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  1. IIRC Davos did ask, but there was just a vague response that she didn't make it. Seeing the toy next to tthe pyre was probably his first hint that it wasn't a battle related fatality that did her in.
  2. Yes! The whole time I just kept shouting "bob and weave! bob and weave!" Especially after the first arrow when it was evident Ramsay had some aim. Still, sad to see him go, sad to get confirmation that Shaggy Dog was gone, and for some inexplicable reason, poor CGI Wun Wun got to me almost as much as both of them. That's going to be a big ass pyre they have to make for him, but if there's one body you don't want reanimating, it's his.
  3. While he was looking people in the eye, I just kept thinking "keep an eye on your knees," cause Lil Boneless is looking more than a little psycho. I also loved Ragnar's reaction to Rollo's Duke Facnypants makeover. "You look like a bitch" is my new favorite greeting. On a random note, I find the makeup for Rollo and Ragnar really well done. Two very handsome guys, and especially for Ragnar, not only adding battle scars but a convincing "hard living" look as well must be challenging. I do wonder if Fimmel actually grew his beard out for the time jump or if he had help from beard extensions.
  4. I'm sure we'll get a line or two next episode to let us know. For all of the budget limitations, they could have had this on a naval vessel or some kind of command center base and had a much more compelling story.
  5. This. So much this. For the umpteenth episode, we hear about towns being destroyed and see nothing of it actually happening, of the people making those decisions. Since the military/government is making most of these calls, it would have been better to pick a family where at least one of the people was active duty military/government so that we could see those decisions playing out, instead of getting a line here and there about "yup, LA's gone. San Diego is flambeed too." They could still get a guy/gal trying to save their family and perhaps some random people along the way, but it would make a much more interesting story to have that person aware of certain things that couldn't be shared with everyone and the despair as they realize that this is some apocalyptic event that won't be easy to recover from. If they put Madison in that role it might also account for her one facial expression. It would also show how things are failing at the local level, then the state level, then at the national level. That's a backstory. Whatever the writers think they're doing here is not. How bad was the outbreak when the government decided to set up camps? Where had it spread when the dead started overtaking people beyond the containment zones? What did things look like when they decided to just bomb everything? Where are the people dropping bombs? Are they getting the okay for this from DC or just saying screw it and doing this on their own? So many angles they could've taken, and they give us the Angst Boat with such fun onboard entertainment as "How can someone be fresh out of the shower and still look so dirty?" and "Pity: Party of 1 hosted by cruise director Alicia!" I'm going to try to stick with this for another episode or two, but with GoT coming back next week I can't see many other people doing the same.
  6. I was just thinking, that's the first time his clothes have seen water in a while, so it wasn't all bad.
  7. I don't know about that. Shirtless Rollo might make me overlook some things baked potato Chuck wouldn't.
  8. Welp, ladies and gentleman, that's why you never see the bride in her dress before the ceremony. Also, perhaps a note about death hazards on little Ivar's toy hatchet would have been in order. For the rest, I suppose I'm one of the few who enjoys the political intrigue - is Ecbert truly backing Kwenthrith or does he have something up his sleeve with King Aella? Does Ragnar see what the visiting King is plotting and how Aslaug seems to be assisting? Will Floki get a nose piercing to complete his teenage Goth look? Okay, maybe the last one isn't that interesting, but I have a feeling a lot of the things in tonight's episode will make future ones more intriguing. I enjoy the battles as well, but seeing the political maneuvering that leads up to them makes them a lot less predictable and repetitive.
  9. I can't remember which episode, but it's been established that zombies are attracted to fire, but can survive it. Once they're in water though, they can't swim so if there's enough of it they get stuck there. That was actually one of the smarter things, though they're going to have one nasty mosquito problem once summer rolls around, and their drinking water is going to have a strong roasted walker taste to it for a while.
  10. You know, none of the Alexandrites have been presented as gardeners, but I think they'd make for some grade A zombie mulch. Practically speaking, since the rotten smell keeps the walkers at bay for a while, if they spread the zombie mulch around the walls it would probably give them just enough cover to begin rebuilding the walls.
  11. Wow. The characters who annoyed me most bit it (or, should I say, were bitten), Daryl M'fing Dixon stepping in with perfectly timed grenade launches, adequate amounts of zombie slayage and even Father Pee Pants put on his big boy Depends. This is pretty much the best I think I could have hoped for in a premiere - hell, I'd even be good with it as a season finale before someone annoying steps in to mess it up again.
  12. It seems that Rick seconds that thought. Part of me tunes in just to see how he'll shade Father PP each week. His immediate "no" to PP's offer of help a few weeks ago will forever be my standard though.
  13. And now I'm dead. Gonna have to borrow that description.
  14. AbFabGab

    S06.E02: JSS

    Carol for ZA President, man! Well, maybe Secretary of Defense, but either way get that lady a medal. Kicking ass and not giving a single f*** about names, all in time to make it back to her casserole for dinner. That was a true palate cleanser for the boringness of FTWD
  15. You captured every single moment that made this worth it for me (including zombies washing away the boring of FTWD), but this was my favorite moment by far. The resounding "nope!" to his attempt at getting on the right side of zombie history was satisfying.
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