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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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None. Which is why I think something is in the works for them. Sadly, it keeps them beholden to JB; there's no way they can film without showing members of the family, and you KNOW that JB will insist they are compensated. 


I just wish that TLC would put us all out of our misery and ax the show completely. At this point, I don't even care about a Jessa birth special, although I'm sure one is forthcoming sometime around the holidays. 

  • Love 4

For fun, lets create a new opening for the show.  (even though I want it cancelled)


I'm Michelle , my eyes bug out of my head because I have a fentanyl  lollipop up my ass. 

This is 3 Second Jim Bob, my wonderful husband. Nuff said.

 We used to have Josh, he married Anna who got lost near the Pine Barrens on her way to a Roy Rogers.  Josie is licking, I mean raising their 3 kids.


Keep going...

  • Love 9

Because there's probably some TLC intern monitoring internet chatter about this...

I have 0 interest in watching a spin off show. Jill and Derick are way too overexposed and I'm sick of them. They're not that interesting. Personally I've never really liked Jessa or Ben. They're not as adorable as they seem to think they are. Truthfully, the whole show was getting pretty boring and the more I think about it, the more I realize that I watched more to participate in the discussion here than out of real interest in the episode's events. And that's when I was able to watch at all.

I would maybe be ok with future "what are they up to now?" specials, as long as they didn't feature Josh, Jim Bob, or Michelle. I also think a good year should probably go by before the first of these specials is attempted so that maybe there would actually be something of interest to show in a condensed segment (Jessa's baby, Jill's next baby, Josiah's courtship, Joseph's education, etc ). None of that is interesting enough to fill a whole season of shows but might be interesting enough in a 2 hour special.

I go back and forth about whether I would watch specials, but I know there's at least a good chance I'd watch those and literally no chance of me tuning in for a spin-off.

So cancel the damn show already, TLC.

  • Love 15

Someone mentioned this before-- I would only watch a "breaking Duggars" type show about the older kids leaving Gothardism.  I agree with everyone who said that Ben, Jessa, Jill, and Derrick are pretty boring all by themselves.  A show on Jill and Jessa trying to navigate a brave new world and trying to get proper jobs and educations would be interesting to me though.  I don't ever want to see the fat, smug faces of  Blob, Mullet, and Josh again.  Go. The Fuck. Away.

Edited by Gianthambeast
  • Love 10

They might be getting a samll repreve since the Danny Hasert story hit tonight.


This is probably just what the Duggars and Discovery, Inc. has been holding their breath for - all the speculation and what might come out - will distract 'Merka much better than the criminal Blatter and FIFA.


The only iteration that I'd support but probably never watch of the Duggars is one that features the kids breaking out of the cult and making their way in the real world.

  • Love 6

Then TLC may as well close it down right this very minute. I mean, really, what's the point of continuing this Kabuki theater? Oh, yeah, money, but it's too late.


Everyone I have mentioned the Duggars to has said something like "oh, no - that big religious family where the brother molested his sisters?" How do they know it's his sisters? I'm not sure, but it seems to be common knowledge in suburban DC. Granted, this is not a statistically significant sample, but really? Talk about trying to put toothpaste back into the tube: this toothpaste is not only out of the tube, it has been put on the toothbrush, applied to teeth, rinsed out, and spat down the drain.


I am weirdly gratified, however, to learn that many members of this forum find Jill and Jessa as boring as I do. Given a choice between listening to them talk and watching paint dry, I'd ask for a cheery shade of peach on which to rest my eyes for a while.


Interesting that everybody knows about it being the sisters. I guess there are some details that we all find so riveting that we notice them even when they aren't played up. That fact is pretty much what's spelling the end of the Duggars here, I guess.

They might be getting a samll repreve since the Danny Hasert story hit tonight.


I don't know. Unless Denny's paying off somebody he incestuously molested, I kind of doubt it.

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Patheos Evangelical channel not all on board with Josh, either:


"My question to those who have no shame in publicly supporting Josh Duggar is this – When do you plan on hiring him to be the face of your ministry and your national spokesman?  Will Mike Huckabee chuck his current staff for Josh to take their place....Will Ray Comfort make Josh a co-host and face of his ministry like Kirk Cameron was in the past?  I’m waiting gentlemen.

"If all this big mess is about is FORGIVENESS then logic tells me that you all should have zero problem making Josh Duggar the face of your ministry.  But you and I and the whole world knows that it is about more than forgiveness, it’s about TRUST, BETRAYAL and HYPOCRISY. I’ve already stated more than once on my radio show that I believe Josh Duggar is forgiven by God if he truly repented.  What I have a serious problem with is how his parents handled it.....How come Christian talk show hosts have not said a peep about this scandal?

"....Forgiving someone doesn’t mean you have to trust them."



  • Love 17

I think that TLC would be foolish to continue the show. The show has been circling the drain for years, and it was only Jill and Jessa's weddings that kept it afloat for the past few years.


TLC can choose to look like amoral pigs and keep the show going for a year with protests and boycotts of sponsors, and a lot of bad publicity. There have been quite a few articles in the past few days about the family, Gothardism, and patriarchy. Lots of casual viewers are getting an eyeful of things like the Gothard sexual abuse counseling workbook, and the purpose of all of their "modesty" rules. On the other hand, TLC can do the right thing and take this freak show off the air. A lot of the appeal of this type of show is voyeurism -- a peak at this family of weirdos. That's just not fun -- or even okay -- when you know that you are gawking at victims of sexual abuse. I'm sorry for the girls that they have been effectively re-victimized, but they can't un-ring this bell.


Really, the only way that I can see this staying on the air would be if JB and J'chelle went on-camera and said that they now realize that their lifestyle may have caused some of their problems; they've decided to go fundie-lite and attend a regular church, and send the kids to public school. I don't think that this is completely beyond the realm of possibility -- the bloom may be off the rose with Gothardism since his own sex scandal broke; JB and J'chelle are looking at another 13+ years of home-schooling which I think J'chelle has no interest in doing, and they are already having trouble finding mates for their children within their community. I think that they are very religious people, but I also think that they are money-hungry grifters.


And, I have to admit that I might watch a show about the kids adjusting to public school, J'chelle driving in a car-pool, Joy-Anna being too busy for her sister-mom duties because she is going out with friends, etc.

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TLC hasn't removed reference to the show from their web page: http://www.tlc.com/tv-shows/19-kids-and-counting/  I did notice that the pictures/videos  on the page do not include Josh, Anna or their children.

But they did remove the full episodes.. if you click the links from hulu all the episodes are down: http://www.hulu.com/search?q=19+kids+and+counting

I agree that the show has been on it's last legs for a while.  People only watched to see how weird the Dill and Benessa "courting" was. 

And maybe it was just me but I found the wedding episode to be as boring as bat sh*t.  I forwarded through the recap of their relationship and anytime JimChelle did a talking head and BOOM - it went from a 2 hour special to about 30-45mins. And even the actual wedding wasn't that interesting.  The crappy wedding planner let the ice cream melt, they had some photos, the Lost Girls got seriously bored while having to sit on stage and they kissed.  

Even if this hadn't happened, the gravy train was slowing down.  The Marsiah courtship wouldn't be particularly interesting, we have seen it all before.  Then we would have hours of the Benessa pregnancy and Jill going on and on about motherhood.  Not exactly enthralling viewing.  

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CNN had a priest on and he basically said that religious "forgiveness" doesn't mean not taking responsibility for one's actions, including legal consequences. He was countered by some blubbering radio host that repeatedly said this has nothing to do with religion.

Finally saw the Funny or Die video. Priceless! I'm going to have to try to work the phrase "Scooby Dooing" into my everyday vocabulary.

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Holy smokes, just when you think you have seen it all... As everyone here is aware, fundamentalist religious groups leave a lot to be desired. As well, the fact that they are NEVER embarrassed at their lack of education leaves many of us shaking our heads in disbelief. Anyone who knows of the Andersons - yep, THOSE Andersons who have 8 kids and believe AIDS can be wiped out if all the gays were executed, are aware they are in the media. Not only are the Andersons certifiable, but they have actually released an opinion on those 'liberal' Duggars. I am posting their rant because I especially love their quote of Jim Bob's, where he states crimes of incest should be dealt with ... execution! Anyone else have thoughts on this "Boy-I-thought-the-Duggars-were-nuts-but-here's-the-Andersons.

Edited by Chalby
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I am posting their rant because I especially love their quote of Jim Bob's, where he states crimes of incest should be dealt with ... execution! Anyone else have thoughts on this "Boy-I-thought-the-Duggars-were-nuts-but-here's-the-Andersons.

She needs to cover that bare throat in the photo! It's defrauding! *rolls on floor speaking in tongues*

Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 5

At this point Jim Bob should call Pope & associates.

And I agree with the poster who said no way that any legit journalist will let JimChelle take over the interview. Doesn't work like that. I always wondered why has nobody asked this family hard ass questions. Then people pointed put it pre approved. Of course. If JimChelle wants to tell their side of the story then they better think of some good ass answers for the tough questions.

  • Love 2

The funny thing about all the "AIDS is punishment for the GAY" stuff, is that lesbians have lower infection rates than both gay males, and heterosexuals. So I guess their God is like those pervy guys that rant against all homosexual behaviour when there's people around to hear them, but get off on lesbian porn in private.

I absolutely abhore that hypocrisy. Because what it really means is that women overall matter less to them -- men having sex, well, that's really something to get mad about, because men run the show and "real" men would never do that. Women, on the other hand, are already sex objects, and what could be better than two sex objects having sex with each other? Joke's on them, as we know most professional lesbian porn is designed for the male gaze and very fake.


So yes, they really need a better argument than the AIDS one. I'd also love to hear an explanation as to why god's AIDS punishment, which already spared lesbians, is now harming impoverished children in Africa more than anyone else. Not very efficient or fair, their god.

Edited by becca3891
  • Love 6

The Today Show ran another feature on the scandal this morning.  They mentioned 19 sponsors have dropped out and commented that TLC's silence on cancellation is somewhat strange in this circumstance and may be an indication that they are negotiating with Jim Boob to bring back the show in a revamped version featuring the girls and won't announce anything until that happens or doesn't.


In a completely unscientific online poll, Today show viewers feel the show should be cancelled outright by a large majority; 78% in favor.

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The timestamp on this article is 9:30 am, I assume Eastern because all US timestamps are Eastern time. At that time, only 8 sponsors had bailed; we have since seen a landslide of sponsors bail out. 


I'm basically saying that this article is now pretty much obsolete. TLC must REALLY be evaluating its situation, what with this being their highest-rated show and all. Morally, it's a slam dunk, but financially? How much can still be made with 20 sponsors, some HUGE names, out?


eta: Add Crayola to the list. A friend of mine received personal communication from them verifying this.

Do I want to watch Josh Duggar be evaluated for his psychological problems and then be treated? I would rather someone just stick pins in my eyes. 

  • Love 9

Do I want to watch Josh Duggar be evaluated for his psychological problems and then be treated? I would rather someone just stick pins in my eyes.

I'm not going to lie. Yes, I would watch Josh's evaluation and treatment but I don't know if that's because I'm a licensed mental health clinician who likes that kind of thing or if it's because I have a sick fascination with this family.

A page ago it was asked if the family would be paid for a mainstream network interview, like with Diane Sawyer. No, you aren't paid for the interview (borderline unethical) but they networks do pay you licensing fees for photos and videos used in the interview. It's there way around the issue. The journalist is able to say "We do not pay for interviews. We have integrity blah blah blah."

Edited by CofCinci
  • Love 7

I'm not going to lie. Yes, I would watch Josh's evaluation and treatment but I don't know if that's because I'm a licensed mental health clinician who likes that kind of thing or if it's because I have a sick fascination with this family.

A page ago it was asked if the family would be paid for a mainstream network interview, like with Diane Sawyer. No, you aren't paid for the interview (borderline unethical) but they networks do pay you licensing fees for photos and videos used in the interview. It's there way around the issue. The journalist is able to say "We do not pay for interviews. We have integrity blah blah blah."

Dr. Phil will pay. My apologies to Diane Sawyer, lest anyone think I am comparing her to that hack.  He paid the baby killers parents including her mother who committed perjury to protect her, so I am quite certain he would pay the Duggar's. They might have to set up some phony ass "charitable" organization like the Anthony's did. Of course the only charity the Anthony's ever donated to was themselves or the baby killer.

  • Love 4

The Today Show ran another feature on the scandal this morning.  They mentioned 19 sponsors have dropped out and commented that TLC's silence on cancellation is somewhat strange in this circumstance and may be an indication that they are negotiating with Jim Boob to bring back the show in a revamped version featuring the girls and won't announce anything until that happens or doesn't.


In a completely unscientific online poll, Today show viewers feel the show should be cancelled outright by a large majority; 78% in favor.


I think TLC needs to take this opportunity to reevaluate the purpose the Duggar shows have in its line-up.  I think they've had a lot of mission drift that needs to be addressed.


I used to watch the shows religiously (very punny!).  I always thought any woman who willingly had more than five kids was bat-shit crazy, but I thought the purpose of the show was enjoyable: to show how an extra-large family handled their day-to-day living activities.  So, I didn't really think too much about whether the older girls were doing too much parenting of the younger kids, for example; I just enjoyed the idea that the actual parents only had four hands between them, so obviously you had to buddy your kids off and make sure any little one was holding the hand of someone who would be responsible for them not getting lost in public, etc.


But then, the mission of the show seemed to shift to portraying how heartwarming this family is, and the implication seemed to shift to treating these 14+ births as something that just "happened" to the family, and look what good sports they are to take all this in stride and still be able to live their values of never using contraception or never letting an engaged couple be alone together.  I lost interest at that point, because the show stopped being sociologically interesting and started being annoying.


If TLC wants this show to continue in some form past the crisis, I think they need to be very deliberate about what they think the show is accomplishing in their lineup, and whether other shows are doing the same thing better.  There are plenty of families whose weird beliefs make their lives difficult, and I don't need to watch the Duggars to see that happen.  So, I don't know what purpose the show would have for them now, but they had better be clear about it before they consider letting it continue.

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TLC is possibly taking a note from the Duck Dynasty scandal where A&E acted immediately, suspended Phil Robertson "indefinitely," then reinstated him a little over a week later because certain fans were up in arms demanding his return.  It was embarrassing for the network and they had to do a lot of backpedaling.  But with all of these sponsors dropping like flies, it just seems inevitable that this show, in this form, is a goner.



TLC is possibly taking a note from the Duck Dynasty scandal where A&E acted immediately, suspended Phil Robertson "indefinitely," then reinstated him a little over a week later because certain fans were up in arms demanding his return.  It was embarrassing for the network and they had to do a lot of backpedaling.  But with all of these sponsors dropping like flies, it just seems inevitable that this show, in this form, is a goner.

Yes, but that discretion was easily argued as freedom of speech. No matter how reprehensible we may find any celebrities opinion, opinions are just that and everyone has a right. No harm, no foul. This is quite different, and yes, this show, I believe is over. 


However, as has been suggested, I wouldn't be surprised to see TLC do some type of revision of the show with just the girls. I don't think it will work at this point, but It still wouldn't surprise me. 

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I have watched this show from the beginning and grew to love it.  I fell in love with the children and even admired JB & Michelle sometimes for raising such wonderful children.  Children who loved their parents, respected their parents and loved the Lord.


Yes, the Josh scandal is terrible and it hurts all of us who grew to love these children over the years as we watched them grow up. 


But what has caused me to sit up and take notice is the hypocrisy that Jim Bob has shown towards his older daughters.  I can see it for what it is now, because I know what I know about Josh. I look back at how Jim Bob acted with Jill and Derrick - walking between them when it looked like Derrick was going to put his arm around her, getting upset at the airport when Jill got so excited she ran and gave Derrick a 'FRONT' hug.  Michelle even commented that it was just the excitement and she probably won't do it again.  Jill was 21 years old!  What did they think would happen in front of TV cameras and hundreds of people milling around?!  Where were they when these girls needed their protection when they were little children?  THAT'S when Jim Bob should have stepped up and protected his girls.


All this - not holding hands until engaged, and side hugs is crazy.  And we're talking about grown women!  What a hypocrite!  I blame him for it all.  He's the family patriarch.  He's the protector.  He's so busy trying to protect his grown daughters virginity that he completely misses the mark when it comes to protecting those who cannot protect themselves.  I am sooooooooooo over him and Michelle too!

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Because the Duggars campaigned for him?


Gah, Faith, Family, Freedom.  One out of three things that should matter in an election.  This is where TLC failed, this family was off the rails political and it was wrong to continue offering them a platform, ethically.


Things in the media are quieting down, I don't like it.  Does anyone that watches CBS, GMA or Today know if they were even covered this morning?  Ollie is back on Sunday night, I really hope he says something, even though he's got to be so excited about the goings on with FIFA.

Edited by NextIteration
  • Love 3

TLC is possibly taking a note from the Duck Dynasty scandal where A&E acted immediately, suspended Phil Robertson "indefinitely," then reinstated him a little over a week later because certain fans were up in arms demanding his return. It was embarrassing for the network and they had to do a lot of backpedaling. But with all of these sponsors dropping like flies, it just seems inevitable that this show, in this form, is a goner.

The difference, in my opinion, is that Phil from Duck Dynasty has never attemped to hide or deceive people regarding his beliefs. He has always been straightup forthcoming regarding beliefs as well as his checkered past. BIG difference from the Duggar hypocracy.
  • Love 10

Like most people here I will be so upset if TLC brings back the show in any way, shape or form. It is time for the gravey train to end. The poor girls deserve privacy and not be placed front and center so TLC and JB can make more money at the expense of the giirls.  They have to learn to live like the rest of us do. No more all expense paid trips all over the world. Boob is a cheap ass and I would guess he probably has more than the quoted 3.5m. Truthfully, how many more gender parties, births and engagements do we need to see ?  I wish all the kids well and hope they all receive the REAL counseling they need.


*As a side note, I just want to say I have enjoyed reading all the intelligent, heart felt words everyone had written/discussed here, especially this last week.  I would love to think that Boob and J'Chelle have "their people" reading this board. Posters have written some of the best advise they will ever receive. However, since they know everything, I know that will never happen.


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  My vote on a Duggar-based spinoff: "Hell no." JB & Michelle have exploited those kids way too much already, to put it mildly. The kids need/deserve to have some semblance of a "normal" life and the longer they stay in front of the cameras, the less likely it'll happen, especially if JB & Michelle have anything to say about it, which they'll try to, with their last breaths, if necessary. If I were a sponsor, I would want my product(s) advertised on a show/network that epitomizes my idea of family values and the Duggars , now more than ever, aren't even close.



At this point Jim Bob should call Pope & associates.


  No way. If the recent Season Finale is any indication, Olivia's judgment is too messed up already without dealing with the Duggars' shit.

Edited by DollEyes
  • Love 2

Have they all been holed up inside their houses for 8 days? I would assume that as soon as someone from the family emerges the rag magazines will be right there to snap pictures. It's as though all of the Duggars have fallen off the face of the earth.


I take this to mean that negotiations with TLC are not going well. Does anyone think that JimBob would let there be a spin-off that he doesn't control? But TLC (probably) doesn't want him any more, they want the adult girls who are married if they want anyone. And even in the Duggars' twisted world, the husbands lead those households, not JimBob. So they would get the money, not Greedy Jim.


On another note, today Emily Yahr of the Washington Post wrote a pretty good article about how reality shows vet their subjects. It answered a few questions that I had and would probably address some of the speculation here.

  • Love 5

I hope this is a good place to put this.... but I wonder if the Duggar's own the land across the street from them?  Google maps show it was for sale,  that would be

the only place for the press to camp out and spy on them b/c they own so much land and it's so far back from the road... I wonder how they are keeping the press

off that road?  The tabloids used to camp out in front of Kate's house too....


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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