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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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Well, it looks like the abuse documentary will feature Jill and Jessa, at least. Which I guess makes sense, but if they're going to peddle the same bullshit that they did in the Fox interviews...

I see the other survivors turn giving them 'Bitch, are you for real?' face.


Maybe they're on it for counterpoint? Molesation is NO BIG DEAL?

  • Love 6

I haven't heard great things about being uneducated yokels in America.

Not our fault, its their problem.

        Adults go back to school all the time, working single mothers and fathers work full time and go to school too.   What make the Duggars special or exempt from the rest of us?

        I don't see REAL people who are REALLY suffering and struggling being given a television show.    Really?

We'll always have Ben's instagram sermons. :)

and over 20 others who are destined to do dumb things on a regular basis.      

  • Love 16

Well, it looks like the abuse documentary will feature Jill and Jessa, at least. Which I guess makes sense, but if they're going to peddle the same bullshit that they did in the Fox interviews...


I think they could bring a good perspective, if, like I said in the Benessa thread, they take the right approach. Focus on how their faith in God was a vital part of their recovery and forgiveness brought them peace. Don't bring up any other victims, certainly don't speak for them, don't imply your coping mechanism is the only correct one, and for heaven's sake don't defend Josh/bring him up at all. If homeboy has something to say let him say it and own it. 


Is there going to be a moderator for this special? 

  • Love 3

Deadline has a great theory as to why the announcement came today (& how TLC blew it).


When a network wants to dump a hit reality series after word breaks one of show’s family members molested his sisters, what’s the best way to bury the news? Put it out on a wire service on Emmy noms morning of course! Except, TLC apparently forgot Emmy noms are delayed three hours this year. TLC’s announcement, bright and early when Emmy noms and snubs would otherwise be all the talk, has nicely filled that void. Oops.






  • Love 11

I think this a decent solution. There weren't any good ones. I never liked the idea that the people Josh hurt originally as very young girls were the major financial losers today. Yeah yeah, no one is owed anything, but everyone has a right to fight for their livelihood and be angry if it is taken away through no fault of your own. That wasn't Justice. (Capital J)

On the other hand, I didn't think the show could go on. I know I have no interest in it as entertainment. I just don't.

This way at least Jill and Jessa will likely get something from it. I'd rather they get something than nothing. I'd like the other two girls and the family friend to get something too, but I'm not sure how to do that in a practical sense. Josh lost his dream job and reputation forever, Jim Bob's empire took a big hit, and he looks pretty slimy too. There's been enough money made that no young children need be in the same position as the older children.

I can live with this

  • Love 6


Did anyone see that they are doing a documentary in august? It better not be some whitewashed 'its no big deal!" 

That is all


Also- the Duggar kids will be ok, sure it might be struggle if they decide to leave just because of the brainwashing but this is a VERY GOOD THING.


Jboob and MEchelle will now have to be like everyone else in the QF cult. Maybe it will remind them that having a bazillion kids for the rest of the cult is very draining on finances/not sustainable and most of their other QF people are poor as shit ( think the RV kids). Maybe if the younger kids have to give up their Iphones and trips it will sway them to not have 20 children and get a real job. 

  • Love 7

"yeah yeah, no one is owed anything, but everyone has a right to fight for their livelihood and be angry if it is taken away through no fault of your own"


Except being on or having a television show is never looked at as a job or "livelihood" that is every going to last. It could last  one time, a few months or a few years.

    I think most people know this.

Also, people who have no real talent or skill and are on reality television are at the bottom of the barrel if they think that this is a "career".


The older Duggar kids seem to have no money of their own and are still locked to Daddy for their day to day living, so they are even worse off than some of the other people who are now ex Z list reality show participants.

  • Love 7

I agree Cheerio.  Most people know that a t.v. job is unpredictable.  Might be a long time, might not.  It is not to be counted forever.  But they don't watch t.v.  Those girls can get a job or, if JimBoob truly believes what he preaches, he can support them with no complaints.  All of them at whatever he needs to do.

  • Love 4

What they really need is to find out how the real world works, which is to actually work.    I don't think a majority of America wants to support a bunch of hate mongers who have never worked a honest day in their lives.

Their con worked longer than most, but its in the toilet now where it should be, along with big mouth Tidy Bowl Bin.

They managed to live BEFORE the show and will manage just fine afterwards.  I'm sorry to see them go. 

  • Love 1

Wait.  TLC is going to do a show on victims of incest?  TLC?  Ok, I predict "My 600 LB Little Person Who Had Sex That Sent Them To The ER Where They Were Molested By People With Tatoos".  I'm in no way insensitive to those who are dealing with molestation issues, but TLC?  Come on.  They are incapable of doing any type of program without sensationalizing.  I wish I could feel that they behaved decently by stopping income to hypocrites, but I don't think so.  They have exhausted the multiple children, little people, weird sex, topics and have now happened upon a new line of programming.  TLC as a nework is scum.  I'll only glance occasionaly to get the names of the sponsors that I will avoid.

  • Love 11

I think they could bring a good perspective, if, like I said in the Benessa thread, they take the right approach. Focus on how their faith in God was a vital part of their recovery and forgiveness brought them peace. Don't bring up any other victims, certainly don't speak for them, don't imply your coping mechanism is the only correct one, and for heaven's sake don't defend Josh/bring him up at all. If homeboy has something to say let him say it and own it. 


Is there going to be a moderator for this special?

I don't think the Duggars are smart enough to do as you suggested, unless they're committed to doing everything their PR manager tells them to do. Even so, they'll have to bite their lip and sit on their hands to refrain from making excuses and downplaying everything. JB, Michelle, Jessa and Jill have the Duggar script engraved so deeply in their minds that to go off script would probably be rather challenging. But with TLC filming and editing it they can disguise it.

Smoke and mirrors and everything.

  • Love 4

Wait.  TLC is going to do a show on victims of incest?  TLC?  Ok, I predict "My 600 LB Little Person Who Had Sex That Sent Them To The ER Where They Were Molested By People With Tatoos".  I'm in no way insensitive to those who are dealing with molestation issues, but TLC?  Come on.  They are incapable of doing any type of program without sensationalizing.  I wish I could feel that they behaved decently by stopping income to hypocrites, but I don't think so.  They have exhausted the multiple children, little people, weird sex, topics and have now happened upon a new line of programming.  TLC as a nework is scum.  I'll only glance occasionaly to get the names of the sponsors that I will avoid.

Bravo !     I agree 200%       I will also continue to not watch any TLC and still boycott sponsors.   

  • Love 2

I hope the kids push a 'Give Us Our Fair Share' YouTube channel, so they get some money and freedom. Public shame might work on Jim Bob.


Oh wait, Jim Bob is shameless...

I have a strong feeling that they will either do their own thing, i.e. a Youtube subscription only deal or they will be whoring themselves out to another obscure cable network in order to bring back their "ministry."

  • Love 1


or they will be whoring themselves out to another obscure cable network in order to bring back their "ministry."

The non-compete clause in their contract will prevent that. Look how long it took the Bateses to get a new show, and they were never 'big' like the Duggars. I don't know if YouTube counts as a network, though.


I'm sure the speaking gigs have dried up, too. No one cares anymore, or wants to hear it.

Edited by JoanArc
  • Love 2

Well, it looks like the abuse documentary will feature Jill and Jessa, at least. Which I guess makes sense, but if they're going to peddle the same bullshit that they did in the Fox interviews...

The Time article says they believe (paraphrased) they're going to be able to "point the way to faith" as a way of overcoming sexual abuse.


I don't want them on that documentary if all they're going to do is proselytize. They claim they have no aftereffects of the abuse they suffered because of Jesus? They don't belong there. And I don't want to see what could be meaningful help for others derailed by Jilly Muffin and Jessa Blessa.


Looks like I have yet another letter to write.

The non-compete clause in their contract will prevent that. Look how long it took the Bateses to get a new show, and they were never 'big' like the Duggars.

I wonder if the non-compete clause was dissolved via negotiation before the cancellation was announced.

  • Love 4

Wait. TLC is going to do a show on victims of incest? TLC? Ok, I predict "My 600 LB Little Person Who Had Sex That Sent Them To The ER Where They Were Molested By People With Tatoos". I'm in no way insensitive to those who are dealing with molestation issues, but TLC? Come on. They are incapable of doing any type of program without sensationalizing. I wish I could feel that they behaved decently by stopping income to hypocrites, but I don't think so. They have exhausted the multiple children, little people, weird sex, topics and have now happened upon a new line of programming. TLC as a nework is scum. I'll only glance occasionaly to get the names of the sponsors that I will avoid.

At the end they'll all say yes to dresses.
  • Love 4

Wait.  TLC is going to do a show on victims of incest?  TLC?  Ok, I predict "My 600 LB Little Person Who Had Sex That Sent Them To The ER Where They Were Molested By People With Tatoos".  I'm in no way insensitive to those who are dealing with molestation issues, but TLC?  Come on.  They are incapable of doing any type of program without sensationalizing.  I wish I could feel that they behaved decently by stopping income to hypocrites, but I don't think so.  They have exhausted the multiple children, little people, weird sex, topics and have now happened upon a new line of programming.  TLC as a nework is scum.  I'll only glance occasionaly to get the names of the sponsors that I will avoid.


FWIW, the special is reportedly airing commercial free, with no sponsors, & its being made in partnership with Darkness to Light and RAINN, which are large, well-known organizations dealing with protecting children from sexual abuse. There's more detail in the press release TLC put out today.

Edited by Rane
  • Love 4


I don't want them on that documentary if all they're going to do is proselytize. They claim they have no aftereffects of the abuse they suffered because of Jesus? They don't belong there. And I don't want to see what could be meaningful help for others derailed by Jilly Muffin and Jessa Blessa.


Looks like I have yet another letter to write.

Don't forget, they claimed not to even be awake for it, yet magically were able to describe detail of what happened to the cops.



I wonder if the non-compete clause was dissolved via negotiation before the cancellation was announced.

Interesting, but what does TLC get out of that. I didn't think you can negotiate cancellation.

Edited by JoanArc
  • Love 3

19 Kids and Counting is cancelled. That does not mean that a political discussion of what kind of job, how to get a job and how to keep a job is necessary or even on topic. Further, when it starts getting to testy with fellow posters? Not cool. Posts that are questionable will be removed without being notified.



  • Love 4

Interesting, but what does TLC get out of that. I didn't think you can negotiate cancellation.

I think this has been in the works for a while now. We don't know what was actually in the Duggars' contract, but TLC may have thrown them a bone re: making the non-compete go away in exchange for other considerations.



  • Love 1

I feel absolutely no pity for the Duggars losing their precious gravy train. Now they may have to actually get real jobs and educations like the rest of us. The t.v. show would have been cancelled eventually since it's boring as hell and the Duggars live a mundane existence. How many times can we watch the J'slaves doing Michelle's job? Or Jim Bob dry humping Michelle on the golf course?

My prediction is that plenty more scandals are being uncovered about this family. TLC could have cancelled this months ago when the news broke about Josh. Why now? What else is about to come out about the Duggars?

  • Love 12

Duggars Cancelled?



Possible spinoff for the kids?



Per CNN- http://money.cnn.com/2015/07/16/media/tlc-nineteen-kids-and-counting/index.html

However, a spokesman for Discovery Communications, which owns TLC, said the channel is not ruling out a spin-off show featuring some of the Duggar children in the future.
  • Love 1

I'll help sponsor a spin-off on Hannie's eventual flight to freedom.


ETA: I say Hannie because I remember that she was the one who got in trouble for dancing in an Ethiopian restaurant, and IIRC someone here said that she taught herself to read? Based on that very admittedly limited information, she seems more spirited than your average Duggar, although it's been ages since I've watched the show so maybe she's had it beaten out of her by now. Plus, "more spirited than your average Duggar" is a really low bar.

Edited by galax-arena
  • Love 6

Wait.  TLC is going to do a show on victims of incest?  TLC?  Ok, I predict "My 600 LB Little Person Who Had Sex That Sent Them To The ER Where They Were Molested By People With Tatoos".  I'm in no way insensitive to those who are dealing with molestation issues, but TLC?  Come on.  They are incapable of doing any type of program without sensationalizing.  I wish I could feel that they behaved decently by stopping income to hypocrites, but I don't think so.  They have exhausted the multiple children, little people, weird sex, topics and have now happened upon a new line of programming.  TLC as a nework is scum.  I'll only glance occasionaly to get the names of the sponsors that I will avoid.

Don't forget "...became hoarders, clipped coupons and baked a  cake"


I admit, I will miss watching these nuts.

  • Love 3

Well, if I were one of the young Duggars, I'd feel punished. And I think most punishments are, by definition, brought about by our own actions. You steal, you're punished for it.

But I'll move on.

Who's to say the Duggar children even liked being filmed? Maybe some of them are relieved not to be treated like circus animals. TLC owes them nothing and no one is being "punished". Their own misdeeds caused their downfall. No one is to blame except Jim Bob and Michelle.

  • Love 18

I would guess that new contracts were negotiated when the courtships/weddings started, and those were not on the order of giving TLC all of the power in terms of just cancelling the show at will. There were likely severance packages, non-competes, specials, spin-offs, and a variety of complex entertainment issues that needed to be worked out, and no, I certainly don't think that Jim Bob acted as his own attorney.

They may well indeed have intended to cancel it all along, but until the paperwork was done, no one says anything. That's the way contracts work. TLC would have been foolish to have done so.

  • Love 1

The future is grim even without a noncompete. Josh, Anna their kids, JB, and M are all gone. The kids are getting older-and non cute. Jill and Jess won't be able to pump 'em out fast enough. Everyone looks haggard. Duggar is a synonym for molester, or enabler. No one has a personality, let alone a compelling message. The leghumpers will eat up anything. YouTube is the last bastion of hope.

  • Love 8

The Duggars won't disappear. They have adoring leghumping fans who will be outraged over the cancellation and willing to follow them on whatever obscure media channel agrees to host them. I'm on board with those who think TLC is giving them an out to appear elsewhere. Boob will continue to milk his cash cow any way he can. I also suspect that after the molestation special airs, a new show focusing on Jill and Jessa with guest appearances by siblings other than Josh will be announced. I think it's been in the works for some time. We'll see Jill and the newly remade Derick trying to save souls in Central America and Jessa giving birth in Arkansas with Ben's mom by her side. The show will no doubt be boring as hell and quickly cancelled and forgotten.

Who knows how or where Josh might surface. He can only live off of whatever he saved from the DC job for so long, and Boob probably isn't thrilled to support Anna and her kids indefinitely. Maybe TFDW can arrange some sort of gig in Gothardland. They are family, after all.

  • Love 2

The Duggars weren't Honey Boo Boo. And if the contracts were from when the daughters courtships began...those could have been pretty good terms for the Duggars.

I'm only saying that in large organizations, where you are dealing with people who have political connections and wealth, especially, nothing happens quickly. No one gets "fired" swiftly - they might resign, but few people are fired. Jim Bob does have some powerful people to go to bat for him, and the money to chase them down. This is a man who once wasted a quarter of a million dollars, after all.

I think TLC made sure everything was in writing. But that's because I lived in a world where every other person (it seemed) was a lawyer. Of course, TLC has their HQ in that world too...


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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