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S06.E24: Secrets Revealed

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The 90210 vault opens. Among the secrets revealed: Erika Jayne's latest sultry video is uncovered; Eileen goes on a shopping trip; Portia's spending spree frustrates Kyle; and Yolanda's daughter, Gigi Hadid, shares a common interest with Erika's husband.

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That scene with the Fosters, the Girardis and Gigi was hilarious and made it even more obvious how fake the Yolanda/Erica "friendship" is. Tom was meeting Gigi for the first time and Gigi looked like she'd met Erica maybe once or twice, at best.

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Porsha, it's your parents' fault for not supervising you instead of just handing you an ipad to play on. 

But holy moley, my dad really would have killed me if I'd racked up $37,500 dollars on his credit card.  Of course, his first house cost less than that, so...

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Erika's oh so serious discussion of her craft was pure satire (in my mind).  It was like watching a Christopher Guest mockumentary.  I could see Parker Posey in Best in Show, talking to the therapist about her dog catching her having sex. 

I wish I could be Yolanda's advocate, but I'm not qualified.  I'm an RN with an excellent medical background, but I've never been a prostitute.  Sigh.

I could feel Rinna in her caretaking of Amelia.  I know you can't talk, but you can NOD YOUR HEAD. 

I never quite realized how great Eileen's body was.

I don't quite get the British stoicism of not going to the doctor unless it's been a decade, yet knowing your plastic surgeon so well your besties with his wife.

Erika's husband seemed star struck with Gigi.  He loved her even more than LVP.

Kathryn is so not being asked back. 

I adore dogs, but ankle biters aren't my favorites.  Having said that, Kyle's little dog (Chloe?) is adorable.

I understood LVP's wish that the little horse would give Rumpy a warning kick.  It's like hoping the new kitten gives the dog a little scratch on the nose to teach her who's boss.

Rocio's caring for the horses now?

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12 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Erika's oh so serious discussion of her craft was pure satire (in my mind).  It was like watching a Christopher Guest mockumentary.  I could see Parker Posey in Best in Show, talking to the therapist about her dog catching her having sex. 

I wish I could be Yolanda's advocate, but I'm not qualified.  I'm an RN with an excellent medical background, but I've never been a prostitute.  Sigh.

I could feel Rinna in her caretaking of Amelia.  I know you can't talk, but you can NOD YOUR HEAD. 

I never quite realized how great Eileen's body was.

I don't quite get the British stoicism of not going to the doctor unless it's been a decade, yet knowing your plastic surgeon so well your besties with his wife.

Erika's husband seemed star struck with Gigi.  He loved her even more than LVP.

Kathryn is so not being asked back. 

I adore dogs, but ankle biters aren't my favorites.  Having said that, Kyle's little dog (Chloe?) is adorable.

I understood LVP's wish that the little horse would give Rumpy a warning kick.  It's like hoping the new kitten gives the dog a little scratch on the nose to teach her who's boss.

Rocio's caring for the horses now?

Isn't Thursday Nurse's Day? I have an appointment and am going to let the nurse's give me a little prick.

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LOLs at Andy yawning while St. Yo talked about her "treatments" . . . "Ju are bored?"  Hahahahahahahahaha!

Tom looks like a real geezer now but in the pictures when he met Erica he was cute for an older dude!  And she was kind of mid-western blah pretty - she really got on the looks mobile when she married her millionaire. Remember in her first ep when she said something like, "Damn right I look good with all this money to spend on myself" - she was right and knew it from first-hand experience!   :)

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44 minutes ago, notnowimbusy said:

 daYo at the acupuncturist is still  my fav.  I want him to be blindfolded and have her holding a Red Bull, a martini, and a pack of condoms. 

Choos hav to giss vat I have een de hand, no peeking  and nuh tas-teen.


And vat is dis beyun-say song about da leh-mon-aid? Ees she making fuhn of da cheeta Jah zee? Dat is duh live imma-tate da arht - I do da leh-mon-aid and da-veed does cheet on me?

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YoHa seemed annoyed when her holistic chiropractor told her she was looking good. Does he not know that one is supposed to tell her she looks even more sick than the last time she was seen? He better not make that mistake again. 

What in the hell did I just watch with regard to "Dr." Kang$'s technique for diagnosing what "meds" YoHa should continue taking vs. which ones should be tossed? YoHa might as well have just put her potions on the floor and spin a bottle in the center. 

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4 minutes ago, BusyOctober said:

I toootally believe Yo's holistic dude is legit.  I'm going to find out if he has an affiliate office on the east coast so I can clutch a pint of Ben and Jerry's to my chest & he can tell me how good my calcium levels are (snerk).  And I especially enjoyed the "health care advocate" weighing in on the exam. I'm sure Yo appreciates the educated opinion of someone who I'm guessing gleaned her medical knowledge while restocking shelves at the Malibu CVS.

Portia blew $37k on an app???? Holy crap!  I freaked out when my 9 year old wanted me to "unlock" extra puppies in a stupid dress up pets game for $4.99!  

I might have seen her in first aid section of the How's Trancas Market.

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20 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

YoHa seemed annoyed when her holistic chiropractor told her she was looking good. Does he not know that one is supposed to tell her she looks even more sick than the last time she was seen? He better not make that mistake again. 

What in the hell did I just watch with regard to "Dr." Kang$'s technique for diagnosing what "meds" YoHa should continue taking vs. which ones should be tossed? YoHa might as well have just put her potions on the floor and spin a bottle in the center. 

Ha ha yes I forgot that - totally pissed that he tells her she's looking better!  And she can't argue/act superior with the doc like she can with the other HWs :)

I agree with BusyOctober that he is probably legit in his field - I used to go to acupuncture and they are all about your "meridians" being blocked, which is what he was saying.  They are some kind of energy lines that run through your body, and part of Chinese medicine.  So the weird part for me was when one of her meds was antibiotics - I felt like this guy should have been advising her on all of her herbal stuff!  And Daisy hanging out like she was his colleague full of learned opinions was just more LOLs for me!

Edited by princelina
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21 minutes ago, princelina said:

Ha ha yes I forgot that - totally pissed that he tells her she's looking better!  And she can't argue/act superior with the doc like she can with the other HWs :)

I agree with BusyOctober that he is probably legit in his field - I used to go to acupuncture and they are all about your "meridians" being blocked, which is what he was saying.  They are some kind of energy lines that run through your body, and part of Chinese medicine.  So the weird part for me was when one of her meds was antibiotics - I felt like this guy should have been advising her on all of her herbal stuff!  And Daisy hanging out like she was his colleague full of learned opinions was just more LOLs for me!

I could be wrong but I think BusyOctober was being sarcastic in saying this Dr. was legit, her "toootally" and "(snerk)"  kind of said they didn't buy into the BS he was selling Yolanda. LOL Then again, I have been wrong before.

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3 hours ago, Rhetorica said:

I don't really watch TV, I just listen. So this was the first time I saw Erica's husband. He reminded me of the Cowardly Lion, especially when he grinned at genuine Gigi.

"Fresh meat!"

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Oh Erica. You SHOULD give at least one fuck ...about that video. At your age, all the cotton candy pink, and ponytails and lollipops ... just, no. That's some Madonna ass cheeks out level of cringe worthiness.

Usually a Secrets episode shows us all the good stuff the editors should have put in but didn't in favor of whatever stupid storyline they want to push all. season. long.  But this showed they probably did the best they could with what there was. That was a lot of verbiage from Mr. Mikey there, wa'nt it? Bounce on the dick then pat the puss indeed! But it was interesting to hear Erica admit the show was a vehicle for her career and see that little clip of her "acting" back in the day. I wonder if she also knew at 3 that she'd dump her marriage and child to pursue that career she envisioned?

Kyle, struggling hard to describe how Porsha added to Kim K's coffers without actually mentioning the app. Ha! "They go out on red carpets, and you have to buy wardrobes and paparazzi and ..."

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3 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

YoHa seemed annoyed when her holistic chiropractor told her she was looking good. Does he not know that one is supposed to tell her she looks even more sick than the last time she was seen? He better not make that mistake again. 

What in the hell did I just watch with regard to "Dr." Kang$'s technique for diagnosing what "meds" YoHa should continue taking vs. which ones should be tossed? YoHa might as well have just put her potions on the floor and spin a bottle in the center. 

You watched a fucking witch doctor fleece a rich hypochondriac. Good god I couldn't stop laughing at the idiocy.

Yolanda's is so full of shit regardless of her weekly wazoo hosing her eyes went from blue to brown.

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FIVE figures on an app? And how did a six year old have the credit for that? People have gone bankrupt for less.

If it's related to the Kardashian's, tis truly to end times.

I hereby swear to never speak of Yolanda again. There are no words to defend the level of quackery on exhibition tonight. And it would be interesting to know if she's charging all this to an ex. Any lawyer worth their salt could challenge every dime of that nonsense in court.

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I posted this last night in kyles thread,but it belongs here


Okay how do we find out how ticked Mauricio was at Portia about the money on that app. I know he didn't kill her but poor Portia. You can tell she is a good kid

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8 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:


Erika's oh so serious discussion of her craft was pure satire (in my mind).  It was like watching a Christopher Guest mockumentary.  I could see Parker Posey in Best in Show, talking to the therapist about her dog catching her having sex. 


Oh my god, this is so perfect!  Very Christopher guest.  I see Katherine O'Hara playing the part of Erika and Jayne Lynch as Daisy.  Jennifer Coolidge as Yolanda.  

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1 hour ago, cooksdelight said:

Kyle and Mauricio need to be bitch-slapped for letting a child online without parental control. It's every pedophile's dream. 

I haven't watched the episode but $37k is insane!  I was confused reading the posts because I thought how the hell did that happen.  I have to approve everything on my son's iPad.  But yeah they must not have a lock... Very dumb. 

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Ha ha yes I forgot that - totally pissed that he tells her she's looking better!  And she can't argue/act superior with the doc like she can with the other HWs :)

I agree with BusyOctober that he is probably legit in his field - I used to go to acupuncture and they are all about your "meridians" being blocked, which is what he was saying.  They are some kind of energy lines that run through your body, and part of Chinese medicine.  So the weird part for me was when one of her meds was antibiotics - I felt like this guy should have been advising her on all of her herbal stuff!  And Daisy hanging out like she was his colleague full of learned opinions was just more LOLs for me!


   I could be wrong but I think BusyOctober was being sarcastic in saying this Dr. was legit, her "toootally" and "(snerk)"  kind of said they didn't buy into the BS he was selling Yolanda. LOL Then again, I have been wrong before.

Yup, sarcasm was the intent.  I've been to acupuncturists and I understand the meridians and chi and Eastern medicine philosophy.  I found it soothing and relaxing so I can see why people believe in the mind/body/spirit connection..  What I can't believe in is the notion that holding various sized objects with different materials in them can allow a "doctor" to know which muscles are behaving in a "healthy" way vs. "sick".

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It's really a shame that app companies take advantage of kids like that. Portia is not the first kid I'm sure to make that mistake. That's why you have the option to turn off in app purchases or at least they should have probably explained to her that when she buys things in the app it costs real money. But it sounds like Kyle wasn't aware that's how it worked. I hope they were able to get the money back somehow. Just terrible to take advantage of kids like that, who probably don't know it costs real money. At least the Umanskis can afford that bill if they had to end up paying it, what about all the other kids who have made that mistake who don't have rich parents? Corporate greed at its finest. 

I also happened to notice Yolanda's pissed off expression when the doc told her she was looking better. LOL I was thinking maybe Yo should get together with Shannon from the OC and they can share holistic treatment ideas. 

I still like Erika. I like that she's self aware and knows how ridiculous and over the top she is and that this Erika Jayne thing is just a character/alter ego thing. Her explanation of her relationship with Tom in this episode struck me as odd though, like I came away thinking they have more like a father daughter bond than husband and wife. 

I would say this episode was probably better than almost anything from the rest of the season (apart from Dubai). I'd rather watch fun fluff pieces of the Howives doing normal everyday things with their kids or watching Eileen on the set, etc. than these manufactured storylines any day of the week. 

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Oh I forgot one thing: When they showed Erika's acting scene I didn't even recognize her. Except her voice still sounded the same but that's it. If they hadn't told us it was her I wouldn't have known just from looking at her. 

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I think Tamara Tattles put it best when she said Yo could have gotten more legitimate care from an Ouija planchette. 

I have a message from beyond for Dr. Kang. Spirit is telling me you never imply your prescribed course of treatment, which btw appears to be the wavy hand thing from A Charlie Brown Christmas, might be working. I'm seeing green which is a symbol of making bank off the mentally ill's belief that this *next* thing will be the key.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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1 minute ago, blueiris said:

I'm confused....Did Princess Portia order actual merchandise?  I don't see how else a bill can be that freaking high!

No, clothes for her online game person.  She clearly didn't understand that having her character try on all of the dress choices cost money!  There is no way they are going to get that money back, I am sure it happens frequently.  Not to that amount but kids misunderstanding and parents not realizing this can be done.  

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It's really a shame that app companies take advantage of kids like that. Portia is not the first kid I'm sure to make that mistake. That's why you have the option to turn off in app purchases or at least they should have probably explained to her that when she buys things in the app it costs real money. But it sounds like Kyle wasn't aware that's how it worked. I hope they were able to get the money back somehow. Just terrible to take advantage of kids like that, who probably don't know it costs real money. At least the Umanskis can afford that bill if they had to end up paying it, what about all the other kids who have made that mistake who don't have rich parents? Corporate greed at its finest.


It's not the company's fault. It's clearly Kyle and Mauricio being overly-indulgent with their child by handing her an iPad with no parental controls in place. In other words, Portia doesn't have to log in with her own name. She bought all of that while credit cards were in place on the iPad for her parents' use. She clicked on the box that asked if she was over 18. Etc., etc. Lesson learned, albeit an expensive one.

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I know someone whose kid spent $50 to build a Smurf village for some app. Whatever parental controls were in place were for blocking porn and other inappropriate content/ads. I don't think they realized that all those free apps have in-game spending options. It was just one of those things. 

I do totally agree Portia is mega-indulged, though.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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I enjoyed this episode.  Had Bravo shown more of Yo's treatments, this season would have been more enjoyable and the resistance she was getting from the cast totally understandable.  


2 minutes ago, cooksdelight said:


It's not the company's fault. It's clearly Kyle and Mauricio being overly-indulgent with their child by handing her an iPad with no parental controls in place. In other words, Portia doesn't have to log in with her own name. She bought all of that while credit cards were in place on the iPad for her parents' use. She clicked on the box that asked if she was over 18. Etc., etc. Lesson learned, albeit an expensive one.

 It is the companies fault.  It is really not clear.  It is easy for the child to click on something and another story to fix it so they cannot charge.  They make it very difficult and sometimes impossible to disarm the charge feature.  My son and DIL went through this with their children.  They did not realize it at first either.  No financial damage was done because it was brought to their attention by their 10 year old daughter by asking a another question about the game.  Lucky break. 

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1 hour ago, imjagain said:

I haven't watched the episode but $37k is insane!  I was confused reading the posts because I thought how the hell did that happen.  I have to approve everything on my son's iPad.  But yeah they must not have a lock... Very dumb. 

Actually, Kyle said the bill was 37 pages, not $37k.  She did say it was in the 5 figures.

WoeYo's holistic healer/chiropractor/acupuncturist/witch doctor is amaaaazing - he told her she had plastic in her liver before she even had the explant surgery!  Faceplant.

I could watch Lisa, Ken and their menagerie every day!  :-)

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57 minutes ago, LizDC said:

From Kyle...

I can imagine that negotiation going something like, "Either you refund the app purchases my daughter made or my storyline next year will be about putting your app on blast for preying on unsuspecting kids and their parents."

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18 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

Actually, Kyle said the bill was 37 pages, not $37k.  She did say it was in the 5 figures.

WoeYo's holistic healer/chiropractor/acupuncturist/witch doctor is amaaaazing - he told her she had plastic in her liver before she even had the explant surgery!  Faceplant.

I could watch Lisa, Ken and their menagerie every day!  :-)

Thanks @walnutqueen. $37K would have had me having a panic attack,   lol. I know Kyle and Mauricio are wealthy but still that amount would be a hell of a hit. 

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I should put a picture of Eileen wearing that cut out dress on my fridge...that would be motivation for me to get my Vegas body in gear, (realistically it is 2 weeks away so without plastic surgery...). 

Why did LVP say that Botox has only been around 10 years, it has been way longer than that, at least 20.

So glad I heard right when the choreographer was giving Erika direction, sit on the dick, etc...yikes.

Porsha is still cute and the horse scene was adorable, her offering to itch(sic) the horses nose for him. 

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1 minute ago, Satchels of gold said:

Lisar stated that Yo and LVP hated EACH OTHER and that BOTH of them used the other woman to get back each other. I would have liked to hear about Yo's complicity in this not just LVP's. 

When did she say this?  I would love to hear that, too.

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Well I'll be double-danged-dipped if it didn't take an entire season of mucking through RHoBH to get to one final segment to finally find an hour of entertainment with these women. Why couldn't every episode be this entertaining? I thought it was great! There was no crying, shouting, or accusations flying all over the room like heat seeking missiles. There was reality, life as it happens. That's why I watch a 'reality show' in the first place, not for cast members to follow along a scripted thread-line topic fed to them by Bravo.

I really enjoyed watching Lisa and Ken running around with the dogs and horses in their beautiful grounds overlooking the valley. I liked see Ken being humanized for a change and actually cracking jokes "Lisa would never divorce me because I'm her best friend. Lisa would never give up this". (wide toothy grin) Kudos to Ken also for allowing Lisa to talk him into getting Botox on camera. Ken was a nice looking guy 'back in the day' when he was playing professional soccer.  I just wish they'd own up to the fact that his hair style went out back in the 70's and get him a new style that gets it off his forehead. I mean.....what is UP with that? warren-todd-vanderpump-ken-todd-son.jpg

Portia is the kind of kid that's very entitled and spoiled rotten for sure and Kyle is very proud of her. Portia is a miniature Paris Hilton in the making. Oh it's okay 'darling' that you spent more than $37,000 on your iPad but don't cry dearest, daddy is rich and he thinks you walk on water, you'll never get as much as a harsh word from him. But, I'm sure you've learned your lesson Princess. (groan).

Erika is a lucky woman and knows it. Meeting Tom Girardi when she was a cocktail waitress and managing to hook him into marriage and hold onto him for the past 17 years is no easy feat. She looked great in the old photos they showed with her and Joe back in the early days of their relationship. Her hair looked much more realistic as a semi-natural blonde rather than the white-blonde bleached look she wears. She's a very beautiful woman and kudos to her for hooking up with a older man that takes care of her and shares the rewards of his career. Tom wasn't actually that bad looking when they met. He was younger of course, but he was heavier and his face didn't look emaciated.

Lisa Rinna and her daughters.... I can't, I just can't. Lisa Rinna has horrible skin when it's sans makeup. Her girls are little Divas that are as spoiled as any other Beverly Hills entitled brats I guess but geeze, can't her daughters at least act a little nicer for cameras? I don't think a tonsillectomy entitles anyone to behave rude and bratty to their mother. I'm sure that Lisa and her eldest daughter have their minds set on a fabulous career in modeling, like Gigi Hadid. The problem there is that her daughter just doesn't have anything to offer the modeling industry other than the fact that her parent may be able to pull a few strings for her and get her a hand commercial. LisaR back-peddled on that whole strap-on thing she said with Jenny McCarthy because that got her in hot water with Harry. There were so many whispers in the past about his being gay and I'm sure he thought he was beyond that. Lisa thinks it gives her a pass to say anything she feels like saying by explaining "I have a big mouth, what can I say?"  No, Lisa. You're an adult and should be responsible for what comes out of your mouth.

Eileen Davidson has the body I wish I had, it's just awesome. I had mentioned on a previous post after the Erika BBQ that I had 'boob envy' because her breasts are just perfect looking but her whole figure is something women wish they had. She looked incredible in that black dress she tried on while shopping with Erika.

It took an entire season for me to begin to like Kathryn, she was just too much trying to make her mark as the newbie on this show. But now, she seems to have settled down a bit and gotten less frenzied trying to contribute something new to the show.

Yolanda is a very fortunate woman. She has great children and Gigi seems to be very normal for someone that's achieved tremendous fame in the modeling industry. Of course Gigi had a huge advantage having rich and influential parents like Mohamed and Yolanda. I think that's more important than just about anything else in life, that someone ends up raising kids that aren't into drugs, getting arrested for possession or hating on their parents blaming them for all of it if they are.

Edited by HumblePi
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7 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

Lisa Rinna and her daughters.... I can't, I just can't. Lisa Rinna has horrible skin when it's sans makeup. Her girls are little Divas that are as spoiled as any other Beverly Hills entitled brats I guess but geeze, can't her daughters at least act a little nicer for cameras? I don't think a tonsillectomy entitles anyone to behave rude and bratty to their mother. I'm sure that Lisa and her eldest daughter have their minds set on a fabulous career in modeling, like Gigi Hadid. The problem there is that her daughter just doesn't have anything to offer the modeling industry other than the fact that her parent may be able to pull a few strings for her and get her a hand commercial.


Her daughters remind me of less rebellious versions of Lynne Curtin's kids. Same nasty dispositions, but not getting drunk on camera at least.

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10 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

Portia is the kind of kid that's very entitled and spoiled rotten for sure and Kyle is very proud of her. Portia is a miniature Paris Hilton in the making. Oh it's okay 'darling' that you spent more than $37,000 on your iPad but don't cry dearest, daddy is rich and he thinks you walk on water, you'll never get as much as a harsh word from him. But, I'm sure you've learned your lesson Princess. (groan).

Eileen Davidson has the body I wish I had, it's just awesome. I had mentioned on a previous post after the Erika BBQ that I had 'boob envy' because her breasts are just perfect looking but her whole figure is something women wish they had. She looked incredible in that black dress she tried on while shopping with LisaR.


I don't think that Kyle was going to brush it under the rug, she just was reassuring her child that her dad wouldn't be mad at her. That said, parents need to be parenting. The whole thing was not Portia's fault, it was Kyle/Mo's.

Gross Joe did everything but lick his chops when he met Gigi. 

Eileen is GORGEOUS, I couldn't agree more!!!

Edited by DrSparkles
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