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S08.E10: Unhappy Holidays

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I hate this whole excluding people thing. I'm trying to think if it's been done on other HW shows or not. Definitely on Southern Charm. I don't even really like Sonja much and it's making me feel sorry for her. And Lu being attacked repeatedly makes me feel bad for her, too, and I used to think she was a snob. Ugh. Carole is saying in the previews for next week that she isn't going on the trip if Lu is going, and B is saying that she won't go if Carole doesn't go. WTF grade are these people in, exactly? 

  • Love 24
2 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

I'm built similarly to Lu, and you would not catch me dead in that horrific pantsuit.  She reminds me of Eileen from the BH cast.  Both gorgeous women in their 50s with great bodies, and both wearing hideous high-waisted pantsuits.  Luann's looked like some monstrosity that would get you voted off Project Runway.

It looked like Lu and Carole were having a comfortable conversation after Bethenny walked away, and after Sonja swooped in.  I hope everything is smoothed over and no one mentions that argument again.  I know everyone wanted Carole to move on because Lu was apparently over it.  But when you have an argument, you can't dictate how long the other person gets to "get over it". 

I realize Sonja's supposed to be the sympathetic character here, but she still annoys me.  The way she swoops in with her (most likely uninvited) entourage.  The way she attempts to command attention with her entrances.  And the grand exit as she yells and throws her snotty napkin on the floor for the serfs to clean up.  And it doesn't seem wise to be tearing into your one remaining ally - Luann.

Just an FYI, don't watch the previews at Bravo for next week, you will not be happy.

  • Love 2

As bizarre as Sonja has been with all of her "business ventures":

-- she should stick to her guns on the name Tipsy Girl, F.U. to Bethenny

-- she's right to be hurt about not being invited, and NOT continuing to try to "make up' with Bethenny.

-- the other women need to mind their business, AND Ramona is the LAST person to give advice about relationships, with men OR girlfriends

-- I'm so tired of these women apparently, kissing Beth's butt. I'm just done with it. Someone needs to curse her out and set HER straight

  • Love 23

Y'all, I just canNot with THE HOUSEWIVES OF... anymore. 


*my disengagement from The HWs is chronic with acute episodes. soon. very soon, i will be overcome thereby freed.*

At the end of this Season's RHNY, I believe myself to be finished with ALL of the franchises. 

Bethenney's money-funded madness is ...


So, hopefully, I WILL COMMENT until the END OF THE SEASON.


You guys have been hilarious, amazingly witty, smart, erudite, deliciously snarky, deeply empathetic, compassionate, and just damn(!) fun!

  • Love 5
45 minutes ago, Neeners said:

I hate this whole excluding people thing. I'm trying to think if it's been done on other HW shows or not. Definitely on Southern Charm. I don't even really like Sonja much and it's making me feel sorry for her. And Lu being attacked repeatedly makes me feel bad for her, too, and I used to think she was a snob. Ugh. Carole is saying in the previews for next week that she isn't going on the trip if Lu is going, and B is saying that she won't go if Carole doesn't go. WTF grade are these people in, exactly? 

Yeah .....  (Yawns extensively).  Carol can just get off my TV screen now.  She has ZERO, NO STORY LINE whatsoever, so, meh ...  Be Gone anorexic, pot smoking biatch.  As I eat my CSMO (cheese, sausage, mush, onion) delightful pizza from "Gino's" Pizza in Racine, WI, and contemplating my schadenfruede for future episodes, fucking Bethenny and her minion Carole can go scratch.  Keep storming off as you tantrum in a special-snowflake huff.  I hate the both of you and I'm sorry I was once half-amused that Methenny was coming back to the show.  POOF!!!!  Be gone you assholes.  Both of you.  

Oh, and Bethenny?  You and your asshole Carole are not too good for this franchise.  Go.  Cast new women.  I'm bored.  Noted to add - I did think LuAnn's apology to Carole was sincere but, of course, Carole is not allowed to accept it because she is so FAR UP Bethenny's ass it's now to the point that it's gross; sickening ....

Now. on to Sonja.  OMG what a fucking colossal DIP SHIT that she would sign on to a trademark "Tipsy Girl" and think that was not piggy-backing on Bethenny's hard work.  Fu^k Off, Sonja.  I am sooo disappointed and this is someone who is saying this as NOT a Bethenny fan.  Sonja was wrong, 1000%.  HOWEVER - Sonja was right.  On the money at Ramona's XMAS party that Bethenny sashayed out of the party like some self-appointed "Rock Star" (aka - Bethenny had  to take CONTROL, and be all dramatic-like and leave).  Vomit.  Go bitch.  Sonja, you may be mega-delusional and all "Gray Gardens" and such. but you called this one correctly.  Bethenny said she never wanted to have anything to do with you ever again, so ....... what were you supposed to be groveling for/toward.  

IMHO the rest of the women (cast members) who were urging you to grovel at Queen B's feet (and we're not talking about Beyonce here, people) were UNINFORMED and full of SHITE.  You did right Sonja.  You made your case and the other women weren't really hearing you?

Edited by beesknees
  • Love 17

I must be a terrible person because Beth still doesn't bother me that much. I was starting to soften a bit towards Lu when she made her apologies to Beth and Carole at Ramona's party. That is until she chased Sonia down the stairs insisting that she should have talked to Bethenny. She then explains that Sonia really needs her friends around her now. Followed by announcing to Ramona and those who were left that she was not Sonia's babysitter, and that she was leaving because she had a date. Ha! Never change, Lu.

Just when I think I might be starting to like Jules, her self absorbtion and general cluelessness about life in general rears its ugly head and bites me. Now I never had kids because I knew I did not have it in me to devote myself to being a mother. (Animals OTOH I have all the time in the world for). I feel sorry for Jules' children that their mother wasn't as smart as I was. And she thinks she is the better parent of the two of them? Yikes.

The preview regarding the insta love-of-Lu's-life looks juicy.

  • Love 20
23 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

I must be a terrible person because Beth still doesn't bother me that much. I was starting to soften a bit towards Lu when she made her apologies to Beth and Carole at Ramona's party. That is until she chased Sonia down the stairs insisting that she should have talked to Bethenny. She then explains that Sonia really needs her friends around her now. Followed by announcing to Ramona and those who were left that she was not Sonia's babysitter, and that she was leaving because she had a date. Ha! Never change, Lu.

Just when I think I might be starting to like Jules, her self absorbtion and general cluelessness about life in general rears its ugly head and bites me. Now I never had kids because I knew I did not have it in me to devote myself to being a mother. (Animals OTOH I have all the time in the world for). I feel sorry for Jules' children that their mother wasn't as smart as I was. And she thinks she is the better parent of the two of them? Yikes.

The preview regarding the insta love-of-Lu's-life looks juicy.

OH NO, you are not a terrible person.  YMMV - that's why we love it here! Everybody gets to vent their opposing opinions and we bat ideas back and forth.  Snark the fu#k on and I appreciate your opposing opinion(s).  All love here. All love this way.  Carry on, opine on (but you already know that, I feel).  Opposing opinions?  I got your back and appreciate every.single.thing.  Now, the burning question I have - Do you frequent "Southern Charm"?  (I want you to look at that and give opinion(s) ....   :)  

Edited by beesknees
  • Love 6
22 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

I must be a terrible person because Beth still doesn't bother me that much. I was starting to soften a bit towards Lu when she made her apologies to Beth and Carole at Ramona's party. That is until she chased Sonia down the stairs insisting that she should have talked to Bethenny. She then explains that Sonia really needs her friends around her now. Followed by announcing to Ramona and those who were left that she was not Sonia's babysitter, and that she was leaving because she had a date. Ha! Never change, Lu.

Just when I think I might be starting to like Jules, her self absorbtion and general cluelessness about life in general rears its ugly head and bites me. Now I never had kids because I knew I did not have it in me to devote myself to being a mother. (Animals OTOH I have all the time in the world for). I feel sorry for Jules' children that their mother wasn't as smart as I was. And she thinks she is the better parent of the two of them? Yikes.

The preview regarding the insta love-of-Lu's-life looks juicy.

Nah, you aren't alone.  She is gold on this kind of show, don't let the number of posts discourage you, you have company.

This season has not bored me to tears, and all of these women, well, perhaps not Carole, are a hot mess.   I'm loving it.

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Southernbelle55 said:

O.M.G. I hope Bethenny and Carole are so embarrassed watching this. Obviously, they were the picked-on ones in middle school and are not getting back by being so mean girl I'm embarrassed for them. Maybe Carole is picking up the vibe from her boyfriend's friends. And I'm convinced Bethenny is on something. All that prowling around the house, erupting at intervals. She acted like someone I wouldn't want to sit next to on the subway. I guess this is how you behave when you know there will be no reprisals, because everyone is so afraid to get on their bad side. Look what happened to Sonya. I bet she's off after this year. 

Imo, you can't blame Adam or his friends.  Carole was a mean girl last season, too.  She was just so far up Heather's heinous heiny that she came out smelling like a rose.  Heather, for reasons unbeknownst to me, was a fan favorite so Carole's meanness was easily overlooked because her bestie was so well liked by the viewers.  Not so much this season. She's chosen the most horrendous host butt hole to climb into and now everybody sees her for who she is.

  • Love 19

My IQ goes down when Jules comes on screen.  She seems nice, but I feel like she's dumber than a rock and doesn't add anything.  I like Dorinda, but I think she's a off--they hightailed it out, not hijacked--I think she's the last person to "save Sonja's feelings," she's just as mental.  Although everyone needs to stop sending textes/Texas...It's TEXTS!

Usually I think Bethenny needs to shut up, and I don't buy into the Carole "I'm just a girl in the city act," (maybe 20 years ago-please also stop with the chokers, 1995 called...) but LuAnn needed to hear about herself.  I am also starting to question LuAnn's taste level.  The jumpsuit and then whatever that hair and fringe sweater were in her TH looked very Married to the Mob/Real House Wives of NJ 1986.

  • Love 14

So according to Carole and Bethenny when one loses their shit at someone's else home and the victim of the verbal abuse doesn't cut the verbal attacker out of their life the victim is a moron?

I so want the Mexico trip to be Ramona fully amped up on Adderall, Jules, Carole and Bethenny.  It would be four fun filled days of Ramona trying on bikinis with her me-me motor mouth fully engaged, Jules looking for kosher taco stands so she can pretend to eat and Carole and Bethenny and their mutual admiration society which would net about 15 minutes of air time.   Realistically, when they went to St, Barths they stayed on one property with two buildings and did not do everything together.  There is zero reason for them not to go together. 

  • Love 6

O.k., I figured out how to get a comment in here in time!  You have to start reading before the show even airs in your time zone - west coast here - then you have to follow the show and get in your comment while watching.  LOL!   That last thread was off the chain and any thing that I wanted to comment on was already previously addressed.

So, regarding the arguments between Lu and B, Lu gave as good as she got, IMO.  I think the point that was missing was the reason B went into overdrive was because Lu kept baiting and threw in the 'you need to get laid, when was the last time you got laid" bit.    Such a comment would have made me ballistic too, implying that my disposition, attitude would be determined by if I got laid recently.   It wasn't a one way argument that was all started by Bethenny.  If Lu didn't egg on, it would have ended a lot sooner.  At this point, I can't remember all the details, even after just rewatching the episode prior to tonight's episode, but I did note that Luann was instigating and obfuscating instead of being straight with her responses/answers to Beth's pronouncements/questions.

Regarding the 'slut shaming', while some may wish such derogatory names and ideas would be past us in this day and age, it's not the way it is.  If you broadcast your sexual exploits and they are a lot, or if it becomes known that you're a good time girl, you may be a slut.  In this area, discretion is everything.  Have your fun, sleep with whoever, whenever but it doesn't have to be the world's business.  Whatever happened to modesty?  That also goes for whatever you decide to do to you're vagina!  Good Grief, Sonja!  You are way too old to do such a scene as that in the doctors office!  Oh, am I 'age shaming' ??  Sorry, not sorry.

  • Love 13

Watching Bethenny move around the party refusing to acknowledge Sonja's existence made me think of the abjurations from True Blood.

"Sonja Morgan, I abjure you. I see you no longer. I hunt with you no longer. I share flesh with you no longer."


Here's my thing as much as I cannot stand Bethenny and Carole's smug superiority, LuAnn is an asshole. When they were in the kitchen arguing, LuAnn couldn't help but say that she was with the guy Ramona wanted to be with. Ramona and Tom and had a couple of opportunities to go out and there wasn't a connection. Don't bring it up. There was no reason to bring up Ramona flirting with the bar owner in the T&C. Finally when they had mostly squashed the earlier argument, LuAnn has to snidely joke that her wine glass says "slut" and "whore. Stop! This is the shit she pulled with Carole and Adam. She said she was ok with it and would drop bitchy comments throughout the season. In no way do I excuse any of Bethenny's crazy behavior, but LuAnn does this thing where she claims to be over something and then brings it up constantly.

I think Bethenny and Carole were immature toddlers by trying to sneak out of the house.

LuAnn does her business a great disservice by wearing the clothing in her collection. Every piece has looked beyond hideous in the light of day.

  • Love 16

I'm still watching this episode but LuAnn is handling Bethenny's authoritarian mouth better than me.   Because had she been talking to me like I was her kid,  Dorinda would have to call the cops!   Bethenny's approach and loudmouth is toxic!   She needs to bring it down from 100 to 0.   These women just need to stop being a bunch of scary cats to  take her on.   

I loved when LuAnn told Carole when she was trying to butt in early on "Are you her (Bs) narrator"  Yaaass LuAnn you best shade her down. 

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 18
4 hours ago, Sheenieb said:

Also, motherfuck Bethenny. Who the hell cares if she never speaks to you again?

Unfortunately for these women, it means they won't be in very many scenes because Bethenny is in nearly all of them.  Their paycheck depends on how much camera time they get.  Pretty much, if they aren't speaking to Bethenny, they're not going to be on the show for very much longer.  Sucks, but that's the way it is.  That's why Dorinda is hanging onto being on Bethenny's good side for dear life.  She seems to be getting closer and closer to choosing Bethany over John.

Edited by swankie
  • Love 12

I'm exhausted from Bethenny being on my TV.  I can't imagine having to deal with her in person.  Both Bethenny's and Carole's faces have looked really bad the last couple of episodes.  I don't know if it is their stank attitudes shading my judgement or if they really look all swollen and weird and like plastic surgery dont's.  

How rude to ruin Dorinda's party that she worked so hard to make nice and then sneak out the next morning without saying bye.  Bethenny would not have gone back inside without Carole insisting.

Ramona saying Lu needs all the attention was hilarious.  It's like she got herself confused with Lu.  

Ramona's hair looked extra shitty at her party.

  • Love 20

Bethenny seems to be so hung up on a book Luann wrote several years ago. At the time Luann did spots for a local TV station on manners and stuff, and the first season of RHONY was an example of four of the five  needing manners, guidance and advice between the meltdowns, arguments and pretentiousness, Luann was the only sane one.  The viewers were asking Luann for advice, Andy referenced her as the Countess  about a hundred times. Bethenny could not stand it then or now.  Bethenny's rules from her book, I Suck At Relationships So You Don't Have To  on debating  she truly used the word fighting.

The 7 Habits to Healthy Fighting-

1 Stop insisting you are right

2 Don't engage in insults or name calling

3 Pick the right time

4 Never use absolutes

5 Don't kitchen sink it.  It escalates a single argument into a war

6 Listen without defending (she did try and pull that  one against Luann)

7 Reflect back on what you have heard

I am thinking she needs to reflect on being a hypocrite or not following her own advice.  Maybe not apologizing for bad behavior by saying the other person drove her to it. 

This fighting over men stuff.  I am sorry but I really don't put much stock in Ramona's version of events.  My guess is Ramona wandered off during a conversation to do a recon mission for other men and came back and found the man interested in Luann.  Same with Sonja, if you have so many boyfriends, why not take time to reflect why no one sticks around.  These women  Carole, Ramona, Bethenny and Sonja just feel like they have to mark their territory on any male who enters the picture.  It is like they hunt, mark, card catalogue the men and return them to the wild forever labelled as theirs and their fangs and claws come out when they feel another woman is trying to poach their man/men.

Bethenny's bitching other than the etiquette book is essentially derived from bits and pieces Ramona has fed her.  I had more respect for Bethenny Season Two when Ramona exaggerated, well flat out lied about what Luann said about Mario and Bethenny corrected her.  Now it is the gospel.  Sonja in her blog mentioned she has never said Luann brought men home at night.   All this nonsense about say you fuck younger guys and admit it we would respect you.  I am pretty satisfied with someone saying they go out with younger guys.  I am surprised as a businessperson Bethenny publicly has such a vulgar mouth, never mind the subject matter.   

Does anyone know what this reference means: Luann did tell everyone she dated a bunch.  That's why I was repeating it by saying she was dating 60/11 guys.   What does the 60/11 mean?

  • Love 19
4 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

Wait a minute. .. Did Jules say this episode that this has been the best 24 hours of her life?!?!? Isn't her dad in the hospital and really sick? Hell is wrong with this chick!!!

Jules is just glad to be away from her kids as long as possible.  It's more important to her than any thoughts of her sick dad.  She doesn't seem to like them much.  That's why she's so anxious about finding another nanny.  I saw red when she was sitting their complaining about having to fix breakfast for them.  I guess she figures since she doesn't eat, why should they?  She really works my nerves.

  • Love 8
7 minutes ago, swankie said:

Jules is just glad to be away from her kids as long as possible.  It's more important to her than any thoughts of her sick dad.  She doesn't seem to like them much.  That's why she's so anxious about finding another nanny.  I saw red when she was sitting their complaining about having to fix breakfast for them.  I guess she figures since she doesn't eat, why should they?  She really works my nerves.

Did I understand this correctly-Jules father was in the hospital for hip replacement surgery?

  • Love 1
34 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Did I understand this correctly-Jules father was in the hospital for hip replacement surgery?

Last week she said he was in the hospital with pneumonia.  I guess he's doing better, so why not replace his hip while he's here?  I was like WTF?!  Can they give the man some recovery time before putting him through a rigorous operation like hip replacement surgery?!  Poor Jules' dad.  smdh

Edited by swankie
  • Love 2
4 hours ago, WireWrap said:

I don't recall any other HW show freezing a cast member out like we are seeing this season on NY. It is unbelievable how much Bethenny controls this show and these women this season.

Oh this show has done this before. Alex and Simon most notably. Jill actually suggested not filming with Beth when their feud started. Atlanta crew wouldn't film with Kenya in season 6. Freezing one out is kinda what Housewives do--reminds me of high school.

I don't know if I have anything for this one besides I absolutely hate Bethenny Frankel. 

Edited by MaryTylerMoore
  • Love 9

I haven't seen this mentioned yet.  What the hell was Sonja putting in the care package for her daughter?  It looked like she was just throwing random crap in to a box.  At one point she tried to put half a bag of chips or something in there.  And she put something in that she wasn't sure was a sex toy?  She's a mess. 

It's sad that her daughter needed to remind her to send her something from home.  

  • Love 24
2 hours ago, MaryTylerMoore said:

Oh this show has done this before. Alex and Simon most notably. Jill actually suggested not filming with Beth when their feud started. Atlanta crew wouldn't film with Kenya in season 6. Freezing one out is kinda what Housewives do--reminds me of high school.

I don't know if I have anything for this one besides I absolutely hate Bethenny Frankel. 

Yes, others have attempted to freeze out another HW but none have been as successful except Bethenny. On Atl. the cast did film with Kenya, she went on all the trips, Alex/Simon never missed an event/trip and neither did Bethenny when she/Jill were at it. This season so far, Sonja was excluded from the first trip and from the previews,


she will also be excluded from the big trip as well and although it fails, there is a strong effort to exclude Luann from the big trip as well.

Something that has not happened in HW franchise history before that I can remember.

  • Love 8

Y'all have covered the ridiculous jumpsuit Luann wore at Ramona's party, but what about that bedazzled Michael Jackson circa 1989 backup dancer "outfit" Bethy was wearing?  Someone could lose an eye on the shoulder pads alone.  And this, from a woman, who criticized a guy for wearing an autumn orange fleece at an outdoor autumn party. 

The Bethy/Lu argument is just so, so tiring.  So, it comes down to what Lu wrote in her book 7 years ago?  She can't change her ways?  Seven years ago, Beth was BFFs with Jill and tried to give away shitty baked goods in grocery stores.  No one is asking Bethy to publicly disavow shitty baked goods.

There had to be some weird time/truth bending with Jules' scenes because no competent doctor is going to do a hip replacement on a guy who just was delirious with pneumonia a day or so earlier.  I've been through aftercare with all sorts of joint replacements with my parents, and they screen the shit out of you before cutting because post replacement infection is so common, even under the best of circumstances.

Carole has reached Cindy Barshop levels of irrelevance.  I'd rather watch Sonja pack care packages for the troops than see what she's up to.

  • Love 21

Bethenny is house shopping with her new boyfriend, a multi-millionaire who just happens to be the ex-husband of her high-school BFF:


Interesting that she beats up Lu for being a "man stealer" but I guess the new boyfriend is fully divorced so I guess his marriage is water under the bridge. He is a good looking older man and Bethenny looks great with him.  Love the place they were looking at too.  I hope Bethenny finds love with a good guy -- it will make her much happier as well as nicer to other people. Wonder if they will ever put him on camera?

  • Love 6
7 minutes ago, Gaily said:

Bethenny is house shopping with her new boyfriend, a multi-millionaire who just happens to be the ex-husband of her high-school BFF:


Interesting that she beats up Lu for being a "man stealer" but I guess the new boyfriend is fully divorced so I guess his marriage is water under the bridge. He is a good looking older man and Bethenny looks great with him.  Love the place they were looking at too.  I hope Bethenny finds love with a good guy -- it will make her much happier as well as nicer to other people. Wonder if they will ever put him on camera?

According to the article, he is "separated" from his wife, Bethenny's good friend for 20 years, not divorced. It doesn't even say that Shields and wife Jill are divorcing, so I am not sure either has filed for divorce yet.

  • Love 11

Oh, and something/another thing that bothered me about this episode was Bethenny's 'apology' to Luanne about her blowup at Dorinda's house. It was all about herself! Paraphrasing here: I'm so upset about myself going there. I'm not that kind of person. Etc. Nothing....nothing about I'm sorry I upset you or I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. Now THAT, Carole, is what you call an insincere apology.

10 minutes ago, Gaily said:


Bethenny was the correct answer to this blind item apparently.  if this is true -- that she fooled around with her good friend's husband and the poor wife did not even suspect a thing -- then I will be disappointed. Wonder if this will come up at the Reunion?  If I was LuAnn, I would be all over this.

Like I said ^^^ someone needs to throw a rock or two at Bethenny! (IMO!) Luanne is my only hope!

Edited by CrinkleCutCat
Commas, all that grammar stuff!
  • Love 19

I think these women need to realize that trying to talk to Lu is almost as bad as trying to talk to Sonja. Brick wall. It's not going to happen. She's never going to see what you're saying and admit to the hypocrisy you're calling her out on. It's better to just drop it and move on. You don't have to like each other. Just be cordial at functions and keep her at arm's length. I was glad that all involved apologized for their behavior, but no one is changing anyone's mind here. It's pointless. 

I will say this for Lu, while I usually agree with B's actual point, Lu handles herself much better. Bethenny gets too emotional and allows herself to lose her shit. LuAnn stays very calm and composed for the most part, and that alone can give you the upper hand. I did love when Ramona was all, "I can't bring any guys around you because you try to take them" and Lu replied, "Oh, like that bar owner in the Turks and Caicos that B and I were talking to?" Burn! Ramona totally took that guy away from them and then shut them out. Pot - Kettle, Ramona. 

Bethenny and Carole leaving the next morning was so tacky. I don't care that they wanted to leave right away. Things were awkward and I'd want to get the F out as well. But they were totally not planning on saying goodbye. They only did so because they were caught. I don't care how uncomfortable you are, you say goodbye to the host and thank her. Again, there's something about those two when they get together - very catty and immature. 

Did anyone else hear that bacon yell, "Who are you to get me wet?" when Ramona spilled water on it? 

The highlight of the sleepover at Dorinda's was when she busted out Twister with Jules, amidst all the shouting from the dining room. I did love when Jules said how uncomfortable all the yelling made her, and Dorinda agreed. Haha, you mean when YOU'RE not the one yelling? 

Back in the city, Jules once again cannot do anything. She can't make eggs, can't make coffee, can't get her kids to and from school. How on earth does anyone function without a nanny??? (Oh, that's right, they make their housekeeper fill in.)

What was up with the outfits at Ramona's holiday party??? LuAnn, my grandma called, she wants 20 years worth of her Christmas poinsettias back. Bethenny looked like she had been up all night bedazzling her jacket with the ghost of Michael Jackson. Carole was a lost member of Devo. Too much. 

It pains me to ever say this, but I was really with Sonja. I hated how all the other girls were trying to force her to make up with Bethenny. Sonja is usually very delusional. So if even SHE knows it's a bad idea to try and talk to B, that should tell you something. Bethenny was very very clear, and there is absolutely no point in chasing her. Why do these women always insist on "making up"? Sometimes you just can't go back to the way things were. You don't have to be friends with everyone. They berated Sonja so badly about it, it was just ridiculous. 

  • Love 20

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