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S12.E17: I Wear The Face

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Meredith goes on an ambulance ride with Owen and Nathan to pick up a heart for a transplant patient. Musician & MS patient Kyle Diaz is admitted to Grey Sloan Memorial with a tremor in his hand, and the residents apply for the Preminger Grant. Meanwhile, Catherine continues to insert herself into Jackson and April's business against Richard's wishes.



Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Okay, any idea what the first song was? It played at the conclusion of Wilmer's brain surgery. It sounded a bit like Seal. I want to download it.

Sooo....I guess we know how they're getting rid of Penny! Cross country? Wheeeee! Tosses confetti.

Found the song on ITunes. It is Seal. "Every time I'm With You." That was easier than the last time a GA song piqued my interest and I found out it was a British release and the only place I could find it was an import CD on Amazon. Lot of trouble for one song.

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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Bye Penny. 


Sorry, still Team Jackson here.. Don't even care about the misunderstanding - none of this would have happened had April used her words. 

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I have three words for Meredith:  self-closing cupboard doors.  Check out the Ikea commercial.


Does no one tell the truth on this show?  Are we supposed to hate Riggs now?


I didn't know it was possible to hate Penny more.  Why did the attendings give her the prize?  Although it is was true that Amelia did it to get rid of her, well done, girl.


I know there's no excuse for the senior Dr. Avery taking Jackson away from his mother but if he did it to get Jackson away from her, I have sympathy.

Edited by statsgirl
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This show does April absolutely no favors.  How am I supposed to be on her side.  Jackson is the angry one here and rightfully so and yet he's talking about restraining because it's the best thing for the baby.  Don't even care that April heard Catherine since there has not been one instance on this show where Jackson has actually listened to anyone from his family pre or during his relationship with April.  And why not just do the rational thing and fight whatever she thought Jackson was going to do.  Idiot.


Catherine is a meddler and she is quick to try and cut Webber out of any decisions especially ones involving Jackson.  I love Debbie Allen though and that OR scene where she says "he didn't know who the hell he married" was everything.


April/Arizona happy they are friends again but the parallel with the patient was too forced, and April looked like a hypocrite.


Owen is legit crazy.  I don't know if it is the character or the acting choices but everytime he gets upset it's always at level 10 and it's just so uncomfortable to watch.  Not every scene where he is angry requires yelling.  Can't stand him.  


Penny is still boring and I can't stand her.  Stephanie was true to her competitive trash talking roots.  I really don't like any of them that much and they could all win the award and go.


Maggie would be too much for me to live with.  She has no concept of just letting things be and insists on being involved at every step.

Edited by sking24450
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So Riggs is a big fat cheater, too. Him and Owen are like two peas in a pod. 


I don't understand how a third year resident could win a grant over her fifth year peers. She's no wunderkind, she's no Lexie Grey. It's not enough that Penny has been all over this season and has high-jacked screentime and development from the majority of the characters, but now she is a grant winner too? I don't fault Stephanie for being annoyed with her, Penny's already stepped on Jo's toes when it comes to surgery. This isn't a bad thing if it takes Penny off of the show, but I don't want Callie to go out like that if Sara decides to leave. Callie and Penny are so awkward together and it has not been a good fit for Callie all season. 


Could April not have approached Jackson first before going full throttle? She's always at a ten, I need her to be at a four. I have a feeling that this dramatic miscommunication misunderstanding will lead to them getting back together at the end of the season. 


What happened to the Jolex story that Shonda said we were going to see? The story that was pushed back last season because of the Derek stuff? 

Edited by funnygirl
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I enjoyed this episode. Heck I love this entire season, tbh. But I did fall asleep during the last ten minutes due to getting a little too comfortable, lol. Did I read right? Amelia admitted to voting for Penny just to get rid of her?  If so, then hell yes! I normally don't mind Penny all that much, but I was getting annoyed during this episode as it blatantly seemed like Penny propping. But if Amelia was running game on her, then I approve. That's far more in character than Amelia doing a 180 on her just because she showed some proficiency in her specialty. Keep your enemies closer indeed.

Edited by admiralrodcocker
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I found myself not caring one bit if they were trying to make Riggs a liar, or a cheater, or a terrible person who gives an alcoholic drinks. I just don't care. Because I'll pick him any day over Owen. So over Ragin' Owen and his outbursts.


Kepner continues to be self-righteous and annoying. Penny continues to have the appeal of a dead bird.


Where was Alex??

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I sooooo hope this is the beginning of the end of Penny, but I don't want Callie to go with her. Of course, isn't it about time for Callie to get her heart stomped on again? Hadn't happened in, what, a whole season? Poor Callie, always destined to be dumped or cheated on.

I really like the way Richard handled Catherine. JPJ is such a great actor anyway, but I thought his scenes were very compelling.

But it's such a soap opera thing to have April overhear Catherine and then decide to do simething monumentally stupid at the same time Jackson is extending an olive branch. I did like that April and Arizona became friends again.

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Owen does everything in an over-the-top rage. Even sex scenes. Kevin McKidd doesn't do subtle. He inhales his co-stars faces. He yells in a purple faced rage if someone gives him decaf. I also don't care what Riggs did. He needs to clean Owen's clock.

It's hard to pick a side in the Kepner-Avery debate. On one side you have April, and the other side Catherine Avery. They both suck. Kid is sooo screwed.

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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I hope Penny's leaving. I'd take Callie leaving with her after the last couple seasons. I don't want this to just be for drama purposes with Penny ultimately staying.

I can't with the April/Jackson story. Or the Owen/Riggs story. Or Maggie in general. Or the total lack of story for Alex or Alex/Jo.

I think Amelia is about the only thing I semi-enjoyed and I hate her.

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Just last week I was talking about how interesting and full of nuance I found the April/Jackson storyline to be.  I worried they couldn't sustain it.  I was right to worry.


It is almost impossible for me to explain how very offensive basically comparing April to a pregnant teenager (and having her see the "light")  was for me tonight. I'm going to have to think about how to comment on this more cogently other than "screw you show", "screw you".  And then, of course, we get the overheard conversation with April hearing Webber/Catherine talking, of course we do.  So it becomes a soap opera plot development tonight rather than something so earned by earlier episodes.


Dammit show.

Edited by pennben
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Was there supposed to be something important about showing the row of syringes that Penny was looking at during the surgery?  She had been handing them to Shepard and started to say something, but Stephanie cut her off.  Did Amelia skip one and Penny not tell her?  I kept expecting the patient to go into some type of arrest while Stephanie was watching him.  


I'm still expecting Owen's sister to show up soon.

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I really hate show stories that are about misunderstandings. Of course April overheard Catherine and overreacted. Of course Jackson had a whole different idea. I didn't really understand the whole pregnant teen story. The hospital couldn't operate without the mom's signature. Could they really ask her permission to do surgery yet withhold info on her pregnancy? What would happen if the baby died during surgery? Could the mother sue for not knowing?

The actress who plays Penny is not good.

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Agree with all - hate Owen, hate Penny and I have never liked Stephanie. The only time she ever engendered (did I make up this word?) an emotion in me was when Jackson stood up at the wedding and said - oh yeah. Sorry.

Um. Are we supposed to believe the clearly 40-year old

Mom was 28??? (Right? She said she had gotten knocked up at 14 too??)

Was there supposed to be something important about showing the row of syringes that Penny was looking at during the surgery? She had been handing them to Shepard and started to say something, but Stephanie cut her off. Did Amelia skip one and Penny not tell her? I kept expecting the patient to go into some type of arrest while Stephanie was watching him.

I'm still expecting Owen's sister to show up soon.

Yes! Me too! I even rewound and thought she missed one!!

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I'm still expecting Owen's sister to show up soon.


I'd be surprised if it didn't happen.


After watching this episode, I have to say April is just the worst.

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Okay, done venting for now:)  I know lots of folks don't like the callbacks to earlier episodes, but I couldn't help but smile as Stephanie was helping the patient with his guitar, when I thought back to a similar moment during a brain surgery, where Bailey stopped assisting (the other) Sheppard and sat down with a kid who was a championship speller and held a "pop" spelling bee, if you will, to help him get through the surgery.  I've got to imagine that was intentional and I appreciated it; but I also appreciated that if you didn't know about that episode, that was okay too.  That remains one of my favorite episodes as I am a spelling bee geek who watches every year, and for a number of years, Shonda would blog the spelling bee and it was amazing!

Edited by pennben
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this season is reminding me a lot of season 11, and not in a good way.  This season started out strong for me and has just been going downhill as it progresses.  I am not even sure what I just watched.  I'm not really into the Amelia/Penny/Stephanie show.  Wilmer Valderamma was kind of annoying as the patient.  I'm also over Shonda's obsessive love stuff.  No its not cute, its borderline creepy.


So Riggs is a cheater and a liar?  ok...cool, whatever I kind of don't care, this story is boring and has been dragged on for way too long.  At least Owen's hatred of him makes a little more sense now.  April/Arizona and the case was just trying too hard to be symbolic.  And, since when does a 14 year old get to make their own medical decisions? How was it even a question whether to tell the mother about the girl's pregnancy especially since it directly related to her necessary care.  I assumed April telling the mom was supposed to mirror April teling Jackson because they both "needed to know", but it was not at all the same.  I also thought the same thing about the patient's mother looking too old to have been a teen mom with a 14 year old.  


My ultimate hope is that the grant is Penny's exit WITHOUT Callie.  The lack of chemistry between Callie and Penny is astounding.  Penny sucks all the life out of every scene she is in.  


The only thing I was remotely interested in was the Japril stuff but even that is getting redundant and stale.  I'm curious to see how this goes because all they really need to do is to talk AND listen to each other.  However, how exactly does a restraining order work when you work with someone?


I felt like Meredith in the ambulance most of this episode "Why am I here?".  Next week looks equally as boring.

Edited by Greysaddict
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I thought this was the worst episode of the season.  I was already fatigued by Penny and she was everywhere. It felt like she was in every other scene. I was happy that at least she'll be leaving but now I'm thinking she'll probably drop out last minute and it will go to Stephanie.


I was enjoying April & Jackson's storyline until tonight. Everything about it tonight annoyed me. April listening outside the door like a 5 year old then getting a restraining order without even speaking to Jackson first was so contrived. Is it even possible to get a restraining order that fast when a person isn't in danger?


Owen needs to get to a shrink yesterday.  If he's unable to control his rage during working hours then he needs to take time off.  His going off about Riggs buying Amelia a drink was ridiculous.  How would he know that Amelia was in AA?  I know Owen said Riggs was a cheating, etc. but I'm guessing it will turn out that Owen was wrong. I would not be shocked if it was the sister who was cheating. And, I already like Riggs more than Owen.


I'm not a fan of Wilmer and am resentful that he's getting a big story arc when half the characters have been ignored all season long.


Good for Justin Chambers. He made a ton of money for those 25 seconds.  

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I love April.

I found the interactions between April and AZ so annoying and frustrating. Just last week AZ was asking everyone and anyone to back her up on revealing confidential information. Now she is acting super ethical and and even a little smug in her stance on following a patients privacy. Fine, maybe she saw the error of her ways and knows she made a mistake with April. However, to not acknowledge that these situations are completely different and to actively imply they are the same is maddening. A 14 year old girl who is incapable of driving herself to the hospital let alone make independent medical decisions is in no way similar to a 30 year old doctor. I have no idea what the correct protocol is regarding privacy but even if the outcome of both situations is silence I think to act so superior this week is ridiculous.

I also hate the lack of communication. Yes,it causes drama, but it is not drama that I enjoy watching. I feel like April should have told Jackson right away about her pregnancy, jackson should have told April about Catherine, penny should have told her friends she was applying, Owen should talk to Riggs about his problem, Riggs should tell Owen what really happened with the sister...etc. In this hospital things don't stay hidden for too long so you are better off going and talking to the person directly and immediately. Especially with this groups tendency to talk and gossip in the middle of the hospital.

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Penny is still boring and I can't stand her.  Stephanie was true to her competitive trash talking roots.  I really don't like any of them that much and they could all win the award and go.


I don't mind Penny. I'm not interested in her, but I'm annoyed that she continues to sit there like stiff oatmeal whenever she gets insulted. For once, I'd like for her to get a little Owen rage and tell everyone to fuck off. She should've checked Meredith earlier when she was being ridiculous about her "killing" Derek, and tonight she should've told Jo and Steph that she didn't owe them shit. Why should she not take a chance to further her career? She has to dim her shine for their entitled asses? Please. She's so damn passive that it irks me.


I still don't understand why Amelia tries with Meredith. Of all the unrealistic crap on this show, that wannabe sisters thing remains the most confusing. Toleration isn't love.

Edited by Sheenieb
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I missed part of the episode, but it appeared that the attendings selected the grant winner. So why wasn't Callie in the room voting? Why would she be surprised that Penny won? If Alex gets to be in the room (I assume Jo applied - I think someone said he was there), why wasn't Callie?

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Yea, this episode was meh for me. Not terrible, but nothing great. It's typical for mid-season... very filler, lots of setup.


So I guess the grant was designed to do two things: either send off Penny & Callie if Sara decides to leave, or send off Steph if Sara stays and Jerrika's pilot gets picked up. I'll be so upset if they decide to write off Callie as deciding to move Sophia away to follow freaking Penny. Also, no mention of Jo being down to leave for a year? No conversation between her and Alex? Typical. They could have stretched the Preminger thing into at least a two-episode story to at least make it work on a few different levels, it would have been a logical catalyst to get Jo and Alex discussing their relationship. Instead we just hear that they're having sex, in yet another episode where they don't even share a scene. 


I didn't so much hate April overhearing the conversation between Richard and Mama Avery because it's a trope Grey's had done 100 times, but I absolutely hated her serving Jackson with a restraining order. What is it for, 5 feet? They work in the same building! And on what grounds? And how the hell did he get served so quickly? And how did she know where he was going to be? The whole setup was illogical, right down to having Jackson at the bar with Ben after Ben had already left to go home with Bailey. He also in that time managed to have a crib delivered? It was all just rushed and messy and very over-the-top. 


I don't mind that Riggs is a cheater, because who isn't on this show? Maybe that would have been an interesting revelation a few weeks ago, but the story has moved at snail speed. Please, please, please move on. I don't want the sister to show up, and I don't want anymore screaming matches between these two. I like Riggs outside of his scenes with Owen. 


Surprisingly, the best part of this episode for me was Steph. I don't mind Wilmer, and his story worked fine for me. I liked seeing Steph get competitive and I'm always down to hear someone trash-talk Penny. I also like that she confronted Amelia at the end. I felt like she was talking for some of the audience there... like "REALLY? Penny?" Again, Jo was just an after-thought in the story as if the attendings would never really consider her. 


Someone needs to slap Maggie. She's basically a cartoon character, and slapping always seems to snap cartoon characters out of their zany antics. So, yea... someone needs to slap Maggie. 

Edited by BaseOps
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I guess the point of the teen patient was so April could feel the burning need to tell her mother, like Arizona had a burning need to tell Jackson.  Well, ok.  I'd rather April be confiding in Arizona than spending 5 episodes being mad at her. 


Jo and Alex had sex this morning.  Thanks, show, for not ever showing them together as a couple.  I still having a hard time believing they're actually in a relationship and have been for years.


Owen needs to get a grip on his temper.  He should learn not to react with violence, like stomping out of the OR when they found out they couldn't use the heart.

Edited by izabella
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Just last week I was talking about how interesting and full of nuance I found the April/Jackson storyline to be.  I worried they couldn't sustain it.  I was right to worry.


It is almost impossible for me to explain how very offensive basically comparing April to a pregnant teenager (and having her see the "light")  was for me tonight. I'm going to have to think about how to comment on this more cogently other than "screw you show", "screw you".  And then, of course, we get the overheard conversation with April hearing Webber/Catherine talking, of course we do.  So it becomes a soap opera plot development tonight rather than something so earned by earlier episodes.


Dammit show.


Yes! To all of this!  The April - Jackson story this season has been painful and messy and hard to watch, but it felt genuine in the way that real life can be painful and messy and hard to watch.  Tonight's miscommunication is just stupid soap.  Hopefully, it will be resolved in one episode because that's how long stupid soap should take to resolve.  Neither of them are bad people, neither of them hate each other and both want what's best for their child, so I really don't want to see a bunch of contrived, shallow issues just to keep the drama going.  

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Okay, any idea what the first song was? It played at the conclusion of Wilmer's brain surgery. It sounded a bit like Seal. I want to download it.

You're right, it is: "Every Time I'm With You." (I love Shazam).

Edited by LADreamr
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I had to take Meredith's side in the opening scene - it is SO ANNOYING when people leave doors and drawers open. Everything has an equal and opposite reaction. In other words, if you open something then you are responsible for closing it, just like if you use a bowl then you wash it and if you take something out then you put it back. That's just common courtesy, but even moreso if you are a guest in someone's house. Meredith is nice enough to let you stay at her house, so the least you can do is close the cabinets if she wants them closed. You know that it drives Meredith crazy yet you refuse to make an effort. There is no reason to have every cabinet door and drawer gaping open, damn it!


When Jo and Stephanie clicked the submit button on their online applications at the same time, I was expecting a sudden power outage.


I'm glad that Weber made it clear that he didn't approve of what Catherine did. And I loved that later after she told him the Sad Story of Her Vindictive Husband Trying to Take Avery Away, Weber just told her that her story wasn't Jackson's story. Related side note: after college my boyfriend was accepted to law school so I moved to Berkeley with him. My aunt told me that I was making the biggest mistake of my life and ruining my life (keep in mind that she had never met my boyfriend and this was completely unsolicited "advice"). Why? Because her college boyfriend got accepted to law school and she moved with him and then he dumped her. I told her the same thing that Weber told Catherine: just because it happened to you doesn't mean it's going to happen to me. I am not you, he is not your ex, and our relationship is not your relationship. Just because something crappy happened to you doesn't mean the same thing is going to happen to everyone else so calm down and let people make their own choices.


Ha, pregnant girl's mom was Anna on Seinfeld! And congrats to the actress for being cast as a 28 year old mom twenty years after her role on Seinfeld. Hilarious that after twelve years of basically every main character violating HIPAA regulations, they finally had an episode where they discussed protecting a patient's privacy regarding her medical condition. You would think that April, of all people, who is still furious at Arizona for telling Jackson that she's pregnant, would respect Jenny's privacy about her pregnancy. But once again, April is a hypocrite who just does whatever she wants. Because she wanted Jenny to have the surgery, she wanted Jenny's mom to talk Jenny into it so she decided that HIPAA regulations be damned! Who cares about patient privacy when a family member could take April's side about surgery? Since Bailey told Arizona that what she did was a firing offense, I can't wait to hear her tell April the same thing. Oh, wait, that's not going to happen because April is always right? Okay.


I am so tired of Hunt's temper tantrums. I get that it's frustrating to lose a donor heart that could have saved another patient's life but having a tantrum in someone else's OR is immature and rude. As for his attitude towards Riggs, Hunt needs to STFU. It is no one's fault but Amelia's if she had a drink. Riggs didn't know she was an addict and it's not his responsibility to ask every person at a bar if they're alcoholics before offering to buy them drinks. Ultimately, it was Amelia's choice to drink. Similarly, even if Riggs was cheating on Hunt's sister, it was her choice to get on that helicopter. Hunt can take his self-righteous anger and GTFO.


Likewise, Jo and Stephanie can have a seat. Penny is allowed to change her mind about applying for a grant without asking their damn permission. Did it ever occur to Stephanie that maybe Penny was so riled up about her bitchy Dillard comment that she decided to apply at the last minute? Besides, this means YAY, Penny is leaving!


Being awake during surgery sounds like torture to me. I would not want to hear what they're doing while they're doing it! Wilmer Valderrama grosses me out (a 30 year old guy dating an 18 year old girl is always going to get the side eye from me) so seeing him hit on Edwards did not help matters.

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eing awake during surgery sounds like torture to me. I would not want to hear what they're doing while they're doing it! Wilmer Valderrama grosses me out (a 30 year old guy dating an 18 year old girl is always going to get the side eye from me) so seeing him hit on Edwards did not help matters.

Thank you! This has always bugged me. 42 and 30 - fine. even now the 36 and 24 isn't awful. But 30 and 18 is just him taking advantage. Esp since she was recovering from addictive behavior. Boo. 


ok, back to GA

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So, little miss "compromise=my way, always" files a restraining order. Against not only a fellow doctor who needs to work side by side with her to *save patient lives,* but who also is essentially the majority owner of the hospital where she works. And she sees no problem with that (or didn't think about that tiny detail in her frenzy).


Oh, and the mama bear she just woke up, big time? The actual majority owner? *Greeeeeeeeaaat* idea. She'd better hope Seattle Presbyterian is hiring trauma surgeons, because she just made it impossible to stay at Sloan-Grey. Though Seattle may not be big enough for April and mama bear after this...


I know, I know. It's complicated. They both share responsibility for leaping into a clearly problematic relationship. But she makes it pretty hard to support her side when she acts like an impulsive ass.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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Was there supposed to be something important about showing the row of syringes that Penny was looking at during the surgery?  She had been handing them to Shepard and started to say something, but Stephanie cut her off.  Did Amelia skip one and Penny not tell her?  I kept expecting the patient to go into some type of arrest while Stephanie was watching him.  

I believe they were using the syringes to suck out the blood from the brain bleed. The camera panned over them so you could see how many were full and be worried the "small" bleed was getting much bigger.

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Was there supposed to be something important about showing the row of syringes that Penny was looking at during the surgery?  She had been handing them to Shepard and started to say something, but Stephanie cut her off.  Did Amelia skip one and Penny not tell her?  I kept expecting the patient to go into some type of arrest while Stephanie was watching him.  


Yeah, it caught my attention too and I was also expecting something bad to happen to the patient (a creepier and less charming version of Denny, BTW). It was really weird and random.

I still don't understand why Amelia tries with Meredith. Of all the unrealistic crap on this show, that wannabe sisters thing remains the most confusing. Toleration isn't love.


Amen to that. It's getting so stupid and unrealistic. Meredith doesn't care about them. Maggie actually seems a lot closer to Amelia than to Meredith. They have little in common. All of them can easily afford a place of their own. Just stop with the whole sisterhood thing, for God's sake. It isn't working.


And neither is Penny. Are we supposed to care about this whole Stephanie/grant drama? I don't think this necessarily means she'll leave, though. And I don't mind her in smaller doses but the whole "Penny is a doormat until she awakens her inner lion and lets everybody hear her roar" shtick just keeps playing out so awkwardly. 


The April/Arizona storyline was so, so, so ridiculous. Also, would a 14 year old really be allowed to make her own medical decisions? What if she was 5, would they also let her decide whether she's having surgery or not? 


In general, the episode was about as subtle as an elephant in a porcelain store. 

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And neither is Penny. Are we supposed to care about this whole Stephanie/grant drama? I don't think this necessarily means she'll leave, though. And I don't mind her in smaller doses but the whole "Penny is a doormat until she awakens her inner lion and lets everybody hear her roar" shtick just keeps playing out so awkwardly.

In general, the episode was about as subtle as an elephant in a porcelain store.

I also think the fact that nobody is really rooting hard for Penny makes it hard to take the speeches seriously. She might get walked on a bit but she's stood up for herself enough that being a doormat Isn't the case anymore. She's also supposed to be brilliant in specialty and gets more special treatment then all the other residents put together.

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I can only guess that Arizona's weird position with the pregnant teenager came from her own guilt about telling Jackson about April's pregnancy. Because there's no other reason why she would be so rigid about it. But no, you can't compare a grown woman's (a doctor, no less) decision on when/if to tell her (ex)partner about her pregnancy with a CHILD who is pregnant and now has a second complication requiring surgery. How does a 14-year-old get to deny surgery, when she's doing so solely to keep her mother from knowing about her pregnancy? Because that's how children think, which is why we tend not to let children make these kind of decisions! And you can't get truly informed consent from the parent without giving her all the facts. Would that even be ethical?

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As much as I hate these storylines, I have to defend a couple of points.

Regarding the restraining order, not all of them are the classic "you must stay 500 feet away" variety. There can be provisions written in to allow for Jackson and April to share workspace. It could just state he's not allowed to come to the apartment, etc. (Of course, knowing this show, it will be the classic type and the stupid misunderstandings and lack of communicating will continue.)

On the teen mom front, in my experience the parental notification piece works exactly that way. When my niece, so was 16, found out that she was pregnant during an emergency room visit, the doctor tried to tell her privately, but my niece wouldn't let them make her mom leave the room, so they found out together. And from that point on, my niece was completely emancipated medically. Her parents were still her next of kin, but assuming she was conscious and sane, they had no more say over her medical choices than if she was thirty.

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There's only one word to describe this episode - Anvil.

As much as I loved the fact that April and Arizona patched up, I knew it would happen from the moment that teen said that she needs to hide her pregnancy. I'm glad April understood that sometimes it's better if there are people to take care of you and it doesn't needs to be done alone (like that mother told the her daughter) and eventually she understood that's what Arizona wanted for her too. I just found it a bit odd that she was so gung ho in getting the teen tested when she herself refrains to do so.

I could only praise april's maturity for so long though, really she overheard something and filed an restraining order??? And is it even possible to file a restraining order someone who is not threat to you? Can you file one against your boss and work with him too?

They have made japril so toxic that I don't even want them back anytime soon.

Penny. Ugh penny. She said she didn't wanted to stay in GSMH but stayed anyway, said she didn't want to apply, applied anyway. if that's how they plan to write her off then fine but if they tag callie along, it would be such an slap on callie Torres as character and Sara Ramirez as actress's face because the last thing you wanna show is Callie being some fool who drops everything for someone who's only concentrated on her career.

I say it every week, Sloyan struggles so much as an actress that even guest patient look better than her.

When will Owen and Riggs sort their mess out. I want to see them as buddies for a change. It's the same story since Riggs arrived.

For a change I liked the sisterhood scenes, it felt natural. Amelia was bearable too. They messed Amelia Stephanie though, wonder how that will roll.

What is a Jolex? This was such an good opportunity for writers to write for Jolex but they didn't even had one scene. Why can't they put Alex with Ben & Jackson's group?

Sidebar- Kevin Mckidd posted a photo with THATCHER GREY in a court room. If we are thinking it's japril or calzona's custody battle in future episodes, then what is he doing there..

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Don't you need some grounds or evidence of something in order to get a restraining order?  I don't get it.  Police and judges just issue restraining orders willy nilly anytime someone says "I want so-and-so to stay away from me"?  I don't think it's that simple.

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On the teen mom front, in my experience the parental notification piece works exactly that way. When my niece, so was 16, found out that she was pregnant during an emergency room visit, the doctor tried to tell her privately, but my niece wouldn't let them make her mom leave the room, so they found out together. And from that point on, my niece was completely emancipated medically. Her parents were still her next of kin, but assuming she was conscious and sane, they had no more say over her medical choices than if she was thirty.


Yeah, but 14 is not really the same as 16, you're legally able to do more stuff when you're 16, right? Also, pregnancy wasn't the only issue, it was also about a possibly life-threatening condition requiring surgery, shouldn't a legal custody be aware of all the circumstances? 


Don't you need some grounds or evidence of something in order to get a restraining order?  I don't get it.  Police and judges just issue restraining orders willy nilly anytime someone says "I want so-and-so to stay away from me"?  I don't think it's that simple.


This! Don't you need to provide evidence of some sort? Would "I overheard my former mother-in-law say they're suing me for full custody" really cut it?

Also, can it be done in a matter of hours?

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I don't know, everything I'm finding online about Washington law is regarding what a doctor is REQUIRED to tell a parent, not what they are ALLOWED to tell a parent, which of course are two different things. But there's no parental notification or consent requirement for a minor to have a abortion, pregnancy tests, birth control methods, or STI tests. And there's no age limit that I can find.

So while I know this case wasn't any of those particular things, I think it's related. I can imagine that if a teenager legally can make those decisions herself in the interests of privacy, a hospital would extend that to other medical decisions regarding pregnancy.

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I know I'm in the minority, but I'm absolutely hooked by the Japril story.  Even though I think the restraining order is stupid.  I bet that will resolve next week.  Kepner is a much more interesting character these days than she was in previous seasons.  Still immature and annoying, but I like her.  I also like Az and I HATED her in previous seasons.  I like her away from Callie, and I like her friends with April. I'm glad they patched it up.


I'm Team Riggs. Owen drives me bananas, and while I find Kevin McKidd hot, I hate him on this show.  I'm hoping we find out that Owen's sister was the cheater and she lied to Owen.  Riggs is hot, and I'm shallow.  


The Sisterhood scenes kinda worked for me. Maggie's annoying, but tolerable. Amelia and Mere had a cute little scene at the end I thought.  


The Grant storyline? Hopefully Bye Penny.  

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This episode had so many people being overheard it felt like an episode of "Three's Company"


Is Callie capable of talking about anything other than sex? The sex she's having, the sex other people aren't, the kind of sex she likes. Get a filter, Torres.


Oh April. You are and ever shall be the worst.

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So Electric Boogaloo, don't leave us hanging--what happened?  With benefit of hindsight, would you still make that move?

(Sorry, quote function not working for me today.)



Are we still working with the version that Mystery Sister was on the disappearing helicopter to attend her patient (in which case, Riggs' whereabouts are largely irrelevant)?  Or is Owen's position that Riggs' cheating was the only reason Mystery Sister boarded the helicopter in the first place?  Maybe Riggs strapped Owen's sister into the helicopter and tossed in a grenade!


I have to admit I'm enjoying this story.  Owen going purple with apoplexy every week is so ridiculous it makes me laugh.


I'd love to see Owen ultimately have the "Uh-oh, I've been an asshole" revelation, as April did tonight--always satisfying.  But Riggs is so patient and reasonable and Owen's behavior is so annoying, I'm thinking Owen will have to be redeemed when we learn the truth.  (Step it up, show--he said/he said is getting old.)


Attention Amelia and Meredith:  you're not sisters.  You'll get along better if Amelia takes some of her millions of dollars per annum superhero brain surgeon paycheck and gets a place to live where she can leave the cabinet doors however the hell she wants.


"I'm annoying," she says, with an impish twinkle.  Yes, you are, sweetheart.

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I don't know, everything I'm finding online about Washington law is regarding what a doctor is REQUIRED to tell a parent, not what they are ALLOWED to tell a parent, which of course are two different things. But there's no parental notification or consent requirement for a minor to have a abortion, pregnancy tests, birth control methods, or STI tests. And there's no age limit that I can find.

So while I know this case wasn't any of those particular things, I think it's related. I can imagine that if a teenager legally can make those decisions herself in the interests of privacy, a hospital would extend that to other medical decisions regarding pregnancy.

I did some research this morning too and it seems like in Washington state a teenager can make medical decisions without parental consent in three types of cases 1)Mental Health 2) Substance Abuse and 3) Reproductive Health (abortion, STDs, birth control, etc.).  You can argue that pregnancy falls under reproductive health, or you can argue that the mother needed to know the daughter's full health picture in order to make an informed decision on the surgery.  So, its definitely a borderline privacy violation.   My problem is exactly that. It's SO borderline, as with Arizona telling Jackson.  For years (ever) this show basically existed as a HIPAA violation.  NOW you want me to care about violation of privacy for this?  No.  

Edited by Greysaddict
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The actress who plays Penny is not good.

None of them are good except: Meredith, Amelia, Alex, Jackson, Mama Avery, Callie, Arizona, Webber, Bailey, Ben Warren...the good ol' folks who are the only ones I wish to see week after week (we could couple all of them up and get rid of the rest...lol).  April and Owen are the next level but they overact a lot and it gets on my nerves. The rest just bore the crap out of me and I wish they would all go buh bye...Jo, Maggie, Maggie's boy toy, Penny, Edwards, Riggs.

Edited by Lamima
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My problem is exactly that. It's SO borderline, as with Arizona telling Jackson.  For years (ever) this show basically existed as a HIPAA violation.  NOW you want me to care about violation of privacy for this?  No.  

Exactly that. It was so bizarre to see Arizona of all people so adamant about not violating the patient's privacy rights. Take the pregnancy out of equation - would a child be allowed to make potentially life and death decisions? Would they respect her wish not to be operated if she was simply scared or didn't want to have an ugly scar or something? It was definitely grey area.

I get that it was supposed to be a parallel to a previous episode, but come on. 

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I had to take Meredith's side in the opening scene - it is SO ANNOYING when people leave doors and drawers open. Everything has an equal and opposite reaction. In other words, if you open something then you are responsible for closing it, just like if you use a bowl then you wash it and if you take something out then you put it back. That's just common courtesy, but even moreso if you are a guest in someone's house. Meredith is nice enough to let you stay at her house, so the least you can do is close the cabinets if she wants them closed. You know that it drives Meredith crazy yet you refuse to make an effort. There is no reason to have every cabinet door and drawer gaping open, damn it!


I lived with someone for two years who pulled out chairs and stools and never pushed them back in. Used to drive me crazy!


I still hate Meredith, however. She is such a witch. She is the WORST one to advise Owen on getting over stuff. Her constant hot/cold with Amelia makes no sense to me. Amelia got over the fact that Meredith pulled the plug on her brother before letting her get to him, so whatever Meredith's deal is needs to end. And where are the kids at dinner time?!


Maggie was introduced to the show as the biggest Mary Sue ever. Then, she did begin to grow on me... But her meddling is a lot to take. However, if she wasn't there Meredith's kids would have starved to death or gotten left in the hospital daycare until they were 18 by now.


There was NO way April was going to keep Jackson or his mom from the baby. She is all about family values and has never given any inclination that she was hiding the pregnancy for custody reasons. This whole plot is stupid. I hope Jackson continues to ignore his mother and just shares custody with April. I know the writers are trying to show a bit of trauma from Catherine's past as some sort of trigger, but it's out of nowhere and dumb (Plus, I thought the only reason she inherited the Avery empire was because her husband died??). And now she went and rightfully scared April into further making an absolute mess of things. April should have trusted Jackson to ignore his mother like he always does. I'll blame hormones for her rash behaviour. And what on earth did she say to even qualify Jackson for a restraining order.


Webber continues to be the bomb.


Stephanie and Jo turning on Penny was petty and spiteful. Grow up, people. Alex, Christina and Meredith had so much more class back in the day, even though they were wicked competitive with one another. Stephanie saying she got screwed over because another fellow decided to apply for a grant is ridiculous. 


Owen's crazy rage makes more sense to me now. Not that I excuse it, but I get that he is furious that he is the one who looks bad because Whatshisface and his lies and charm are making Owen look irrational. Owen needs to let it go and get over it. And the actor might want to soften his approach a bit, because he is definitely making the character a turn-off. When he starred in that movie with Dempsey years ago (Maid of Honor, I think?), he was plenty soft and charming. I wish Yang could come back for a weekend and chill him out.


Poor Alex. Your dumb girlfriend even gets more air time than you do. You deserve an entire ARC.

Edited by Chewy101
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