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S06.E15: Objection, Your Honor

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I think it is unfair that Rinna is being singled out for her eating habits. We rarely see ANY of the women eat on camera. Even when Ericka made the big deal about ordering the cake, we never actually saw her eat it. So, it would be impossible to say that Rinna some how has an eating disorder by we see on the show. These women are all weight conscious because of where they live and the fact that they are on television. Rinna's muscle tone is not that of someone who doesn't eat. She wouldn't be able to work out as often as she does if she wasn't eating the foods necessary build and maintain the muscle she has. 

  • Love 21

MatildaMoody: "Even when Ericka made the big deal about ordering the cake, we never actually saw her eat it."


Well, almost.  Erika would have us believe she's such a regular gal - she likes to eat, she ordered the dessert and then she took one.single.bite.   

I am not convinced she actually ate it. There was nothing on the fork, no trace at all of chocolate cake and none on her lips either. LOL

  • Love 4

Years ago on RHONJ they showed a dinner date with Caroline and Albert, two people who obviously have a love affair with food.  Caroline later commented that she knows better then to eat on camera-it is not a good look.  I notice the only person they seem to show eating is Kyle.  And it seems she feeds her family real food.  I saw potatoes, butter, sour cream and mayo for the artichokes.  I think they also have shown her making dinners, and sandwiches.  it just doesn't seem to be a part of the other ladies routine on camera.   


I think Rinna is smart enough not be shown chowing down.  That and her "dirty vegan" diet.  Before her kid's surgery she seemed to have to make a point of going to the grocery store as if it were a foreign concept.  I assume her housekeeper probably does the shopping.

  • Love 4

I have a dear friend who wants to see everyone get along.


To the point of her trying to mix oil and vinegar and getting them to live together for the rest of time? She doesn't have a malicious or vicious intent - she just doesn't realize the possible outcome of such an attempt and how it can blow up in her face.


I see the same qualities in ED? Remember, all her cues and lines ARE written out for her by someone else - when you have been a soap opera actress for such a long time, I can see where you'd expect resolutions to go 'according to the script'? To me? She just doesn't seem really motivated to be a bad guy without a reason?


I don't doubt that there are people who (with no other agenda) like to see things resolved and who do their best to bring friends together.  I know that's true.  However, I don't believe that Eileen's motives are so pure.


Her lines may be written out for her on soaps, but they're not on this show.  And I think she IS motivated.  Not to be a bad guy, but to stir things up so she stays relevant and is asked back for another season.  It's pretty clear - and she certainly has to be aware - that much of what they've filmed of her home life has ended up on the cutting room floor.   So she's more than willing to stir things up and to be the catalyst for drama.  I don't think she's a terrible person.  She seems very nice, actually, but I think she's made some bad choices and a lot of what she does is just awkward.  Not smoothly done at all, and IMO very transparent as to what she's trying to do.  I see it as desperate far more than malicious.  I don't think she's intending to do any harm.  She just wants to stir things up so she doesn't stay in the background all the time.


Yes, some of this show is producer-driven.  But if we're going to absolve Eileen of all responsibility for what she says and does, then we also have to do the same for Yolanda, LVP, LisaR, Carlton, and all the rest of them.  IMO, there's a certain amount of suspension of disbelief that is required when watching a show like this.  If we believe that they're all simply playing roles, then there's no reason to have feelings at all about any of them.   

  • Love 13

Erika is on the chunkier side, she's got a gut. There's a reasons she performs wearing that head to to toe sausage casing bodysuit.

Erika also does not have very shapely legs.  When she was waddling off with Tom the other night in her mini skirt.  To me, she and Kim Zolciak always look so ridiculous with all the extra hair they add to their head.  I would live to see Erika's natural hair-Zolciak's pleasantly surprised me. 

  • Love 10
I've seen LisaV's slight of hand since she and Brandi plotted to out Mauricio allegedly cheating on Kyle so none of this is news to me but I can say that I am finding it all quite interesting.


I admit I don't read all the blogs, news, etc., but the last I knew, we only had Brandi's word for it that LisaV wanted her to take those magazines on the trip to embarrass Kyle. I don't put much stock in Brandi's "truth cannon" as we've seen she is no such thing. JMO

  • Love 8

I admit I don't read all the blogs, news, etc., but the last I knew, we only had Brandi's word for it that LisaV wanted her to take those magazines on the trip to embarrass Kyle. I don't put much stock in Brandi's "truth cannon" as we've seen she is no such thing. JMO

Especially since Brandi's 2 bffs, Yolanda and Carlton, did not back up Brandi's claims even though they were there, at Brandi's house, when it happened as were the camera's. Yet, nothing, zip, zero, nada.

  • Love 11



Tom has what I have read as a 'reptilian' way about him?


He is a cold, calculating person - the kind that has no sentimentality or feelings towards the things about him. Their marriage is a business arrangement - It stinks of nothing more than that.


Now that I think about it? How's about this conspiracy theory? 

Good old Tom gets his pick of her hangers-on while giving off the illusion of a 'happily married high powered attorney'?


Someone mentioned he is an "dinosaur" when it comes to women - wasn't there a time when gay men married to keep the gossip down? He gets to keep the façade up, she gets to have a career and looks the other way when it comes to his relationships?


I may not be an expert on marriage or relationships, but short of a doctor, I'd not take any man consistently laying/putting his hands all over my wife or girlfriend - I know I don't own my spouse, but there is a limit to what you should put up with?

I wonder how the audience would respond to Tom having a lesbian grooming squad that primped him naked and talked about him having a high tight scrotum?  The grooming squad talking about how "hot" he is and him declaring the RH's husbands, as "uptight pricks," who don't get him.  Could we enjoy a clip of Tom nancing around in man Spanx and patting the penis.   There is something a bit off with filming the guys all touching Erika.  It reminds me of Season 1 Camille and how she would do a full on mouth kiss with the good looking, married friend Nick and go motorcycling riding with him. Kelsey left and so did Nick.   

  • Love 17

Kathryn needs to stop needling LisaR about her eating habits.  LisaR is too thin, but so are a lot of women.  It's not always because of an eating disorder. 


Like someone said up-thread, she might not be comfortable eating on camera.  Who knows what happens with those lips?  Are they numb?   Does food sometimes fall out of her mouth? 


It's so annoying, the way people tell skinny folks to "Eat a sammich!" but they never tell an overweight person to "Put the sammich down!" 


LisaR is too thin no question.  But I also think she looks really healthy and has always been a yoga addict.  I don't think she is anorexic.  I think because she is older, a little more weight on her would look good.


However,  I'll quibble with the "never tell an overweight person" comment.  People who are overweight aren't immune to comments, believe me.  I have a friend who exercises constantly but is a little chunky because she doesn't diet.  Still, she's in great shape -- just a little belly and thick.  She's heard plenty of times that she should "hit the gym."  It galls me as much as it galls me when people comment on someone too thin.

  • Love 6

I wonder how the audience would respond to Tom having a lesbian grooming squad that primped him naked and talked about him having a high tight scrotum?  The grooming squad talking about how "hot" he is and him declaring the RH's husbands, as "uptight pricks," who don't get him.  Could we enjoy a clip of Tom nancing around in man Spanx and patting the penis.   There is something a bit off with filming the guys all touching Erika.  It reminds me of Season 1 Camille and how she would do a full on mouth kiss with the good looking, married friend Nick and go motorcycling riding with him. Kelsey left and so did Nick.   


I just started the Game of Thrones and the scenes of the women being waited on reminded me of EJ being fawned over by her pussy posse.

  • Love 2

Another season, another 40/50 plus-year old woman claiming she was coerced into saying, doing, and feeling things against her will. LisaV should really patent and market that magic wand of hers. Tom Girardi would probably be the first in line to buy one.


Word on the street is that Pinky is responsible for Yolanda's and the non-GiGis' Lyme. Those poor, manipulated ticks.

  • Love 12

Even for a Housewife, even for the kind of dum-dum who believes 'I bray my unwanted opinions at people' and 'trial lawyer' are interchangeable, I can't believe how gross Kathryn was to Lisar about her food intake!  I'm sure Lisa is on a protein/veg/some fruit/some funky $$ no-carb refined carb replacements/funky supplement/liquor at will, let the drinks flow but only at parties diet, with dessert like 2x-year.  I ain't saying it's right, nor that it's easy, but for a well-off early-50s woman into working out with the muscles to prove it, who puts a premium on looking slim on TV for this job and to sell a fashion line, and who is openly concerned about keeping her marriage to an erstwhile sex symbol/current career-resurgent silver fox intact, it is not unusual.  You will see a Lisar twin (not the lips but everything else) every quarter-hour of every day in the rich-bitch parts of every city in this country.  Kathryn was messy and wrong and just mean.  Damn!


I agree with those upthread that Kathryn is likely as or more concerned about weight.  She's the same age, she's had fewer gigs/jobs/careers than Lisa, doesn't have kids, and her man is younger.  So I'm sure she knows by the kind of cruel relationship math that we know exists in their set, she feels she's got to keep it 00 or 0 and work that ass off - Hard Work Bitch indeed.  But she doesn't have to be a bitch-bitch about everything, damn!  And she was being a bitch bitch bitch to Lisa in particular and to Tom and Erika and Lisav, I think.  King Tom sucks but Kathryn was just so out of control and made everything so uncomfortable.  She is lucky that Lisar is pretty controlled in the face of most rudeness and teasing.


Ugh, Yolanda.

  • Love 20

Rinna should have simply shrugged and said "Okay....I'll have a snack for you....now let's talk about what you are doing to yourself, because you look like someone tried to do your last nose job with a chain saw, and I know botched when I see, you know what I mean?   I mean anyone can see you didn't actually choose that nose...tic tac?"


I wonder how the audience would respond to Tom having a lesbian grooming squad that primped him naked and talked about him having a high tight scrotum?  The grooming squad talking about how "hot" he is and him declaring the RH's husbands, as "uptight pricks," who don't get him.  Could we enjoy a clip of Tom nancing around in man Spanx and patting the penis.   There is something a bit off with filming the guys all touching Erika.  It reminds me of Season 1 Camille and how she would do a full on mouth kiss with the good looking, married friend Nick and go motorcycling riding with him. Kelsey left and so did Nick.   



The Nick thing was weird.  But wasn't he briefly around when we saw Camille post-divorce?  I seem to remember seeing him and thinking he had not aged well in the divorce.  Gone a bit to seed.


Another season, another 40/50 plus-year old woman claiming she was coerced into saying, doing, and feeling things against her will. LisaV should really patent and market that magic wand of hers. Tom Girardi would probably be the first in line to buy one.


Word on the street is that Pinky is responsible for Yolanda's and the non-GiGis' Lyme. Those poor, manipulated ticks.


He already has one.  His wallet.  It keeps her in line and if the rumors about are right makes all the shirtless young gay men strolling around the manse make all kinds of new sense.  Its maaagic!.

  • Love 2

What did you all think of the talking head in which Erika said, "I don't tell him catty shit like that, so..."?

She looks down, doesn't want to look into the camera, and seems embarrassed. As if she tried gossiping around him once, and he laid down the law. Maybe she even tried gossiping at one of his functions, and he chewed her out about it later.

She almost looked like a child who had been scolded.

Also what an idiot Kathryn is. "I'm really trying to be your friend, Erika, I'm, like, tell me how to put on false eyelashes. I'm trying talk your language...."

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
  • Love 6

Quote: ottergirl

Also, I loved Eileen's expressions throughout this scene, as Lisa Rinna first said what Eileen was expecting and what they had no doubt planned in advance (LVP manipulates) and then Lisa went IN on LVP and Kyle being behind Munchausen's, and Eileen's face said - this wasn't in the script! - and then Lisa tossed Yolanda under the bus, and you could see Eileen's mind whirling, like, "Abort! Abort!" Counting her earlier soap opera storyline, it was the second time that week Eileen found herself filming a scene in which a fire raged out of control.



Loved your whole post, but this recap just cracked me up!

  • Love 1

The producers MUST be rethinking their budget with Yolanda. The woman rarely films, and even then, it's with no makeup, in bed, wearing a robe. Where are the trappings of Beverly Hills...the fabulous wardrobe, jewelry, fast paced life? The other women have to earn their pay checks by looking good, traveling to the Hamptons and Dubai, and otherwise "working". If I want to see the likes of Yolanda, I'll switch to the "Invisible Diseases Channel". She's a waste of the small amount of air time she does receive.?

  • Love 11

Bravo, lets get to Dubai already. Please don't make me suffer through Yolanda smugly accepting a Lime Disease award before getting to the good stuff. If anything Yolanda has made a mockery of the illness. The only thing Yolanda is worthy of being an Ambassador of is anal fissures. She is such a pain in the ass.


Where the hell was this crazy, loud, over talking, argumentative Kathryn when Faye ethered her ass with indifference earlier this season? She let a 20 year grudge slip away with a non-apology that wasn't even directed towards her and sat there like a deer in the headlights. Not enough courage juice?


Good lawd, Erika needs 3 people to get ready for a catered dinner party at her house? This isn't the Oscars or her wedding day. Her daily upkeep bills must be astronomical. 


I look back on Erika's earlier TH about how she is entitled to half and laugh.


The HW's behavior at the Habitat for Humanity house was appalling.  I was secretly hoping that Jimmy Carter would drive by in his secret service detail and throw paint rollers at them.


There was a scene in the episode where LisaR pursed her lips - I actually recoiled in horror. It was like a prolapse in motion. 


This was a really good, jammed back episode.



I want like crazy to skip the self-congratulatory award for Yo. For what? Wandering around looking like the wreck of the Hesperus and telling everyone she hasn't been to the gym in over a year while flashbacks to her running the streets of Beverly Hills play in the background? Gracious.


There was a scene in the episode where LisaR pursed her lips - I actually recoiled in horror. It was like a prolapse in motion.



I'm trying to come up for air in between paroxysms of snorting laughter, but it ain't easy!

  • Love 3

I kinda feel like if Rinna does have an eating disorder or food issues, then perhaps she shouldn't have taken a gig on a reality show. I think she is insecure down to her core. Tom ( Much prefer calling him Don Rickles) has shushed Erika twice on camera now. If she had any means of objecting to that, on or off camera, she would have done it. The dude is creepy. I see zero affection between the two of them.

LVP's throaty laughs when flirting with the "sly old fox" half mesmerize, half disgust me, haha!

  • Love 3


Tommy G reminds me of a gay guy I knew who was my boss.

 You wouldn't have known he was gay unless you sat down and really got to know him. He tried to deflect some of his 'gay-iety' by making comments about some women he'd come in contact with. Not disparaging comments, just the kind of regular guy banter.


I can almost see Tommy G showing the 'music video' to the group as if to say, "Look at what I GET TO GO HOME TO!" - A way to reassure everyone he had a banging wife at home and there was nothing wrong with 'this picture'?





He already has one.  His wallet.  It keeps her in line and if the rumors about are right makes all the shirtless young gay men strolling around the manse make all kinds of new sense.  Its maaagic!.


Edited by ElDosEquis
  • Love 2

What's this weird notion of people "behaving" when their husband's are around? Nope. Go ahead and be your crazy self so my husband can see wtf I've told him about. We'll likely laugh about it later. You do you. Authenticity is always best.

On an unrelated note: Erika always has the most amazing sunglasses. Wish I knew what brands she wears.

Edited by lightbeam
  • Love 6

Rinna should have simply shrugged and said "Okay....I'll have a snack for you....now let's talk about what you are doing to yourself, because you look like someone tried to do your last nose job with a chain saw, and I know botched when I see, you know what I mean?   I mean anyone can see you didn't actually choose that nose...tic tac?"



OMG, brilliantly funny!

  • Love 1

What's this weird notion of people "behaving" when their husband's are around? Nope. Go ahead and be your crazy self so my husband can see wtf I've told him about. We'll likely laugh about it later. You do you. Authenticity is always best.

On an unrelated note: Erika always has the most amazing sunglasses. Wish I knew what brands she wears.

Cynthia Bailey eye wear, lol.

  • Love 6

There is a certain 'decorum' that people who are in a committed relationship usually follow. I get the makeup and hairdressers. I find it humorous that a man would allow his wife

to be touched in the way that is shown on the program, I also would have a problem her behaving the way she does (Shitty music aside). When I have to whip out my cell phone to 'prove' my wife is

'sexy', I probably am gay. It's not a rumor, it's merely an observation - whoever runs with it, runs at their own risk?

  • Love 2

Actually, there seems to be several degrees of shade to throw at the husbands: Closet gay, cheating with a trans- (gender or vestite) or cheating with the nanny or housekeeper. I believe that type of talk germinates from the seeds of jealousy.


I didn't pick up anything from Tom that would make me think he's gay. I just think he's old, old-school, thus very conservative. Frankly, I was surprised that he agreed to appear on that episode and sat through all the mud-slinging and overall obnoxious behavior. I wouldn't want for my contemporaries to see that and link me to that embarrassing display. Careers can be destroyed on tamer conduct that that. (Obviously, not to Tom, but still ...)


As far as Tom's and Erika's marriage, well to me, that truly is a riddle, especially as it has lasted as long as it has. I'd think that he'd be more comfortable and compatible with somebody like LVP, with whom he is clearly smitten. A woman like that seems more his style. Otherwise, I've got nothing. Maybe at the time he married Erika, Tom was going through some type of upper-mid-life crisis and desired a trophy wife or something. Maybe he plays around behind her back. Why should she care if she's "wrapped in cash?"


Nothing more to add about Kathryn's reprehensible behavior at the dinner party from hell.


I would have loved to have seen Erika push Kyle or LVP off the roof of that house (if they'd been up there) with the catty "spider" remarks. She could have taken a loaded paintbrush to LVP's face. That would have been a nice touch.

  • Love 2

I understand Yo being exhausted after spending the day with Kim and Brandi. Listening to Kim ramble about how sober she was at the Beverly Hills Hotel or wherever she was caught not drinking would tire anyone out.


Plus as with wonky editing, we aren't seeing this scene until next week? So Rinna by bringing it up on the beach outs the out of sequence editing game the producers play.


LOL at the bolded! On WWHL, Kim admitted to being drunk, though. From there, it was all downhill. Her story is she knew she was drunk, didn't want to drive drunk, decided to stop at "her" hotel, and they asked her to leave as soon as she walked in! Threatened to call the police, then did. Poor, innocent Kimmy was just hanging around, doing nothing wrong and was dumbfounded. Andy acted like he bought the whole thing. Nauseating.

  • Love 8

Actually, there seems to be several degrees of shade to throw at the husbands: Closet gay, cheating with a trans- (gender or vestite) or cheating with the nanny or housekeeper. I believe that type of talk germinates from the seeds of jealousy.

One of the most interesting things about men and their proclivities is the ownership of a penis. When you own one, you know the power and the penance behind (and in front) of them. The only shade is the shadow - much like a sundial - one casts when they are allowed out of the darkness into full sunlight?

  • Love 1

More likely, you're a rich old coot who's showing off your trophy. If Tom needed a beard, he could've just stayed with his first wife.


Let's change the dynamic here? What happens when the old coot is living paycheck to paycheck and his wife is throwing away money like eri-cnta does, surrounded by men who slather lotion on her naked body and perform to her 'hits'?

I like mid-life crisis Tom 17 years ago with 2 failed marriages feeling impotent in more ways than one wanting to feel virile again.  He's old, crotchety Tom now, too old to look for a new young thang, so he's hanging onto the last one he landed. She's good enough to show off to the boys at the bar after a long day's work. He's looking at LVP and thinking, "Now that's what I really want."

  • Love 9

I like mid-life crisis Tom 17 years ago with 2 failed marriages feeling impotent in more ways than one wanting to feel virile again.  He's old, crotchety Tom now, too old to look for a new young thang, so he's hanging onto the last one he landed. She's good enough to show off to the boys at the bar after a long day's work. He's looking at LVP and thinking, "Now that's what I really want."

 God, taste really does go by the wayside as you get older?

If money was tight, she'd just be given less allowance.

She'd have to take the Yaris to her gigs? 

  • Love 1

If money was tight, she'd just be given less allowance.


How would that be done?  Cancel her credit cards and store accounts?  That'd be embarrassing for both of them.  Money might be tight for the Girardis but the super-rich always have people willing to extend them credit.  Unless they go bankrupt, the stores will be paid, eventually.  Hell, even the IRS cuts them slack.


Tom's fine with Erika's sideline because the men she works with are gay.  He knows she won't leave his money, but he doesn't want to be publicly embarrassed and an affair would embarrass him.  ErikaJane is a safe outlet for both of them.  She gets to show off her body and be sexy, with attractive men touching her, and it keeps her out of real trouble.


Tom probably shushes anyone he doesn't see as an equal.  I wonder how it is to work for him. 

  • Love 4

I think Tom quite enjoys a smart woman and appreciates it too.  But....a smart woman isn't going to put up with "Tom Girardi" the egotist.  I think Tom finds Lisa very intriguing because she is attractive, and is smart to boot.  Erika is more safe because he knows she's not going to challenge him.  Lisa would. He's wants to be challenged but he's afraid of it at the same time because it would put him in a vulnerable position.   So he plays it safe with Erika and maintains control.


I also think Tom could be hell to work with unless you have the balls to challenge him.  If you do and can do it successfully, he'll appreciate it and is smart enough to get that.  He may be a player and egotist but at the same time can appreciate 'game'.   That's why he's successful in business.

  • Love 8

The way Erika talks about Tom-- extremely protective and complimentary, makes me think she is incredibly proud of him and very grateful to him for the life he is giving her. She isn't going anywhere. I'm sure he is a guy not used to being out of his comfort zone, and he is not in a courtroom, so I think there is a learning curve for him, going from a successful respected lawyer, to a housewife husband, where the housewives all have bigger egos (even Kathryn!) than the people in the courtroom. He'll catch on. 

  • Love 2

What's this weird notion of people "behaving" when their husband's are around? Nope. Go ahead and be your crazy self so my husband can see wtf I've told him about. We'll likely laugh about it later. You do you. Authenticity is always best.

On an unrelated note: Erika always has the most amazing sunglasses. Wish I knew what brands she wears.

This app lets you find clothes/accessories worn by people on tv.



Funny, I just heard about it yesterday.

  • Love 1

One thing that surprises me about marriages like daddy warbucks and Ms. I Want to be Loved by You/PooPooPeeDo  is that some women don't see anything wrong with it?

What happened to the strong "I don't need a man for validation/money/success" woman? This is a symbiotic relationship - much like a Lamprey Eel has with it's host?

  • Love 2

One of the reasons Erika may have gotten bent out of shape about the whole "friend length" issue is because it's a cheap shot? In other words, it's pretty well known that when they bring on a new person, the "friendship" set up by Bravo, to get them on the show, is fake. Everyone knows that.  And, they've all done the fake friendship thing. So, maybe Erika was just perturbed because she felt like the other women were trying to "catch her out" on something that they all engaged in -- at one point or another -- and it was a low-blow to try to frame her as a liar over something that they KNEW she couldn't really talk about on camera, due to production contracts, et cetera....


This thought has crossed my mind, too.

Good Point. It's like calling you on something 4th wall related and stealing easy points from the audience. Kinda like cheating. I mean all this 4th wall crap is very corny to begin with but to have the veteran housewives blatantly use it to their advantage is even more corny.

  • Love 1


Good Point. It's like calling you on something 4th wall related and stealing easy points from the audience. Kinda like cheating. I mean all this 4th wall crap is very corny to begin with but to have the veteran housewives blatantly use it to their advantage is even more corny.

But, every newbie in every franchise who actually makes a mark with the group gets asked this at some point. It is part of the deal. it's how they establish their dynamic with the group. Brandi was asked how long she knew both Cedric and Adrienne by different members of the cast, and no one thought that someone was trying to use that to discredit her in anyway. Kelly and Luann were questioned about how long they knew each other on New York. Heather was asked how she and Tamra knew each other (and WE all knew that was a fake friendship). It only becomes a big production when the person asked the question makes a big deal out of something that they knew they were going to be asked at some point during filming. 


Does anyone have any doubt that Ericka wasn't expecting to be asked how long she and Yolanda knew each other? I feel like Ericka was the one that tried to manipulate that random throwaway moment into something malicious and Machiavellian, not the other way around. 

  • Love 4

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