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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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Hi!New poster here, but long time lurker.....just saw on duggers facebook that jb and oMichelle are going to pour their hearts out on Megyn Kelly show.....fauxnews of course...

Next week we will sit down with Megyn Kelly on Fox News to share our hearts with you about the pain that we walked through as a family twelve years ago, the tears we all shed and the forgiveness that was given. We appreciate the outpouring of love and prayers for our family at this time.

-Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar

I'm sure it will be quite a hard hitting no holds barred interview (eye roll).

Oh NO! They are obsessed with being famous. If they cared about their family they'd get off the damn TV right? They are sick people for sure, and they will just continue on a smaller scale with all the crazy fundies.

  • Love 5

Megyn might be "tough" but the Duggars and TLC chose Fox News - the 24/7 news channel that has devoted the least amount of time to their scandal - for a reason.  There might be a few requisite hard questions, but I think the interview will be geared towards the viewers who are either sympathetic to the Duggars or leaning that way. 

  • Love 7


Megyn might be "tough" but the Duggars and TLC chose Fox News - the 24/7 news channel that has devoted the least amount of time to their scandal - for a reason.  There might be a few requisite hard questions, but I think the interview will be geared towards the viewers who are either sympathetic to the Duggars or leaning that way.

Dream-killer!  Hahaha. But seriously, my sincere hope is that Mom Megyn Kelly beats out Foxbot Megyn Kelly. Just this one time.

  • Love 1

The comments are too good to miss.

For example:

I hate it when people stare at my countenance so I dress in a way that draws the eye to my asstenence.


That's a great way to start off a weekend! Love those comments.  Maybe Gothard could have had a fashion dos and don'ts, like Glamour magazine with eyes blocked out.  Or "Wear this, not this."  God likes?  How does Gothard know what God likes? 

  • Love 2

"People are content to live on in lying, cursing, pride, anger, bitterness, disrespecting of parents, lust, pornography, fornication, adultery, and other sexual sins-- and if anyone tries to confront them, their attitude and response is, 'You live your life, I'll live mine. Don't you tell me what to do! Only God can judge me!'," the recently married Duggar daughter wrote. "They don't even realize what they're saying. God's judgement isn't something to be taken lightly! It should scare you! Man's 'judgement' is a 1000x lighter... usually just a voicing of disapproval. But when unbelieving, sinful men die and stand before God, He justly condemns them to hell."

--Jessa Duggar in February.

  • Love 4

"People are content to live on in lying, cursing, pride, anger, bitterness, disrespecting of parents, lust, pornography, fornication, adultery, and other sexual sins-- and if anyone tries to confront them, their attitude and response is, 'You live your life, I'll live mine. Don't you tell me what to do! Only God can judge me!'," the recently married Duggar daughter wrote. "They don't even realize what they're saying. God's judgement isn't something to be taken lightly! It should scare you! Man's 'judgement' is a 1000x lighter... usually just a voicing of disapproval. But when unbelieving, sinful men die and stand before God, He justly condemns them to hell."

--Jessa Duggar in February


Wow.  No words.

  • Love 8

The comments are too good to miss.For example:I hate it when people stare at my countenance so I dress in a way that draws the eye to my asstenence.


Fallen away Catholic here so please excuse my ignorance, but wtf is "asstenence"?

And it has taken me ten minutes to type this cause autocorrect on the iPad never heard of it either!

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"People are content to live on in lying, cursing, pride, anger, bitterness, disrespecting of parents, lust, pornography, fornication, adultery, and other sexual sins-- and if anyone tries to confront them, their attitude and response is, 'You live your life, I'll live mine. Don't you tell me what to do! Only God can judge me!'," the recently married Duggar daughter wrote. "They don't even realize what they're saying. God's judgement isn't something to be taken lightly! It should scare you! Man's 'judgement' is a 1000x lighter... usually just a voicing of disapproval. But when unbelieving, sinful men die and stand before God, He justly condemns them to hell."

--Jessa Duggar in February.

I feel like if you brought this comment up to the Duggars though, they'd point out that the difference is that Josh repented. It's what their supporters say whenever people ask how they can condemn gay people when Josh is a child molester. "Because gay people are unrepentantly homosexual!" 

Edited by galax-arena
  • Love 5

The Duggars would not have agreed to the interview unless they have the right to pre-screen and approve the questions. No way in hell they'd do a no-holds-barred chatfest. Anyone expecting hard hitting questions and honest answers is going to be sorely disappointed.


Well, you might be overestimating their pull with the media right now. I mean, they are the people who hid their son's crime of molestation from the public and kept their daughters living with and servile to their abuser because Jesus told them to.


Mind you, I'm inclined to think, since it will be a pretaped thing and they won't be answering live questions, that if Megyn is devoting an hour to it... there could be some snark opportunities. I'm easily wrong but.... it sure seems like there were a lot of failures in this and this time it's really hard to paint lipstick on this pig. There's a reason the show has been pulled, and there's a reason its lost a zillion sponsors and there's a reason Mike Huckabee has lost all credibility - it's because the Duggars have been lying for years about this. They lied about their family having no problem with being cram jammed together. They lied about every child being completely obedient and loving God - what Josh did is a CLEAR violation of their rules, and even if we apply the WORST interpretation of the Duggar family values - then they raised four little harlots who tempted their brother (I do not subscribe to that view point, I am merely pointing out under their own belief system, they have raised bad children) Every time they have bragged about crapping out another kid, they were *lying* about being able to manage because they clearly weren't capable of providing adequate supervision, not if their eldest was molesting his sisters for a YEAR.


Their whole show is based on lies. I don't know if Megyn Kelly will address it (I have doubts) but I can hope that if she does throw some softballs, she ends up getting skewered herself... and that reality right there is why I think she might not let it go with softball questions.

  • Love 11
I feel like if you brought this comment up to the Duggars though, they'd point out that the difference is that Josh repented. It's what their supporters say whenever people ask how they can condemn gay people when Josh is a child molester. "Because gay people are unrepentantly homosexual!"


Absolutely. They totally would. But the relentless and totally not-based-in-reality optimist in me is allowing for a small flicker of hope that it was somewhat of a FU, straight from her heart to her brother's. 

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Wow, The Browns comment:





"I remember watching the show and mentioning to friends and family that I feel something is off and something will come out," Desirae says. She says some of the warning signs included controlling parents, very submissive children and an isolated environment.

"When you are so isolated there are very few adults you can confide in," says Desirae, who was homeschooled along with her siblings. "I also recognized that striving for perfection. If something looks too good to be true, it probably is."

Deondra, 35, offers the victims this advice: "Hold your heads high, you didn't do anything wrong."
Edited by JoanArc
  • Love 2

I feel like if you brought this comment up to the Duggars though, they'd point out that the difference is that Josh repented. It's what their supporters say whenever people ask how they can condemn gay people when Josh is a child molester. "Because gay people are unrepentantly homosexual!"

Right, there would always be an excuse as to why it applies to everyone else, but not to them.

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They aren't protecting the Duggars, they're protecting Mike Huckabee, who has been always been a huge part of the Fox News operation. If Huckabee had taken a measured, distanced approach to the Duggar scandal (like Rick Santorum), instead of being an apologist for Josh molesting his sisters, Fox probably wouldn't care so much about helping Jim Bob and Michelle rehabilitate their public image.

Huckabee got pureed by Chris Wallace on Fox last weekend over taxes and the Supreme Court, which are huge conservative issues this cycle.

Just because they want his fans as viewers, it doesn't mean they want him to be president, or want him to be able to do any real damage to whoever they do want.

  • Love 3

From the CNN article about the interview:

The parents of the famous Duggar family will answer questions about the Josh Duggar molestation scandal in an interview on Fox News this week.
Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar will speak with Fox anchor Megyn Kelly at their home in Arkansas, and the interview will air on Kelly's 9 p.m. program on Wednesday, Fox announced on Saturday.
Josh Duggar and the other children on the family's reality show "19 Kids and Counting" will apparently not be a part of the interview



Annoying and very telling - Only Jim Bob and Michelle but they are going answer questions about Josh.  Their son is a 27 year old man who was put on TV by his parents but then willing went on broadcasting his life as an adult in his own home.  Can he not speak for himself?  If they were really interested in addressing this Josh would appear with them or have his own interview.  Putting JB & Mechelle on is just giving them a forum to spin everything the way they want.  And (not that the girls should appear anyway, they shouldn't,) keeping all the kids out of it plus Josh and Anna guarantees no hung head, uncomfortable looks or side eyes to give away when they're outright lying.  We'll see how "hard hitting" this turns out to be

  • Love 15

Do you think there could be any possibility that tlc would, under the circumstances, give jimbob an option? Option one, tlc yanks them off the air for good, hasta la Vista due to molestation not being a good subject matter for a family friendly show, OR give jimbob the option of going on television and saying due to these trying circumstances, that he and Michelle have decided to take the family off the air .....so they have time to "heal.....and come together"......this gives him a position of looking like he is still in control and the decider as family patriarch...help him to save face....

Of course, he thinks once they are "healed" then back to business as usual! Easy out?

  • Love 3

Deadline had more information about it. It's going to be just JB and Michelle. It will be pre-taped to air during Megyn Kelly's timeslot (9 PM ET). There will also be a one-hour special of The Kelly File on Friday that will be devoted to the Duggars.




Gird thy loins, fellow posters...

  • Love 12

Something about not having tangible evidence to prosecute once so much time has passed. It's bullshit though, because for people who were childhood survivors of sexual abuse, it can take years to come to terms with and actually speak up about what happened to them. I don't think there should be a statute of limitations on any sex crimes. Canada, land of progressives and poutine, has no statute of limitations. If Bill Cosby were a Canadian and all of those rapes happened in Canada, they could still prosecute him for his crimes from four decades ago.

That people magazine article said The Browns"have started the organization The Foundation For Survivors of Abuse and are currently working with Senator Harry Reid drafting a bill that would help states change their statute of limitations laws, encouraging states to remove the statues entirely, so victims can prosecute abusers when they are ready."


I hope that does happen.


I appreciate that this thread is attempting to be politically neutral. Abuse isn't a political issue, it's a human rights issue which all people regardless of party affiliation see as an evil act.


I definitely think that the Duggars have a pre-approved list of questions. They definitely wouldn't have agreed to any questions or even a live interview. 


Although I definitely don't want the sisters identified (although the internet has speculated way too much on that topic) I do wish that the WHOLE family could be interviewed. At least give those girls a voice. Let them talk to someone outside of their family and religion. Can't somebody help them? Now that it's out that abuse has taken place in this home does CPS or others have the authority to speak to the minors in the home individually? Can the daughters get real therapy now? Or because it was such a long time there's nothing that can be done? I'm truly worried about how things are in that home right now. 

  • Love 9

"People are content to live on in lying, cursing, pride, anger, bitterness, disrespecting of parents, lust, pornography, fornication, adultery, and other sexual sins-- and if anyone tries to confront them, their attitude and response is, 'You live your life, I'll live mine. Don't you tell me what to do! Only God can judge me!'," the recently married Duggar daughter wrote. "They don't even realize what they're saying. God's judgement isn't something to be taken lightly! It should scare you! Man's 'judgement' is a 1000x lighter... usually just a voicing of disapproval. But when unbelieving, sinful men die and stand before God, He justly condemns them to hell."

--Jessa Duggar in February.

Oooooh, OUCH.

  • Love 7

Question: So let's say that Megyn Kelly decides to go completely off the rails on the Duggars and lets them have it, against the guidelines I'm sure she's already received from her immediate bosses and the owner of FOX News. Would she pay for it with her job? I've seen her go after her co-workers re: sexism in the workplace, but I am wondering if she has the guts to do it when the pro-Duggar talking points have already gone out, so to speak.


And who else here thinks there's going to be a very special "announcement" during the interview?

  • Love 2

Dream-killer!  Hahaha. But seriously, my sincere hope is that Mom Megyn Kelly beats out Foxbot Megyn Kelly. Just this one time.


I so hope you're right, but I fear you're not. I just can't see Boob, one of the world's biggest weenies, taking a chance like this. I think he knows exactly what's going to go down. And maybe has even anteed-up for the privilege.

  • Love 8

Question: So let's say that Megyn Kelly decides to go completely off the rails on the Duggars and lets them have it, against the guidelines I'm sure she's already received from her immediate bosses and the owner of FOX News. Would she pay for it with her job? I've seen her go after her co-workers re: sexism in the workplace, but I am wondering if she has the guts to do it when the pro-Duggar talking points have already gone out, so to speak.

And who else here thinks there's going to be a very special "announcement" during the interview?

Way do you think the very special announcement would be? Baby Dilly #2? Geesh, I hope not. Surely baby J-Duggar #20 is an impossibility. Unless it's that someone else is courting? I'd hope they stay away from announcements that have even the slightest thing to do with sex/controlling sexual behaviors/things that result from sex - babies, courtships, etc.

I hope Megyn Kelly does go completely off the rails and lets them have it. However, my guess is her bosses have already told her *how* this is going to go down and unless it's a live interview and she (assuming she wants to) gives 'em hell, I don't think it will happen. Is it going to be live? Does anyone know?

Dear Megyn,

This interview could be a chance for you to become something more than a Fox News "Info Babe" (TM disgusting Rush Limbaugh). You could be seen as a legitimate, hard-hitting journalist and make Albany's law school proud to have you have a bad. The majority of the public is disgusted by this scandal and would like to see a real interview. If Fox News would fire you for going off the rails, I have a feeling you'd be welcomed with open arms by the other news networks & the big three TV networks. This could be not only a chance to call out the Duggars, but also to become a better-known, mainstream, respected TV personality/journalist. Think about it.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 7

Question for the Generals (mods):

Will we need a separate thread for the interview? Putting all the posts on the media thread could be pretty intense.

Also, the second broadcast is on my birthday. Hoping to have a good reason not to be watching it ( like dinner out!!).

I could see a Very Special Announcement coming out of this. Also some vitriolic attacks on the witch-hunting, secular media and the terrible lack of support by the heathens that don't understand repentance and forgiveness. The fire and brimstone will be raining down on us!!

Edited by b2H

Do you think there could be any possibility that tlc would, under the circumstances, give jimbob an option? Option one, tlc yanks them off the air for good, hasta la Vista due to molestation not being a good subject matter for a family friendly show, OR give jimbob the option of going on television and saying due to these trying circumstances, that he and Michelle have decided to take the family off the air .....so they have time to "heal.....and come together"......this gives him a position of looking like he is still in control and the decider as family patriarch...help him to save face....

Of course, he thinks once they are "healed" then back to business as usual! Easy out?


I think this is an interesting thought. I had a similar thought -- that TLC was giving them the option to do an interview and "repair" their image. If they succeed (not really possible), the show stays on, and if they fail, the show is done. TLC wipes their hands of the situation, but allows JB to feel that he is in control.


I also think that this is a big "lose" for Megan Kelley. If she asks them any real questions about Gothardism, the family's isolation, continuing to have kids when they obviously couldn't handle the ones that they had, etc. JB and J'chelle will lie and deflect. That's what they do. The leg humpers will be furious that she is beating on this poor Christian family when they are down, and everyone else who might simply want information, will get none.

  • Love 5

Question for the Generals (mods):

Will we need a separate thread for the interview? Putting all the posts on the media thread could be pretty intense.

Also, the second broadcast is on my birthday. Hoping to have a good reason not to be watching it ( like dinner out!!).

I could see a Very Special Announcement coming out of this. Also some vitriolic attacks on the witch-hunting, secular media and the terrible lack of support by the heathens that don't understand repentance and forgiveness. The fire and brimstone will be raining down on us!!

And don't forget the ever popular "Perssacushunnnnnn!!!!111!1". Those poor persecuted Duggars!!!!

  • Love 6

On a different note, I came across two articles today that address the Duggars.


The (main?) religion reporter for the Washington Post wrote about how evangelicals are no longer quite so willing to take their marching orders from individuals, and she discusses Josh and FRC in the course of the article. I thought it was a very intelligent piece of analysis.


The other article was from Christianity Today, a news outlet about which I admittedly know nothing. It discussed the Duggars and reality TV in general. I was fascinated by the comments.

  • Love 4

I think another commentator was right. There needs to be a separate thread to discuss this interview with Megyn Kelly.  I hope she's not going to handle them with white kid gloves like Erica Hill from NBC did.


I have high hopes for Megyn Kelly since she's a journalist, former attorney, and news pundit and political commentator on the Fox News Channel. Erica Hill is....um yeah, she's Erica Hill.

Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 1

On a different note, I came across two articles today that address the Duggars.


The (main?) religion reporter for the Washington Post wrote about how evangelicals are no longer quite so willing to take their marching orders from individuals, and she discusses Josh and FRC in the course of the article. I thought it was a very intelligent piece of analysis.


The other article was from Christianity Today, a news outlet about which I admittedly know nothing. It discussed the Duggars and reality TV in general. I was fascinated by the comments.

Christianity Today tends to be inclusive of a wider range of thought than a lot of religious publications. They're actually kind of at the cutting edge of the sea change the other article is talking about.

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I'm sorry, but nothing will make me watch Fox news. I will have to read about it here. I have my limits

Sometimes I wonder how I can say that I stopped watching the Duggars a long time ago because they made me so angry when I still (hate-)read stuff like Charisma News, which pens such thought-provoking articles as A Word to Self-Righteous Christians Attacking Josh Duggar. I think maybe it's because TLC's whitewashing of the Duggars' religious extremism bugs me. At least Charisma is upfront about what they believe in. 


I don't watch Fox, but that's less due to my principles/liberal leanings and more due to my not bothering with television news in general. I'll watch the youtube clip when it surfaces, I'm sure. 

Edited by galax-arena
  • Love 2

I have no hope for a decent interview from Megyn "Santa Claus is white, and so is Jesus" Kelly. 


I can't think of anything the Duggars  could possibly say in this interview that will salvage the family franchise.


IMO, it's time for the Duggars to get off TV and pay attention to their kids.

Edited by Anastasia
  • Love 14

They're the kind of people I wish the victims had access to. Not, you know, purity-obsessed cult freaks.


Exactly. After the news came out, I had the thought, Wouldn't be great if the Browns reached out to the girls?


But their points of view are so different that I doubt the message would make it through the Duggars' cult wall of suspicion. Too bad, if that is the case.

  • Love 1

I have no hope for a decent interview from Megyn "Santa Claus is white, and so is Jesus" Kelly. 


I can't think of anything the Duggars  could possibly say in this interview that will salvage the family franchise.


IMO, it's time for the Duggars to get off TV and pay attention to their kids.

This website is bogus. This is information about that site, not to be trusted.



MegynKelly.us is not Megyn Kelly’s real website.  Megyn’s real website can be found at  http://www.dailykos....Michelle-Duggar


I'm pretty sure that Megyn Kelly realizes what power she holds in her hands doing this interview. Depending on how it's received, TLC will certainly make a decision as to whether they'll pull the show or not. This interview will be a push-pull between liberals focused on their connection to groups that link homosexuality to pedophilia and LGBT people as a threat to children, and conservatives who cast the coverage as a left-wing media attack on family values. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that Megyn Kelly conducts this interview in an unbiased manner.

Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 1

As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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