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S05.E10: Rebel With A Cause

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I didn't like Asha's outfit but I think Ken should have went home for not even designing anything. What did he do with his time and what did he spend $250 on? His jumpsuit was so basic.


And after calling Sam's dress basic bitch shit, too! Pot, meet kettle. Ken was showing more of his old self here. His defensiveness on the runway was... an interesting choice. "It was a deliberate choice. She walked fine." Or whatever he said.


Wasn't Asha's fabric the same one Peytie was in love with on PR juniors?


It was the same pattern, but I think it was a different color palette. Asha's had burgundy accents, and Peytie's had orange. IIRC.


Kini:   It's a very good thing he abandoned that jacket.  On it's own, maybe with black cigarette pants and a little white top, it would have been fine.  Put the jacket with the pants and you have MC Hammer's sister.   On their own, the pants and top were interesting, wilder than you expect from Kini, but I'm glad they didn't win.


My God, when he said he thought a yellow tweed jacket would TONE DOWN the yellow genie pants? I died. Seriously, what was he thinking? Glad he corrected that, because a ladies-who-lunch tweed jacket was not going to tone down the pants OR turn up the edge. As it came down the runway, I liked it. I mean, I'm not going to wear that silhouette, but it's "fashion". Jodhpurs and panniers and bustles were a thing once, too. 


I think it's one of those affluent WASP things, like bleeding madras or Lilly Pulitzer housedresses with spouting cartoon whales on them. Or, god help them, this.


I was in New Orleans two years ago in summer. At the famed Friday see-and-be-seen lunch at Galatoire's, there was a helluva lot of seersucker suits in the room.


In defense of black summer wear, like Emily I live in San Francisco.  We wear black in summer.  We wear black in winter.  We always wear black. 


Yep! Actually, what I really liked about Emily's was how she made something edgy and black AND light and summery. That's pretty hard to do!

Edited by snarktini
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Was the winning outfit going to be sold? I thought that the winning designer was going to collaborate with the charity on an outfit for sale. I wasn't paying full attention though.

Ditto paying attention. And this was an interesting show. Always helps when the herd is thinned

But EW "reports" that:

"She introduces Yvonne Niami, the founder of N:Philanthropy, a women’s line that gives a portion of its proceeds to the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. The winner of the challenge will design a look for N:Philanthropy. But the brand is also giving the challenge its inspiration. Yvonne says the “N:Phil” girl is modern and sophisticated, but she fights with a purpose. They call her a “rebel with a cause.” And that’s exactly what the designers have to do. Alyssa gives them $250 for Mood and one day to create fashion-forward summer looks that are sophisticated but have a bad-ass edge.".

Collaboration it is!

Edited by NewDigs
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Bold mine.

Apparently I completely misunderstood. I thought Emily's winning look would be sold by nphilanthropy

But nope. The win gave Emily the chance to design something else to be sold on [bnphilanthropy. (What a dull non-creative name for an organization of creative fashion people., by the way.)[/b]

These are her two tops (I don't think the bottoms are hers). The website has a more interesting photo of the shirt on the left in black.

These are $70 and $128 respectively. That's way the hell more than I'd pay for a t-shirt. I wonder how much of that goes to charity.


I was concerned that someone might try to pronounce it. Edited by NewDigs
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I'm also giving a bit of side eye to Dom's cancer research claim. I could have sworn she was working in a restaurant at the time of her original season.

I liked Emily's design. Black isn't bad for summer! The collaboration designs are pretty lame though.

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I'm also giving a bit of side eye to Dom's cancer research claim. I could have sworn she was working in a restaurant at the time of her original season

Yes, I think that's where Tim met her and her family; I'm pretty sure it was the outdoor area at http://www.silkcityphilly.com/  But she could have been doing both, I suppose.

I liked the style of Emily's but the blacks didn't match!  I guess it's fashion forward and badass, so the next time I pull out a new T-shirt with crisp deep black in it and a faded, washed-out pair of pants, I'll just pair 'em.  With my Birkenstocks.  Which if all your flats are so fashion forward, my perennial Birks must be practically avant-garde!

I had to laugh at Ken's talking head, right before he scrapped his top, which went "bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep Dammit!"

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I had to laugh at Ken's talking head, right before he scrapped his top, which went "bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep Dammit!"


That was hysterical! I can certainly empathize with that moment when not one g******n you do goes right and there's nothing you can do about it.

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Pallida, you're right, she was a hostess or something at that restaurant? She certainly could have been doing more than one job, but I'm giving her the side eye TOO because why would you scrub something like that OFF your resume? Why would this be the first time she has ever mentioned it? Not that she should go on and on, but employers, hell, everyone, loves a cancer research champion. Makes no sense to me why it would just now come up.


Having said that, I still hope she wins because I think the other person is going to be Sam.


I love Debi Mazar, BUT she was one of the nitwits who said she LIKED Sam's jumpsuit. I can't figure out what is happening. I feel like I'm losing my mind. I've kind of felt that way ever since the Anthony Ryan win, at least where Isaac is concerned, but I cannot believe Georgina is on the Sam train. I mean, she's kind of a snob, and his shit is not even remotely fashion. Seriously, I'm about to have a brain aneurysm trying to figure out WHY Sam seems to be the designated winner of this season??!!?!


I'm too upset to post anything else right now. I got to lie down.

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beaker73, on 15 Apr 2016 - 1:31 PM, said:

Mark my words--the King of Suckage is going to win the whole damn thing.  

Don't you mean the "Queen" of Suckage?  I thought the fix was in for Sam from the first.

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I saw Alyssa on the View last wk, she was hawking last wk's show & she had a very

short, boyish haircut. I'm guessing that this season on PRAllstars traumatized her

to the point that she resorted to cutting all her hair off. I think this ep's 'do was the final

straw. Her hair had so much product in it that it looked greasy and dirty.


Besides, with a newborn at home it's probably easier for her to manage.


I liked Zanna's outfit too. She looked decent for a change. Now if she would only do

something about her hair.


This was a very disappointing runway. I thought Sam or Ken or both should have gone

home over Asha. Although she was a good choice too. I don't think any of them

met the challenge although Emily's outfit came close. Kini's pantaloons came out

better than I expect but they looked like they'd be very sweaty to wear.

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heh... I'm just rewatching this since I missed about 3/4 of it the first time. I hadn't noticed it before but the first time Alyssa said "n:philanthropy" it totally sounded like she said "end philanthropy."

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Apparently I completely misunderstood. I thought Emily's winning look would be sold by nphilanthropy. But nope. The win gave Emily the chance to design something else to be sold on nphilanthropy. (What a dull non-creative name for an organization of creative fashion people., by the way.)


These are her two tops (I don't think the bottoms are hers). The website has a more interesting photo of the shirt on the left in black.

These are $70 and $128 respectively. That's way the hell more than I'd pay for a t-shirt. I wonder how much of that goes to charity.



I thought they said 100% of the proceeds would go to charity.  Having said that, there is no way I'm paying that sort of money for a tee shirt unless it seriously makes me look 20 pounds lighter.

And after calling Sam's dress basic bitch shit, too! Pot, meet kettle. Ken was showing more of his old self here. His defensiveness on the runway was... an interesting choice. "It was a deliberate choice. She walked fine." Or whatever he said.



I was in New Orleans two years ago in summer. At the famed Friday see-and-be-seen lunch at Galatoire's, there was a helluva lot of seersucker suits in the room.


I feel like NO would be an appropriate place for seersucker.  We were sitting around talking about potentially having to go to NO for work, and the conversation almost immediately turned to getting custom made seersucker suits.


On another note, I'm about 95% sure I have a seersucker dress in my closet somewhere.  I guess I'm badass too!


As for Ken on the runway, I'm never quite sure what to think.  I do believe you should show some deference to the judges, but its hard for me to defend that position when the judges are clearly insane and continually praising Sam for producing shit on a weekly basis.  I don't know how much respect you deserve when you aren't taking your job as a judge all that seriously.

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IIRC, many of them also had issues with the winter wear challenge earlier this season. Perhaps they are kept in a climate controlled bio-dome where there are no seasons or weather to inhibit their designs.

...And where the only women there are 6 feet tall models with no boobs.

The flats trend has been on for at least a year, that's when I noticed it anyway. I have seen tons of them in fashion magazines and Fashion week shows, they are designer and very expensive one. Many of them looks like very very expensive birkenstocks. So I'm glad I am finally fashionable for once as the only place where I don't wear my birkenstocks is the bed. I wear them even in the snow, actually I once wore them at wedding LOL, after ceremony I went a got in my tee, shorts and birks while everyone else was in their formal attire. I value comfort over anything. I love fashion just not on me :)

Here I actually looked up some of the designer flats. Notice the insane prices for what is essentially fancied up birkenstock.


Edited by ava111
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Please tell me how a t-shirt with a variation on the collar and your little brother's torn up sweatshirt are bad ass, because that is what that collection looks like.

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Agree, those are pretty lame. I bet they didn't let her design anything better as the production costs would be too high.

Please tell me how a t-shirt with a variation on the collar and your little brother's torn up sweatshirt are bad ass, because that is what that collection looks like.

Agree, those are pretty lame. I bet they didn't let her design anything better as the production costs would be too high.

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You know, I'm kind of side-eying this business. They don't say anywhere I can find where the clothes are made or by who, which is a huge red flag for me in a company selling minimally-finished clothes with very few seams. It also kind of bugs that she's only donating 10% net, after everyone else gets a bite of the apple. Call me wacky, but I think kids with cancer need the money more than Yvonne Niami does.

Edited by Julia
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I cannot believe Georgina is on the Sam train. I mean, she's kind of a snob, and his shit is not even remotely fashion. Seriously, I'm about to have a brain aneurysm trying to figure out WHY Sam seems to be the designated winner of this season??!!?!

Thank you. With the endless comments about why the hell the fix is in for Sam, I've yet to hear a real answer. He's--at best--a second or third rate designer lacking technical skills, he's an obnoxious and arrogant snot and is simply not a nice person with limited talent. Last year when Ashley won it was a clear sop to plus sized women, patronizing as that was; IMO the winner should be based on design, not a gimme to a niche part of the market (be it plus, petite, extra tall or whatever).


Clearly the fix is, indeed, in...I'm at a loss as to why.

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You know, I'm kind of side-eying this business. They don't say anywhere I can find where the clothes are made or by who, which is a huge red flag for me in a company selling minimally-finished clothes with very few seams. It also kind of bugs that she's only donating 10% net, after everyone else gets a bite of the apple. Call me wacky, but I think kids with cancer need the money more than Yvonne Niami does.

You know, I was thinking the same thing.  You get rich people to buy poorly made clothing (because nothing they were even showing of the n:philanthropy clothing looked all that awesome) and crow about how they are "doing good."  In reality though, there is probably a highly paid CEO, CFO, CIO and executive VP's all taking their "cut" before even a dollar is seen by any charity.  And if its only 10% of net, that's sort of BS.


Because if I'm buying from a company called "n:philanthropy," which has an entire mission statement built around donating to charity....I expect more than 10% of net profits to go to charity.

Thank you. With the endless comments about why the hell the fix is in for Sam, I've yet to hear a real answer. He's--at best--a second or third rate designer lacking technical skills, he's an obnoxious and arrogant snot and is simply not a nice person with limited talent. Last year when Ashley won it was a clear sop to plus sized women, patronizing as that was; IMO the winner should be based on design, not a gimme to a niche part of the market (be it plus, petite, extra tall or whatever).


Clearly the fix is, indeed, in...I'm at a loss as to why.

Someone mentioned above that Georgina was part of the shitshow that was "Under The Gunn."  The show was pretty much panned by everyone, so I wonder if she is trying to somehow justify the show, and her part in the show by trying to make Sam out to be some sort of design genius.


However, IMO, if they wanted to try to justify UTG, the best thing to do was to bring back the designers who were actually talented.  Natalia, Oscar, and Shan.  Not those two.

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The first look Peytie did in ep 4 of PRJunior with this fabric :





That would have fit this challenge !!!


I loved this look and you're right!  But, my gut tells me that the main judges on PRAS would not like this.  I don't know why, but I think that Isaac and Georgina would have been all of this, and not in a good way.


It would be interesting to see what those two wackadoodles would say, if someone played a prank on them, and used really good winning designs from past season as the finished product from this group of designers (without Isaac and Georgina knowing or having seen the previous designs somewhere).

Edited by njbchlover
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Howard Stern pulled that trick on American Idol judges back in 2003. It was hilarious.

Love to see, especially, Isaac and Georgina get "took".

So disappointed in Zac's judging. I expected more. At least he didn't, or we didn't see him, respond to Sam's little twinkle-wave.

Wish they were still doing the pinch and pull portion.

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I feel like NO would be an appropriate place for seersucker.  We were sitting around talking about potentially having to go to NO for work, and the conversation almost immediately turned to getting custom made seersucker suits.


On another note, I'm about 95% sure I have a seersucker dress in my closet somewhere.  I guess I'm badass too!


As for Ken on the runway, I'm never quite sure what to think.  I do believe you should show some deference to the judges, but its hard for me to defend that position when the judges are clearly insane and continually praising Sam for producing shit on a weekly basis.  I don't know how much respect you deserve when you aren't taking your job as a judge all that seriously.


Seersucker feels very Southern to me in general. It's hot and humid, yet you're still expected to be wearing dress clothes. I've noticed seersucker is trying to make a comeback, along with pinstriped oxford cloth. I've been shopping for a shirt dress and am finding way too many pale blue and pink stripes. Bleh.


Yeah, the judges are nuts and I'm not sure they deserve respect, per se. But you don't want to antagonize them! Isaac certainly pulled a face. I've been through design school, the ideal approach is to "defend" your work, meaning explain / stand by, without being defensive. That said, contestants are under extreme pressure. I wouldn't have much grace nor would I always have the perfect, appropriate response. (If ever.) I'm not judging Ken for letting his frustration show; I just noticed he's reaching the limitations of his zen transformation, which has been remarkable.


Often when I disagree with a PR winner I can see what they are responding to, it's just not my taste. If Sam wins, it will be one of the baffling ones. Right up there with the woman who made all the dull brown granny panties.

Edited by snarktini
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Often when I disagree with a PR winner I can see what they are responding to, it's just not my taste. If Sam wins, it will be one of the baffling ones. Right up there with the woman who made all the dull brown granny panties.


Just think, if Mondo had beat Gretchen back then, we might not ever have gone down the road of awarding All Stars wins to people whose talents lie in the area of protégéing.


So disappointed in Zac's judging. I expected more. At least he didn't, or we didn't see him, respond to Sam's little twinkle-wave.


Apparently he respects his husband a little more than that. It's a nice quality.

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This was a very disappointing runway. I thought Sam or Ken or both should have gone

home over Asha. Although she was a good choice too. I don't think any of them

met the challenge although Emily's outfit came close. Kini's pantaloons came out

better than I expect but they looked like they'd be very sweaty to wear.

I think you've hit on the reason so many of the designers consistently choose inappropriate fabrics and colors such as leather and neoprene for summer wear. It's for their Sweaty to Wear Collection!
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I'm a native New Englander.   My father and all his siblings are from Boston (soda is "tonic," the whole nine yards).


Hahaha, love it! Let's go to Friendly's--I want an ice cream cone with jimmies! 


No seersucker to be seen here: 


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This is off the topic of PRAS slightly, but relevant to everyone wondering WHY Sam and Asha instead of a few designers from UTG that were arguably more talented:


IF I recall correctly, and I believe I do, Tim didn't LIKE Natalia. He said she was a time suck. I don't think he really had anything negative to say about Shan, but Shan wasn't a drama king, so why bother? And as to Oscar, who I loved, by the way, if one could love anything remotely associated with that show, Tim even made negative comments about Oscar AFTER he won. I was subscribing to Marie Claire at the time, and there was a little blurb in there about what a "fast sewer" and "nice guy" was Oscar. Nothing about his talent. I thought it was a backhanded compliment then, and I still do.


As to Asha: I, too, was actually almost enjoying her on PRAS and was hoping she would outlast Sam. I still don't think she's a fabolus (TM Ken) designer, but I liked her personality way more than on UTG and way more than I like SAM's "personality/ persona."

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I didn't watch UTG so I've been watching PRAS with no preconceived notions about Sam and Asha. In this episode, though, I noticed Asha combining uptalking with vocal fry, which made me want to poke out my eardrums using one of her ridiculous, glittered, dragon lady nails. How the hell does she wipe her own ass with those things, much less sew? I'm a graphic designer and people who need to do precise, delicate work yet have glamour-length fingernails make me roll my eyes, to say the least.


She seemed fine, personality-wise, but her talking heads were painful so I'm fine with her (and her nails) being gone. Sam is a talentless, shit-stirring flirty boy and if he follows her out the door next week, so much the better.

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OK, I had never even heard of seersucker before this challenge. So thanks PRAS for educating me... I guess?


Sam's model looked like a taco to me. That's all.


I'm fine with Asha going home. She redeemed herself with me somewhat this season but then I remembered how awful she was to Natalia on Under the Gunn and I was fine with her going. It's not like she was final 3 material.


At this point, I just hope Ken stays as long as possible, if nothing else than for his entertaining commentary. As far as the winner goes, I'm on Team Anybody But Sam.

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I love Debi Mazar, BUT she was one of the nitwits who said she LIKED Sam's jumpsuit. I can't figure out what is happening. I feel like I'm losing my mind. I've kind of felt that way ever since the Anthony Ryan win, at least where Isaac is concerned, but I cannot believe Georgina is on the Sam train. I mean, she's kind of a snob, and his shit is not even remotely fashion. Seriously, I'm about to have a brain aneurysm trying to figure out WHY Sam seems to be the designated winner of this season??!!?!


I'm too upset to post anything else right now. I got to lie down.

And this is why I have concluded that Sam is Georgina's secret love child, possibly with Isaac.  

Edited by Calamity Jane
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Bold mine.

Pallida, you're right, she was a hostess or something at that restaurant? She certainly could have been doing more than one job, but I'm giving her the side eye TOO because why would you scrub something like that OFF your resume? Why would this be the first time she has ever mentioned it? Not that she should go on and on, but employers, hell, everyone, loves a cancer research champion. Makes no sense to me why it would just now come up.


Having said that, I still hope she wins because I think the other person is going to be Sam.


I love Debi Mazar, BUT she was one of the nitwits who said she LIKED Sam's jumpsuit. I can't figure out what is happening. I feel like I'm losing my mind. I've kind of felt that way ever since the Anthony Ryan win, at least where Isaac is concerned, but I cannot believe Georgina is on the Sam train. I mean, she's kind of a snob, and his shit is not even remotely fashion. Seriously, I'm about to have a brain aneurysm trying to figure out WHY Sam seems to be the designated winner of this season??!!?!


I'm too upset to post anything else right now. I got to lie down.

I do too! I only know her from Entourage so was confused when her intro didn't include that credit. Then I barely recognized that pulled-tight face and thought I might be mistaken. I can barely remember her critiques 'cuz I kept trying to figure out why she looked so different. But I do remember being very disappointed with her take on Sam's design. I think those pegged legs helped his crappy design but not enough to keep him safe.

I loved seersucker when I was like 8 or 9, I think. I'm glad I haven't decided to relive my youth with bleeding madras and seersucker. Hm. Anyone seen my water buffalo sandals?

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I just watched a Judy Garland movie from 1945, called The Clock. Loved it! Anyway, she wore a beautiful suit with a peplum throughout the whole movie and she looked amazing. The suit top was longer waisted and the peplum laid smoothly over her hips. It really looked good. Much better than any peplum I've seen on this show.

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Debi Mazar has a really big part on the show Younger, and that show is still on, so that's probably the best credit for her right now.  It's a cute show and Patricia Field styles for it.   Honestly, if any of you are fans of Debi you would love her on the show.  She plays the lead's BFF.  Great clothes on the show too.

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I thought Kini's outfit was ridiculous but then Alyssa came out. He can pull off something like that, though, because of his impeccable execution.


Kini's look in his negative confessionals is reminding me of Bowser from Super Mario Bros. His pettiness with Sam is making me dislike him.


Sam's outfit looked like a costume from Star Trek. 


Glad to see Emily do some worthy work these last 2 episodes.

Edited by anonymiss
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And this is why I have concluded that Sam is Georgina's secret love child, possibly with Isaac.

I can't imagine that Isaac has ever seen any lady bits up close and personal.

Although if she was wearing flats, he might consider it......

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I can't imagine that Isaac has ever seen any lady bits up close and personal.

Although if she was wearing flats, he might consider it......

Would he even see her lady bits...or would he just see flats?

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This is off the topic of PRAS slightly, but relevant to everyone wondering WHY Sam and Asha instead of a few designers from UTG that were arguably more talented:

It seems that a few of us have been wondering the same thing. It's occurred to me that--maybe--others from other seasons as well as UTG were contacted but may have declined due to lack of time, other job commitments or simply not wanting to put themselves through the BS again. While the show drags on for weeks, I'm not sure how long they actually have to be in NY, sleep deprived and largely cut off from everything and their families.

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I can't imagine that Isaac has ever seen any lady bits up close and personal.

Although if she was wearing flats, he might consider it......

Issac should marry those flats that Asha used.  I mean, it would be polygamy, but who cares, he really was in love with them.

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The perfect antidote to this is to get the flu and be to sick to even read. Then you'll spend 8 hours watching season one on Face Off. They amped up the drama season one! But at least they wised up and became the classy show we all love. While Project Runway has just gotten worse and worse. I blame Lifetime. 

Catch The Fashion Fund on Amazon also. That's a really good show-even if they do stick the same commercials in there week after week, grrrrrr.....


Hey you can work in a restaurant and still be a cancer researcher! I worked at a diner with a girl who had 2 Masters Degrees. She couldn't find a job! 


Sams an idiot and it's soooooo clear everyone dislikes him because he's a poser. Can't draw, can't design, can't sew. But apparently he can swallow......

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I just watched a Judy Garland movie from 1945, called The Clock. Loved it! Anyway, she wore a beautiful suit with a peplum throughout the whole movie and she looked amazing. The suit top was longer waisted and the peplum laid smoothly over her hips. It really looked good. Much better than any peplum I've seen on this show.

Judy owned the peplum, because she was a triangle. Broad shoulders, good-sized bust, long slim legs, no hips at all. Also, she was tiny. So her best dresses (say, the white one she wore at the end of Easter Parade) created the illusion of height and an hourglass figure with a long line to the bottom of her torso and then some added volume, from either a peplum or a flare. They're ridiculously flattering to most shapes. Rosalind Russell and Joan Crawford used the same trick.

It's just when you slap one on at the midriff and obscure the waist that it gets you into trouble. But, I think Asha really needs to take some time and learn her craft, because whatever talent she does have seem to be buried under a fairly limited frame of reference.

Edited by Julia
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I think the Sam story is simple. He's pretty. He's the kind of pretty that might get some press attention, a one page article that's a picture of his pretty face and maybe one outfit he had someone make for his collection (a smaller size picture, of course, than that of his face). And if I remember his story correctly he was bullied as a child. So, y'know, he can be inspirational in this age where everyone is bullied in some way yet we must press on.

Point is, no Tim needed, no grand conspiracy. Just a franchise in its last days desperate for a winner who might bring it some attention before it fades completely from the pop culture landscape.

Asha, to be blunt, was perfect fodder. Average in every way, never a real threat, not gonna cause too much viewer upset whenever she leaves, be it early or late in the season. Heck, she was eliminated we're mostly talking about Sam.

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I've come to the conclusion that some of the designers misunderstood the challenge.


When they were told to design for a badass they thought they were supposed to design a bad ass.


I shall be joining the "anybody but Sam" team.  I'll bring brownies.

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I think the Sam story is simple. He's pretty. He's the kind of pretty that might get some press attention, a one page article that's a picture of his pretty face and maybe one outfit he had someone make for his collection (a smaller size picture, of course, than that of his face).


Is Sam considered especially good looking? I've been puzzled about all of the comments since the beginning of the season about how he flirts and people fall for it. He seems kind of normal-looking to me. Not ugly. Not especially cute. Just sort of in the middle. Am I just not seeing something everyone else sees?

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Is Sam considered especially good looking? I've been puzzled about all of the comments since the beginning of the season about how he flirts and people fall for it. He seems kind of normal-looking to me. Not ugly. Not especially cute. Just sort of in the middle. Am I just not seeing something everyone else sees?

I think he is above average, but most importantly, he is the best looking one there.  I doubt Issac would give him the time of day if he saw him outside the show.

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So I did some more digging and found some more info on Dom's second job heading into her first season of Project Runway:


Having worked at the Philadelphia Zoo through high school and college, she eventually took a job in animal care at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine, and set up a website - http://www.halcyonco.bigcartel.com- where she sold pieces here and there.


I still give it a bit of side eye.  

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I didn't like Emily's dress because it didn't say summer to me. Sam has GOT to be doing I-Suck already because he should have been gone weeks ago. I liked Kini's design the best. Is Ken really that short? When he stood between the models, he looked like he was 5 feet tall.

When I saw Alyssa's runway outfit, it took me back to my school days and the nuns. All Alyssa needed was the whimpole on her head and a set of rosary beads and she'd be total nun. The nuns in our school wore the basic white dress with the black apron-like thing. And her hair was so 1980's. It took me back to an old miniseries called Scruples, starring Lindsay Wagner, where her hair was BIG, curly and wayyyyy beyond normal looking.

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