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In Memoriam: Entertainment Industry Celebrity Deaths

Message added by Mr. Sparkle,


This thread is for deaths of celebrities in the entertainment business only. No notices about politicians, please. 

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I had never heard of Bullous Pemphigoid before so I googled it. What a horrible disease. I can only imagine how much pain he must have been in. 

Rest in peace, Kjell.

Edited by SimoneS
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4 minutes ago, mariah23 said:

He died two years ago .

LOL, this was just on my Comcast home page like it was breaking news, & I didn't pick up that it was 2 years ago, & didn't remember it happening. Somebody must have screwed up.

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David Horowitz, ‘Fight Back!’ Consumer Reporter Dies at 81

"Fight Back! With David Horowitz” won multiple Emmys and a huge audience as Horowitz investigated product defects, tested advertising claims and confronted companies with customer complaints.

A popular feature on “Fight Back!” were commercial challenges, which included “products being dropped from a helicopter or being smashed with wrecking balls to test claims of strength” and even durability tests featuring an elephant, according to a family biography.

It ran from 1976-1992 and kind of was the Mythbusters of its day.

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Howitzer entered into mainstream pop culture when Johnny Carson did his "David Howitzer" sketches.

While we're in the Wayback Machine, RIP Peter Tork.  The Monkees were my preteen band of choice because I wasn't cool enough for the Beatles (or was I???)

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God damn it. The Monkees were a huge part of my childhood. My friends and I used to pretend to be them and play mock instruments while we sang along to the songs. Even after not hearing any of the songs for more than a decade, when I played some on Youtube last year, I still knew all of the lyrics. 

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1 hour ago, 2727 said:

David Horowitz, ‘Fight Back!’ Consumer Reporter Dies at 81

I know his program wound up being syndicated nationally, but he's forever in my mind as a local (Los Angeles) reporter, because he was a fixture here in the '70s and '80s.  I don't remember the specifics of how they were ripped off, but my friend's parents were the consumers he helped in one of his early segments.

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Just now hearing of Pete's death saddens me deeply.  I've seen the Monkees at various times (and various pairings depending on who was willing and able to tour at a given time) and enjoyed all the work these guys put into their concerts.  Peter always came across to me as a sensitive soul.  He had battled alcoholism (sober since '81) and battled so many other personal demons before finally being able to comfortably shoulder being a Monkee, but also being Peter Tork -  musician, artist, part time actor, and full time character.  

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FETV (Family Entertainment Television) screens episodes of The Monkees Saturday mornings. In the last year (or 2?) of the show, during the opening credits, each of the boys was first "misidentified" as Peter -- to a cutaway shot of him, chagrined -- then as themselves.

Davy was the heartthrob; Michael, the smart one; Mickey was the bandleader.  Peter was the Innocent; the group's baby, who the others were always quick to defend against the villains of the world.  One of the most touching stories during the run was the one where Peter sold his soul to the Devil in order to play an instrument.  In "court", Mike defended him by saying that Peter always knew how to make music; he'd never needed the Devil's help at all.  Sweet.

Flights of angels, Pete.  You & your boys were a sweet and much -loved part of my childhood.  Wish I could've thanked you for that.

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5 hours ago, UYI said:

I need to show my mom this tweet. She's gone on and on over the years about how they deserve to be there. 

So very sad to hear about Peter. I grew up with the Monkees thanks to my mom-she's loved them ever since they first came out, and I would sit and watch the reruns with her on MTV and whatnot all the time as a kid. And then of course he popped up on a couple "Boy Meets World" episodes as Topanga's dad at one point as well. He was a truly talented musician, and so much fun to watch on the show. This sucks :(. 

February's a bad month, it seems-Davy died in February, too. I remember my sister had told me about Davy's death, and I was sitting here hoping my mom had already heard the news elsewhere, 'cause I was really dreading the thought of breaking that news to her (she had already heard by the time she got home that day, though, so...).

5 hours ago, BW Manilowe said:

So are half the Beatles. Sir Paul & Sir Ringo/Sir Richard are the only ones left, like Micky & Mike are the only Monkees now.

My mom was talking about that, too-she suggested that Paul, Ringo, Micky, and Mike get together and do something :). 

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15 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

February's a bad month, it seems-Davy died in February, too. I remember my sister had told me about Davy's death, and I was sitting here hoping my mom had already heard the news elsewhere, 'cause I was really dreading the thought of breaking that news to her (she had already heard by the time she got home that day, though, so...).

He died on February 29th, 2012--the day after my 23rd birthday. And now Peter dies on February 21st--exactly one week before my 30th birthday. Bizarre. 

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3 hours ago, Vixenstud said:

Loved this song from Peter:

Confession:  sometimes I’ll mentally substitute a similar-sounding word in the line “No bird of grace ever lit on your Auntie Grizelda.”

My favorite song with a Peter Tork vocal:

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4 hours ago, Bastet said:

I know his program wound up being syndicated nationally, but he's forever in my mind as a local (Los Angeles) reporter, because he was a fixture here in the '70s and '80s.  I don't remember the specifics of how they were ripped off, but my friend's parents were the consumers he helped in one of his early segments.

He guest starred as himself on Alf when Willie(the dad of the family Alf was living with, got scammed by a mechanic and Alf gets him on the "Fight Back" show to catch the guy.

I still remember the theme song:

Edited by VCRTracking
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18 hours ago, merylinkid said:

Davy has not been gone since 2012.   It's not possible it's been that long.

I realized looking at the dates, Peter Tork was only 2 years younger than my Dad.   They seemed so young on the show.   

Actually, Pete was the oldest of the four (born in 1942).  Davy the youngest ((born 1945).  

I remember having a conversation with my father (who wasn’t much older than they were as he was born in 1939) and he was surprised when I told him how old the guys were at that point.  Despite the guys being in their 70s now still makes me feel they were too young.  It’s weird when you see birth years in the 1940s and hearing news of their passing.  You forget they’re not 25 anymore.

Since the show and music have been around so long and new fans introduced over the years, they seem eternally young.  When the show was running on MTV back in ‘86, there were teens who thought the show was brand new!!

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34 minutes ago, magicdog said:

Actually, Pete was the oldest of the four (born in 1942).  Davy the youngest ((born 1945).  

I remember having a conversation with my father (who wasn’t much older than they were as he was born in 1939) and he was surprised when I told him how old the guys were at that point.  Despite the guys being in their 70s now still makes me feel they were too young.  It’s weird when you see birth years in the 1940s and hearing news of their passing.  You forget they’re not 25 anymore.

When I saw the news yesterday I was shocked that he was 77. It is so easy for me to forget that when I was watching that show as a little kid that it was already 10 years or so off the air. I forget that they are all close to my mom's age (also born in 39). OTOH, maybe because I'm 52 now, 77 seems too young to go.

I'm glad I got to see them in the mid 80s even though Mike wasn't on that tour. I will also forever blame the show for me being such a collector of odd things. I was so fascinated with their apartment as a child.

RIP Peter.

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22 hours ago, magicdog said:

Just now hearing of Pete's death saddens me deeply.  I've seen the Monkees at various times (and various pairings depending on who was willing and able to tour at a given time) and enjoyed all the work these guys put into their concerts.  Peter always came across to me as a sensitive soul.  He had battled alcoholism (sober since '81) and battled so many other personal demons before finally being able to comfortably shoulder being a Monkee, but also being Peter Tork -  musician, artist, part time actor, and full time character.  

I've been reading all the comments here about Peter and the Monkees.....oh man....It seems my childhood pops up so much lately.  Sadly, due to the death of my favorite singers, band members or idols.  Their music brought me so much happiness.  I still get emotional when I think of losing Davy....RIP Peter.  

Here's one of my favorites.  

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9 hours ago, Jaded said:

And sadly, Clark Gable's great-granddaughter will now almost certainly grow up up no memories of her father- the same way her paternal grandfather John Clark Gable did being born six months after the Gable patriarch's death! Yes, the Gable grandson did have a strong resemblance to him. Oddly enough, he looked as though he could have not only been his grandfather's son but also Carole Lombard's- even though his own father had been born posthumously  and he had no genetic link to the onetime King of Hollywood's favorite wife! 

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I didn't really know anything about Clark Gable's grandson.  But a day after seeing that post, I still can't stop thinking how heartbreaking it is.  No mother should ever have to post those words.

Edited by ElleryAnne
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4 hours ago, ElleryAnne said:

I didn't really know anything about Clark Gable's grandson.  But a day after seeing that post, I still can't stop thinking how heartbreaking it is.  No mother should ever have to post those words.

Nor should ANY parent have to suffer having any of their offspring leave this world before them! It's hard to imagine a worse tragedy. 

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