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S01.E06: Locken Loaded

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The only thing Marie did wrong was that as a friend, she should have addressed LeAnn directly about her behaviour, particularly because she behaved that way in her home. She could get away with addressing honestly with Tiffany because she could say that she could trust Tiffany because she knows Tiffany has LeAnn's best interests. However, she seems ultra shady when she's willing to discuss it with Brandi who obviously don't care about LeAnn. Good friend or not, LeAnn is batshit crazy and Marie is right, she needs help. LeAnn's BF seems to have her personality down pat. Without hesitation he downplayed everything she said. He seems to know the drill - you have to talk down the drama queen. 

Brandi is really breaking down the facade of her life. Her marital problems coupled with what we see happen next week with her brother - girl has got it rough. I suspect dinner with her hubby was a scene that's a combination of her husband being an ass and perhaps feelings blindsided with the marital talk in front of the cameras. I doubt he would have any clue that she was going to air such grievances on camera which I can understand would piss someone off if they didn't expect it nor want their marital issues aired. On the flip side, the way he handled it makes it hard to justify his position because he acted like a Grade A asshole. They have known each other for so long that I think he's clocked out in the sense that he probably feels that he doesn't need to put as much into the marriage anymore because he's focused on his career. He's given her the ring, home and children and I think he feels like he's given her enough that should shut her up and keep her busy. When you're younger, it's easy to be impressed and inspired by someone who has big goals for themselves - but we're often too young at the time to realize that those goals come at the price of sacrificing time and energy on business rather than family and a social life. Brandi likely never imagined that she would have to sacrifice feeling loved in order to support her husband's aspirations. 

Carly's husband's obsession with clothes has moved from comical to weird. And I loved how she was trying to compliment herself while trying to come across as super humble. You want to show off your yoga moves but can't give yourself credit for having a great body at your age and after having a child? Complaining about him not using photoshop? You're very transparent dear. 

I thought it was just a stereotype but the make up and hair on these women make me think that everything really is bigger in Texas. Lay off the make up ladies and the eyeshadow ladies. 

  • Love 10

I cannot believe that Mark and Cary are doing his (their) practice any help by being on this show.  He may be a great plastic surgeon (I don't know if he is or isn't) but he is coming across as a bit of a loon on this show.  I would want my plastic surgeon to be competent and sane. 

As far as Brian, if he didn't want his life filmed prior to this episode he is really going to be unhappy after this episode.  As detached as he seems to be from Brandi, her reveal of his less then hygienic housekeeping habits is not going to help them grow closer.  Don't these new RH cast members watch any of the older RH shows before signing on to be on a new show?  Just a few episodes of any other RH franchise would let them know the amount of their personal life that will be revealed.  And Brandi.... p.s. The talking head scenes will be shown on film.  They aren't just a private chat between you and the producer. 

  • Love 6

Dear God, what a shitshow.  Leeann, I just do not believe a cab driver felt so sorry for you crying in his cab that he didn't charge you. I suspect Marie's "head art" was a clever way to have some twine close by for when her head exploded.  I was truly concerned for her.

Also, did anyone else notice when Leeann was "sobbing" that the cry noises emanating from her big ol' piehole didn't match her dry eyes? It was like she was using it as a warm-up to her "I'm so pissed!" aria.  Only a dude that is on the Dallas SWAT team is equipped to handle that one.

Oh, Brandi, Brandi, Brandi.... Bless your heart.  Sometimes she looks so tentative and sad.  And then she tells us that her husband bites his toenails, flosses with her pubes, and picks his nose. So hawt.  Kelly and Judy must be shitting themselves.  Hopefully, this breach of etiquette (Karen Huger's having palpitations) will be addressed at training camp.

Tiffany, 1978 called, and they need your side ponytail back at the roller rink for Ladies' Choice. I will pray for you and lil Keith. 

Stephanie, girl, you in danger with that Gayle and Oprah talk! Travis reminds me of someone, I just can't think of who.  And that thumping noise you hear is beerCoozy locking TheOtherOne in his tiny football locker. 

  • Love 3

Oh, Brandi, Brandi, Brandi.... Bless your heart.  Sometimes she looks so tentative and sad.  And then she tells us that her husband bites his toenails, flosses with her pubes, and picks his nose. So hawt.  Kelly and Judy must be shitting themselves.  Hopefully, this breach of etiquette (Karen Huger's having palpitations) will be addressed at training camp.


Lord yes.  Bryan would have been even more upset if he'd known that she shared that on TV.  He'll be embarrassed enough when his clients see how his wife behaves.  I feel bad for the guy.  He obviously didn't sign up for this, and probably figured he'd be safe on the road.  Nope. 

It's too bad Brandi's mom, or someone, couldn't have helped her deal with not being in the limelight. 

  • Love 5
  On 5/17/2016 at 4:24 AM, mbaywife123 said:

That awkward dinner was all kinds of messed up.

Been there done that with an ex while on vacation. He had a meltdown because the chips and salsa weren't fresh enough and stormed out, waitress asked if I wanted the meal to go and I said no I will enjoy mine and throw his in the garbage.

Ate my meal, paid the bill, flew home and moved out before he got home.


Damn girl, I don't even watch this show, I have enough housewives under my belt,  but I had it on Bravo and it came while I was doing something else and I happened to catch that scene.  Gross!!!  I came here to see what everyone said about it and here ya go....lol.  Your post got 26 likes!!!  Never saw that many before.  You go girl!  Hopefully that wife, don't know her name, will follow suit.  That was horrible.  

At this point the only one I like is Rich.  At least he had the sense to say something along the lines of "Maybe Tiffany is taking Marie out of context"...I appreciate that he wasn't going to really engage in the drama, but was still there to listen to her.

I am not buying that Tiffany never responded.  It was totally suspicious that she didn't just hand her phone to LeeAnne and let her read the conversation, rather than just pulling out Marie's texts.  The praying outside the house was unreal.  I would have found it more believable if they had done it sitting in the car (not that I think praying before you go in and ambush your supposed friend is ever normal).  Shockingly enough, I feel like I see disingenuous people here in Dallas praying in random spots all the time, so I guess I'm not totally shocked.

Stephanie and her family seem the most normal.  Although I thought her husband's interest in decorating was weird, they do seem to be a happy family.

Cary & Mark...I just can't.  Talk about an uncomfortable episode for them.  They are just Alex and Simon with respectable jobs and a nice house.

Bryan and Brandi- man, that was rough.  They clearly had a normal "date" before she launched in to the talk about not spending enough time together, because he was suddenly drinking from a rocks glass and they had food.  I think a big problem for Brandi is her inability to articulate what she feels in an appropriate way- she could have just said, "I appreciate how hard you work, but I'd like if we made an effort to spend quality time one on one and as a family- otherwise, what is all the hard work for?".  Instead she fumbled around awkwardly and made the whole conversation very uncomfortable.  Additionally, WTF were either one of them wearing??  And, when is she going to stop using Bath & Body Works "Art Stuff" line on her face?

  • Love 10
  On 5/18/2016 at 2:13 AM, Alexis said:

I cannot believe that Mark and Cary are doing his (their) practice any help by being on this show.  He may be a great plastic surgeon (I don't know if he is or isn't) but he is coming across as a bit of a loon on this show.  I would want my plastic surgeon to be competent and sane. 


I'm sure there are folks out there who don't do a lot of research and will go to Mark and Cary just because they saw them on TV.  I've always understood that the truly skilled and talented plastic surgeons don't have to advertise or, in this case, famewhore themselves out on "reality" TV in order to attract clients and earn a nice living. Word of mouth usually is enough. I would think most folks seeking plastic surgery in Dallas would go to longtime, highly regarded practitioners such as Sam Hamra or Rod Rohrich. 

  • Love 4
  On 5/17/2016 at 4:24 AM, mbaywife123 said:

That awkward dinner was all kinds of messed up.

Been there done that with an ex while on vacation. He had a meltdown because the chips and salsa weren't fresh enough and stormed out, waitress asked if I wanted the meal to go and I said no I will enjoy mine and throw his in the garbage.

Ate my meal, paid the bill, flew home and moved out before he got home.


Good for you girl, good for you:)

Regarding Bryan and Brandi : am I the only one who noticed that he seemed quite angry regarding the fact that brandi had drunk one (?) glass of wine ? He seemed really pissed off...

... And rewatching this scene and the restaurant one, there could be something related (and, if I'm on the right track, he maybe wanted to teach her a lesson coming drunk at the barbecue... )


Of course, it's only my feeling, and, as English is FAR from my mother tongue, I sometimes pay more attention to details and body language than the words, it you understand what I mean

  • Love 4
  On 5/17/2016 at 9:30 PM, archer1267 said:

My take on Mark: he feels he married outside of his league and thinks he needs the fancy gifts and flattery to keep Cary interested. I know what it's like to lose a significant amount of weight and still feel insecure about your looks and ability to attract a desirable partner. 

Mark could be the sweetest guy but he's not George Clooney. I doubt Cary would have given him the time of day if he wasn't successful. As for the clothing thing, maybe it's a way for him to flaunt his success...I buy my wife Roberto Cavalier and it's no big deal! Maybe it a fetish for him to treat Cary like a life-sized doll he dresses. He has pictures of her on the practice's web site so clearly he sees her as his creation, in a sense. And she's not the best advertisement if she's wearing Old Navy jeans.


But he's a plastic surgeon.  Being a doctor is typically enough to attract a "desirable" partner.  Being a plastic surgeon puts you over the edge.  Many an ugly surgeon married a beautiful young woman because of his money, his power, and his ability to keep your look updated and fresh.  I seriously doubt he is insecure.  

I personally think he's trying to become the next Terry Dubrow and this is their schtick.  She doth protests too much but she certainly seems to love to play the part of being some sort of hot prize that even the plastic surgeon whose job revolves around beauty wants her as his website model!

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 7

LeAnn's cab driver wouldn't take her money because she was crying so hard. HA. Pretty sure I saw that scene in a Rich's to Rag's movie, gal couldn't afford fare & let the flood gates open. Hmmm. Whatever happened to big tipping your cab driver when you/your party were being ridiculous, ya know, for the CABBIES inconvenience? No idea what god L & T were praying to, but it certainly wasn't the God that answers your prayer with a peace that surpasses all understanding. No peace in that gathering. tsk. tsk. Mays well have joined hands in front of Marie saying 'we are gathered here today to be self serving bitches and you are our target, amen'. Kudos to Marie for how she handled every bit of that mess. Marie should have asked if she could read the print outs for them (take away their fire) and read them with ' and that is how i felt' after each one. THAT , with the head gear would have been gold!  Every time LeAnn whined about her reputation, was clear she was amping herself up for the dirty deed. 

I'm liking Stephanie and Travis's scenes, but no idea why a decorator is needed to put that room together. It really looked like anyone could have clicked the 'buy this room' on Houzz. Brandi with Stephanie is uncomfy to watch. Brandi  is a guest ,sitting in a newly decorated KIDS ROOM and has to make inappropriate comments about the kids' cushions.. she is so f'd up to not see that as rude. I don't know what it is called when a person relates everyday objects to bodily fluids or bodily functions...but it's like watching a 5 yr old make stinky poopy jokes all day, not funny and off putting coming from an adult. I'm waiting for the reunion so I can hear her 'that's just how I am, and I have 1 friend that tolerates my behavior, so your problem with me is invalid'. BG can relate, but I"m tired of her schtick. Since I have a problem with a mother not putting shorts on a girl in a dress, who thinks the counter top is a playground, I'll be the one with the problem in her eyes. It's not healthy to try entice a child to like something by saying  'look it's vodka, mommys putting vodka in the spaghetti sauce so you'll like it', what the ever living hell is that crap. I"m so far removed from this type of parenting, it makes my jaw drop! Had my child ran and locked herself in an intercom room, I'd have let her be until dinner time. Never would cross my mind to antagonize her with a call begging her to comply. I see 'my moms my best friend and best drinking buddy' in their future. 

  • Love 6
  On 5/18/2016 at 11:44 AM, Diane Mars said:

 thaRegarding Bryan and Brandi : am I the only one who noticed that he seemed quite angry regarding the fact that brandi had drunk one (?) glass of wine ? He seemed really pissed off...

... And rewatching this scene and the restaurant one, there could be something related (and, if I'm on the right track, he maybe wanted to teach her a lesson coming drunk at the barbecue... )


Of course, it's only my feeling, and, as English is FAR from my mother tongue, I sometimes pay more attention to details and body language than the words, it you understand what I mean


I noticed his irritation also.  Makes me wonder if her Jesus Juice is an issue for him.  It seemed odd that he commented on it when she was getting ready.  I love my wine as much as the next person, however I am able to put myself together for a date night without a glass in the bathroom.  Especially if we are having a cocktail at dinner.  Seems a bit much...  So many things to ponder.

  • Love 3
  On 5/17/2016 at 11:48 AM, pasdetrois said:

I think editing muddled the restaurant argument a bit. I suspect Brian was willing to go along with a brief, friendly on-camera date, and when Brandi tried to discuss their problems on camera, he drew a line and stalked out. I think he's determined to try to limit his TV exposure (and it ain't working very well). I also think he's mad about the stripper frolic. When she asked him why he was mad at her, he became angry because he thought she was being disingenuous for the cameras. I bet they argued furiously about it off camera.

It's clear they are headed for divorce.


Most definitely.  I think he was mainly upset because he thought he was just going out for a nice dinner date with his wife and suddenly she was talking to them about their issues in front of the camera AND in a restaurant.  I think his response of discuss was that she was actually doing that in public and not in the privacy of their own home and he wasn't going to sit around and be on display.  

I'm not sure we would have gotten a more truthful response if they were in their own home because then he would also be on camera, BUT i think it would have been slightly better not being in public.

So I can't call him an asshole yet.  He obviously doesn't want to be around the cameras and in his mind he didn't sign up for this.

  On 5/18/2016 at 2:13 AM, Alexis said:

 Don't these new RH cast members watch any of the older RH shows before signing on to be on a new show?  Just a few episodes of any other RH franchise would let them know the amount of their personal life that will be revealed.  And Brandi.... p.s. The talking head scenes will be shown on film.  They aren't just a private chat between you and the producer. 


Someone in here said that when they film these new series of RH the cast members don't even know it's for the RH series.  They are told it's something else until the very end.  So no, they don't know what they're getting into before they sign up. 

  • Love 4

I cannot believe that Mark and Cary are doing his (their) practice any help by being on this show


It bugged me when Cary kept mentioning Photoshopping her photos. If my plastic surgeon is posting photos of his work, damn straight I want a realistic portrayal of what I can expect from tucks and lifts. I don't want to look at airbrushed results and think it's within reach. 


At this point the only one I like is Rich. 


I honestly don't get what he's doing with LeeAnne. He must see a side to her no one else does. I can't imagine a man looking at her behavior on this show, her over-the-top aggression and raft of defense mechanisms, and not be turned off. (Ok, maybe some guys would read that as crazy = freak in the sheets, but to stick around for 8 years?) I mean, he's a good looking guy, seems to be stable and calm, and I'm sure he could do better. 


 think a big problem for Brandi is her inability to articulate what she feels in an appropriate way-


I re-watched that scene. It really doesn't seem like a conversation between two people who have known each other for twenty-odd years. I totally agree that Brandi could have come from a positive place, but I could tell that Bryan was waiting for her to get to the point. When he finally heard it, he took it as an accusation and I'm sure his default was I work hard and that's why you have a huge house and can stay home with the kids, and it's not enough? I wondered why people with marital issues go on these RH shows - surely they know that the cameras are going to add more pressure to an already stressed relationship. But in Brandi's case, I started wondering if she went on the show to deliberately push the issue. She did not have to have that conversation with Bryan on-camera, and I don't blame him for being pissed about that. 

  • Love 4
  On 5/18/2016 at 2:13 AM, Alexis said:

And Brandi.... p.s. The talking head scenes will be shown on film.  They aren't just a private chat between you and the producer. 


LOL, when she was throwing her husband and his nasty habits under the bus, I seriously pondered if she was ditzy enough to think that's what it was - just an informal dishing session. 


  On 5/18/2016 at 3:54 AM, 918lux said:

I am not buying that Tiffany never responded.  It was totally suspicious that she didn't just hand her phone to LeeAnne and let her read the conversation, rather than just pulling out Marie's texts.


Mmmmhmmm. Because it seemed like there were quite a few texts. I find it hard to believe that Marie would just keep dissing LeeAnne to her if she was getting no response. Generally, if you try to engage someone and they don't comply, you drop it. 


  On 5/18/2016 at 1:09 PM, tabloidlover said:

I noticed his irritation also.  Makes me wonder if her Jesus Juice is an issue for him.  It seemed odd that he commented on it when she was getting ready.  I love my wine as much as the next person, however I am able to put myself together for a date night without a glass in the bathroom.  Especially if we are having a cocktail at dinner.  Seems a bit much...  So many things to ponder.


Yea, I'm getting a bit of an underlying vibe that she loves the Jesus Juice a little too much. Maybe they've talked about it and she said she would dial it back, but hasn't. If he's gone a lot, and she has no nanny, he might be concerned about her being intoxicated while being the only caregiver for the kids. 

Also, just because SHE said he was "drunk" when he arrived at the BBQ, doesn't mean he was. I'm sure he did have some drinks with Travis beforehand, but he didn't appear intoxicated to me at all. He spoke normally, walked normally, pushed his daughter on the swing without issue. 

  • Love 3

Regarding Brian and Brandi~~as others have said, it could be a case of the bloom is off the rose, as other posters have mentioned.  They have been together since middle school, high school, whatever - so that is what - about 20 years?  And, during that entire time, she was obviously the pretty, popular cheerleader, and let's face it - Brian is not exactly an Adonis - I think that Brandi could have gotten a guy that was much better looking; so, she obviously married him for love.  He also probably married her for love, but also, because she was a pretty cheerleader.  Now, she's not that anymore - she is an average SAHM with all the average mundane things that go along with that, plus all the frustrations (hence, the need for Jesus Juice).  

He is now coming into his own as a business guy, and working hard at making a lot of money, he may be getting some attention elsewhere because he's got a big bank account (maybe...), and he's realizing that maybe Brandi wasn't such a catch after all.

On the other hand, maybe he and Brandi have watched some Bravo TV, even not knowing that the Dallas show would become a RH franchise, and he may have seen how some of the women and their husbands are portrayed and he really just doesn't want his not so great marriage and his even more not so great personality displayed for the Bravo world to see and criticize (as we are all doing, LOL!!!).

  • Love 5
  On 5/18/2016 at 4:43 PM, njbchlover said:

I think that Brandi could have gotten a guy that was much better looking; so, she obviously married him for love.


Not necessarily.  Sure Brandi might have been able to attract a better looking guy, but maybe she realized that Brian was stable and wanted that more than looks.  Or maybe she realized that with Brian there wasn't much competition.  

Edited by Neurochick
  On 5/18/2016 at 3:04 PM, archer1267 said:

It bugged me when Cary kept mentioning Photoshopping her photos. If my plastic surgeon is posting photos of his work, damn straight I want a realistic portrayal of what I can expect from tucks and lifts. I don't want to look at airbrushed results and think it's within reach. 


It might even be false advertising if he's putting 'shopped pics on his site and using them as examples of his work.

  • Love 3

I think the reason Cary looks a little off in the la facce is because her neck is almost nonexistent.  At first I thought she was tensing her shoulders a lot or had terrible posture, but no - she has no neck.  She looks like when I would pull the heads off my Barbies and then jam them back on (I'm not a serial killer now, promise).

She's obviously still traditionally gorgeous, but I agree the creep factor outweighs everything else with her and pseudo-Dubrow.

  • Love 2

Bryan is a developer and a founding partner in his business.  He travels a lot because his business deals with the development of marinas.


Thank you, because I was wondering what "he does real estate" meant exactly, and why it entailed him traveling so much.


Is it something written in their contracts, but why are the kids (with dirty feet & shoes)  on these reality shows allowed to sit &even walk on the same kitchen counters that food is prepared?


Maybe it's done so the kids will be camera-level when they're interacting with the adults? Or, it could be they're all just that uncouth.


They're at that point already? Usually the "evidence" doesn't come out until the reunion. 


I know, right? These heffas are ready to show the receipts at the doorstep!


I just hope that Mark didn't do Cary's face, she's so wonky looking to me. 


Yeah, there's something a little off with her eyes or something, but as far as HWs-married-to-plastic-surgeons go (past and present) she's tops, imo. And her body is tight.


Travis reminds me of someone, I just can't think of who.


A huskier Josh Brolin?

All that Cowboys shit, ugh.

Edited by jaync
  • Love 4

Cary and Mark are beyond weird!  And I think they'd be shocked to hear that. I believe they're buying what they're selling.   What was all that "so lucky I married my best friend" stuff?  That's just overkill, you two.  

In real life I hate are when a sentence starts with "guess what x said about you". It leaves y feeling like shit and let's be honest, we've all a said things about people. Who wouldn't gossip about Leanne!  Why is Tiffany the self-proclaimed putting it out there one?  With copy and pasted texts on 8"X11" no less!  The fuck?  

So she makes Leanne feel bad hearing it then ups the ante with ammo to Marie?  Just as a woman I don't like how any of this went down. My only consolation is surely to the weird god the girls prayed to Marie doesn't lay around wondering if any Oreos are left while marathoning Silicon Valley in that attire (as I do on a random day off) so she knew "something" was going down. Girl brought out a weird hair insert for her takedown. Odd props. 

Brandi and Stephanie are ok with me.  They bring the fun stuff and then Brandi beings the dumb stuff.  And I'm oddly ok with that.

Whar bothers me most is I watched this first out of my DVR list. That ain't good guys, that is not good.

  • Love 4

I watched that dinner conversation between Brandi and Bryan and I'm sorry but I don't think Bryan is a douche at all, I don't get the hate.  Either the editing was bad or Brandi really doesn't know how to talk to her husband, if it's the latter, I'm surprised he's still there.  I had zero idea what she was talking to him about at dinner.  She was like, "You don't give ME any attention," without stating exactly what she wanted Bryan to do.  She kept throwing out vague phrases, "spend more time together."  Okay, say what you mean Brandi as in, "I'd like us to go out together more, without the kids," or "I'd like it if we all went to an amusement park or some place like that, all of us as a family." 

Also it would have helped to tell her husband that she really appreciates all he does for the family.  I mean Brandi should be lucky that she's not married to a deadbeat who doesn't want to work but expects HER to get up every morning and work, and take care of the kids, and cook for him, and have sex when he wants it.  I know many women married to guys like that. 

  • Love 10

The vibe I got from Bryan at that dinner was he felt like he was set up. It was supposed to be a nice date night for the cameras and she started in with the you don't give me enough attention. She also said a few unflattering things about him in her THs. She asked him (I think) what had she done wrong -- the look on his face was something along the lines of "Oh puleeeze". Maybe he was still pissed about the stripper night? Probably two sides to that story.

  • Love 9

As always with housewives, things are subject to change without notice, but after reading Marie's blog (or more technically, Q&A interview) she's my favorite Dallas Housewife.  

Here's an excerpt:


Looking back on things I wish I had understood Tiffany's motivations for undermining LeeAnne's friendship with me better. Tiffany showed up in a town she'd lost touch with almost 20 years ago. Because she suffers from failure to launch syndrome she has to hang onto LeeAnne for dear life, it's her and her husband's last hope! So, while it was quite juvenile for her to share bits and pieces of messages behind my back like a middle schooler, it doesn't surprise me anymore because the more I've reconnected with Tiffany, the more I understand how shallow, transactional, and financially motivated her friendship needs are. All of Tiffany's hopes and dreams are riding on Dallas and her friendship with LeeAnne. Who am I? Only the person standing between her and LeeAnne?


And the link:


  • Love 5
  On 5/20/2016 at 10:48 AM, JenFromCincy said:

As always with housewives, things are subject to change without notice, but after reading Marie's blog (or more technically, Q&A interview) she's my favorite Dallas Housewife.  

Here's an excerpt:

And the link:



That's fairly well written and the word "transactional" is quite a buzz word in the charity world.  

There are two types of charity --- 

transformational: a person gives without expectation of receiving, a true gift. Here's $10K toward your building fund. 

transactional: what looks like a gift is an in-kind, there is some exchange of value --- recognition, marketing, speaking part, tickets, meals, something. Here's $10K and I get two tables for ten people each for a gala, my logo is on your website, presentation, program, social media, my name and business is mentioned from the podium at the event. I may get interviewed, I may get to speak during the event.  

They both have their place but true charity is transformational.  The rest is business. 

She's a smart cookie.

  • Love 6

Since the start of this series, I've wondered if Brandi doesn't have a bit of a drinking problem, and I suspect her Mom might have one too (hence her aged appearance.)   Now that's my opinion, no evidence other than my gut instinct, but it went on alert the other night when I watched the scene where Brian asked her about having a glass of wine.

For me she set herself up for that epic fail of a "date night" because when she called him, that's how she advertised it... if she wanted to talk about their problems, she should've said, " I think we need to have a talk." then that's Brian's option to say, either he doesn't want to, or that he wants to but not in front of the cameras.

I think there's a lot we don't know about this couple, nothing has screamed "I love him, I love her" about these two.

Brandi wants to be this wisecracking firecracker, but when she gets confronted by the things she says, she looks like a scared little bird,  which are you Brandi? Hell on wheels or a wounded dove?

While Leann was totally wrong in her behavior, I don't know, if I had these three broads constantly doing a mean girl act on me, I think I might feel attacked too.

Those girls can play the innocent card all they want, but all I see if a bunch of little bitches. 

Tiffany set up Leann, and I think Leeann needs to watch her back in the future, I've had friends like that... well let me redefine that, they aren't friends they are insecure shit stirrers.

Rant over... these are just my opinions, and I could go on, but lunch break is over. 

Edited by RachelRhae73
  • Love 1


I actually think Brandi was very pretty in her cheerleading days.  Unfortunately, it looks like she's done botox to lift the eyebrows to me and her make-up is awful.  If someone gave her a makeover, she'd look great.

I don't think Cary is pretty at all.  The body is incredible, but her face to me, is very masculine and hard.  I bet w/o cosmetics she's really unattractive.  I htink LeAnne probably has the most naturally pretty face.  

  On 5/25/2016 at 5:03 PM, sasha206 said:


I actually think Brandi was very pretty in her cheerleading days.  Unfortunately, it looks like she's done botox to lift the eyebrows to me and her make-up is awful.  If someone gave her a makeover, she'd look great.

I don't think Cary is pretty at all.  The body is incredible, but her face to me, is very masculine and hard.  I bet w/o cosmetics she's really unattractive.  I htink LeAnne probably has the most naturally pretty face.  


She is very very pretty here.  She should stop botoxing and filling --- she has the natural beauty to age very well. 

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  On 5/17/2016 at 2:24 PM, Barb23 said:

I'm thinking the same thing about the editing of restaurant scene. I may have dozed off & missed some things but when Bryan walked out, it looked like a plate was in front of him & it had been eaten off of.  It was like he was finished with his meal & finished with Brandi too.  I'm with the rest of you that Bryan thought it was going to be just a meal on TV, but then Brandi blind sighted him.  Once again, we have to guess why the gals on these shows need to tell the world about their personal issues not realizing how it can come back to screw you. 

Instead of paying thousands for a new wardrobe for the camera shoot, why didn't Cary & husband use that money to  pay for a procedure for a needy person (burn victim, abuse victim, etc)?

Is it something written in their contracts, but why are the kids (with dirty feet & shoes)  on these reality shows allowed to sit &even walk on the same kitchen counters that food is prepared? Just gross.  


They were eating at Texas de Brazil, and to me it looked like they only had their salad course. His was eaten but hers was still all salad.  That place is all about meat- waiters walk around with different lamb, beef, etc parts and saw off hunks of meat right on to your plate. Since they only had salad, it makes me think he really did walk out. Also, they (Brandi especially) were WAY overdressed for that place.  


She he bugs me so bad, she looks really stupefied a lot of the time, and when she does her own makeup vs when it's been done for the interviews where the comment on stuff, it's night and day. She cleans up nicely, with a lot of help lol!

also, I've noticed she NEVER says Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader. She says Cowboys Cheerleader or cheerleader, but never the entire name. It makes me wonder if she has to get permission from the DCC to use that title and they said no? Because to me, she's an embarrassment to them!


  On 5/17/2016 at 1:33 PM, pasdetrois said:

Meant to ask: is it possible Brandi is pregnant? She's wearing a sweatshirt in a kitchen scene, and she looked to be 4 or 5 months along. Or maybe she had a bulky underlayer there.


With the amount of "Jesus Juice" that girl is knocking back, I pray she's not!!! And, I'm also Christian, the whole Jesus Juice thing is tacky and another example of what Christians would NOT do.


  On 5/18/2016 at 1:29 AM, RHJunkie said:

The only thing Marie did wrong was that as a friend, she should have addressed LeAnn directly about her behaviour, particularly because she behaved that way in her home. She could get away with addressing honestly with Tiffany because she could say that she could trust Tiffany because she knows Tiffany has LeAnn's best interests. However, she seems ultra shady when she's willing to discuss it with Brandi who obviously don't care about LeAnn. Good friend or not, LeAnn is batshit crazy and Marie is right, she needs help. LeAnn's BF seems to have her personality down pat. Without hesitation he downplayed everything she said. He seems to know the drill - you have to talk down the drama queen. 

Brandi is really breaking down the facade of her life. Her marital problems coupled with what we see happen next week with her brother - girl has got it rough. I suspect dinner with her hubby was a scene that's a combination of her husband being an ass and perhaps feelings blindsided with the marital talk in front of the cameras. I doubt he would have any clue that she was going to air such grievances on camera which I can understand would piss someone off if they didn't expect it nor want their marital issues aired. On the flip side, the way he handled it makes it hard to justify his position because he acted like a Grade A asshole. They have known each other for so long that I think he's clocked out in the sense that he probably feels that he doesn't need to put as much into the marriage anymore because he's focused on his career. He's given her the ring, home and children and I think he feels like he's given her enough that should shut her up and keep her busy. When you're younger, it's easy to be impressed and inspired by someone who has big goals for themselves - but we're often too young at the time to realize that those goals come at the price of sacrificing time and energy on business rather than family and a social life. Brandi likely never imagined that she would have to sacrifice feeling loved in order to support her husband's aspirations. 

Carly's husband's obsession with clothes has moved from comical to weird. And I loved how she was trying to compliment herself while trying to come across as super humble. You want to show off your yoga moves but can't give yourself credit for having a great body at your age and after having a child? Complaining about him not using photoshop? You're very transparent dear. 

I thought it was just a stereotype but the make up and hair on these women make me think that everything really is bigger in Texas. Lay off the make up ladies and the eyeshadow ladies. 


Love everything you said except the last paragraph ?? The hair- yes, there's lots of big hair here in Texas. And lots of Botox, mommy makeovers and money. But that tasteless makeup- NO!! Please please don't stereotype us that way- I'm a fourth-generation Texan and I promise, were horrified!

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