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S04.E10: The Last Ship

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I'm not looking forward to Ragnar getting defeated again, if that's what happens.  


Just in case, I'm preparing myself to "let go" of Ragnar.  If he does wind up in a snake pit, I hope they don't linger on it; I'd like to see a scene of him going to Valhalla.  

Edited by Ohwell
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My money is on Rollo again, as Ragnar is looking pretty ragged. His ship-moving scheme was epic and imaginative, and I hate counting him out, but his jones is wearing him down.

And though I have been hoping for some karmic payback to whack Aslaug and her evil spawn Ivar, I suppose she is still safe enough. Little Snake in the Eye is more a watcher than a doer, and no one is on site to deliver. Unless Floki has a vision.

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Yeah, I think we're seeing the ending of Ragnar and the rise of Rollo.  Travis has been awesome as Ragnar and I hope I get to see him on screen in a lot more roles soon.  Hopefully Ragnar will make it back to Kattegat, but I'm sure he'd rather die in battle and have a chance to enter Valhalla.  As long as Bjorn and Lagertha are by his side when he dies, I'll be happy.

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Sucks this is the mid-season finale already.  Seems like we just got started.  Netflix has proved what we all have known forever.  We want the shows right away; not months and months of gaps in between two half seasons with the latter half already in the can.  Is there an official announcement yet when the second half starts?

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F*ck you, Rollo and your fancy armor and your upholstered captain's chair!

Yeah, I think we're seeing the ending of Ragnar and the rise of Rollo.

I wouldn't watch a show about Rollo and Princess Bitchface.

Edited by LittleIggy
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Well, we know how Morgane got the job. Last name.  I may have gotten a little something in my eye during the scene with Floki, Helga, and Bjorn.  I feel sure I know which son is chomping at the bit to take Ragnar up on his offer...just for sport.  Not the ending I expected, but still well done.

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The first half hour was seriously brutal with the fight scene and what do you know, King Charles actually does have a backbone and had the brother and sister team strangled right on his dinner table.

How much of a time jump was that? I'm guessing seven years give or take. I knew Ragnar wouldn't be dead or gone forever. He's too compelling of a character. I was hoping they would have showed Lagertha and if the one brother (Halfdan?) survived the battle.

When does this show resume? I hope we don't have to wait a whole year.

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Ok I'm just going to say it, I think Ivar is the scariest Viking I've seen on this show.   Or he's at least tied with the two brothers that tried to help Ragnar's forces take Paris.  He came off so reptilian.   I felt like Bjorn was sitting with a nest of snakes.   But each seemed to have a Ragnar way about them.   So I guess going forward we are going to see the Viking set versus King Echbert's Grandson, Alfred and Magnus?


 I wish we could have seen how Bjorn reacted to the demise of his daughter.


Aslaug disgust me.  


Not the show's best season ender but I'm super intrigued about how things will go for Part 2 of Season 4.

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Gisla's scenes really threw me out of the show, I wasn't feeling her at all.  I laughed at the goofy look on her face with blood smeared around her mouth.


I'm glad Charles only used and disposed of the scheming siblings.  I was really surprised that the French woman called him stupid.  They weren't very subtle at the end.


The time jump was strange!  How old are the boys now?  Every time Ragnar sees his sons after a long absence, he always has to crack on them!  It was surprising to see Ivar crawl on the ground though.


When is the show coming back?

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As always the fight scene was amazingly well done on a budget. It sort of drove me crazy that Aslaug and Helga don't look a day older, but good job make up with Floki and Ragnar (I remain impressed that they can so well hide Fimmel's physical perfection.) Still liking how Bjorn is being played. I don't think I understand the comment about Gisela's accent being "bad" mentioned upthread when she is actually French by birth--I don't mind her. It is interesting how civilized Rollo looks now especially when compared to how beaten down by life Ragnar looks. I wish in a way that they had ended with Ragnar missing and saved it for next season. The show is really reluctant to kill off popular characters, but surely one of the prominent Vikings would have died in such a heated battle.

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The battle scene was intense and imaginative...but the Franks, even with Rollo driving them on, seemed to be cut down pretty easily in hand to hand fighting with the Vikings. That said, Bad Haircut looked like he was done, and Lagertha was in bad shape...though it is not clear who is alive at this point. And I echo the poster who wanted to know how Bjorn reacted to the death of his Siggy.


Ivar is creepy...and he does not even look like Ragnar. The others do, though I could not tell which was Snake in the Eye. Floki looked so much older, but Helga seemed untouched by time. I was hoping for more...it's a very long wait for the second half of the year.

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Okay, Ivar creeps me right the heck out. Aslaug is nasty -- but the actor who plays her is quite skillful. That was a truly epic battle scene. I want to know what happened to Lagertha, show! Unfair practices! On the whole, I liked this episode. Some nice moments and some brutal ones. Good stuff. Can it be the second half of the season, like, right now? No? Oh well. *sits and grumbles about scheduling*

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The Ep was realistic--both to previous plot/character development and close enough to reality.  After all, we knew Frankia wasn't conquered by the Vikings, Bjorn has some serious history to make, and Ragnar's story isn't quite over.

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Where is Torvi? Was she in the episode at all? It would have been nice to see some Torvi/Bjorn little ones running around after the time jump. And add me to the list of people who wished we saw Bjorn's reaction to Siggy's death. Girl children do not fare well on this show, do they? Thyri, Gyda, Angrboda, Siggy.

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Not getting Bjorn reacting to his daughter's death is disapointing (among other flaws this episode), but all in all, it was a very solide mid-finale.


No closure on Lagertha... I really thought it would be her final episode, so I wouldnt be surprised if she dies early when the show returns.


So, Finehair's brother is dead right ? 


And they could have given Ivar a club so he could at least try to walk, or would that be too demanding for his condition ?


I'm kinda disapointed by the actor chosen for adult Sigurd. I think the kid actor had something very enigmatic and eerie to him while the adult just looks like Erlendur's second coming... but we'll see what the actor is worth.


I did get a good vibe from all the other actors chosen for the aged versions of the kid, though. Even Hvitserk who was, let's face it, the least developed of them all so far, so no idea what direction his character will go.


And damn looking forward to Bjorn and co adventures in the Mediterannean sea... even though; we may get 5 episodes of Wessex before sailing there... 

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wow.....one of the best eps ever in the series imho....


Cool to see Bjorn achieve his destiny.


And Rollo win..lol. The fight between him and Ragnar was a bit weak though, they kept just punching each other, but I suspect Rollo would have won. I'm not sure about the Caesar thing, unless this is some title the Francian king gives people. Charles killing Roland and his sis was cool, and not expected. 


Is Lagertha dead? seems like it. :( I thought Floki was dead too, but then he only got wounded.


And Ragnar left just like that? And the time jump, sicne end of season three it must be about 18 years. Bjorn must be almost 30 now, Ragnar probably 50, with Ubba, Hvitserk, Sigurd and Ivar looking about 20 at the youngest. 


Was cool to see how big Kattegat had grown. Was just a little village in seasons 1-3, now a big town when Ragnar returned.


"who...WANTS TO BE KING!!?" lol.  


Ivar seems a sociopath. He "admires and not loves" his father? Maybe he's a monster in more ways than one. 


The Wessex secret is out, 

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The first half of the episode was amazing, but the time jump threw me for a loop. Magnus looked to be around three or four prior to Kwenthrith's death, so I'm guessing and eight or nine year jump. They really have to start aging the women though.

I'm disappointed that Ragnar abandoned his family. Given how much crap he gave Bjorn over his treatment of Siggy, it's kind of hypocritical.

I guess the cliffhanger is not knowing what happened to Lagaertha, although I don't think she's dead.

Ragnar's "you look like a bitch" to Rollo is officially my favorite Vikings line ever.

Edited by BitterApple
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The battle scene was intense and imaginative...but the Franks, even with Rollo driving them on, seemed to be cut down pretty easily in hand to hand fighting with the Vikings. That said, Bad Haircut looked like he was done, and Lagertha was in bad shape...though it is not clear who is alive at this point. And I echo the poster who wanted to know how Bjorn reacted to the death of his Siggy.


Ivar is creepy...and he does not even look like Ragnar. The others do, though I could not tell which was Snake in the Eye. Floki looked so much older, but Helga seemed untouched by time. I was hoping for more...it's a very long wait for the second half of the year.


Snake is the super duper light, platinum blonde-haired one.  The kind of Erlunder-looking one in other words.


Is Lagertha dead? seems like it. :( I thought Floki was dead too, but then he only got wounded.


Was cool to see how big Kattegat had grown. Was just a little village in seasons 1-3, now a big town when Ragnar returned.


"who...WANTS TO BE KING!!?" lol.  


Ivar seems a sociopath. He "admires and not loves" his father? Maybe he's a monster in more ways than one. 


The Wessex secret is out, 


No Lagertha is not dead.  She was lying wounded in the same retreating boat that Ragnar and Bjorn were in.  And when Lagertha's time comes it will be a big deal on the show.  Lagertha is after all the lead female character and she isn't going to expire off stage as some after thought.


It was kind of sad to see Kattegat so big.  And the main hall?  Yikes looks like Aslaug brought in some Frankian interior decorator what with the fancy table that could only seat a few privileged guests and Viking version of a rough candelabra replacing the rough hewed tables where all the people could gather as equals or near equals back in the day.


And yes the Wessex settlement secret finally comes out just when it was needed dramatically.  Interesting to find out Floki did know about it all along though.  There was no indication back when the last survivor arrived and Floki showed him in.  Just that the guy had important news for Ragnar.  That Floki didn't leverage that secret when he was first chained up at the beginning of this season speaks to his integrity in that regard.


Kind of cooly different that instead of the usual style cliffhanger we got a kind of "mystery' cliffhanger.  A run-up Viking version of Where's Waldo followed by Waldo's arrival but no explanation as to what he was up to all these years.  And what Lagertha has been doing for that matter.


Oh how Ivar wants to be king.  He was practically salivating when Ragnar was going on about that.  If he had a healthy body he so would have plunged after that sword immediately.  Well maybe not.  He seems pretty calculating too.  Wait when the odds are better for him.


But the best scene to me was the most moving one with Bjorn, Floki and Helga by ye olde boathouse shed.  It was like a flashback to the springtime of great promise at the beginning of Season 1 with Ragnar in the place of Bjorn.  Even quoting him about not knowing if the inland sea exists just like if England even exists.  We won't know until we sail there.  And Bjorn is pretty much Ragnar's exact age as then too.  Full circle complete with a likable Floki again.  (Hey Floki I'm still pissed you killed Athelstan but yeah you are so an interesting character I'm glad you are still around).

Edited by green
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I was confused to see wounded Ragnar in the same retreating ship with Bjorn and Lagertha.  Hadn't the Franks captured him?  Wasn't he aboard the Parisian ship even as Bjorn and Lagertha were pulling away.   Did I miss something?  Did Rollo just give Ragnar back to them?


I hate the Parisian cast.   They come off effete, phony and weak.   It repulses me to see Rollo basking in their adoration.


I hate to say it, but Ragnar deserved to not only lose that battle, but to be killed.   I have zero tolerance for addicts (well, except for Vikings addicts), especially those who endanger others.    I can see Bjorn following his deranged father into battle out of loyalty, but Lagertha addressed Ragnar as though nothing was out of the ordinary while he's tweaking before her very eyes.   Surely she would have been leary of proceeding or at the very least would have said something to him.


A great battle scene.  I liked the cutaways to the seer in agony.


The time jump is unwelcome.   I feel like we've been handed half a new cast.   What's that bluish effect they're doing with Ivar's eyes?   The other sons look untrustworthy as hell.   They have a bit of the rat about them.  Or perhaps the weasel.   It was very apparent when they were in Bjorn's presence.   It must be the Aslaug in them.   Speaking of Aslaug, it's amazing she can become a bitter old drunk yet not age or lose her figure.    I'll have a glass of whatever she's drinking.


The Erlander lookalike is distracting.


Why does the returned Ragnar still seem to be on narcotics?   I was hoping his years on walkabout would restore some of his shrewd, contemplative demeanor.   But he's still raging.  

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Was cool to see how big Kattegat had grown. Was just a little village in seasons 1-3, now a big town when Ragnar returned.



If you looked real close at the upper extreme right of the frame, you could see in the distance a four-lane road with a Home Depot, Best Buy, Walmart, KFC, etc.

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I don't it's been said before, but man, shit got crazy tonight, and I'm legitimately curious to see where this all going.


First thing is that surprise of the evening goes to Emperor Charles of all people.  Totally didn't predict he knew Roland and Therese game, and would have them both taken out at the dinner table.  Ecbert?  Yeah, I could see him pulling that shit off.  But Charles?  Nope, I didn't not see that coming.  Well played, Charles.


The big battle ended up being as intense as I expected, even if I kind of knew where it was heading.  As powerful as the Vikings are, it just feels like the Franks have the home-field advantage, and in particular, Rollo just seems to be several steps ahead of Ragnar, and it cost them.  But it was still pretty badass.  Glad everyone had their moments, but no surprise, Ragnar vs. Rollo was where it was at.  I really loved when they both just lost their weapons, and they began wailing on each other.  It wasn't pretty, but I could almost feel all those punches.  But, alas, sorry Ragnar, have to give it to Rollo on this one.  Again.


Then that time jump happened, and it's gotten even crazier.  Aslaug seems to be in charge (oh, boy.  I feel like I might find out what would happen if Cersei ever became the queen of Westeros), Bjorn seems to be the level-headed one, all the kids have grown-up (and yes, one of them looked so much like Erelunder, I kept trying to see if it was the same actor), and we don't even get Lagertha's fate, after she was wounded.  I'm guessing she's still alive, but that's mean, Michael Hirst!  And now Ragnar is back, and has unhinged as ever.  Once again, Travis Fimmel is captivating on screen.


I actually really enjoyed the boat scene with Bjorn, Floki, and Helga, and that might have even been the most likable Floki has been.


Don't mind not having any Wessex stuff; judging from the dialogue, it certainly sounds like Ecbert has been busy off-screen, so I'm sure he will be back.


Older Ivar is already unnerving me. 


Good mid-season finale.  I wonder how long the wait will be.  Have a feeling this seasons has a few more surprises.  And probably more bodies will drop.

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Since this is the last thread most of us will be looking at before the second half of Vikings returns and since I'm not completely sure what episodes the two scenes below are from and since this isn't exactly a long thread hopefully the mods will squint a bit and let this stay here.


Thought I'd share the two so-called "bonus scenes" from Vikings they had on the show Alone that aired right before the finale for those who didn't see them.


They aren't really bonus scenes.  Just scenes cut from the American episodes because we have more commercials here than in various European broadcasts of the show so they snip just a little out of each episode which I hate.  The two very brief scenes shown here tend to flesh out and add some depth and relationship to the characters so I guess that was why they were deemed expendable.  But those are the type of scenes I really like.


First scene.  Either from the first or possibly second episode of this season I guess.  Kattegat outside near the dock.  In the background is Erlunder and Torvi.  Kalf stands slightly closer.  But the scene is all about Lagertha and Bjorn; the others are just onlookers not really paying attention too much.


Bjorn asks if they really have to go so soon and Lagertha says she has to get back to her earldom.  She moves closer to Bjorn and tells him pretty much away from the others how proud she was of him how he acted (that day?).  She is obviously referencing his speech on the rock about Ragnar being the king and outing Floki.  Very sweet, proud Mom moment.  She adds in a worried, lower voice that only Bjorn alone can hear that if anything happens regards Ragnar (as in he doesn't survive his wounds) to promise to send her word immediately.  It is clear she still cares for Ragnar.  Bjorn gives his word.


Second scene:  Wessex.  Scene takes place timewise after Judith gets the down low from the Frankish monk about the first Paris attack and after Kwendrith has been rescued.  The two young women are bonding in the all together over cups of wine in Ecbert's bathhouse.  (How I missed that bathhouse, was glad they hadn't forgotten it this season ... except for us Americans ... grrrr).  I have no idea what episode it is from.


Judith gleefully tells Crazy all about Ragnar's exploits in capturing Paris with the fake death and leaping out of the coffin bit.  She adds that she doesn't believe he died afterwards like the monk believed.  Kwendrith is absolutely delighted by the tale and says with total conviction that she "knows" Ragnar is still alive.


This scene of them bonding really adds to the reason why Crazy went to Judith for help when she wanted to escape later which seemed a little out of the blue to us viewers here without the bonding scene earlier showing them as friends.

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Whew, what an episode!


For a few seconds there I was truly terrified for Lagertha. Lexa, Lincoln, Laurel - it has NOT been a good year for characters starting with the letter L. 


Two great Rollo moments: first his somewhat hesitant "God be with us", and then his weeping when the Vikings boats retreated. He's said goodbye for the last time, it would seem.


It now becomes clear why so many supporting characters were being killed off left, right and centre: a time skip was on its way, so Hirst no doubt wanted to cut loose a few of the extraneous elements before moving forward. That said, hindsight renders the likes of Yidu and the Incest Siblings (or whatever the heck they were) rather pointless. 


The Oracle screaming during the battle was a nice touch, although it suggested a major death that didn't actually happen. Unless we're just meant to be really upset about the Rollo/Ragnar schism. 


No reaction on Bjorn losing his only daughter? (Or Ragnar/Lagetha losing their only grandchild?) Boo. I stopped caring about Wessex ages ago, so of course everyone talks about THAT instead of Siggy.


Great casting on Ragnar's four sons, especially (as has already been said) Ivar. That kid is going to cause SO MUCH SHIT before this season is over. 


I know everyone hates Aslaug, but she seems to have not only ruled Kattegut effectively but expanded it as well (with help from Bjorn, presumably).


I know everyone hates Gisla too, but I was quite moved by her prayer, and that she kissed Rollo without caring about all the blood she would get on her face. And here was another interesting bit of spiritualism when she saw the Madonna statue crying. I like it when Hirst slips these things in. 


Do you think we'll ever see Porunn (Bjorn's first wife) again? Yeah, everyone hated her as well (fandom seems to hate every female character on this show sans Lagertha and Helga) but I've often wondered where she went.


Nice setup for the next round of Bjorn/Floki/Helga adventures: something tells me they'll have little to do with the Ragnar/sons drama in the second half of this season. 

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I found the time jump rather jolting but was happy that I hung in for the previews of the returning half which will air in the fall. My girl lives!

I was hoping for an emotional scene over the loss of little Siggy but as in life,she was unimportant it seems.

Thank you green for the details of the scenes that North Americans don't get to see on mainstream TV. It's the subtleties that often contain some of the most important info.

I commented on Gisela's accent because I find it way too affected as if she's trying too hard which IMO,makes her more of a caricature. MMV of course.

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Nice setup for the next round of Bjorn/Floki/Helga adventures: something tells me they'll have little to do with the Ragnar/sons drama in the second half of this season.


Isn't Ivar Flok's little Frankenstein? 


Ragnar's kids are so outwardly threatening, I hope Athelred, Aflred and Magnus appear less threatening, while being a triumvante of calculation and ruthlessness themselves.  Ragnar can't attack Wessex or Echbert specifically, because they have his son but if Ragnar's not around, that reptile collection known as his son's will know doubt got at england with a vengeance, especially fame-hungry Ivar.


I am so looking forward to the upcoming warring factions.

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I agree with the poster above, all of Ragnar's sons with Aslaug have a ratty look to them...strikingly different from Bjorn, his son with Lagertha.

And Ivar does not even remotely look like Ragnar, or Aslaug for that matter...the kid who played him had a narrow face and a focused look, the adult has dark hair, broad features and the blank affect of a sociopath.

it's not too late Ragnar...maybe you could drag Ivar off and leave him somewhere to die. Do the world a favor.

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What a great hour of television.


The battle scene was amazing and I appreciated that the show spent a half-hour on it.  No show does a better battle scene on television than Vikings.  No one.  The Rollo/Ragnar battle lived up to expectations although I was expecting one of them to die.


Rollo might be a traitorous bastard but his epic, Rocky-like celebration at the end was awesome.  Clive Standen turned in a really strong performance last night.  While he's now moved on to Taken, I'm glad to hear from Hirst that this isn't the last we've seen of Rollo.


I'm impressed with Charles...he established himself as a badass in an impressive way by taking out the Incest Twins.


I wasn't expecting the time jump but I should have.  This is Vikings after all.  How many years have passed now since the first episode?  I can't stand Asslog and hate that she's in charge.  I wish someone would have killed her already.  I will say that Kattegut is looking great though.  Almost like an actual small city.


I would have liked to have seen Bjorn's reaction to Siggy's death but let's ben honest...he seemed to lose interest in her after his wife died.  That poor kid never had a chance.


I was immediately impressed with the introduction of Ragnar's grown sons and think they will contribute greatly to the show.  Ivar is a creepy bastard and the kind you would expect to slither into your room and stab you in your sleep.  But the guy playing him is terrific and I agree he'll make the biggest impact on the show in terms of character and performance.


Loved the Bjorn/Floki/Helga scene and the return of the old, likeable Floki.  At least until Floki starts annoying people next season.  I can't wait to see the new adventures in the Mediterranean Sea.


I'm glad the show still isn't done with Ragnar yet and that he'll be back.  I still want to see him confront Ecbert one more time.  His speech at the end was excellent and Fimmel as always nailed it.  As one reviewer noted, the strength of the character has always been his non-verbal reactions but the speech was perfect.  I laughed at his "Hello, Ivar.  There's no mistaking you" line.  Ivar's reaction was interesting.


I can't wait for the second half of the season.  It can't get here fast enough.

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Some high points were when Ragnar told Rollo he looked like a bitch- I laughed out loud! Cool battle scenes, even with Rollo vs Ragnar, until it turned into a bad version of Rocky! Ragnar's remarks upon seeing Ivor were great as well, and that kid was salivating when Ragnar asked who wanted to be King! Bjorn is such a loyal, caring son! Bet he knew where Ragnar was all along.

They dropped the ball when they dropped little Siggy's death from the storyline. Too much filler in the episode- we get it- they all know about the massacre and that Ragnar found out....

Also- what of the King of Norway and his brother, and of Lagartha?!

It is weird that if Ragnar was absent that a new Earl would not be established- would they not have assumed Ragnar was dead? Was Aslaug the "acting Earl", or still acting as the wife of the King who's on vacation?!

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I feel sure I know which son is chomping at the bit to take Ragnar up on his offer...just for sport.  Not the ending I expected, but still well done.


While he was looking people in the eye, I just kept thinking "keep an eye on your knees," cause Lil Boneless is looking more than a little psycho.


I also loved Ragnar's reaction to Rollo's Duke Facnypants makeover. "You look like a bitch" is my new favorite greeting.


On a random note, I find the makeup for Rollo and Ragnar really well done. Two very handsome guys, and especially for Ragnar, not only adding battle scars but a convincing "hard living" look as well must be challenging. I do wonder if Fimmel actually grew his beard out for the time jump or if he had help from beard extensions.

Edited by AbFabGab
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It was a nice touch, in the photo PreviouslyTV chose to use for the top of the review page, that you can tell the difference between the kind of life Ragnar is leading and Rollo's new life inside a castle based on makeup alone.  Look at the swarthiness of Ragnar versus Rollo's paler makeup.  That's not "age"-- that's a nod to the different lifestyles they both lead now.

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I cracked up when Ragnar told Rollo he looked like a bitch.  That's brothers for ya!  I thought the fight between them was realistic in that, while they wanted to beat the crap out of each other, I don't think they really wanted to kill each other.  So I was fine with the way it ended.


I was disappointed to see that Aslaug was still alive, with her drunk self.


Bjorn is so physically imposing and I'm looking forward to his escapades in the future.

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What happened to Lagertha? that's what I cared about at the end.


Ivan only looks like Ragnar with his eyes. He's got the same intense ice blue eyes. He's the one to watch out for on killing you Ragnar. Although he might be proud if the son who can't walk managed to be the one to kill him. Maybe he'll get the pit of vipers.


Is the Aslaug the Queen, why would any of them listen to her and not try to take her out?

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I know Aslaug gets little love in this thread, but to give credit where credit's due, Kattegat looks to be doing well under her rule (with Bjorn's help, I'd assume).  It's clearly prospered during Ragnar's absence.  And yes, her son's do have a whiff of the rat about their appearances, don't they?  Especially compared to Bjorn, who's built like his uncle Rollo.  I loved the last scene with Floki and Helga as well, looking to the future and the Med.


I was truly surprised with King Charles' move with the incest twins - quite nice!  And nice that Gisela really loves her husband.  Can't wait to see what their kid(s) look like.  And yes, great battle scene.  History Channel really excels with the battle scenes.  Though like the rest of you I want to know what happened to Lagertha and FineHair.  I have to assume Lagertha is still alive, as I refuse to believe that they'd skip over something as important as the death of that importance (unlike poor Siggy, who never even got a reaction from her dad).


And yes, they definitely have to start aging up the women to match the men.  It's disconcerting.

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I know Aslaug gets little love in this thread, but to give credit where credit's due, Kattegat looks to be doing well under her rule (with Bjorn's help, I'd assume).  It's clearly prospered during Ragnar's absence.  And yes, her son's do have a whiff of the rat about their appearances, don't they?  Especially compared to Bjorn, who's built like his uncle Rollo.  I loved the last scene with Floki and Helga as well, looking to the future and the Med.



I have a soft spot for Aslaug because  I follow her on twitter and she actually replied to a tweet of mine once.   So, yeah, I like her lol!

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Hirst has confirmed that Lagertha is still alive.


It is odd that the women seem to grown younger and more beautiful while the men age normally.  The only thing I will say is that it always seems harder to age up a woman than a man.  A man you can give him a beard, shave his head, etc.  I think it's harder to subtly age up a woman a few years.

Edited by benteen
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My favorite scenes were Rollo, barely being able to walk dragging his battered self through the crowds of cheering and grateful people of Paris. And then being praised by his wife and the newly bad-ass Charles for saving the city.  Call it a combination of me always having liked Clive Standen's performance as Rollo and history getting its due - I rooted for Rollo. He looked so happy. 


I also loved the scene with Bjorn, Helga and Floki with the little boats. That was the first time in a long while that I liked Floki.

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Rollo crying as the Vikings pulled out of Paris was such a moving scene. There was such a sense of finality for Rollo, watching his past sail down the river. Even though he was on bad terms with Ragnar it had to suck knowing you were never going to see your family or friends again.

I'm not sure why there's so much renewed interest in the Wessex settlement. Hell, half the people who knew about it are probably dead at this point. I can't imagine the villagers would be so up in arms they'd want to make Ragnar pay for it somehow. Violent death was the cost of doing business back then.

I think I'm in the minority here, but for me, teenage Ivar is a miscast. Between the broad, coarse features and dark brown hair, he's just not believable as Ragnar and Aslaug's son. The other actors fit, although Sigurd's resemblance to Erlander is a bit distracting.

I am surprised that in eight years Bjorn hasn't married and had more kids. Also, who's officially in charge of Kattegat? At what point would they figure Ragnar is dead or not coming back? And what the heck has he been doing all this time?

Edited by BitterApple
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