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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

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10 minutes ago, Lady Edith said:

What the WHAT?!?!?

"GERBER LIFE: “The Gerber Life ad was inadvertently shown during the premiere of Counting On. We have been assured that Gerber Life ads will no longer be shown during this program.”

Oh.  My.  If this is an accurate article, wow.  That's just a very bad choice of show to air that commercial on, especially considering the reason advertisers are pulling in the first place.  Smooth move, TLC 


Indeed. That was my second favorite company complaint because the ad run was Just. So. Inappropriate. I slightly favored Hotwire, though, because they've decided to abandon the entire network! I love that.

Edited by Churchhoney
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14 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

Indeed. That was my second favorite company complaint because the ad run was Just. So. Inappropriate. I slightly favored Hotwire, though, because they've decided to abandon the entire network! I love that.

Indeed, very admirable.  If ads are truly a package deal ('make-goods" and the like), some swift and decisive CEO has just decided the most efficient thing to do, is eighty-six their support for the whole network, quick like executioner bunny.

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Why do the women have to wear modesty shirts, wear skirts past their knees, but they get to let their bare piggies show for all the world to see?  I've never understood that, and I've always been afraid to ask, because part of me doesn't want to know.

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19 minutes ago, louannems said:

Because Bill Gothard approves of bare feet.  He likes feet.  He played footsies with teen girl helpers while he mentored them.

Yep. IIRC, a few years ago when Michelle was asked about the flip flops which seem incongruent with all their elaborate "modesty wear" rules, she said, "But, feet aren't sexual."

What a blissful stupid Gothardite she is.

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2 hours ago, questionfear said:

So does In Touch think if they run enough articles claiming JB and Michelle are divorcing, it will come true? 

Is this what you're talking about? I hope it's true, myself. These people are evil idiots.





“There has been a revolt within the Duggars,” a source reportedly close to the family revealed to InTouch magazine. “Everything seems fine in public, but inside the Duggar family home in Arkansas, it has been all-out war as Jim Bob and Michelle face off against their older children.” Yikes!

The source went on to explain that both Jim Bob and Michelle want Josh to appear on Counting On in order to try and win back public support after two devastating scandals tore the once tight-knit family apart. “But his siblings were not on board, and in the end Jim Bob and Michelle lost the battle. They are now distraught and convinced the family is so fractured and broken apart that it’s beyond repair.”

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So the headship b.s. is only good until it comes to economics.  Come hell or high water, Jessa is not going to let Josh comes between her and that TLC paycheck.  Good for the "young adults" for standing up to their headship and his buddy!

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19 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

Is this what you're talking about? I hope it's true, myself. These people are evil idiots.




This explains why they keep popping up on the show...why they slink into a shot or make it imperative that they are part of the scene.  Like the family dinner they staged for Jeremy.  

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if this is true, no wonder the parents are beside themselves. The kids have dared to stand up for themselves! They do not want their abuser around. Yay for them!!! After years of having to act like all is well, they are advocating for themselves. I would never assume that they are objecting because of money. They have plenty of other reasons. 

But because such rebellion is so unheard of, the family is hopelessly fractured! They have no experience of people having their own personal opinions, needs, and goals. So this is curtains. JB and Michelle: millions of relatives disagree every day and they still love each other. Millions more make their own decisions about their own lives, and the world does not spin off its axis - no matter how much your cult masters try to terrify you into believing otherwise. 

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" 'Jim Bob and Michelle are really suffering because they’ve found themselves to be at war with their own children — all because they wanted to do something they thought would help Josh,' a different source revealed to the publication. 'They see this as the ultimate betrayal.'"

1.  They're about 14 years too late on "helping Josh".

2.  Funny, that *this* is the "ultimate betrayal".  Maybe Jessa Blessa shook the Gothard dust from her eyes and realized that the real Ultimate Betrayal already happened long ago, when their parents mortgaged her and her sisters health and well being for keeping Josh out of trouble.  

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You know, I was just watching a documentary on the Children of God, an extreme religious cult notorious for advocating essentially child sexual abuse. It featured a woman and her daughters, who had all been raised within the cult. One of the daughters said "On the outside, I was the perfect follower, obedient, never questioned anything, but inside I couldn't help thinking 'is this going to be my life? Will I never be able to make my own decisions about anything? Do I have to marry a man I don't really love and be his baby machine? Is this all I have to look forward to?" It made me ache for the Duggar girls. 

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A friend of mine bought this In Touch (we share a curiosity of the Duggars) and she said pretty much what the other article linked above.  JB and Michelle wanted to have Josh appear to show a redemption arch but the older kids, led by Jessa, said no, even the older sons.  JB is supposedly fuming.  

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If the rumors are true, Boob and Xanaxia are even more insane than I thought. What is their obsession with redeeming Josh? Nobody wants to see your pasty, molesty, be-moobed, hooker-banging progeny, idiots! It's a holy-rolling miracle TLC is desperate enough to keep you on the air at all! Also, I suddenly have renewed hope for the Olders. Brainwashed they may be, but at least they're not COMPLETELY OUT OF TOUCH WITH REALITY.

Edited by Aja
grammar police
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1 minute ago, auntieminem said:

A friend of mine bought this In Touch (we share a curiosity of the Duggars) and she said pretty much what the other article linked above.  JB and Michelle wanted to have Josh appear to show a redemption arch but the older kids, led by Jessa, said no, even the older sons.  JB is supposedly fuming.  

Imagine growing up in that household and knowing that your parents not only allowed your brother to molest four of his sisters, shielded him from the legal and criminal consequences of his actions, forced the sisters to "forgive" him, said nothing when he cheated on his wife and exposed the family to even more scandal and is now demanding that the rest of the family welcome him back to the only money-making opportunity they currently have.

I realize that none of them were brought up to fight back, but one has to wonder when any of them will grow a set and ask their parents why they have repeatedly overlooked or excused Joshley Madison's behavior while the rest of the kidults are not allowed to be alone with a member of the opposite sex until they're married. You KNOW there are consequences off-camera for the "frontal hugs" and other breaches of the courting "rules".

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Guessing JB is feeling the strain of financially supporting, oh about 30+ people. Its definitely in JB's interest to get Josh redeemed & off the family payroll, especially if Anna keeps pumping out the babies. 

I rarely say any thing positive about princess prickly pear but at least she's aware enough to know the show is hanging on by a thread & showing Josh would be end of tlc $.

Edited by lulu69
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Josh doesn't have a felony record, nothing is preventing him from getting a damn job. Apart from, of course, his lack of education, lack of any discernible skill, douchey entitlement, extreme laziness and resulting total dependence on Mommy and Daddy. Of course.

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What is their obsession with redeeming Josh?

In their minds, Redeemed Josh = Redeemed Jim Bob and Michelle. I'm sure it burns up both of those narcissists that they lost 'their' show to their subservient kids, plus all of America thinks (correctly) they are the worst parents ever. Fame's addicting. As has already been mentioned, I'm sure money plays a role, too.

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29 minutes ago, Aja said:

Josh doesn't have a felony record, nothing is preventing him from getting a damn job. Apart from, of course, his lack of education, lack of any discernible skill, douchey entitlement, extreme laziness and resulting total dependence on Mommy and Daddy. Of course.

And his name being Josh Duggar ...

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1 hour ago, Aja said:

Josh doesn't have a felony record, nothing is preventing him from getting a damn job. Apart from, of course, his lack of education, lack of any discernible skill, douchey entitlement, extreme laziness and resulting total dependence on Mommy and Daddy. Of course.

He's going to end up doing oppo research for a right-wing think tank. He can do that via computer and Internet connection and the think tank in question doesn't have to admit he's on the payroll. He'll be the fundie version of Roger Stone.

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1 minute ago, Missy Vixen said:

He's going to end up doing oppo research for a right-wing think tank. He can do that via computer and Internet connection and the think tank in question doesn't have to admit he's on the payroll. He'll be the fundie version of Roger Stone.

He could do that, but unfortunately securing a position like that would require a minimal amount of creative thinking and self-motivation. Dang, too bad, Josh. 

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3 hours ago, Missy Vixen said:

He's going to end up doing oppo research for a right-wing think tank. He can do that via computer and Internet connection and the think tank in question doesn't have to admit he's on the payroll. He'll be the fundie version of Roger Stone.

Do you think he even knows enough to do this? I'm not so sure. While he was kind of glib as a kid, in recent years he's mostly sounded like an almost wholly ignorant idiot to me. I can see him doing the gladhanding outreach to the superfundies FRC had him doing. But I have always doubted that they had him doing any kind of research or anything like that, any more than anyone would hire Jim Bob to do anything like that. And I can't see anyone else hiring him to do any kind of intellectual work, no matter how basic, either. Partly, I guess, because I don't believe he has any experience doing it (and now he's nobody and even a potential pariah, even to his kind, so he wouldn't be much use for gladhanding or getting media attention (other than extremely negative media attention) either). Perhaps I underestimate him.

Edited by Churchhoney
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Does anyone else think that the bigger issue for the siblings is that Josh was caught cheating on Anna and not the fact that he molested his sisters? Given how quickly they were to try to get him forgiven after the molestation scandal was revealed and they're now treating him like a pariah, I feel like they are mad that he was stupid enough to get caught in a second scandel. It's not so much about standing up against their abuser as it is shunning the guy who has ruined their TV opportunities.

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Seriously if they had any clue about the outside world the over 18 year old Duggars sans Josh could take their parents to court and demand that they get full custody of their younger siblings and kick their parents out of the house/take over the family businesses.

I would watch that show and I bet advertisers would flock to it because it would be about empowerment and freedom from Jim Bob and Michelle's madness. Then maybe Josie would get the therapy she needs and every kid would get educated properly.

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42 minutes ago, maraleia said:

Seriously if they had any clue about the outside world the over 18 year old Duggars sans Josh could take their parents to court and demand that they get full custody of their younger siblings and kick their parents out of the house/take over the family businesses.

I would watch that show and I bet advertisers would flock to it because it would be about empowerment and freedom from Jim Bob and Michelle's madness. Then maybe Josie would get the therapy she needs and every kid would get educated properly.

We can only dream, but this is the perfect scenario.

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I changed my mind about my post.

Advertisers can spend their money however they choose.  People are not watching the duggars because the show is boring.  If people don't want to see Josh duggar, too bad for ma and pa. 

We have all watched tv shows come and go.  The clock is running out on the duggars and that's just life.  Josh is not entitled to a redemption tour .  Famewhores are not entitled to keep their tv show (and their TV paychecks) just because they can't let it go.  

When this show is finally cancelled for good, there will be squawking from leghumpers and the religious right about persecution.  But tv is a for profit business.  If the return on investment is not there, bye bye now.  It has nothing to do with religious beliefs.

I think before anyone gets a reality show  they should be required to watch the Truman Show and EdTv.

I'm not sure how to use the spoiler key, so a TRUMAN SHOW SPOLIER FOLLOWS-at the end of the movie Truman walks off to his new life and the screen goes blank.  People look at each other and turn the channel to see what else is on.

That's the reality of TV.  People that watched may be sad fur a little bit, but they find something else to do.  Except for justified.  I still miss that show.

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I think the kidults read these forums and other social media about themselves.  They are a different generation and they are starting to wise up a bit. Jim Bob and Michelle are idots and don't really "get" social media like the kidults do. 

 If you want to have a show, you gotta listen to what the viewers want (or don't want).  Josh is probably one of the most hated people around. Really, bring up his name and almost every sane person will cringe.  Kidults know this from reading comments, forums etc. Michelle and Jim Bob are very unaware of public opinion or too self involved to care. The younger Duggars and spouses have picked up on the Josh Hate and are distancing themselves publically from the vile pervert. Plus, now that Jessa, Jill, Jana, Jinger, John David, Joy etc are all over 18, the producers speak to THEM about the direction of the show.  Before, Jim Bob handled everything.   The J kids probably really "listen" to suggestions and feedback much better than Jim bob ever did. I bet the producers have said, point blank, "polls show your brother is despised by the public. We recommend he is off camera permanently."  The J kidults nod in agreement because they need money.  

I think bitchy Jessa is the leader of the pack and her siblings are following her. We have all noted that no one seemed too loving towards Josh when his name came up. There is a decent amount of money to be made from continuing the show and Jessa is not missing out because Josh is fucked up...

Jim Bob and Michelle are way, way out of touch with reality at this point.  As dull as the J kids are, they are sharp enough to keep Vile Josh off camera. 

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On August 29, 2016 at 1:35 PM, Darknight said:

Just watched law and order svu. It was ripped from the headlines about the duggars. No way Jimchelle looks like the actors that played them. The actors look much better and acted better. No way would Jimchelle believe their daughters were raped and blame the abuser. 

Which episode?

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17 hours ago, Bitter Betty said:

Does anyone else think that the bigger issue for the siblings is that Josh was caught cheating on Anna and not the fact that he molested his sisters? Given how quickly they were to try to get him forgiven after the molestation scandal was revealed and they're now treating him like a pariah, I feel like they are mad that he was stupid enough to get caught in a second scandel. It's not so much about standing up against their abuser as it is shunning the guy who has ruined their TV opportunities.

I think that many people could feel that Josh's shenanigans with Ashley Madison etc is just a continuation of his deviant sexual behavior and that the molestations committed by him as a teen were not "in the past" that he "got help for and worked through". Josh really did ruin the family brand with that Ashley Madison mess, WHY was he stupid enough to join such a site? Jessa especially is ashamed and embarassed by him and I don't blame her for not wanting him to ruin her chances with TLC. 

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9 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Which episode?

The Law and Order SVU about a church leader (think Gothard, only younger) who knocks up a going daughter (13ish) of a famous large TV family. He'd already knocked up the oldest daughter (maybe 15 during the episode), and the parents passed the child off as their own. Super creepy. 

It aired between Joshgate I and the return of the Counting On specials last December.

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33 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

I think that many people could feel that Josh's shenanigans with Ashley Madison etc is just a continuation of his deviant sexual behavior and that the molestations committed by him as a teen were not "in the past" that he "got help for and worked through". Josh really did ruin the family brand with that Ashley Madison mess, WHY was he stupid enough to join such a site? Jessa especially is ashamed and embarassed by him and I don't blame her for not wanting him to ruin her chances with TLC. 

Because Smuggar is the wonderful fabulous Teflon coated Duggar who never does anything wrong. He just blames the Devil and nothing is his fault.

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29 minutes ago, allonsyalice said:

Season 17, episode 7, Patrimonial Burden. it's on netflix now! (or it should be!)

I wish I had known it was on Netflix before I tortured my ears with the YouTube version!

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On 9/2/2016 at 5:09 PM, Churchhoney said:

Do you think he even knows enough to do this? I'm not so sure. While he was kind of glib as a kid, in recent years he's mostly sounded like an almost wholly ignorant idiot to me. I can see him doing the gladhanding outreach to the superfundies FRC had him doing. 

I don't think he's very smart but I do think he's a nasty POS. He's desperate and he wants his former lifestyle back. I don't think he'd flinch at setting up some or all of his former "supporters".

Roger Stone isn't especially smart, either, but he's managed to be the go-to guy for FOX News and CNN re: Trump.

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22 minutes ago, Missy Vixen said:

I don't think he's very smart but I do think he's a nasty POS.

Can't argue with that. ha   

I still doubt that anybody else would hire him. It's not like he has a track record, even as an active POS on somebody's job. He was just a recognizable face and a buffoon at FRC -- he didn't really do anything that a hand puppet couldn't have done. I really question whether anybody thinks he even has the qualifications to be even halfway effective as a slime bag or a rotten jerk!

You're certainly right that he's probably good and desperate, though -- and would stop at nothing (within his limited capabilities!) to do something about that.

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Josh won't be back on the show and probably won't be welcomed into any political job either. Maybe with just one scandal, but with the two he is toxic. Add to that the hypocrisy of it all, short of changing his image and say, becoming the proprietor of a marijuana dispensary, he's f**ked.

My apologies to all the proprietors & customers of pot stores - just making a point.

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