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S07.E02: In The Dark

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Leah, we are not in the dark...and you are not fooling anyone. She wants us all to think that she went through treatment and is sober now, but she clearly is not. When she was sitting on the couch talking to Chasity....or Chastity...her cousin-whatever-the-fuck, she was just staring off into space with this totally vacant look in her eyes. Then, of course, there's having to ask her sister to pick up the girls because she's so "tired". Supposedly mental exhaustion. Bitch please. I have 3 small kids, that I homeschool. My youngest has some delays and behavioral issues. I know all about mental exhaustion. It's never rendered me unable to get off the couch in the middle of the afternoon.


Although, I will say, about the only good thing Leah ever did for those kids was ask someone else to pick them up. And isn't it odd that there's already a pillow and blanket on the couch? They were there when Germy brought Addy home as well. The blanket isn't that odd, but why the bedroom pillow? It looks as if someone sleeps there. Why? Isn't that house big enough for the 4 of them? Orrr....are other people living there? Perhaps a certain dude and his children? I love how on the after show Leah was all, "I ain't got time for a man!" She really thinks we're stupid. 


Another thing I noticed about the girls - other than Gracie feeding the cat and sharpening pencils and basically doing all the things a mom should do - the girls seem very bored. Listless. In the past few episodes, there's been several scenes of one or the other just rolling around on the floor. They're a little bit old to do that. Does Leah ever do anything with them? Take them anywhere? Parks, the zoo, etc? I noticed they were trying to do crafts, and Ali seemed to be having a bit of trouble. Maybe Leah could quit bitching about her life on the phone and actually do something with her kids???


Gracie keeps giving me life. "There's nothing to drink! Dang it, Mom!" Of course, there's tap water. But Leah has probably never offered that to her children as something to drink on a daily basis, so I can't blame the kids for not considering that. 


Even though we already knew the custody outcome, I loved seeing Cory's reaction. Pure tears of joy. It really struck me when he said they were trading the "fun" time for the "hard" time. Cory used to have weekends, so he'd be off of work and could play with the girls and take them places. Now he's going to have them during the week and be responsible for getting them up early and helping with homework. And that's what he WANTS! Because their well being is more important to him. Now that's a real dad. Shame on Leah for trying to denigrate him. 




Then we have our other mother of the year, Jenelle. Now, I do not find Nathan to be some rockstar father, but I find it hilarious that Jenelle won't let him have time with Kaiser, because he never spends time with him when he has him. A. How would she know this? B. Says the woman who can't put her baby in his bed fast enough. The woman who constantly leaves her baby to cry. The woman who had to move her friend in so she could pawn off half of her parenting duties. Seeing Kaiser crying in his bed, while she runs off with Tori to her bedroom, giggling like a teenager, was just chilling. 


Look, again, I have small kids. I get how hard it can be at times. My youngest has some delays and behavioral issues and has been very high maintenance from day one. I have had to step outside to calm myself down a time or two. I get that. But I can't give Jenelle the benefit of the doubt, because we NEVER see her doing anything else. We never see her trying to comfort him. Cuddle him. Offer him medicine or something to help him. It's just immediately - put him in his bed and let him figure it out. I fucking hate her. 


Also, am I the only one who didn't think his hair looked all that different? It still looked pretty long to me. I think someone just smoothed it down/styled it. I just can't with all of her protestations about what Nathan is doing with Kaiser, because you know the only reason she cares is because he has a new girl. 


I don't know where I've been, but Jace never looked more like Jenelle to me than he did last night. Also, it's pretty sad to hear that he's acting out so violently. Barb clearly doesn't have the patience or the tools to deal with that at her age. I'm worried for what teenage Jace will be like. 




Not much to say about the other girls. It was nice to see Kail taking Isaac to see his sister. Pumpkin patch with the Houskas was cute. I love how Aubrey is glad Cole is around to pull the cart. Ha! He's so good with her. My only issue with Chelsea is her tone with Aubrey is very immature and not parental at all. 


Also, Adumb can lose me with his whole "I've changed" schtick. Anyone can buy a house if they have the money. Criminals have homes. I'm glad you have your license back, let's see you keep it. But to say there's been no record for the last 5 years is a straight up lie. He was arrested just last year!!! This is why I can't with these people. Lies, lies, and lies. And no one calls them out. 

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 18

Nice pack of smokes there, Leah. Hmmmmm the crew must have planted those and the Amp energy drink. And why in the hell is she drinking energy drinks?

I work two jobs, I am a single parent. Never received a dime of child support and my daughter has never seen her father. She just turned 19. So Leah can fuck off with the poor me bullshit. I worked both jobs yesterday. Up at 6 to make it to my first job at 7 and home at 5 to turn around and work my second job until 10. Up until August I would not get a day off except once every other week. So Leah can just stop with the bs about how overwhelmed, sleepy, whatever the fuck else she uses as an excuse. She doesn't work, doesn't cook, doesn't clean, doesn't do shit and is so tired. From what, oh that's right, huffing, and popping pills. Girl does not have a clue what it is like to struggle to pay the bills, struggle to put food on the table, drag your ass to work sick because you can't miss a day because that would mean a bill isn't getting paid. So she can take several thousand seats.

Can't wait to see if she is pulling her same bullshit without the girls there when they are at Corey's for the week. Lets see if she is still overwhelmed snd tired without them there all week. And no one told you to move in with a man who has two kids. Focus on your girls and go grocery shopping and cook a meal for your girls. Pay attention to them and fuckibg feed them.

Edited by toodywoody
  • Love 18
Leah's attorney sounded so over her during that phone call. I wonder how many times she'd had that conversation before?


I bet you strung out Leah forgets that she already talked to lawyer and calls her repeatedly. I bet she loses track of the time and doesn't even know how long it's been since Cory filed. 


Jenelle is such a narcissist. Barb was trying to have a conversation about Jace's behavior and Jenelle had to turn the subject around to be all about her and her ever lasting problems with Nathan.


She's a narcissist AND a lazy mom. She wants custody of her son back, but she thinks a cursory little "Why are you being mean?" talk will suffice, when she has a young boy acting incredibly aggressive towards his primary caregiver. Anyone considering therapy for Jace? Probably not. 


When Kail is happy and has a good attitude, she's actually very pretty. I'm begrudgingly giving her props for picking up a baby gift. It looks like this newfound domestic bliss is totally blown to shit on next week's epi, but it was nice while it lasted...


Kail really is a very pretty girl when she smiles. I like seeing her full of life and enjoying her family. But her problem is, she wants to control everyone. And she just can't. I also think she sometimes takes her frustrations with Javi out on Jo. I'm not looking forward to next week. I just wish they could all get along!

  • Love 5

Also, am I the only one who didn't think his hair looked all that different? It still looked pretty long to me. I think someone just smoothed it down/styled it.

It looked the same to me too. He looks like a little portly version of the Misadventures of Flapjack. I don't see why Jenelle cares anyway. It's not like she bothers to comb the child's hair. She couldn't care less about Kaiser's hair. It was the assumption that the new girlfriend cut it that set her off. "She's a hairdresser, Torie!!"

I'm convinced Teen Mom and Teen Mom 2 are basically documentaries about the people who end up as guests on Jerry Springer and Maury. I've always wondered, "Where do they find these people?"

Is that the first time we've seen Adam's friend in natural daylight? Because I must say, the results are frightening. Now that Adam has his license, maybe we'll never have to hear post-apocalyptic zombie Lurch monotonically deliver the line, "How does that make you feel?" ever again. But who will Adam grunt his lines back to?

Edited by charmed1
  • Love 10

Chelsea and Cole are a nice distraction from all of the rest of the drama...but both of them need to stop with the baby voice.  That being said... even with his baby voice... Cole is a hottie... and this show needed some eye candy badly!  The rest of the dude's are fug. 


Javi can be so ridiculous... he behaves as if Joe and Kail have an inappropriate relationship, and we haven't seen anything like that for a few years.  His freak out last year over Joe meeting with Kail on the front porch, and his hissy fit with Lincoln being at dinner all of it is just super immature and macho.  

  • Love 5

 I love how on the after show Leah was all, "I ain't got time for a man!" She really thinks we're stupid. 


Another thing I noticed about the girls - other than Gracie feeding the cat and sharpening pencils and basically doing all the things a mom should do - the girls seem very bored. Listless. In the past few episodes, there's been several scenes of one or the other just rolling around on the floor. They're a little bit old to do that. Does Leah ever do anything with them? Take them anywhere? Parks, the zoo, etc? I noticed they were trying to do crafts, and Ali seemed to be having a bit of trouble. Maybe Leah could quit bitching about her life on the phone and actually do something with her kids???












To be fair, her fans are quite stupid.


And word on the girls being bored. I noticed that one of them was actually coming out of the refrigerator last night. I wonder if Leah ever so much as goes outside with them?  And speaking of outside, maybe I'm nitpicking because I hate her, but it made me nervous that she was allowing the girlses to run freely in the front yard given how close they live to the road.

  • Love 1

Javi wants to have a baby on the heels of telling Kail he was about to be deployed. Uh huh. My son in law just got back from a year long deployment and we were gobsmacked to hear about how many of the guys in his unit wives got pg right before the deployment. WTF? Seeing what goes on in a deployment now (BTW, they have no kids yet), I'm not surprised Javi wants to knock her up before he leaves. Some guys think having a pg wife means she won't cheat while he's away. Whe n he said that he wanted to have a baby, I thought Bingo, we have a winner!


As for Kail, I do give her props, Isaac is a sweet little boy, so she did something right. Jo looks like he gained a sympathy belly  (that went to his face too) when Vee was pg, but she looked like she lost most of it in childbirth. I still wonder about Jo. I mean, is he working? I don't get it. And for the love of all that's holy, Vee and Vivi? Eek! 


I have decided the editors hate Janelle and Leah. They take every opportunity to show the reality of their situations. Leah's house is a pigsty. And it has lots of stairs. Why Leah? And where is Mama Dawn? Why isn't she filming? Does it have something to do with Leah's dick of the month? The only family member we see is her cousin. I also noticed the sprite in the fridge, drink bottles everywhere and the kids just rolling around on the floor. What happened to cheer?


And I was SMH and the cutaways between Janelle and a crying Roll. Yep, mother of the year. Your son is trying to hurt his grandma and all you can do is talk about Nathan. 


Adumb looks scary and weird. He has changed so much since the 16 and P. Take a look at this pic of him before the steroids and tattoos 




It's isn't just that he has aged. He is totally juicing. That's why he shaved his head I'm sure. Steroids can cause hair loss, among other things. And his buddy looks like a meth head. 

  • Love 4

When Jenelle was so pissed about Kaiser's haircut? All I could think was:  any way she was that interested in Jace's first haircut?  She said on an aftershow last week that she had bought a "kit" for Baby's First Haircut and wanted to be there to take pics.  She probably didn't notice when Jace got his first haircut!


Also - Kail looked pregnant in one scene where she's in the kitchen and has on a white shirt.

Edited by Trace
  • Love 3
And word on the girls being bored. I noticed that one of them was actually coming out of the refrigerator last night. I wonder if Leah ever so much as goes outside with them?  And speaking of outside, maybe I'm nitpicking because I hate her, but it made me nervous that she was allowing the girlses to run freely in the front yard given how close they live to the road.


No, I agree. We let our kids play outback by themselves. But it's completely fenced in and not near any roads.They are not allowed out front without a grownup.  I check on them often too. But Gracie went storming outside and Leah couldn't even be bothered to get up off the couch and see if she's okay. She couldn't even call her to come back in. And let's not forget that Addy was found wandering the neighborhood on her own. 


Do they have a Big Brothers/ Big Sisters program where Barb lives? I think it would do wonders for Jace to have a positive male role model in his life and it would give Barb a little break that she needs.


Yes! So much this! I have sympathy for Barb, but I'm tired of all the grousing about Jace's acting out without anyone trying to DO anything about it. You know Dr. Drew won't make any sound suggestions like yours. Didn't Jace go to karate once and form an immediate attachment to the instructor? He is crying out for a male role model. My heart just breaks for him. 


I love Jeremy just dropping the kid off and leaving. He doesn't want anything do with Leah.


Ha! And was it editing, or did I see her still wearing a wedding band in the episode?

  • Love 6

It looked the same to me too. He looks like a little portly version of the Misadventures of Flapjack. I don't see why Jenelle cares anyway. It's not like she bothers to comb the child's hair. She couldn't care less about Kaiser's hair. It was the assumption that the new girlfriend cut it that set her off. "She's a hairdresser, Torie!!"

Is that the first time we've seen Adam's friend in natural daylight? Because I must say, the results are frightening. Now that Adam has his license, maybe we'll never have to hear post-apocalyptic zombie Lurch monotonically deliver the line, "How does that make you feel?" ever again. But who will Adam grunt his lines back to?

HAH!  She's a hairdresser.  That was beautiful.  As if no adult could possibly cut a baby's hair without having a license or whatnot.


I kind of feel sorry for Adam's friend.  And I don't like it.  This show is here for my entertainment only, not to make me feel sad for someone.  Bc God knows I don't feel badly for any of these 'teen' moms.  Their interactions are just uncomfortable.


Jo telling Isaac he was on baby duty for two hours while they napped was pretty cute.  Isaac's reaction!  I just love that kid.

Edited by woodscommaelle
  • Love 7

Oh and I kept seeing "Corey is the worst type of father" all over Twitter tonight. What?! He has the girls' best interest unlike Leah. People are crazy.

Just wait until the Reunion when Dr. Drew goes after Corey, a father who has been involved since the beginning and who has had a steady job and a house for more than 5 seconds, for daring to go after primary custody. Then he'll praise Adumb for buying a house, getting his license back, and paying a whopping $171 in child support and go after Chelsea for not just giving him more custody.
  • Love 11

Ok, finished now and wow what an absolute bag of shit Leah is. How are you too tired to pick up your children in the afternoon if you have had all day to sleep? And can anyone just pick them up? I assume there is a list at the school of people approved to pick them up. Didn't they just start school? I'm sure on day one Leah gives them all the names of anyone else who might need to get them because she knows she's too much of an asshole to get them herself. Why is the house so filthy? There were SO many bottles of soda and Gatorade and water and energy drinks. On the floor too. I honestly don't know any grown adults who live surrounded by garbage like that. Did anyone catch what the note on the fridge said? I tried to read it but couldn't. I did see a book about football on the counter. I was trying to scope out evidence of the boyfriend but that's all I saw. Her phone call to the lawyer was so dumb and just another great example of how slow she is. Wouldn't the lawyer call once there was news? Does she think the lawyer had the results of the custody arrangement and just decided not to inform her? It's like how she wanted Corey to call the insurance company over and over about the wheelchair. She has no idea how anything works, I guess because she's never worked and is also a moron. I feel so bad for her kids having to constantly entertain themselves while she's on the phone all the time. She pays zero attention to them. During one of her many conversations with someone while the kids were unattended in another room, she was specifically talking about how there's only one more year until Ali is 7 and that's when she may really decline, well why not get the fuck up and play with her????! Spend any amount of time with her doing anything at all? What a stupid asshole.

  • Love 13

Even though we already knew the custody outcome, I loved seeing Cory's reaction. Pure tears of joy. It really struck me when he said they were trading the "fun" time for the "hard" time. Cory used to have weekends, so he'd be off of work and could play with the girls and take them places. Now he's going to have them during the week and be responsible for getting them up early and helping with homework. And that's what he WANTS! Because their well being is more important to him. Now that's a real dad. Shame on Leah for trying to denigrate him. 


Excuse me, I think you mean "downgrade" him.

  • Love 8

Poopchute, exactly.

She doesn't have a clue that not everything can happen because she is stomping her feet and wants it to happen. But the wheelchair can sit there broken for who knows how long and she can't go load it up in her wagon of doom to get the fucker fixed.

And just like poopchute said, why the fuck was she so fucking exhausted at 3 in the afternoon? Oh that narcolepsy, getting the best of her, where she hasn't done a damn thing all day, that's exhausting. Oh popping pills is exhausting.

Leah, get up, get dressed, get going and do something with yourself. My gosh. She doesn't do shit, no housework, doesn't work, doesn't cook, doesn't play with her kids, so why is she so tired. She obviously thinks everyone is stupid and will just take her word for everything.

  • Love 6

I loved Isaac's "bitch, please" expression when Jo told him he was on baby duty. I didn't realize they were pronouncing Vivi as vee-vee. I thought it was going to sound the way it would if you were shortening Vivian. In all honesty, it sounds kind of tacky and ghetto. They would've been better off just calling her Velisse.

Regarding Chelsea, the pumpkin patch scenes were cute but her constant overselling of Cole is getting tedious and annoying. Aubree already adores him, so there's no need to badger her with questions about Cole's awesomeness. If I were dating someone with a child, that would make me very uncomfortable.

I didn't think Kaiser's hair looked all that different either. It looked like his bangs were just slicked down and brushed to the side.

  • Love 11

Leah has no motivation to do anything besides sleep all day because of all of her enablers..... I can't believe that she can't even go to the grocery store!! You have no job woman! You are literally home all day!


I can't watch Jenelle's scenes anymore. They make my blood boil like Farrah's do, as well. Was she really talking about dropping Kaiser off at Nathan's mom's from Wed- Sun? So, she has Monday and Tuesday with him. Mother of the year, right there. Although, for Kaiser's sake, he's probably MUCH better off with Nathan's mom than Jenelle, for sure.

  • Love 6

I wish we could nominate the editors for a special award. They're doing everything they can to show the world what a drugged out, incapable human being Leah is and I love them for it. Showing Corey's relief and joy at the court finally listening to him, then showing Leah nodded out on the couch was perfect. She was so wasted when she called her sister, Stevie Wonder could have seen it. I wonder where little Adderall was while mommy was on the nod? In her room with a box of sugar and aspartame packets? Hopefully, with her dad or with one of the dozens of relatives Leah seems to have around to pawn the kids off on when she's too wasted to take care of them. I hope we get to see Germy or someone call her out for being 'so tahrd all the tahm' before the season is over. She doesn't work, clean her house, go grocery shopping, do laundry or anything else productive. We know it's the pillses, Leah. Admit it and go back to treatment. Preferably, for a minimum of 6 months of intensive residential care.


They're also doing a great job showcasing that Kaiser is nothing more than a prop for Jenelle to use to try to piss Nathan off. If Nathan had taken him to Boston by himself or with one of his guy friends, she wouldn't have given a shit. I guess she thinks that once a guy has been with her, he's supposed to live the rest of his life pining away. I really, really hope Nipples is awarded custody of the Roll. He's the lesser of two evils, for sure, but I believe he's capable of loving the little guy and would interact with him instead of throwing him into his room and shutting the door. Watching part of last week's episode again, I paid more attention to the scene in Nathan's apartment. Remember when he was in the can and the cold, evil bitch was in charge of the dogs? They were locked in too small crates in the garage. When Nathan and his new squeeze were sitting at the counter, the dog was calmly laying on the floor. Nathan is an idiot but, he seems to get that living creatures require love, attention and care. Something Jenelle is incapable of.

  • Love 13

The little blonde twin is mean as hell, but thank goodness for that little girl. Not only does she mother her own sisters, she's the children's biggest advocate. If it weren't for her, Corey wouldn't know about her making toast to feed her sisters or about hiding in the laundry room, or mommy being a "sleepy head." If she hadn't torn Leah a new one in the first episode, we wouldn't have known about the children going to school cold, hungry and being picked up late. Ali doesn't seem to speak up a lot and Adderall is the baby. Corey would know about the tardy school days and maybe what he could see from MTV's footage and of course the gossip he heard from townsfolk. But his daughter is a first hand witness to the neglect and without her, I think that custody fight would've dragged on longer.

  • Love 14

Could Leah's eyes looked more strung out when she was babbling about her "anxieties" or seemed more "downed" out this ep? Good for Corey and Miranda. Jenelle- just what is that red liquid in the Roll's bottle? Jenelle...I just can't anymore.

I even told my husband that every time she talked her eyes were always up towards the ceiling, or to the side, she never looked straight ahead. Her house was just nasty. I know it can't be spotless with kids, but if I knew a tv crew was coming, my house would be clean. Her daughter was right, she doesn't do anything!!

  • Love 3

Plus, she doesn't work and her kids are in school. What else is there to do all day besides get some groceries and clean up a little? I hate cleaning personally so I'm not even saying she should be on her hands and knees scrubbing a floor but who lives with actual garbage strewn all about?!? What does TR think when he gets home from work (?) and sees that she was home all day but the house is filthy and there is no food. My husband would be like um what in the fuck did you do all day??

  • Love 12

I don't see how anyone can still believe that Leah is clean and not high out of her mind after watching that final scene. I hope she wasn't alone in the house (besides the obvious camera crew) because you can clearly see a small child, probably Addy walk outside while Leah lapses into her drug induced coma on the couch.

Watching this show used to be fun for the snark factor but now it's just making me sick seeing these kids be neglected, verbally abused, used as pawns and just all around treated like shit by their asshole parents.

I could feel the rage building up in me tonight watching Jenelle throw her crying baby in his crib and close the door because she was over it. Her response to his crying is to either shove some food at him or to lock him away in his room. Try holding him you heartless bitch!

My little one isn't much older than Kaiser and it breaks my heart the way that evil witch treats her son. I just don't understand how a mother (she doesn't deserve the title really) can treat her baby so cruelly.

I saw that too, though after rewinding 1000 times it looked more like a dog or cat. Because of the sun all I could make out were back legs and a tail.

I was so mad at Jenelle putting Kaiser in his bed and being frustrated with him instead of consoling him. He's probably still sick. Though, I noticed he had the same outfit on as the first episode (I think her and tori did too) so I did wonder if it was some of the footage from episode one where he was so upset in his crib.

  • Love 2

Does anyone watch Bojack Horseman? This quote pretty much sums everyone on this show, expect for Chelsea. This quote is basically this show.


"He got famous in his twenties, so he'll be in his twenties forever. After you get famous, you stop growing, you don't have to. Every celebrity has an age of stagnation. It doesn't just happen when you get famous. Your age of stagnation is when you stop growing. For most, it's when they get married, settle into a routine. You meet someone who loves you unconditionally and never challenges you or wants you to change, and then you never change."

Read more at: http://transcripts.foreverdreaming.org/viewtopic.php?f=361&t=19524

  • Love 2

That after show was ridiculous. The hostess Nessa (guess she's afraid of giving out her last name) is terrible. Kail's face looked so different, did she get botoxed or a face lift? And her hair! Channeling Pebbles from the Flintstones is not a good look for her! Most of the Teen Moms are not poster children for safe sex (Jenelle-abortion instead of birth control, Chelsea-pulling out, and Leah-taking out her own IUD) so to act like they were all so knowledgeable was hypocritical.

This was filmed after her plastic surgery. She had the fat sucked out of her chins.

  • Love 2

So, again we have the girlses questioning Leah's parenting. First Leah doesn't feed the twins breakfast before school or get them lunches ready.  Now, apparently, we find out she can't even keep food in the fridge. Gracie looks in the fridge and was all "God!!! There's nothing to drink in here!". So fucking sad, right there.

I'm not a Leah fan or supporter. Couldn't she use TAP water from the sink?

Jenelle really does show many of the signs of being a psychopath: all other people (and pets) are just tools for her to use to get what she wants, and if they are no longer of any use they are discarded.  Complete with lack of emotion and empathy--why have empathy for props?

Exactly. And, nothing is ever her fault and never has been. When she was whining to Tori about the assault charge, it was all Nathan's girlfriend's fault. Sure, Jenelle. That woman sitting in a truck in your driveway is responsible for you losing your shit and throwing a mason jar at her head hard enough to break the skin and cause a big lump. It's all a big conspiracy to keep you from getting a job and the judge will side with you because, as you say, 'it's stupid'. I will perpetually keep my fingers crossed that she fucks with the wrong person one of these days, does it in front of a dozen witnesses and winds up in jail or prison. 

  • Love 10

Plus, she doesn't work and her kids are in school. What else is there to do all day besides get some groceries and clean up a little? I hate cleaning personally so I'm not even saying she should be on her hands and knees scrubbing a floor but who lives with actual garbage strewn all about?!? What does TR think when he gets home from work (?) and sees that she was home all day but the house is filthy and there is no food. My husband would be like um what in the fuck did you do all day??

I agree. It's not like anyone is expecting Leah to scrub the bathroom tiles with a toothbrush, but damn, at least throw the empty soda bottles in the trash and straighten up the couch. This woman makes 200k a year, has no job and only has all three kids for half the week. Hire a damn housekeeper if you hate to clean.

  • Love 11

I agree. It's not like anyone is expecting Leah to scrub the bathroom tiles with a toothbrush, but damn, at least throw the empty soda bottles in the trash and straighten up the couch. This woman makes 200k a year, has no job and only has all three kids for half the week. Hire a damn housekeeper if you hate to clean.


As for Jenelle, if having Kaiser crying is so stressful, how the hell is she going to manage if she ever gets Jace and has two kids at one time ALL the time. I'm scared for those boys.

  • Love 5

So your name is Vee and you daughter's name is Vivi? You couldn't think of a single other name for your child???

I've said this before and I'll say it again: when Kailyn smiles, she lights up. You can see genuine happiness there. The scene with her and Isaac in the car was so sweet.

If Jo and Vee have another child, will they name it Vivivi??


Kailyn can be very, very pretty. She has gorgeous hair and when she smiles for real she is really attractive. But she's so sour and manipulative. I wish she would get some therapy or something, I feel like there's a good person in there trying to get out. She's a good mother, granted, on this show the bar is pretty low.


Have your feelings for Javi dropped?


Beat me to it! I thought that very thing!

Is that the first time we've seen Adam's friend in natural daylight? Because I must say, the results are frightening. Now that Adam has his license, maybe we'll never have to hear post-apocalyptic zombie Lurch monotonically deliver the line, "How does that make you feel?" ever again. But who will Adam grunt his lines back to?

That cracks my shit up every single time! "how does that make you feel?" Has any guy ever asked a guy friend that question? You know, bunch of bros, sitting around, playing video games and enjoying some adult beverages, and talking about their feelings......


Jace breaks my heart, for real. He's a very angry and confused little boy, and he's going to end up in jail. He's acting out in a big way. I feel like I'm watching that first segment of Intervention--"Jace was a beautiful baby. He was always happy. His mother had problems so he was raised by his grandmother. He was a handful! But he was loved and cared for".  Janelle is a horror show. Poor little Kaiser. He was not crying grumpy or tired. He was crying in pain. The poor little guy probably has an ear infection or is busting a new tooth. She didn't even consider that, take his temperature, give him a baby tylenol (hahahaha, as if she has any in the house! what am I thinking?).

  • Love 5

If Jo and Vee have another child, will they name it Vivivi??

Kailyn can be very, very pretty. She has gorgeous hair and when she smiles for real she is really attractive. But she's so sour and manipulative. I wish she would get some therapy or something, I feel like there's a good person in there trying to get out. She's a good mother, granted, on this show the bar is pretty low.

Beat me to it! I thought that very thing!

That cracks my shit up every single time! "how does that make you feel?" Has any guy ever asked a guy friend that question? You know, bunch of bros, sitting around, playing video games and enjoying some adult beverages, and talking about their feelings......

Jace breaks my heart, for real. He's a very angry and confused little boy, and he's going to end up in jail. He's acting out in a big way. I feel like I'm watching that first segment of Intervention--"Jace was a beautiful baby. He was always happy. His mother had problems so he was raised by his grandmother. He was a handful! But he was loved and cared for". Janelle is a horror show. Poor little Kaiser. He was not crying grumpy or tired. He was crying in pain. The poor little guy probably has an ear infection or is busting a new tooth. She didn't even consider that, take his temperature, give him a baby tylenol (hahahaha, as if she has any in the house! what am I thinking?).


But...... She saves lives for a living. Ha!

  • Love 6
Seeing Kaiser crying in his bed, while she runs off with Tori to her bedroom, giggling like a teenager, was just chilling.


The only positive here that I see, is the fact that there ARE MTV crew in her house.  Surely if they see something they would call child services.  Good Lord, Jenelle's picture should be in a dictionary next to the words "reasons for forced sterilization".  This woman in no way is a mother, she will never deserve that title.  And to all of you who have shared your own stories on here, of true hardship, brava!

Leah is almost as bad, although I think it's her addiction keeping her from being a good mom.  

Thank God we get fresh air with Chelsea and Kail; it makes me happy to see how well these two are doing.  Putting their children first, way to go ladies!  Jo is also showing remarkable maturity for the most part; wish I could say the same for Javi.  And all their children are well behaved, love that.

Edited by blubld43
  • Love 1

I saw that too, though after rewinding 1000 times it looked more like a dog or cat. Because of the sun all I could make out were back legs and a tail.

I was so mad at Jenelle putting Kaiser in his bed and being frustrated with him instead of consoling him. He's probably still sick. Though, I noticed he had the same outfit on as the first episode (I think her and tori did too) so I did wonder if it was some of the footage from episode one where he was so upset in his crib.

I went back and watched it and I think you're right, it does look like a dog walking out the door. I was so angry the first time I watched it I guess I wasn't seeing clearly.

I wouldn't put it past Leah to pass out alone with Addy though. I don't even understand how you can be so tired in the middle of the afternoon that you can sleep with a house full of Mtv people pointing cameras directly at you. It must be the narcolepsy.

Regarding Jenelle, I think it's her standard practice to put Kaiser in his crib when he's crying because she doesn't have the patience to deal with him. Plus, I just don't think she loves him very much.

  • Love 6

The only positive here that I see, is the fact that there ARE MTV crew in her house.  Surely if they see something they would call child services.  Good Lord, Jenelle's picture should be in a dictionary next to the words "reasons for forced sterilization".  This woman in no way is a mother, she will never deserve that title.  And to all of you who have shared your own stories on here, of true hardship, brava!

Leah is almost as bad, although I think it's her addiction keeping her from being a good mom.  

Thank God we get fresh air with Chelsea and Kail; it makes me happy to see how well these two are doing.  Putting their children first, way to go ladies!  Jo is also showing remarkable maturity for the most part; wish I could say the same for Javi.  And all their children are well behaved, love that.

You win the internet today!


The difference between Jenelle and Leah is that I honestly believe Leah does love her girlses. She's ignorant, lazy and a drug addict but she does love her children. Jenelle isn't capable of loving anything except drama and is a truly terrifying human being.


If Jo and Vee have another child, will they name it Vivivi??


Kailyn can be very, very pretty. She has gorgeous hair and when she smiles for real she is really attractive. But she's so sour and manipulative. I wish she would get some therapy or something, I feel like there's a good person in there trying to get out. She's a good mother, granted, on this show the bar is pretty low.



Beat me to it! I thought that very thing!

That cracks my shit up every single time! "how does that make you feel?" Has any guy ever asked a guy friend that question? You know, bunch of bros, sitting around, playing video games and enjoying some adult beverages, and talking about their feelings......


Jace breaks my heart, for real. He's a very angry and confused little boy, and he's going to end up in jail. He's acting out in a big way. I feel like I'm watching that first segment of Intervention--"Jace was a beautiful baby. He was always happy. His mother had problems so he was raised by his grandmother. He was a handful! But he was loved and cared for".  Janelle is a horror show. Poor little Kaiser. He was not crying grumpy or tired. He was crying in pain. The poor little guy probably has an ear infection or is busting a new tooth. She didn't even consider that, take his temperature, give him a baby tylenol (hahahaha, as if she has any in the house! what am I thinking?).

I wish Babs would cut Jenelle out of Jace's life completely. I think the going back and forth and his hoping the thing that gave birth to him would actually care about him is hurting him horribly. If he could have a life free of the drama she constantly brings, I believe he'd have a much better chance of becoming a productive adult.

  • Love 8

I went back and watched it and I think you're right, it does look like a dog walking out the door. I was so angry the first time I watched it I guess I wasn't seeing clearly.

I wouldn't put it past Leah to pass out alone with Addy though. I don't even understand how you can be so tired in the middle of the afternoon that you can sleep with a house full of Mtv people pointing cameras directly at you. It must be the narcolepsy.

Regarding Jenelle, I think it's her standard practice to put Kaiser in his crib when he's crying because she doesn't have the patience to deal with him. Plus, I just don't think she loves him very much.

You're right. Can you imagine having a film crew in your house and being about to just lay down and go to sleep? Only if you're in a chemically induced nod. The insult to the intelligence is the most frustrating thing about addicts. You can catch them with their hand in your purse stealing from you and they'll look you straight in the eye and lie. It makes it even more ridiculous and frustrating when they do it in front of a film crew and millions of people on TV.

  • Love 5

Poor little Kaiser. He was not crying grumpy or tired. He was crying in pain. The poor little guy probably has an ear infection or is busting a new tooth. She didn't even consider that, take his temperature, give him a baby tylenol (hahahaha, as if she has any in the house! what am I thinking?).

Remember when Jenelle posted on social media last year that the baby might have a concussion? Her issue wasn't even Kaiser's health. It was that the baby might have a concussion and Nathan wasn't calling her back. Instead of immediately taking her baby to the hospital, she had to get Nathan's attention by complaining to a bunch of strangers in cyberspace that Nathan wasn't calling her back. That's all Jenelle cares about.

And if Tori was hired as a "nanny," why wasn't she tending to a clearly distressed Kaiser, instead of eating ice cream cones in a messy bed with Jenelle, while the baby is screaming his head off? Even the camera person stuck the camera in the door so we could see Kaiser crying.

  • Love 7

Oh where to start... So I finally managed to get it in UK after work and what a treat...

Chelsea: once again not much to say, as I said before her baby voice doesn't bother me in the slightest as I love the American accent in any way shape or form, although all this worship on Cole is starting to grate on me, I get it, I really do, he seems like a nice guy, good role model and brings stability but all this "how amazing is it to have Cole here Aubrey" is a bit too much, the guys gonna get a big head at this rate. A special shout out to Adam, just no, that pic is enough to give me nightmares and even though he was a grade A idiot in his youth at least he was half decent eye candy, however the years have took their toll and nope he's just not hot!

Kailyn: firstly loving Isaac as always, such a sweet lil boy, well behaved, comical and caring, he already makes such a good big brother to Lincoln, and I'm sure he will to vee vee. Kailyn for all her negatives makes awesome little kids, although Javi wanting another is a bit too much, give the girl a break already. From what I've seen of late I got a sneaky feeling the sudden urge of a wanting another baby may have something to do with joe and vee's latest arrival, am I wrong? Timing seems a little odd. Anyway I think kaolin is gonna secretly love her time alone when he goes off to work. Time for some independence with I think suits Kail down to the ground. Oh and I must say I had a little smile on my face when I heard Lincoln make a noise, was starting to get worried the boy was mute, such a cutie too!

Also great move with Kail buying the baby a gift, glad to see she has grown to accept vee as part of the clan, def in Isaac best interest. However is it trouble I see coming up in the next ep, I hope not as I love happy Kail, dunno why but I do have a soft spot for her and she has a beautiful smile we just need to see it more, like I saw perhaps when Javi is deployed ;-)

Janelle: This girl puts me in a bad most instantly, oneself inflicted drama to another, not to mention her obvious lack of love care and compassion to all humans, her children included.

Poor kaiser, I really feel for that little boy, he does not deserve to suffer a life with this self centred girl, she just has no affection for him, I just wanna grab him from the TV and give him a big cuddle. Now I am no way a fan of Nathan, but surely he can't do any worse than janelle and I really hope he and his family somehow get kaiser and quickly at that. On a plus note least she pawned him off for 5 days, maybe he got the attention he needed, hopefully this is a regular occurrence. Then there's Jace, who else was shocked to hear he has been acting out at barb? I for one was not, I personally saw it coming a mile of, because this is what happens and I'm sure sadly kaiser will follow next in line. I'm not saying that to bad mouth barbs. I think she is amazing for taking care of jace in the first place, God only knows where he would have been if it wasn't for babs but I'm sure having witnessed janelle a behaviour and her numerous loser boyfriends over the years I feel this was always inevitable. I just hope between barb and perhaps the school system they can calm him down before it increases, janelle doesn't care enough to help or even try. Janelle just wants her new man... Talking of new men, is it the next episode the new loser comes on? I may be judgmental saying that before we've got to see him properly, but from the small clips and articles I've read, much the same old same old... Althoygh saying that what choice would janelle have than to grab a douchbag because surely any stable man wouldn't loo twice at her!

Leah: wow what a mess her segments have turned into... Where to start with Leah. Ok I'm gonna start on a good note, addy is turning into such a sweet little baby girl, must be the hair growth reminding me of Jeremy more and more each day, which is not a bad thing as when he first came in I thought he was quite a good looking chap. Loved her giving cuddles, let's hope Leah sorts herself before she gets old enough to realise like I'm sure the twins do.

As for nightmare twin, was she feeding the cat too? Looks like she really does keep the house going, no wonder for the outbursts as I think she must deal with more than most kids her age. Loved the lack of drinks comment (can't quote it as I have the worlds worst memory) now to Leah herself, oh man it just gets worse really, I mean how do you even describe the phone call to the sister or whoever it was to pick the girls up from school, I know she passed the drugs test etc but how can you possibly put that behaviour into just being tired? I mean I'm tired right now after finishing work and yeah my typing right now is probably not the best but my eyes are open at least lol. Now I'm gonna prob be the only one and maybe I'm just a stupid softie to nice for my own good but just like with kaiser part of me wanted to once again reach into the TV and give the girl a cuddle, then of course shake some sense into her after. Like I said maybe I'm naive but part of me can't help but feel sorry for her, yes I do believe she has brought allot of this on herself and so the saying goes you reap what you sow but unlike janelle I do believe she is capable of feelings and love, and I'm sure she loves them girls but is just not able to provide what they need at this time. I really think going to stay with Corey and Miranda is best for all involved and that includes Leah, and I just really hope she can use the time to really sort herself out becoming the mother she probably wants to be and that the girls def deserve. Like I say yeah she infuriates me and yes at the moment she is not coming across well at all, but I don't believe she is a lost cause in the same way I think that janelle is and always will be.

Phew I think I'm done for now. Cup of tea and feet up time, I may even have to watch again as from reading others posts I'm sure I missed bits lol.

Once again I'm new still as a poster but have been reading the boards along time and love to read your guys thoughts just as much as I love to watch the show itself.

  • Love 7

What I don't get is how Jenelle and Leah know the cameras will be there and they don't clean up their acts. The celebrity status has gone to their heads. I know this is how they act day after day but come on, Leah knew Corey would see this and take her to court and Jenelle should know that Nathan will use it against her. Why are they both being like this on camera when it can be used against them? They are both morons that think they are above the law.

If I was a fuck up and didn't want my kids taken away from me, I would be putting on an act for the cameras and the whole world to see how 'great' I am. But no, these two self absorbed twits can't clean up their act for filming because they both think they are so great.

And Leah, maybe if you didn't sleep during the day you could go to bed at a decent time. I say this because my mom does this. Sleeps all day until noon and then wonders why she is up all night. Well duh..... Same applies to Leah.

  • Love 6

Jenelle: Calm the F down! I'm sure you wouldn't care if Creepy Dave cut Kai's hair. Stop pretending to be a parent.


Leah: Did you honestly think you'd get custody of Ali and Aleeah? Leah is strung out 24/7. Also, someone needs to get Gracie some cheetos ASAP. Mama ain't go no food.


Chelsea: Chelsea is kinda dull at the moment. She and Cole are great. Adam is still a douche. Always will be.


Kail: Good to know you're gonna keep popping out the paychecks as long as MTV lets you.

  • Love 4

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