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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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What the hell can they possibly help people with? Even if they weren't unutterably misguided, ignorant and stupid, on their shows they never do anything or actually say anything. What can anyone possibly expected to learn from watching people heat frozen lasagna, walk on kitchen counters and repeat the exact same platitudes over and over and over for more than a decade?

Moms!   Learn how to get your kids to do all the work around the house so you can exercise in the morning and service your husband at night.


Dads! Learn how to keep your daughters at home to do all the work    so your wife is always ready for you!

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Thanks, Mollie, for  the link to the GMA interview. Just once I would like to see an interviewer ask this clan the tough questions about their family, Josh, their faith, etc...

What really bothers me is the arrogance, both of the Duggars and TLC.  JD referring to "our fans" and Jessa's "if we can help just one person..." - who do they think they are? I get that TLC just wants the money (the Duggars as well, now that I think about it), but is there no awareness in any of these adult children's minds that they are a freak show and most people just snark on them. Do they really only believe the leghumpers have valid opinions and the rest of us are just sinful and jealous of them? I can hardly wait until Anna starts giving relationship advice.

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These issues seem to be on the Duggars' no-no list for interviews (forget the term, sorry). Robin Roberts made her argument about the new show based solely on the Joshgates, which got them first put on haitus, then canceled.

Here's the question, though: How do the Duggars have sufficient power to make interview demands in the first place? Seriously. They're not Adele or Steph Curry or anyone of note in this world. They're a couple of superbreeders who keep their kids in some kind of 1950's time warp. They're not interesting, funny, or notable in any way. What would happen if ABC simply told them they're not interested anymore and refused to cover them? How about the other media outlets who end up doing stories about them as well?


Robin Roberts seems like the nicest woman on the planet, but I am shocked that she has not said to the network that she does not want to be involved with any segment involving the Duggars. Let's put it this way: SHE is famous enough to refuse to participate, especially since the Duggars' views on homosexuality and marriage equality are well-known. Of course, GMA chose another leg-humper type to do the actual interview.

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Unfortunately for we snarkers, the Duggars were TLC's biggest money-maker and ratings draw, even out-drawing The Little Couple in later seasons.

As I noted before, this is a totally Co-dependent relationship.

And Jessa is full of shit. She just spouts the party line about helping people to make them look so noble. I don't know how buying tons of frozen corn and making a "Fall Feast" (yet another recycled plot line) is going to "help" anyone. It's not like they're even going to give out recipes, like a cooking show would.

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That is what I think too - it is a co-dependent relationship and one thing ole JimBoob can do is bargain.  "Don't ask me about where our paycheck goes and who gets what and I will drag my butt outta bed and be to the studio on time.  I don't do that for just anyone!"

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 Do they really only believe the leghumpers have valid opinions and the rest of us are just sinful and jealous of them? 

That is exactly what they believe.

Here's the question, though: How do the Duggars have sufficient power to make interview demands in the first place?

Yes! I've always wondered the exact same thing! I get that TLC had a vested interest pre-Joshgates to keep them looking as pure and sweet and precious as possible. But post-molestation scandal? REALLY? Not one single journalist is willing to call out this family or this cult--in fact, there seems to be every effort made to put the molestations out of everyone's minds, such as focusing ONLY on the Ashley Madison crap when the family talks about how much Josh "betrayed" them. Between what I've been learning about the IFB cults and the Duggars' powerful famewhore gene, it is both mind-bloggling and terrifying. The only reference to the molestations I've read recently (and granted, I don't read that much about the Duggars apart from here) said something like "when it was discovered Josh molested a number of minors..." No mention of the fact that the vast majority of those minors were HIS SISTERS. I just can't get my head around it.

Edited by Aja
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That is exactly what they believe.

Yes! I've always wondered the exact same thing! I get that TLC had a vested interest pre-Joshgates to keep them looking as pure and sweet and precious as possible. But post-molestation scandal? REALLY? Not one single journalist is willing to call out this family or this cult--in fact, there seems to be every effort made to put the molestations out of everyone's minds, such as focusing ONLY on the Ashley Madison crap when the family talks about how much Josh "betrayed" them. Between what I've been learning about the IFB cults and the Duggars' powerful famewhore gene, it is both mind-bloggling and terrifying. The only reference to the molestations I've read recently (and granted, I don't read that much about the Duggars apart from here) said something like "when it was discovered Josh molested a number of minors..." No mention of the fact that the vast majority of those minors were HIS SISTERS. I just can't get my head around it.

You can't get your head around it because you are a normal, thinking person.  The Duggars are famewhores to the tenth power and deluded to boot.  Distract people with the cheating and they won't remember the child molester part.  


Pardon me.  I meant to say the Josh was just too curious about girls part.  Not a child molester of his own sisters at all.  One of whom was five.

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Re: GMA interview.  Apologies if this has been addressed already, but I found the whole laundry exchange cringe-worthy and maddening:


Interviewer:  "Is your mom still doing your laundry?  You're 26 years old..."

JD:  "Well, sometimes I do my own, but a lot of the times, uh (looks down because he knows how STUPID he's about to sound), the girls, they love to do it...at least I think they do, har har herp derp."

Interviewer:  *eyeroll, looking at the girls* "Raise your hands if you love doing laundry."

Girls:  ...

JD:   "Raise it girls! har har, herp derp."

Me:  "Suck it, JD."


He channeled Jim Bob SO HARD there, it shot any remaining hope I had for him.  He was also *thisclose* to giving away the strict gender roles assigned in that family.  The girls love to do laundry.  Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhkay.  Sigh.

Edited by Magoo
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I haven't seen the interview, but I don't know how Robyn Roberts made it through without punching JD in the face.

Sure the girls just love doing laundry for a grown ass man who's more than capable of doing it for himself. No wonder Jill acts like Derick hung the moon when he changes a diaper. These poor girls are so used to men who don't do jack squat.

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26 and can't do laundry.  Yikes!  Well in their world he is suppose to be married already and have a 4 year old girl that can help mommy load the machine since she is pregnant and the 2 year old twins are down for a nap.  Yeah, that is suppose to be his world.


Jana must be thinking living at home, slaving away, is better than having a brood of her own.

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Joy serves chocolate milk to an M. A fan says the Duggars are returning to TV tonight. Is this true? Or is it just another old photo? I know they got their show back, but tonight?Also, the M child is allowed to wear cartoon logo clothing. Or is it christian?

9 pm tonight on TLC. Brace yourselves.

Preceded at 7: by Jill & Jessa: Countdown to Counting On.

But wait! There's More! You can relive the magic that was the Dec. 13 episode of Jill & Jessa: Counting On at 6.

I'd say, Put on your seatbelts... but...

I've seen that old CountingOn, If anyone decides on a drinking game I might suggest something with coffee.

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Preceded at 7: by Jill & Jessa: Countdown to Counting On.

But wait! There's More! You can relive the magic that was the Dec. 13 episode of Jill & Jessa: Counting On at 6.

I'd say, Put on your seatbelts... but...

I've seen that old CountingOn, If anyone decides on a drinking game I might suggest something with coffee.

Lol. Multiple lols.

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Preceded at 7: by Jill & Jessa: Countdown to Counting On.

A TWO HOUR countdown show? Going over what?


With Apologies to The Simpsons:


They'll Never Stop The Duggars!

Have no fears, we've got stories for years, like

Michelle becomes a robot,

Maybe Joe gets a cell phone, has Jana ever owned a bear?

Or, how 'bout a crazy wedding?

Where something happens and doo doo doo doo doo...

Sorry for the clip show.

Have no fears, we've got stories for years!

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9 pm tonight on TLC. Brace yourselves.


So they are going up against O.J.? Hahahahahahaha! Good luck with those ratings! 


I haven't seen the interview, but I don't know how Robyn Roberts made it through without punching JD in the face.

Sure the girls just love doing laundry for a grown ass man who's more than capable of doing it for himself. No wonder Jill acts like Derick hung the moon when he changes a diaper. These poor girls are so used to men who don't do jack squat.

IIRC, Robin didn't do the interview. It was the one who moonlights on The View. Robin made her comments after the interview segment ran and when the camera went to her, she had her arms folded and looked pissed. 

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I haven't seen the interview, but I don't know how Robyn Roberts made it through without punching JD in the face.

Sure the girls just love doing laundry for a grown ass man who's more than capable of doing it for himself. No wonder Jill acts like Derick hung the moon when he changes a diaper. These poor girls are so used to men who don't do jack squat.

Robin Roberts didn't conduct the interview. After the clip was over, Robin, George, and the interviewer (sorry, don't watch GMA so I don't know her) debriefed, and that's when Robin made her wholly accurate criticisms, backed by George.

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Thank you Magoo for addressing JD's lack of awareness and, oh hell, plain stupidity. Yeah right, the girls LOVE to launder your sh*t stained underwear, you mouth breather. This is what happens when a 26 year old has no social skills because he is still under his father's control, and only socializes with like minded cultists.

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Why are they on GMA?

I used to change the channel when they showed up in the Today Show. I thought that NBC was affiliated with TLC for some reason.

Glad challenges were expressed. I doubt that would have happened on Today.

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My guess is the ratings are good. Leghumpers drawn back by the story of 'walking through the fire', and the haters can't turn away from the train wreck. This show was almost done, because those weddings were horrendously boring. Then Josh saved them all and they are too stupid to realize it. It needed a scandal.

Edited by sometimesy
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26 and can't do your own fucking laundry. My kids started doing laundry at 5. They started with assistance then did it on their own.


So did the Duggars. The female Duggars that is. And they started without assistance. ;  ) 


Apparently doing laundry hampers your ability to hold up that big umbrella.

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My guess is the ratings are good. Leghumpers drawn back by the story of 'walking through the fire', and the haters can't turn away from the train wreck. This show was almost done, because those weddings were horrendously boring. Then Josh saved them all and they are too stupid to realize it. It needed a scandal.

You know, that's very insightful. It almost makes me angry, because the last thing these people need is the notion that their grocery shopping is worthy of prime time television and a massive paycheck. It wouldn't be anymore if people weren't morbidly interested in the Josh scandal and seeing Anna.

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For all the talk that has been going on about the "Duggar TV Ministry" and what they do with their TLC/publicity paychecks.....Yes, this family has a right to support itself; however, there also is the point being made by their fans, about just how well they were doing financially before TLC came a knockin'.. they claim that the family was doing just fine...so, if that's true, why then didn't JB simply continue his "work" and support his family on THOSE funds and donate their "TV personality" income to charities? I'll tell you why,,,, because they were STARVING and STRUGGLING before the show; that's why' and GREED. No one needs the vehicles, heavy equipment, etc that this family maintains...it is excessive and gluttonous of Jim Bob...also, one does NOT have to buy Starbucks coffee daily like Michelle seems to do when they have a $200 coffee pot at home. I don't get pedicures; I do them myself and my toes look good enough... Jilly, etc does NOT need to spend money on such things...excess, I tell you..

Also, in the GMA interview, just how well did the researcher who wrote the questions know about this family? Don't they know that it is common knowledge that their MOTHER, Michelle, hasn't done her family's laundry in over 20 years? The piano teacher lady did it and then GRANDMA Duggar took over; not Michelle....I'm disgusted with the lot of them. They need to get some real jobs and experience the good things that this world has to offer; it's not all sin out there.

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Is anyone discussing last night's episode?  I did tune in for part of it, but another show about cooking for the masses, then eating off the paper plates with the added bonus of squishing into a small house and eating off  your lap, welI I couldn't.

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Is anyone discussing last night's episode? I did tune in for part of it, but another show about cooking for the masses, then eating off the paper plates with the added bonus of squishing into a small house and eating off your lap, welI I couldn't.

Yup. The episode thread is at the very top of the main 19Kids page. Lots of convo.

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My guess is the ratings are good. Leghumpers drawn back by the story of 'walking through the fire', and the haters can't turn away from the train wreck. This show was almost done, because those weddings were horrendously boring. Then Josh saved them all and they are too stupid to realize it. It needed a scandal.

I have a feeling Josh realizes it.

I think Josh will be the one holding control over Jim Bob for once. Unless of course JB wants Josh to release the tell all he crafted the outline for while he was away at penis rehab.

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I spent an amusing 30 minutes ready comments! Gosh, I love reading comments!

Read the comments under 58 replies!


30 minutes??! I hope you have very stable blood pressure! I just read about five comments and I can feel mine rising -- had to quit! The cluelessness of these people about the Duggars has to extend to their own lives, too, and every other judgment they make. Terrifying to think how many kids besides the Duggar 19 are exposed to this bullshit.

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Hey, remember a little ways back when we asked to stop talking about fans and the comments? Maybe the humor diluted the message. Here is a more forceful reminder. This Duggars in the Media, not fans or internet commenters. Please stop discussing comments from fans--it's off topic and bound to start flame wars. Especially cut it out with "I'm going to go troll them and see how fast they ban me. Tee hee." Not cool. 

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I usually don't post links to articles, because by the time I find one, the article and content has already been posted.  But if I, or someone else here should find something new, just how should the post be worded?



Check out this article, it talks about such and such.


Check out this article, it talks about such and such.  Some of the comments are interesting.


Check out this article, it talks about such and such.  Some of the comments are from people questioning the Duggars and then there are the replies from their supporters.


Check out this article, it talks about such and such.  Some of the comments are from people questioning the Duggars and then there are the replies from their supporters.  It gets really heated at times.


Check out this article, it talks about such and such.  Some of the comments are from people questioning the Duggars and then there are the replies from their supporters.  It gets really heated at times.  Those leghumpers are really invested in the Duggar brand/delusional/hilarious/stupid, etc.

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This is perfectly fine.

Check out this article, it talks about such and such.



There is absolutely no need to discuss the comments on the article. That can be done in the comments of what was linked to. PTV is not the only place on the internet to comment. It's a good place, and we're trying to keep it that way by not importing the sniping and fighting found in some of those comment areas. All opinions/feelings about the Duggars are welcome here. We snark the Duggars, not posters. And we surely don't need to bring flame wars here.

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I haven't seen the second episode yet, but am I sensing a lot more 'flaws' are being exposed? Jana the slave, Dullards messy and dull, Binessa bossy lazy, boys 'hemanwomenhaters'. Is TLC 'killing' the show or keeping it going by exposing more 'truths'? You can tell they are still setting up situations (probably the tree house and fall feast), but  I'm glad they haven't sent the family on a trip to Disneyland or Russia at their expense, or sent in cleaners as has been rumoured in the past. 

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I haven't seen the second episode yet, but am I sensing a lot more 'flaws' are being exposed? Jana the slave, Dullards messy and dull, Binessa bossy lazy, boys 'hemanwomenhaters'. Is TLC 'killing' the show or keeping it going by exposing more 'truths'? You can tell they are still setting up situations (probably the tree house and fall feast), but  I'm glad they haven't sent the family on a trip to Disneyland or Russia at their expense, or sent in cleaners as has been rumoured in the past. 

I always suspected they had help cleaning and it wasn't just the Jslaves who did the cleaning. During their vacation from TLC everything they posted showed a messy and probably dirty background and that combined with the appearance of lack of housekeeping skills for Jill and Jessa I'd say the Duggars had TLC cleaning and staging help.

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FWIW the media is reporting on rumors of a Jim Bob/Michelle split. I've posted articles about it in the Jim Bob and Michelle thread to save the mods the effort.

Who gets the kids?

Carried this comment over from the ID thread:

Bolding mine.

I'm looking forward to seeing Dissapeared too. Even the reruns with the with the unsolved cases could be good to run from time to time, I've seen some of them in the mornings when I'm home.

I don't like the ads for House of Horrors - I paid too much attention to it recently and it made me sick.

Another ad I wish ID would stop running is for "Counting On" on TLC. It seems to be run too many times. I don't think they ran ads for 19 Kids ... (Or whatever the show is called) much in the years prior on ID. I'd like to know if El Salvador is so dangerous, why did they bring a baby?

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Would they go with their buddies?

JB would have to get custody - headship and all. ;) Plus he only knows a couple of phrases including I have 19 kids, so he needs them.


Plus I don't believe Michelle has any kids, they're all older than 6 months.

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If Jim Bob and Michele divorced she would lose her headship.  At that point I guess she would be under the headship of her son.  Joshua?  John David?  She could move in with Josh, Anna and the Ms, or she could move in to the boys dorm with John-David LOL!

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If Jim Bob and Michele divorced she would lose her headship.  At that point I guess she would be under the headship of her son.  Joshua?  John David?  She could move in with Josh, Anna and the Ms, or she could move in to the boys dorm with John-David LOL!

Or she could find that poor divorced man she defrauded back in her bikini lawn mowing days. He's probably been waiting ...

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I see a new show focusing on the multiple divorces: JB and J'chelle, Josh and Anna, and Ben and Jessa. JB and Josh share a tiny studio apartment and take the Howlers or Lost Girls or the M's for the weekend. Changing diapers, taking the kids to a pizza parlor or the amusement park, complaining about child support payments -- endless hijinks. I would watch the hell out of that show.

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