SheTalksShit April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 you're right, i remember, she has a huge spending problem. i think leah lives in sort of a fantasy world, where practicalities such as cleaning, being on time, budgeting, etc. don't matter. she's incredibly disorganized and you can't talk to her about it because as we've seen on camera, when people do try to talk to her about it, she gets very defensive and makes excuses. so i can see why jeremy gave up after a while. i can't help but wonder if her spending problem would have been curbed if jeremy had been home more, though. i say this as someone who, at times, spends way too much money, too. i don't always do it, but when i do, it's because i'm bored/lonely and using it to fill a void. With Jeremy being gone so much, I think Leah was bored and lonely, too. i think leah's gonna need to find someone who has a lot of time and patience, for her and in general b/c she comes with a lot of baggage and flaws. I guess it has been forgotten Jeremy and Leah were in a financial bind and that was one of the many reasons why Jeremy had to seek work that paid more $$$.Am I the only one who remembers Leah bitching about the need for a ranch home which needed to be supplied with a swimming pool and horses? Where the hell did Leah think the money was going to come from if Jeremy did not pull in a bigger income? How were horses going to be purchased and cared for? Leah's money? LOL That girl was wasting her money on stupid business ventures such as the tanning salon business. Then there were the many visits to the tanning salons, manicures, pedicures, hair salon visits, she spent money on $300 purses and other designer items, vacations out of state, oh, and her drug addiction.Then, there was the tax problem Leah found herself in. It was mentioned by Jeremy on the show how they were behind on paying their back taxes.Mary Kay - $$$$...the new washer and dryer that cost an outrageous amount...Leah does not even wash clothes. Money thrown away.The fleet of new cars Leah had been shown driving. Those vehicles are gas guzzlers. More wasted money. Leah was using those vehicles for holding her piles of trash, not for Ali's wheelchair. Oh, and to do her weekly drug run.I can only imagine what their credit card bills were like. Leah probably maxed them all out.So yeah, Leah telling Jeremy he did not need to leave out of town for work was a joke when this bitch was spending $$$ like it was coming out of her skanky ass. 1 Link to comment
SheTalksShit April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 (edited) I think IMO (and I really am trying to be as neutral as possible), Adam is getting second (and third and fourth) chances by the court. Which is the party deciding these things. IMO, Adam is constantly trying to float this idea that Chelsea is punishing him or keeping him from Aubree and she's not. She sends Aubree over during his scheduled time and it's up to him how he spends that time. So far he hasn't spent it wisely and the court has responded by keeping his time with Aubree limited and supervised. This is not something that Chelsea is doing to him. As for how Chelsea speaks about him, I agree she should cool it unless Aubree brings it up. In which case, I don't know. What do you say? You Dad loves you in some vague way that requires no effort so don't start to count on him, but he does love you. But anyway, Chelsea should be the bigger person (although I have yet to see Adam get through a sceen without trashing Chelsea), but Chelsea calling him a dick has nothing to do with why he doesn't have custody. I think Chelsea is annoyed by Adam constantly trying to make it seem like she is unfairly trying to keep him from Aubrey and limit his custody w/Aubrey, because she sees it as a front for the cameras. She's also annoyed that some of the viewers buy his sob story and so she makes sure to mention all he does wrong, at every turn, to try to dissuade ppl from buying his bullshit. I also think, now that she's moved on w/a new man, she regrets ever having anything to do w/Adam and truly does want him to go away. She sees him as a nuisance/inconvenience to her otherwise perfect life. Edited April 21, 2016 by SheTalksShit 1 Link to comment
Tatum April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 I think Chelsea is annoyed by Adam constantly trying to make it seem like she is unfairly trying to keep him from Aubrey and limit his custody w/Aubrey, because she sees it as a front for the cameras. She's also annoyed that some of the viewers buy his sob story and so she makes sure to mention all he does wrong, at every turn, to try to dissuade ppl from buying his bullshit. I agree so much with this. I think Adam is merely pandering to the camera when he whines to friends about how he doesn't get to see Aubree much and how Chelsea withholds Aubree out of spite. I don't think Chelsea's perfect, but I absolutely don't believe she would be trying to push him out of Aubree's life or replace him with Cole if Adam were even remotely interested in being a father. For whatever faults she has, Chelsea deeply loves Aubree and wants the best for her, and that includes both an involved father and an involved stepfather. But Adam is inconsistent and his lack of commitment is hurtful and disappointing to Aubree. I think you're right in that some of the leading questions and complaints on camera about Adam are done specifically to dispute any baseless claims by Adam that he's a stellar father and that Chelsea is blocking him merely to be vindictive. 1 Link to comment
CofCinci April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 Without the producer-fed leading questions, Chelsea would have absolutely no storyline. She's boring and anything remotely interesting, such as the engagement and future wedding is being done off camera. The team following her must be bored as hell. 8 Link to comment
chuckity April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 Dear Chelsea: If you want Adumb to go away for good, you just need to do one thing: Stop filming Teen Mom 2. I think it's pretty common knowledge that the only time he really comes around is when the cameras are there. And honestly, your segments are getting kinda boring anyway - but that's a good thing! That means your fairly normal and have no place in reality tv. Get out now. Love, chuckity 15 Link to comment
teapot April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 (edited) Without the producer-fed leading questions, Chelsea would have absolutely no storyline. She's boring and anything remotely interesting, such as the engagement and future wedding is being done off camera. The team following her must be bored as hell. Depends on the producer, I'd guess. She's kind of silly/goofy which could be amusing enough and seems like an easygoing person to be around. I think that if we had poor Heather from TM following Chels around for a season, she'd feel like it was a gift from God! Edited April 21, 2016 by teapot 4 Link to comment
Mkay April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 Me too. Something is off about Javi. At first he was almost too good to be true. Now he is just a complete turd. Like he has 2 personalities.. Money and being famous (or so he thinks) ruined him. Anyone who called Teen Mom Tuesday (it used to be) Big Papi Tuesday is full of them self. 4 Link to comment
lovesnark April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 The Ashley's recap always cracks me up! The captions under the screenshots elicit a belly laugh every time. 3 Link to comment
neatoburrito April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 The Ashley's recap always cracks me up! The captions under the screenshots elicit a belly laugh every time. I was cracking up all the way through Jenelle's part. "The Nathan" was a personal highlight. 2 Link to comment
lovesnark April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 I was cracking up all the way through Jenelle's part. "The Nathan" was a personal highlight. I totally forgot Babs asking Jenelle "What's goin on with the otha one, the Nathan?" I love that Barb doesn't even pretend to try to keep up with the names of all Jenelle's soulmates. I tried to make a mental list of them last night and I came up with Andrew, Kieffah, Gary, Courtland, the Nathan and Uncle Dave. I'm sure I missed at least one. Courtland is the one she married, right? 5 Link to comment
neatoburrito April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 I totally forgot Babs asking Jenelle "What's goin on with the otha one, the Nathan?" I love that Barb doesn't even pretend to try to keep up with the names of all Jenelle's soulmates. I tried to make a mental list of them last night and I came up with Andrew, Kieffah, Gary, Courtland, the Nathan and Uncle Dave. I'm sure I missed at least one. Courtland is the one she married, right? I don't even know anymore, everything before The Nathan is just one big blur to me now. I think Courtland was the one she married and then got pregnant by, then had an abortion and promptly went on a date with Nathan, but I'm unsure. I'd forgotten Gary even existed. Barb's entire attitude towards Jenelle is so funny to me nowadays, she doesn't even care about her shenanigans anymore as long as Jace isn't dragged into it. "Well haaai Juh-nelle, I haven't seen ya in ages!" 4 Link to comment
kira28 April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 If TM2 ends Janelle and Adam will probably never see their kids again. Adam will fade away and Janelle will never visit with Jace or try to regain custody and Kaiser will probably be dropped off at Nathan's mom and Janelle will forget all about him and never return. Best thing that could happen to all three kids. I would love to give Chelsea props for how her life has turned out but I've read comments on social media posted by her fans that just annoy the heck out of me.. people posting how Chelsea is the best muther eva because she went thru hell and has become such a success. That her life was so difficult and she overcame so much. Um are we watching the same show? I like Chelsea and think she is the most well adjusted of all the girls and probably definitely the sweetest person on these shows but I don't think she went thru hell. Not even close. when she lived in her comfy cute rental house with her best friend and "studied" for her GED for two years while daddy paid her bills? When she got a $200,000 paycheck and bought a new house of her own? When she worked part time waxing people? She's always had a pretty good life mainly due to Papa randy (and the TM paycheck) I might give her that Aubree's life sucks because her dad is a loser but I don't really remember Chelsea facing any real hardships. Now I'd agree that Addie, Gracie and Ali have gone thru hell! And that Jace's life has been hellish at times. But not Chelsea. I don't really respect Chelsea for trying to replace Adam as Aubree's dad because as much as Chelsea has (rightfully) always complained about what an obviously shitty parent Adam is, up until she met Cole she has always let Adam stick his dick in her and had no problem with that. I'm sorry and this is just my opinion but if my daughter's father put her in physical danger (as Adam has driving with Aubree in the car with no license, Aubree got hurt riding a dirt bike with no helmet etc) Plus he's an asshole who thinks rules don't apply to him and doesn't seem concerned about Aubree's safety at all.. there is no way in HELL I could have any type of sexual relationship with him, even no strings attached. I would get physically ill from having someone who hurt my child even touch me. Not saying she's a bad mother but the fact that she was ok with hooking up with Adam even after he did and said so many horrible things to Aubree just really lowers my opinion of her. She's all anti adam now because she has a new man and she's cramming him down Aubree's throat. Its great if Cole loves Aubree but they haven't been together that long, they are not even married yet, Give the relationship (between Cole and Aubree) time to develop naturally. I have to roll my eyes so hard every time totally delusional Leah talks about how Jeremy flirts with her etc.. Jeremy could not have looked more disinterested in Leah if he tried!! He looked embarrassed and mortified. He is so done with her. Now I am not racist, I am only repeating what I know about redneck guys from WV and both Jeremy and Cory sort of fall under this category.. I wonder if the fact that Leah is/was dating TR dues a total turn off to her ex husbands (and possibly Robbie). Most white good ol country boy types in West Virginia are racist and feel if a white girl dates a black man she is "tainted" or dirty and they won't sleep with her. Not saying this is how Jeremy feels but I know he made some racist comments on social media when Leah started dating TR so.. Nothing to say about Kail and Javi. Kail is a bitch. I feel bad for poor sweet Issac 8 Link to comment
Tatum April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 I thought the same thing Kira about Corey and Jeremy's perceptions about Leah now that she's been with Dues. I have no evidence of the fact but it did cross my mind. 3 Link to comment
FlowerofCarnage April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 If TM2 ends Janelle and Adam will probably never see their kids again. Adam will fade away and Janelle will never visit with Jace or try to regain custody and Kaiser will probably be dropped off at Nathan's mom and Janelle will forget all about him and never return. Best thing that could happen to all three kids. I would love to give Chelsea props for how her life has turned out but I've read comments on social media posted by her fans that just annoy the heck out of me.. people posting how Chelsea is the best muther eva because she went thru hell and has become such a success. That her life was so difficult and she overcame so much. Um are we watching the same show? I like Chelsea and think she is the most well adjusted of all the girls and probably definitely the sweetest person on these shows but I don't think she went thru hell. Not even close. when she lived in her comfy cute rental house with her best friend and "studied" for her GED for two years while daddy paid her bills? When she got a $200,000 paycheck and bought a new house of her own? When she worked part time waxing people? She's always had a pretty good life mainly due to Papa randy (and the TM paycheck) I might give her that Aubree's life sucks because her dad is a loser but I don't really remember Chelsea facing any real hardships. Now I'd agree that Addie, Gracie and Ali have gone thru hell! And that Jace's life has been hellish at times. But not Chelsea. I don't really respect Chelsea for trying to replace Adam as Aubree's dad because as much as Chelsea has (rightfully) always complained about what an obviously shitty parent Adam is, up until she met Cole she has always let Adam stick his dick in her and had no problem with that. I'm sorry and this is just my opinion but if my daughter's father put her in physical danger (as Adam has driving with Aubree in the car with no license, Aubree got hurt riding a dirt bike with no helmet etc) Plus he's an asshole who thinks rules don't apply to him and doesn't seem concerned about Aubree's safety at all.. there is no way in HELL I could have any type of sexual relationship with him, even no strings attached. I would get physically ill from having someone who hurt my child even touch me. Not saying she's a bad mother but the fact that she was ok with hooking up with Adam even after he did and said so many horrible things to Aubree just really lowers my opinion of her. She's all anti adam now because she has a new man and she's cramming him down Aubree's throat. Its great if Cole loves Aubree but they haven't been together that long, they are not even married yet, Give the relationship (between Cole and Aubree) time to develop naturally. I have to roll my eyes so hard every time totally delusional Leah talks about how Jeremy flirts with her etc.. Jeremy could not have looked more disinterested in Leah if he tried!! He looked embarrassed and mortified. He is so done with her. Now I am not racist, I am only repeating what I know about redneck guys from WV and both Jeremy and Cory sort of fall under this category.. I wonder if the fact that Leah is/was dating TR dues a total turn off to her ex husbands (and possibly Robbie). Most white good ol country boy types in West Virginia are racist and feel if a white girl dates a black man she is "tainted" or dirty and they won't sleep with her. Not saying this is how Jeremy feels but I know he made some racist comments on social media when Leah started dating TR so.. Nothing to say about Kail and Javi. Kail is a bitch. I feel bad for poor sweet Issac Now that I think about it, when the show ends, I think Jenelle would keep Kaiser because without him, she wouldn't be eligible for the TANF she will have apply for since she is pretty much unemployable. 4 Link to comment
MyPeopleAreNordic April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 From reading the article about Uncle Dave weirding everyone out at the Dad's special, I'm just going to say this: If even Adam is disgusted by you, you may want to rethink your life. If even Adam is disgusted by your soulmate, you may want a new soulmate (hint Jenelle hint). 10 Link to comment
Chicken Wing April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 I totally forgot Babs asking Jenelle "What's goin on with the otha one, the Nathan?" I love that Barb doesn't even pretend to try to keep up with the names of all Jenelle's soulmates. I tried to make a mental list of them last night and I came up with Andrew, Kieffah, Gary, Courtland, the Nathan and Uncle Dave. I'm sure I missed at least one. Courtland is the one she married, right? There was that one guy she briefly dated while staying at his house or renting a room, and she broke up with him after a little while because he was "weird" or something. From what I remember of that guy, "weird" must be Jenelle-speak for "reasonably nice human being." 3 Link to comment
MyPeopleAreNordic April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 Off-topic but since we don't have a Teen Mom 3 forum and I know some of you watched TM3, apparently Briana and her sister Brittany are on VH1's "Couples Therapy." Their mom came to visit them and dropped the bombshell that Brittany's dad is not who Brittany thought he was (she thought she and Briana had the same dad). And the mom also told her that her dad is dead. What a lovely mother. 4 Link to comment
BitterApple April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 (edited) I like Chelsea, but she's hardly struggled in life. She's the spoiled daughter of a rich dentist who barely passed the GED and works three days a week doing facials. I'm happy she found something she enjoys, but come on, she didn't exactly bust her ass when it came to applying herself in school and work. I think she's a good mother to Aubree, but quite frankly I wouldn't expect anything less. She works part time, has no financial worries and a strong family support system. She's not being set up to fail here. Edited April 21, 2016 by BitterApple 15 Link to comment
ghoulina April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 One is a mother the other one is a father. One child has a full time mother and 4 full time grandparents. The other only has a single grandmother stretched to the limit. Two very separate situations. Adam is claiming he is trying to go straight, has made sure he can have no more children and is working. Jenelle is on to her 5th live-in boyfriend and making excuses about why she can't take care of her oldest child or why she can't work. The only comparisons are that no one likes them. They also both have really long arrest records and a penchant for abusing intoxicating substances. They also both lie a lot. Adumb has probably been through about as many girlfriends as Jenelle has boyfriends, we just don't see them as much because he's a side character. But I remember Leah telling him, more than once, that he didn't NEED to work those jobs, sorta implying that their money from MTV was enough. She even told him she'd rather have less money and have him around. Considering how much these people get paid, I think Leah's real thing was, "Why do you continue to take these jobs if we're making all this money from MTV?" Yup. I think she wanted Germy to take the MTV money and lay around with her all day. I, for one, am glad he didn't. MTV isn't a guaranteed thing for life, especially for ex-husbands. I appreciate that he wants to keep his foot in the door, as far as his career goes. And who knows? Maybe he actually likes it? It makes you wonder what kind of parents Adam has? I'm having a hard time believing two decent people raised Adam. I've always been very curious about the Linds, but they don't want to appear on the show. IIRC, Adumb's mom even got into it with Chelsea once. I believe she, at least, is very defensive and protective of her son. At least Ryan's (TM OG) parents don't coddle him anymore, even if they did when he was a kid. 3 Link to comment
ghoulina April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 I totally forgot Babs asking Jenelle "What's goin on with the otha one, the Nathan?" I love that Barb doesn't even pretend to try to keep up with the names of all Jenelle's soulmates. I tried to make a mental list of them last night and I came up with Andrew, Kieffah, Gary, Courtland, the Nathan and Uncle Dave. I'm sure I missed at least one. Courtland is the one she married, right? You're missing the one Jenelle moved in with, well - him and his mom. He actually seemed pretty nice and calm, so of course Jenelle deemed him boring and ran away as quickly as she could. I have no idea what his name is. 2 Link to comment
leighroda April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 There was that one guy she briefly dated while staying at his house or renting a room, and she broke up with him after a little while because he was "weird" or something. From what I remember of that guy, "weird" must be Jenelle-speak for "reasonably nice human being." Yeah, I was going to say the same thing, I don't remember the name but there was this random guy, I remember there being some very minor red flag, like she lived with him and his mother or something... But she broke things of with him faster than Nathan can rip the sleeves off a shirt. If I recall her was a reletively normal nice guy (reletively being the key word) 4 Link to comment
Nancybeth April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 I could have sworn, during Jo and Vee's conversation about the military llifestyle, that Vee said, "It's disrespectful." I hope to god she meant it was disrespectful to criticize miltiary, but I sense that she meant Javi's military career, and the requirements that it puts on the family, is "disrespectful" to the family? It was a weird, off-handed comment, but I did feel like the whole conversation WAS disparaging of military members. 1 Link to comment
BitterApple April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 I could have sworn, during Jo and Vee's conversation about the military llifestyle, that Vee said, "It's disrespectful." I hope to god she meant it was disrespectful to criticize miltiary, but I sense that she meant Javi's military career, and the requirements that it puts on the family, is "disrespectful" to the family? It was a weird, off-handed comment, but I did feel like the whole conversation WAS disparaging of military members. Is it possible Vee said "it's very stressful"? She has a bit of an accent, so maybe the words came out oddly. 9 Link to comment
CofCinci April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 I thought Vee said "stressful." 9 Link to comment
neatoburrito April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 I've always been very curious about the Linds, but they don't want to appear on the show. IIRC, Adumb's mom even got into it with Chelsea once. I believe she, at least, is very defensive and protective of her son. At least Ryan's (TM OG) parents don't coddle him anymore, even if they did when he was a kid. I think I remember his mom getting into it with Chelsea and texting her "he's not a monster" or something like that. If you have to tell someone your son isn't a monster, chances are you raised a complete and utter dick. 4 Link to comment
NikSac April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 I thought Vee said "stressful." That's what I heard as well. And I'd be hard pressed to argue with her on that point. 5 Link to comment
ReadMeLattice April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 (edited) Yeah, Jeremy made crazy racist comments in the past. Totally agree about Chelsea. Having a sucky high school boyfriend is not a "hardship." She's nice, but she's not some magical person because she is a good parent. That's sort of the baseline. You're missing the one Jenelle moved in with, well - him and his mom. He actually seemed pretty nice and calm, so of course Jenelle deemed him boring and ran away as quickly as she could. I have no idea what his name is. Josh. He had a record too. Edited April 21, 2016 by Lm2162 4 Link to comment
ghoulina April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 Josh. He had a record too. Of course he did. Maybe his incredibly calm demeanor is because he's not a rage-o-holic like her other boyyyyyfrenz, but one of those methodical serial killers that takes you by surprise. 8 Link to comment
Nancybeth April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 (edited) Ahh, okay, "stressful." I can see that. And I'll give Vee the benefit of the doubt on this one. I still have trouble with Jo criticizing Javi's military career, considering he's the only one of the four that appear to have an honest-to-god job or source of income outside the show, but whatever. Secret confession...I kind of miss Kieffer, y'all. I especially miss hearing Barbara SAY "Kieffffaahhhh." Edited April 21, 2016 by Nancybeth 8 Link to comment
ReadMeLattice April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 Yeah, The Ashley pointed out that whining about your son's stepfather's military job that he uses to help support said son and his mother when your only "job" for quite some time has been TM is a bit ridiculous. If I were Jo I'd probably just stay quiet until I actually did something with my life. 7 Link to comment
ebkitty April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 That's why I turned the channel last night and decided I'm done with the show. All I do is yell at the TV when this shit is on. Watching a piece of shit mother like Jenelle vacation in NYC, talk to the son she doesn't care about on some fancy watch thing that most hard working people could never afford with her inflated lips and fake boobs was the end for me. I hate them all except for Chelsea and liking her so much just isn't enough reason for me to keep watching something that makes me so damn angry. I'll keep up with you guys here but the show is deleted from my DVR and I cancelled all future recordings. When I watch a show and instead of entertaining me, it just pisses me the hell off, it's time to stop. I'm just too old for this shit. I have to agree, I find myself fast/forwarding through out the whole show. These people are all horrible in some way. Plus I am still in shock that Jenelle found someone actually worse than Matt Baier, unreal. So I think I will be reading more then watching these Mtv trainwrecks. 1 Link to comment
ReadMeLattice April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 Worse than Matt? I don't know. That's pretty hard. 1 Link to comment
NikSac April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 Worse than Matt? I don't know. That's pretty hard. He blurted out his porn star name of Uncle Dave almost instantly when asked. So yeah I think he's worse, plus should never be around children. 4 Link to comment
ReadMeLattice April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 Lol-- I don't know. Matt has been accused of sexual assault and I believe physical abuse as well. Also that little "abandoned 9 children and their mothers" thing he's got going. At least Dave seems to know his kids' names? Scumbag to scumbag, who knows. Also, there's some kind of obsessive breeding addiction, right? It was on SVU, at least. If it's legit, then obviously Matt has it. 4 Link to comment
BitterApple April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 Secret confession...I kind of miss Kieffer, y'all. I especially miss hearing Barbara SAY "Kieffffaahhhh." Barb's New England accent was in its' full glory during the Kieffaaahh days. If he doesn't come back, I want Jenelle to date someone with a phonetically similar name, just so we can hear Barb drop her r's. 5 Link to comment
CentralTexas April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 Barb's New England accent was in its' full glory during the Kieffaaahh days. If he doesn't come back, I want Jenelle to date someone with a phonetically similar name, just so we can hear Barb drop her r's. Barb for President dammit!!! LOL! 7 Link to comment
FlowerofCarnage April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 Yeah, The Ashley pointed out that whining about your son's stepfather's military job that he uses to help support said son and his mother when your only "job" for quite some time has been TM is a bit ridiculous. If I were Jo I'd probably just stay quiet until I actually did something with my life. I don't see it as whining. He expressed his reservations about how military life would affect his son and there is nothing wrong with that(someone here acknowledge that that life can be tough on children). He knows how Isaac feels about Javi and he is worried about how the impending separation will affect him. 13 Link to comment
CofCinci April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 Ahh, okay, "stressful." I can see that. And I'll give Vee the benefit of the doubt on this one. I still have trouble with Jo criticizing Javi's military career, considering he's the only one of the four that appear to have an honest-to-god job or source of income outside the show, but whatever. Secret confession...I kind of miss Kieffer, y'all. I especially miss hearing Barbara SAY "Kieffffaahhhh." I'm a disabled Veteran and I don't see Jo's remarks as criticism at all. Jo is lazy and I don't like him, but he didn't say a think to slam the military. 9 Link to comment
snflower66 April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 You're missing the one Jenelle moved in with, well - him and his mom. He actually seemed pretty nice and calm, so of course Jenelle deemed him boring and ran away as quickly as she could. I have no idea what his name is. His name was josh and I bet he thanks god everyday she didn't stick around 3 Link to comment
Mkay April 22, 2016 Share April 22, 2016 I don't see it as whining. He expressed his reservations about how military life would affect his son and there is nothing wrong with that(someone here acknowledge that that life can be tough on children). He knows how Isaac feels about Javi and he is worried about how the impending separation will affect him. Exactly. I don't see what was so wrong with it. He was feeling bad for his son missing someone he loved. He wasn't saying anything negative about the job or career. 5 Link to comment
NikSac April 22, 2016 Share April 22, 2016 Weird.. I just went to re-watch the Jo/Vee discussion - I'm really sick and can't do much other than internet surfing at the moment, what can I say? But anyway the episode airing is now about 30 seconds shorter. I can't tell if it's because they took ads out or what, but I thought it was strange. The "stressful" that I remember hearing before was missing entirely. Vee seemed pretty disinterested the whole time as she was mostly focused on baby Vivi. Jo to me seemed worried about Isaac. She did say something about it affecting everyone. I suppose yes it's technically against Javi's choice of career (or maybe Kail's choice for a husband?), but I think most of what Jo said was only about how it would impact his son. 4 Link to comment
lidarose9 April 22, 2016 Share April 22, 2016 Barb's New England accent was in its' full glory during the Kieffaaahh days. If he doesn't come back, I want Jenelle to date someone with a phonetically similar name, just so we can hear Barb drop her r's. May her next booooyfrieeeend be named Rory! 5 Link to comment
CofCinci April 22, 2016 Share April 22, 2016 INT. JO’S HOUSE - PANELED ROOM JO: I spoke to Kail earlier.VEE: What happened?JO: She’s tell me that, um, Javi’s getting deployed to somewhere someplace on this Earth and he’s going to be gone for quite a while.VEE: That’s crazy.JO: She wants, um, Isaac to hang out with him for a couple days beforehand to say his goodbyes and whatnot. So I’m going to let her do that, I guess. Curious to see how he’s going to react to Javi being gone and stuff.VEE: Hope everything works out.JO: This is something I, like, just don’t like about him being involved in, like, military family lifestyle, is just having someone -VEE: Nothing is constant.JO: Yeah. Having someone being in and out of your life that you care about is hard and, and then, I don’t know, it’s just something that -VEE: Effects everybody.JO: - Bothers me.VEE: It’s pretty sad to have someone away for so long. 8 Link to comment
starfire April 22, 2016 Share April 22, 2016 I found it thoughtful that Jo was concerned about how Javi being gone will affect Isaac. He knows how much Isaac loves Javi and he doesn't want Isaac, who seems to be a very sensitive soul, upset and sad. Jo may be a lazy bum, but it is clear he loves his son. Jo also seems to be making an effort to co-parent with Kail with no drama, and be cordial to Javi, who has been acting very immature and jealous that Jo even exists. If the roles were reversed, and Jo was leaving for 6 or more months, Javi would probably say good riddance and be happy Jo was gone, not caring how it would affect anyone else. 15 Link to comment
ghoulina April 22, 2016 Share April 22, 2016 Exactly. I thought it was pretty mature that Jo could show concern over his son being sad that another father figure in his life was leaving. There's no jealousy or resentment there, he's genuinely worried about how his son will do while his step-dad is overseas. I didn't find anything wrong with it, and was actually kind of impressed that he not only let Kail have that extra family time, but had a great deal of empathy for the entire situation. 12 Link to comment
leighroda April 22, 2016 Share April 22, 2016 I agree I didn't feel like there was any ill will to the military just how it effects his son which I think is fair. I also think it was nice of him to be ok with Isaac spending time with Javi, whether or not I like the douche Isaac clearly does... And in the past I'm not sure he would have given up time (I also wouldn't have put it past Kail to not give home a choice in the past) so it is nice to see that handled maturely. 5 Link to comment
blubld43 April 22, 2016 Share April 22, 2016 Exactly. I thought it was pretty mature that Jo could show concern over his son being sad that another father figure in his life was leaving. There's no jealousy or resentment there, he's genuinely worried about how his son will do while his step-dad is overseas. I didn't find anything wrong with it, and was actually kind of impressed that he not only let Kail have that extra family time, but had a great deal of empathy for the entire situation. I agree; Jo isn't always articulate but he loves Isaac and puts his son's needs first. That's so refreshing to see, I think Corey does this as well with his girlses. 9 Link to comment
BitterApple April 22, 2016 Share April 22, 2016 Exactly. I thought it was pretty mature that Jo could show concern over his son being sad that another father figure in his life was leaving. There's no jealousy or resentment there, he's genuinely worried about how his son will do while his step-dad is overseas. I didn't find anything wrong with it, and was actually kind of impressed that he not only let Kail have that extra family time, but had a great deal of empathy for the entire situation. It's crazy because even though Jo was being reasonable and giving Mail what she wanted, Mail was STILL rude and combative on the phone. It's like she approaches every life situation loaded for bear. She's always looking for a fight even when there isn't one to be found. 12 Link to comment
Lemons April 22, 2016 Share April 22, 2016 She's also annoyed that some of the viewers buy his sob story and so she makes sure to mention all he does wrong, at every turn, to try to dissuade ppl from buying his bullshit. I hope that she's not making decisions based on the opinions of strangers. That's kind of pathetic. 1 Link to comment
Lemons April 22, 2016 Share April 22, 2016 They also both have really long arrest records and a penchant for abusing intoxicating substances. They also both lie a lot. Adumb has probably been through about as many girlfriends as Jenelle has boyfriends, we just don't see them as much because he's a side character. That's similar to saying that all people who have ever had a drug or alcohol problem are the same crappy people. Some people under that age of 25 have issues with drugs, alcohol, the law, girlfriends/boyfriends. Some will move on and straighten up. Some will remain a problem in life. We see Leah not changing because she won't even admit she has a drug problem. We see Jenelle, at this moment, repeating the same mistakes with putting men first. And we see Adam claiming he has made changes. They are not all on the same level at the moment. Hopefully some day Leah and Jenelle will turn things around. Who knows. 1 Link to comment
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