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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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46 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

Im pretty sure this is the first time since FV took over that we’ve had HWs that not only had he previously not worked with on OLTL but wrote for the show prior to him taking over. I’m not sure if it’s true but the consensus online has been that Dan/Chris deferred a lot to what Frank wanted and he was basically a shadow HW. 

They also both, IIRC, came up under Ron and Frank while at least one had a background in fun YA books. As I recall one or both (Dan and Chris, not Ron and Frank) was approached by the micromanaging execs at Prospect Park to be the latest in a series of revolving instant HWs at OLTL 2.0 near the end of that experiment.

Mulcahey has a huge footprint in soap history, and at GH. People know who he is, and he doesn't need to be back in the business (unless it's a health/insurance thing, which it could be). He could bigfoot Frank in some ways. There are rumors about Frank's job today but I'll believe that when I see it. I highly doubt it.

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Anyone know the waiting period post strike that they had to wait before firing the writers to avoid getting fined? The post strike material just started airing at the end of 2023 so they must have made this decision a while ago.

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5 hours ago, Sake614 said:

Not sure I know Mulcahy’s work. Is he any good?

From what I remember from Mulcahy on GH, he might have his favorites but his writing never played favorites. '

He was still beholden to whatever the head writer wanted to do but the characters were well-rounded regardless if they were the "chosen" ones or not.

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The weird thing is on OLTL Frank seemed to defer to his head writers. Dina Higley was allowed to do whatever her psychosis told her to and Ron didnt seem hamstrumg there or on GH. 

Mulcahey is an eminence is the soap world. He trained with Marland and wrote some of the best dialogue we've ever seen at SB and here. Frank isn't an idiot. This show is in desperate need of an experienced hand to get it back on the rails. Maybe it implodes and Mulcahey quits. But Frank knows the medium. He knows what he is getting. And I don't think Mulcahey would take the job unless he had some idea of where he wants to take the show. I am hopeful. But it's going to be rocky for a little while. 

24 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

Not sure I know Mulcahy’s work. Is he any good?

I have seen him referred to more than once as the best dialogue writer in the business.

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1 hour ago, Grinaldi said:

The weird thing is on OLTL Frank seemed to defer to his head writers. Dina Higley was allowed to do whatever her psychosis told her to and Ron didnt seem hamstrumg there or on GH. 

Frank also allegedly could not stand Dena. According to Erika Slezak, she never wrote any long-form story which drove him nuts. But he never said boo in public. He stubbornly praised her stories up and down despite repeated pressure from the soap mags as well as fans during her tenure, he didn't give an inch.

I think what's happened since is Frank and Ron both got very high on their own supply in the late 2000s and early 2010s. Their early critical and fan praise at OLTL and later GH (both shows they did save and take to new periods of acclaim with some good story, for a time) made them believe they were indeed the Last Kings of Soap Operas - the last bastion of the great medium. They wanted to make GH into a 'super soap' combining elements and characters from all the ABC soaps; they wanted to have right of purchase over OLTL and were bitterly angered onscreen and off when Prospect Park went ahead with reviving it without them. Frank and Ron became convinced they were geniuses. Now Ron is at Days still getting pissy with fans, and I suspect Frank has become convinced he is a great creative mind; hence, micromanaging the show per his interests and the network's, finding the perfect mix to keep it alive or satisfy various audience groups. Not unlike when JFP worked the show over in 2001 with her pet writer Megan McTavish, and before that solo at OLTL where she went without a HW for almost a year (1999) before they forced her to hire Megan, who did as Jill told. He's become an EP in the JFP mold, in that way, before Guza defanged her. That's my outsider take anyway; I could be totally wrong. So yes, hiring Mulcahey, who is a big deal, is surprising if it was a choice Frank had any involvement in.

There is a chance this is a Lorraine Broderick at AMC situation in its final months - the one writer (and Agnes Nixon protege) the fans begged to have back where the network refused because they wanted more control, only hired back once the axe was ready to help send the show off gracefully. But I doubt that.

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Nancy Lee Grahn, who credited Mulcahey with much of her best work at both Santa Barbara and GH, weighs in adroitly following another ex-GH legend Michele ValJean congratulating her old friends/colleagues Mulcahey and Korte:


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I would love to have Michelle Val Jean back as well. Honestly as many Labine/Riche era vets as possible. 

1 hour ago, jsbt said:

He's become an EP in the JFP mold, in that way

I hope not. JFP was a brilliant producer but a terrible storyteller. And she and McTavish brought out the worst in each other. (Though my God did I love mocking them.)

I do think the biggest issues of the last couple years has less been the stories themselves than how they were told. There have been decent story ideas but the execution and basic, I guess dramaturgy is the right word, has been off. Tension is released too quickly. There's a lack of basic conflict outside of a few character pairs. Drew, for example, is finally getting some shading with his revenge on Nina and bulldozing Sam. And rather than that being the sign of a nuanced, dramatically interesting character we all assume he's being set up for an exit because that's the kind of crap we've seen lately, most recently with Austin. If nothing else I expect the new regime to be better at the basics of storytelling and to bring some nuance and tension back. Because I don't think that problem can be laid at Frank's feet. It certainly hasn't been this big a problem for all of his run, only really the last couple years.

I do suspect Burton is going to hate the new material. I'd be shocked if Mulcahey wants to write the blue jean Batman that Burton seems to only want to play.

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24 minutes ago, Grinaldi said:

I do suspect Burton is going to hate the new material. I'd be shocked if Mulcahey wants to write the blue jean Batman that Burton seems to only want to play.

I mean, Mulcahey was there for what was arguably Jason and Carly's creative peak separately and together. He also wrote a great deal of Jason and Robin, and it was on the strength of that couple and era that Steve (in a rare brilliant move) lobbied for the show to rehire Kimberly McCullough as Robin in 2005, a move that dramatically changed the show's fortunes in a nadir year and began to gradually refocus the show around the hospital again more and more which continues to this day. So who knows, ol' Steve might sit back a bit. But I don't think he could handle not controlling story, which he has often done since at least Mulcahey's exit. I do think his and Mo's reactions (among others) will be interesting, if Mulcahey has any control at all.

I do think lacking any real tension or nuance is an issue Frank has helped create. I think he wants to keep all the fanbases happy to hold on to a dying audience base at all costs, so he makes very little waves story-wise or with characters anymore; very little is permanently disrupted, very little key situations change. Facebook audiences are kept happy. There is very little risk in these stories and I think that begins with Frank; I think it really began when Ron, who's always taken big risks, got fired. Frank learned this lesson after backing Kish at OLTL and paying for it in key demos, and responded by writing every gay character and several characters of color off the show immediately and hiring a bunch of hot white hetero studs. Except for Trina no Black character has had that kind of primacy on his shows since, and they dragged their feet on Spencer and Trina for quite some time.

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3 hours ago, jsbt said:

I mean, Mulcahey was there for what was arguably Jason and Carly's creative peak separately and together. He also wrote a great deal of Jason and Robin, and it was on the strength of that couple and era that Steve (in a rare brilliant move) lobbied for the show to rehire Kimberly McCullough as Robin in 2005, a move that dramatically changed the show's fortunes in a nadir year and began to gradually refocus the show around the hospital again more and more which continues to this day. So who knows, ol' Steve might sit back a bit. But I don't think he could handle not controlling story, which he has often done since at least Mulcahey's exit. I do think his and Mo's reactions (among others) will be interesting, if Mulcahey has any control at all.

I do think lacking any real tension or nuance is an issue Frank has helped create. I think he wants to keep all the fanbases happy to hold on to a dying audience base at all costs, so he makes very little waves story-wise or with characters anymore; very little is permanently disrupted, very little key situations change. Facebook audiences are kept happy. There is very little risk in these stories and I think that begins with Frank; I think it really began when Ron, who's always taken big risks, got fired. Frank learned this lesson after backing Kish at OLTL and paying for it in key demos, and responded by writing every gay character and several characters of color off the show immediately and hiring a bunch of hot white hetero studs. Except for Trina no Black character has had that kind of primacy on his shows since, and they dragged their feet on Spencer and Trina for quite some time.

Great points.  I imagine it is difficult in a dying genre.  And they do cater to the FB crowd, I guess that is either the largest part of the audience, or they believe it is.  

Personally I'm hoping Frank is out too.  I also believe we need cast cuts.  This cast is way too big.  As for Korte, she does write some of the most vile Carly shit, and I just figure well, she can't possibly give us MORE favorable writing for Carly than she's been dishing.  And now we have Mulcahey.  I'm definitely open to watching and seeing what they do.  If Sara Brown ever returned I'd actually probably like Carly.  But I know that's not happening.  LW is going down with this ship.  But things can get better.  I'll be watching!

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10 hours ago, jsbt said:

There are rumors about Frank's job today but I'll believe that when I see it. I highly doubt it.

Same. He's done too good a job keeping the show on/under budget and getting decent enough ratings TPTB haven't yet replaced GH. That seems more important that giving the audience well-written, interesting stories. But maybe Mulcahy can move that needle.

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17 hours ago, DanaMB said:
19 hours ago, KittenPokerCheater said:

Also, (unpopular opinion), I hope Nina and Sonny get back together  ducks tomatoes

Me too!

Me three!  They work so well together.

Another unpopular opinion…<very small voice>….IF Steve wakes up from the stupor he was in last time he came back - and I know that’s a big if - I could possibly get behind Jason and Liz.  I know, I know.  But I was OBSESSED with them back in the day.  She nursed him back to health in that studio, he helped her get over Lucky’s “death”….sigh.  Of course as someone in my early twenties I thought it was all so incredibly romantic.  Yeah, it’s been twenty years but who knows??  Plus you know, anything to make Carly’s head explode.  Can you imagine if Sonny went back to Nina and Jason got back together with Liz??

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8 minutes ago, mostlylurking said:

Can you imagine if Sonny went back to Nina and Jason got back together with Liz??

Who do I have to pay to make this happen? Mulcahy are you listening?

5 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

TPTB haven't yet replaced GH.

And that’s the main reason it’s still on the air. If ABC had been able to find a viable replacement, GH would have been gone shortly after OLTL and AMC. 

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20 hours ago, lilabennet said:

Oh God, please no.  The only scene I want to see between Jason and Elizabeth is one in which she reads him for the filth he is.  Bonus points if Jake does the same.  Jake has far more reason to hate his father than Jason ever had to be such an asshole to Alan.

Well, it depends on what's been going on with the character. If Jason's been held captive again and people are after him, within the world of the show his absence isn't his fault. Elizabeth didn't hate him before he left last time, and as Jake's mother she'd want to help.   

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1 hour ago, mostlylurking said:

IF Steve wakes up from the stupor he was in last time he came back - and I know that’s a big if - I could possibly get behind Jason and Liz.  I know, I know.

Mulcahey was key to the writing team when Jason and Elizabeth were first explored in 1999. I know that's what their fanbase is hanging their hat on today. Though I will say that even if Jason does end up on her doorstep as rumored, I'm not convinced PM wrote Steve's reentry; the tape-to-air lead time post-COVID is, finally, much shorter than before. It's possible he'll write Jason's return episodes, but who knows.

I am far less convinced Mulcahey = Jason/Elizabeth, though. He wrote Jason and Robin and Jason and Carly, too. A lot of both couples' best years and stories. Could I deal with Jason and Liz yet again? Maybe, with a good writer and if Jason ever left the mob. I really liked the late 2000s revisit at first and I thought it got cheated by Frons and Guza. But I think it's a dead pairing today and has been since at least 2012, without even mentioning the shit she pulled with Drew. I have no immediate interest.

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14 minutes ago, jsbt said:

I think[Elizabeth and Jason is] a dead pairing today and has been since at least 2012, without even mentioning the shit she pulled with Drew. I have no immediate interest.

Same. I have no interest in watching Carly snipe at Elizabeth because of Jason. He's not worth it. Stick him with Carly and be done with it, or give him someone new down the road. But his time with Elizabeth as a romantic partner as passed, IMO.

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On 1/22/2024 at 5:24 PM, jsbt said:

He was also, like me, intensely enamored of the Sarah Brown Carly he created which, well, I don't think what I want will ever happen (and I think Laura's done a great job), but anyway.

You mean the Carly that had layers? The scrappy little schemer who was also vulnerable and often fallible? Who wasn’t worshipped by everyone in her orbit? If he can put just a little tarnish in the “Carly Brave and Strong” halo, I’ll be thrilled. (And yeah, I still miss SB, too, but mostly I just miss the character she used to play.) Nuance is what this show needs, and Mulcahey can deliver. I remember how devastated so many fans were when he left. Even the best writers tend to wear out their welcome, eventually, but I don’t think Mulcahey ever did.

As for Korte, I didn’t realize her reputation had dipped. IIRC, she started around the same time as the Liz character, and she was the main writer for  Liz’s rape story and its aftermath. And yes, that was a very long time ago, but she has proved she can write good stories with sensitivity and heart, when given the right backing. Despite her tenure, she may not have the clout that someone like a Patrick Mulcahey may have. Here’s hoping he gets to exercise it.

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3 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

As for Korte, I didn’t realize her reputation had dipped.

I think someone else alluded to it above but her reputation soured during the TB Carly years. I remember her specifically being credited with the whole “Carly is so brave and strong and loves with her whole heart stuff” that was getting mocked online and she never recovered. I do think there was a point where she got sidelined and pretty much only did editing or breakdowns but she’s come back full force since Dan/Chris took over as head writers and was basically third in command behind them. 

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4 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

As for Korte, I didn’t realize her reputation had dipped. IIRC, she started around the same time as the Liz character, and she was the main writer for  Liz’s rape story and its aftermath.

I think that was Michele Val Jean, another close friend of Mulcahey who dates back to the Labine era and who moved to B&B (along with PM) some years ago.

People have been blaming Korte for the writing for Carly since before Guza came back in 2002. I don't think it's necessarily an accurate rendition since she has been with the longtime writers' corps since at least '96.

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I've heard/read it was Michele Val Jean too. I may be misremembering but I've read she based Liz's rape story on her own personal experience.

ETA: Did some Googling and found the following two Michele Val Jean tweets with photos of an article from Soap Opera Weekly about the storyline. 


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Yes I remember Val Jean doing press around that story as a lot of it was taken from her personal experience.

ETA: God I miss Soap Opera Weekly.

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I'm so hesitant to get excited about this news. Though it lightens my heart that Mulcahy was responsible for some of my favorite stories. Unless he's got free reign to write with nuance and to not hobble himself (Frank refusing to let him write the way it should be written), then there's no point.

I'm still on the barge, with a wait and see. What I really, really need is for the SheBeast to get her fucking comeuppance and have some characters just not have anything to do with her. Like Elizabeth! But I doubt that will happen after what was written recently and especially when Bobbie died.

It's why I will always like Nelle-her gaslighting of Shebeast was GLORIOUS.

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10 hours ago, Grinaldi said:

ETA: God I miss Soap Opera Weekly.

Oh, man, same.  

We'll see what happens with the new regime.  If they put some balance back in the show, as in the Carlys don't steamroll everyone and everything in their path and win, win, win to the detriment of the entire show, that's a step in the right direction.

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I will say I think a Lulu return (Julie Berman or otherwise) is probably nigh. It's been rumored for awhile, Dante and Sam are doing absolutely nothing of note and I suspect PM will want more of Laura's kids on canvas.* I wouldn't be shocked if we finally get another Lucky recast either, but I suspect they'll still hold it open for Jonathan. (Who could accept, who knows?)

* - Sidebar: Imagine returning after 24 years to discover Laura and Kevin have been married for close to a decade. Jesus. I'm still not used to it.

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I think the original Lucky is very involved in some kind of church overseas and has no interest in returning.  Just spec though.  Maybe if it’s a very short term return and they throw a lot of money at him.

I hope we get interviews with the new head writers.


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Last I heard, Jonathan was allegedly open to at least appearing but hadn't heard from the show. That could be the usual happy talk but he has come back before. He has always been religious but he also held down a career in the business.

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On 1/23/2024 at 11:14 PM, jsbt said:

People have been blaming Korte for the writing for Carly since before Guza came back in 2002.

Or praising her for it, if they're Carly fanatics. In the early-2000s heyday of SoapZone, the pro-Carly contingent treated Korte like the high priestess of their religion. Whenever a storyline was coming up that made them worried about their gal, like Sonny getting closer to Alexis, I'd see comments like "I have faith in Elizabeth Korte." They hoped she would eventually become head writer.  

I haven't seen much mention of this in the discussion, but Bradford Anderson is another actor who should be pleased, as Korte is a Spinelli fan too. I believe she once described him as a "truth-telling character" and said BA was an actor who was a delight to write for.  (This was early-days Spinelli, who had nicknames for everyone.) 

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2 minutes ago, Asp Burger said:

Or praising her for it, if they're Carly fanatics. In the early-2000s heyday of SoapZone, the pro-Carly contingent treated Korte like the high priestess of their religion. Whenever a storyline was coming up that made them worried about their gal, like Sonny getting closer to Alexis, I'd see comments like "I have faith in Elizabeth Korte." They hoped she would eventually become head writer.  

I remember it well. The thing is I've never seen any factual basis for any of it. I've never seen clear evidence that Elizabeth Korte is responsible for the deification or recurring invulnerability of Carly.* All I know is that at this point Korte is (until Mulcahey arrives) the last remaining writer from the absolutely stellar staff writing corps that rose out of the '90s, and given what Frank and Ron Carlivati did to the daily writing quality when they came in despite some overall story improvement I don't dismiss that so easily.

(* - in fact, there were a number of times in the 2000s, under both Tamara and Laura, that Carly really got the brunt of it. Specifically when Tamara and Ted King took off together onscreen and left Maurice/Sonny in the dust, the show treated Carly like bad meat for a good stretch of late 2003 all the way to Tamara's exit in 2005. And Laura's early years also featured a lot of time with Carly as the more classic-era busybody and troublemaker, targeting heroic and popular characters or young couples, like Brenda, Dante and Lulu. Not the saint of Port Charles, in either case.)

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LW's Carly is where the character became untouchable for the most part, IMO. I think the adjustments the writers have made with each recast have been fairly logical. It makes sense to me that today's Carly would feel like she was a pillar of Port Charles. But there should still be a tiny bit of insecurity in there; after all, she's gotten everything handed to her. Better writing would have her wondering if it could be taken away just as easily. But instead we get Carly coming out on top every. single. time with little to no effort on her part. It's boring to watch. Carly would be more interesting if she lost a few times and we saw her claw her way back. 

I don't know who's in charge of character direction, but Carly's needs to change.

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4 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

I haven't seen much mention of this in the discussion, but Bradford Anderson is another actor who should be pleased, as Korte is a Spinelli fan too. I believe she once described him as a "truth-telling character" and said BA was an actor who was a delight to write for.  (This was early-days Spinelli, who had nicknames for everyone.) 

*Insert the sourest of sour faces gif*

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I don’t think I’ve liked any of the characters that have been accused of being one of Korte’s faves so I’ve long resigned myself to the fact that I’m just not a fan of her writing 

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One of the characters I am really hoping Mulcahy turns his attention to is Esme. She has the potential to be the next iteration of Sarah Brown's Carly, the "scrappy little schemer who was also vulnerable and often fallible"* (thanks for the turn of phrase, 30Helens! 🙂). But the current writers only seem to have 2 settings for characters - infallibly good or irredeemably evil. No nuance whatsoever. Also get her out of the spoiler role for Sprina and get her some stories of her own.

* - Nelle had that potential also, and it, and the talented actress playing the role, was utterly wasted.


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I so wish TMZ didn’t get that… My late mother died of renal failure/cirrhosis so I know what a battle it is. With underlying mental health issues and the toll that business takes on sober and stable people, just tragic all the way around. Prayers for and peace to Tyler’s children. 

I will say it again, GH should retire the character of Nikolas. 

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I also wish TMZ, which defines 'scummy', didn't have this. There is no reason that the public needs to know this information. Tyler died, that's tragedy enough. What can making this public do but cause more pain to those who loved him? This is no one's business.

To be clear, I'm not suggesting that this is something his family should be ashamed of or not be allowed to talk about. If his family wanted to release these details to bring awareness to addiction or mental health issues, that would be different. This is just TMZ being ghoulish. I hate it.

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On 1/26/2024 at 12:13 PM, yowsah1 said:

One of the characters I am really hoping Mulcahy turns his attention to is Esme. She has the potential to be the next iteration of Sarah Brown's Carly, the "scrappy little schemer who was also vulnerable and often fallible"* (thanks for the turn of phrase, 30Helens! 🙂). But the current writers only seem to have 2 settings for characters - infallibly good or irredeemably evil. No nuance whatsoever. Also get her out of the spoiler role for Sprina and get her some stories of her own.

* - Nelle had that potential also, and it, and the talented actress playing the role, was utterly wasted.


Mulcahey is excellent at that exact type of character. He was at GL when one of my favorites, Bridget Reardon, was introduced. Rumor at the time was he left when the show wouldn’t pair her with David Grant. 

I was planning to stay on the Barge since hearing SBu is returning but Mulcahey as head writer might be enough to watch again.  The Carly’s have a stronghold on this show but even if everyone else’s stories become better, that might be enough. I can’t believe GH managed to lure him back. 

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SOD is reporting that Jan. 31 is NAC’s (Spencer) last air date. No word on how he’ll be written out during his hiatus. 

Honestly I think they should have had Trina be royally pissed at Spencer for handing over Ace to Nikolas, and have Spencer take off to find them and bring Ace back. 

Unless Esme catches up to them in Paris and kidnaps him, I can’t image how they’ll write him out that makes any sense. They’ve known for MONTHS that he was leaving. Even with the strike they could have thought about it and come up with something plausible.

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My guess is Spencer will take off to find Nikolas and warn him that Esme is hot on his trail. Although I think it would have made more sense to have Spencer abscond with Ace himself, once he realized Bad Esme was back. If nothing else, that would have saved us from that head-scratching about-face where Spencer suddenly found Nik to be a worthy parent while also allowing Ace to be out of his sight for more than an hour.

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It makes sense (to me) that Nik took Ace, but Spencer shouldn't have handed him over. Ace should have been fussing, Spencer goes out of the room to retrieve his binky or favorite animal toy, and comes back to an empty room. Then we wouldn't have that absurd about-face, as @30 Helens mentioned. It makes Spencer going to Paris with Trina a little awkward story-wise, but maybe Spencer justifies that by convincing  himself that Nik is the better parent after all. Then Spencer spends NAC's absence looking for Nik and Ace.

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And we're back! Several news items during the downtime

Avery Pohl (Esme) exits the show


Honestly, Esme was a good character for a time, but the writers spent too much time getting to introducing her parents and thus her purpose in Port Charles. It felt very similar to the way Cyrus started, aimlessly milling about until Genie Francis returned to the canvas. Avery is a definite find though

William Lipton returning as Cameron to say goodbye to his cousin Spencer


Adam Harrington joins the cast as John "Jagger" Cates


Kin Shriner previews a close encounter with Lucy (spoilers)


Steve Burton's return as Jason will start airing March 4






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It also sounds as though Mulcahey/Korte's work will begin airing with Steve or shortly before. (That's what SON's report is running with, anyway.)

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4 minutes ago, jsbt said:

It also sounds as though Mulcahey/Korte's work will begin airing with Steve or shortly before. (That's what SON's report is running with, anyway.)

Maybe we'll get something decent then. 

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Nice story roundup, @DanaK, but I think you forgot one:


Wow, they ended that whole SL in a hurry, didn’t they? Not that I’m complaining. But I figured we’d get more Adam angst, maybe he and Joss developing feelings, or that he would simply become part of the young adult crew. But no, he gets a moment of standing up to his father and that’s a wrap. Again, not complaining. Except for enduring the pointlessness of it all to begin with.

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2 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Nice story roundup, @DanaK, but I think you forgot one:


Wow, they ended that whole SL in a hurry, didn’t they? Not that I’m complaining. But I figured we’d get more Adam angst, maybe he and Joss developing feelings, or that he would simply become part of the young adult crew. But no, he gets a moment of standing up to his father and that’s a wrap. Again, not complaining. Except for enduring the pointlessness of it all to begin with.

I didn't forget it, I totally missed it lol. Thanks for catching it

Oops, one I forgot to post. The Daytime Emmys are eliminating the Younger Performer category


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22 hours ago, DanaK said:

And we're back! Several news items during the downtime

Avery Pohl (Esme) exits the show


Honestly, Esme was a good character for a time, but the writers spent too much time getting to introducing her parents and thus her purpose in Port Charles. It felt very similar to the way Cyrus started, aimlessly milling about until Genie Francis returned to the canvas. Avery is a definite find though

William Lipton returning as Cameron to say goodbye to his cousin Spencer


Adam Harrington joins the cast as John "Jagger" Cates


Kin Shriner previews a close encounter with Lucy (spoilers)


Steve Burton's return as Jason will start airing March 4






Great Jason is coming back on my birthday--that is NOT a good present

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