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S05.E21: Last Rites

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Emma, David, Regina, Robin and Henry are finally back home in Storybrooke and reunited with Snow, but, unfortunately, they still have to contend with Hades, who continues to deceive Zelena as he lays out his plan to use the all-powerful Olympian Crystal to take over the town. The heroes desperately search for a way to defeat Hades while Hook does the same in the Underworld, looking for those missing storybook pages. Regina and Robin take a more direct approach, which culminates in an epic showdown that will leave our heroes forever changed.



My random thoughts on this episode:

Robin was the voice of reason chastising Regina saying she should not still be defending Zelena.  And finally Regina apologized.  Then Robin suddenly accepts Zelena?  Oh well.  I knew he was toast as soon as he said his future was with Regina.

So who else cheered when Hades killed King Arthur?  While watching them together I thought Hook and Arthur should have their own spinoff solving mysteries in the Underworld.  And Cruella can join in too as a sort of frenemy, sometimes helping, sometimes interfering.  But Arthur: No, Hades was not a worse King than you were!  How delusional!  Well, with Hook leaving maybe Arthur and Cruella will pair up; she'd kick his ass if he misbehaved.  I'd love to see that some day.  

That Olympian Crystal doodad looked kinda phallic when Hades first pulled it out of his pocket.  And the scene when Hades was repairing it on the desk, and Zelena put her hand on top of Hades’ hand…  But, how terribly underwhelming when Hades used it on Robin – a bit of lightening and flames and then a dead body.  Even when Zelena stabbed Hades with it and he turned to dust I still felt like – is that it? 

Lana’s and Zelena’s acting was great.  I really felt sad for both of them.  Alternatively, Emma’s scene at Hook’s grave did not impact me as much.  But poor Roland! It did make me remember the Oscar Wilde quote: “To lose one parent may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness.”

Moe’s attitude about controlling whether Belle stays with Rumple or not is pretty bad but not surprising.  Belle has always said that no one decides her fate but her and Moe has decided to take away that choice – very much like when he sent her down to mines in order to remove her memories and thus separate her from Rumple.  Even if he thinks she is crazy to stay in a dysfunctional relationship she should still be able to choose to do so. 

  • Love 8

I enjoyed the hell out of that (pun intended). I like how they redeemed Arthur. That's how you do a heroic bromance.

The CS reunion was better than I imagined. I don't know why people consider it tacky. Where was he supposed to show up?

That said,  I'm disappointed we didn't see the lost souls, but hopefully that will be Arthur's first order of business.

I'm so going to miss the Blind Witch and Cruella.

  • Love 5

Well, I guess we don’t have to worry about how Arthur is getting home.  

Robin finally gets to be angry with Regina.  Finally.  He was interesting for a good minute and a half.  Then he died.  I might’ve even been sad, if he’d been more like that all along.  The actor did a good job with the terrible, but very little he was given to do over the last couple of seasons, but he’s dead-dead, not just mostly dead.  After all, there’s an inappropriately named baby, now.

I also very much appreciated that Killian returning to Storybrooke was because of what he did, rather than being rescued.

Huh.  I'm not 100% sure how I feel about Belle's dad refusing to try and wake her.  On one hand, there's self-determination, but on the other--do you allow your child to go back to her evil, creepy, controlling husband?


Also, if we're going to have "gods" again, could they be more, well, powerful?  Because, Zeus and Hades seemed mostly like slightly-more-powerful-than usual wizards. That's sad.

Edited by Mari
  • Love 8

That was the wimpiest Zeus ever. He didn't look like the god of anything. 

My husband made the unfortunate decision to sit next to me while I was watching this. He has only seen a handful of episodes. But when Killian reappeared, I just reached out and started smacking his shoulder and squealing with joy. So freaking happy right now.

I was never an Outlaw Queen shipper, but I was still sad to see Robin die. 

  • Love 8

Much like Emma, I don't care how/why Killian came back. I'm just glad he's back.

So, that wasn't a true-love-rainbow woosh, was it? Was that just Killian's life force zooming back as his body crawled out of the grave he was just in? Like literally just in, across the cemetery? :\  I guess logistics really have no place in the reviving of the dead in Storybrooke...

I did not expect Arthur and Merida to make an appearance again, nor for Zelena to get stabby. I did peg it as not being Hook's funeral, and as soon as Robin kicked the bucket, I knew the green bean's name. I guess she'll hang out with Neal in the boringly recycled names club.

ETA: Does this mean Milah and Auntie Em really are lost forever, or can we imagine Arthur gets them out somehow as he tried to save the underworld?

Edited by Randomosity
  • Love 4

That was some impressive derp face on Robin as he died.  I'm sorry, I should be serious, but I was long spoiled, and it's such a random death that that was all I could focus on.  I do feel sorry for Robin's actor, as he was badly underutilized for most of his run.  We barely saw him this arc!  And now it seems he's been sacrificed on the altar of Regina's pain.  (Because that's the only purpose I can see; I don't blame her for his death, just the writers.)  I wonder if they'll ever bother explaining what they mean by "ending" his soul, other than he can't be retrieved from the underworld.

I'm glad Arthur died in such an ignominious way, after all the dickery he got up to in the first part of the season.  The fact that he's supposed to repair the Underworld ... ehhh, whatever, so long as we don't have to see it.  (I do wonder what became of poor Guinevere.) (EDIT: I guess I'd be OK with some of Arthur's underworld adventures if it means the souls get freed.  And Cruella shows up.)

His little adventure with Hook was fun though, and made this episode enjoyable.  More like, I really enjoy Hook's adventures, and that this one ended up in his reunion with Emma was the cherry on top.  (Even if the timing was weird to say the least.)

So Hades end game was merely taking over Storybrook.  That's ... dull.  Welp, on to the next crisis!

Edited by Senna
  • Love 4

Well, this episode showed just how little the writers cared for Robin. He got minimal focus and a thirty second funeral. I was never a fan, but his death could have/should have moved me in some way, and it didn't. I actually laughed at the close-ups and odd expression of spirit Robin.

As for the rest, I liked it. It was great seeing Snow again. Merida didn't bug me. Arthur and Hook in the Underworld was a winning combo (stubble sandwich...ew and lol). Though, how did Hook get up the elevator shaft?

I'm bummed the souls weren't freed. I thought Hook would see Milah again.

Hades defeat was way too quick. I really wish we hadn't wasted so much time in the last three/four episodes with filler. It would have been awesome to see Hercules/Zeus/Hades fighting each other. 

The Hook/Emma reunion scene was awesome. Overall, the Underworld arc has been a dud and did not live up to its potential, but the Hook/Emma moments have been on point. Emma deserves to be happy dammit and I really hope Regina doesn't ruin that.

  • Love 4

I really liked the developments in this episode, but it felt very short.

* I'm probably one of the few doing a happy dance over Robin's death. Goodbye, dead weight.
* Regina admitting she was wrong about telling Zelena to trust Hades.
* That Captain Swan reunion scene. Brief but still lovely.
* I totally didn't expect the HooKing adventure. Nice surprise!
* "I can smell the bromance." LOL.
* The younger look for Zeus was good. Somehow I was expecting a fatter, bearded, jollier version from the Hercules movie.
* Moe refusing to wake Belle. Totally in character. Smart move to make it ambiguous whether it would work with him or not.
* I agree with others - the lack of flashbacks helped the narrative tremendously.
* Minimal Merida. She was actually tolerable.
* Even though Arthur is corrupt, it's nice knowing he'll be helping the Underworld.

* Disagreeing with Regina = death penalty.
* Robin's death was lame. I'm glad it happened, but it was still lame.
* No one even cried at Robin's funeral. Not even Regina.
* This episode was very PLOT PLOT PLOT and went by so fast.
* Zelena being dumb right up until the last second. Hades' manipulation was so obvious. It was like he was attempting to persuade a 5 year old. (But I don't think that gives 5 year olds enough credit.)
* The souls are still stuck in the River of Lost Souls. What the heck, A&E? Arthur gets saved but Auntie Em is doomed to eternal vegetable-ing?
* The Olympian Crystal was so contrived. I wanted at least one flashback scene between Zeus and Hades.

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 6
11 minutes ago, ABitOFluff said:

That said,  I'm disappointed we didn't see the lost souls, but hopefully that will be Arthur's first order of business.

They addressed after the soul attack that the souls didn't do that before, they had no sentience and just floated along, and that now things are changing since Hades has left the Underworld.  That one was able to have some measure of intelligence and rose out of the water shows that they all can do the same overtime.  I wish they'd been more blatant about it since it's easy to miss, but I'm glad that they didn't just leave it as an eternal state.  That would have been as depressing as, I dunno, having souls be able to get erased altogether! (Wait....)


So, that wasn't a true-love-rainbow woosh, was it?

No, it was a pure white woosh, the woosh of the Gods.


So Hades end game was merely taking over Storybrook. 

And then the world, and then the universe...Zelena basically said it at the end: nothing will ever be enough.

Edited by Mathius
  • Love 6

Horrible episode.

I know I will be in the minority but I think that Hook not staying dead was an incredibly bad move.  I am no fan of the Emma/Hook pairing but I actually found Hook sacrificing himself and his quest with Arthur somewhat romantic and him coming back to life just reversed it for me and turned "isn't that romantic?" Into "oh brother!"  

Edited by Chaos Theory
  • Love 8

Great episode, but sad they killed off Robin yet Zelena lives on  to raise the baby. Sad to see Robin go and Regina again miserable & depressed. 

Hook and Arthur on their adventure was great.

Surprised to see Merida especially after how the actress wasn't happy with how her storyline ended. May be this was to make up for that?

When Hook saw the light and walked through I was scared they were killing him off too, but once Zeus said he was sending Hook to where he belonged I knew it was back to Emma. 

I love that Belle's dad is willing to die or get hurt in order to not wake her to go back to the toxic that is Rumple. It's great that true loves kiss from Rumple is not working on Belle. Hope it's someone else that kisses her and she awakens and she moves on from that relationship for good.

  • Love 3

I am liking the way that Rumple is going.  I can't believe that Moe truly loves Belle enough for TLK - he is still the same douche from the mines.  BUT that means no Belle for awhile - YAY!  Thanks for getting pregnant Emilie!

Now Rumple is free to go super Dark One without any whining about it!  YAY YAY!

I'm finally looking forward to a Rumple story line.

  • Love 2

So are we going to add Zues in the Hook and Emma shippers list? He could've had Hook be with his brother or Neal but he sent him right back to Storybook. OTP intact.

Those extra kisses Emma gave Hook must've been unscripted now knowing the actors tends to dobthat I'm forever going to think something simple and good in a scene is all the actors because that script Adam tweeted of the Hook and Emma goodbye scene was so dry and yet Colin and Jen made it work.


I'm so sad that Robin was only root worthy in the episode he dies in. Also if anyone blames Emma for this can get bent. Hades killed Robin and Zelena/Regina were the ones who didn't listen. 


Oh god that reunion was such a breath of fresh air on this depressing season.


Emma and Co vs Regina/Rumple is all I've been waiting for. If I can get Emma to end at least one of them I'll forgive Adam and Eddy for all the dry scripts they've written.

  • Love 3
8 minutes ago, Chaos Theory said:

Horrible episode.

I know I will be in the minority but I think that Hook not staying dead was an incredibly bad move.  I am no fan of the Emma/Hook pairing but I actually found Hook sacrificing hinself and his quest with Arthur somewhat romantic and him coming back to live just reversed it for be and turned "isn't that romantic?" Into "oh brother!"  

I'll sit with you. I love Hook, am not a fan of Captain Swan but i mean, that was really how you end something in my opinion. it was final. but oh no, he's back now. 

so I guess they're not hiding Ginny's pregnancy anymore. (I noticed they're really not doing it on any ABC shows, it's like yup they're pregnant, deal with it.).

this whole season was flat. there should have been...more. 

  • Love 1

This was the best episode of this arc. Hook and Arthur were awesome. Hook in particular in the throne room.  Wow. 

I assume Guinevere can go find Lancelot now and have her happy ending free of the magic dust Arthur gave her and the entire kingdom.

Zeus was anticlimactic but he served his purpose. 

Feel bad for Sean but Robin was pointless. Annoying they waited until this episode to remind people of the chemistry between Sean and Lana. Even if they wanted to kill him all along it would have packed more of a punch had they both been on more together this arc. 

JMo knocked it out of the park this week. and the reunion scene was really well done. Loved the joy. Even in the strange setting the joy between them was palpable. 

  • Love 6

Also in the minority my annoyance that the show won't let Regina be happy.  They find a convoluted way to bring Hook back and then stupid murder Robin (and in a way he supposedly can't move on).  Robin is a dumbass character and Regina can do much better (Me! Me!) but still.  The show goes out of its way to make her miserable.

Edited by Chaos Theory
  • Love 5

I thought for certain the soul from the river that was grabbing the story book was going to turn out to be Milah. I was waiting for Hook to almost kill that zombie with the fire, but then hold off at the last second and say, "Milah?" They didn't even need to hire the actress for this episode, they could have just had Hook recognize her in zombie form and had the zombie hand him the book. And then they could have used CGI to make it seem like she went into the light.

Now I'm even more upset Hook didn't get a final goodbye with Milah and we still don't know the fates of the souls in the river. I should have known TS;TW wouldn't care about them.

3 minutes ago, Chaos Theory said:

Also in the minority my annoyance that the show won't let Regiba be happy.

She had this entire season to be happy and didn't seem to do much with it. She was with Robin for the entirety of Season 5 and chose to barely hang out with him.

  • Love 19

Sad to see the end of... Wicked Devil, was it called? I loved those two. Only canon romance I've really enjoyed, except those brief moments between Cora and Rumpel. Emma and Hook are okay though, but I enjoyed Arthur and Hook's scenes together more...

Maurice is just as disgusting as Rumpel to me. Both of them treat her like an object that can ignore or control. Still, at least this might keep Rumbelle off my screen for a while.

Great episode overall. Personally, I've really enjoyed this arc. I'm disappointed we didn't get flashbacks of Hades and Zeus though. I would've liked to have seen Hercules again, too.

I'm curious where they go with Regina from here. Robin never worked for me (just like Neal), so I'm glad to see he's out.

  • Love 1

Wow, that was a really good episode.

Captain Swan team up across death. Yaas! Killian's desperation to help Emma defeat Hades, and fulfil his promise to move on. So so good. Emma looking at their Time Travel adventure. Kill me nao! And Zeus himself sending Killian to where he belongs---let me die... 

I am SO SO SO Disappointed that Milah et al are still trapped in the River of Souls. I guess we need to imagine that Arthur will set it right. 

Speaking of Arthur, I LOVED the Killian/Arthur bro-team up. Take that Charming! lol  I also think it fitting that he is going to be the one to set things right in the Underworld. I was actually satisfied with the conclusion to his story. Cruella was a hoot as usual. Stubble sandwich... mhmmm

Gold is of course still a PoS. I knew Mo would not agree to TLK Belle awake. Not that it would have worked even if he tried, but I can't blame him for refusing to try. He didn't put Belle under the Sleeping Curse, and he has the perfectly legitimate choice to refuse waking her. Gold probably has more world-domination plans with the Olympian D*ldo.

24 minutes ago, Mari said:

Robin finally gets to be angry with Regina.  Finally.  He was interesting for a good minute and a half.  Then he died.  I might’ve even been sad, if he’d been more like that all along. 

I feel bad writing this, but I wasn't moved by Robin's death. Literal obliteration is not a satisfactory way to end a long-standing character, even if he has been treated like prop for a long time now. It wasn't emotionally moving. And then, Zelena suddenly kills Hades with the Crystal. The whole thing was terribly underwhelming. And duh... of course they named the baby Robin. 

19 minutes ago, Senna said:

So Hades end game was merely taking over Storybrook.  That's ... dull.  Welp, on to the next crisis!

That was soooo ridiculous. Seriously dudes, Storybrooke is not worth it!

10 minutes ago, InsertWordHere said:

Hook's little giggle as Emma was kissing his cheek is the cutest thing in this or any realm.

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It was!! So so darn cute.

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, Curio said:

I thought for certain the soul from the river that was grabbing the story book was going to turn out to be Milah. I was waiting for Hook to almost kill that zombie with the fire, but then hold off at the last second and say, "Milah?" They didn't even need to hire the actress for this episode, they could have just had Hook recognize her in zombie form and had the zombie hand him the book. And then they could have used CGI to make it seem like she went into the light.

Now I'm even more upset Hook didn't get a final goodbye with Milah and we still don't know the fates of the souls in the river. I should have known TS;TW wouldn't care about them.

Let's all just agree this was a thing that did happen.

  • Love 13

I actually enjoyed this episode. Huh. 

The Hook/Arthur unexpected bromance tonight might have been my favorite thing. Stubble Sandwich indeed Cruella. I feel like Cruella and Arthur will be having some fun down there. 

I actually felt bad for Robin and this is coming from someone that pretty much felt nothing good or bad towards him. Man...that sucked. Of course they named the baby Robin...of course.

Ugh...Merida was in the episode. Gurl bye.

Regina and Zelena crying together over Robin's dead body after Zelena used the magic Olympus crystal sex toy to defeat Hades got to me. That was sad.

Fuck Rumple. Ugh Moe. Just stay in the box Belle.

I know there was some pearl clutching over Emma and Hook reuniting in the cemetery right after everyone said adios to Robin, but I mean...I squealed when it happened. Emma just running to him and kissing him is something that....heck...I would do. 

I actually want to watch this episode again. 

Edited by Sarcastica
  • Love 6

I am SO SO SO Disappointed that Milah et al are still trapped in the River of Souls. I guess we need to imagine that Arthur will set it right. 

Again, we don't need to rely on Arthur for that, they explained after the scene with the soul that they never jumped out of the river or had any semblance of intelligence before, and that "things are changing" now that Hades is gone.  IMO, they should have had Hook outright bring up the people who have gone into that river and that this means they'll be out someday, then the point would have been clearer.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

Also in the minority my annoyance that the show won't let Regiba be happy.  They find a convoluted way to bring Hook back and then stupid murder Robin (and in a way he supposedly can't move on).  Robin is a dumbass character and Regina can do much better (Me! Me!) but still.  The show goes out of its way to make her miserable.

I agree with this. I didn't like Robin as a character, but I hated to watch the same thing happen to Regina again. I admit I cried quite a bit during that whole scene, especially when she and Zelena were holding on to each other after it was over. Regina didn't really cry this whole episode. I'm expecting the dam to break next episode, and I'm guessing it'll come out as anger.

  • Love 3

Whelp, that wasn't too surprising.  I knew there was a death coming, and since this episode focused so much on Robin and Regina, I knew they were doomed, and this show ain't killing Regina in the slightest, so that's how the chips fall, Robin old buddy.  Just take solace that your baby will be raised by her mother.  You know, the crazy witch that raped you, but since she's all "My bad!" about it now and Regina says she changes, it's all good!  Feel bad for Sean Maguire, because he really got stuck with one of the most thankless roles on this show.  I can't believe poor Robin was like "This is crazy!", about Zelena giving the baby to fucking Hades of all people, and everyone was looking at him like he was being overdramatic or something.

Also not surprising that Hook ends up somehow coming back to live; I'm just surprised they did it as quickly as they did.  I thought for sure they were saving that for season finale time.  Way to pat, but whatever.  Hook is one of my favorites, and the entertainment value for me would have gotten way more smaller if he was gone for good.  Hell, he made me enjoy freaking Arthur!  And even by into the idea that Arthur's redemption is fixing the Underworld now that Hades is gone.  I just hope he does something about that whole River of Lost Souls thing.

At least Zelena taking out Hades was nice.  But why am I not freaking surprised that these nitwits just left his pile of ashes on the floor, so, sure enough, Rumple strolls in and finds a magical shard still hanging out in there.  Of course he did.  I'm sometimes wonder if Rumple is brilliant, or is he just simply playing chess while everyone else struggles with checkers.

Oh, look.  Merida is still around.  At least she's still dialing down the obnoxiousness and seems to be more in the background.  I can handle that.

Glad to check in on Cruella one last time.

So, I guess the actual finale is going to be about Rumple making another grand play to be the top evil asshole of Storybrooke.  I hope this show actually goes all the way and actually makes him the big baddie.  Enough of this being evil, but treated like a nuance or normal jerk from the rest. Let them see that he truly is a horrid, horrible man.

  • Love 7
16 minutes ago, Mathius said:

Again, we don't need to rely on Arthur for that, they explained after the scene with the soul that they never jumped out of the river or had any semblance of intelligence before, and that "things are changing" now that Hades is gone.  IMO, they should have had Hook outright bring up the people who have gone into that river and that this means they'll be out someday, then the point would have been clearer.

Except Hook still doesn't know that Milah was in there.  Oh, show.

I live for Captain Swan! Yes, the cemetery kiss at Robin's grave was a bit tacky, but I don't care. They're two people who worked together and love conquered all. Finally. 

I do like the way it sets up Regina as an antagonist. Because let's be honest: Emma saved him in Camelot so that guy was in borrowed time already.  Regina should be thankful Emma gave her an extra week with Robin -- or however much time has passed in Once land.

Oh, Robin. You were too good for this world. Seriously. With TS;TW, be thankful that they gave you an out.

Side note: I want Cruella back. I don't care how, just make it happen. Why did they do a half season with all three villains? What a waste of all three of those characters, especially when I would've loved an entire half season just with her one liners.

ETA: Did anyone else get a Harry Potter vibe tonight? There were dementors and a green body of water with dead souls. Oh, and our hero died and went to a white station where he was brought back to life by a powerful spirit.

Edited by sharky
  • Love 11

 I'm a little sad that Robin is dead be cause he left two children without a father. Both times Robin died this season he was protecting Regina l, he really was living in borrowed time. Really if you count the charon and them "gaurdians of the galaxy" him this was the third time he should of died.

  Loved the Hook and Arthur team up.

Love, Love hook going to where he belongs , his and Emma's faces were so sweet. I know they won't get it but I would live for them to get some more moments of happiness before the next crisis .

  • Love 5
8 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said:

But why am I not freaking surprised that these nitwits just left his pile of ashes on the floor, so, sure enough, Rumple strolls in and finds a magical shard still hanging out in there.  Of course he did.  I'm sometimes wonder if Rumple is brilliant, or is he just simply playing chess while everyone else struggles with checkers.

Haha. Best comment on Rumple! The rest of the Nevengers are playing a different game than Rumple, and are just too clueless to figure it out.

  • Love 4

I've never been particularly fond of Robin Hood, but I am sad to see him go. Did he even get to see Roland before he died? My heart hurts for the adorable hobbit-child.

Emma was just killing me tonight. I kept waiting for her to break and just wanted to wrap her up in a blanket and let her cry.  Very well played, Ms. Morrison.

Yay for Daddy Charming trying to help his daughter! More of that and less Zelena, please.

I can't decide if Zelena was stupid or willfully blind in regards to Hades. She seemed about one step shy of sticking her fingers in her ears and singing "Lalala...I can't hear you!" I was rolling my eyes so hard at some of the things that came out of her mouth that I think I broke something.

Moe vs. Rumple was quite interesting, but I really don't care what happens to Belle.

Charming might have some competition for the other half of my Hook BroTP. Arthur was surprisingly tolerable. I can live with King Shady as ruler of the Underworld. Possibly with Cruella as his consort.

I knew Pistachio's name was going to be Robin. I assume the writers were going for poignant, but all I could think of was "Kids, that's how one of the most cliched cliches ever got your Aunt Robin her name." 

  • Love 8

The subplot with Hook and Arthur was enjoyable, but I was so distracted by the world's worst green screen.

Gee, I hope none of the souls they set on fire was Auntie Em or something

Why did Zeus look like Jacob from LOST? I kept thinking he was going to make Hook a candidate.

Every time Zelena said Hades was a god, it sounded like she wanted to add "in bed." The phallic weapon didn't help matters either.

I covet Regina's coat. The answer to what does one wear to look great in the Underworld!

Goodbye, Greg German and your subpar, Underworld-caliber acting. Robbie Kay you were not.

  • Love 7

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