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Party of One: Unpopular TV Opinions

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I've been binging on ER recently (thank you, Pop!) and here's something I never would have said twenty years ago but...I kinda hate Doug Ross.  I was a teenager when season 5 (the batch of episodes when he finally crossed a line from which he could not return) first aired so I don't know if I was just naive at the time or my opinion has just changed over the years but I frequently find myself yelling "Oh, grow up!" at my DVR'd episodes.  (Even then, I remember being over him by this point but certainly not with the intensity I feel now.) He didn't cowboy up and smash regulations left and right because he was this paragon of altruism.    I'm sure it was partly that but it was as much about his massive ego and to prove that he "cared" so much more than Green and Weaver who dared go by the book.  Rules are for squares, man.  And I get it, there are times when your hands are tied and you skirt the rules, or even break them, for the greater good.  But his behavior by this point in the series was pathological.  I'm sick and tired or his defense being along the lines "I care and you don't.  I'm morally right and you're not."  And it's not even about whether I agree with his decisions or not but rather the fact that he had been told over and over and over again to knock it off and refused and did not care about any collateral damage.  It's not charming and gallant.  It's infuriating.  

Edited by kiddo82
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3 hours ago, kiddo82 said:

And I get it, there are times when your hands are tied and you skirt the rules, or even break them, for the greater good.  But his behavior by this point in the series was pathological.  I'm sick and tired or his defense being along the lines "I care and you don't.  I'm morally right and you're not."  And it's not even about whether I agree with his decisions or not but rather the fact that he had been told over and over and over again to knock it off and refused and did not care about any collateral damage.  It's not charming and gallant.  It's infuriating.  

Testify.  I have a vague memory of "Wow, he has gone one step too far and it's time to go" from my original viewing, but it didn't much stick with me in looking back on the characters; I've wanted to punch him in the face this second time around, though.  No one is that cute.  He behaves like a total asshole, damn the consequences to his colleagues (one of whom is his best friend and one of whom is his fiancée), forget all the other patients who'll be screwed over when this COUNTY hospital in general, and the clinics specifically implicated, deals with the fallout of his illegal actions to help one patient.  And when called on it, he has the unmitigated gall to declare, over and over, "If you'd had a patient in that much pain, you'd have done the same thing" -- to people who've been in the very same situation and opted not to violate the law, their oath, and their ethical responsibility to those around them.  My favorite part of the whole thing was when Mark - whom I liked less than Doug leading up to this point - saying, "We have [seen that very thing.]"  Sanctimonious asshat Doug.

So, while we're doing Doug-related ER UOs, I'll reiterate what I said in the show's forum: I have zero shits to give about Doug and Carol as a couple.  I don't dislike them together; in fact I agree they're good for each other at this stage of their lives (for several reasons, one of which is they both pretty well suck as a romantic partner, so they might as well join together and spare the world).  But I don't root for them, either.  They're just there, taking up screen time.

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I watched the first half of The Storm last night and I was so happy when Carol FINALLY laced into him for all the reasons above.  (Not that Kerry and Mark hadn't tried)

3 hours ago, Bastet said:

 So, while we're doing Doug-related ER UOs, I'll reiterate what I said in the show's forum: I have zero shits to give about Doug and Carol as a couple.  I don't dislike them together; in fact I agree they're good for each other at this stage of their lives (for several reasons, one of which is they both pretty well suck as a romantic partner, so they might as well join together and spare the world).  But I don't root for them, either.  They're just there, taking up screen time.

I don't find myself actively rooting for them but I find myself pleasantly surprised at how functional a couple they were considering they were suuuuuuuch the OTP back in the day.  Once they got together for good there was relatively little relationship drama (I'm talking breaking up/getting back together, old lovers showing up at the doorstep, refusing to be together for reasons, etc.) to the point where I kinda forgot they we at couple at times during my recent viewing.  That's pretty rare.

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I missed the Doug and Carol days, but I can tell you I was massively annoyed when Shane was abruptly written off the series and his character Ray left as a dangling carrot for Neela, her OTL to eventually reunite with by the end of the show. What annoyed me so much was that we were just at the beginning of seeing them potentially become a couple. They had not dated for several years and then broken up tragically - they had simply been roommates who discovered they were attracted to one another. That's all. If we had seen them date I would have been fine with them reuniting at the end of the show but Neela never actually dated Ray nor would it have made sense for her to move to some other state to be with him out of the blue.

I guess I'm just pissed off that because the series lost Shane we were robbed of seeing that second chapter of the story - the middle. The middle is important! So while I was happy to see him come back in the final season I felt like they had fast-forwarded through the whole part where they learned how to be a couple together and instead just made him into this magical Prince Charming would fix all of Neela's problems.

I don't know if it's UO but I will say it anyways - the show really mutated Neela into some leading lady that she was never meant to be. I know the writing in the final seasons left a little to be desired but I preferred Neela as a kind of dorky ambitious med student trying to figure out her life. With Gallant, even though that storyline was rushed because they only had him available for certain episodes, I at least felt like I was seeing the same girl who Abby had become friends with. By the last two seasons of the show, somehow all of these men were chasing after Neela like she was some babe and she was acting stern and unlikable.

Just because they give a character more screen time doesn't mean they need to turn her into a generic "who's my boyfriend now?" leading lady. I wish we'd kept some of the dorky Neela.

Did people like her character much in the last seasons of the show?

I guess I can also count myself among the camp of people who found Abby a little grating near the end. She also seemed to mutate a tiny bit into some super desirable LL. I still remember how Lucian asked Abby to sleep with him before a surgery that could make him impotent. And then there was her boozy affair with Stanley Tucci's poorly conceived character. Weird.

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I loved this season of Call the Midwife.  I don't think the quality of the show dropped at all, and I'm glad it's been free of the tether of Jennifer Worth's books for some time.  (They were good, not great, books, and dragged quite a bit in parts.)  And, as much as I love Miranda Hart, I don't miss Chummy at all; or, more accurately, I don't miss how she sometimes took over the show.

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On 5/13/2017 at 3:10 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

HATE, like with the rage of a gazillion million suns, that Law &I Order: SVU was renewed for its 19th season, and there's never been any worry about its cancellation, whereas the Mothership-the show that paved the way for it and was a VASTLY Superior show, Law & Order, had to struggle during its last few seasons before being summarily axed. ???

This BETTER be its final season!

I always thought they should've kept original recipe and dropped SVU. They are stuck in the sex crimes box.  Original recipe had much more leeway and also they could've switched from week to week from each station like the old NBC sunday shows from the 70's.

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On Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 5:43 PM, Sparger Springs said:

I always thought they should've kept original recipe and dropped SVU. They are stuck in the sex crimes box.  Original recipe had much more leeway and also they could've switched from week to week from each station like the old NBC sunday shows from the 70's.

Would that be Police Story, taking its cue from the 60's  Dragnet but being an anthology instead of having the same detectives in different divisions 

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10 hours ago, Raja said:

Would that be Police Story, taking its cue from the 60's  Dragnet but being an anthology instead of having the same detectives in different divisions 

I'm talking about the NBC shows that had McCloud, Columbo and McMillian and wife and they would rotate out the shows each week.  Police story works too.

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I guess my L&O unpopular opinion is that my favorite has always been Criminal Intent.  I liked the premise and I really liked Alex Eames.  When it comes to procedurals I never cared about how accurate the police work only that the storyline is compelling and Criminal Intent had the most compelling storylines.

I never liked SVU.  Anyone who knows my viewing habits knows I am no prude but a show about sex crimes kinda turned me off from the start.  

Original Recipe depended on who played the main cop pairing.  Oh and UO I hated, loathed, abhored McCoy.  I thought he was a pompous ass.  I almost always hoped he'd lose.

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Dirty Dancing sucks, has always sucked, and always will suck, so I really can't be arsed over any attempts to "ruin" it with a low-rent TV remake.

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9 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

I guess my L&O unpopular opinion is that my favorite has always been Criminal Intent.

I thought I was the only one who loved Criminal Intent.

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48 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I thought I was the only one who loved Criminal Intent.

I just loved the Logan episodes when they got away from the American Sherlock Holmes

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13 hours ago, UYI said:

Dirty Dancing sucks, has always sucked, and always will suck, so I really can't be arsed over any attempts to "ruin" it with a low-rent TV remake.

Wahhhhh!! But you are certainly entitled to feel this way. *sniff*

I'm curious: what specifically don't you like about it?   I know the script isn't Shakespeare, and the mixing of '80s pop songs with authentic '60s music is sometimes laughable. But I love the movie anyway. 

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4 minutes ago, topanga said:

Wahhhhh!! But you are certainly entitled to feel this way. *sniff*

I'm curious: what specifically don't you like about it?   I know the script isn't Shakespeare, and the mixing of '80s pop songs with authentic '60s music is sometimes laughable. But I love the movie anyway. 

Okay, I'll admit I probably exaggerated here by saying I don't like it, because I only saw it once when I was 13, but I just remember not getting that into it at all, and the few times I've tried to watch it since, I couldn't stay engaged enough to finish it. The more accurate description from me would probably be a big giant MEH.

But it's been almost a decade since I've tried watching it, so there's always the possibility that I'll watch it again, love it, and be forced to eat crow. In any case, I DO love the soundtrack. 

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2 minutes ago, UYI said:

Okay, I'll admit I probably exaggerated here by saying I don't like it, because I only saw it once when I was 13, but I just remember not getting that into it at all, and the few times I've tried to watch it since, I couldn't stay engaged enough to finish it. The more accurate description from me would probably be a big giant MEH.

But it's been almost a decade since I've tried watching it, so there's always the possibility that I'll watch it again, love it, and be forced to eat crow. In any case, I DO love the soundtrack. 

13??? Your love juices weren't even flowing yet.  Certainly not enough to appreciate a sweaty Patrick Swayze in tight black pants. Or talented Jennifer Grey and her blossoming sexuality--and her great abs. 

How do you feel about romance movies in general? Dancing in movies? If you don't like either of those, you still probably wouldn't love it. 

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4 hours ago, Raja said:

I just loved the Logan episodes when they got away from the American Sherlock Holmes


I liked Dirty Dancing as pre-teen/teen, but I can't get through it today.  It doesn't hold up well, so I'm not surprised the remake wasn't well-received.  Though I suppose the backlash is probably more about remaking a "classic" than it being poorly done. 

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22 minutes ago, topanga said:

13??? Your love juices weren't even flowing yet.  Certainly not enough to appreciate a sweaty Patrick Swayze in tight black pants. Or talented Jennifer Grey and her blossoming sexuality--and her great abs. 

How do you feel about romance movies in general? Dancing in movies? If you don't like either of those, you still probably wouldn't love it. 

I love rom coms, and Footloose and Flashdance, so that's definitely no issue. 

Without giving away too much, though, at 28, I still haven't had much experience with love. I'm really shy and picky. -_-

(And Jennifer Grey will always be Jeannie Bueller to me.) 

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5 hours ago, Raja said:

I just loved the Logan episodes when they got away from the American Sherlock Holmes

I actually enjoy the early Goren episodes.  I kind of get annoyed when the show turns him into a big ball of angst.  

Edited by Chaos Theory
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3 hours ago, ribboninthesky1 said:

I liked Dirty Dancing as pre-teen/teen, but I can't get through it today.  It doesn't hold up well, so I'm not surprised the remake wasn't well-received.  Though I suppose the backlash is probably more about remaking a "classic" than it being poorly done. 

I don't know about that.  I didn't mind the Footloose remake, even though that movie is very nostalgic for me since it came out when I was about 15 or 16 and loved every minute of it.  I loved Dirty Dancing, too, but the remake was simply awful.  Not even good enough to warrant an "It was ok", imo.  I haven't tried to sit through it in a long time, though, so maybe my thoughts on it as an adult will change when I try watching it again (My teenage daughter wants to watch it, so we've got plans to do that soon). 

Edited by Shannon L.
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3 hours ago, UYI said:

I love rom coms, and Footloose and Flashdance, so that's definitely no issue. 

Without giving away too much, though, at 28, I still haven't had much experience with love. I'm really shy and picky. -_-

(And Jennifer Grey will always be Jeannie Bueller to me.) 

Nothing wrong with being shy and picky! 

Yes JG was good as Jeannie Bueller, but when I saw Ferris Beuller... as a kid, I thought she was mean to Ferris, and I didn't like her. Re-watching the movie as an adult, I realize now that Jeannie was just tired of her lying brat of a little brother getting away with his shenanigans while her parents treated like the red-headed step-child. (no offense to red heads). 

My UO TV opinion: I like television mini-series and wish they would make a comeback. There have been a few lately: The New Edition Story and the Roots remake were both excellent. But I miss the mini-series glory days, with movies like The Thornbirds and Sho-Gun. Oh, and Lace--that was another favorite of mine. 

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30 minutes ago, topanga said:

My UO TV opinion: I like television mini-series and wish they would make a comeback.

I like them as well. With so much content out there, a lot of the concepts that can't be sustained more than one season would do well as mini-series.  A show like Shades of Blue would have been better as a mini-series.   

1 hour ago, Shannon L. said:

I don't know about that.  I didn't mind the Footloose remake, even though that movie is very nostalgic for me since it came out when I was about 15 or 16 and loved every minute of it.  I loved Dirty Dancing, too, but the remake was simply awful.  Not even good enough to warrant an "It was ok", imo.  I haven't tried to sit through it in a long time, though, so maybe my thoughts on it as an adult will change when I try watching it again (My teenage daughter wants to watch it, so we've got plans to do that soon). 

I haven't seen the DD remake (didn't even know there was one until I read some of the lamenting on Twitter), but there seems to be an outcry whenever certain classics are announced as remakes, regardless of quality.  I never understand it, as the original is still available to watch and enjoy at any time.  For example, I loved Jem as a little girl, heard they were doing a live-action film, and promptly ignored it. And then watched the original episodes on Netflix.   

In this context, I suspect that remaking Dirty Dancing in the present wouldn't work on any level.  The fact it was bad was just fuel to the fire. 

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2 hours ago, topanga said:

Oh, and Lace--that was another favorite of mine. 

Was that the one where the daughter said "Which one of you bitches is my mother?"

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2 hours ago, topanga said:


My UO TV opinion: I like television mini-series and wish they would make a comeback. There have been a few lately: The New Edition Story and the Roots remake were both excellent. But I miss the mini-series glory days, with movies like The Thornbirds and Sho-Gun. Oh, and Lace--that was another favorite of mine. 

GACK! You forgot to mention North and South!?Unless you didn't care for it, which will shock me-ORY!? Though I didn't care for the updated Roots, I also wish the mini-series would come back. I also loved The Winds of War.

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1 minute ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

GACK! You forgot to mention North and South!?Unless you didn't care for it, which will shock me-ORY!? Though I didn't care for the updated Roots, I also wish the mini-series would come back. I also loved The Winds of War.

And Lonesome Dove.  I also remember one that's not quite so famous, Celebrity.

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1 minute ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Yup! I hated the sequel where we learned who her father was-Recasting Bess Armstrong? BOO!

I didn't hate it, but I thought it was a bit ridiculous.  I mean what are the odds of


the mom having sex with all 3 of the other two girls' boyfriends, after keeping a secret of who was the mom in the first place.


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6 hours ago, topanga said:

13??? Your love juices weren't even flowing yet.  Certainly not enough to appreciate a sweaty Patrick Swayze in tight black pants. Or talented Jennifer Grey and her blossoming sexuality--and her great abs. 

How do you feel about romance movies in general? Dancing in movies? If you don't like either of those, you still probably wouldn't love it. 

My love juices are flowing freely, and I don't think Patrick Swayze is the least bit attractive.

I have no nostalgia for Dirty Dancing, in fact I barely even remember it, and I did not like the remake.  It was so awful, and my sister and I were literally covering our eyes from the secondhand embarrassment.  So I don't think the hatred toward it has as much to do with tarnishing a cherished classic as much as the fact that it was terrible.

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13 hours ago, Katy M said:

I thought I was the only one who loved Criminal Intent.

It's definitely my favorite of the three.  Given a choice I will always choose CI.

4 hours ago, topanga said:

But I miss the mini-series glory days, with movies like The Thornbirds and Sho-Gun. Oh, and Lace--that was another favorite of mine. 

I'd love to see Thorn Birds again. 

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I am posting this here because Priyanka Chopra is now known to almost everyone over here in the States thanks to Quantico. I've never liked her; I think she's a mediocre actress at best (including the one Bollywood movie I saw her in, which was their attempt to flip the script of a classic movie and it was just beyond horrid*) and a terrible dancer in the two, TWO Indian film awards shows I've seen. First, the thing Bollywood actors have to also be very good at is making you believe they're singing the song in the movies (hence the lip syncing) and dance at the same time, most times. She absolutely SUCKS at BOTH. First she did a tribute to one of the greatest singers, Asha Bhosle, dancing to her earlier hits (Asha was getting the IIFA Lifetime Achievment Award), and why they couldn't or didn't get Madhuri Dixit, who is a far superior dancer and actress, is beyond my understanding. And then, THEN, for a tribute to the same Madhuri, at the Filmfare Awards (celebrating her 25 years in the industry), that got this stupid twit to do the most popular/famous dances that Madhuri has done. GACK. Horrible, just horrible. I guess Priyanka was everyone's favorite flavor during those award seasons. BLAH.

The only saving grace from the IIFI tribute was Asha singing the first refrain from one of my favorite movies, and one of her most popular songs, A Capella. Even at 70 something, she still has those pipes! Just like her older sister, Lata Mangeshkar, who at 90 something, can still belt it out, and is the BEST singer that India has produced.

Okay, I'll go back to the Rabbit Hole that I've been burrowing in for the last month.

*I freely admit I am TOTALLY BIASED and Against ANY remakes/reboots/flipping scripts of any movies that originated with Amitabh Bachchan in them; whether he was the hero, anti-hero.

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7 hours ago, topanga said:

My UO TV opinion: I like television mini-series and wish they would make a comeback.

I do agree. I was a little young, but I do remember how Sho-gun and The Thornbirds dominated the tv landscape, and North and South. 

To be fair, there have been decent amount of miniseries; The Night Of, Show Me a Hero, Robert Durst on HBO, the OJ trial on FX, even as far back as early 2010s, Into the West on TNT. I know of Roots way back when, and I know my parents watched it, but it's on the edge of my memory. 

I think the point is, it's not miniseries per se, it's miniseries that is the zeitgeist. It's the show that's on every night from Sun-Thurs, so people are all getting in front of the tv at the same time to watch the same thing. Because now you can watch a show whenever you want, and I think that's great. Most shows I just can't stay up for during the week to watch live. In fact, over the last two years, I don't think I have actually watched a live show. That's the piece that's missing.

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15 hours ago, topanga said:

My UO TV opinion: I like television mini-series and wish they would make a comeback.

I'm not sure how to define mini-series anymore.  With so many shows having 6, 8, 10, 13 episodes, are they any different than golden age mini-series?  Or does it mean there is only one season?  One and done?

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15 minutes ago, Haleth said:

I'm not sure how to define mini-series anymore.  With so many shows having 6, 8, 10, 13 episodes, are they any different than golden age mini-series?  Or does it mean there is only one season?  One and done?

I would count a 1 season 13 episode show as a mini-series, as long as that is what they intended and they didn't get cancelled with a cliffhanger hanging.  The only show I can think of that actually only did the 13 episodes was Harper's Island.  And, that was just not good. I was so excited for it, because a 13 week murder mystery sounded fun and interesting.  But, it was gory and disgusting in more ways than one.

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1 hour ago, Haleth said:

I'm not sure how to define mini-series anymore.  With so many shows having 6, 8, 10, 13 episodes, are they any different than golden age mini-series?  Or does it mean there is only one season?  One and done?

I consider a mini-series a one-and-done series. I also used to think of a mini-series as something that gets shown every night for a week or two--which makes it kind of a special event rather than standard programing. It's harder to define that now with all the options on how to watch, though. So, for me, one-and-done is the only defining characteristic anymore.

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On 5/26/2017 at 9:06 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

I am posting this here because Priyanka Chopra is now known to almost everyone over here in the States thanks to Quantico. I've never liked her; I think she's a mediocre actress at best (including the one Bollywood movie I saw her in, which was their attempt to flip the script of a classic movie and it was just beyond horrid*) and a terrible dancer in the two, TWO Indian film awards shows I've seen.

She's so, so pretty and I really appreciate how floofy her hair is but the woman is such a bland actress.

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On 5/26/2017 at 7:06 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

I am posting this here because Priyanka Chopra is now known to almost everyone over here in the States thanks to Quantico. I've never liked her; I think she's a mediocre actress at best (including the one Bollywood movie I saw her in, which was their attempt to flip the script of a classic movie and it was just beyond horrid*) and a terrible dancer in the two, TWO Indian film awards shows I've seen. First, the thing Bollywood actors have to also be very good at is making you believe they're singing the song in the movies (hence the lip syncing) and dance at the same time, most times. She absolutely SUCKS at BOTH. First she did a tribute to one of the greatest singers, Asha Bhosle, dancing to her earlier hits (Asha was getting the IIFA Lifetime Achievment Award), and why they couldn't or didn't get Madhuri Dixit, who is a far superior dancer and actress, is beyond my understanding. And then, THEN, for a tribute to the same Madhuri, at the Filmfare Awards (celebrating her 25 years in the industry), that got this stupid twit to do the most popular/famous dances that Madhuri has done. GACK. Horrible, just horrible. I guess Priyanka was everyone's favorite flavor during those award seasons. BLAH.



23 minutes ago, slf said:

She's so, so pretty and I really appreciate how floofy her hair is but the woman is such a bland actress.

But I love Exotic, & she's so gorgeous in it

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On ‎05‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 7:36 PM, Katy M said:

I didn't hate it, but I thought it was a bit ridiculous.  I mean what are the odds of

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the mom having sex with all 3 of the other two girls' boyfriends, after keeping a secret of who was the mom in the first place.


There were some hot guys in it, though.

Edited by proserpina65
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54 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

That's why I posted in here, @slf, @GaT, and @proserpina65!

Everyone I know thinks she's the Bees Knees, Cat's pajamas, blah, blah, blah??????

I know, she was so hyped going into Quantico, everyone kept talking about how amazing she'd be. I tuned in hoping to enjoy the show, hoping it'd take off, but...eh. Setting aside that the show itself is a soap opera set in the FBI, which is fine but not my jam, she is so generic. No chemistry with any of her costars, couldn't seem to play more than one emotion at a time, some of her line deliveries were just weird, and she lacked any kind of edge. I toughed it out for about a dozen episodes but I had to throw in the towel.

She really is gorgeous, tho.

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I agree with pretty much every criticism of Selfie but I still kind of enjoyed it and wished it'd gotten a second chance.

My favorite Friend was not one of the core six, it was Janice. I fucking loved Janice.

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53 minutes ago, nosleepforme said:

American Gods meanwhile, I'm almost ready to give up on it.

I really didn't need to here how beautifully shot the show is for about 3+ hours. Could it be about something too? That said, while it's been slooooow, I feel like episode 5 kicked up the narrative well enough and now there's interesting things going on. They've also finally managed to balance out the plodding with some humor. I'd recommend at least watching through that before giving up. 

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59 minutes ago, slf said:

I agree with pretty much every criticism of Selfie but I still kind of enjoyed it and wished it'd gotten a second chance.

My favorite Friend was not one of the core six, it was Janice. I fucking loved Janice.

That may be the most unpopular TV opinion ever - I salute you!

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