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S08.E17: Who's Been Naughty Who's Been Nice

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Phaedra looks to the future after seeing Apollo in prison by hosting a holiday bash in the Season 8 finale. Also: Porsha tries to preserve her fertility; Kenya's family grows; and the group comes together for a Christmas party and a final showdown.
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After watching Phaedra's fake reaction last night to the Porsha's news about the Feds visiting Kandi and Todd, I am almost 100% certain she ratted them out.


Leave it to Porsha to cheapen a Christmas party.

Edited by Ubiquitous
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Very underwhelming finale. Does sweet potato soufflé really use a whole stick of butter? That's about all I got from tonight's episode. Oh and more Chrissy jokes from Kim's 'friend' Phaedra. I don't think Porsha was being shady to start until Phaedra started making her faces.

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I am happy to know that I am divorced and not hanging out there in Porshadumdum-limboland.

That massage. Who thought that would be a good idea for a scene on this show? Cynthia, probably. I'm surprised they both weren't wearing her sunglasses with color and black & white popping in and out.

WTH with Phaedra still not finished paying Todd...indeed....

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Cynthia couldn't find any other place to set up that massage table but the kitchen?  Poor Noel, she'll never get that image out of her head.


Sheree looked like she didn't want to kiss Bob.  It looked awkward.

Ayden, so adorable, saying Bob was not the real Santa.  "That's not him".  Too cute.

Kenya looked old in that green make-up, although that might have been the look she was going for.  I hope King and Twirl fare better than Velvet did under Kenya's care.  I was confused by Kenya saying that she was raised a Jehovah's Witness and didn't celebrate holidays and was not allowed to receive gifts but in another episode she said she would spend holidays with the Moores  and Patricia would ignore her there.  

Edited by appledumpling
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Ok, so Todd said on WWHL that Phaedra finished paying him a week before the reunion.

Kandi also revealed that the episode of her/Todd talking about Apollo's stuff aired 2 days before the Feds showed up at their house and Cynthia's/Peter's house (and it was Todd, on that episode, that mentioned that Peter had Apollo's car)! Phaedra didn't need to turn them in, they revealed it themselves and outed Peter. LOL

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It was funny that Kim's final little season end paragraph mentioned Kim will be on DWTS and then said there was no word on her what her plans were for cross country child care.

I wonder if they plan to give her special treatment like this show did: allowing her to miss episodes, be chronically late, leave early, and drag the children to all the work and adult functions?

Edited by Petunia13
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Phaedra's parties are always ridiculous

Ridiculous, but snarky worthy.  This party was definitely not the typical over the top, crass, new money spectacle Dwight typically plans.  I am disappointed.


It looks like the same folks that planned Kenya's hair care launch party planned Phaedra's party.


Why is Nene on this show?  She has added nothing to it since her return.


I like Sheree and wonk-eyed Bob.  


I would like to see the footage of Tammy they did not show.  I am fascinated that she was a ballerina.

Edited by ToukieSmith
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I was worried that Fakedra's child would fall off that tall stand he was sitting on!

I hope this is Kim's first and only season.

Porsha should not be on the show--why reward her for her violence--it is not acceptable and puts other employees at risk of harm. The fight after the party would be her 3rd (or more) violent offense.

Boring episode but King & Twirl are cute puppies!

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Kandi also said on WWHL that Apollo was keeping stuff at hers and other peoples houses before he was in trouble because he did not have the room in his two car garage.

That sounds like a lie, and also shady as fuck. Why would you have so many things they'd have to be at all your friends houses?

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That sounds like a lie, and also shady as fuck. Why would you have so many things they'd have to be at all your friends houses?

Not to mention, by the time filming started, they (the cast) knew the Feds were looking for Apollo's property and had been to Phaedra's house a number of times going through everything in the house. They had to have known it would have been upsetting to the kids but none of them turned in any of the things (expensive things at that) to help spare the Ayden/Dylan anymore emotional upheaval. Pretty cold.  

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After watching Phaedra's fake reaction last night to the Porsha's news about the Feds visiting Kandi and Todd, I am almost 100% certain she ratted them out.



And I say so what if she did?  If the feds asked her where Apollo's things were should Phaedra lie about it?  She's a lawyer and considered an officer of the law.  She's obligated to tell the truth.  If Kandi and Todd are stupid enough to be pawns of Apollo and keep his things on their property, that's on them.  Phaedra already informed Kandi that the feds came to her home inquiring about Apollo's things and Kandi blew her off with a smartassed remark about the feds being there for more than just Apollo's things.  So at that point, Kandi and Todd knew that the feds were looking for Apollo's things.  The fact that they ignored that warning is again, their fault, not Phaedras.


And once again, Kenya is the one to stir the pot and try to start some shit between the ladies.  She and Kandi just don't like all of the women to be on good terms with one another.  They're both a couple of Negative Nan's who thrive on discord between the group.  Kandi isn't as devious and conniving as Kenya is but she has her own brand of instigation.  They can both be gone next season and it wouldn't bother me one bit.


Kenya had such a stinkface on when Phaedra and Chris were dancing.  She is such a nasty asshole.  I just cannot stand that cow! 

Edited by swankie
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She's a lawyer and considered an officer of the law.  She's obligated to tell the truth.


No disrespect.  But knowing Phaedra's history on this show, reading her deposition in her own law suit, this made me lol.

Edited by SpringTulips
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I can't believe what I just saw. It was bad enough when people started using dogs as accessories, but now people? RHOBH and "my gays" and now Phaedra and her little people trailing her into the party? Just can't handle it.


I also don't get Phaedra's ire because Todd and Peter stored some of Apollo's things, and glee that they could be in trouble for it. I don't see that they did anything that she should see as betrayal, except in the land of pettiness. She acknowledged that Todd and Peter were his friends, and I'm pretty sure she told him to get the stuff out of her garage. I doubt that at the time they took the stuff they expected the Feds would want it. I think her nasty bit of glee at the idea of "payback" far exceeded the "crime" of their storing things for Apollo.


Best part of the show was "Twirl" and her brother. So cute!

Edited by renatae
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and now Phaedra and her little people? Just can't handle it.


Seriously, I have thoughts about this I cannot yet fully put into words.  She brought them in as elves, the same as her 5 year old son.  Even Nene was like "Juicy you a damn elf"

But her son was the elf allowed to determine if grown women were good or bad and give them coal.  WTF.

Edited by SpringTulips
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In case you guys missed it, did you know that Phaedra possibly called the feds on Kandi??? It just sounded just a little too scripted with how each housewife was bringing it up. It doesn't help that Phaedra is acting all kinds of guilty.


WTF with Porsha saying she's widowed at the doctor's office?? Is she constantly stuck on stupid?? Makes no sense how damn dumb she is. Porsha is just looking a little too fake.


Nene's teeth are just scary, them damn things are in HD. The way she was up Kandi's face with them chompers oh my god. Did Nene's nose get bigger? Something is off.


I don't ever wanna see Peter and Cynthia have another massage moment as long as I live.


Kenya naming one of those cute puppies Twirl is so damn dumb.

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Even Nene was like "Juicy you a damn elf".

I was like, "Hey, isn't that the lady from the Rickey Smiley Show? She's a real actress, what's she doing on this sh...oh, hey Kim." Well, I hope she was paid well.

I fast forwarded through almost all of this. I did watch Porsha's doctor's visit. Fibroids suck.

Edited by charmed1
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It was a Christmas Party with hired little people as elves. Was pretty damn cheap to begin with.

I think the party was cheesy. If the elves were dressed like slutty elves, Phaedra's party would be cheap.


And I say so what if she did?  If the feds asked her where Apollo's things were should Phaedra lie about it?  She's a lawyer and considered an officer of the law.  She's obligated to tell the truth.  If Kandi and Todd are stupid enough to be pawns of Apollo and keep his things on their property, that's on them.  Phaedra already informed Kandi that the feds came to her home inquiring about Apollo's things and Kandi blew her off with a smartassed remark about the feds being there for more than just Apollo's things.  So at that point, Kandi and Todd knew that the feds were looking for Apollo's things.  The fact that they ignored that warning is again, their fault, not Phaedras.

I know Phaedra's a lawyer and all that, but what I objected to was her acting coy about the news and her barely-hidden glee about getting them in trouble. And then to hear Todd say he'd been stiffed by Phaedra after she told him she was cutting a check?

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Nene's teeth are just scary, them damn things are in HD. The way she was up Kandi's face with them chompers oh my god. Did Nene's nose get bigger? Something is off..

And was it the angle of the camera or did Kandi keep leaning further away from Nene? I kept thinking Kandi would end up horizontal on that bench and Nene would still be leaning over her!

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I think the party was cheesy. If the elves were dressed like slutty elves, Phaedra's party would be cheap.


I know Phaedra's a lawyer and all that, but what I objected to was her acting coy about the news and her barely-hidden glee about getting them in trouble. And then to hear Todd say he'd been stiffed by Phaedra after she told him she was cutting a check?

Todd said on WWHL last night that he has been paid in full. Phaedra gave him the balance owed about 2 weeks before the reunion was filmed.


Kandi said last night, that the episode showing her/Todd talking about Apollo's stuff and where Todd also announces that Cynthia/Peter have his car was aired/seen 2 days before the Feds showed up and that it is possible that is how the Feds found out about it. But, even if Phaedra called and told them, I don't have a problem with it. None of those "friends" were very concerned about Ayden's/Dylan's well being with the Feds going through their home looking for the items they stashed/stored for Apollo. They can be upset with Phaedra all they want but to not consider the emotional well being of 2 young kids that have already lost their father to prison is cold


ETA, It is also possible that some of Apollo's victims watched the show looking for signs at Phaedra was/is complicit in his crimes and/or to look for property to help get some of their stolen money back and that they called the Feds after that episode aired.

Edited by WireWrap
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My take on the finale and my report cards


Kenya is surprised with the puppies she was promised from Matt but of course Phaedra was on her mind.  She heard about the feds going after Kandi and Cynthia’s residences looking for Apollo’s stash of man toys and of course she assumes Phaedra told the feds.  She wasted no time at Phaedra’s party letting anyone who would listen, her feelings on the matter.  Luckily, no one felt the need to make it an issue.  When Phaedra approached the group and found out by “spokesman” Kenya that they were discussing who told the feds about Apollo’s stash of goods, she just excuses herself and walks away.

REPORT CARD:  D  Kenya almost gained sympathy for her mommy issues and even her aunt was villainized by the public for supporting her sister against Kenya.  However, it didn’t take long for Kenya to turn back into the 15 year old mean girl she seems to relish in for most of this season.  The whole matter with Kim being the worse


Phaedra decided to just throw herself a holiday “divorce party” and invite the ladies and other friends to just have fun and not think about what lies ahead.  She got a visit from Porsha who informed her about the feds hitting Kandi’s house to confiscated Apollo’s stuff being kept there.  Phaedra was rather coy about the information and didn’t flat out deny she may have been the informant but I have a feeling she didn’t have to as the Tuckers with camera in tow, let that and the fact that Peter had some stuff too, just two days before they were raided.  I feel the feds (who are NOT stupid) have been watching the entire group of folks to see just who might have the goods.  I am certain that Cynthia and Kandi were not the only ones raided by the feds, looking for Apollo’s stash.  Part of the deal for him getting only 8 years in prison is that he turn over his assets and he, himself, may have told the fed where he stashed it.  Probably why he now don’t want to divorce Phaedra.  Can’t lose his “good thang.”

Phaedra continued to be allusive when the subject was brought up at her party.  I suspect that she is just tired of having to defend herself constantly and is just over it.  New day new life for her now.  She also mentioned on WWHL last month that her divorce would be final withing 45 days from when the WWHL was taped so she is probably a single woman now.

REPORT CARD:  B  in spite of all she had to put up with, Phaedra kept it light and fun most of this season.  She and Porsha just had fun and made us enjoy them having fun.  She did address some serious matters and kept busy with her charities and political activities.  Still she was a loving mother to her two boys.  She did finally close the chapter on her troubled marriage with the visit to the jail and is now ready to move on with her life.  The only beef for me was her reluctance to pay Todd for the tape.  I do understand that she no longer cares to use the tape as the reason she was doing it in the first place was to give Apollo an outlet to make his own money.  However, she knows she has to just pay up for Todd’s services and finally, just before the reunion, she did.  However, her friendship with Kandi is forever at the fair weather level.  Her friendship with fellow divorcee Porsha however, is fast growing and she appears to be a better fit as a friend than Kandi


Cynthia brought the creepy to the show last night when she decided to surprise Peter with a sexy massage with a “happy ending”  I just could not unsee that and it gave me nightmares.  Even worse, Noel and her father had not yet left and walked in on the pair about to get busy.  That is all I have to say about that

REPORT CARD: C-  Cynthia, I am glad have reunited with Nene as her bestie but she should have let Kenya know a while back that Kenya is not at that level with her as yet.  I don’t know about anyone else but it was very obvious to me that the friendship was very lopsided between Kenya and Cynthia.  Cynthia never once referred to Kenya as a best friend.  It was Kenya who made that proclamation and it was also obvious Cynthia was uncomfortable hearing it.  Everyone else just assumed it was mutual until they were in Jamaica with Nene.  Her handling of the production of her commercial was not done very well either as she should’ve just informed Kenya before they went on the trip that she wasn’t chosen and why and it should have been done without Kim present.  The whole mess in Jamaica could have been avoided because Kenya would probably have refused to go on the trip.


Kandi has been just a boring irritant this season and the only bright spot for me was when she accompanied Todd to his mother’s gravesite and gave him moral support.  I like the explanation of Ace’s middle name.  However, she just don’t seem to take responsibility for the problems in her friendship with Phaedra and why it was just a very bad idea to have Apollo’s stuff at her house.  Like Phaedra said; it would be a whole ‘nother ballgame if she was hiding Todd’s stuff at her house without Kandi’s knowledge if it was Todd going to jail and mistreating Kandi.  I have no sympathy about it.  While Kandi is in her feelings about the possibility of Phaedra talking to the feds “against” her, she seem to forget she was harboring contraband of a felon.  Also the whole situation with the payment showed that Phaedra was never Kandi’s real friend and that she never considered what Phaedra was going through made that evident.

REPORT CARD:  D  Kandi seem to want the friendship and loyalty that she is always unwilling to reciprocate which is why she simply cannot understand why feuding friend actually make up and move on.  She also cannot see her own betrayal of someone she called friend whom she haven’t had a kind word to talk about in a couple of years, now.


Kim, and I already know I am in the minority here, has been my favorite this season.  I truly admired her maturity and patience in handling the ladies.  She had her missteps but she always carried her self very maturely and professionally.  I especially love how she handled Kenya.  She never let Kenya ruffle her feathers or get her to the point that she would lower her standards.  She was also very consistant with that fact and was the type of behavior I was actually expecting from Kandi and was disappointed.

REPORT CARD C+    I am giving Kim this as she didn’t really think about some of her decisions regarding her kids.  She needed to recognize when not to have her kids around and not be so obviously attached to her husband and family to the point that she ends up alienating the other ladies.  She got better towards the end of the season and I do believe if she does another season she would be better at interacting with the others but if she doesn’t, I fear she will not be missed


Porsha show her professional side this season and her dating life which was scrutinized to the hilt.  I feel she got a bad edit as some of her “Porshaisms” were innocent mistakes that were quite minor but because of her “reputation” for being an airhead, any mistake becomes major.  The stone comment was something that happens to me .  You know what you are trying to say but for some reason, you just cannot remember the saying you want to express.  That happened to her and the internet just lit up.  The other problem is the perception that she is acting slutty.  Didn’t see that at all and I am a very conservative great-grandma.  She was acting just like a divorcee who just realized she can have fun and be herself and yes, pamper herself.  She loves her curves and yes she accentuates those curves with revealing clothing.  She is the youngest of this group so in contrast, she may appear a bit extra.  Her friendship with Phaedra appears to be genuine and supportive as they both have a lot in common and both have decided to just love life.  I also love seeing someone on this show with a career.  That has only been Porsha who with her sister is trying to create a dynasty for themselves,

REPORT CARD:  B  Sometime Porsha should go with her gut feelings and just do her when there is an altercation about to pop off.  The whole situation with Cynthia would not have happened is she had gone with her gut feeling to just keep her distance from Cynthia when Cynthia went off on her.  She instead, listened to Sheree and Kenya and that always will go very wrong.  However, she rose from that and did the adult thing with Cynthia as well as Kandi who basically wrote her off based on her messy assistants.


End Notes


I really like having Nene back as she gave some of the spice that was missing from the show.  She is the OG and the oldest housewife on the show.  She is also now have the longest marriage of all the women on the show and the most stable.

I also like the Sheree/Bob interactions and it would make for a great storyline seeing them try to reconnect


Kim and her husband appear to provide the stability and maturity that is needed on this show.  I would like her to stay.

Phaedra and Porsha are like two fun divorcees living life after exes.  I like seeing them together


I truly  hope Kenya and Matt will make it but I just don’t see it going pass a couple of years.  She’s going to realize he is just not the one and he is going to tire of the crazy.


Cynthia and Peter will probably coast though their troubled marriage but I don’t feel for very long.


Kandi and Todd have run their course with this show.  Didn’t miss them on the trip and fast forward through their segments when they’re on.

Edited by Aging Goth
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Aging Goth, kudos to your report card!! You clearly put a lot of thought and time into it, and I always enjoy your recaps. :)

Best part of the show was "Twirl" and her brother. So cute!

I love those dogs!!! I had a Yorkie a long time ago and they are the most fiercely loyal dogs. And I was glad to hear that she had been looking at them beforehand, checking to be sure they were healthy, etc., I'm sure.

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None of those "friends" were very concerned about Ayden's/Dylan's well being with the Feds going through their home looking for the items they stashed/stored for Apollo.



How would Ayden's/Dylan's well-being be affected by the feds going through Kandi's and Cynthia's house(s) looking for Apollo's stuff?  Not trying to start an argument but I've seen this expressed twice, and I see know how the kids would be affected by OTHER people's houses' being raided.

I meant "don't see how".

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How would Ayden's/Dylan's well-being be affected by the feds going through Kandi's and Cynthia's house(s) looking for Apollo's stuff?  Not trying to start an argument but I've seen this expressed twice, and I see know how the kids would be affected by OTHER people's houses' being raided.


It's not Kandi, Todd, Cynthia or Peter's fault Dylan & Ayden's well being was affected by Feds raiding their momma's house.


It's APOLLO's fault Dylan and Ayden's well-being was affected by Feds running through Phaedra's house.  Feds were going to raid the Parks-Nida house whether Kandi and 'em were holding Apollo's stuff or not.


It has been said that this season was supposed to be 24 episodes long but it ended up being only 17.  I'm wondering if footage from those extra 7 episodes are going to be used for a Kandi baby spin-off.


Nene is only ok in small doses.


The little people are grown adults so if they accepted a paycheck to pose as little elves at Phaedra's party, that's on them. 

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So is Kenya waiting for the reunion to make a "big reveal" about a pregnancy?  Heaven help her (potential) unborn child.  If she is pregnant, I think she should get him/her on a waiting list for therapy whilst in utero.


SpringTulips, on 13 Mar 2016 - 11:22 PM, said:

Kandi also said on WWHL that Apollo was keeping stuff at hers and other peoples houses before he was in trouble because he did not have the room in his two car garage.


Oh well don't I feel silly.  Not everything we own fits into our townhouse with a 1-car garage either. So we went and rented a separate storage unit to put the extraneous stuff in.  But turns out we should have just been stashing our staff at multiple friends' houses instead--inconvenience to them be damned!  Lesson learned.  Thanks, 'pollo!


ToukieSmith, on 14 Mar 2016 - 09:04 AM, said:

Maybe we can sign a petition to prevent this from ever happening again.  


I would like my name added. Please and thank you.  Between this scene and Porscha's visit to the gynecologist, I really only watched about 1/2 of this episode. Because I was changing the channel so frequently.

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A lackluster finale to an underwhelming season. 


Where are the censors when you need them? They won't air a Lane Bryant lingerie 'mercial due to indecency but they left Peter, in this underwear, with Cynthia messaging oils into his taco meat chest hairs and talk of a happy ending damage my fragile little eyes? Where is the humanity?!?


Porsha's gyno advice seemed irresponsible to me. Anecdotal evidence of women in their late 30's and even early 40's giving birth is not sound medical advice to give to a 34 yr old woman concerned about her bio clock running down, especially one with fibroids. Possible does not equal probable or likely. 


I don't care who called them, I'm glad the feds knocked on Todd and Kandi's door.  


I've missed D-wight but did he call the little elves hoes?


Nene and Dwight looked like they both had the same plastic surgeon do their nosejobs so Nene really needs to stop going on about Dwight's nosejob. I don't really believe all her talk about being in a better place. She just wasn't on the show and didn't interact with the girls enough to show her ass again because it happens every season. I will start of liking her at the start because she will be fun and than by the end she is completely ridiculous ego monster. 


Nothing to say about Kenya other than that her pups are cute and she looked pretty in her segment with Matt. 


Bob walked into the party like Dolemite Santa. LOL! 



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I don't care who called them, I'm glad the feds knocked on Todd and Kandi's door.  


I still don't understand why Peter and Todd would be friends with that lying, cheating, stealing "white collar" thug Apollo. Why was that ok with Kandi and Cynthia? I would have told my husband no way were we keeping that assholes stuff in our garage! Phaedra telling Porsha that Apollo was at the strip clubs with Peter all the time instead of home with his kids tells me all I need to know about these men. And Phaedra's and Cynthia's marriage. 

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If I lived to be 1000 I could have lived without seeing the Cynthia and Peter massage scene. There isn't enough brain bleach.


I giggled because this was THE FIRST thing we said in the morning commute meeting.   I was like hell if Cynthia said she wasn't attracted to Peter naked anymore, why in the sam hill would she want to expose us to all that?   Noelle, Leon, us.  Dammit Cyn, you ruined everybody's happy ending! 


Ayden, so adorable, saying Bob was not the real Santa.  "That's not him".  Too cute.

Kenya looked old in that green make-up, although that might have been the look she was going for.  I hope King and Twirl fare better than Velvet did under Kenya's care.  I was confused by Kenya saying that she was raised a Jehovah's Witness and didn't celebrate holidays and was not allowed to receive gifts but in another episode she said she would spend holidays with the Moores  and Patricia would ignore her there.  


Lol!! Santa don't wear no cape.  That baby know a pimp when he sees one.


She was raised by her father's family.  I don't think the Moores are Witnesses.


Kandi said last night, that the episode showing her/Todd talking about Apollo's stuff and where Todd also announces that Cynthia/Peter have his car was aired/seen 2 days before the Feds showed up and that it is possible that is how the Feds found out about it. But, even if Phaedra called and told them, I don't have a problem with it. None of those "friends" were very concerned about Ayden's/Dylan's well being with the Feds going through their home looking for the items they stashed/stored for Apollo. They can be upset with Phaedra all they want but to not consider the emotional well being of 2 young kids that have already lost their father to prison is cold.


Look, nobody told her that they had pretty Pollo's' stuff.  She didn't tell anybody that she made the call.  That sounds like a wash to me.


About them keeping his things because there wasn't room in a two car garage - that could be a flat out lie but between them they had at least two cars, three if memory serves, plus his tools.  Anyway, if it was shady, he knew why he was hiding his stuff, they may not have necessarily.


Bob is funny and charming and all....bless his heart.


I didn't realize how much I'd missed Dwight.


I could see each of Nene's bicuspids.  I thought she was gonna damb near bite Kandi.  Keep gangsta leaning Kandi, I wouldn't trust that ole Mr. Ed mouth heffa neither.  


By the by, caught WWHL.  Mrs. Tucker's snapback?  Needs its own twitter page.  Breastfeeding is the way and the light.

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A lackluster finale to an underwhelming season. 


Where are the censors when you need them? They won't air a Lane Bryant lingerie 'mercial due to indecency but they left Peter, in this underwear, with Cynthia messaging oils into his taco meat chest hairs and talk of a happy ending damage my fragile little eyes? Where is the humanity?!?


Porsha's gyno advice seemed irresponsible to me. Anecdotal evidence of women in their late 30's and even early 40's giving birth is not sound medical advice to give to a 34 yr old woman concerned about her bio clock running down, especially one with fibroids. Possible does not equal probable or likely. 


I don't care who called them, I'm glad the feds knocked on Todd and Kandi's door.  


I've missed D-wight but did he call the little elves hoes?


Nene and Dwight looked like they both had the same plastic surgeon do their nosejobs so Nene really needs to stop going on about Dwight's nosejob. I don't really believe all her talk about being in a better place. She just wasn't on the show and didn't interact with the girls enough to show her ass again because it happens every season. I will start of liking her at the start because she will be fun and than by the end she is completely ridiculous ego monster. 


Nothing to say about Kenya other than that her pups are cute and she looked pretty in her segment with Matt. 


Bob walked into the party like Dolemite Santa. LOL! 




^5ing island.   My (36 yo) little sister clapped it up right here and I just didn't have the heart to say all the things that go with *possible does not mean probable*.  Sometimes it works and everybody's fine and healthy and happy and that's a blessing.  But it's the exception not the rule.  Halle, I kinda hate you for even making me go here.


Dolemite Santa! Lmao!!!     Good day, Sir.

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Phaedra SHOULD be telling the Feds where Apollo's stuff is, because it's not even his!  If I was her, I'd be like "I sure did call them."  They probably wouldn't have wanted her to give Cynthia and Khandi a heads up just in case they were as corrupt as Apollo and would sell the stuff.  It's not like a SWAT team came over.


They should have shipped his crap back to Phaedra's anyways just so they didn't get in trouble for hiding stolen merchandise.

Edited by Morbs
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A couple of questions:


1.  Why in the world did Phaedra have her holiday party at a salon/spa?  Seriously?  I mean, what did they do to camouflage the shampoo sinks?  Wasn't there any other venue that was willing to take on this group?


2.  Haven't we seen those two little people in a past season?  Why am I remembering something to do with some "girls night out" type of party with Phaedra associated? 


3.  Why was Kenya so surprised that the FBI went to Kandi and Todd's/Cynthia and Peter's homes?  Seriously, even if they weren't on the show, don't these people think that the FBI would be investigating/questioning anyone who has associated with Apollo?  And, why would it be wrong if Phaedra did "drop a dime" on Apollo?  It's not like Kandi and Todd were holding stacks of cash or drugs or something, or that they were involved in his con/fraud scheme.  Actually, the only one who seemed outraged about this was Kenya.  Kandi and Cynthia both seemed to think it wasn't that big a deal - I assume they realized that when they agreed to "hold" some of Apollo's stuff, they were opening themselves up to this possibility.


4.  What was with Kenya dressing up as a sexy Grinch?  She looked ridiculous - what was that white thing hanging down under her Santa suit?  And what was up with those stupid gloves she was wearing?  They didn't fit, weren't the right color (they looked like ET hands instead of the Grinch), and really made no sense.


And, on a final note, I am so glad that I DVR'd this show and I totally fast forwarded through the massage scene, so I don't have to unsee it!  It brought back reminders of Tamra and Eddie's (RHOC) bathtub scene.....and I'm still recovering from that!!!

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Porsha's gyno advice seemed irresponsible to me. Anecdotal evidence of women in their late 30's and even early 40's giving birth is not sound medical advice to give to a 34 yr old woman concerned about her bio clock running down, especially one with fibroids. Possible does not equal probable or likely. 



I was so annoyed by her doctor. I'm a couple of years younger than Porsha, also divorced and not dating seriously, and also suffer from health issues that could affect my ability to conceive. I asked my doctor about my chances and he refused to give me definite answer. He said he wouldn't advise me to rush into a relationship for the sake of getting pregnant. He also said that we really wouldn't know exactly how the disease I have has affected my fertility until I started trying to conceive, but that he would do everything he could to preserve my fertility. Of course, I would have liked to hear him say that I'll be able to get pregnant with no problem, but I appreciated his honesty and will be able to make decisions based on the reality of MY situation and not what would be ideal. I did chuckle when she told the nurse she was a widow. I cracked similar jokes shortly after my divorce.

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Phaedra's parties are always ridiculous

Wait, there were male strippers there? ;-)


WTF with Porsha saying she's widowed at the doctor's office?? Is she constantly stuck on stupid?? Makes no sense how damn dumb she is. Porsha is just looking a little too fake.

That entire scene was bizarre to me. When did Porsha have a miscarriage from fibroids? Was that before the show started or between seasons?


It is also possible that some of Apollo's victims watched the show looking for signs at Phaedra was/is complicit in his crimes and/or to look for property to help get some of their stolen money back and that they called the Feds after that episode aired.

That is a possibility I had not considered.


Nene and Dwight looked like they both had the same plastic surgeon do their nosejobs so Nene really needs to stop going on about Dwight's nosejob. I don't really believe all her talk about being in a better place. She just wasn't on the show and didn't interact with the girls enough to show her ass again because it happens every season. I will start of liking her at the start because she will be fun and than by the end she is completely ridiculous ego monster. 

I wondered if they were going to mention Dwight getting his nose fixed on Botched.

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How would Ayden's/Dylan's well-being be affected by the feds going through Kandi's and Cynthia's house(s) looking for Apollo's stuff?  Not trying to start an argument but I've seen this expressed twice, and I see know how the kids would be affected by OTHER people's houses' being raided.

I meant "don't see how".

The Feds were at Phaedra's house a number of times, according to Phaedra and a few blog sites, looking for any asset that belonged to Apollo. Had Todd/Kandi and Peter/Cynthia stepped up to the plate and turned in the items they had, maybe it would have meant less visit to Phaedra/boys home and therefore less upset for the kids. Ayden/Dylan were not affected by the Feds going to K/T/C homes but them coming to their home.


It's not Kandi, Todd, Cynthia or Peter's fault Dylan & Ayden's well being was affected by Feds raiding their momma's house.


It's APOLLO's fault Dylan and Ayden's well-being was affected by Feds running through Phaedra's house.  Feds were going to raid the Parks-Nida house whether Kandi and 'em were holding Apollo's stuff or not.


It has been said that this season was supposed to be 24 episodes long but it ended up being only 17.  I'm wondering if footage from those extra 7 episodes are going to be used for a Kandi baby spin-off.


Nene is only ok in small doses.


The little people are grown adults so if they accepted a paycheck to pose as little elves at Phaedra's party, that's on them. 

Of course it is Apollo's fault that all this happened to his sons but Todd/Kandi/Peter/Cynthia played a role in keeping it going longer than necessary by not turning that stuff in when they knew the Feds were looking for it in the first place. The Feds "raided" Phaedra's/Apollo's house several times, not just 1 and done but several.

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That entire scene was bizarre to me. When did Porsha have a miscarriage from fibroids? Was that before the show started or between seasons?

Porsha mentioned it right after Kordell put her out when she was with her mother and they were discussing the miscarriage and that Kordell wasn't very supportive.  That is why she was trying so hard to have another baby when they first came on the show.

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Wait, there were male strippers there? ;-)


That entire scene was bizarre to me. When did Porsha have a miscarriage from fibroids? Was that before the show started or between seasons?


That is a possibility I had not considered.


I wondered if they were going to mention Dwight getting his nose fixed on Botched.


When Porsha joined the show, she/Kordell talked about the miscarriage and they were at the same OBGYN's office talking about the miscarriage and when would be a good time for her to try getting pregnant again with the same Dr.. I believe the miscarriage happened before filming began that season though, it did not occur during filming.

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I still don't understand why Peter and Todd would be friends with that lying, cheating, stealing "white collar" thug Apollo. Why was that ok with Kandi and Cynthia? I would have told my husband no way were we keeping that assholes stuff in our garage! Phaedra telling Porsha that Apollo was at the strip clubs with Peter all the time instead of home with his kids tells me all I need to know about these men. And Phaedra's and Cynthia's marriage. 

Being friends is not the issue--holding onto his stuff when they knew the feds were looking for it is the issue.  Friend or not, I would have turned the stuff in.  I had a friend once that was wanted by the cops, he came to me and when the cops knocked on my door I told him, he could answer it or I would, I was not going to harbor someone the police were looking for. And this was something very minor in comparison to Apollo's deal

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