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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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That's possible. How long ago was that seizure that was filmed? I think the doctors wanted to keep her overnight, but you can see that the kids brought her home at night, so maybe they called DHS?


The other thought that I had was that someone on the crisis intervention team called. I'm sure that the stress level in the TTH is sky high right now, and it wouldn't surprise me if JB (or J'chelle) really went after one of those kids.


They really are doing the worst possible job of managing this. Someone on another thread pointed out that this is a political crisis team, and I think that all of their instincts are just wrong for this situation.

  • Love 1

This was posted two days ago, June 9th in the "Support The Duggars and Keep 19 Kids and Counting" Facebook page


Support the Duggars and keep 19 Kids & Counting
June 9 at 10:17pm ·

Support the duggars in their time of need.
Here is TLC's Customer Service phone number:
Let's call until they put 19 Kids & Counting back on the air!!!


This all sounds very desperate to me.

Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 3

There a thing called child labor laws

Many of which don't apply if the kids aren't getting paid. They're just doing "chores".

I really wonder why TLC hasn't put out a statement? The 19kids format is over, but we knew it was due for a change anyway. They can't keep listing every name in the family in the opening credits, and the shtick is now ten years old. Half the family aren't kids anymore, so the name needed to change and the format needed updating.

TLC can't air Josh anymore, so why not just say 19kids is over and TLC is still evaluating a relationship with the family? Then let the crisis fade away (or ramp up) and quietly make the decision later. It seems like TLC is just ignoring the situation and hoping it goes away?

Edited by TaxNerd
  • Love 4

Hmmm. I wonder if he really has a new position or if that is the typical corporate non-explanation when am employee moves on. I imagine that going to work has been REALLY uncomfortable since the news broke. He may have just bailed. I couldn't really blame him if so. Unfortunately he and his family may well need the job, in the wake of this Josh mess.

Many of which don't apply if the kids aren't getting paid. They're just doing "chores".

I really wonder why TLC hasn't put out a statement? The 19kids format is over, but we knew it was due for a change anyway. They can't keep listing every name in the family in the opening credits, and the shtick is now ten years old. Half the family aren't kids anymore, so the name needed to change and the format needed updating.

TLC can't air Josh anymore, so why not just say 19kids is over and TLC is still evaluating a relationship with the family? Then let the crisis fade away (or ramp up) and quietly make the decision later. It seems like TLC is just ignoring the situation and hoping it goes away?

Even being near heavy dangerous equipment and not having the right attire? What if a kid gets injured? I know on farms they have specific requirements on what a kid can do.


This was posted two days ago, June 9th in the "Support The Duggars and Keep 19 Kids and Counting" Facebook page


Support the Duggars and keep 19 Kids & Counting

June 9 at 10:17pm ·


Support the duggars in their time of need.

Here is TLC's Customer Service phone number:


Let's call until they put 19 Kids & Counting back on the air!!!

This all sounds very desperate to me.

Do these people have jobs? I mean really. You look stupid. The show wasn't going to last forever anyway. Edited by Darknight
  • Love 14

This was posted two days ago, June 9th in the "Support The Duggars and Keep 19 Kids and Counting" Facebook page


Support the Duggars and keep 19 Kids & Counting

June 9 at 10:17pm ·


Support the duggars in their time of need.

Here is TLC's Customer Service phone number:


Let's call until they put 19 Kids & Counting back on the air!!!


This all sounds very desperate to me.

I love when these fans post these numbers or links to beg sponsors to come back. Makes it easy for people who want the show cancelled to call TLC or thank sponsor for backing out. I have emailed a few sponsors but I would feel weird calling TLC.

Edited by silverspoons
  • Love 4

Theoretically doesn't every Duggar make money off of 19kac? If so wouldn't the pictures/videos of the kids working which are used on tlc, or other forms of profit make the kids paid employees? If so wouldn't they then fall under child labor laws?

No. Some court ruled that reality shows aren't "entertainment", so the kids under 18 don't have to be paid. Also the Jackie Coogan law doesn't apply to them either.

  • Love 4

Theoretically doesn't every Duggar make money off of 19kac? If so wouldn't the pictures/videos of the kids working which are used on tlc, or other forms of profit make the kids paid employees? If so wouldn't they then fall under child labor laws?


Well, it seems as if child actors were deemed to be not fully included under child-labor laws until specific laws naming their profession were made (maybe because the conditions of their jobs are so different from the ordinary jobs that laboring kids might do?) And now it's been established, apparently, that reality-tv kids don't fall under those child-labor laws established for performers, even though a lot of the same conditions apply to them as apply to child actors, so they too would need either new child-labor laws for them specifically or to be included in amended versions of the laws for child actors, I think. (plus the child-labor laws that limit hours and such, such as the laws that apply to child performers, are state laws, not federal ones -- so in this case Arkansas would need to make a law specifically)


Further complicating the matter is that the payments provided to reality tv people in these documentary shows really just give the production company the right to film your supposedly everyday activities. They aren't official pay for your "work." Just pay people a relatively nominal fee for the right to film them and show the film, and you're done. So if the parents aren't getting paid for their work, then the kids wouldn't be either, in the contracts that now exist, I think. ... And the last thing the networks want to do is put reality tv people on some kind of wage or salary because that would ultimately push the price of these shows way up and vastly constrain stuff such as filming people in the middle of the night or when they're having lunch or the like. So that's not going to happen.

  • Love 2

The Arkansas Department of Human Services called the cops to the Duggar family residence on May 27 after the family did not allow a DHS employee inside to see a minor. “We have an investigation and I guess they’re not being cooperative. We have to see the child to make sure the child is all right. So we just need police assistance,” the DHS employee said, according to a 911 call obtained by In Touch Weekly.


Now I'm beginning to feel that In Touch Weekly magazine has some inside help in obtaining information such as this. Not only that, is this really as serious as In Touch Weekly is attempting to make it sound? I'm starting to feel as though In Touch Weekly  magazine had a story, got the sensational coverage but is now turning it into nothing more than a witch hunt in order to get their show cancelled.


Maybe it's just my own feelings about this and I'll get over it once I have my first cup of coffee.

  • Love 2

I saw that the Today show covered the 911 call this morning. I missed it, though, so I'm not sure what they said about it. I also wondered if it had to do with checking on Josie's care for her seizures. I said back when that episode aired that I felt really uncomfortable with how casually they talked about her seizures and made her tell the camera, "I'm okay now" (but I won't get into that in this forum). I just can't imagine TLC really thinks they can salvage the show when the stuff just keeps on coming.... the Duggars refusing to let DHS in their home goes against the "nice" image they created. What are they hiding? If I knew I was doing everything right, I would have no problem with CPS coming to check on my kids just to be sure, especially if I was in their position.

  • Love 13

The Arkansas Department of Human Services called the cops to the Duggar family residence on May 27 after the family did not allow a DHS employee inside to see a minor. “We have an investigation and I guess they’re not being cooperative. We have to see the child to make sure the child is all right. So we just need police assistance,” the DHS employee said, according to a 911 call obtained by In Touch Weekly.


Now I'm beginning to feel that In Touch Weekly magazine has some inside help in obtaining information such as this. Not only that, is this really as serious as In Touch Weekly is attempting to make it sound? I'm starting to feel as though In Touch Weekly  magazine had a story, got the sensational coverage but is now turning it into nothing more than a witch hunt in order to get their show cancelled.


Maybe it's just my own feelings about this and I'll get over it once I have my first cup of coffee.


I have a few theories (and I think any combo of them could be right):


1) In Touch stumbled into a blockbuster story and they're milking it until it's dry, even if it's little dribs and drabs.

2) In Touch is continuing to leak this stuff because it proves there's a lot out there, and the more they leak the less the Duggars can claim the magazine is lying/exaggerating/dragging old secrets out. It could be a warning shot saying "hey, we're watching, you call that lawyer and claim we screwed you with old info, we will fight back and we have more dirt to go"

3) [Always possible, but a long shot] In Touch has something truly truly huge on the Duggars, and they're using the money and added attention from these other leaks to confirm everything before they go nuclear with it. 

  • Love 14

I saw that the Today show covered the 911 call this morning. I missed it, though, so I'm not sure what they said about it. I also wondered if it had to do with checking on Josie's care for her seizures. I said back when that episode aired that I felt really uncomfortable with how casually they talked about her seizures and made her tell the camera, "I'm okay now" (but I won't get into that in this forum). I just can't imagine TLC really thinks they can salvage the show when the stuff just keeps on coming.... the Duggars refusing to let DHS in their home goes against the "nice" image they created. What are they hiding? If I knew I was doing everything right, I would have no problem with CPS coming to check on my kids just to be sure, especially if I was in their position.

I had started to post something about Josie's seizures yesterday and deleted it without posting because I felt I was getting into a gray area in which we really have no information about. Yes, Josie has had 'several' febrile seizures in the past and according to Jim Bob, will outgrow them as she gets older.


There were many questions left unanswered because that's how the Duggar's like it, not getting too deep or giving up too much information. But I'd have asked him several questions such as "at what age did her seizures begin? Is she currently taking any medication for seizures? How high does her fever usually go before she begins to seizure? How often do you check her temperature when she shows sign of infection like a cough, malaise, sneezing, etc.?  If you knew that Josie was showing some signs of a bacteria or virus infection on that specific incident, why were you and Michelle out of town in Chicago and not home watching her or taking her to see a doctor?"


Yes, they did downplay the seizure episode and truthfully if the camera crew weren't right there at that very moment of Josie's seizure, would the Duggar family even reveal it to the public that Josie has had seizures in the past?  They hadn't revealed this fact previously so I doubt they would have let anyone know about this condition. They wouldn't be able to travel all over the place on speaking engagements and attending conferences if the public had been aware of this.

  • Love 7
3) [Always possible, but a long shot] In Touch has something truly truly huge on the Duggars, and they're using the money and added attention from these other leaks to confirm everything before they go nuclear with it.


I also think something else came to the attention of the magazine--something bigger, and so in the research they'd requested a FOIA.  Other things, like Josh's past came to light, and so they published that information until they can lock down the bigger story with proven facts and documentation.

Edited by zenme
  • Love 5

I have a few theories (and I think any combo of them could be right):


1) In Touch stumbled into a blockbuster story and they're milking it until it's dry, even if it's little dribs and drabs.

2) In Touch is continuing to leak this stuff because it proves there's a lot out there, and the more they leak the less the Duggars can claim the magazine is lying/exaggerating/dragging old secrets out. It could be a warning shot saying "hey, we're watching, you call that lawyer and claim we screwed you with old info, we will fight back and we have more dirt to go"

3) [Always possible, but a long shot] In Touch has something truly truly huge on the Duggars, and they're using the money and added attention from these other leaks to confirm everything before they go nuclear with it. 


I agree with all three possibilities.


The other thing is that TLC will not be able to move forward with the show or any kind of spin-off as long as they don't know what else is out there.

  • Love 5


Now I'm beginning to feel that In Touch Weekly magazine has some inside help in obtaining information such as this. Not only that, is this really as serious as In Touch Weekly is attempting to make it sound? I'm starting to feel as though In Touch Weekly  magazine had a story, got the sensational coverage but is now turning it into nothing more than a witch hunt in order to get their show cancelled.

Based on all the articles I've read about InTouch's reporting, It sounds Josh's troubles were an open secret, and once they started digging they found that every local basically hates the Duggars and was happy to blab. I'm sure they've talked to ex-homechurch members, etc and have all the skeletons.


I doubt that drawing the cover out is a witch hunt. I can't blame them for trying to get all the sales they can out of this. It's how tabloids survive. I just wish they'd drop the atomic bomb and move on already.

  • Love 9

Could DFS have showed up looking to speak to the minor victim who still is in the home or the other children and been refused? Honestly, I wouldn't have blamed the family if that's the case. You know people are calling DFS left and right with "tips" that are basically from what they "think" because of stories they've read on the internet. 

  • Love 1

There are many reasons to not let DHS in your house without your lawyer present.   Someone left a knife sitting out on the kitchen counter -- ooooh child endangerment.    Children's services have been known to go overboard on occassion and put perfectly good families through hell.   On the other hand, if I were the Duggars, I would have made it clear that I was just waiting for my lawyer and you can come in then.   Because right now, it does look bad for denying access.  

  • Love 6

I don't think they have anything more damning than what's out there already - just enough to keep the story going. I agree that TLC is waiting it out because of the veiled threats of more.


Yeah, I agree. I think the usual pattern is really to release the big thing first but then follow up with the other dribs and drabs.


You kind of have to release the biggest thing first or people will dismiss you as nitpicky and your big reveal will lose its effect. I'm pretty sure this has been the pattern in other instances when pubs have come upon a very big story about someone. First a few tiny teasers, then very quickly the big bomb, and then a train of somewhat related but relatively small things.

On the other hand, if I were the Duggars, I would have made it clear that I was just waiting for my lawyer and you can come in then.   Because right now, it does look bad for denying access.  


Yes. Can't imagine why they didn't do this, especially given the situation that already existed.


But then I can't imagine why they were accusing people of bribery on national television, either. So I'm guessing that irrationality is kind of ruling the roost at the TTH these ddays.

  • Love 3

Jess and Ben have an ultrasound picture on their website. I'm sure they're trying to pull supporters back into their camp in order for TLC to be convinced to move forward with the 'Jill & Jessa' reality show. The comments there are mostly negative ones and I don't think Jessa and Ben expected that to happen.



  • Love 1

Could DFS have showed up looking to speak to the minor victim who still is in the home or the other children and been refused? Honestly, I wouldn't have blamed the family if that's the case. You know people are calling DFS left and right with "tips" that are basically from what they "think" because of stories they've read on the internet.

That case has been closed for years. I think the tip involved one of the other minors in the household.

Jess and Ben have an ultrasound picture on their website. I'm sure they're trying to pull supporters back into their camp in order for TLC to be convinced to move forward with the 'Jill & Jessa' reality show. The comments there are mostly negative ones and I don't think Jessa and Ben expected that to happen.




I honestly wouldn't put too much stock in the negative comments.  The Yahoo! Comments is like the vast, alkaloid wasteland of idiocy on the internet.  That said, I have no doubt Jessa and Ben are trying their hardest to hold onto some sort of TV.  Ben has a heart for ministry (and no marketable skills), you know, and what better way than through a boring-ass reality teevee show?

  • Love 3

I honestly wouldn't put too much stock in the negative comments.  The Yahoo! Comments is like the vast, alkaloid wasteland of idiocy on the internet.  That said, I have no doubt Jessa and Ben are trying their hardest to hold onto some sort of TV.  Ben has a heart for ministry (and no marketable skills), you know, and what better way than through a boring-ass reality teevee show?

A show with either Ben or Derick would not only bore me to death, watching it might be more effective than a sleeping pill. Whenever I see either of them commenting or even just plain talking, I only see gray matter in their heads that's at the most basic level of intelligence.

  • Love 8

On the other hand, if I were the Duggars, I would have made it clear that I was just waiting for my lawyer and you can come in then.   Because right now, it does look bad for denying access.  


A good many people will not allow anyone from Law Enforcement or a State Agency to enter their home without a warrant on general principle alone regardless of if the house is perfectly safe for minors or there are no children in the house.  It's your (and the Duggars) Constitutional right to deny them entrance without a warrant or just cause. 

  • Love 6


Someone left a knife sitting out on the kitchen counter -- ooooh child endangerment.

Someone lets their fragile 5yo run full-speed and screaming across a kitchen island - not endangerment.



You know people are calling DFS left and right with "tips" that are basically from what they "think" because of stories they've read on the internet.

They've stated they only investigate credible reports, not random callers.

  • Love 2

I have some questions to ask members here how they feel about what I'm going to ask. I'd like your input and feelings about this. Please share your opinions. It seems to me that by shielding the identities of the children only provide a temporary end to their problems, but leads to long-term psychological problems.


Protecting the victims.

As we've seen, Josh was protected fiercely and it was assumed that the girls would be as well since Josh was 14 at the time. But the report wasn't filed with police until Josh was 18. Joshua was their first priority, the girls secondary. Having said that, do you feel that the victims of sexual molestation are better off being shielded and protected?  Think about this because our immediate reaction to the question is 'YES!' undoubtedly.


What are the options other than disclosing the identity of the victims? Let's pretend that there's no laws at all that 'protects' victims and their identities including age and sex are disclosed publicly. Will they feel more shame than they already do?  Will they have more access to intensive personal counseling? Will they be better able to deal with their abuse emotionally and not get into adulthood still haunted by their molestation? Would disclosure of their identity prevent them from becoming sexually dysfunctional adults?


Let me put this more into perspective by using Erin Merryn as an example of what I'm trying to say. Erin Merryn as we know, was lecturing about child sexual abuse when the Duggars approached her asking her to speak to their children, this happened just last year. She launched a campaign to pass a law that would mandate a sexual abuse prevention curriculum in schools, and has since seen it successfully passed in several states.


"Merryn suffered sexual abuse at the hands of a male neighbor at ages six to eight and from a teenage cousin at ages 11 to 13. According to her personal account, she told her parents about the latter after her sister confided that she had also been abused by the same relative.The family pressed charges, and the cousin eventually confessed to three counts of child sexual abuse. The case did not go to trial, resulting in the cousin receiving "some counseling, but no punishment".

Merryn was between the age of six and eight and realized that she was being sexually molested or abused.


There was a crime committed against a minor several times. The parents were informed, charges were pressed and the case never went to trial. The cousin got counseling and no punishment. It took Erin Merryn more than TWENTY YEARS of living with the guilt, shame, anger and horror before she came out as an author and published a book which lead to her campaign.


If her identity and the details of the sexual abuse and molestation were made public knowledge back then, do you feel there would have been more public awareness and attention focused on child sexual abuse and therefore in the end have saved many other children from the same fate?

Whoa, not saying child molestation cases only center around conservatives, evangelicals and republicans, but they sure do seem to have that in common lately. Interesting that Huckabee's spokesperson remains mum on the subject -- I guess he's taking cues from his boss's recent gaff and wants to think before he speaks.

  • Love 1

Something doesn't seem right with the whole DHS thing.  I'm not as familiar with Arkansa protocol, so maybe they do things differently.


Anyways, DHS/CPS gets a credible tip that a child/family needs to be investigated.  It gets assigned to an investigator.  In the Duggar's situation, it would probably jump straight to a senior investigator or supervisor because it's so complex.  The investigator would get as much outside data as possible before the meet and greet with the child/family.  They would absolutely know if the family has been uncooperative with DHS/CPS in the past.


The investigator would make the decision to apply for a warrant to enter the family home and for permission to speak to the child.  A police officer would have to accompany the investigator to execute the warrant.  The investigator could also decide to show up without a warrant, but they would know that they could be turned away and stonewalled.  A police officer does not have to accompany the investigator without a warrant as there is no official duty for them.  It's possible if the investigator came without a warrant that a judge didn't think there was enough grounds to grant one.  If a warrant was denied, it's possible the Duggar's knew about it before the visit.


Calling 911 would not be the first step on any investigator's radar if they were denied access to the home unless they could hear proof inside that someone was injured/was being injured inside the house.  The investigator would call the officer that's assigned to the department.  Access still wouldn't have to be granted unless the officer applied for a warrant in the interim.

 Yes, they did downplay the seizure episode and truthfully if the camera crew weren't right there at that very moment of Josie's seizure, would the Duggar family even reveal it to the public that Josie has had seizures in the past?  They hadn't revealed this fact previously so I doubt they would have let anyone know about this condition. They wouldn't be able to travel all over the place on speaking engagements and attending conferences if the public had been aware of this.

To be fair, even parents of children with seizure disorders are allowed to travel; they just have to leave the child in competent hands. Based on Jana's actions in that episode, I'm not convinced she actually is competent to handle the problem. If they're going to leave the kids with "Jana and Grandma" in charge, both of those ladies need to get some training and Jana in particular needs to work on staying calm.

  • Love 2

I have some questions to ask members here how they feel about what I'm going to ask. I'd like your input and feelings about this. Please share your opinions. It seems to me that by shielding the identities of the children only provide a temporary end to their problems, but leads to long-term psychological problems.


Protecting the victims.

As we've seen, Josh was protected fiercely and it was assumed that the girls would be as well since Josh was 14 at the time. But the report wasn't filed with police until Josh was 18. Joshua was their first priority, the girls secondary. Having said that, do you feel that the victims of sexual molestation are better off being shielded and protected?  Think about this because our immediate reaction to the question is 'YES!' undoubtedly.


What are the options other than disclosing the identity of the victims? Let's pretend that there's no laws at all that 'protects' victims and their identities including age and sex are disclosed publicly. Will they feel more shame than they already do?  Will they have more access to intensive personal counseling? Will they be better able to deal with their abuse emotionally and not get into adulthood still haunted by their molestation? Would disclosure of their identity prevent them from becoming sexually dysfunctional adults?


Let me put this more into perspective by using Erin Merryn as an example of what I'm trying to say. Erin Merryn as we know, was lecturing about child sexual abuse when the Duggars approached her asking her to speak to their children, this happened just last year. She launched a campaign to pass a law that would mandate a sexual abuse prevention curriculum in schools, and has since seen it successfully passed in several states.


"Merryn suffered sexual abuse at the hands of a male neighbor at ages six to eight and from a teenage cousin at ages 11 to 13. According to her personal account, she told her parents about the latter after her sister confided that she had also been abused by the same relative.The family pressed charges, and the cousin eventually confessed to three counts of child sexual abuse. The case did not go to trial, resulting in the cousin receiving "some counseling, but no punishment".

Merryn was between the age of six and eight and realized that she was being sexually molested or abused.


There was a crime committed against a minor several times. The parents were informed, charges were pressed and the case never went to trial. The cousin got counseling and no punishment. It took Erin Merryn more than TWENTY YEARS of living with the guilt, shame, anger and horror before she came out as an author and published a book which lead to her campaign.


If her identity and the details of the sexual abuse and molestation were made public knowledge back then, do you feel there would have been more public awareness and attention focused on child sexual abuse and therefore in the end have saved many other children from the same fate?

That requires too much introspection on my part and I'm fairly burned out on the subject to be honest. The long and short of it, imo, if I'm understanding the question correctly, the law protects minors for a reason and children aren't really equipped to make decisions in their youth that they might come to regret as an adult. And while there might be some minor children that wouldn't regret it later and would actually become empowered and healed by seeing justice served at risk of exposure -- I'm not sure that's the case for all minor children.

  • Love 2

I have a few theories (and I think any combo of them could be right):


1) In Touch stumbled into a blockbuster story and they're milking it until it's dry, even if it's little dribs and drabs.

2) In Touch is continuing to leak this stuff because it proves there's a lot out there, and the more they leak the less the Duggars can claim the magazine is lying/exaggerating/dragging old secrets out. It could be a warning shot saying "hey, we're watching, you call that lawyer and claim we screwed you with old info, we will fight back and we have more dirt to go"

3) [Always possible, but a long shot] In Touch has something truly truly huge on the Duggars, and they're using the money and added attention from these other leaks to confirm everything before they go nuclear with it. 

Oh, I have a feeling this is only the tip of the ice burg.

I expect something huge to come out about the Duck dynasty people too, (besides Jep stuff)

To be fair, even parents of children with seizure disorders are allowed to travel; they just have to leave the child in competent hands. Based on Jana's actions in that episode, I'm not convinced she actually is competent to handle the problem. If they're going to leave the kids with "Jana and Grandma" in charge, both of those ladies need to get some training and Jana in particular needs to work on staying calm.




To be fair, though, they may well not have known beforehand that Jana would near-crumble. Sometimes the person who freezes in an emergency is the very last person you'd expect -- like the person who's had the most training or the person who's been in charge of emergency planning. Unfortunately, you don't find that out until there's a real-life trial by fire.

  • Love 2

Whoa, not saying child molestation cases only center around conservatives, evangelicals and republicans, but they sure do seem to have that in common lately. 


Jim Bob did say he heard from a lot of families who experienced what  his family experienced or something similar.  Maybe this is actually running rampant in their community, but because they self-isolate it's not being made public?  It's kind of terrifying to think about, really. 

Edited by Lemur
  • Love 11

I don't know that there is more abuse in Fundy households, but I do think, when any religion and abuse are entwined, that it is doubly abusive. You are dealing not only with someone's physical and emotional selfhood, which is harmful enough, but also, if they are believers and you are holding yourself up as a believer (either as a perpetrator or someone covering for the perpetrator) as someone harming them spiritually as well.

  • Love 3

Sorry to interrupt all the proposed fanfic, but I have real media news. A "source close to the situation" says that Jill and Jessa want to "return to public life." I pretty much blew off the beginning part of the article. 




I'm curious as to the sources. Do they still have the Huckabee PR guy on retainer? Or is this an inside job by Jana and Mechelle?

Edited by Sew Sumi

Okay, did anyone read the issue of InTouch that has mentions Duggars and prison on the cover? I think USwhateveritis just had the royals. I saw it at the grocery this afternoon but the line went to fast for me to read in there, I don't think I have ever read either of those two mags, although the dentist and my eye doc have People mag. I just wondered if there was something else to know.

Okay, did anyone read the issue of InTouch that has mentions Duggars and prison on the cover? I think USwhateveritis just had the royals. I saw it at the grocery this afternoon but the line went to fast for me to read in there, I don't think I have ever read either of those two mags, although the dentist and my eye doc have People mag. I just wondered if there was something else to know.

I saw it this afternoon.  I didn't read, but definitely leaned closer to get a better look at the byline on the cover.  It basically just said something like they could have gone to prison.  Such baiting!  

  • Love 1

As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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