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S28.E11: That's Money, Honey

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Well that was a huge bummer..... nothing against Sheri and Cole but I really wanted Burnie and Ashley in the final 3 especially since they came in second place so many times. Sigh Matt and Dana will prob win the whole darn thing 

4 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Crap. I'm not going to be home next Fri night.  With these 3 final teams I don't care who wins so I won't bother DVRing. Very disappointing. See you in the fall. 

i wont be home next Friday night either 

  • Love 1

I don't care who wins this season. I don't think I've ever said that. I can't stand Tyler so that's one team. I don't mind Sherri and Cole but they weren't my favorite. The dancers (is that what they were?)  sort of annoy me. I wanted Burnie & Ashley because they are a great pair, work well together & are really good looking. I also appreciated that Burnie did the task himself (same for Sheri) and, they knew when to give up & switch. I guess I'll return in September. I can't take another episode of Tyler, his hashtags & that annoying laugh. Everything isn't that funny, Tyler!!!!

  • Love 10

Well. Next week should be interesting. With two alpha teams out before the finale, anybody could win. I'd like for this season to wrap up, because I'm numb to these teams. I don't hate them . . . Tyler & Korey aren't annoying to me, Dana & Matt pale to the horror that was Logan & Chris, and Sheri & Cole aren't entirely incompetent. It's just that their absolute value is lower than teams in other seasons.

Gotta give Sheri & Cole credit for sticking with the Detour. They would have been out had they swapped options. I don't see them as the next Amy & Maya, but they're nowhere near as lucky as Andrew & Dan.

Cute Roadblock. I wonder if the Pope is a TAR fan. It wouldn't surprise me. "Welcome . . . to Vatican City!"

ETA: Just ran the numbers . . . TAR28 ties TAR16 and TAR19 in having the weakest final three heading into the finale. Using a 3-2-1 format, Tyler & Korey got a healthy 22 points, but Dana & Matt only got eight and Sheri & Cole managed a mere two. Dividing 32 by 66 (number of legs times six points available per leg), the total comes out to .485. If Burnie & Ashley had come in third, the total would have been .652.

  • Love 3

Aw! I'll miss Burnie & Ashley, just as they were calling out the other teams for being haughty. Now we have the Battling Breakdancers, the Red State Edumacated ones, and Mr. YouTube and whatshisname. 

I didn't think I'd miss the Frisbee boys as much as I did tonight.

*Desperately Seeking Spoilers.*

Edited by Nedsdag
My dislike of Tyler Oakley
  • Love 5
5 minutes ago, Suzysite said:

Is it wrong to hope Tyler falls off a cliff next week?  Man, he's annoying.  The little turd will probably win, and I'll need a new TV when I put my foot through it.

I don't know if it's wrong but it's highly doubtful & we couldn't get so lucky. LOL!!! The worst part about hating (not really hate-hate but reality television hate) Tyler & Kory is that Phil seems to really like them. Phil has gone down a peg or two in my book. LOL!!!

  • Love 1

I want Matt and Shari to win. Unfortunately, they are on different teams. Absolutely don't want Dana, Tyler or Korey to win, so I guess I'll accept Cole. I made a Twitter list to follow the contestants at the beginning of the season. I usually only look at it during the episode, but since Tweetdeck is now browser based, that list shows every time I look at my feed. I find Dana, Tyler, and Cole obnoxious.

Tyler pouts if he gets any feedback that isn't 100% supportive, and Cole is constantly tweeting things like, "if you want to be with me, love God first." which I find eyerolling. I'm obviously not their target market, though. 

Ashley posted that there was a marathon going on which had several of the roads blocked and that's why they chose to get out of the taxi. They seemed to think they were closer than they were to the museum.

  • Love 7

That was a weird finish: not just because the judging seemed to be 'meh, go on, have a clue' for the final two teams, but also because of the dependence upon taxi and road-closure luck to avoid elimination after what was otherwise a well-structured leg. (I'd have loved it if TPTB had restricted teams to public transport the entire leg, because those legs are TAR at its best.)

I'm glad that the three remaining teams are so huggy with each other that they presumably won't care which one of them wins the million, and so I don't really care either.

  • Love 6

Was wishing the dancers came in last as I cannot stand Dana (more so than Tyler and Cole who are also annoying). While Sheri continually impresses me, I feel like they are a weak team that doesn't really deserve to be final 3. But I like her a lot and there are moments I like him so I am rooting for them. And who doesn't like an underdog? Don't get the scooter thing with them though. Don't understand why they could fall off and still get their clue...what was the point? They should have just practiced for 10 minutes and then gave it a go...falling off the whole way as it didn't seem to matter. 

Edited by Lamima
  • Love 11
55 minutes ago, Nedsdag said:

Edited 40 minutes ago by Nedsdag. Reason: My dislike of Tyler Oakley

Possibly my favorite edit comment of all time.

I thought this episode was really good, even if I hated the ending.  In general, I think it's been a good season, with mostly likable and competitive teams doing tough tasks in good locations.  I'm sure there have been some flaws along the way, but my gut feeling at the end of most weeks is that this has been better than recent seasons.

But yeah, I'm really, really sick of Tyler.  I still want to like Korey, but why did they have to go all evil just because Burnie told everyone he'd found a clue?  It's not even like Burnie was part of some pact to not say anything.  I loved when Burnie passed Tyler and Dana on his own.  Too bad about the Bald Snark.

I also think Dana is one of the nastiest significant others I've ever seen on this show.  I usually don't mind bickering couples if they're amusing, excellent racers, or have other good qualities.  But this isn't even a bickering couple; it's completely one-sided.  Matt is continuously abused without showing any signs of life.

So I guess I'm rooting for Sheri and Cole?  Sheri is awesome, and Cole has grown on me.  I was really happy for them tonight, even if I'd rather Burnie and Ashley had made it through.

  • Love 16

Yeah, if can just fall off and get back on, anyone could smoke that section and learn on the way. Maybe you had to satisfy a judge or something before starting out.

I'm rooting for Sherry just because she's beat my expectations for how she'd do on the race. And also because watching her chase after her unicycle was pretty great.

I like Tyler & Korey ok. They're good racers, which is the main thing. I don't know why Burnie was all sniffy about Tyler's shadiness. Didn't the teams agree to keep their clues under wraps and try and hide them from the other teams? Whatever.

I'm not a fan of Matt & Dana but I can't blame Tyler for wanting to them to the finals instead of Burnie & Ashley.

  • Love 4
13 minutes ago, Merneith said:

Yeah, if can just fall off and get back on, anyone could smoke that section and learn on the way. Maybe you had to satisfy a judge or something before starting out.

I suppose they had to reach some kind of competency level to be allowed to attempt the course, but when I saw Sherri & Cole doing it, I assumed they were stone-cold dead last with the other teams checked in and were just getting sympathy from the judges (with a nod from TPTB) in order to complete the leg. I can't think of many similar tasks in TARs past where you could muddle through in the same way.

Then again, it felt like Burnie and Ashley got a lenient judge for the picture-hanging, so that might just have been the edit.

  • Love 4

"Four minuets"?  And they don't know what a minaret is? And now Dana being a bitch to somebody not her partner?  Geographical/historical knowledge is useless?  Die in a fire, you witch.

The little kid waving at the camera in the subway car was cute.

Good to see Dana in bitch mode against Matt again.

The title should have been "I have my degree in smidgens."

Sheri is so badass.

Yay, Tyler and Kory!  I hope they win. But, as long as Dana doesn't win ...

  • Love 5
22 minutes ago, Rick Kitchen said:

"Four minuets"?  And they don't know what a minaret is? And now Dana being a bitch to somebody not her partner?  Geographical/historical knowledge is useless?  Die in a fire, you witch.

Yes, I was just coming here to post about this! My jaw dropped when Dana said that Burnie was full of "useless knowledge" for knowing all the landmarks. I was so hoping he and Ashley would pull out third place just for that comment alone. Urgh, Sheri and Cole FTW...l guess. 

  • Love 13

Now I know how Senator Lindsey Graham feels:  I can't root for anyone.

I wish I merely suffered from indifference, but I hate Tyler (for all the very legitimate reasons stated by previous posters), I dislike Matt and Dana (Matt for the hat, Dana for the attitude), and I was fervently hoping Cole would have a chance encounter with a runaway truck while he was on the unicycle.   Worst season of TAR ever.    

Part of me hopes the show gets cancelled, even though I've been watching from Season 1.

1 hour ago, Merneith said:

Yeah, if can just fall off and get back on, anyone could smoke that section and learn on the way. Maybe you had to satisfy a judge or something before starting out.


I was sitting here muttering, "Don't they have to go back to the start now?"   I can't recall any other challenge in which you could screw up along the whole course and just keep going.

  • Love 3

Wow, just when these teams had finally built up some good will and I could say I didn't mind any of them taking it home and that I'd underestimated this season it all got dipped in shit... *eyeroll*

This week Tyler was just heinous and pissy that Bernie didn't play their little game, Dana was the bitch that she is, Tyler's laugh hasn't changed and the only truly rootable team with a chance of winning blew it. WTF?

What a difference a week makes. 50/50 on catching the finale. Maybe it will sit on the DVR until like September when the disappointment has worn off...

  • Love 5

I'm happy with this leg's outcome.  Bernie sure went from a boring forgettable blank slate to a grade A jackass in no time flat.  I have no idea why he took such umbrage at other teams trying to play the game.  At this point there are only four teams left and I don't see why he felt like teams should be obligated to share clue locations or their task status with each other.

I'm glad he's gone and I'm glad it was his overconfidence in their physical abilities that got them eliminated.  

That said, I am really sick of Tyler and I am tired of them winning all of the time.  Cole is less objectionable to me than he used to be, but I'd still rather not see a team that got saved twice by non-elimination win.  And one of those they didn't even have any penalty as it was a TBC followed by an instant bunch.

I want Matt to win.  He seems like a really nice guy and a good person.

  • Love 8

The big concern this season was that the teams would constantly play to the camera.  They all stopped doing this except for Tyler who cannot shut the eff up.  I cannot stand his laugh but mostly I cannot stand how damn precious and special he thinks he is.  He is so damn annoying.  (And yes, I know he is not the worst racer ever, but he is still very annoying).  He gave a freaking play-by-pay during the painting task.  He could have been handing Korey nails or checking the adjustments as they went but he'd rather flap his gums. 

I don't think Burnie was particularly bad in his comments.  I don't think he actually expected the other teams to give him the direction to the last spot at the garden.  He was checking in to see how they were doing.  I did not however suddenly believe that Tyler and Korey just floved Dana and Matt from the first leg.  They were being strategic and trying to push out their strongest competitors, Burnie and Ashley.   Unfortunately, B&A made a bad choice at the road block that led to their ouster.  Perhaps if they had known they could keep falling off the unicycle on their way, they would have completed it.  That was really odd judging. 

No one for the win!

  • Love 5

I am rooting for Sheri and Cole- I was really hoping that the dancers would go home. I liked Bernie and Ashley- even when they had problems in a leg, they worked together to fight their way through. I didn't mind Tyler and Korey until tonight. Tyler has such a cocky arrogant attitude that is really off putting. Dana is just such a jerk to Matt- cannot stand her voice!!!!!! So.... guess I will half ass watch the finale and hope that Tyler and Dana do not win.

  • Love 2

For once the race to the mat wasn't the usual editing fake-out.  I really thought Sheri and Cole were going to finish last and they were doing the usual video trickery to make it look close.  I smiled when they ran up the steps, Sheri's a sweetheart.  I really liked how they stuck with their challenge, and Cole was right, if they switched then it was over.  I do feel bad for Burnie and Ashley.  Tyler and Korey are irksome, and I can't stand Miss Anger Management.  So I will be rooting for Sheri and Cole next week, a mom-son win would be cool.

Edited by Dobian
  • Love 9

It was weird seeing Shenzen. In 1981 I visited Hong Kong, and back then, when travel to mainland China for Americans was still in its infancy (and when Hong Kong was still under the British), they offered a day trip from Hong Kong into what was then called "Shum Chun." It was basically just a little town with dirt roads. You walked over a bridge with Chinese Army guards and were in Shum Chun, where you could walk around and do a little shopping.  It's truly amazing how much it's changed in 35 years.

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, MortysCleaningLady said:

Disappointed.  I thought Burnie and Ashley, calm, cool, and composed, could take it all.  I guess, I'm rooting for Sheri at this point, as long as Cole only gets his share a quarter a week through his allowance.

That was the problem with them this leg, they lost their cool and compose  (actually Burnie did). He let the competition/frustation get the best of him. Like, yes, it sucks for you that the first two teams are doing a task together, but you shouldnt let it get to you that much (specially when you try to join them at one point or after you start the leg talking about play the game as you can). Its seems like he got so much with ´´we need to be number 1`` that he didnt consider until the last minute that he and Ashley were fighting for last.

Too bad still. they would make a way more exciting final leg, that now became really weaker. But who knows, we saw teams fighting to survive most of the race win it all at the end... Liking them or not, Tyler and Kory are the best team this season.. They played it smart very smart (they just got rid of the two most scary competition for them to have at the finale, back to back), dont struggle with tasks (apart from a couple legs in the middle of the season), have good navegation skills and most important: are hungry for the win but without let it lose their minds.

Edited by Guiaoshi
  • Love 5

Seems like Burnie and Ashley got to the area first but couldn't find the pit stop while Cole and Shari heard the drums and went for it.

but who knows if that was the actual sequence.  They might have completed the unicycle thing before Burnie and Ashley finished the paintings.

They also took the subway while the others took taxis yet when they took the taxi to the pit stop, they hit traffic.

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