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S03.E23: Alexander Kirk: Conclusion

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Lizzie is so fucking special that Red is co-opting a Presidential candidate in order to get a posthumous pardon.  Seriously ?

Mr. Kaplan's first name is Kate.  I still don't get why "Kate" is so committed to Lizzie and Agnes.

If Mr. Kaplan and the security team were never to let Agnes out of their sight, how did Tom manage to swap babies ? Oh, it was all planned by Mr. Kaplan to reunite Tom and Agnes with fucking Lizzie.

Alexander Kirk is Lizzie's father -- and after 3 full seasons we still have NO IDEA what Red's relationship to Lizzie is !!!

I guess this means that the spinoff will happen sometime next season after Tom is rescued with or without Agnes and Lizzie in tow.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 9
8 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Lizzie is so fucking special that Red is co-opting a Presidential candidate in order to get a posthumous pardon.  Seriously ?

Mr. Kaplan's first name is Kate.  I still don't get why "Kate" is so committed to Lizzie and Agnes.

If Mr. Kaplan and the security team were never to let Agnes out of their sight, how did Tom manage to swap babies ? Oh, it was all planned by Mr. Kaplan to reunite Tom and Agnes with fucking Lizzie.

Alexander Kirk is Lizzie's father -- and after 3 full seasons we still have NO IDEA what red's relationship to Lizzie is !!!

I guess this means that the spinoff will happen sometime next season after Tom is rescued with or without Agnes and Lizzie in tow.

Boring waste of time, Liz isn't special no matter how many times they try to tell us.  Between the dull set up of the spinoff and poor Liz angsting, it's gotten annoying.  This show has gone nowhere in 3 seasons.

  • Love 6


So that's Lizzie's father? Who the F cares? What is the point of Lizzie and her Russian past? She could be Putin's lost son after a sex change and what damn difference does it make in the Blacklist world?

So disappointing. I figured she was alive, but hoped the show would evaluate over the summer what to do. 

And last week was so good.

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I don't know what else to add except to say that I am happy at least that it wasn't Red who made the decision for Liz, and I do hope that, knowing that Alexander Kirk is her father gives Liz something to do...it could be fun with Liz actually as antagonist.

What I will say is this- whatever happens, Liz needs to drive her own plot, or at least some of it.

Because if there's one thing wrong with this show it is that their supposed "central character" does absolutely nothing to affect her own plots. This needs to change if Liz is to mean anything.

  • Love 3

I liked the twist although it was easy to see it coming. It was telegraphed all the way back in the "Lizzie's death" episode that Mr. Kaplan was up to some shit that Red didn't know about. I really hope Red doesn't kill her. If she's devious enough to pull this one off on him he needs her on the team for sure! And because of Red thinking Lizzie was dead he's received some real clarity on who he is and what he wants. Kaplan is right, she's protecting him big time.

I hope we get a flashback to how Tom convinced that MILF to swap her posh bow-tie baby for his daughter so that armed and angry people could get involved in that situation. What do you offer someone so that they will do that?

I didn't find Ressler's moral conflict all that interesting unless they plan on building on it. "Righteousness told me I should shoot Red but secretly I had a hard-on" isn't exactly news. How about Ressler quits the FBI and Red recruits him to be a mook and then schools him in the ways of how not to let that pesky moral superiority get in the way? That would be much more interesting than Mr. Straight Edge FBI Agent.

Loved Red's analysis of Aram as a teenager with an erection on a school bus. It's interesting to note he didn't suggest setting Aram up with Agent Navabi.

Tom had an epic secret agent fail in this episode. The bad guys were tracking him by his cell phone. FFS! He wasn't even using it! And as a secret agent/killer for hire he should already know about burner phones. As a human being he should know about roaming charges to Cuba! That cell phone should have been in a ditch somewhere.

  • Love 7

So, if Alexander Kirk meets Susan Hargreaves next season, falls in love and gets married, does that kind of make Liz and Tom brother and sister?

The Cuban government, even with the relaxation of travel restrictions, must be a bit puzzled by all the recent activity with private jets.

21 minutes ago, dwmarch said:

Loved Red's analysis of Aram as a teenager with an erection on a school bus. It's interesting to note he didn't suggest setting Aram up with Agent Navabi.

There was the car commercial featuring Aram and Samar about 20 minutes in.

Red should rethink his position.  As of now, Kirk is saddled with a post-partum Liz (with all her boat anchors), and a very angry Tom.  Red's work may be done for him.

Just as an aside, both fuel tankers were marked with diesel fuel signs (1993), although Tom's guy pasted on a 1513 sticker (zinc chlorate), which (editing blunder) did not appear in the next scene.  The driver is also required to carry shipping papers identifying the product.  A quick look at them at the arrest would tell the FBI that, as far as the driver knew, he was carrying diesel, although he did say gasoline.  So their case may be in jeopardy from the start.  But Kirk didn't show up so the whole point is moot, anyway.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Here's the question -- why was Alexander Kirk/Konstantin Rostov trying to kill Lizzie in the first place ?  

The heavy weapons at the church, the gunfight on the street -- Lizzie could have been killed umpteen times over -- and if she was his daughter WTF ?

The whole thing was though that Solomon was NOT to kill Liz. Don't blame Solomon, he's just the plaything of some extremely incompetent jerk offs writing a network tv soap...

  • Love 3

Not surprised that Liz isn't dead.  Not surprised that they thought they were "safe", that no one was after them.  Morons.  But so what else is new?

Not convinced that Kirk is her actual father.  I think we'll get the old switcheroo next season and find out it was a ploy to get her on his side -- because he's going to give her all the answers she wants, of course!  He's going to be everything that Red never was!  Yeah, not buying it.  She's a pawn.  Always has been.

  • Love 7


What I will say is this- whatever happens, Liz needs to drive her own plot, or at least some of it.

Because if there's one thing wrong with this show it is that their supposed "central character" does absolutely nothing to affect her own plots. This needs to change if Liz is to mean anything.


That's the last thing this show needs to do. Its best episodes have been those where there was little or no Liz, or she was essentially a plot device moved around by Red and the FBI team (mostly when she was on the run). Giving her *more* to do will not make this better. For some reason, they can't write Liz simply being competent and efficient. Everything she does is emotional angst or poor judgment or temper tantrum or special snowflake.

The best part of this ep was the truck heist. Very Alias-like, down to the music.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Demented Daisy said:

Not surprised that Liz isn't dead.  Not surprised that they thought they were "safe", that no one was after them.  Morons.  But so what else is new?

Not convinced that Kirk is her actual father.  I think we'll get the old switcheroo next season and find out it was a ploy to get her on his side -- because he's going to give her all the answers she wants, of course!  He's going to be everything that Red never was!  Yeah, not buying it.  She's a pawn.  Always has been.

Of course he is her father. The man was bleeding all over the place. Therefore he is deathly ill and wants Liz's or Agnes's blood, bone marrow, kidney, heart, and or liver. I knew he was her dad when we saw him bleeding. Part of me was thinking he could've just showed up at Liz's apartment and told her the truth. No one on this show ever shows any restraint.

  • Love 9
56 minutes ago, Ottis said:

That's the last thing this show needs to do. Its best episodes have been those where there was little or no Liz, or she was essentially a plot device moved around by Red and the FBI team (mostly when she was on the run). Giving her *more* to do will not make this better. For some reason, they can't write Liz simply being competent and efficient. Everything she does is emotional angst or poor judgment or temper tantrum or special snowflake.

The best part of this ep was the truck heist. Very Alias-like, down to the music.

If anything, the Liz-less episodes have proven how inconsequential she is.

  • Love 6

I just knew Lizzie was alive, but was starting to consider how great it would be for her to stay gone. Oh well.....I wish I gave a flying leap about who LIzzie's parents are.  I lost interest in that issue long ago and really wish they would drop it. I no longer care and it's so annoying to keep watching Red fret over her.  After a certain point, the mystery becomes annoying and not compelling.  

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Mr. Kaplan's first name is Kate.  I still don't get why "Kate" is so committed to Lizzie and Agnes.

If Mr. Kaplan and the security team were never to let Agnes out of their sight, how did Tom manage to swap babies ? Oh, it was all planned by Mr. Kaplan to reunite Tom and Agnes with fucking Lizzie.

Liz's, apparently dead, mother's name is Katarina. Coincidence? Yes or No?

I do think Mr. Kaplan was part of the baby switch so that Tom and Lizzie could be reunited.

9 hours ago, dwmarch said:

I hope we get a flashback to how Tom convinced that MILF to swap her posh bow-tie baby for his daughter so that armed and angry people could get involved in that situation. What do you offer someone so that they will do that?

The woman worked for Mr Kaplan and the bow tie was the signal to Tom that he should approach her to switch babies. Mr. Kaplan is a detail-oriented planner. It would not even occur to her to hinge the success of her plan on the coincidence that a young mother susceptible to Tom's charms would be in the store at just the right time and agree to switch babies with a stranger. She would have a trusted lackey for that role.

And MILF? Really?

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, Sparger Springs said:

Of course he is her father. The man was bleeding all over the place. Therefore he is deathly ill and wants Liz's or Agnes's blood, bone marrow, kidney, heart, and or liver. I knew he was her dad when we saw him bleeding. Part of me was thinking he could've just showed up at Liz's apartment and told her the truth. No one on this show ever shows any restraint.

Thank you.  This is exactly what I was thinking.  This is all about Kirk needing something from Lizzie (and when he thought she was dead, the baby).  He's dying and needs some thing biological and that's as far as his "daddy" issues go.  And yes, big shock that Lizzie is alive.  I kept telling that to my mom but she was skeptical, ha!

And yes, Tom doesn't know his phone can be tracked?  Some badass he is.

I hope Kaplan survives too because Red would seem to need someone who can talk him down although that seems near impossible.

So much for Ressler and his dilemma.  Next season better be better although, who are we kidding thinking that'll happen.

Edited by milkyaqua
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I'm so dumb, I actually thought Liz was dead and off the show for good.  I actually screamed in anguish when she suddenly appeared at the end of the episode.  Why can't they just get rid of this albatross and let Red and the Task Force solve crimes every week?  otherwise, this episode was pretty good--a lot of fast action and smart maneauvering by Red and his team.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, orza said:
12 hours ago, dwmarch said:

I hope we get a flashback to how Tom convinced that MILF to swap her posh bow-tie baby for his daughter so that armed and angry people could get involved in that situation. What do you offer someone so that they will do that?

The woman worked for Mr Kaplan and the bow tie was the signal to Tom that he should approach her to switch babies. Mr. Kaplan is a detail-oriented planner. It would not even occur to her to hinge the success of her plan on the coincidence that a young mother susceptible to Tom's charms would be in the store at just the right time and agree to switch babies with a stranger. She would have a trusted lackey for that role.

From the recap: Tom's big plan to disappear from the grocery store depends upon there being another baby of roughly Agnes's age and size being at the tiny store at the same time. And also that baby's mom leaving it alone long enough for Tom to make the switcheroo.

Nope, Orza is right. The bay switch was part of the plan.  Not sure why the policeman didn't detain Mr. Kaplan for having a "stolen" baby, whether or not the mother wanted to press charges, but whatever.  Actually, the mother should have waited longer to point out the switch, as it would have given Tom more time to get away, even if it were only a few minutes more.

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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2 hours ago, Gregg247 said:

I'm so dumb, I actually thought Liz was dead and off the show for good.  I actually screamed in anguish when she suddenly appeared at the end of the episode.  Why can't they just get rid of this albatross and let Red and the Task Force solve crimes every week?  otherwise, this episode was pretty good--a lot of fast action and smart maneauvering by Red and his team.

It sounds more like wishful thinking on your part than dumb belief.  

  • Love 3

I'm a pretty unabashed Red fan, but I realized when I thought he was going to shoot Mr. Kaplan that that would be too much for me. After a moment's reflection, I don't think they'll actually do it for a few reasons, but I was surprised how I was feeling about the situation at the time.

I don't get how they are going to do the spin-off, although it would be funny if each show had the baby with the other parent.

  • Love 5
9 hours ago, Ottis said:

That's the last thing this show needs to do. Its best episodes have been those where there was little or no Liz, or she was essentially a plot device moved around by Red and the FBI team (mostly when she was on the run). Giving her *more* to do will not make this better. For some reason, they can't write Liz simply being competent and efficient. Everything she does is emotional angst or poor judgment or temper tantrum or special snowflake.

The best part of this ep was the truck heist. Very Alias-like, down to the music.

I would opine that one big reason- though not the only reason- that Liz is hated is because she does not *do* anything. Plots may centre around her but she doesn't do anything to affect them, especially in a positive manner. It's always Red or Harold or Aram or Ressler or Kaplan that get her out of trouble, never herself. The only things she ever does is get herself or her teammates or Red in trouble, and the only positives she ever has she does not generate. It's absolutely infuriating.

Now, I would agree that this show would be better off without Lizzie, but I'm operating on the assumption that she is going nowhere. So, absent that, I want the character to start being her own positive influence. Perhaps at this stage she is beyond redemption, but she has to start somewhere.

  • Love 6

I was very disappointed that Liz came back so soon. I had no illusions at all that she was dead, none at all. Faking someone's death has been done before - remember Tony on '24'? Additionally, there didn't seem to be any chatter about the actress not returning. So, as soon as Mr. Kaplan said she'd take care of the body, my husband and I turned to each other and said, "Not dead." But I was hoping we'd get a longer reprieve from the character's return. I'm hard pressed to think of a main character in a show I follow who's so completely unsympathetic. I am 100% NOT invested in her or her well-being. I feel as if everything she suggests, the opposite should be done. Any positive results happen despite her, not because of her. I actively root against her, and can't count how many times I wanted Red to either wrap his hands around her throat or just put a bullet between her eyes. She doesn't deserve Agnes or any of the massive effort and resources expended on her behalf. I've enjoyed pretty much all of the non-Liz shows, no matter how preposterous or nonsensical they've been - at least they were devoid of Liz! 

Someone asked why Mr. Kate Kaplan was so invested in Liz, and that's a good question. Why does Liz bewitch every person with whom she makes contact? She's more powerful than Obi Wan! She says something and people just jump to it. It's maddening! Or rather, her mere existence makes people go way, way beyond the outer limits.

I did actually enjoy this episode, despite the return of Liz. Red ordering those hot dogs was hilarious. Bosco, the truck driver's donut-eating Corgi, was adorable. Agnes is adorable too! Dembe got to speak a bit and we learned Mr. Kaplan's first name (I'd love to know her background but that's just asking too much!). I also liked the 'farewell' scene between Red and Harold. One thing I gotta say about Harold, he's a pragmatist. I hope he and Charlene can make amends. I was a bit annoyed at Ressler once again, for the eight millionth time, trying to stop Red from doing something. Give it up - Red will NEVER stop just because Donald demands it! 

Edited by Biggie B
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Texasmom1970 said:

Masha, Masha, Masha everything is always about Masha! We all knew deep down she was not dead but couldn't they have at least given us a few more Liz free episodes. 

I did like finding out Mr. Kaplan's first name. loved Tom and the donut dog, always love Ressler, boy scout or not that is about all I got!


I can't remember who, but somebody called Kaplan faking the death. Nice call. Red's not going to kill Kaplan, if he was he would've done it already. I wonder how soon after Megan's delivery this was, it looked really soon.

  • Love 1

I wonder if they'll go the route of some of the team being resentful of Lizzie's deception. Because of her fake death Ressler basically abandoned his morals and the whole team aided and abetted a ton of crimes. Ah, who am I kidding, they'll probably spend most of next season trying to save their precious snowflake from dear daddy.

If Tom knew the whole time, what was the deal with him shooting Solomon like he did?

  • Love 2

I'm glad to see Lizzie back, even if she's the most boring female lead of any show I watch. Killing off their lead female would've been way too misogynistic for me. The writers of this show are paternalistic hacks and their writing reflects that. What this show really needs is to clean house; they need to dump a lot of their writers and a few of their producers (and that may include Spader, if he has producer status; I've seen nothing to indicate he's having a positive influence on the direction the show has taken).

I was rewatching the series premiere the other day and all I can say is I hope next season takes Lizzie back to the woman she was before Red got tangled up in her life, the woman who stabbed him in the neck with a pen.

Red really does deserve to be shot at this point. His breezy anecdotes have really started to get on my nerves and as talented as Spader is, he's just doing the same thing episode after episode. If they're going to put all their effort into writing his character then they need to change it up or sideline him and put all their effort into Lizzie.

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, Biggie B said:

Someone asked why Mr. Kate Kaplan was so invested in Liz, and that's a good question.

Oh boy, BFF of Liz's mother?

52 minutes ago, morgankobi said:

If Tom knew the whole time, what was the deal with him shooting Solomon like he did?

C'mon, now, you'll only upset the writers paying attention like that. Or maybe just because Solomon made Tom look bad? Solomon would have had a burner phone.

  • Love 3
15 hours ago, Sparger Springs said:

Of course he is her father. The man was bleeding all over the place. Therefore he is deathly ill and wants Liz's or Agnes's blood, bone marrow, kidney, heart, and or liver. I knew he was her dad when we saw him bleeding. Part of me was thinking he could've just showed up at Liz's apartment and told her the truth. No one on this show ever shows any restraint.

Yep, as soon as I saw the IV. Blood said I must find her NOW.

Lizzie, I am your father. I want blood and your first born.

Disappointed not seeing more decisive action from Ressler. All that he had to do was have surprise raid or warn his security.. I'm still having trouble with the vigilante division of the FBI, no wonder they're HQd in a basement. Framing somebody not cool either. A guy like Reddington could've/would've hunted the "killer" down even if it took years without the FBI's help. Didn't like what Navabi said that they'll get used to it. My guess this team will go all black ops next year working for the CIA, NSA etc.

The stunt in the grocery store was predictable but I thought she would be a decoy for the bad guys. At least the dog got treated to something special

  • Love 1
On 20 May 2016 at 4:19 PM, ottoDbusdriver said:

Here's the question -- why was Alexander Kirk/Konstantin Rostov trying to kill Lizzie in the first place ?  

The heavy weapons at the church, the gunfight on the street -- Lizzie could have been killed umpteen times over -- and if she was his daughter WTF ?

This.  This has been bothering me since the start.  In no way was the attempt on her a competent attempt at a kidnapping, and the amount of collateral damage inflicted leaves me wanting someone to eliminate all of Famke J's spinoff crew before it starts.

  • Love 3
20 hours ago, Gregg247 said:

I'm so dumb, I actually thought Liz was dead and off the show for good.  I actually screamed in anguish when she suddenly appeared at the end of the episode.  Why can't they just get rid of this albatross and let Red and the Task Force solve crimes every week?  otherwise, this episode was pretty good--a lot of fast action and smart maneauvering by Red and his team.

it's okay, I knew and still screamed in anguish, I just didn't expect that big moon face would loom up out of the shadows so fast

8 hours ago, BruceAE said:

This.  This has been bothering me since the start.  In no way was the attempt on her a competent attempt at a kidnapping, and the amount of collateral damage inflicted leaves me wanting someone to eliminate all of Famke J's spinoff crew before it starts.

It made zero sense. The writers of this show specialize in hot garbage. No one in the writers room said, It you want to kidnap someone alive don't go to the church  stand outside of the church, where you can't see inside  and shoot up the place.. They could've went to Liz's apartment and knocked on the door. You know her dumb ass would've let them in.

  • Love 4

I knew Elizabeth Keen was still alive!  Awesome!  I'm glad she's back.  I feel that the last few episodes without Liz was kind of strange and very off track.  Red had been so out of it because of Liz's death that he was kind of dull and mopey and boy was I glad that Aram called him out on that and woke him up.  I'm glad the Show is back in focus again.

Alexander Kirk is Liz's father???  I still don't believe it.  I think Alexander Kirk kidnapped Liz so he can draw out Reddington or Liz's mother, whom I don't believe is really dead.  I wonder what happened to Tom and the baby.

So I wonder how Red will punish Mr. Kaplan.  I doubt that he will kill her because if he'd wanted to, he could've easily put a bullet between her eyes when he realized that he was in that room in Mexico and Liz was missing again.  I still don't understand why Mr. Kaplan became so darn loyal to Liz that she was willing to fake Liz's death so she can run away from Red.  Does Mr. Kaplan know something about Liz's family that she's willing to do something so dangerous that if Mr. Kaplan got caught, she'd probably end up dead?  More questions.

Well, I know that there is going to be some spin-off next season involving Tom Keen, so I guess he's not on this Show anymore.  What a shame, just when it was all getting to become interesting again.

I'm really looking forward to next season.

  • Love 1

Considering that Alexander Kirk was the title Blacklister of not one but two episodes of this show, he probably had the least screen time of any human Blacklister.

Seriously, are they really going to continue with the list ?  Red has no reason whatsoever to continue feeding bad guys to the FBI.  And there's no way Lizzie can go back to the work for the FBI even as a consultant -- come on, she has shot and killed the Attorney-General and was complicit in faking her own death -- so how does this show go on in a Blacklist-like way ?  Unless she manages to score that Presidential pardon (which will no longer be posthumous).

Is Lizzie going to show up in Times Square naked and covered with tattoos with 6 months of her memory erased and they are going to solve crimes based on the tattoos on her body ?   Oh wait, that's already been done since The Blacklist and Blindspot are basically the same show.

You know what would spice up this show -- Red needs to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine. And whenever Red's not on screen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Red"? -- except that same idea was already suggested in an episode of the Simpsons from 1997.

In all seriousness, with Tom leaving presumably with both dogs and the baby (yeah, there are in fact two dogs that Tom and Lizzie have completely forgotten about/neglected/abandoned so it does not bold well for baby Agnes), this show is going to suck even worse if it's going to become more focused on fucking Lizzie.

On 5/20/2016 at 9:19 PM, ottoDbusdriver said:

Here's the question -- why was Alexander Kirk/Konstantin Rostov trying to kill Lizzie in the first place ?  

The heavy weapons at the church, the gunfight on the street -- Lizzie could have been killed umpteen times over -- and if she was his daughter WTF ?

Kirk was never trying to kill Lizzie. He gave instructions that Liz and baby were supposed to be taken alive and unharmed, but anyone else was fair game. The shootouts happened because Red and the task force wouldn't let Solomon and his men take her.

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