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S02.E22: Wrath of the Villains: Transference

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Thank the Gotham gods, Hugo Strange lives!!!!! How the heck did he live??? And he finally cracked!

But what about Jerome???? We were promised Jerome!!!! Him in a 5-second test tube glimpse in however many episodes back doesn't count!!!! Was that him laughing, maybe? If it was...that doesn't count either!!! Or was it just one of those random inmates?

that Wink!!!! Butch and Fish briefly united again!

i was laughing so hard at Clayface!Jim!!  He was hilarious.

i lol'd at the Penguin/Babs interior design bit. Oh, Penguin. Never change.

The bomb diffusing was also funny. Jim's and Lucius's bug eyes as they had no idea what to do was entertaining.

Shame on Harvey for not recognizing Fake!Jim. Can't believe Babs was the one to discover the truth.

also, yay! jim's going after lee! 

Although, boo!!! I can't believe he ditched Harvey! That made me sad. You can tell Harvey's a little lost right now, so I'm worried about what he's going to be like after the timeskip we're most likely going to get.

And Fake! Bruce!!!!!!! Plot twist!!!!!! At first I thought it was baby! Scarecrow, and I was expecting Jerome...but I definitely wasn't expecting Fake! bruce!!

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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Good gravy, could Fake! Jim have possibly been more obvious? Somebody who knew Jim for 10 minutes would have figured out he was a fake, Harvey REALLY dropped the ball. Speaking of Harvey: "That's my car!!!" best line of the episode. There was supposed to be tension here but the whole episode was so oddly hilarious that it kinda ended up falling flat.

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That was fun. Granted, there's not much depth to be found, but I think chaos works for this show. Also, you can compare Gotham City to Central City and Star City as to which is the worst place to live (National City gets a pass . . . for now).

I could have used a few S3 episode with Basil Gordon. I was thinking Harvey would figure it out on his own, but then Barbara put two and two together faster.

I couldn't make out any of the "monsters." I was expecting Talons. Then again, I was also expecting white face masks with no visible means to breathe.

Damn, how did Hugo live? I'm glad he did, because he's a lot of fun. Anybody else get a flashback to an episode of The Flash where Barry gets iced and flamed at the same time? And hey . . . Victor's gun actually freezes stuff. Snart would be so jealous, but "not giving a fuck" is his baseline.

I'm also good with Fish living. Even with an outlandish costume and over-the-top mojo, she's fun to watch.

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Surprised that Hugo is still alive.  I hope he pops back up next season.  B.D. Wong was such a blast in the role.  Did they ever say what happened to Freeze and Firefly?  Did the cops arrest them, or did they get away, somehow?  And I'm guessing Nygma was still locked up by the time everyone arrived, so I guess he'll still be captured next season.

Ben McKenzie seemed to be having a blast as Fake Jim, but he really was so obvious, that I couldn't figure out how Bullock didn't find it more suspicious then he did.  And then it ends up being Barbara of all people, who does.  You're slipping, Harvey!

Fish escapes of course, and freaks Oswald the fuck out, while Butch and the rest just run for the hills.  Can't blame them on that one.

I love how Alfred has already accepted that Bruce is going to keep digging.  Makes it easier!  Hopefully, Selina will keep helping, since she's pretty much a big reason they didn't get blown to pieces at the end of this episode.

Jim leaves to find Leslie, which I guess will happen since I have to think Morena Baccarin will be back from maternity leave by then.

So, since the episodes ends with all those creatures being let loose, I guess next season will be called "The Monsters are Coming" or something to that nature?

What the fuck is going on with that long-haired Bruce?!


After 2 years, I should know better then to eat dinner while watching this show. Let's just say pizza and the scene of Oswald finding a place for the decomposing head trophy did not mix.?

Really entertaining though. Got a little of the future detective Batman is with Bruce figuring out Ed's questions. At least he got one right. Also; he really has grown dramatically over two years. I don't normally notice it, but the glimpse of Bruce seeing his parents shot from the pilot when under the gas really highlighted it. Also liked the setup for next season with Strange's monsters escaping. And I'm happy to see Jim go looking for Lee. I am wondering though if their child really is dead and if she just told people that to cut ties to Gotham.

Edited by MadyGirl1987
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2 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

What the fuck is going on with that long-haired Bruce?!

I'm wondering if this show's tendency to take plots from the comics and backdate them by a few decades means the person with Bruce's face is Tommy Elliot aka "Hush". Using just the single character note (of many) that at one point Elliot has Bruce Wayne's face. Really the least part of Hush's arc, but the one they might have fixated on.

Elliot did appear in that Season 1 episode, after all, and then we never heard from him again.

Edited by Kromm
24 minutes ago, MadyGirl1987 said:

I don't normally notice it, but the glimpse of Bruce seeing his parents shot from the pilot when under the gas really highlighted it.

I thought the same thing!  They hired him at EXACTLY the right time!

I also loved that Bruce didn't even contest it when Selina said "I have you wrapped around my finger and you know it."

Someone on another site has already dubbed the clone "Kylo Wayne".

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3 minutes ago, MarkHB said:

Someone on another site has already dubbed the clone "Kylo Wayne".

Is that really that clever though before anyone knows if that's actually a clone, or if it's just plastic surgery (re: my Tommy Elliot theory)? I mean admittedly this show goes over the top with super-science, but instant clones is a big ask.  Not that Kylo Ren is a clone anyway. Is perhaps another of the wackadoodle theories a secret twin theory?  Not that Kylo Ren is a twin either... ah brother. I have to admit it. I just don't get the nickname. Is it JUST the hair? 

Edited by Kromm

Whoa, I was not expecting FakeBruce, I was expecting Jerome especially with all the laughing we heard.  No Jerome after his death is a surprise, but he could be one of the "monsters" that was released.

I was also expecting it to be revealed that Lee was with the Court of Owls.  They went all out with bringing her up, and everything with the secret society, I was thinking she'd be shown to be one.

Not noticing right away that "Jim" isn't really Jim?  Wow, GCPD, that's a new low.

I thought Harvey would notice Fake!Jim right away too, but I almost liked that he didn't figure it out, since the reason he didn't figure it out wasn't from being dumb or not noticing.  Harvey definitely noticed that something was wrong with Jim, but he kept emphasizing how much he trusts Jim, and that he would go along with the crazy because it was Jim asking.  Also, he has no reason to know they are making doubles of people, or exactly how mad scientist Arkham is.  But I liked the character beat of Harvey recognizing the weirdness, but since he has known Jim the last two years, and has seen plenty of weirdness from Jim (usually explained later), and having complete trust in his partner...he didn't realize it was a doppelganger.  After all, exact copy of someone you know well isn't most people's first reaction when someone acts off!

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, Kromm said:

Is that really that clever though before anyone knows if that's actually a clone, or if it's just plastic surgery (re: my Tommy Elliot theory)? I mean admittedly this show goes over the top with super-science, but instant clones is a big ask.  Not that Kylo Ren is a clone anyway. Is perhaps another of the wackadoodle theories a secret twin theory?  Not that Kylo Ren is a twin either... ah brother. I have to admit it. I just don't get the nickname. Is it JUST the hair? 

I was the one who was thinking clone; I believe the Kylo comment was just the hair.  Surgery to turn Tommy Elliot into a Bruce lookalike to act as a front man for the Court is a damn fine theory, though, but it struck me that whatever he was, he was enough like Bruce to stop and thank the homeless lady for freeing them.

  • Love 1

Good finale. They didn't so much resolve the Indian Hill plot but had Fish escape with a band of monsters and a Bruce clone of sorts on the loose as well. This should be fun next season.

Kinda of cool to see Hugo get iced by Freeze and burned by Firefly and still survive. He's been a truly fun villain to have around this season.

The Clayface/Gordon thing was ridiculous but I did laugh that it was Barbara who sussed out what was going on.

Alfred has accepted that Bruce is gonna keep digging with Selina and Bullock is basically running GCPD now as well. Gordon going after Leslie was his best move really.

Oswald's reaction to Fish being alive was priceless though, 7/10

I thought that Ben as not!Jim was hilarious. Actually, I think that Harvey was suspicious. That's why he was asking all those, "do you remember" questions, which not!Jim  was managing to skirt. I think that Barbara showed up right before he could put it together. And Barbara saw it instantly because not!Jim was all "Va va voom!" about her, which was a dead give away.

  • Love 4

Funniest thing I think I've seen on this show yet is the bit with the water - perfectly done, great expressions - the whole scene. 

These shows without humor turn me off totally but they have been infusing more humor in Gotham - at least that I've noticed - lately and I'm always so relieved for it - 

Perfect actor for young Bruce - I don't know his age but I wouldn't be surprised if he is quite a bit taller next we see him - boys in that age group will shoot up so dramatically in just 2 or 3 months - they did hire him at just the right time.  Now, when he is serious, etc., I don't find him so childlike as in the first season.

Excellent wind up - so glad it was reviewed as I had read at some point if was on the bubble and could go either way.

I too thought everyone know right away it wasn't Jim but, really, who ever in a zillion years (even in weird Gotham) thinks their colleague/friend is not the real person?  I thought it was perfect that, given how screwy she is, that she is the one who caught it so quickly.  


Some ridiculous implausibilities or just dumb writing:

Neither Harvey nor Alfred can figure out that there is something seriously amiss with the Jim Gordon they are talking to, even though Clayface's impersonation is over-the-top abominable (and hilarious).  But Babs figures it out in under twenty seconds.  I know they were playing the scene for laughs, but come on Harvey, you should have put it together man!

Hugo Strange gets hit by extreme heat and extreme cold at the same time, which apparently cancel each other out.  Somehow, I think if you were hit with liquid nitrogen and bathed in fire simultaneously you wouldn't do so well, lol.

All these mutant monsters on the bus, and none of them can break out until the old homeless woman opens the door for them?  Really?  Even with reinforced walls and doors, Killer Croc isn't strong enough to bust through that all by himself?

On the whole, I did enjoy the ending regardless of the nitpicks.  Though I wish we had gotten more Penguin.  It was a fun season, can't wait for season three.

Edited by Dobian

I enjoyed this episode immensely.  I hope this is the last we see of Strange, I think the actor was over the top and I hate what I can only describe as the "aging tired drag queen" voice he adopted for this character.  On the other hand, Fake Jim was hilarious, you could tell the actor was really having a lot of fun.  I guess he figured if people like BD Wong can chew scenery, then so can he.

Love Jada Pinkett Smith and I hope Fish Mooney takes her rightful place as Gotham's crime boss.  She and Penguin will make a great team.

Intrigued by this Girl Bruce clone, or whatever she is.

Looking forward to seeing lots of "enhanced" baddies next season, and this bus crash was a great way to explain it all.

Fake Gordon was hilarious, I loved him. I can't believe they thought he was acting like that just because he said he was sick. LOL Good for Barbara figuring it out and loved that she did because he wanted her.

Liked Fish's return, is Jada signed for next season? May be recurring guest star?

Wow at Bruce's clone! 

This was a great finale.

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Who knew that Ben McKenzie had such a comedic talent? You know, if they ever did a deadpan Batman ala the 1960s series he could pull it off. Too bad about Fish, though. I wanted her power to be that she could only influence people to get her a grilled cheese sandwich specifically. NotBruce at the end? If Jerome doesn't return, wouldn't the weirdest interpretation of the Joker be an actually insane, bizarro Bruce?

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On 5/24/2016 at 6:09 PM, HoodlumSheep said:

Thank the Gotham gods, Hugo Strange lives!!!!! How the heck did he live??? And he finally cracked!

If Doctor Strange and Professor Strange got in a fight, who would win?

On 5/24/2016 at 6:21 PM, immortalfrieza said:

Good gravy, could Fake! Jim have possibly been more obvious? Somebody who knew Jim for 10 minutes would have figured out he was a fake

It seemed like he had, but then kind of dropped it.

On 5/24/2016 at 10:14 PM, Jediknight said:

I was also expecting it to be revealed that Lee was with the Court of Owls.

OK, I'm confused.  1st Season, Marone and Falcone ran Gotham and didn't seem to answer to any higher Council.  2nd Season, Galavan eventually ran Gotham and didn't seem to answer to any higher Council.  Now there's some Court of Owls that runs everything?  Comic book experts, explain please?

12 hours ago, Lee4U said:

Funniest thing I think I've seen on this show yet is the bit with the water - perfectly done, great expressions - the whole scene.

I knew Ms Peabody was asking for water for herself, but that was really well executed.

5 hours ago, tricknasty said:

Why did Penguin faint when he saw not dead Fish but he didn't when he saw not dead Theo both of whom he saw die before his eyes. Continuity writers, Google it

Fish touched Penguin and her hand did the "You will obey me" flash.  I guess the command was to sleep for [X] minutes.


Shame on Harvey for not recognizing Fake!Jim. Can't believe Babs was the one to discover the truth.

Well, crazy spots crazy. And Babs was actually on the inside of Arkham under Strange's...um..."care." So she'd be far more attuned to sniffing out "say, this is a liar with a big ol' fakey face" then any of the cops, who must be so weary, numb, and PTSD-ridden by now that they just shuffle around like zombies. 

Not a bad season wrapup! Nice classic bits like stopping the bomb/radiation cloud with one second to go, the gas chamber in a mental hospital, etc. Go Big Or Go Home If Home Isn't A Radioactive Pile Of Rubble, that's Gotham's motto. 

Things I especially liked:

Dr. Strange planting the seeds of his own destruction because he can't help curing Jim even as he torments him for information. Granted, he thought Jim was going to be blown sky-high, but being a doctor really is that important to him. When he lost his toys/gods/monsters, he just completely turned to pudding. 

Butch just PEACE OUT when he saw Fish. Okay, he's got some deal or other with Penguin (that involves Barbara for what reason exactly, again?) but nope, Pengy can just handle this his own self. There's a reason Butch is still in the game; he knows when to bring the heavy metal and when to leave.

Bizarre long hair Bruce, who could hop over to the Game of Thrones set and be a Forest Child during the break if he cares to. I assume this creature was to be a replacement Bruce/Trojan horse for Alfred and the Wayne Enterprises board on behalf of the council--but then why didn't Strange/Nygma go ahead and gas real Bruce and Lucious to death? I didn't get that unless it was standard issue "they have to think they're going to die" to get the real story on what they know. And again, Strange hoisting himself on his own petard because you know Bruce and Company are all "We didn't know about any secret council shit before but NOW WE DO,"  and saddling up for Season Three.

So did Freeze and Firefly escape or get rounded up by the cops or what?

Gotta give DM props. In the final scene, he was able to let you know with two words that the Bruce doppleganger wasn't the sheltered, broken, thoughtful young man that we know, but someone more worldly, calculating, and dangerous. And yet he too, said Thank You so either he's a polite criminal or he's been trained by Hugo and his team to assume the mannerisms of young Master Wayne - except like with Clayface imitating Jim - look closely and you notice something is off.

If they brought Jada back for just these 2 episodes, then it was a waste. I hope whatever arc they have planned for S3 it's a doozy.

Poor Ed was the only Arkham inmate that didn't escape. Wonder if he'll enter into a  quid pro quo relationship with Gordon and Bullock to assist in the capture of the inmates somehow. And Harvey? Man, he's gone from a corrupt cop who could give a poop to having the top job thrust upon him that he's taking seriously and doing his best to be good at. I like his transformation even as I feel bad for him because so far the previous 2 people that had his job are dead or severely injured.

Finally got around to watching this... 

I was a little disappointed we didn't get to see Harvey figuring out it wasn't Jim.  He seemed to be asking the right questions, but the Fake Jim was so ridiculously over-the-top... a bit much.  I'm not too excited about Fake Bruce... not sure what the point is.  I'm also not too excited about the "monsters" loose in the city, so the cliffhanger was a tad lame.  I'm not sure what else can be done with Lee.

The escape, defusing the bomb, all the supervillains escaping, etc. was a little too easy.  We also found out nothing new.  

Fish mind-controlling Penguin is kinda of a reset to their relationship in Season 1.  Bruce is still no closer to the truth.  I still liked some of the episodes this season, but it's beginning to feel like it's just spinning its wheels with characters going around in circles.

I did get a laugh with Miss Peabody.  Though it was kinda obvious she was really just asking for water. 

On 6/4/2016 at 7:40 AM, Camera One said:

Bruce is still no closer to the truth.

I know, Bruce is no closer to the truth. He's just gone from "what the hell happened that night" to "my parents were assassinated by a guy named Matches Malone who was contracted by Hugo Strange likely under orders from a secret council who also controls Wayne Enterprises". No progress at all.


Why did Strange have Nigma go to such wacky extremes as a gas chamber to try to find out what Bruce and [forgot name] knew instead of just using the same truth serum as used on Jim?

And if he was just going to kill them in the bomb blast anyway without any further interaction, why bring them back to the room with Jim at all instead of just gassing them with poison? Or just leaving them in the room they were already locked up in?

And if Clayface can shift his face as we saw him doing after he was hit, what was the point of the equipment Strange put on Jim and his head in the last episode?

And was there actually a plan for the fake Jim? Why did Strange even set that in motion? Surely he wouldn't have thought the imposter would pass for even a few minutes if delaying the discovery of Jim's captivity was the point.

And why did Strange already have a perfectly matched wig for the imposter to wear even though he had no idea that Jim was returning, yet he had to take Jim's uniform to give to the imposter? (And why didn't we get undressed Jim?!) And when the imposter got back to the station, how did he get a regular uniform, since we saw that the lockers have locks, as I recall, in an earlier episode?

Edited by Old House Nut
6 hours ago, Telepath said:

I know, Bruce is no closer to the truth. He's just gone from "what the hell happened that night" to "my parents were assassinated by a guy named Matches Malone who was contracted by Hugo Strange likely under orders from a secret council who also controls Wayne Enterprises". No progress at all.

I was only referring to this final episode.  The last few were quite informative for sure.  Though ultimately, the pattern is he is just finding that there were higher and higher orders of command, and at some point, that's going to get old.  He already knew there were crooked things happening at Wayne Enterprises.

Edited by Camera One

Finally got caught up with this show - missed the last three episodes. What a bat-shit crazy finale.

Fish Mooney figuring out she can control people - her face and delight at driving the bus and causing so much destruction.

Fake!Jim was a hoot - I bet Ben McKenzie was having a blast playing it, but yes Harvey shouldn't copped onto it sooner. Babs being babs and figuring it out. Awesome.

Selina being the Queen and basically taking care of herself. Awesome (though why the straight iron all of a sudden?)

Hugo Strange being indestructable. Mysterious Mask lady - I swear to god, I kept thinking masked lady was Bruce's mother, who was desperate to revive her dead husband. No idea why.

Did I mention Fake!Bruce!! Whoa...

This show is seriously crazy. And I'm thoroughly loving it.

  • Love 1

Rather an unsatisfactory Finale. Harvey (who really has stepped up now he's actually in charge) had a perfect right to enter Arkham decides to just leave because a clearly out of character (not a cop at the moment) Jim says so? I don't blame him for not realising Jim was an impostor (not immediately, at an rate) but he was legally empowered to enter and Jim was acting weirdly - have a look around. If nothing else, he knows Bruce went in and hasn't come out, so a least check up on him!

Loved the Old School bomb (with digital countdown, no less!) which reminded me of the 60s Batman flick ("Some days, you just can't get rid of a bomb!"). And loved Miss Peabody's "Water...!" comment inadvertently giving Bruce & Lucius the answer on how to defuse it. Also nice to see Hugo Strange drugging Jim for info but stopping to give him therapy! Glad he got away, though I'd worry about what the Court of Owls might do to him.

But on the subject of getting away... how exactly did the GCPD miss a freaking BUSLOAD of prisoners that CRASHED after escaping? I know they're lazy and corrupt, but that requires a level of incompetence I wouldn't have thought them capable of!



HalcyonDays Selina being the Queen and basically taking care of herself. Awesome (though why the straight iron all of a sudden?)



She's certainly a cat that knows how to land on her feet who looks after herself first but still with enough conscience to save our heroes. Nice to see that Bruce (and to a lesser extent Alfred) are coming to see her as competent and not a little girl to be protected. She's been consistently my favourite character - although I don't like her new 'do either (though for me to comment on somebody's hairstyle is rank hypocrisy!)

I am here! I'm back! I know, I know, I've waited a long while to get to this review, but life got in the way. So, tonight, I finally got around to watching the episode and give you the review you were all waiting for!

*gets tap on the shoulder*

Oh...what's that? No one was awaiting hearing my thoughts...oh...oh well. I'm going to give them to you anyway.

Well, what can I say? Clearly, Gotham is one of those shows where you just have to come in and say, "accept the weird". You're not going to get your cookie-cutter police drama and you clearly will not get your regular personal drama...no. You're going to get monsters- literally- all with a flair and a campy twist that this show delivers so well that it's clear Gotham doesn't want to take itself too seriously.

You know what, it works. Just as well as the wink and the nudge we got from Fake!Jim, present to remind us that, yet again, this is a cross between the '60s TV series and the more serious fare from the movies. I don't always think they get their storytelling right, but Gotham has that right mixture of campiness and drama that it would make an excellent tool to reboot the Batman franchise. Here's hoping that's what we get.

As for this episode...well, like I said, the storytelling doesn't always live to the crazy ideas the writers come up with. Quite a bit of this episode was an experiment in tedium, especially watching, yet again, Bruce and Jim in peril. I've said it time and time again, the show needs to do more- way more- with these scenes because we know what the result will be. I'll give the episode this much in that we got a "truth serum" segment out of Jim, but it didn't ultimately mean much to the episode's plot.

(I'll also state once again, for being two people that the bad guys "absolutely want to kill", Jim and Bruce sure seem to escape death far too often, and far too easily, I think)

Still, I think there was enough craziness for me to get past the plodding story. Fake!Jim was a joy to watch, as you got the feeling that Ben McKenzie revelled in the idea that he could finally "let loose" for a change. That made up for the fact that his storyline was rote, since it seemed right from the beginning that everyone knew something was up with the guy, they just couldn't pin it down until Barbara came in and literally slapped it out of him. I'll give the writer this much- it seemed like Hugo Strange knew that Fake!Jim would be exposed after a while, so he knew he had to rush getting his test subjects out of Indian Hill.

Speaking of Strange, I did enjoy his interrogation of Jim, and I actually felt for him when he realized the gravity of the situation when it came to what it mean to defuse the bomb. Overriding the security protocols meant he'd go against the wishes of the Court of Owls, which I presume meant certain death. I thought B.D. Wong captured that moment perfectly, producing another side of Strange- the vulnerable side- that we had yet to see. I want to see more of Strange just because he's just so well rounded- and maybe, now that he's in jail, he can become a "good guy" of sorts. He'll be needed to defeat the Owls, after all.

Of course, the Owls could prove to be important allies after all...since the Owls don't like the idea of the monsters being loose, they will also be interested in their capture. I wonder how long it will take before Harvey Bullock realizes this- and you know he will since he's always in tune to things like that (and isn't afraid to use those connections). I do hope we're going to get a whole season out of the monsters- it would be such a waste to have so many quirky characters disposed of after one or two episodes. Gotham was built on the crazy, now it has to use them.

Only thing I'll say is that unless Season 3 is going to take place entirely in a few days (not too impossible), the show would need a good explanation about why the monsters did get away. You'd think mad, crazy, deformed people roaming the streets would be a top priority for the police, and after every attack someone would call in the emergency. In real life, the whole city would be in lockdown and the army would be called in and the monsters would be destroyed in a day or two.

Of course...this isn't real life, and maybe Fish Mooney's power of mind control could keep the monsters "under control" long enough for them to hide and lay low for a matter of days, if not months. One thing's for sure- Captain Bullock has his work cut out for him.

Other notes:

-Not a lot of Oswald, though he did have a role in the end. I do think that, largely, Oswald was wasted this season and he didn't get too much meaningful screentime. Which I guess is fair considering last season was essentially his season, but it underscores one of Gotham's many problems- too many characters and not enough for them to do. The show really needs to organize its characters much better and have an idea of when each gets used, because we get cases like Oswald's romp with his family or Fish's romp on the island that ultimately don't mean much to the central story.

-Speaking of Fish, it was great to see her and have her campiness finally fit the role for a change. Jada Pinkett-Smith was never great at subtlety which Fish needed at times in S1, but now that she's (I presume) the "head monster" Pinkett-Smith no longer needs to be subtle.

-Glad to see that Firefly stood up for Selina. I feel there's way more for that friendship to explore and I hope we'll get to see it.

-What happened to Mr. Freeze? Did he escape too or was he caught?

-Finally...I wonder what Fake!Bruce will be like. I have a feeling that he'll be central to the Owls' reasons for not unleashing the monsters...they didn't want anyone to know that they wanted to kill Bruce so they could "replace" him and turn Wayne Enterprises to them.

The Bullock Meter

7- Well, we got a whole episode out of him, and Donal Logue was just dandy in it. I also think Bullock came across as highly competent and capable as a Captain. Jim is right, Bullock will be just fine.

(I disagree that Bullock needs a haircut. Mangy Bullock suits me just fine)

Which is why I'm kind of worried about how the monster thing will play out...I'd hate for the show to basically default to "Bullock's idiocy" as a reason why we're fighting them for a whole season. Because Bullock, quite clearly, is a smart guy, and deserves much better than being defeated because he did something stupid.

Having said all that- Bullock was still largely a spectator in this episode, which- like my Oswald point- points to Gotham's central problem of too many characters. Hopefully now that he's firmly in charge of the Gotham City Police Department he'll actually have a role for once, being the one who investigates the crimes Jim or Bruce bring him, since that seemed to work.

For what it's worth, I do think Bullock caught on to Fake!Jim not being Jim, he was just trying to figure out how to expose him. That was why he asked all those questions, like "remember what I said to you when Falcone was on that gurney?" That's stuff the real Jim would know, and Bullock needed a compendium of that stuff in order to arrest him. Otherwise, his police force would rise in revolt. Of course, thanks to the Barbara Ex Machina, Bullock got all the proof he needed- which, for storyline purposes, was what was needed. I think it would have been more satisfying if Bullock found a way to figure it out on his own but it would have only stretched the storyline for far longer than it needed to.

Episode Grade: B. A solid hour and the promise of more "bats**t crazy" stuff to come in Season 3. Quite literally it seems.

  • Love 1

If the so-called "Fake Bruce" turns out to be Thomas Wayne Jr then he would've been an inmate of the mental health system for many years. It would also have given Bruce's parents a "personal motivation" to invest in mental care.

I feel like a few or many of the monsters will be caught in the opening acts of season three but Thomas Jr. (going with it, sue me) will gather a circle around himself and keep a bit lower profile. He'll be the brains of the madness, so to speak.

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