious lunatics. And it just makes me hate the High Sparrow and Co. even more for making me side with her.

The theme of this season really has been giving a middle finger to organized religion, huh? This season they showed Arya that the many faced god is essentially just hired hitmen who have weird rules about pronouns and then there was this whole debacle with the High Sparrow and the way they used Tommen to take over.  Then there was Melisandre resurrecting Jon, but after her old visions or predictions or whatever from the lord if light failed, but only after she had an innocent little girl burned alive. And other red women from the lord if light are preaching to people in Mereen, pushing Daenerys' message. I don't know, maybe it's me, but I think they have really been pushing the corruptness of religion this season. The only positive depiction of gods throughout the show has been the old gods in the North.  The Northerners just kind if go and pray at the tree and leave it at that.

I know. Screw Jamie, go Tormund. I am so over Jamie, you thought he'd eventually grow a clue but he is so up Cersei's ass it's not even funny. and quite frankly it's going to get him killed, and I won't even feel sorry about it. there's a perfectly wonderful Brienne right there and you're hot for your sister. pft, you Jamie. 

I think what they are showing is that it is a balance. like you can use it for evil, or goodness but it's what's in your heart. like the religion is not corrupt. it's the people in power who are.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, truelovekiss said:

The theme of this season really has been giving a middle finger to organized religion, huh? This season they showed Arya that the many faced god is essentially just hired hitmen who have weird rules about pronouns and then there was this whole debacle with the High Sparrow and the way they used Tommen to take over.  Then there was Melisandre resurrecting Jon, but after her old visions or predictions or whatever from the lord if light failed, but only after she had an innocent little girl burned alive. And other red women from the lord if light are preaching to people in Mereen, pushing Daenerys' message. I don't know, maybe it's me, but I think they have really been pushing the corruptness of religion this season. The only positive depiction of gods throughout the show has been the old gods in the North.  The Northerners just kind if go and pray at the tree and leave it at that.

Tyrion told us a long time ago that the gods are c*nts.  The show is just reinforcing this theory.

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2 hours ago, Moon Martini said:

Jaquen is a hottie. I hope it isn't the last we see of him. 

Oh God, yes. He and his highlights, ❤️

2 hours ago, lvbalgurl said:

I still love Jaime/Brienne even though Jaime is a continual disappointment.  Brienne is in love with the man she believes he can be, and I believe he cares for her.  Her opinion of him matters.  I actually believe he may even love her but is way, way too screwed up over his obsession with Cersei to see it.  Unfortunately, it's that obsession with Cersei which dictates his actions and won't allow him any lasting growth.  I hated who Jaime was in S1, and thought I would always hate him after what he did to Bran.  But I saw self-awareness, complexity, and honor within him during his time with Brienne and after he lost his hand, and I did come to like him.  Now I'm just disappointed.  I can't even hate.  He's just too pathetic for it.

He is a better man with Brienne. One thing you learn as a manager is that great expectations are a terrific motivator. If you assume the best, people will want to live up to that. Jaime wants to live up to Brienne's assumptions that he is a man of honor. 

  • Love 8

Man, did they really kill The Blackfish off screen, like that?  I figured he was doomed no matter what, but I at least wanted to see him go out like a badass.  But I think between this and not actually seeing Arya's battle with The Waif, this was one of those episodes were they were saving the budget, because they need it for next week's "big-ass episode nine extravaganza" episode.  Either way, I'm going to miss that crusty fellow and how he seem to be one of the few that had a good head on his shoulders.

It was scary how easily Jaime flipped between his honorable, respectful discussion with Brienne, to his "I will so kill your baby!" scene with Edmure. He really is a crazy, obsessive, sisterfucker, who would do whatever it takes to "protect" Cersei.  A good reminder that he really is a horrible person, underneath all the more charming moments, like his bantering with Bronn, respect for Brienne, and his love for Tyrion.  In a lot of ways, he and Cersei really are perfect for each other, as completely twisted as it is.

Speaking of Cersei, as despicable as she is, I was glad when she finally had enough and unleash The Mountain on one of the cult members.  Wish he got more of them, but it was great watching their smugnesses fall from their faces.  But, of course, the High Sparrow isn't an idiot, and it looks like he convinced Tommen to do away with the whole "Tribal by Combat" option, so Cersei has to start over.  But it sounded like Qyburn might have already found another option.  I'm curious about Loras.  I can't see Margaery letting him get sentenced to death or imprisonment.

The big-ass reunion season continues, with now both Beric and Thaos from the Brotherhood of Banners coming back into the fold.  Looks like they convinced The Hounds to team up with them to deal with the issues in the North, but I wonder what exactly they are planning to do here.

Tyrion, Missandei, and Grey Worm were cracking me up in their scene.  Never would have predicted those three would be fun together.  And I did like Grey Worm stepping up and telling Tyrion to cram it, once shit went down.  Thankfully, Daenerys came back right at the perfect time.  Too bad she didn't say anything, because I really just wanted that scene to end with her going "What the fuck, Tyrion?!  I leave you in charge a few episodes ago, and you've already shit the bed?!"  She doesn't even know yet that Varys jetted off for a secret mission.  Hope he isn't gone for too long.

So, in the end, Arya defeats The Waif and reclaims her name, which judging from Jaquen's reaction, was what he wanted all along.  I guess this was just one long test for her, but I wish it had been more interesting.  I can only hope her character gets a better storyline next season.

I'm hoping Bronn teaching Pod "dirty fighting", will have some kind of pay-off down the road.

A lot of fun callbacks in this one.  From the fun ones, like The Hound's love for chicken and Bronn bringing up Pod's magical dick; to the not so fun ones like Jaime saying "The things we do for love."  And then there is Tyrion getting cut off again when he is trying to tell his story about bringing a honeycomb and jackass to a brothel.  I guess we won't find out until the series finale!

Really, I'm pretty sure Gendry is the only past recurring character that hasn't come back.  Oh, and Hot Pie.  I can't wait to see how Hot Pie ends up coming back!

Next week will either be one of the best or one of the worst, depending on the outcome of that particular little conflict.

  • Love 4

Yes Arya Stark -- its time to go home!

Happy to see that Sandor is learning the fine arts of negotiation and diplomacy

Whats the over/under on when Cersei goes overboard and tries to unleash FrankenMountain on everyone.  She already fucked up her chances for trial by combat, and that possibility may have stayed off of the Septon's mind before she unleashed FrankenMountain on the Faith Militant.  And honestly....either kill them all or kill none, but you can't just kill one of them and smugly hope for the best.  

Margery is playing the smart game, she just has to keep from getting pregnant or else the Grand Septon will take her child and it will all be for naught.  

4 hours ago, AimingforYoko said:

A man looked rather pleased with how that turned out.

And your weekly dose of gore courtesy of the Clegane brothers!

Dany: "I got the Dothraki army. What the hell have you idiots been up to?"

And I saw a dragon in the background...so lets get this party started!

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3 hours ago, KaleyFirefly said:

I loved Arya's line to Jaquen at the end, though frankly I don't see how she could have been running around after having been stabbed several times in the gut, before making it to Lady Crane's. And Lady Crane's medicine must have had some magic in it to have Arya up and about and ready to fight only a day later.

I have a real problem with Arya being fine. The Waif stabbed her several times, then did that twisty move with the last stab - no way Arya survives that without a Red Woman around. I'd have been much happier if the Waif simply visited her that first night, and the candle-cutting scene played out then.

3 hours ago, GrailKing said:

for those who didn't see the previews for next week:

  Hide contents


Yikes - looks like Ramsey slaughters everyone except Jon. Not looking forward to it. :(


  • Love 2
4 hours ago, Popples said:

So Blackfish's name gets added to the list of characters brought back just to die in the next episode. I hate how Jaime is just completely Cersei's bitch, when he was telling Edmure how he'll kill every Tully just to get back to her, I kept wishing Tormund could have a chance to kick his ass. I wish Bronn had told him about how she was screwing Lancel when he was a prisoner of war. Had to laugh how the Sparrow totally owned Cersei and he didn't even appear. But she has something up her sleeve since Varys' former little birds told Qyburn something was more than a rumor.

Speaking of Varys, he's going back to Westeros, but what will his explanation be when he disappeared right after Tyrion escaped and killed Tywin.

I was really happy to see Beric and Thoros of Myr back, which means they'll die the next time we see them. I would have preferred the Hound axe the dude in the middle to death though.

What did Arya's training accomplish? Her new acquired skills may help her get the drop on someone one on one, but they're pretty useless in a battle and there's a massive war on, even before the White Walkers arrive which all that will be completely useless. I'll miss Essie Davis though.

I don't think anyone is going to care at this point.  Cersei has almost no power, and she knows better then to send away FrankenMountain to kill anyone.  The High Sparrow will insist that Tywin was a sinner anyways.  Tommen can be talked into or out of anything by the High Sparrow/Margery.  And Varys is such a game player that he might make himself useful to all sides.  I'm hoping that he ultimately aligns himself with Margery because I think that is where he can do the most good, especially if he can get messages from her to Olenna.

4 hours ago, bmoore4026 said:

I didn't feel like writing anything because of the gay bar massacre in Orlando has got me more than a little upset.  However, my has improved slightly, so I'm going to be brief.

How are you going to get out of this one, Lucsei?  Seriously, Lucy Ricardo has never fucked up more than Cersei has.

Blackfish is wrapped up.  Lovely.

I liked Missandei's joke.  And I love Grey Worm for finally calling out arrogant ass Tyrion for his shit.  Can't wait to see Daenerys' reaction when she finds out he made a deal with the Red Priestesses.

I love to see Grey Worm smile and become jovial.  When he said something about Missandei's joke being the worst one he ever heard I thought that was so funny.  He was like "well I've HEARD good jokes."  I hope Grey Worm suvives.

As far as Cersei Ricardo....yeah, she fucked up....trial by combat was probably not even on the High Sparrow's radar until Cersei had FrankenMountain kill one of the Faith Militant.

*sigh* at the gay bar massacre....sometimes it feels like the more society changes, the more it stays the same....so much useless fucking hate in the world.  And for what?  for what?

4 hours ago, Luckylyn said:

I think Arya gained a lot from her training.  She has fight technique, endurance, stealth, and she's more disciplined.  Her impulsiveness was the thing most likely to get her killed.   She's more dangerous now than when she started.  

I agree with this 100%  Her time with the faceless men have improved her fighting skills, I think she is more focused and disciplined.  

4 hours ago, dizzyd said:

I was quite concerned for Varys, looked like a final goodbye between him and Tyrion.  Guess he's gone back to Westeros to reclaim his lost birds and that would be good, except it just gave me the feeling he's on his way out, probably courtesy the Mountain.

Me too....I really hope that they don't kill Varys.  Arya has her list of people to kill.  I keep getting a list of people that I hope this show keeps safe....Varys, Tyrion, Pod, Brienne, Arya, Layanna, Bronn, John, Ser Davos, Margery, Olenna, Tomund, (because he and Brienne must happen).  I would have liked to see Jaime live, but at this point, I don't see how its really possible.

3 hours ago, betha said:

I think Jamie said what he had to say to get Edmure to go and call the surrender. We saw Jamie saying to Bronn in previous episode that he wanted to avoid bloodshed. I actually think he did in this case.

I'd like to think so too.  But Edmure doesn't know much about Jaime beyond king killer so he probably couldn't take the chance and call his bluff.  But I'd like to think that Jaime wouldn't actually kill a small child and lose all his leverage.

  • Love 5

That was disappointing.

The joke scene w/ Tyrion/Missandei/Grey Worm was a head-scratcher for me. 

Arya's journey has been a waste for me, beyond learning some stealth skills, I suppose.  Whatever.  None of the nerd theories I read over the past week about who was actually stabbed had a shred of legitimacy, LOL.

Bringing back Black Fish so he'd die off-screen?  Ehh...

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, BookElitist said:

Although, perhaps not riveting, Arya did gain with her across-the-way-stay. In Braavos, Arya attained some measure of safety from the onset culling of Starks. Also, young wild, desperate, and traumatized Arya matured physiologically. Furthermore, Arya's 'special set of skillz' was borne and short-timed honed. That new stealth, heightened awareness and perception layered with her nouveau ability and agility at (Jedi ) cloaking is a 'mighty sword'. Braavos, Arya❗ Braavos❗

Edited by BookElitist
irksome spelling error
  • Love 1
4 hours ago, taurusrose said:

I know Jamie would have bashed a baby against a castle wall.  He's despicable.  Just a sick, twisted, sister fucking bitch.

Uh, no.  I'll never root for Cersei.  She deserves every defeat, every humiliation, every failure she gets.  And still I won't be satisfied until I see her head on a pike, preferably at Winterfell. 

You are dpeaking my language, indeed.  Jaime, Honor❓ Ah, μell naw.

Cersei needs to endure abject suffering. NO forgiveness, nowuarter given.

Edited by BookElitist
? attempts at spelling corrections have proven to be unsuccessful. No response from my attempts.
  • Love 2

Cersei vs. the High Sparrow/the religious fanatics is one of those lesser of two evils kind of battles in my mind. I want them both to suffer, be defeated, and then cast out. For that reason, I cheered when the Mountain killed one of the guys and then I cheered when I learned that the High Sparrow had talked Tommen into doing away with trial by combat. Whenever Cersei or the High Sparrow loses even the tiniest bit, it makes me happy.

Heh, I was sure that the Hound would ask the Brotherhood if they had any fucking chickens. Their negotiation about who was going to kill the guys about to be hanged was great. I did have to appreciate the Hound's insistence that he kill them to avenge what they had done to the Swearengen Camp. It wasn't enough that they were going to die. He had to do it himself. And I thought it was nice of the Brotherhood to let him kill two because they understood why.

I totally thought that the Waif was channeling the Terminator too, from the way she strode out and then stopped to look left and right to the way she was running after Arya. All the oranges that Arya knocked over cracked me up because that was always foreshadowing for death in the Godfather movies.

Oh, Brienne and Jamie - another pair of star-crossed non-lovers. I agree that one of the reasons Jamie has so much honor when he's with her is because she expects it of him. I just hope that doesn't end up getting her killed one day. It could have gotten her killed in this episode. He knew that she and Pod were inside trying to negotiate with the Blackfish and he let his men go in anyway. She could have been killed alongside the Blackfish if she had refused to surrender. It was lovely to see Brienne and Jamie's discussion because they clearly still have a lot of respect for each other, but his first loyalty will always be to Cersei and that frankly ruins his character for me because she is a heartless bitch.

What drove me crazy about this episode was seeing how certain characters were more concerned with doing the correct thing than doing the smart thing. The guard at Riverrun did the right thing by obeying Edmure who was technically the lord of the castle instead of doing the smart thing (which is what the Blackfish wanted to do), but his obedience cost them Riverrun. Ironically, Jamie is the one who is still criticized for doing the smart thing (killing the Mad King) instead of doing the honorable/obedient thing (standing by while the Mad King kept killing people).

I also HATE that we lost another character who had at least half a brain when the Blackfish was killed. We don't have nearly enough of those these days. But I admit that I went awwwww when Jamie saw Brienne and Pod slowly rowing away and he just held up his hand to say goodbye instead of sending his men after her.

While I didn't enjoy Arya's time in Braavos as I had originally expected I would, I think it was necessary for her growth. If she had gone back to Winterfell way back when, there's no way she would have survived with only her wits and her lessons with Syrio. She fought the waif many times, which helped hone her fighting skills. She learned discipline and control and she also learned how to do reconnaissance on her victims before striking. Now she is much more prepared to go home and kill her enemies (heh, although the list is much shorter these days).

I wasn't happy to hear the return of Jamie saying, "The things we do for love," because I always get this song stuck in my head:

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 5
37 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

What drove me crazy about this episode was seeing how certain characters were more concerned with doing the correct thing than doing the smart thing. The guard at Riverrun did the right thing by obeying Edmure who was technically the lord of the castle instead of doing the smart thing (which is what the Blackfish wanted to do), but his obedience cost them Riverrun. 

The "smart thing" would have gotten everyone in that castle killed. I think the point was that Jaime was right about not everyone wanting to die for someone else's home. Blackfish didn't want to die for Winterfell and his men didn't want to die for a lost cause and a dead House. They were fine waiting out the Freys but if Jaime was going to storm the castle and go full Rains of Castamere, they didn't really stand a chance. The Blackfish knew he'd likely lose Riverrun but he just wanted to go down fighting. Surrendering didn't really cost them Riverrun, but letting Jaime try to finish the job Tywin and Walder started at the Red Wedding could have cost them everything. 

  • Love 6

I don't know what it will look like, but I really think there's going to be a payoff for the storylines that seem a little pointless right now. i hope that Arya returns to Westeros and finds herself in a situation where her faceless man training is EXACTLY what she needs.  And maybe there is something still to come with the captured Tully army.....would they take them to the Frey's dungeons to be imprisoned? Maybe they can somehow take the Frey's down from the inside??  Maybe this is wishful thinking haha.....

Jaime was determined to get River Run without shedding blood and succeeded. I'm on the fence over whether or not he was bluffing about hurting the baby.  On the one hand, he was willing to murder a child when he pushed Bran off the window ledge in season 1.  On the other hand, would Jaime murder a child when he knows Brienne is watching?  Her opinion that he has honor in him matters to him a great deal.   Now I wonder if avoiding meeting Brienne on the battlefield was one of Jaime's motivations for threatening Edmure.  Jaime says that Cersei's all that matters, but he has been willing to side with Brienne and Tyrion against Cersei.  He is a man ruled by love for good and for bad.  He will do evil for Cersei and accomplish good for Brienne and Tyrion.  So far he's found a way to honor his loyalty to all of them, but he can't do that forever.   

  • Love 5

Jamie is becoming more like Tywin, IMHO, ruthless and calculating.  He wanted to take over that castle as quickly and with the least bloodshed as possible.  He tried Brienne's way (since he did not have anything to lose), but when it was bust he went directly to Edmure as he originally planned.  He was counting on how loyal to a fault the northerners were (and he was right).
Just like Tywin wrapping up Robb's rebellion without spilling too much Lannister's blood, Jamie took over that castle with 0 loss

Thanks Bronn, I had forgotten about Pod's magic cock.  Pod wasted his time training as squire.  He should have fulfilled his destiny to become a lady's man

Poor Lady Crane, at least she got standing ovation in her last performance.

I still think the dancing instructor was claiming old debts/favors and asked Jaqen to train Arya.  Otherwise Arya's storyline made little sense to me :(
The waif deserved to die.  She could not kill a girl in point blank (last week) and she took time to smirk instead of just killed Arya this episode.  Where in the "no one" training book did ever say you should prolong the killing long enough for your prey to lure you to a trap?
I was right 2 episodes ago that darkness was Arya's best chance for beating the Waif.
As far as her wound healed quickly, the girl had learned some healing techniques while in HoBW.  That plus Lady Crane super potent patching up skills = healing.  Note that her wound opened back up as soon as she jumped to lower street level.

The mountain should have killed all Faith Militants except for Cersei' nephew :P

HS vs Cersei was good, although I am afraid Tommen will be dead by the end of this season as the result.  (causing Cersei to burn KL to the ground Mad King style)

I am afraid for Varys' safety.  Is he going to the Tyrells or Martells ? I do not think Iron Bank would grant a spy any meeting, let alone a navy

You know things would turn to shit as soon as Tyrion was able to make Grey Worm and Missandei laughed.

I actually want to see how 3 dragons fare vs horde of ships.  Those are too many ships for 3 dragons to take on.  We all know the Dothrakis that Dany brought were useless vs water attack.  I think Yara is coming in last minute to save Dany's pretty ass

Yay Brotherhood! Although I think the whole Hound is back story could have been cut a bit shorter.  I am not optimistic about all of these men going north without any Valeryan steel or dragon glass

Edited by DarkRaichu
  • Love 1

ok....now that i posted my insane joy over the ending , back on point.

i doubt blackfish is dead.....nuff said (off paneled death?, no way).  more likely he got snuck off by some men.  we'll probably see him come to the last minute reinforcement rescue to jon's army in winterfell.

the god of many faces...jaquen....so what does this all mean?  does arya now have a foot in the jaquen's circle to support her if she needs it?  she surpassed his tests.  does that mean arya is now in the higher inner circle with influence over the cult?  i mean this could be all his doing.  doesn't it seem odd that a guy with that many abilities would get "captured" and coincidentally meets arya "imprisoned" for her to save?  we've seen terminator bitch in action.  and we've seen jaquen in action.  i find it hard to believe he can be "captured" like that rather than "kill himself"...i'm guessing meeting arya was intentional.

always thought the brienne/jamie thing is cute.  still is.  i luv the whole, i want to fuck you but i really shouldn't vibe they give off.

  • Love 2

I'm so disappointed that Ayra really was that stupid last week and that it wasn't all just a trap that she was laying. That was such bullshit that she survived those wounds and all that blood loss so easily - what, it was a day and she was good to race around and leap off bridges?! I had such faith in the show that they were going to give Ayra's time in Braavos a great payoff and IMO, this has been a massive fail. We didn't even get to see how she defeated The Waif. It was such a bad sequence, both girls seemed to have been blessed with superpowers with the long and high jumps and bouncing back up with no injuries, I kept excepting The Six Million Dollar Man music to play! And as others have said, The Waif was apparently The Terminator. Anyway, I'm glad Ayra is finally out of there, hopefully she'll get a decent storyline now.

  • Love 6
7 hours ago, Moon Martini said:

So, Arya spent all this time learning how to be a stealth assassin n' stuff. Will she still be able to change identity once she heads back home? If so, she could have the upper hand in coming down on the enemy.

Also, isn't winter coming? The white walkers are really slow walkers.  :P

Remember when Arya returned to the House of Black & White last night? We saw the face of The Waif. I'm guessing Arya must have removed her face and placed it in the piece of furniture (whatever it was).

It occurred to me that maybe that was the skill she learned? If she can remove faces from certain people and then wear them over her face (or help others to do the same), maybe that might be the skill that somehow helps the Starks retake Winterfell?

I know that is very unlikely. But it could lead to some very ironic scenes. Couldn't it?

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, lvbalgurl said:

Tobias Menzies is awesome, glad GOT gave him a little something to chew on this episode.

He was wonderful in that scene. Edmure has had so little screen time, but his pain and exhaustion with the evil of the Freys and Lannisters broke my heart. He just seemed genuinely perplexed about how men like them could exist and live with themselves.

I also liked Tyrion getting Missandei and Grey Worm to loosen up a bit. They are too stodgy. I did laugh when Grey Worm put Tyrion in his place when he tried to dictate the war strategy. Tyrion forgot that men like his father who love power, money, and enslaving people have no honor. Hopefully, Daenerys has a plan to save them all without destroying those ships. 

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 1

Well, props to Tobias Menzies who I always liked since his turn in 'Rome' though he never gets to play the hero part. Edmure's scene with Jaimie was fantastic though I wished he'd shrugged off Jaimie's threat to trebuchet his son with a simple 'Go along then - do you really think I want half a Frey as my heir?'

I can see what they wanted to accomplish with Arya's arc this season but it went on way too long and even for a show with dragons and zombies her healing powers (not just from multiple stabbings but from various bone-crushing jumps) are amazing. She's the Wolverine to the Waif's Terminator.

Never cared for the Hound - and for the new and the old gods' sake wash your feet, man! Also don't care for the shenanigans in KL.

Apparently Greyworm never heard of the battle of the Blackwater. Tyrion's gamble with the slavers did not pay off but he's still the guy who managed to defend a city from a seaside attack - just saying. Not sure what to think of Daenery's timely return - it was sort of hilarious that we did not get to see Drogon and just had to assume he was there due to the mighty thump. It basically read 'Sorry folks, we don't have the bucks for another dragon scene.' (And that's why you should have dropped Dany's speech in 6.06, guys).

Show's stalling - just like the Night King. By the end of all of this House Stark (provided it still exists) should change its motto to 'Winter is crawling' (as mentioned above).

  • Love 2
16 minutes ago, MissLucas said:

Well, props to Tobias Menzies who I always liked since his turn in 'Rome' though he never gets to play the hero part. Edmure's scene with Jaimie was fantastic though I wished he'd shrugged off Jaimie's threat to trebuchet his son with a simple 'Go along then - do you really think I want half a Frey as my heir?'

I can see what they wanted to accomplish with Arya's arc this season but it went on way too long and even for a show with dragons and zombies her healing powers (not just from multiple stabbings but from various bone-crushing jumps) are amazing. She's the Wolverine to the Waif's Terminator.

Never cared for the Hound - and for the new and the old gods' sake wash your feet, man! Also don't care for the shenanigans in KL.

Apparently Greyworm never heard of the battle of the Blackwater. Tyrion's gamble with the slavers did not pay off but he's still the guy who managed to defend a city from a seaside attack - just saying. Not sure what to think of Daenery's timely return - it was sort of hilarious that we did not get to see Drogon and just had to assume he was there due to the mighty thump. It basically read 'Sorry folks, we don't have the bucks for another dragon scene.' (And that's why you should have dropped Dany's speech in 6.06, guys).

Show's stalling - just like the Night King. By the end of all of this House Stark (provided it still exists) should change its motto to 'Winter is crawling' (as mentioned above).

we sort of did see drogon.  he was flying away to the shore, probably off to burn some ships.  and the ironborne will probably also make a "timely" appearance.  daenerys has got to be the luckiest bitch in westeros.  no experience and yet all these things just come flying to her feet...dragons, armies, men, midgets, and soon, ships.

so how does this whole arya storyline really fit into winterfell?  perhaps she can take the faces of important figures and command an army?  seems really obvious now that jaquen met her on purpose.  i find it hard to believe a man with his skills could get captured by fodders.

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, MissLucas said:

Damn, I missed a whole dragon! That's how riveted I was during this episode!

yeah.  i already knew it was daenerys making the noise with drogon.  it was literally impossible for a crew of an attacking ship to be on the roof of a pyramid that fast, so i was just looking at the background and of course the dead giveaway of teh unsullied kneeling and then and there i was just looking for a peek at drogon....and there he was, flying off to the ocean.

the look on daenerys's face was funny...it was the look of..."what the fuck did you guys do while i was gone?"

Edited by lovebug1975
  • Love 6
3 hours ago, Lady S. said:

Surrendering didn't really cost them Riverrun,

Surrendering did cost them Riverrun. Edmure has no value now as a hostage, so Walder Frey has no reason to keep him alive. There is no evidence that a baby actually exists or that Roslyn gave birth...just Jaime blowing smoke. The look on the face of the soldier who insisted on following Edmure's orders as Lord of Riverrun when he realized Edmure was surrendering told you everything...The Tully garrison at the castle is now under the jackboots of the Freys, as are all the farms and villages that make up Rivverun's estates...the Frey armies will get paid by looting those farms and villages, as is medieval tradition.

Edmure  took the deal, and every Tully soldier and peasant will pay the price. Edmure is a dead man either way. 

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, Daisy said:

I think what they are showing is that it is a balance. like you can use it for evil, or goodness but it's what's in your heart. like the religion is not corrupt. it's the people in power who are.

Yes, but it's religion that gives them the perfect excuse to abuse their power (The High Sparrow is a perfect example)

  • Love 2

Arya used to be my favorite character. This House and Black and White has pretty much ended that. Yes, it was friggin ridiculous that she was running and jumping after having been stabbed repeatedly in the stomach by a trained assassin. Speaking of that, why didn't the trained assassin just cut her throat? Arya beat the waif by going back to her water dancing. Bravos and the House of Black and White were a waste of time, a place to park Arya until the writers need her back in Westeros, much like Dany's senseless wandering in circles in the desert. Blackfish's death was a waste. Was it to show that the last of the strength of the Tully family is now gone? Edmure is a broken man. His troops followed his orders but now know that his orders directly resulted in their losing the castle and the Blackfish's death. Not much respect there. In the coming battle at Winterfell, it's got to be Littlefinger's troops from the Vale that bolster the Starks' side. Dany's dragon had better have burned up those ships. If they did, she's basically beaten the Masters finally. They made their move and if she destroyed their fleet, she destroyed their shipping and way to make money. That would be a end finally to this spinning in circles Dany's been doing.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, DarkRaichu said:

Jamie is becoming more like Tywin, IMHO, ruthless and calculating.  He wanted to take over that castle as quickly and with the least bloodshed as possible.  He tried Brienne's way (since he did not have anything to lose), but when it was bust he went directly to Edmure as he originally planned.  He was counting on how loyal to a fault the northerners were (and he was right).
Just like Tywin wrapping up Robb's rebellion without spilling too much Lannister's blood, Jamie took over that castle with 0 loss

Thanks Bronn, I had forgotten about Pod's magic cock.  Pod wasted his time training as squire.  He should have fulfilled his destiny to become a lady's man

Poor Lady Crane, at least she got standing ovation in her last performance.

I still think the dancing instructor was claiming old debts/favors and asked Jaqen to train Arya.  Otherwise Arya's storyline made little sense to me :(
The waif deserved to die.  She could not kill a girl in point blank (last week) and she took time to smirk instead of just killed Arya this episode.  Where in the "no one" training book did ever say you should prolong the killing long enough for your prey to lure you to a trap?
I was right 2 episodes ago that darkness was Arya's best chance for beating the Waif.
As far as her wound healed quickly, the girl had learned some healing techniques while in HoBW.  That plus Lady Crane super potent patching up skills = healing.  Note that her wound opened back up as soon as she jumped to lower street level.

The mountain should have killed all Faith Militants except for Cersei' nephew :P

HS vs Cersei was good, although I am afraid Tommen will be dead by the end of this season as the result.  (causing Cersei to burn KL to the ground Mad King style)

I am afraid for Varys' safety.  Is he going to the Tyrells or Martells ? I do not think Iron Bank would grant a spy any meeting, let alone a navy

You know things would turn to shit as soon as Tyrion was able to make Grey Worm and Missandei laughed.

I actually want to see how 3 dragons fare vs horde of ships.  Those are too many ships for 3 dragons to take on.  We all know the Dothrakis that Dany brought were useless vs water attack.  I think Yara is coming in last minute to save Dany's pretty ass

Yay Brotherhood! Although I think the whole Hound is back story could have been cut a bit shorter.  I am not optimistic about all of these men going north without any Valeryan steel or dragon glass

Varys left by ship, right? I wonder if he made it out before the slavers arrived. I too think Yara will show up and defeat the slavers. That will certainly make a good first impression for Dany. Maybe they can even save some of the ships for Dany's quest to take the Iron Throne (which is taking as long as the White Walkers are taking to get south). Perhaps while they're in Meereen Grey Worm can teach Theon the benefits of cuddling with women. And ffs, release the other two dragons Mother of the Year!

1 hour ago, Save Yourself said:

I'm so disappointed that Ayra really was that stupid last week and that it wasn't all just a trap that she was laying. That was such bullshit that she survived those wounds and all that blood loss so easily - what, it was a day and she was good to race around and leap off bridges?! I had such faith in the show that they were going to give Ayra's time in Braavos a great payoff and IMO, this has been a massive fail. We didn't even get to see how she defeated The Waif. It was such a bad sequence, both girls seemed to have been blessed with superpowers with the long and high jumps and bouncing back up with no injuries, I kept excepting The Six Million Dollar Man music to play! And as others have said, The Waif was apparently The Terminator. Anyway, I'm glad Ayra is finally out of there, hopefully she'll get a decent storyline now.

How much did Arya really learn if she didn't realize she needed to lay low because T-Waif (love the comparison, all I could think of is Courteney Cox on Cougartown mimicking Tom Cruise's movie running) would be after her for botching her hit. We also never found out how Arya got all that money. She really didn't stress to Lady Crane enough that there was still a hit out on her. Once LC said she messed up Bianca's face, Arya let it go.

Judging from the new face in the hall, it seems Arya has a thing for stabbing people in the eyes. Braavos was a bust it seems. I haven't been entertained by Arya's story since she left the Hound. I hope those two come across each other again (and Arya doesn't put him back on her list).

  • Love 1
39 minutes ago, lovebug1975 said:

the look on daenerys's face was funny...it was the look of..."what the fuck did you guys do while i was gone?"

I'm already dreading her sanctimonious ass being back in Mereen. She's been gone all season. The city was falling apart and Tyrion made a gamble that lost. I didn't see anyone else coming up with suggestions. Tyrion's admitted his plan didn't work, I hope he gets to see the conqueror side of Dany and rethink his allegiance to her a little bit.  

  • Love 8
2 minutes ago, Bean421 said:

I'm already dreading her sanctimonious ass being back in Mereen. She's been gone all season. The city was falling apart and Tyrion made a gamble that lost. I didn't see anyone else coming up with suggestions. Tyrion's admitted his plan didn't work, I hope he gets to see the conqueror side of Dany and rethink his allegiance to her a little bit.  

she'll probably try to feed him to her dragons and to her surprise, they will refuse.  hence, forgiven.

  • Love 4
47 minutes ago, lovebug1975 said:

the look on daenerys's face was funny...it was the look of..."what the fuck did you guys do while i was gone?"

One of the funniest things I saw on twitter last night said something like "Dany looked like when your mother comes home early, and you haven't done any of your chores."


22 minutes ago, Daisy said:

I guess this is the best place to ask because it came up - but did I miss why Jamie is so hot for his sister? I truly can't remember, other than he "loves" her, but how did this even start? (on his end). 

I think it started when they were children. In season one when Ned confronted Cersei about the paternity of her children, she said something like "Jaime and I shared a womb together, we belong together." That's from her point of view, but if this season is indicative of anything, it shows Jaime will and has done anything and everything for Cersei. Why though, I'll never understand.

  • Love 3

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