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1 hour ago, Giselle said:

I'll have to rethink you too Wings.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

17 minutes ago, DebbieM4 said:

And she didn't like it at all if anyone told her that she looked good!  Oh no, she wasn't having it and she nipped that kind of talk right in the bud.  No way was she going to have her storyline messed with!

Her whole agenda this season was, "I'm sick, dammit!"  She very clearly did not want anyone saying anything that even remotely might indicate otherwise.  Even a simple compliment or an ordinary kindness became something for her to be offended about.  These women couldn't win no matter what they said and no matter what they did.

Re Ken -  It's not as though he said she was ugly or wore an unattractive outfit.  He said that she didn't look well, that she looked ill.  And, as you said, that was exactly what she wanted!  But yet, her disapproval was out in full force - once again.

  And she took offense when Ken said she did not look good.  He was supporting her notion! 

Edited by wings707
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33 minutes ago, Giselle said:

She looks like Justin Bieber in drag.

I love her new look.  There are many ways she can style it, this is just one.  Kudos for changing your tired old hair.  And thank you Brandi for putting the fire under the change.  And good for you, Rinna to admit that Brandi had something to do with this.  It kills me to say this, just so you know. 

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OK. How is using the M word worse than mocking instagram photos? I'm confused. Like Yolanda. 

I believe Rinna. I still don't care or think Vanderpump is evil. 

Also, I love Erika and hope she comes back. Her fight with Kathryn was fun. She's my mvp this season.

This show is brilliant at knowing when to break, cause I need one. Ugh. New fights, y'all. New fights. 

Edited by phoenix780
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38 minutes ago, DebbieM4 said:

Re Ken -  It's not as though he said she was ugly or wore an unattractive outfit.  He said that she didn't look well, that she looked ill.  And, as you said, that was exactly what she wanted!  But yet, her disapproval was out in full force - once again.

Come on.  It can possibly be argued that that's what Ken meant, but that's certainly not what he said. He commented that she looked terrible without makeup.  It's up to interpretation, but it certainly doesn't seem empathetic to me.   I'm not saying Ken owes Yolanda any empathy or kindness after she accused him of manhandling her, but I'm not sure why Ken's comments are automatically excused as being concerned about her health.   I especially loved LVP - again - stressing that's it's not as if Ken said these things to her FACE.   Nope.  I guess it could possibly be described as, I don't know, a sniper from the side sort of comment. 

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On the one hand, get the fuck off my TV Brandy, on the other hand, Rinna is nuttier than squirrel shit.


When hasn't Rinna not only had her moment but everyone else's?

Edited by yourmomiseasy
adding another thought
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9 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

LVP tweeted -no blog, no apologies, just regret. Regret I didn't tell some to shove it.

Kudos.   There is no wrong way to be, react or feel.   They all think that others should respond as they desire.  Having been a couples/relationship counselor for 30 years I have NEVER experienced this level of unawareness. I taught a high school course.  My students knew more coming in than these women know now. It stuns me, really it does.  Is it the wealth and privilege?  I don't know.  I am baffled. 

But we would not have a show if they knew this.  So there is that and why we watch. 

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Well, due to my DVR cutting out at the very end, I missed whatever Rinna's "compliment" to LVP was. Would not be surprised if she didn't give her one. I swear in one of the clips she said that LVP didn't tell her to say anything, but that she nevertheless felt manipulated into bringing up the "M" word. I guess she is some sort of telepath or something

Yolanda compared having Kim on the show to having Brandi on the show, but, no, idiot, it is not the same. First of all, Kim didn't come just to talk smack, and she was there for anyone to address or contest. Brandi's way - being taped so no one can reciprocate, and having nothing much to say but evil, well, she can take a hike. It's just as she said, "I'm here drinking wine, and no one can say anything." Coward.

I see Eileen has adopted that witch face permanently.

Edited by renatae
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Bah, that episode felt like a gang up, and I now like Lisa V even more because it's activated my natural stick-up-for-the-underdog tendencies.

That defensive apology Eileen gave Lisa would not have met Eileen's standards had it been from Lisa to ED.  But I don't expect next season to be devoted to LVP's quest for the correct apology. And btw, Eileen, when DID the affair start? Just curious. 

I can't relate to Erika at all for a lot of reasons. One thing she said struck me and that was women (girls) have never liked her. The implication is, jealousy, but maybe the reality is girls didn't like you because you were what we used to call in my HS a two-faced  bitch? Loved her objection that what she said to Kathryn was IN CONFIDENCE while being filmed for a tv show. She can get off my tv anytime.

Rinna is the kind of person who likes to move forward, everyone!  Slash and burn. OWN IT. Move on. How about instead you grow up a little, Lisa Rinna, and stop saying and things you need to later OWN. Stop saying things like, "This mouth" while pointing to your mouth, like your mouth is a crazed preschooler at a birthday party who just found all the candy.  Just a thought.

Brandi, ugh. Smug looks ugly. 

I ended up this season liking LVP, Kyle and Kathryn -- hope they are back. I expect the mother of GiGi Hadid to be back (if she wants to be).  I would very much like to bid Rinna, Eileen and Erika good day.

10 minutes ago, renatae said:

Well, due to my DVR cutting out at the very end, I missed whatever Rinna's "compliment" to LVP was. Would not be surprised if she didn't give her one. I swear in one of the clips she said that LVP didn't tell her to say anything, but that she nevertheless felt manipulated into bringing up the "M" word. I guess she is some sort of telepath or something

Yolanda compared having Kim on the show to having Brandi on the show, but, no, idiot, it is not the same. First of all, Kim didn't come just to talk smack, and she was there for anyone to address or contest. Brandi's way - being taped so no one can reciprocate, and having nothing much to say but evil, well, she can take a hike. It's just as she said, "I'm here drinking wine, and no one can say anything." Coward.

It was "funny".

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9 hours ago, swankie said:

I'm trying my best to figure out why Andy is cosigning this LisaV pileon.  It's almost like he wants everyone to dump on her at this reunion.  I thought she was his favorite yet he keeps calling her out on the carpet repeatedly.  I wonder what she did to get on his bad side.

I wondered about this also.  He really seemed to be going after her, and it was odd.  All he does is continually reinforce my opinion that someone else needs to be hosting these reunions.  He was so gleeful when Brandi started talking; you could tell he thought the other HW's were going to light into her - but they dismissed her pretty quickly because she had no business being there.  So that backfired, and he goes right back to the Munchausen.

A couple of other points - if LVP doesn't want to share what happened to her, she doesn't have to.   Maybe she doesn't want to bond with these women (and who could blame her?).  That whole segment about her having to open up so they could be friends was just ridiculous.  LVP is very smart not to think for one second it will help her bond with these b*tches. They should  stop pretending to be friends - for the most part, they are co-workers who are forced to interact with each other.  And, if she shares with these women, it airs on Bravo and we all get to know about it. Maybe, just maybe, she doesn't want that. Her choice, not Eileen's or Yolandas.  I don't see Yolanda sharing much about her divorce from the King.

Eileen can call LVP a manipulator all day long, yet she (Eileen) is clearly Rinna's puppetmaster.  

Kyle was a non-starter.  I think she was determined not to get involved in any controversy, so she was pretty quiet.  But here again, her friendship with LVP is no one's business but theirs.  

I'm glad it's over - one of the worst seasons ever.  I'm glad Andy enjoyed it.  I think he was in the minority.

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7 hours ago, Neeners said:

I have a confession. I bought Brandi's first book. This is my confession, and although I feel cleansed having shared, there is a lingering dirtiness. Please forgive me. At this point I'm horrified and know I have absolutely no sense when it comes to judging someone's character. I'm just going to go sit here in the corner. Have a good night. 

I just need you to know I hear you, I see you.


everyone behaved like I expected them to. 

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6 hours ago, DebbieM4 said:

And she didn't like it at all if anyone told her that she looked good!  Oh no, she wasn't having it and she nipped that kind of talk right in the bud.  No way was she going to have her storyline messed with!

Her whole agenda this season was, "I'm sick, dammit!"  She very clearly did not want anyone saying anything that even remotely might indicate otherwise.  Even a simple compliment or an ordinary kindness became something for her to be offended about.  These women couldn't win no matter what they said and no matter what they did.


WoYo just drove me crazy with her hypocrisy when it comes to what is okay in her world.  What is acceptable in order to pass her friendship tests?  It's as if she expects the other women to know that she is the master to them, they are the subjects of the kingdom, AKA circus clowns.  The behavior expected of them from Yo can change from day to day as well.  She is an exhausting person to be around, not because she is sick, but due to her demands of friends when friendships are supposed to be easy.  I can't believe I'm now feeling sorry for her ex-King because I cannot imagine what a high maintenance wife she must have been!

In real life, actual life, that is not filmed for television, yes, it would be rude to say someone looked terrible.  However, what we do know is that when you film you wear make up even if you don't in real life.  They are being filmed, WoYo always looked glamorous and was clearly wearing make up even when exercising on film.  I think anyone would be surprised to see a friend show up to a birthday dinner, that normally looks glamorous, and a past model, without any make up.  A logical thought would be to think that she must be ill.  In real life it would be starting too.  

As we have seen, when someone commented that she looked great, she would be angry because that was not what you are supposed to say to WoYo.  Who has time for someone like that in their lives?  She's playing a game.  Look at all her willing pawns...

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7 minutes ago, Jel said:

Let's keep Lisa and instead insist that Bravo hire some adult women who are able to take responsibility for their own actions and reactions.

The consistent souring opinions of Lisa by her co-stars, old and new, suggests that even with an entirely new cast for Lisa, it'll devolve like it has in the past. 

10 minutes ago, IKnowRight said:


WoYo just drove me crazy with her hypocrisy when it comes to what is okay in her world.  What is acceptable in order to pass her friendship tests?  It's as if she expects the other women to know that she is the master to them, they are the subjects of the kingdom, AKA circus clowns.  The behavior expected of them from Yo can change from day to day as well.  She is an exhausting person to be around, not because she is sick, but due to her demands of friends when friendships are supposed to be easy.  I can't believe I'm now feeling sorry for her ex-King because I cannot imagine what a high maintenance wife she must have been!

In real life, actual life, that is not filmed for television, yes, it would be rude to say someone looked terrible.  However, what we do know is that when you film you wear make up even if you don't in real life.  They are being filmed, WoYo always looked glamorous and was clearly wearing make up even when exercising on film.  I think anyone would be surprised to see a friend show up to a birthday dinner, that normally looks glamorous, and a past model, without any make up.  A logical thought would be to think that she must be ill.  In real life it would be starting too.  

As we have seen, when someone commented that she looked great, she would be angry because that was not what you are supposed to say to WoYo.  Who has time for someone like that in their lives?  She's playing a game.  Look at all her willing pawns...

Did Yolanda say anything about this in any part of the reunion?

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Beverly Hills housewives without LVP?  It would be like a box of chocolates...yummy looking, attractive, shiny box with a bow,  yet every time you pick one up to take a bite it's the one you want to spit it out.

It just won't be the same.

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The most interesting bits were the viewer's comment about Kyle having Stockholm Syndrome from dealing with her sisters, making her willing to be abused by LVP; and Kyle pointing out that LVP lives in a pink fantasy world filled with roses and ponies. Yep, on both counts.

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6 minutes ago, ingenting said:

The consistent souring opinions of Lisa by her co-stars, old and new, suggests that even with an entirely new cast for Lisa, it'll devolve like it has in the past. 

Personally, I see that sour taste coming mainly from grapes.  

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8 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

So I finally figured out who was lying in the Lisa v. Lisa.  t.


I'm not going to lie if next year is all about Rinna turning Eileen I'm going to be all over it like my mother on Macy's the day after Christmas...

Edited by bosawks
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The two Lisa's had one last chance to get it right towards the end of the reunion. Andy asks the two Lisa's "how do you think you can move forward with your friendship?"

Lisa Rinna says, "I'm not somebody who holds grudges and I like to move forward in life and life is just too short. So yeah, in the bigger picture I would like to move forward because I don't like to hold grudges. I'm just disappointed and sad that it would come to this."

Almost instantly Lisa Vanderpump says, "well I'm disappointed in you too."

Hold on..... did I hear it right?  I rewound and yep, I heard that right. Lisa Rinna did not say that she was disappointed in LisaV, she said 'disappointed that it would come to this' and immediately LisaV translated that statement into 'I'm disappointed in you'. This is where semantics come into play and affect their relationships. Lisa Rinna said and meant one thing and Lisa Vanderpump heard it but in her mind translated it to her way of thinking. It's the method that LisaV uses to either project or protect her true feelings. That's a little mind-fucking that she does constantly. She made it seem as though Lisa Rinna actually said the words "I'm disappointed in you", which she did not say.

Edited by HumblePi
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Love that I can just fast forward through anything Brandi - don't know what she said and don't give a damn.  I don't care who goes and who stays but I would prefer Kyle and Lisa V stay.  The rest --- who cares.  Andy was on a mission to crucify LisaV.   Also, really ladies, you NEED to hear about LisaV being beat up to relate to her.  That is some messed up shit.  None of your damn business.  I really don't know what a wanker is so I don't know how foul it is but I love the word.  I guess I could look it up but what is the fun in that - maybe I will just start calling everyone a wanker.  Loved Erika backtracking on "her" planes - honey, you stating on TV that you use them for pleasure and transporting friends can take them from a business write off to a pleasure item. Dumb ass...

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9 minutes ago, bosawks said:

They look like they're sitting in front of a wind machine.

Two orange oompa loompas complete with blowouts circa 1995 Jersey.

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9 minutes ago, st.louielouie said:

Love that I can just fast forward through anything Brandi - don't know what she said and don't give a damn.  I don't care who goes and who stays but I would prefer Kyle and Lisa V stay.  The rest --- who cares.  Andy was on a mission to crucify LisaV.   Also, really ladies, you NEED to hear about LisaV being beat up to relate to her.  That is some messed up shit.  None of your damn business.  I really don't know what a wanker is so I don't know how foul it is but I love the word.  I guess I could look it up but what is the fun in that - maybe I will just start calling everyone a wanker.  Loved Erika backtracking on "her" planes - honey, you stating on TV that you use them for pleasure and transporting friends can take them from a business write off to a pleasure item. Dumb ass...

Wanker is akin to  calling someone a jack off.  Not on the same level as Erika's favorite word.

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Vanderpump must have done something to piss BRAVO and Andy off.  She came off looking petty, vindictive - and guilty.  There is truth to what the others say. 

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7 minutes ago, escape said:

Vanderpump must have done something to piss BRAVO and Andy off.  She came off looking petty, vindictive - and guilty.  There is truth to what the others say. 

LV must have made new contract demands thus pissing off the always insufferable Andy.

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Vanderpump may just have gone too far in trying to create the storylines, farther than the producers want, hence this season of scolding. She'll be more careful, more subtle next season (or the next season she's on). 

After all this talking I'm still in the same place with her. She's manipulative, imho, and I don't really care because I don't think she's malicious. She told a person on a reality show to discuss something on camera (do their job). She used the word affair with another who had nothing going on. Big fricking deal. 

I don't hate Eileen or Rinna though. At least we got something other than Lyme because of them. Heck, the one who should be faulted imho is Kyle for bringing nothing this season. 

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I love LisaV, like a few of you I think she is what I think about when I think about fabulous rich Beverly Hills women. Drives a fancy car, lives in a fancy home and has problems like finding the perfect miniature pony. That is what I want!

However I think she should take a break from RHOBH. I'm tired of every season it being a take down of the great Vanderpump. Women need to build their own stories instead of focusing on Vanderpump

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Guess I'm Team Ken....I WANT my hubby to defend me and be on my side.....I love Ken. I'm in that age group and he is what I think a hubby should be..loyal to his wife all the way...GO KEN!

Rinna would "throw up" if her husband said mean things about the others? Uh..sure....So your husband has NEVER defended you ,at home, when you complain? OK then.....

Andy said we would "talk about it" as to Why in the hell the succubus was there (albeit on tape) But it was never mentioned. BG is a coward. She only said all that because she was on tape and she was safe. Bitch.

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1 hour ago, HumblePi said:

The two Lisa's had one last chance to get it right towards the end of the reunion. Andy asks the two Lisa's "how do you think you can move forward with your friendship?"

Lisa Rinna says, "I'm not somebody who holds grudges and I like to move forward in life and life is just too short. So yeah, in the bigger picture I would like to move forward because I don't like to hold grudges. I'm just disappointed and sad that it would come to this."

Almost instantly Lisa Vanderpump says, "well I'm disappointed in you too."

Hold on..... did I hear it right?  I rewound and yep, I heard that right. Lisa Rinna did not say that she was disappointed in LisaV, she said 'disappointed that it would come to this' and immediately LisaV translated that statement into 'I'm disappointed in you'. This is where semantics come into play and affect their relationships. Lisa Rinna said and meant one thing and Lisa Vanderpump heard it but in her mind translated it to her way of thinking. It's the method that LisaV uses to either project or protect her true feelings. That's a little mind-fucking that she does constantly. She made it seem as though Lisa Rinna actually said the words "I'm disappointed in you", which she did not say.

Ok I see it opposite and this is my issue with Rinna. This also may explain why the ladies see LVP as manipulative. 

LVP is smart. She has run clubs, bars, huge businesses all dealing with people. She is by now a wizard at understanding people. No blame for that, it's a skill she learned and it's valuable. But the other women don't have that skill to same degree, if at all in some cases. When LVP responds or says something, she's genuinely coming from a place of reading a situation, person or statement correctly. The problem is exactly that - LVP reads them CORRECTLY which prevents them having their smoke screens in place. The problem is, perhaps, LVP is UNAWARE that she's doing this because she's just naturally being and expressing herself and doesn't understand it offends people. (Ironic considering...Brandi has same problem...)

HumblePi, good eye to focus on this. We disagree on interpretation but it's a great bit to observe and highlight. 

I see this as Rinna projecting and gaslighting LVP. I see all of them, when they find fault with LVP, as a variation on that tactic. 

Incidentally, this may be why LVP was initially friends with Brandi and why she dislikes her so much now. They share this in common, LVP and Brandi. They both read people well. That clip of Brandi was something none of us wanted or needed but every single woman she directed a comment toward looked at the time as if "oh shit she's reading me exactly right and saying it out loud". That's not a good way for Brandi to go through life but it doesn't mean she was wrong. In the same vein, LVP isn't playing chess like Bobby Fischer, she's actually, possibly, as smart as Bobby Fischer and smarts are not really something to find fault with are they? Unless these women prefer the company of non-intelligent people... ?

Does anyone else see this?

Edited by CTO
Clarifying point or trying to!
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17 minutes ago, eurekagirl mOo said:

Guess I'm Team Ken....I WANT my hubby to defend me and be on my side.....I love Ken. I'm in that age group and he is what I think a hubby should be..loyal to his wife all the way...GO KEN!

Rinna would "throw up" if her husband said mean things about the others? Uh..sure....So your husband has NEVER defended you ,at home, when you complain? OK then.....

Andy said we would "talk about it" as to Why in the hell the succubus was there (albeit on tape) But it was never mentioned. BG is a coward. She only said all that because she was on tape and she was safe. Bitch.

I don't have a problem with what Ken said. He was at home with his wife and he was supporting her. Problem is cameras were there but he's not a man afraid to state his opinion if it will relieve his wife's pain. That's a good spouse in my book.

Rinna lies. A lot. Maybe about everything. 

I actually feel sorry for Brandi and hope she gets off this train of letting Bravo and Andy use her. Because they always hurt her by getting her to hurt herself doing this! She plays into their hands for a paycheque because she needs the money.  I'm not piling on her for it. I don't like it either but I don't see that any of these women don't do the same just with better technique.

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does Andy and the other women save Kyle/Kathryn realize ganging up on LVP is what keeps making LVP popular?

Is LVP manipulative and snobby? Yes!  Is LVP a grudge holder? Yes!  Are the other women on this shoe those things? Yes!

My mom suspects Kyle truly doesn't like LVP..but learned her lesson in turning against her in season 3 and 4...hence this loyalty stuff we saw in season 5 and 6.

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I haven't read through all the posts yet, but I just wanted to give a big thank you to all all you posters that endured all three parts of this crap fest.  I skipped Part 2 because I can't stomach Kim and I didn't want to watch the women grovel at Yo's feet.  I had plans to watch Part 3, but then I heard She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named made an appearance, so I'm out.  What a shitty season.  

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