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S03.E05: Invite-Gate

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Ugh nm

14 minutes ago, DFWGina said:
6 hours ago, Babyfoot said:



14 minutes ago, DFWGina said:

The problem here is that anyone who has even the most minimal knowledge of fashion knows that this D-list, reality "star", isn't going to be able to get her hands on one.

Trying this again. : )

Actually anyone can get a basic Birkin bag from their official site: http://www.hermesbag.us.com/.

Edited by Darva6
6 hours ago, bosawks said:

Can the producers please find more silly, ridiculous things that Craig is better at than Shep?

Pissy, indignant Shep is compulsively watchable.  Dude, relax it's roller skating.

I don't think Shep is actually seething with jealousy over Craig's athletic abilities. If push came to shove, I'm sure he'd rather be his comes-from-wealth, "boarding school sports" self than Varsity Craig, who doesn't have a pot to piss in. He was just being a little catty and at least he acknowledged that Craig is good at it and seriously, roller skating is not something that grown men take very seriously.

I also think that the watching Craig mail his bar exam application was totally producer driven. Shep doesn't care that much.

Looks like Craig is back to his old ways, sort of, next week. He really wants to focus on the bourbon thing JD is doing but refuses to realize he's gonna have to pay a whole lot of dues before he gets to that point. His fiance is very pretty and seems nice and level headed. I love how he credits her with his Euro fashion style, although I bet it's all on him.Some of his choices are a bit flamboyant but still kind of interesting. Getting dirty helping JD build whatever it is he's building is no not his thing.

  • Love 3

Landon is so fucking awful. Every syllable that comes out of her mouth in that grating, up-talking vocal fry is the worst sound I have ever heard. And she giggles like a toddler after everything she says. Actually that's not true. Most toddlers are more self-possessed than Landon. "Um, I placed an order, um, for some disco cupcakes? Hahahaha."  SHUUUT UUUP, Landon.  Not to mention the pure vile bitchiness that she is uttering most of the time. 

It's bad when Craig and Kathryn are the two least shitty people on the show. 

  • Love 14

Craig looks so much better with his casually tousled hair. And he and Naomie seem to have real chemistry. However, if he decides working his way up the corporate ladder is not for him ("I want to run the bourbon business"), Naomie may move on.

I sensed all kinds of behind-the-scenes battle lines being drawn, based on production, not on real life animosities. It seems like they are all turning against Landon, probably because she's trying too hard. Sometimes groups turn on the neediest, weakest member of the group. The roller skating party was clearly a production set-up, yet they're all bitching at Landon about the bus, the lack of booze, and so on. None of that was her fault.

I think Shep is very annoyed at how production is handling the show, and certain people's story arcs. We see his annoyance coming though via his churlish on-camera behavior. No way he cares whether Kathryn attends an event. It was an excuse to be a huffy drama queen and vent his spleen at Landon.

Didn't Cameran informally help Whitney set up this series? She probably views Kathryn as an opportunist of the worst degree -- we all remember Kathryn bulldozing her way into the earliest scenes, unscripted, and taking over the show. Cameran's trying to avoid being used for TV time, and Kathryn's manipulative ploys for sympathy. Plus, one learns the hard way to cut off the nasty emotional vampires.

I'm disappointed in the direction this show is headed. But that's Bravo for you.

  • Love 6

If Landon invited Kathryn to the party why didn't she just say so when Thomas asked her? She didn't give him an answer just responses about how horrible Kathryn was.  She danced around it the day of the party as well until the end when she said she texted Kathryn.  Let's face it.  Landon didn't want her there so I find it hard to take her word that she actually invited her.

Now, it's about Kathryn blocking her on her phone.  If that's true, I wonder why.  I also wonder how Landon found out she was blocked.  Did she know that at the time?  That would be interesting.  Or did she find out later.  Hmm.

Landon basically admitted to not inviting Kathryn when Shep asked about her before the party bus took off, saying something about telling little white lies.  I think she was shocked when Shep was actually pissed and only then changed her answer/excuse to the text blocking one.  While I agree that Kathryn is volatile (and feel that Thomas definitely shares in that) I find Landon to be the most thirsty.  I think she misses that rich husband and is desperately looking for the next. Plus, she vapid and whiny to boot.

I thought Cameran handled Kathryn's call reasonably well.  Yes, she could have met her for coffee, but really, Kathryn really should be first reaching out to those people she did be-friend and has since alienated.

  • Love 4
8 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

If I were Craig's girlfriend, I would be getting annoyed at how often he wants to talk about/defend Kathryn. He needs to STFU and focus on his nice, cute, rich girlfriend before he blows it. 

I agree. When he was running through who Kathryn has hooked up with and how he wanted nothing to do with her romantically after she hooked up with the other men in the group, I found him really annoying. His girlfriend looked uncomfortable as well.

  • Love 7
53 minutes ago, trimthatfat said:

I agree. When he was running through who Kathryn has hooked up with and how he wanted nothing to do with her romantically after she hooked up with the other men in the group, I found him really annoying. His girlfriend looked uncomfortable as well.

Craig talking about picking up "trophies" and hoping to be the first to bed Kathryn -- and then losing all interest when he learned Shep got her first -- was so juvenile, but at least he's a decade younger than Shep, who made the "DTF" remark about his friend Bailey. I've read Shep's apology and while it was still a crude and rude thing to say at least he had the decency to make a public apology. Craig seems to think his "trophy" talk is just natural male behavior, ugh.

  • Love 6

So, some thoughts. Kathryn is into fashion, so she wears a lot of fakes. My fashion forward friends do the same thing. It's not that big of a deal. Most women have fakes. Unless someone is really rich, it's probably fake. When my husband and I were in Italy, he wanted to buy me a Prada bag, and I'm like, "5,000 for something that everyone will assume is fake? Waste of money!"

I'm not into fashion. I like wine though.

Anyhoo, I've seen it before, where girls gang up on someone, and then a guy will sort of see what is happening and befriend her. It happens in "real life" all the time. I see it with Kathryn-- the girls are jealous of her, they guys notice it, the guys are kind of bored with the girls, they want someone new to play with. They take her in. 

If anyone is Peter pan, it's Landon. She just wants to be a little girl.

Otherwise, this episode was a little boring too. But would Kathryn be able skate as pregnant as she was? I doubt it. 

  • Love 6

I think one of the issues with this group is that these people are not all friends. It's so apparent what the friendship connections are in this group. The first season of Shahs was like this, but is less so now. Whitney and Cameran cast this show and you can tell who is actually close to who. It's clear that Whitney reached out to Thomas, JD, Jenna, and Cameran. Cameran reached out to Shep and Craig. Shep reached out to Landon. And Kathryn was a thirsty bar star who muscled her way onto the show. I think one more important things to realize is that Cameran seems to have no hand in casting any of the female cast, which is why much of the female interactions are basically all about the male cast.

  • Love 4

You have to wonder which of the events in the show are real and which ones are set up by the producers/writers.

Before the show, it's not clear how much these people socialized.  I think Whitney pitched it and then they shoehorned in certain cast members to round it out.  Now maybe as a result of the show, some do socialize more, like Cam and Patricia.

I suspect the disco roller rink party was something the producers pushed for.  At the least, they would have to get clearance from the venue to film and it's not an original thing to have people falling on their butts while trying to skate.  Seen it in movies and TV shows all the time.

Looks like the dissing of Kathryn from the group is going to be a season-long thing.  Then it comes to a head at the dinner party where Thomas tells off Landon and Cameran.  Unfortunately, they need to manufacture drama to stay on the air, especially given the network it's on.

Landon could have easily proved her claims, just show her phone with the texts which included Kathryn.  Maybe she did but the edit to have her say "who cares, who cares" makes her look petty and sets her up as one of Kathryn's antagonist.

Cameran could have had a fake sit-down with Kathryn and they still may do that, if nothing else, to fill in time in the show.  In the context of the show, it might be more interesting if the snub had to do with the difference in status, given that originally the show was about the Charleston elite.

In reality, it's just a better-dressed, older version of New Jersey Shore.  All reality show producers would love to have the ratings of NJ Shore, become the cultural phenomenon it was during the time.  So having these trashy confrontations is the way to go.  

The saving grace is that Southern Charm just has some unkind words, whereas on other shows, they'd just get the cast drunk at a club and get into fights.

  • Love 1


I thought Shep's response regarding Kathryn was interesting ... and Landon pretty much admits the party was a failure. I literally LOL'd when reading that Shep said the only reason she wanted it as a skating ring was because of those vintage skates she wanted to wear!

  • Love 3

Gee, Landon is single because she is self-absorbed. Pretty much. She wants a husband that will be her daddy, and she was upset when she got married and no one was around and she didn't know what to do. 

Landon, bless her heart, is counting on her looks to get her through life. But she also wants to be happy. Good luck, because you have emotion issues, and you aren't that great looking. 

  • Love 5

And she giggles like a toddler after everything she says. Actually that's not true. Most toddlers are more self-possessed than Landon. 

YES! I came here to say basically the same thing - that she has the affect of an actual toddler. She gets this shine in her eye that is uncomfortably similar to my niece when confronted with shiny objects. I'm sure she thinks it makes her look cute and quirky and fancy free, but it actually makes her look...simple.

  • Love 7
9 hours ago, biakbiak said:

The key phrase is feel angry at Thomas, she blew up at Whitney and blamed him. He didn't kidnap Thomas and take him to a strip club and Whitney wasn't her friend. She was more angry at Whitney than she was at Thomas and she is fine with Jennifer who lied to her face and slept with Thomas when she pregnant with Kensie.

And I think that is a really interesting point that I haven't thought of. I truly wonder why she is still friends with Jennifer after she found out that she slept with Thomas. Kathryn was angry at her in the season 2 finale because she said she was always around. I wonder what changed? 

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, snarts said:

Landon basically admitted to not inviting Kathryn when Shep asked about her before the party bus took off, saying something about telling little white lies.  I think she was shocked when Shep was actually pissed and only then changed her answer/excuse to the text blocking one.  While I agree that Kathryn is volatile (and feel that Thomas definitely shares in that) I find Landon to be the most thirsty.  I think she misses that rich husband and is desperately looking for the next. Plus, she vapid and whiny to boot.

I thought Cameran handled Kathryn's call reasonably well.  Yes, she could have met her for coffee, but really, Kathryn really should be first reaching out to those people she did be-friend and has since alienated.

Yeah, I caught that too about little white lies.  The only reason why I didn't mentioned it was because it was in a TH and sometimes a response shown in a TH has nothing to do with the question that was actually asked.  With that said, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Landon didn't ask Kathryn to the party. Landon has a little too much vitriol for Kathryn and definitely has a interest in being one of these guy's love interest.  She's certainly not capable of accomplishing something on her own professionally.

  • Love 2

Well I do declare a lot of cast members showed their true colors on this ep.

First of all: Hey Drunkie O, I've partied with dock workers (long story) and you don't know what you're missing! They're good people and I'd take them over your unshaven Little Lord Fauntleroy any day. Thanks for showing your disdain, it spoke volumes. Now have a seat on your wrinkly sofa.

Cooper fancies himself a top fashion expert and has hissy fits on Twitter when someone fails to acknowledge him as such, but can't spot a fake Birkin? LOLOLOL.

And then Whitney had to paw the Playboy magazines and giggle at the pictures like a ten year old. *barf*

So women are "trophies", eh Craig? And his dumb girlfriend just nodded quietly instead of tossing him out.

Of course Landon had her roller skates custom-fitted. There will probably be a three page article about it in her new lifestyle magazine. Three pages of 50 point Comic Sans and some crayon scribbles.

Kathryn's little martyr routine is so transparent. She could really use a friend? Oh bullshit, she was never part of this social circle (aside from sleeping with three of them, but only the rich ones). She just wants camera time so she can go into histrionics like she did at the Wounded Warriors benefit, the polo game, the Jekyll Island resort, Thomas's election defeat, and a few other occasions I'm surely forgetting. Tonight was the best of both worlds - she gets a storyline ("I didn't get an inviiiiiiiite and I'm pregnaaaaant!") while the rest of the cast didn't have to put up with her throwing chicken fingers all over the rink, threatening to light Landon's skates on fire and tearing Shep's photos off the wall before being hauled off in an ambulance for another pregnancy drama. Borderline Personality Disorder, anyone?

On the bright side, Craig is the only person who would smugly declare roller disco a "real" sport. That's what this show needs more of. And the Jimmy Buffet party bus cracked me up, as did Cameran's macrame head scarf.

14 hours ago, TheFinalRose said:

Wow, according to that article above, Kathryn freaked out at Shep over the toppings on a frozen pizza, and even Shep has decided she is too volatile for him. That might be the strangest reason for a freak out ever.  

How much you want to bet the topping was pineapple? :)

  • Love 15

Is anyone else suddenly having trouble finding the sign in screen on this site?

I always wonder at the thought process of someone on a reality show who decides to lie, on camera, and then even talk about the fact that they lied in their talking head. They know there are cameras there, right? And microphones? And that all the people they lied to will, eventually, see those lies in their full context? To me, an off-camera individual, the scariest part of lying is the chance you might get caught. For the on-camera individual, there is no chance of getting caught -- your exposure is built in to the forum in which you've chosen to broadcast your lie. So... what's up with that?

I think when Kathryn and Thomas start looking like the reasonable, mature adults in any situation, you might want to start looking into that whole end-of-days thing.

  • Love 6
23 minutes ago, pbutler111 said:

I always wonder at the thought process of someone on a reality show who decides to lie, on camera, and then even talk about the fact that they lied in their talking head. They know there are cameras there, right? And microphones? And that all the people they lied to will, eventually, see those lies in their full context? To me, an off-camera individual, the scariest part of lying is the chance you might get caught. For the on-camera individual, there is no chance of getting caught -- your exposure is built in to the forum in which you've chosen to broadcast your lie. So... what's up with that?

I never get that either. Maybe she thought everyone would buy the "Oh but I texted her, she just had me blocked!" thing. My favorite is when people (the women on The Bachelor love this move) say something with a camera literally 3 feet from their face, and then lie about having said that thing. Um. 

  • Love 2

Whitney was pawing through an old issue (1980s?) of Penthouse, even less tasteful than Playboy. He is trying so hard to make us accept his claims to heterosexuality. 

Craig made sure to qualify his talk of collecting "trophies" with a "used to" thrown Naomi's way. Hmph! She seems like a good influence on him so I'm still hoping their relationship will work. Loved the face she made when he asked her about the tight purple pants! Now she just needs to break him of his hair-product addiction, which must be triggered every time he sees Shep's toussled bedhead. 

  • Love 4
19 hours ago, Darva6 said:

Ugh nm

Trying this again. : )

Actually anyone can get a basic Birkin bag from their official site: http://www.hermesbag.us.com/.

Anyone can get a FAKE basic Birkin from that site.  Getting a Birkin from an Hermes boutique is another story.  

And no one in the social circles she aspires to belong to would carry a fake handbag of any sort. 

  • Love 6

Did anyone catch Whitney asking his "girlfriend" of she was actually going come to Charleston this time. I still don't believe these two are dating, but I find it curious that a German reality TV star wouldn't want appear on American TV. She even has a reality show in Germany about trying to break into Hollywood. You would think she wouldn't be so reluctant to be on the show. Unless her last appearance on the show hurt her with casting directors because she couldn't convincingly play someone who is attracted to Whitney

  • Love 4
23 hours ago, TheFinalRose said:

What is DTF?


Wow, according to that article above, Kathryn freaked out at Shep over the toppings on a frozen pizza, and even Shep has decided she is too volatile for him. That might be the strangest reason for a freak out ever.  

An amoeba fart could set Kathryn off. What is needed is a warning signal from her before she goes off, maybe an eye that goes swimmy. Don't blame Cameron one little bit for keeping Crazy out of her life.

  • Love 5

OK.  I wasn't really surprised by Craig's statements about trophies nor by Kathryn's sleeping around.  I don't agree with it but it is what a lot of twenty somethings do and say.  Heck, it's what a lot of older singles do (watch RHNY).

Whit is the person who developed the show.  The reality is that he's a really boring person and people are seeing through him.  He's been very low key this season.  Of course, he's promoting mama but the bloom is off the rose with Patricia.  But heck, the bloom is off the rose with Cam and Shep as well.  I really like that Craig is redeeming himself.  Thank you Naomi. 

And Thomas.  The bloom has been off the rose since almost the beginning.

Kathryn is a naive person in her twenties. 

Landon is 33....and kind of desperate.  Apparently she has no skills and is going nowhere. 

Shep... it's time to grow up.  I admit I liked Shep the first two seasons but you're getting 'sad'.  I do give you credit for wanting to include Kathryn.

  • Love 5

Shep's comment about Kathryn - start at 4:20; it's not PC to mention Kathryn's behavior of sleeping with 3 male (and rich) cast members of the same show, but you can contrast that to how they speak about Cameran. Add the fact that Kathryn spent an entire season alienating the cast, and then ignoring them when the cameras were off and suddenly wants to be back in, once filming started. Maybe some of the cast decided they don't want to participate in her manipulations. Unfortunately for them, reality TV and social media loves an underdog, so Kathryn is now getting the sympathetic edit and support.

Edited by medra
  • Love 2
On 5/3/2016 at 9:14 AM, Duke2801 said:

I actually thought that skating party looked super fun. But, ya know, I'm an 80s girl who grew up going to the skating rink on weekends!  But I agree that it would have been MUCH more fun with booze.

I'm in my early 30's and I would TOTALLY be up for a skating party!!!  But you have to know your audience for sure.  If someone can't skate... you don't throw a skating party for them.  That's just a disaster waiting to happen.  

A couple years ago I wanted to go ice skating for my birthday.  The night of I learned that one of my best friends can't do it and doesn't really like to but she was going to try for me.  I felt bad but happy she gave it a shot and it was fun.  But now I know that I should never plan a skating or ice skating party for her lol 

And I think that added to Shep's frustration about the Kathryn situation.  He was already irritated about his lame party with no booze and then Landon lies to him about inviting his guests. 


On 5/4/2016 at 9:44 PM, Major Bigtime said:

Remember, when you buy a fake handbag or clothing, you're supporting the sweatshops where people are barely paid enough to stay alive. Kathryn either doesn't know this or doesn't care, as long as she looks cool.


4 hours ago, Grey Goose said:

It's a fake. Probably cost under $100. (She said it was a knock off - way to go promoting sweat shops, K!)

Probably more than that.  Designer fakes can still be in the $300-$500 range. 

And if we're shunning fake high-end designer handbags then you might as well shun anymore that buys an inexpensive bag from Target, Walmart, etc...

so only those worthy of spending thousands of dollars on a handbag are doing the ethical thing?  Doubtful.  The markup on designer bags is ridiculous. 

  • Love 2
23 hours ago, RedHawk said:

Craig made sure to qualify his talk of collecting "trophies" with a "used to" thrown Naomi's way.

Oh! That's a bit better. I guess.

16 hours ago, Giselle said:

An amoeba fart could set Kathryn off. What is needed is a warning signal from her before she goes off, maybe an eye that goes swimmy.

LOL. Or she could flap her ears, elephant style.

Where Landon really lost me was her awful comment about Bailey's present to Shep. Shitty? Really? The blue horse reminded me of George Rodrigue (who painted blue dogs) and I thought her present was a cute idea. It wasn't meant to hang in a gallery, it was supposed to mean something between her and Shep, who seemed to really like it.

More polo ponies, please.

  • Love 2

I loved Shep's comment before the party that he didn't hold grudges because he's not Cameran or Whitney. Then said "I'm a man" and snickered. Ha..take that Whitney!

Was Craig wearing Naomi's purple jeans? It was either those or the pink ones he said.  They looked like girl jeans. 

I agree with those who think that stupid skating party was producer driven although Landon sure did have a good time. Doing a split and skating like she was in an Olympics freestyle. Such a look of childish glee , practicing all day, and getting all giddy over some glittery cupcakes. I think Bravo got them the outfits. They were too "on theme"  to have come from that thrift shop. Shep's came out of a clear bag that was on his bed with the necklace and everything. All came from a costume shop I'll bet. Except maybe Landon's custom made disco roller queen suit and skates and Craig's girl pants. 

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