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S05.E08: Once Upon A Runway

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Harvey is reaching RuPaul levels of self-promotion when it comes to the foisting of Finding Neverland onto the viewers.


Speaking of Drag Race, Sam and Kini's drama would be a lot more entertaining if one of them screamed "GO BACK TO JOANN FABRIC WHERE YOU BELONG"/'TIRED ASS SEAMSTRESS" at each other like Phi Phi and Sharon on Drag Race.

  • Love 17

I'm so sick of the Kini and Sam drama.  I think Leylani should have gone...but then I like Alexander.  Both of them weren't great.  I hate that Aisha won.  I'll never like her or Sam no matter what they do.  I'm thinking Dom is going to win this...there's no way she can't.  Unless Isaac wants his crush to win.  Wow Kesha's hair was so..so ..so yellow.

  • Love 18

I didn't get fairy tale from any of the designs aside from Kini and Asha. And once again Sam squeaks by because for some dumb reason the judges love him. I thought his dress looked like something little kids could put together. The white material looked like the stuff that's lining my kitchen cabinets and he just slapped these blue pieces of material on it. Just bad.

I was surprised Alexander went home instead of Layana. Her dress didn't say Belle. And Alexander's dress didn't say Snow White either but I didn't think it was that awful. And did Alyssa not give him a hug before he left the stage?

What does Kesha know about judging fashion? She had a see thru top on and that urine yellow colored wig she was wearing was awful.

Here's a fresh idea for Georgina, stop saying everything is fresh! She said it at least three times tonight, maybe more!

The bickering between Kini and Sam is getting old. Kini should know better, he's an adult, Sam is an immature little boy.

  • Love 8

I can't believe that angry Ken was actually cracking me up this week. His little fairy tale was pretty good.

Maybe I'm Alice obsessed, but Kini gave me an Alice/caterpillar mash up so I loved it. I'm probably giving him too much credit, though, because when he said denim I rolled my eyes. I thought Dom should have won.

Edited by TexasGal
  • Love 17

Although there were many that simply were not my taste (Asha, Ken, Leyana, Alexander), I thought that for the first time in awhile, they all seemed to look like competently-made, professionally tailored clothes. All of them that is except Sam's. Seriously, that looked like some losing design from an unconventional challenge! I am neither a designer nor a seamstress and I can say without a doubt that I could of made that. Except I couldn't because my brain would not have conceived of something so hideous.

How is that not the losing design?

Thought Dom or Kini should have won but that's just a matter of personal taste. That Sam should have gone home seems like an obvious fact, right?

Edited by AudreyHorne
  • Love 15

Why even pretend that this challenge had a focus. None of these designs evoked the fairytale characters they supposedly referenced. The problem is that if you really do include such elements you get a critique that mentions the dreaded "costumey" or are told you are too literal.

At this point I am hard pressed to credit these judges with any sort of objectivity or even taste. Asha's look was horrid. It looked poorly made and the model did it no favours. For Issac to say that Alexander's dress was in poor taste when it was placed next to Asha's and near to Sam' abomination underscores that he rightfully fell from the heights he attained earlier in his career.

  • Love 12

Dom's was my favorite. I could see the playfulness of Tinkerbell in it. I liked Leylani's. It did look off the rack but that means I can afford it. I thought it moved nicely. I like Kini but wish he would just do his designs and forget about Sam! But I'm tired of Sam too, probably because of Under the Gunn. I felt sorry for Alexander. From what I can remember of his season, he was an OK guy. Oops, forgot the winner. I didn't care for Alisha's but, in truth, I was distracted by her emaciated model.

  • Love 6

If Alexander would have had a better story, he might still be around. i thought it was a pretty dress and he could have spun a tale about Cinderella becoming more mature and taking on some of the characteristics of her stepsisters. This was a hard challenge but I liked most of the outfits. Kini made a dress that really made me think of Alice, and Dom's outfit was really cute. I saw nothing original about Asha's outfit and Isaac talking about the neckline made me go ??? because it is the same neckline we see every week on several outfits. 

  • Love 8

I'm sorry to see Alexander go. I thought they should have sent home Lelani who was

in the bottom for the 3rd time in a row, but didn't care for either outfit.


Who they really should have sent home was Zanna. What the fuck was that? Was

she going for whimsy because of the theme? A good challenge would be to

makeover her.


Loved Dom's look if not the materials/patterns she used. I've never been of fan of

the prints Dom choses, but the prints here weren't bad & I loved the overall



Sam should have gone home as I thought his (next to Zanna's) was the worst. I'm

baffled by how he can see anything "good" in that outfit.


I personally didn't care for Emily's but thought she should have been in the top

rather than Kini. I don't get his denim fixation.


Kesha was less than useless as a judge. What she was wearing was worse than

anything the designer's created. Including that yellow hair. She looked like the

little mermaid!

Edited by kat165
  • Love 12

If Alexander would have had a better story, he might still be around. i thought it was a pretty dress and he could have spun a tale about Cinderella becoming more mature and taking on some of the characteristics of her stepsisters. This was a hard challenge but I liked most of the outfits. Kini made a dress that really made me think of Alice, and Dom's outfit was really cute. I saw nothing original about Asha's outfit and Isaac talking about the neckline made me go ??? because it is the same neckline we see every week on several outfits. 


Surely even Cinderella has to grow up sometime. She can't stay pure and innocent and wearing baby blue forever.


I thought Layana's was a little too on the Disney nose with the yellow, but I wouldn't have any idea what might be better. The whole idea of the challenge seemed stupid. These are iconic characters with particular looks that have come to be associated with them. It's very difficult to stray from that but still invoke that without being deemed too literal. I mean, Cinderella wears a pastel blue ball gown or rags. I suppose Alexander could have made a rag dress -- except Sam already did. I didn't really see fairy tale in any of them, although I liked some of them. The closest for me was Emily's design, but that was just the color, I think.

  • Love 3

Surely even Cinderella has to grow up sometime. She can't stay pure and innocent and wearing baby blue forever.


I thought Layana's was a little too on the Disney nose with the yellow, but I wouldn't have any idea what might be better. The whole idea of the challenge seemed stupid. These are iconic characters with particular looks that have come to be associated with them. It's very difficult to stray from that but still invoke that without being deemed too literal. I mean, Cinderella wears a pastel blue ball gown or rags. I suppose Alexander could have made a rag dress -- except Sam already did. I didn't really see fairy tale in any of them, although I liked some of them. The closest for me was Emily's design, but that was just the color, I think.

I loved Emily's and thought it did the best job of adhering to the theme while updating the look.  

  • Love 8

I really liked Kini in his season but I officially hate him and his stupid denim designs now. I'm not a Sam fan either but I feel like Kini needs to get over that bullshit outfit he helped Sam make and focus on his own work. I could see Alice in his outfit but I still didn't like it. It looked like a basic denim dress with a bunch of ruffles tacked on to the back of it.

Anyway, the designs tonight we're kind of disappointing. I thought the challenge was a really cool idea but these designers seriously lack imagination.

The only look I really liked was Dom's. I didn't think Layana's was that bad either.

I didn't like Asha's at all and I hated Emily's and Ken 's outfits. I don't understand how a red pantsuit says Snow White. The red apple maybe?

Sam's was a hot mess but I'm glad he stayed just to piss Kini off. Alexander deserves to go just for making a boring dress for Cinderella (hasn't she suffered enough?)

And because it can't be said enough, what the hell was Zanna wearing in the work room? That outfit was atrocious!

  • Love 5

I don't even know where to start. 


Kesha...I swear she yawned at one point, behind the card when Isaac was making a comment about boobs.  I get it, that shit was boring, but keep it together while you're paid to film a show.  She's the first guest judge I totally don't get, but I'm biased because I always find her to be dirty and gross as a result of the lyrics of her first hit song.  "Singer songwriter" was her tag?  Ok...


Sam's outfit was so reminiscent of Project Runway Junior I'd swear it was actually on there.  Only it was poorly made.  How the hell you not notice the sleeves aren't the same?  


His battle with Kini is tiring because neither is putting out amazing work and rivalries based on mediocrity don't work for me.  Let's get it cleared up next week somehow so we can move on, especially since the show is now stretching past limits to make it work.  Sam is said to have phoned it in and doesn't get a bottom 2 scare.  Kini was brought to the top and lauded for "really putting it out there."  C'mon, show.  You can do better.


I don't know how Dom didn't win that.  


I wonder about the challenge though- did the judges have to read the character descriptions the designers were wearing, or were they going off pop culture representations (meaning Disney)? 

  • Love 6

Asha's was one fo the ugliest things this season. How did that win? It looked so heavy, like it was weighing down her model. I seriously thought she was in the bottom along with Sam's stack of swatches in a lingerie washing bag. Sam's looked like he was cleaning up after making a bunch of glittery Halloween costumes and shoved the scraps in a mesh bag.


I actually snorted when Kini said he was going to use denim. I liked Kini during his season although I was never in love with his designs. Now he is just tiring. Enough with the bitchface drama.

I am going to miss Alexander. Again his designs have not floored me, but I really like him. He's a designer I would like to hang out with.

Edited by Muffyn
  • Love 12

I liked Dom's best (especially liked when she said that Tinkerbell hung out with misfits), & actually liked them all except for Kini's who was of course, one of the top looks for the judges. I'm never going to understand them.


To my utter surprise, I've been really liking Ken, so I hope the promo for next week is a mis-direct.  I'm guessing Ken either grew up a lot or else got help/meds between his season and this one.  Either way, bravo to him for a big turn-around (so far).  

Ken seems to have completely grown up to me, so I'm with you & I hope he isn't reverting back to his obnoxious brat personality.

Edited by GaT
  • Love 10

One of the things I really dislike about this season is how little the guests introducing the challenge have to do with the challenge. First we had the awesome Alvin Ailey dancers and then the designers had to make something that worked with a wind machine. This week we had one of the stars of Neverland and the designers had to make a modern version of a fairy tale character. Remember back in the olden days when they had to make costumes for stilt walkers and ice skaters and WWE female wrestlers? I'd rather we go back to those literal guest/challenges because at least then I can justify why the guests were brought in. And no, making a spandex costume isn't the most practical thing that designers will do, but at least it gives us a break from the endless crop tops, jumpsuits, and other garbage that the designers insist on doing every damn week.


I can't hate on Kesha right now, not even with that horrible yellow hair, considering what she's been going through lately (a judge ordered that she has to stay at her record label and work with the man who raped her).


Dom did the best job of fulfilling the challenge. She took a fairy tale character as her starting point and imagined a modern version of Tinkerbell, a girl in London hanging out with misfits. Everything from the mixture of prints to the negative space wings to the styling with the hair to remind us of Tinkerbell's little bun was great.


Alexander's dress was a basic and boring strapless gown. If you're going to do something like that, it has to be perfect and his was not. The way he layered the sheer fabric on top made the dress look lumpy and ill fitting, especially in the back. I don't know why Isaac was so offended by the neckline though. A sweetheart neckline is not what I would call a huge fashion sin. Since when are sweetheart necklines considered tacky? Isaac better stay out of most dress sections in department stores. I think the judges may have received Alexander's design a little bit better if he had told them some of what he said in the workroom about how this was Cinderella being elegant and sophisticated.


Emily's snow queen outfit was a little too spaceman for me, but I get what she was going for with the glimmery white/silver fabric. The jacket was not my favorite thing, but it did look like something you'd see in a fashion show (if we're going to use Alyssa's compliment about Kini's dress).


Ken's red Snow White top and pants were well made and fit well, but as he said, it was a little too simple. I agree with him that he mixed the leather and wool together really well to the point where from a few feet away you couldn't really differentiate between them, which was a subtle way of giving his outfit some difference in texture. The high collar that was slightly askew gave it a touch of whimsy.


Sam's little mermaid outfit was TERRIBLE. The only thing worse than that this week was Zanna's horrible dress in the workroom. I love The Little Mermaid (I just went to a Little Mermaid singalong last week and it was AWESOME) so to see Sam make what looked like a middle school arts and crafts project made me sad. The white netting looked like cheap 80s rejects from the early Madonna era (but without any of the sex appeal) and the little patches of blue sequined material looked so cheap and tacky. It looked like the precursor to Project Runway Junior when the kids were all given the same basic dress and told to glue assorted notions onto it. He can mock Kini all he wants for being "just" a sewer but he should be embarrassed by how mismatched the sleeves on that top were. It wasn't just that one was longer than the other. They were laying differently and it obviously wasn't on purpose. He just plain fucked up because he isn't a good sewer. Hated the styling of the model too. That fat blue ponytail holder was too dated for me.


Asha lost me as soon as she said she was going to make an elegant jumpsuit for Rapunzel. I mean, seriously. I thought the fabric looked tacky and made her design look even cheaper. She mentioned more than once that the top was the dress portion and that she could then take it off after royal photos or whatever, but it obviously wasn't made to come off so her story just made no sense to me. I HATED those ugly ass flat shoes. Definitely not the shoes to wear with an elegant jumpsuit. Yes, Isaac, it's unexpected because no one should pair ugly dark flat shoes with a shiny red peplum pantsuit with a train.


I expected to hate Kini's based on his description while he was sketching and talking about it so I was really surprised that I ended up liking his denim Alice in Wonderland dress. I thought that, along with Dom's, it was one of the few designs this week that used the fairy tale character as inspiration but modernized it. His was much more literal, but I liked that you could see the Alice in Wonderland reference with the white collar and the white socks. The ruffle was obviously not practical for, say, sitting on the subway but it was great for a runway show. I know the judges got way too into the designers' styling during Gretchen's season, but I thought Kini did a great job styling this week from the necklace to the hair to the very sheer but big bow on his model's head.


For the record, Alyssa, Alice in Wonderland didn't have "little girl qualities." She was actually a little girl, both in the book and the movie.


Layana's Belle dress was the same color as Kesha's hair. I get what she was going for by mixing the print with the yellow, but I wish that her Belle reference had not been just the color yellow. And what was with her ridiculous story about flying to Argentina to watch a polo match? STOP IT WITH THE RIDICULOUS STORIES. I don't know if it's the last thing a girl would wear to a polo match because the silhouette wasn't much different from what Julia Roberts wore to the polo match in Pretty Woman. Heh, but I agree that Isaac bitching that it looked like a dress on a sale rack is a bit rich coming from someone who designed lines for Target and QVC. I cracked up when Brad defended Layana's dress by saying that some people like sale dresses.




Kesha was less than useless as a judge. What she was wearing was worse than

anything the designer's created. Including that yellow hair. She looked like the

little mermaid!

Hush your mouth! Ariel would never abandon her gorgeous red hair for that shade of yellow!


I have been really surprised by Ken this time around. He was a shit stirring hothead during his original season, so I'm happy to see that he has been getting along with everyone, cracking funny jokes, and generally being nothing like his last time around. I guess maybe that ends next week?

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 10

Finally!  A runway where I pretty much liked 90% of the stuff coming down the runway.  And Alyssa looked so nice tonight!  Good for her.


I didn't agree with Asha being in the top, and I really didn't agree with her win.  I thought her look was boring.  I thought Dom should have won because I think it absolutely met the challenge.  A modern interpretation on Tinkerbell, very London chic and cool.  As usual with Dom when I look at the prints together for the first time I'm like "ew!" and when I see it a few more times I'm like...."hey, I kinda dig that!"  I also liked Kini's look, or at least the idea.  I always felt like Alice in Wonderland was a 60's style story, so denim felt like a good fit, and the collar was great.


I knew Sam wasn't going to go home, and I didn't think it was ugly per se, but I do think that he pretty much strategically tacked some pieces onto netting.


 I think Leyana should have gone home, I don't think she has anything interesting to show and her backstory was painfully stupid.  I mean, really, the challenge is about a fairy tale character, and you have some story about her husband taking her to Argentina to watch a polo match?  What in the everloving heck was that about?  I get the idea of making the outfit you want and then finding a story around it, but come on now, if you're so sold on an outfit that doesn't make any sort of sense with the character, you should be making a perfect outfit.  At least Alexanders outfit had something to do with his character, even if it was not the best execution.


I sympathize with Kini, but this entire feud with Sam is starting to make him look a little bad.  When he sinks to Sam's level its just not a good look.


Next weeks challenge looks dumb.

Harvey is reaching RuPaul levels of self-promotion when it comes to the foisting of Finding Neverland onto the viewers.
Speaking of Drag Race, Sam and Kini's drama would be a lot more entertaining if one of them screamed "GO BACK TO JOANN FABRIC WHERE YOU BELONG"/'TIRED ASS SEAMSTRESS" at each other like Phi Phi and Sharon on Drag Race.

RuPaul always does her self-promotion with wit, a wink and a nod.  PR is not that cute or inventive, and I've never wanted to buy yogurt, french fries or hair product based on the show.
Sigh....I wish this show could be as awesome as RPDR.

Why was Kesha even there? I don't remember what she said, but I remember thinking it was even more useless than, "I'd wear that."

Useless and unnecessarily shady.....because, really, fashion judgment from a girl who had the audacity to wear this?  Just, no.

Edited by RCharter
  • Love 7

If Alexander would have had a better story, he might still be around. i thought it was a pretty dress and he could have spun a tale about Cinderella becoming more mature and taking on some of the characteristics of her stepsisters. This was a hard challenge but I liked most of the outfits. Kini made a dress that really made me think of Alice, and Dom's outfit was really cute. I saw nothing original about Asha's outfit and Isaac talking about the neckline made me go ??? because it is the same neckline we see every week on several outfits. 

Could have said that Cinderella was trying on her stepmothers clothing and amazing Bauble Bar jewelry.  It could not have been any more damn ridiculous than "Belle's husband is picking her up to watch a polo match in Argentina and bought her this outfit from the nearest Marshalls!"



I can't be the only person who was surprised that there wasn't aggressive flirting from Sam at Brad Goreski. I mean, Brad being married is known fact but so is Sam being shameless so I was surprised he didn't try it. Or if he did, it didn't make it to air.

I always say you can only trust what you see, but Sam is a shameless flirt, and he had to have known that he would be in the bottom, and so I can't see how a desperate Sam wouldn't try to flirt with anyone who could possibly be charmed by him (in Sam's world I know that that is everyone in the room with a pulse).  


So, I'm going to guess that he did flirt and it wasn't aired.  Georgina had the biggest shit eating grin on her face when it was announced that Sam was safe....annoying.

  • Love 3

Speaking as a knitter: Isaac was sneering about "sale racks" like his yarn isn't under $10 a pop at my local Michaels, and made of cheap, splitty acrylic to boot. (Not that acrylic doesn't have a place, mind you, but...)

Isaac Mizrahi creates matronly, faux-camo blousy nightmares (in candy colors!) and hawks them on QVC. He can have a heaping helping of "shut the #%^% up" when it comes to "sale rack" fashion.

  • Love 14

I think we're hitting the burn out point for some of the designers.  This should have been a triple elimination.




Dom:  This outfit should have won.  There were clear nods to Tinkerbell (wing holes, flowing fabric that brings to mind wings, London style).  I loved the modern take on Mary Quant.    Dom has hit her stride.


Asha:  I don't get the praise for this outfit.  That super low cut front is fresh and new?  We saw that last week on a jumpsuit that landed the designer in the bottom.  Is it a peplum or is it a two level skirt?  Who knows.  Did she say that the skirt comes off so that her girl can go out in a jumpsuit?  Why didn't we see that?  I'd have been happy to see this as a safe outfit, not the winner.  Oh, and the shoes.  Yes, flats would be great but those flats...uh, no.   Issac was smoking crack, I swear.


Kini:  I loved Kini's outfit.  The prim front was perfect and the back was over the top but in a fun and funky sort of way.  He showed that he can design, not just sew well.


Emily:  This outfit should have received more praise.  The collar was a bit over done, perhaps, but overall...WOW.  Perfect for a modern day ice queen or snow princess.  She should have been in the top.


Ken:  Ken should have been dragged over the coals a bit for this one.  It seemed to be well made but a little snug in places, but what the heck did that have to do with his character?  Why would Snow White be in an orange jump suit or was that a top and pants?  Either way, it didn't make sense.  I think he was tired, edging on burn out.


Sam:  Sam's burned out completely and his lack of skills is showing.   I'm sick and tired of see thru outfits.  The idea of net pattern for Ariel is a good one and I think the patches of blue shimmer could have been neat.  The judges were right.  Make one piece like that, have the other as a solid.  They were also right about his skill level.  Sam needs to sew better and take care of the details.  He's skated by too long with sloppy work.  He should have gone home for this outfit.  I think the judges are still a little sweet on him.


Layana:  She ran out of ideas a long, long time ago.   It's a decent shaped dress.  The color and pattern combo are garish, at best.  There is absolutely no link between this outfit and her character.  None at all.  Layana just wanted to make this darn dress.  She's going to an Argentinian polo match?  Did Layana pull that idea out of her butt while she was standing on the runway?   Terrible.  She should have gone home.


Alexander:  OMG, major burn out.  As with Layana, absolutely no relationship between his outfit and his character.  If the dress had been better made, it would have been suitable for Cruella DeVille or another evil character or vampire.  Cinderella's dress should have been a modern take on a young woman's first formal gown.  Take the idea of a prom or quinceanera and make it high fashion.  Instead, he gave us Jessica Rabbit's trashy sister.  It was his night to go home, but he shouldn't have been alone.


A triple elimination would have been a mercy to both the viewers and the three designers.

Edited by terrymct
  • Love 6


And once again Sam squeaks by because for some dumb reason the judges love him. I thought his dress looked like something little kids could put together. The white material looked like the stuff that's lining my kitchen cabinets and he just slapped these blue pieces of material on it. Just bad.

The only thing about that hot mess that really cheesed me off was that, while Sam was (rightly) in the bottom, the judges mitigated his loss by giving him a pat on the back by telling him he was safe, leaving the other two bottom dwellers to twist in the wind. His 'dress' was a second or third rate piece of crap (okay, IMO) and showed just how limited he is. This is, yet again him trying to have the fabric pull his nuts out of the fire. Even Alyssa commented that he'd phoned it in this week. It was another standard garment with sheer or sheerish fabric he made TV ready by using paste-ons to cover the naughty bits. Again.


To the poster above who commented that the characters given to the designers all have iconic looks largely set in our collective stone..ie, .Cinderella in baby blue and rags. With respect, while Disney has obviously formed our general impressions of the princess's 'looks', there's no reason why talented designers couldn't have taken the characters and run with them. Most of those fairy tales date back centuries and the ladies didn't always look the way they're generally pictured. Okay, most of the attempts last night were fails but they didn't have to be. This seems to me another example of not enough time to really think through, visualize and create a finished product.

Edited by Beden
  • Love 4

Asha's pants made her model look as if she was dressing right. Not that I wouldn't be on board for a story where Rapunzel was a cross-dressing fairy tale prince, but I don't think that's what she was going for.


Dom was robbed. This was a return to form for the work she did in her own season. Looking forward to Sam failing to reproduce the winning garment next week, as is his wont. No matter how much the producers want to stir this shit, I truly hope this time nobody helps him.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 4

Harvey is reaching RuPaul levels of self-promotion when it comes to the foisting of Finding Neverland onto the viewers.


Speaking of Drag Race, Sam and Kini's drama would be a lot more entertaining if one of them screamed "GO BACK TO JOANN FABRIC WHERE YOU BELONG"/'TIRED ASS SEAMSTRESS" at each other like Phi Phi and Sharon on Drag Race.

BloggerAloud, your tone seems very pointed right now.

  • Love 1



I sympathize with Kini, but this entire feud with Sam is starting to make him look a little bad.  When he sinks to Sam's level its just not a good look.



Kini doesn't get that you can't look down on someone from below.   Right now Sam is leading Kini in this competition, so while Kini's criticisms may be valid it still makes him look like a jealous little bitch.


Kini is angry with himself for helping Sam in the first place and for turning out shit each week.   I don't care what the judges said, the "Fashion Mullet" (good one, Kesha) was cringeworthy.   It looked like a mutated labia in the back.

  • Love 2

For that dress to be Cinderella, she would have had to have grown up, become disillusioned with her prince, and started drinking hard liquor and chasing the pool boy.

I watched Grey's live and taped this, so I haven't seen the full episode yet. But I did notice his fabric choice, which prompted a giant "Huh?!?!?!?!?!," this morning. That's your interpretation for a modern Cinderella? Really?

  • Love 1

I thought Kini or Dom should have won. You could see Alice in Kini's outfit and the model's styling right away and the stuff on the back did remind me of the caterpillar. Dom's was just cool but I couldn't really see Tinkerbell. I guess Disney's Tinkerbell is too stuck in my mind. I also thought Emily's should have been in the top. You could definitely see modern Snow Queen in her. The texture of her fabric reminded me of those Snow Babies figurines - I haven't seen those for awhile, but if I'm remembering correctly, they had a similar texture.


I caught up on some episodes yesterday and the one where Sam and someone else was on the bottom and both were saved confirmed for me that the Daniel Vosovich as pre-determined winner fix is on for Sam. He definitely should have been sent home for that dreary early 80s ensemble. It reminded me of the era when professional attire for women was designed similar to menswear or was joyless and drab.


In general I think the designers are doing some decent work, such as for the baroque episode. I like Ken a lot better. He's got himself under control (for now).

  • Love 1

Why even pretend that this challenge had a focus. None of these designs evoked the fairytale characters they supposedly referenced. The problem is that if you really do include such elements you get a critique that mentions the dreaded "costumey" or are told you are too literal.

At this point I am hard pressed to credit these judges with any sort of objectivity or even taste. Asha's look was horrid. It looked poorly made and the model did it no favours. For Issac to say that Alexander's dress was in poor taste when it was placed next to Asha's and near to Sam' abomination underscores that he rightfully fell from the heights he attained earlier in his career.


I didn't get all the love from the judges for Asha's look, either.  Especially given that it included a similar plunging neckline that they didn't like last week.  And, even though Asha's model was small-chested, the neckline made her breasts look saggy, imo.  Also, it had the dreaded peplum, again!!  Haven't we heard the judges complain that peplums are dated, "old" and everything else??  These judges flip flop with their opinions more than a fish out of water trying to catch a breath!  One week - plunging necklines and peplums are not good - the next week, they are "fresh" and "exciting"....make up your minds already!!  


Of the top three, I thought that Dom's was the best, although I didn't really get a Tinkerbell vibe from it.  Tinkerbell is a fairy, and she is petite (as Dom pointed out).  That outfit would look ridiculous on a petite person, with so many prints fighting with each other.  I thought it was different and interesting, but not for her fairytale character.


I liked Kini's, but please, get over the denim already!!  


I felt that Kini's was was more Tinkerbell-ish that Dom's, and Dom's was more Alice-ish than Kini's.  The flounces in the back of Kini's dress reminded me of wings, and the front gave me more attitude.  Dom's outfit fit more with the crazy world behind the looking glass for a modern day Alice.

Edited by njbchlover
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To the poster above who commented that the characters given to the designers all have iconic looks largely set in our collective stone..ie, .Cinderella in baby blue and rags. With respect, while Disney has obviously formed our general impressions of the princess's 'looks', there's no reason why talented designers couldn't have taken the characters and run with them. Most of those fairy tales date back centuries and the ladies didn't always look the way they're generally pictured. Okay, most of the attempts last night were fails but they didn't have to be. This seems to me another example of not enough time to really think through, visualize and create a finished product.

Especially since the challenge that Alyssa read from the cue cards at the bookstore specifically said that they were supposed to use the original fairy tales as their inspiration, not just the pop culture (aka Disney) versions that we're all familiar with.

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The real winner this week was Alyssa Milano, who for a change looked like the pretty girl she used to be.


Sam, on the other hand, donned glasses, slicked his hair, and looked like a ventriloquist dummy.   All he needed was to sit on somebody's knee.


Ummm....maybe Isaac's??  ;-)


Sam's design was a hot mess - there was nothing about it that was good.  The tailoring was bad, and again, he's got this thing for using a mesh or see-through base fabric and gluing on some rags/remnants in strategic places so the model's private bits don't show.  


I really think Alyssa is over the Sam adoration.  I loved that she said that he "phoned it in" this week.  I was hoping and hoping, when he said "crop top and pencil skirt" that he would be sent home, and then, when I saw that atrocity, I thought for sure - it wasn't even a GOOD crop top and pencil skirt!!  (The PR teens all made much better fitting and more interesting crop tops and pencil skirts!!).  


At least Alexander's, while a more mature look, seemed much more detailed and better fitted to his model.  


Sam is being kept around for the drama he brings, not the fashions....

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What does Kesha know about judging fashion? She had a see thru top on and that urine yellow colored wig she was wearing was awful.

The bickering between Kini and Sam is getting old. Kini should know better, he's an adult, Sam is an immature little boy.

Thank you I struggled trying to think of the proper term to describe Kesha's god awful hair color, you nailed it.


Yes, Kini please stop stooping to Sam's level ignore his juvenile ass and just make it work!


I joked about us needing an exorcism to get rid of Sam, thinking it might actually be true.


I think the true winner tonight was Alyssa, on the runway she actually looked like she is not hated by wardrobe.


And for fuck's sake who does Dom have to sleep with to win. Her outfit was modern, perfectly made and fit the parameters of the challenge perfectly!

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When I was little in kindergarten, we had an art project that involved gluing fabric scraps to an aluminum can and then covering it with Mod Podge or something (presumably to make it smooth and glossy, which is often beyond the skill set of six-year-olds). I love blues and greens, so those are the fabric colors I used, all shoddily cut with baby scissors and drippily glued on all willy-nilly. My mom still has that can (I'm in my 40s now), or so I thought...


until I saw Sam's model wearing it last night.


I liked Kini's a lot, though it strikes me as a design for a show that may later be toned down for a "regular" woman, like, maybe the ruffle remains in a smaller format. I'm such a sucker for a white collar peeking out though; if only it was more comfortable to wear a collared shirt under other things in real life--or those sweaters with faux white collars didn't look so crappy in general (or that it wasn't so tricky to avoid the "I'm trying to look like a sexy schoolgirl" trope, haha!).

I have such mixed feelings about Zanna's dress! At a glance, I was intrigued by the vintage almost-Mod thing it had going on. I didn't love the collar/yoke (?) part but I admit it was eye-catching and out of the ordinary. I love a short dress, I love mid-century-inspired clothes, and I loved the sleeves (though in real life, I get so annoyed when I actually wear them). I think I'd buy a dress like that, but I also think it would be one of the few that I put on in the morning, then immediately take off in favor of something else (and then keep the dress in the closet indefinitely because, damn it, I will find a way to wear it someday...and then never get around to it).

I dug Dom's (and even "got" her backstory!) but I probably wouldn't wear it.

Alyssa looked awful at Mood...then adorable on the runway.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I think I drank too much wine last night because although I knew they were supposed to be inspired by storybook characters, I saw something else in some of them.  The white witch I thought had escaped from Star Wars, and I thought two were inspired by "Clue"----the mermaid dress (I think that was Cinderella) reminded me more of Miss Scarlett and Kini's reminded me of the French Maid. 

Kini and Sam need to "hesh up." I figured based on their verbal sparring that both would be around for another day.  I was hoping both Sam and Layana (sp) would be double eliminated, but I was disappointed and had some more wine. 

Sam's mermaid dress was the worst; I half expected it to be a mesh mermaid dress.  The mesh made me think of fishing nets and I wondered if the poor little mermaid had been caught in someone's net and I was sad for her.

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