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Here Comes Honey Boo Boo - General Discussion

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Entertainment Tonight (which I normally don't watch, but it was on while I was fixing dinner) said that SB, June and Alana were to have met with children's services today. He came back to the home, went inside, made no comment. No comments from anyone. But it's definitely becoming a much bigger powder keg than June imagined. No amount of her denying is going to work at this point, I don't think.

  • Love 4

I'm thinking this was June's plan all along, to save the money until her guy got out of prison and then live it up.


And I think the Sugar Bear situation is really bad p.r. for TLC.  The guy is going to end up homeless on the street.  I think TLC is going to get a lot of flak for how they pay (or don't pay) people and just give out one contract.  If they are going to do that, people like Sugar Bear need legal counsel to make sure they get their share.

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No amount of her denying is going to work at this point, I don't think.

Well, if you read some of the comments on her FB page, it seems a lot of people are buying her denials, insisting, STILL, the pics were all Photoshopped and that June is a good mother who cares about her kids and would never put them in harm's way. People are dumb.

Here's what I don't get: no charges were filed against McDaniel in Anna's case but were filed for his rape of another child? Because the reporting (well, I call it that loosely...it's not like the Times is all over this) recently seems to all say he was imprisoned for raping Anna.

Edited by Guest
I'm thinking this was June's plan all along, to save the money until her guy got out of prison and then live it up.


I also think when June would act like she wouldn't give up the goods to Sugar Bear or be affectionate with him that it may have been to show McDaniel that she was waiting for him and Sugar Bear didn't matter to her.

  • Love 4

I also think when June would act like she wouldn't give up the goods to Sugar Bear or be affectionate with him that it may have been to show McDaniel that she was waiting for him and Sugar Bear didn't matter to her.

Exactly. Because I'm sure he was watching TV in prison.

I think because Anna is saying that her mom didn't believe her, Anna's case was never given merit. June probably brushed it all off with the investigators. Poor girl.

  • Love 4

Well, if you read some of the comments on her FB page, it seems a lot of people are buying her denials, insisting, STILL, the pics were all Photoshopped and that June is a good mother who cares about her kids and would never put them in harm's way. People are dumb.

Here's what I don't get: no charges were filed against McDaniel in Anna's case but were filed for his rape of another child? Because the reporting (well, I call it that loosely...it's not like the Times is all over this) recently seems to all say he was imprisoned for raping Anna.

Those must be from Jodi Arias' supporters.

Our law enforcement sources say ... Mark is not legally prohibited from hanging out with June, Honey Boo Boo or anyone else in her family ... except Anna.



I read the TMZ report, and it's an even worse scenario to me. Mark McDaniel is not legally prohibited from contact with any minor children at all! What's next? Will we see him on Craigslist offering babysitter services?

If this is accurate reporting from TMZ, then shame on the State of Georgia! Why does the state even bother to have a Registry of Convicted Sex Offenders? McDaniel is registered, but so what? Are there no constrictions on him?

I guess, if he chose (fat chance) to get a custodial job in the bowels of an elementary school, that would be AOK with the state? And the only recourse available to diligent parents would be to transfer out to a different school or home-school? I mean, if there are no proscriptions in place, I'm surmising that prospective employers would not be able to legally refuse to hire McDaniel based on his conviction. He could sue them!? WTF.

I do understand he served his full sentence and is not on parole, therefore not subject to a parole officer's oversight. However, SURELY common sense and prudence dictate that a child-molester convicted felon listed on the Offender Registry be precluded from having contact with minor children?! At the least!

We've fallen down the rabbit hole here.

  • Love 6

I'm in Florida, not Georgia. Ten years seems to be a complete sentence. No parole or probation. Being registered has different levels and I would think there are no worries about employment in any school district. there's no way this molester could get past the first round of background checks. Even if he could, I doubt his driving history would be accepted since he has none to speak of. Red flag #126,534 for Chester.

His restrictions are probably no contact with victims, can't live close to schools or churches, the normal felony restrictions, and notifying the State when his address changes. Or every 6 months if no change.

Well, if you read some of the comments on her FB page, it seems a lot of people are buying her denials, insisting, STILL, the pics were all Photoshopped and that June is a good mother who cares about her kids and would never put them in harm's way. People are dumb.

Here's what I don't get: no charges were filed against McDaniel in Anna's case but were filed for his rape of another child? Because the reporting (well, I call it that loosely...it's not like the Times is all over this) recently seems to all say he was imprisoned for raping Anna.

From what I understand from different media reports, the district attorney filed detailed charges against McDaniel for crimes committed against 8-year-old Anna spanning 2003 and 2004. The bill was presented to the Grand Jury, who refused to Indict M based on "lack of evidence." Subsequently, the DA presented charges against M for the rape of another child. He was eventually sentenced to 10 years for crimes against the second child.

I read the court document presented to the GJ in Anna's case (it's online at TMZ) and in my opinion, no 8-year-old innocent is capable of making up the type of details Anna explained. They were explicit.

I'm wondering if her mother, June, refused a medical exam for her daughter or if Mother out and out accused her child of lying to authorities, while June also vouched for M? Hence, lack of evidence.

I think some media reports are just guilty of lazy, sloppy reporting when they say M went to prison for crimes against Anna.

  • Love 2

're TLCs payment per episode or per season: I've read too many conflicting media reports about dollar amounts that contradict each other. However, I don't believe for one second that June Shannon has been dividing ALL monies equally among the minor children. I believe she takes a cut for herself off the top, then also gives a conservative stipend to Sugar Bear for his cooperation.

But all the licensing deals are probably what really have made her wealthy. I'm betting she kept most of those revenues, and didn't share with the girls. How else is a person in her position (unemployed, meager resources, ill-educated, no special skills) able to plop down $25 K cash for used cars and, also, to qualify to purchase a home? Just my speculation.

Edited by sleekandchic
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Oh, god. Where is the barf icon when you need it?!

Since June never revealed who Pumpkin's father was, I'm wondering if it's the McDaniel cretin? She sure would have good reason to hide that little nugget of information.

And if June purposely hid Pumpkins paternity, that shows a consciousness of guilt to me. After all, if June was legitimately convinced that McDaniel was innocent and railroaded, why deny her ongoing relationship with him? Why not stand by her man IN PUBLIC?

For that matter, why doth she protest too much even today? If M is innocent, hold your head up, right?

And is Pumpkin losing her mind defending the situation all over social media because she KNOWS McDaniel is her bio dad? She's just another lost soul and collateral damage in June's orbit.

I really detested June in Toddlers and Tiaras. And now! I've met some truly deficient, evil parents in my work, but June Shannon is quickly making my Top 8.

Btw, I'm not absolving TLC quite yet. I'm finding it hard to believe the network didn't know some of June's dirty secrets.

Edited by sleekandchic
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'Anna stated that Mark told her not to tell because he would not like her anymore.'  'Anna advised she got tired of holding it in and had to tell.'
 Anna's ex-boyfriend said: 'Anna told me that McDaniel threatened that if she ever told her grandparents what happened to her, he’d kill them and her.'




Lauryn “Pumpkin” Shannon, then just 3, witnessed pedophile Mark McDaniel, 53, sexually abusing her 8-year-old sister in at least one 2002 incident.



  • Love 1
...Lauryn “Pumpkin” Shannon, then just 3, witnessed pedophile Mark McDaniel, 53, sexually abusing her 8-year-old sister in at least one 2002 incident.



I went here to post the same... And if you read the court documents here (the last pages) : https://amradaronline.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/markamcdaniel-signed1.pdf it makes things worse and worse... I don't have ANY word to describe it !



Edited by Diane Mars

And June has convinced herself somehow that Anna MADE THAT UP??? An 8-year-old child???

There is no excusing her behavior. None.

Good on Anna's grandmother for calling the police. I'm not sure if mandatory reporting laws would have been in effect then in Georgia, so if she hadn't, would the school have done so?

I hope TLC goes after every dime they paid June and they give it all to Sugar Bear when he gets custody.

  • Love 3

It sounds like the school then contacted her grandmother who cooperated with the police--it's not clear who called the police, though, you're right.

For too many years, this kind of thing was considered a "family matter," which is why mandatory reporting laws were put in place for schools, doctors, daycare employees, etc. to require them to report suspected abuse. I'm not sure how many states had those laws in place ten years ago, or if they had them in Georgia.

This came up repeatedly during the Jerry Sandusky nightmare and there were many questions about why mandatory reporting laws were not followed for several of his victims.

Edited by Oldernowiser
  • Love 1

That Radar article said Anna was already living with her Grandmother at the time of the abuse. So perhaps it was as we formerly suspected - June just wanted to dump her off when she started dating a new man? I wonder how much worse it would have been for Anna if she had been living full time with June, who apparently left her young girls alone with this scum while she was at work. 

I clicked on the Radar documents. Man, I wish I didn't read that last page. Sooo graphic. How can June stand to have this man in her life?

Me, too. Ack. Ick. That poor baby...

You know, it's one thing to be June 10 years ago, who was very young, poor, and probably pretty desperate for help with her kids as well as for a man in her life. She didn't know then (I sincerely hope) that he was an abuser and initial denial under the circumstances would have been a typical reaction.

But fast forward ten years...she's not broke, she has a man in her life, she's a minor celebrity, and life is good...so how on earth does she rationalize hooking back up with a known abuser of her own child who will cost her everything and is an unemployed ex-con 20 years older than she is? What goes on in her head? Is this some way to normalize abuse she herself suffered?


  • Love 6


.she's not broke, she has a man in her life, she's a minor celebrity, and life is good...so how on earth does she rationalize hooking back up with a known abuser of her own child who will cost her everything and is an unemployed ex-con 20 years older than she is?


She loved him back then.   She loves him now.   She wants to share her good fortune with the man she loves.   It probably never crossed her mind it could cost her anything.   The show was doing okay in the ratings.  Why would they cancel it?  As for custody of her kids, heck one of them has an unknown dad, and Sugar Bear lives in a trailer with no electricity or running water.   She was clearly the bettr parent since she had money, a roof over her head, etc.   If she believes he didn't do anything wrong then she saw no problem.


I think she really underestimate the backlash her actions would have.

  • Love 3

Well, this shit just gets uglier and more disturbing almost literally by the minute.  




It's actually too graphic for me to copy and paste parts of it here, so I'm just going to leave the link in case any fellow posters don't care to see the details.

From what I understand from different media reports, the district attorney filed detailed charges against McDaniel for crimes committed against 8-year-old Anna spanning 2003 and 2004. The bill was presented to the Grand Jury, who refused to Indict M based on "lack of evidence." Subsequently, the DA presented charges against M for the rape of another child. He was eventually sentenced to 10 years for crimes against the second child.



Because the Grand Jury didn't indict McDaniel for the rape of Anna, he was free to rape another child and destroy another life.  Imagine if June had anything to do with the creep getting away with raping Anna?  She would be as guilty as him in the abuse of the second child.

  • Love 4

Because the Grand Jury didn't indict McDaniel for the rape of Anna, he was free to rape another child and destroy another life.  Imagine if June had anything to do with the creep getting away with raping Anna?  She would be as guilty as him in the abuse of the second child.

I just read through the court document linked above. After puking and taking a moment to calm the hell down, I took a look at the charges and dispositions. The rape and higher child molestation charges, as well as several lower charges were dismissed, and he pled guilty to one charge of aggravated child molestation in a plea agreement.The entire case was not dismissed, only eight out of nine charges. He was sentenced to ten years for that one charge. The case number is the same on all the pages and Anna, Lauryn, June and Sandra are listed as victims/witnesses, so it is the same case. So now I am wondering about this "second" child he molested. Is it maybe Lauryn that the media is referring to? Apparently he was never charged with child molestation for exposing himself to her while molesting Anna. He should have, but I have no idea how the law in Georgia is written.

Edited by Galloway Cave

Every update to this story just gets more and more vile......how can a mother side with the person that not only subjected one of her daughters to vile physical abuse but abused another by making her watch said abuse and god knows what else he's perpetrated that hasn't been reported (because this is definitely a pattern of behaviour).  And now Pumpkin is June's mouth piece of lies and excuses, I feel terrible for her.  


How old was June at time her children were being sexually abused?


In her early 20's I think, about 23-24. Young, but obviously old enough to know better.


And there's no way Anna is making those details up, that's way too explicit for an 8 year old. Even giving him any benefit of the doubt (not that I am) he at the very least have to have shown her horrific porn for her to describe that.

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Poor, poor girl!  Her immaturity makes so much sense now.  I hope the Cardwell family, who clearly were not at all impressed by the cameras, keep her and Kaitlyn far, far away from the Boo-Boo Clan and help her through this betrayal.


Even, on the very-very off chance the allegations are not true (I wholeheartedly believe they are), June is still an epic fail as a mother.

She'll be on E! News tonight with "her side" of the story. I fully anticipate a lot of "I am not dating him" and general evasiveness about what happened with Anna.


Aw, now, pigs are smart, noble creatures. I prefer to use "steaming mountain of excrement" to avoid insulting them when describing this creature. :)

Yeah, I have no interest in hearing her lies - er, side of the story.

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They are claiming Poodle photoshopped or faked the photos. And that it's all his fault the show got cancelled. And that everything June is saying is the truth and he's a liar for showing people that June and the pedophile are together.

Wow, who knew beneath that redneck exterior lurked the sinister skills of a Photoshopping Evil Genius?

Damn, he's GOOD.


ENews, how low have you fallen. I expect a bunch of "we're just friends" and "he's served his time" ...although how you dance around the "IT WAS YOUR CHILD" thing I don't even want to know.

ETA: So I haven't watched the show often enough to know....is June at all religious? Because about the only possible PR strategy left would be the "we're all sinners in the eyes of the Lord" thing and holding hands while claiming he had a terrible drug problem and has no memory of any of the abuse and how he found Jesus in prison...and how she as a good Christian is just trying to support him as he makes his way into his born-again clean and sober life.

Must go throw up now...

Edited by Oldernowiser
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is June at all religious?

If she was, it was never featured on the show.

Over on the E News site, they apparently spoke to McDaniel's son who maintains his father is innocent and was wrongly accused. I wonder if it's the same son who was chumming it up with Pumpkin -- who witnessed the abuse.

Now I know it's E News which is like calling Dr Phil a brain surgeon, but they better ask her about her BS claims that she hasn't seen the guy in 10 years and PHOTOSHOP! which she was quick to claim. Not only are there pics of them all over TMZ, but McDaniel's own daughter posted pics of the family on her own site when her kid was christened.

Giant Misfit, on 29 Oct 2014 - 1:12 PM, said:

She'll be on E! News tonight with "her side" of the story. I fully anticipate a lot of "I am not dating him" and general evasiveness about what happened with Anna.



It makes me sick to think that she is going to be profiting off interviews where she will be defending having her kids around a child molester and for not standing up for Anna and the other victims 10 years ago.

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Mama, Sugar Bear and Honey Boo Boo were photographed together today.


I don't know who they're trying to fool.  Their gravy train left the station the moment June sold out her daughters.


As for Sugar Bear, maybe he is trying to make nice so he can keep seeing Alana like TMZ is speculating, but I think he's just broke and not that bright.

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My heart breaks for this poor girl, it actually makes me sick thinking about it. She has to deal with the trauma of what this pervert did to her but now she has to live with this betrayal. June is a total pig. I never like to wish bad things on people, so let's just say I don't wish good things on her.

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What kills me is that June chose to flaunt her relationship for people to see, instead of keeping it quiet. Now Anna and everyone else is forced into the public eye. Dealing with having your molestor show up in your life again is horrendous enough, but now she has to deal with it all being public fodder.

  • Love 5
I have to wonder if Jessica was exposed/abused as well. She was older than Pumpkin, but younger than Anna.


I was thinking the very same.  We have not heard from Jessica, and I was thinking that if Jessica and Lauren lived with June full-time and Anna lived with grandma only part-time, that there would seem to be more opportunity for this pervert to prey on the other girls.  I'm wondering if they are either blocking out of their memories, or if they just don't want to admit or talk about anyone molesting them.  I really hope nothing happened to them.  My heart goes out to Anna, and shame on June! It's bad enough to side with the molester when he's jailed, but 10x worse to accept him back into your life and those of your daughters when he's released.  Sick, Sick, Sick.  It's like asking someone to molest your child! 

  • Love 3

If  "that mother" (in every sense of the word) put their TLC earnings away for the girls, then what is she using to buy the "other muther" a car and supposedly, a house?  While I liked the show and never missed an episode (kinda like not being able to turn away from a train wreck) I've always hated "that mother".  My hatred now knows no bounds.  


As a victim of sexual abuse as a child myself, I just can't imagine if my own Mother had betrayed me in this way.  I hope "that mother" never lays eyes upon her granddaughter ever again. 


Some have asked if he's been near the Boo Boo children.  There's a picture of "that mother", the "other muther" and Alana and he and Alana are in physical contact.


Excuse me now while I go puke.

  • Love 4

June doesn't need his crap paycheck. She has tons of money. There is a ton of Honey Boo Boo/family branded junk at stores like Walmart. Even greeting cards. I'm sure all that stuff will get pulled soon though because there's not much demand for a "I'm cutting you out of my life because your back with my rapist" card.


Would anybody like to venture a guess on just how much money this family has earned?  That house they're looking at is nothing to sneeze at.


A million?  More?  Less?  I'm just curious.

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