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S32.E12: Now's The Time To Start Scheming

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Tai is feeling sorry for Jason because of his daughter.  I wish Tai would remember what a baby Jason can be when he doesn't get his own way.

Tai/Jason/Michele won reward.  There's a lot of Joe tonight.

Okay, this IC is insane.  Also, why Jeff needs to shut up with the play by play-in one breath, Cydney was completely out.  In the next, she's in the lead.  Zip it, Probst.

Edited by LadyChatts
  • Love 17

I'm thinking Joe is going tonight, possibly an Aubry blindside.  I don't think we will be lucky to get rid of Jason.  He's going to slime his way to the end.

2 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

"I can't spell the word"  Joe is amazing.  But he's doomed.

At this point I think Joe is a bigger goat than Jason. They'd be crazy to get rid of him because I don't believe has any chance of winning.  I'm worried for Aubry.

I wonder if Jason realizes the only reason they'd keep him around is because he's a goat.

If Aubry goes tonight, hoping Tai wins this.  He's the only one left that's done anything.  Jason has no chance, and the others would be unmemorable winners.

Edited by LadyChatts
  • Love 6

I was so bum-puzzled after THAT vote.

I thought that Tai, Joe, Aubry, and Jason would all vote for Michelle and that Tai didn't need the 2nd vote.

It appears that Jason voted for JOE LOL.  Why?  LOL.  Idiot!  That's a waste of a vote when you could be going home!

It appears that Michelle, Cydney, (Aubry), (Joe) voted for Jason!  Again, idiots!!  Cydney appears to be incredibly persuasive with Aubry!  And we all know that Joe does whatever whoever wants, including probably voting for whomever Mark would chicken-scratch for him to vote for.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 9

I cannot imagine that Cydney could look any more gorgeous at the finale than she does on Day 36.  Seriously, it is so unfair!

Jeff never said Cyd didn't have a chance to win.  His first comment was that she was in last place for now.  He recognized that her turtle approach could benefit her as the stacks got higher.

Why did Jason vote Joe?! Dumbass.  For a minute there, I thought Joe forgot how to spell "Jason" and wrote "Joe" instead.

  • Love 15
10 minutes ago, NYGirl said:

Wasn't the last week Tai could use that advantage?  I'm not sure I remember.

He was right to try and get Michelle out because she is a big threat.  Joe is now the goat I guess. 

I love that we have no idea who's being voted out every week.  It's very enjoyable.

I know </Monica Gellar>

I think this is the first season in a long time that almost every tribal council, I have no clue who is being voted out. I was actually hoping Tai would go with at least an idol and possible the advantage in his pocket,

  • Love 7
9 minutes ago, Archery said:

I cannot imagine that Cydney could look any more gorgeous at the finale than she does on Day 36.  Seriously, it is so unfair!

Jeff never said Cyd didn't have a chance to win.  His first comment was that she was in last place for now.  He recognized that her turtle approach could benefit her as the stacks got higher.

Why did Jason vote Joe?! Dumbass.  For a minute there, I thought Joe forgot how to spell "Jason" and wrote "Joe" instead.

Srsly.   Her hair and her body have only gotten hotter as the show wears on.

  • Love 14
17 minutes ago, riverheightsnancy said:

I think that [Jason] could get bitter, male jury votes. So, he could be a threat from that perspective. 

He's also won one immunity (if I recall?) and come close a few other times, and is obviously the best left in the water challenges, meaning he'll either keep winning food rewards and stay stronger for immunity, or possibly win an immunity if those ever involve water.   

  • Love 7
4 minutes ago, susannot said:

Srsly.   Her hair and her body have only gotten hotter as the show wears on.

She doesn't even look like all the other people who have been infected with bug bites and stuff. It's Cydney's world and we are just allowed in it. Dare I say it? Cydney is a Goddess. And the last and only time I said that about a contestant was with CirieGoddess, whom I loved as a player (Brenda was close though).

  • Love 9

I should be celebrating, what with Fat Ogre gone. The thought of Jason getting $100K from Scot angered me, and the game is legitimately wide open with him gone. So how come I'm not ringing on doorbells and high-fiving strangers?

Nice to see Mark is going to make it to Day 39. I really hope that he survived Second Chances. His buddy Tai is okay, though I think he's got too much power. I don't think it's turned him into an asshole. Maybe an asshat, but he's going to get a lot of love when the game is over.

Tired of team-based Reward Challenges. Whatever happened to everybody playing for themselves? I did like the reward. Nice to see Jason with his intellectual superiors.

Nice Immunity Challenge. First of all, it should be difficult to spell backwards after 32 days, even if the blocks are arranged in the correct order. I'm hoping that Probst apologized to Cydney for ranking on her gameplay. She was so slow, just about everybody wiped out twice. Very impressive.

Joe got interviews! I think that's as big an upset as Leichester City winning the Premier League.

  • Love 14

I'm sitting here puzzling who is "playing" a worse game right now, Joe the Challenge Giant or Tai the Little Terror. Tai should know not to dictate to people (or at least make it sound like he's not dictating.) and Joe should know how to spell. People don't mind being encouraged to follow but get annoyed about being told to get in line.

An elephant and a couple monkeys, I expect more from a wildlife rescue place actually... you can get nearly that close in any decent zoo these days... *meh*

It's like Kyle has selective memory/amnesia as I still can't believe he claimed to be "proud of" his game and how he played and is convinced his family will feel the same way. Wait, whaaaa???

ETA: "I didn't flip last time..." is not a compelling argument for your loyalty Tai...

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, J.D. said:

Why do they want Jason out?  He's not a threat to anyone anymore.  He'd be a good one to take to the final three.  He can't win.

As another poster said, I really believe he would have a chance at winning if he got to the end. Scot is a slam dunk for sure, plus Julia and Nick I can see also voting for him. No clue on Debbie or Neal though, but I can see Debbie being pissed at the others for backstabbing her and voting Jason.

1 hour ago, riverheightsnancy said:

I think that he could get bitter, male jury votes. So, he could be a threat from that perspective. 

Agreed, RiverHeightsNancy

1 hour ago, mojoween said:

Scot's eye roll was precious.

"If I could I would get off this bench and throw all of your torches in the woods!  But I cannot, because the bench is where I live."

When they cut to Scot shaking his head after Jeff called Jason to bring his torch, I laughed out loud. Acting like that was the worse possible decision, like a disappointed parent sitting on the bleachers.


I hope its an all girl finals!!

Edited by dkb
Girl Power
  • Love 12

Well, they fooled me good. When Joe suddenly started getting screen time and confessionals I figured it was sloppy editing telegraphing his boot. In retrospect its probably just planting the seeds for Cyndey to get him booted....unless EVERYONE now believes he is the ideal goat to bring along...which he is I suppose.

I really want Cydney to win...but I just don't know if she has it to wrangle everyone sucessfully if she's a hot head. On the other hand I do not want Michelle swooping in for a victory this close to the end...when she really hasn't done anything of note for the entire game up until now.

Not sure why Aubrey feels compelled to swim with a vest on  when its just going to get sodden and slow you down.

RIght back at you Probst for derisively shouting out "Cydney is out of it!" When her slow and steady approach was literally made of win.

Was this season filming the first time someone had an extra vote because Julia seemed positively agape about it?

  • Love 5

May I chime in about Cydney being a Goddess like I do every week and I'm also on the team that says Jeff shitting on her gameplay was ANNOYING throughout the entire Immunity Challenge and that he looked stupid when she won.  I swear, if a guy was doing what Cydney was doing I bet he'd be complimenting the strategy the whole time.  At least it made the challenge a total nail-biter because Jeff turned out to be so, so, so wrong.

What is Michelle's accent?

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 15

I don't think Tai "wasted" his extra vote -- he was just outvoted. I think next Tribal is the last time he could use it, but basically its only value is in breaking ties. Even if he ends up in a 2-to-3 voting minority next week, an extra vote would just force a tie, but that would just trigger a revote, and since he wouldn't get to vote twice in the revote (I assume), he'd lose the vote anyway.

And players really try to avoid ties (understandably), so the extra vote is not much of an advantage (as compared to Stephen's stolen vote, which is much better). Mostly it just paints a target on your back.

I loved the immunity challenge so much I watched it 3 times! So much back and forth (very reminiscent of the "domino" challenge). Cydney was awesome. I noticed she was the only one trying to hold the rope completely taut most of the time. I think she deserves to win as much as Aubrey or Tai. She's shaken up the game and obviously she's not a follower. Michele has made some hard decisions too but I'm not as convinced of her leadership in the game. Most of her votes seem about proving her loyalty.

I also thought the reward challenge was a nice new twist on the old ball maze challenge. Shame that it was a blowout.

Edited by Lingo
I watched the immunity challenge 3 times!
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