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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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Thank you, doodlebug ! I so agree - it's not like he got "caught" ten years ago by the mainstream media and his parents were hiding a 14-15 year old boy from the glare. He's TWENTY-SEVEN years old, married for six-plus years, has three kids, and another on the way...

Did he build a couch fort in the living room and just decide to stay in there ? Maybe he's hiding in the tree house ?

Forget about Where's Waldo ! Where is Josh ?!?!

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Josh attempted suicide and has been in a (Christian?) treatment center. Due to HIPAA rules, staff can't disclose.
  • Love 2

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Josh attempted suicide and has been in a (Christian?) treatment center. Due to HIPAA rules, staff can't disclose.


I hope that isn't true, and I'd hope by this point these holier than thou crackers would know that if he were in that type of crisis, he'd need real professional help, not fundie fake crisis intervention.  I can't even imagine the Gothard flash cards for that type of situation.

  • Love 10

Thank you, doodlebug !  I so agree - it's not like he got "caught" ten years ago by the mainstream media and his parents were hiding a 14-15 year old boy from the glare. He's TWENTY-SEVEN years old, married for six-plus years, has three kids, and another on the way...


Oh, but hasn't he always been the retiring type? Living a private life in the Arkansas countryside, shy about voicing his opinions or appearing in public? It's not like he's a loud political guy, standing out in the public square, comfortable with having his photo taken, calling out people on their personal behavior, and demanding that ... Oh, wait .....

  • Love 21

See, I think hounding victims of any kind is repugnant. Saying you've forgiven someone shouldn't open yourself up to be mocked. Imagine shouting that to the Amish community after the shorting at the schoolhouse, or the families of church shooters in SC. Whether you believe someone or agree with that decision, the idea that they have somehow agreed to lose privacy and any sense of decency in how that story should or should not be told by them is seems like common decency to me, and it's baffling that other people think that.

Edited by GEML
  • Love 8

Oh, but hasn't he always been the retiring type? Living a private life in the Arkansas countryside, shy about voicing his opinions or appearing in public? It's not like he's a loud political guy, standing out in the public square, comfortable with having his photo taken, calling out people on their personal behavior, and demanding that ... Oh, wait .....

And it isn't as if he has presented himself as an expert on human sexuality in a moral context. 

Edited by mbutterfly
  • Love 11

I see both sides of this issue (I'm a fence sitter). They DO sort of set themselves up for public scrutiny, but THEY aren't really the problem and shouldn't be accosted or judged and rejudged. So uncomfortable for them. Has to be. And you KNOW the husbands want to be protective. It's all still so sad. Thank you for your perspective, GEML. I hadn't thought about (for example) the Amish school shooting or the SC shootings. Imagine how incredibly rude that would have come off for reporters to be shouting at them. I'm just happy it's not my JOB to be on that kind of watch - to be shouting at people who'd rather come and go in peace. Reliving the nightmare.

But then (still on the fence), they posted a pic of them at the airport...so...isn't that sort of a red flag to a bull?

  • Love 4

Jilly Muffin, DerrickDillard and Baby Muffin at the alive festival.




ETA:  God made it rain on them the entire time they were on stage. 

Edited by truthtalk2014
  • Love 1

Lets put an end to the Josh suicide speculation. None of us can make this type of armchair psychology statement without sitting down with him to make a proper diagnosis. There has been no proof of this unless one of us has become psychic and can analysis Josh's mental state. Posts about suicide speculation will be edited or deleted at the discretion of the mods. Once again, thank you for your patience and cooperation.

From the article posted above:

Jessa Duggar revealed that her favorite TV shows are Leave It to Beaver, The Andy Griffith Show, and Hogan’s Heroes.

Omg... really? Step into the 21st century, Jessa. I know t.v. isn't for everyone, but it's like she watches shows that intentionally don't make you think or ask questions. Imagine Jessa and Bin watching the History channel or National Geographic. It might make their pea brains explode.

  • Love 9

It's easy to get on moral high horse about questioning victims. Next thing you know you ARE the Duggars. FFS, attention seekers getting asked questions, no matter how uncomfortable, is no moral quandary.


Anywho, I'm still wincing at Jessa and Ben still pursing adoption. Parenting classes? How about some income, and jobs, now that the gravy train is approaching derailment. Whatever agency gives these two a baby is nuts.

  • Love 11

Let's stop bringing in the Amish and SC shootings. Some people are finding that really inappropriate and we are getting complaints.


For the past several weeks, we have given the posters here enormous latitude in discussing things that are peripheral and barely (if at all) related to the Duggars, but that was because the initial revelations about Josh had such an impact on the PTV forum community.


Now that the furor has died down, we're tightening up again.  In other words, we expect people to stick to the topic at hand and post in the correct threads.





  • Love 5

Jilly Muffin, DerrickDillard and Baby Muffin at the alive festival.




ETA:  God made it rain on them the entire time they were on stage. 

They claim they like TLC 19 kids and counting so they can share their Christian faith with their fans. That is not quite true. They only portray a watered down version of their faith. They like the fame and money imo. That's ok. I would like the money. Maybe they have lived in this 'reality' so long they aren't even aware when they are fudging the truth anymore.

  • Love 4

Anywho, I'm still wincing at Jessa and Ben still pursing adoption. Parenting classes? How about some income, and jobs, now that the gravy train is approaching derailment. Whatever agency gives these two a baby is nuts.

They'd never get one through an agency, but are private adoptions legal where they live? Some insane fan could give them a baby.
  • Love 5

From the article posted above:

Jessa Duggar revealed that her favorite TV shows are Leave It to Beaver, The Andy Griffith Show, and Hogan’s Heroes.

Omg... really? Step into the 21st century, Jessa. I know t.v. isn't for everyone, but it's like she watches shows that intentionally don't make you think or ask questions. Imagine Jessa and Bin watching the History channel or National Geographic. It might make their pea brains explode.

The 21st century is full of sin, heathen. But, I'm pretty sure that's all they're allowed to watch.

  • Love 1

From the article posted above:

Jessa Duggar revealed that her favorite TV shows are Leave It to Beaver, The Andy Griffith Show, and Hogan’s Heroes.

Omg... really? Step into the 21st century, Jessa. I know t.v. isn't for everyone, but it's like she watches shows that intentionally don't make you think or ask questions. Imagine Jessa and Bin watching the History channel or National Geographic. It might make their pea brains explode.


Is this real? Wow. Maybe when they want to get wild they watch an episode of I Love Lucy. You'd think that would a show they'd watch, but then I remembered it included a - gasp - interracial marriage, a bandleader/actor husband, and a wife constantly trying to work outside the home. Can't have people getting ideas.

  • Love 7

They could always foster --- which is very easy.

Yeah but foster children often have been affected by whatever it was that caused them to be taken into the state's custody. Should they ever receive a foster child, it would probably be their first and last one they will ever agree to take. And I'd like to believe that even a desperate state child welfare official wouldn't consider Mr and Mrs Bin Seaworld (in their current state) suitable to take a foster child.

  • Love 1

Even if you adopt privately, the investigation and hoops the state makes you jump through are pretty significant. Yes, I suppose it is theoretically possible that someone would give them a child, but I don't see them accepting one. First, there is the Gothard taboo that Jessa would need to overcome. (I don't see that as an issue for Jill.). Then there is the issue that most children who are rehoused (ie, given away) are older children with behavioral issues. I don't see Jessa taking on that willingly. Third, if you want to have a TV reality life, this is where the fame is a double edged sword. There is NO WAY a baby or young child could just show up at the Seewald house out of the blue. And given the situation that has happened with Josh, any calls about Jessa and Ben and some mysterious child living in their home would be investigated IMMEDIATELY and the media would be all over that.

See - THIS is where I think they are naive and foolish about where their "fame and fortune" has taken them. Even if I believed they were serious about adoption (which I don't) that path is likely closed to them because of the public choices they have made.

  • Love 1

As far as adoption, I believe most agencies require both parents to be at least 21 years old which should keep Jessa and Ben from adopting for a while longer.  Even then, most agencies investigate the basic finances of the couple and require that they show the ability to support a child.  I suppose Jim Bob can provide Ben with some sort of proof of income as well as vouch that he will continue to let them live on his property rent-free.  In the US, the average waiting period for a white infant via a public agency is around 7 years, BTW, which indicates to me that they are looking to adopt privately. I just don't believe they would want a non-white, older or special needs kid.  I'm pretty cynical when it comes to this bunch and have no doubt that at least part of the reason they're talking adoption is to try to keep the masses interested enough in them to keep the spotlight on themselves.  The last thing a kid in foster care or with special needs needs is to get stuck with the Duggar family circus.


And, as noted above, the very fact that Jessa and Ben have exploited their private lives for fame and fortune is going to make them a tough sell to those who investigate potential adoptive parents.  They'd have a tough time getting certified to adopt in the first place, IMO.

Edited by doodlebug
  • Love 5

Even if you adopt privately, the investigation and hoops the state makes you jump through are pretty significant. Yes, I suppose it is theoretically possible that someone would give them a child, but I don't see them accepting one. First, there is the Gothard taboo that Jessa would need to overcome. (I don't see that as an issue for Jill.). Then there is the issue that most children who are rehoused (ie, given away) are older children with behavioral issues. I don't see Jessa taking on that willingly. Third, if you want to have a TV reality life, this is where the fame is a double edged sword. There is NO WAY a baby or young child could just show up at the Seewald house out of the blue. And given the situation that has happened with Josh, any calls about Jessa and Ben and some mysterious child living in their home would be investigated IMMEDIATELY and the media would be all over that.

See - THIS is where I think they are naive and foolish about where their "fame and fortune" has taken them. Even if I believed they were serious about adoption (which I don't) that path is likely closed to them because of the public choices they have made.

This is good to hear. I do think the Duggars, Jimchelle and Benessa, must have sort of known this. They seem to have known any formal attempt would have resulted in a formal rejection.

Where I live, shady private adoptions are punishable by fines of up to $25,000 and two years imprisonment, and those are considered significant punishments. You must go through the Department of Child Protection. Some 'Family' (Christian) organizations did complain when gay couples were allowed to adopt, but for 2012-2013 there were about 55 domestic adoptions to non relatives, in a country of 23 million people. Gay or straight, you need to be absolutely flawless to adopt a child.

I hope I didn't come off as Snooty superior foreigner. Rupert Murdoch controls most of the print media inAustralia, and it's as shamelessly partisan as you could expect from the man behind Fox News, New York Post The Wall Street journal etc. The current shitstains in power in the federal government owe a lot to ruperts minions unrelenting attack against Labor, the Murdoch media started being hysterical the moment Labor gained power in 1997. The paper of record in my state is even further to the right of Murdoch papers' and the country's richest and most selfish person, Gina Rinehart, is trying to buy what Murdoch/Stokes don't own and turn those into newspapers that espouse views to the right of the arch conservative Sun King Murdoch.

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 6

Arkansas is the state where they had that state representative who adopted two little girls and then "rehomed" them to a guy he knew who ended up raping one of them. So I don't think the adoption standards are very high there, particularly not for politicians.


Back on topic, has TLC said anything official about the show yet? I guess they've decided to just let this play out and then see if there's enough interest to start up the show/specials again.

Edited by Anne Elk
  • Love 5

Is this real? Wow. Maybe when they want to get wild they watch an episode of I Love Lucy. You'd think that would a show they'd watch, but then I remembered it included a - gasp - interracial marriage, a bandleader/actor husband, and a wife constantly trying to work outside the home. Can't have people getting ideas.

Heaven forbid they should ever get curious after watching Hogan's Heroes and Google Bob Crane. Wait, maybe using Google is forbidden since it implies seeking knowledge. Never mind.

  • Love 7

At this point, I bet that TLC will just quietly put reruns back on the schedule, then sometime this fall, announce the inevitable return with Jessa's  birth VSE. Episodes will follow that. That TLC has said virturally nothing for over a month really speaks volumes about the mindset; the Duggars are still Talent to be coddled. 



  • Love 8

I don't think any of the Duggars ever had any intention of actually adopting.  Talking about it just makes them seem so generous and wonderful.  Always cracked me up when Boob and the Uterus spoke about it.  They don't raise the kids they have, don't pay any attention to them, so who in their right mind would even entertain the notion of them adopting?  As for Bin and Jessa, would anybody really give them a child when they have no means of supporting one?


My sister is AZ tried for years to adopt a baby.  They were approved, and had one all set to go, a 13-month old girl.  When the agency found out that my sister planned to go back to work after 12 weeks, they denied them.  Never mind 2 wonderful parents, a beautiful home, and the opportunities she could have had.  Far better for this child to forever be in foster care rather than go to a working mother.  Still makes me angry.  Happy ending, though.  They adoped my nephew privately, and got him at just 3 days old.  My point is, adoption is hard.  Even when you are qualified to do so.


Anybody see the previews for the new show "I am Jazz?"  Not sure how I feel about this show, other than I hope it blows the Duggars out of the water!

  • Love 7

I don't think any of the Duggars ever had any intention of actually adopting.  Talking about it just makes them seem so generous and wonderful.  Always cracked me up when Boob and the Uterus spoke about it.  They don't raise the kids they have, don't pay any attention to them, so who in their right mind would even entertain the notion of them adopting?  As for Bin and Jessa, would anybody really give them a child when they have no means of supporting one?


My sister is AZ tried for years to adopt a baby.  They were approved, and had one all set to go, a 13-month old girl.  When the agency found out that my sister planned to go back to work after 12 weeks, they denied them.  Never mind 2 wonderful parents, a beautiful home, and the opportunities she could have had.  Far better for this child to forever be in foster care rather than go to a working mother.  Still makes me angry.  Happy ending, though.  They adoped my nephew privately, and got him at just 3 days old.  My point is, adoption is hard.  Even when you are qualified to do so.


Anybody see the previews for the new show "I am Jazz?"  Not sure how I feel about this show, other than I hope it blows the Duggars out of the water!

I caught the end of a promo for Jazz, I am ambivalent also. I wouldn't doubt the sincerity of the family involved, but given TLC's track record of damaging and/or destroying families, it seems a little dicey.

Off the top of my head, Jon & Kate, American Chopper, Honey Boo Boo.

At this point, I bet that TLC will just quietly put reruns back on the schedule, then sometime this fall, announce the inevitable return with Jessa's  birth VSE. Episodes will follow that. That TLC has said virturally nothing for over a month really speaks volumes about the mindset; the Duggars are still Talent to be coddled. 



Hmmm, ServPro, like nothing ever happened.....

  • Love 3

Given their (at this point fairly well-known) unconventional views on child molestation, are the authorities likely to give an at risk child to a member of this familly to care for?

My guess is it wouldn't be something that could prevent foster care.  Ben and Jessa's home has had no issues with such things.  (Even Josh has had no charges filed against him.)


Honestly, the thing I saw that was a red flag was gun control... it is something mentioned specifically that all guns must be secured and locked and ammunition stored separately, and we've obviously seen photos of guns out around preschoolers; but again, Ben and Jessa's home has shown no such issues.  Michelle and Jim-Bob might have trouble fostering. (I'm not sure those dorm bedrooms would pass the inspection. Certainly NOT the bed sharing.)

  • Love 2

My guess is it wouldn't be something that could prevent foster care.  Ben and Jessa's home has had no issues with such things.  (Even Josh has had no charges filed against him.)


Honestly, the thing I saw that was a red flag was gun control... it is something mentioned specifically that all guns must be secured and locked and ammunition stored separately, and we've obviously seen photos of guns out around preschoolers; but again, Ben and Jessa's home has shown no such issues.  Michelle and Jim-Bob might have trouble fostering. (I'm not sure those dorm bedrooms would pass the inspection. Certainly NOT the bed sharing.)


Except, WADR, Jessa's house does have an issue, because the woman who lives in it says that known sexual molestation of multiple children which was allowed to go on for three years was a matter of little importance which was handled appropriately by her parents. That's probably not the attitude the state is looking for in mandated reporters.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 10

Except, WADR, Jessa's house does have an issue, because the woman who lives in it says that known sexual molestation of multiple children which was allowed to go on for three years was a matter of little importance which was handled appropriately by her parents. That's probably not the attitude the state is looking for in mandated reporters.

I don't really see that the state would hold her parents against or, nor that what her sister said in an interview (it was Jill who mentioned the 2/3s) would be disqualifying.  I don't really think there is anything majorly disqualifying, save for maybe the size of their house (there are a lot of bedroom rules for foster children and the Seewald residence looks quite small).


The one thing that would likely be disqualifying is that they are public figures.  I'm not sure that any state would approve public figures for a foster program.  The foster parents have a very limited guardianship, and the state's primary goal is always to reunite the family.  Except for special cases, for the most part, the foster parents are not able to make decisions for the child beyond some of the daily stuff (diet, dress, activities).  The bio family or the court or other representative/advocate (social worker or the like) will be making decisions, including those related to education (and no way can the Seewalds homeschool) and travel (no out of state engagements unless they are willing to use respite care many times, which gross).  The foster child also has an automatic right to privacy which would be quite difficult with a family that makes a point to even publicize a child molester's father's day message.  I think it's the fact that privacy can't be reasonably guaranteed that would be disqualifying.


Plus, I'm sure Ben and Jessa aren't mature enough to handle the realities of fostering.  It's hard, really hard.  They would basically be under constant surveillance by the state while also doing what they can to care for and help a distressed child.  They essentially don't have much control unless they are able to adopt, and even that  can take time before the bio parents rights are terminated.  


As a side thought, I'm willing to bet that Ben and Jessa don't even know what attachment theory means.  I can't even tell how much attachment is discussed in adoption circles.  It's a big deal.  Ignorance about attachment seems to be the leading cause of disrupted adoption.  

  • Love 7

As far as adoption, I believe most agencies require both parents to be at least 21 years old which should keep Jessa and Ben from adopting for a while longer. Even then, most agencies investigate the basic finances of the couple and require that they show the ability to support a child. I suppose Jim Bob can provide Ben with some sort of proof of income as well as vouch that he will continue to let them live on his property rent-free. In the US, the average waiting period for a white infant via a public agency is around 7 years, BTW, which indicates to me that they are looking to adopt privately. I just don't believe they would want a non-white, older or special needs kid. I'm pretty cynical when it comes to this bunch and have no doubt that at least part of the reason they're talking adoption is to try to keep the masses interested enough in them to keep the spotlight on themselves. The last thing a kid in foster care or with special needs needs is to get stuck with the Duggar family circus.

And, as noted above, the very fact that Jessa and Ben have exploited their private lives for fame and fortune is going to make them a tough sell to those who investigate potential adoptive parents. They'd have a tough time getting certified to adopt in the first place, IMO.

7 years? Damn. Maybe by then Benessa will see the light

  • Love 1

I don't really see that the state would hold her parents against or, nor that what her sister said in an interview (it was Jill who mentioned the 2/3s) would be disqualifying. I don't really think there is anything majorly disqualifying, save for maybe the size of their house (there are a lot of bedroom rules for foster children and the Seewald residence looks quite small).

The one thing that would likely be disqualifying is that they are public figures. I'm not sure that any state would approve public figures for a foster program. The foster parents have a very limited guardianship, and the state's primary goal is always to reunite the family. Except for special cases, for the most part, the foster parents are not able to make decisions for the child beyond some of the daily stuff (diet, dress, activities). The bio family or the court or other representative/advocate (social worker or the like) will be making decisions, including those related to education (and no way can the Seewalds homeschool) and travel (no out of state engagements unless they are willing to use respite care many times, which gross). The foster child also has an automatic right to privacy which would be quite difficult with a family that makes a point to even publicize a child molester's father's day message. I think it's the fact that privacy can't be reasonably guaranteed that would be disqualifying.

Plus, I'm sure Ben and Jessa aren't mature enough to handle the realities of fostering. It's hard, really hard. They would basically be under constant surveillance by the state while also doing what they can to care for and help a distressed child. They essentially don't have much control unless they are able to adopt, and even that can take time before the bio parents rights are terminated.

As a side thought, I'm willing to bet that Ben and Jessa don't even know what attachment theory means. I can't even tell how much attachment is discussed in adoption circles. It's a big deal. Ignorance about attachment seems to be the leading cause of disrupted adoption.

In my state, foster parents are not allowed to spank. Would Jessa and Ben even know how to discipline without hitting?

  • Love 5

Jessa Duggar revealed that her favorite TV shows are Leave It to Beaver, The Andy Griffith Show, and Hogan’s Heroes.


Really? Isn't HH a little racy for Jessa? I mean the show itself had a lot of kissing, flirting, and tight sweaters. They also killed (off stage of course) and stole. While I enjoyed it, I wouldn't think of it as a 'Christian' show. At least not for someone as conservative as Jessa.

  • Love 4

Really? Isn't HH a little racy for Jessa? I mean the show itself had a lot of kissing, flirting, and tight sweaters. They also killed (off stage of course) and stole. While I enjoyed it, I wouldn't think of it as a 'Christian' show. At least not for someone as conservative as Jessa.


I'm having trouble wrapping my head around the idea that a small-town widower (in law enforcement, yet) with a young son who lives with his elderly aunt taking part in what had to be the slowest courtship in history in 1960s Asheville is off limits but nazis aren't.

  • Love 9

Really? Isn't HH a little racy for Jessa? I mean the show itself had a lot of kissing, flirting, and tight sweaters. They also killed (off stage of course) and stole. While I enjoyed it, I wouldn't think of it as a 'Christian' show. At least not for someone as conservative as Jessa.

She probably loves "I know nothing!". Hits close to home.

  • Love 12

I'm having trouble wrapping my head around the idea that a small-town widower (in law enforcement, yet) with a young son who lives with his elderly aunt taking part in what had to be the slowest courtship in history in 1960s Asheville is off limits but nazis aren't.

They watch Andy Griffith. It's always been one of the "approved" shows. I always wondered how they got around Floyd, the town drunk (that IS his name, right?). Do they find those episodes and put blocks on them? 


eta: ginger90, we've been discussing the Joshie video on the Smuganna thread since yesterday. :)

Edited by Sew Sumi

They watch Andy Griffith. It's always been one of the "approved" shows. I always wondered how they got around Floyd, the town drunk (that IS his name, right?). Do they find those episodes and put blocks on them? 


eta: ginger90, we've been discussing the Joshie video on the Smuganna thread since yesterday. :)

I saw, but didn't they say they were restricted to episodes where nothing romantic happened?

  • Love 1

As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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